예제 #1
        async Task TestMessages(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            string   endpoint       = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            TimeSpan timePerMessage = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100);

            TestReporter reporter = this.testReporter.MakeSubcategory("Messages Sent and Recieved");

            using (reporter.MeasureDuration())
                async Task CountSingleSends(int n)
                    int prevSent = await this.GetNumberOfMessagesSent(cancellationToken, endpoint);

                    int prevRecieved = await this.GetNumberOfMessagesRecieved(cancellationToken, endpoint);

                    await this.SendMessages(n, cancellationToken, endpoint);

                    await Task.Delay(timePerMessage *n + TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000));  // Give edgeHub time to send message upstream

                    int newSent = await this.GetNumberOfMessagesSent(cancellationToken, endpoint);

                    int newRecieved = await this.GetNumberOfMessagesRecieved(cancellationToken, endpoint);

                    reporter.Assert($"Reports {n} messages recieved", n, newRecieved - prevRecieved);
                    reporter.Assert($"Reports {n} messages sent", n, newSent - prevSent);

                    await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100));

                await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(2000));
                await CountSingleSends(1);
                await CountSingleSends(10);
                await CountSingleSends(100);

                async Task CountMultipleSends(int n, int m)
                    int prevSent = await this.GetNumberOfMessagesSent(cancellationToken, endpoint);

                    int prevRecieved = await this.GetNumberOfMessagesRecieved(cancellationToken, endpoint);

                    await this.SendMessageBatches(n, m, cancellationToken, endpoint);

                    await Task.Delay(timePerMessage *n *m + TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000));   // Give edgeHub time to send message upstream

                    int newSent = await this.GetNumberOfMessagesSent(cancellationToken, endpoint);

                    int newRecieved = await this.GetNumberOfMessagesRecieved(cancellationToken, endpoint);

                    reporter.Assert($"Reports {n * m} recieved for {n} batches of {m}", n * m, newRecieved - prevRecieved);
                    reporter.Assert($"Reports {n * m} sent for {n} batches of {m}", n * m, newSent - prevSent);

                    await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100));

                await CountMultipleSends(1, 1);
                await CountMultipleSends(10, 1);
                await CountMultipleSends(1, 10);
                await CountMultipleSends(10, 10);
예제 #2
        async Task TestMessageSize(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            string endpoint = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            TestReporter reporter = this.testReporter.MakeSubcategory("Message Size");

            using (reporter.MeasureDuration())
                await this.SendMessages(100, cancellationToken, endpoint, 1000);

                (await this.GetMessageSize(cancellationToken))
                    size =>
                    reporter.Assert("Sum is correct", size.Sum, 100000);
                    reporter.Assert("Count is correct", size.Sum, 100);
                    reporter.Assert("All quartiles have same size", size.Quartiles.Values.All(s => s == 1000));
                    () => reporter.Assert("All same size", false, "Could not get message size"));

                await this.SendMessages(50, cancellationToken, endpoint, 10);

                (await this.GetMessageSize(cancellationToken))
                    size =>
                    reporter.Assert("High median is correct", size.Quartiles[".5"] == 1000);
                    () => reporter.Assert("High median", false, "Could not get message size"));

                await this.SendMessages(100, cancellationToken, endpoint, 10);

                (await this.GetMessageSize(cancellationToken))
                    size =>
                    reporter.Assert("Low median is correct", size.Quartiles[".5"] == 1000);
                    () => reporter.Assert("Low median", false, "Could not get message size"));

                await this.SendMessages(1, cancellationToken, endpoint, 10000);

                (await this.GetMessageSize(cancellationToken))
                    size =>
                    reporter.Assert("Top quartiles are correct", size.Quartiles[".9999"] == 10000 && size.Quartiles[".999"] == 10000);
                    () => reporter.Assert("one bigger", false, "Could not get message size"));
예제 #3
        * Tests
        * *****************************************************************************/
        async Task TestQueueLength(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            TestReporter reporter = this.testReporter.MakeSubcategory("Queue Length");

            using (reporter.MeasureDuration())
                const string input  = "FromSelf";
                const string output = "ToSelf";

                // Setup reciever
                TaskCompletionSource <MessageResponse> tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <MessageResponse>();
                await this.moduleClient.SetInputMessageHandlerAsync(input, (message, _) => tcs.Task, null, cancellationToken);

                // This will assert the queue clears
                async Task WaitForQueueToClear(string name)
                    TimeSpan maxWaitTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10);
                    TimeSpan frequency   = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100);

                    int queueLength = await this.GetQueueLength(cancellationToken, input);

                    for (int i = 0; i < maxWaitTime / frequency; i++)
                        if (queueLength == 0)
                            reporter.Assert(name, true);

                        await Task.Delay(frequency);

                        queueLength = await this.GetQueueLength(cancellationToken, input);

                    reporter.Assert(name, false, $"After waiting {maxWaitTime.Seconds} seconds, queue length was {queueLength}");

                // Begin tests
                reporter.Assert("Queue starts empty", 0, await this.GetQueueLength(cancellationToken, input));

                async Task FillAndEmptyQueue(int n)
                    tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <MessageResponse>();
                    await this.SendMessages(n, cancellationToken, endpoint : output);

                    reporter.Assert($"Empty Queue Test: Queue increases to {n}", n, await this.GetQueueLength(cancellationToken, input));

                    await WaitForQueueToClear($"Queue empties from {n}");

                await FillAndEmptyQueue(10);
                await FillAndEmptyQueue(100);

                async Task FillAndAbandon(int n)
                    tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <MessageResponse>();
                    await this.SendMessages(n, cancellationToken, endpoint : output);

                    reporter.Assert($"Abandon Queue Test: Queue increases to {n}", n, await this.GetQueueLength(cancellationToken, input));

                    await WaitForQueueToClear($"Queue is empty when abandoned from {n}");

                // MQTT doesn't support abandoning
                if (!new TransportType[] { TransportType.Mqtt, TransportType.Mqtt_Tcp_Only, TransportType.Mqtt_WebSocket_Only }.Contains(this.transportType))
                    await FillAndAbandon(10);
                    await FillAndAbandon(100);

                async Task FillAndEmptyBatch(int n, int m)
                    tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <MessageResponse>();
                    await this.SendMessageBatches(n, m, cancellationToken, endpoint : output);

                    reporter.Assert($"Empty Queue Test: Queue increases to {n * m} for {n} batches of {m}", n * m, await this.GetQueueLength(cancellationToken, input));

                    await WaitForQueueToClear($"Queue empties from {n * m} for {n} batches of {m}");

                await FillAndEmptyBatch(2, 5);
                await FillAndEmptyBatch(10, 10);