private QuestionSet(TestQuestionSetSet.QuestionSetsRow value) : base(value.Name, new QuestionType( new OptionalInteger(value.IsQuestionTypeIdNull() ? null : (Object)value.QuestionTypeId), new OptionalInteger(value.IsQuestionSubtypeIdNull() ? null : (Object)value.QuestionSubtypeId))) { this.value = value; }
public QuestionSet(TestQuestionSetSet.QuestionSetsRow value, Entity parent) : base(value.Name, new QuestionType( new OptionalInteger(value.IsQuestionTypeIdNull() ? null : (Object)value.QuestionTypeId), new OptionalInteger(value.IsQuestionSubtypeIdNull() ? null : (Object)value.QuestionSubtypeId))) { this.value = value; parent.AddNewChild(this); connection = ((Connection)Root); }
private void questionSetdataGridView_CellDoubleClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { if (e.ColumnIndex == -1) { TestQuestionSetSet.QuestionSetsRow questionSetRow = ((Test)dbObject).GetTestTestQuestionSetSetQuestiomSetRow( (int)questionSetdataGridView.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value); QuestionSet qset = new QuestionSet(questionSetRow, (Test)(dbObject)); ApplicationController.Instance.Edit(qset); } }
/*private static TestQuestionSetSet.QuestionSetsRow Convert(Dataset.QuestionSetsExRow value) * { * TestQuestionSetSet t = new TestQuestionSetSet(); * TestQuestionSetSet.QuestionSetsRow row = t.QuestionSets.AddQuestionSetsRow(value.Name, value.Description, value.NumberOfQuestionsToPick, 0, 0, 0, value.NumberOfQuestionsInZone1, value.NumberOfQuestionsInZone2, value.NumberOfQuestionsInZone3); * * if (value.IsTimeLimitNull()) * row.SetTimeLimitNull(); * else * row.TimeLimit = value.TimeLimit; * * if (value.IsQuestionTypeIdNull()) * row.SetQuestionTypeIdNull(); * else * row.QuestionTypeId = value.QuestionTypeId; * * if (value.IsQuestionSubtypeIdNull()) * row.SetQuestionSubtypeIdNull(); * else * row.QuestionSubtypeId = value.QuestionSubtypeId; * * return row; * }*/ public static QuestionSet Create(QuestionType questionType, Connection connection) { int setId = 0; for (int i = 0; i < connection.TestQuestionSetSet.QuestionSets.Count; ++i) { if (setId < connection.TestQuestionSetSet.QuestionSets[i].Id) { setId = connection.TestQuestionSetSet.QuestionSets[i].Id; } } setId += 1; TestQuestionSetSet.QuestionSetsRow row = connection.TestQuestionSetSet.QuestionSets.AddQuestionSetsRow(setId, "New Question Set", "", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); //setId, row.SetTimeLimitNull(); if (!questionType.QuestionTypeId.HasValue) { row.SetQuestionTypeIdNull(); } else { row.QuestionTypeId = questionType.QuestionTypeId.Value; } if (!questionType.QuestionSubtypeId.HasValue) { row.SetQuestionSubtypeIdNull(); } else { row.QuestionSubtypeId = questionType.QuestionSubtypeId.Value; } QuestionSet qs = new QuestionSet(row); bool added = false; //locate where to add the question set foreach (Entity entity in connection.Children) { if (entity is QuestionSets) { foreach (Entity child in entity.Children) { if (child.CanAddNewChild(qs)) { child.AddNewChild(qs); qs.connection = ((Connection)qs.Root); added = true; break; } } break; } } if (!added) { throw new Exception("Cannot find folder for new question set"); } OnStructureChangedInternally(); return(qs); }