예제 #1
        public void testMatch()
            Now back to the bug I found: The problem stems from the fact
            that java doesn't do deep equality for arrays. Little known to
            me (I forget easily ;-), java arrays are equal only if they
            are identical. Unfortunately the 2 sort methods returns a map
            that is directly keyed on the value of the column without
            considering this little fact. Conclusion there is a missing
            and a surplus row where there should be one right row.
            -- Jacques Morel

            RowFixture fixture = new TestRowFixture();
            TypeAdapter arrayAdapter = TypeAdapter.on(fixture, typeof(BusinessObject).GetMethod("getStrings"));
            fixture.columnBindings = new TypeAdapter[]{arrayAdapter };

            ArrayList computed = new ArrayList();
            computed.Add(new BusinessObject(new String[] { "1" }));
            ArrayList expected = new ArrayList();
            expected.Add(new Parse("tr","",new Parse("td","1",null,null),null));
            fixture.match(expected, computed,0);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, fixture.counts.right, "right");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, fixture.counts.exceptions, "exceptions");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, fixture.missing.Count, "missing");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, fixture.surplus.Count, "surplus");
예제 #2
        public void testMatch()
             * Now back to the bug I found: The problem stems from the fact
             * that java doesn't do deep equality for arrays. Little known to
             * me (I forget easily ;-), java arrays are equal only if they
             * are identical. Unfortunately the 2 sort methods returns a map
             * that is directly keyed on the value of the column without
             * considering this little fact. Conclusion there is a missing
             * and a surplus row where there should be one right row.
             * -- Jacques Morel

            RowFixture  fixture      = new TestRowFixture();
            TypeAdapter arrayAdapter = TypeAdapter.on(fixture, typeof(BusinessObject).GetMethod("getStrings"));

            fixture.columnBindings = new TypeAdapter[] { arrayAdapter };

            ArrayList computed = new ArrayList();

            computed.Add(new BusinessObject(new String[] { "1" }));
            ArrayList expected = new ArrayList();

            expected.Add(new Parse("tr", "", new Parse("td", "1", null, null), null));
            fixture.match(expected, computed, 0);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, fixture.counts.right, "right");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, fixture.counts.exceptions, "exceptions");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, fixture.missing.Count, "missing");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, fixture.surplus.Count, "surplus");