public EggplantElement WaitForPresent(int secs) { Log.Message(string.Format("Waiting for element {0} to be present within (" + secs + ") seconds.", locator)); var now = DateTime.Now; var endTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(secs); while (now < endTime) { if (Driver.IsPresent(locator)) { Log.Message(string.Format("Verification Passed : Element {0} is present.", locator)); return(this); } else { Thread.Sleep(500); now = DateTime.Now; } } TestLog.BeginSection("ERROR FOUND"); Log.Message(string.Format("!----ERROR : Element not found: " + locator + ".")); LogSourceImage(); //LogFailureImage(string.Format("!----ERROR : Element not found: " + locator + ".")); TestLog.End(); throw new Exception(string.Format("Element was not present after {0} seconds", secs)); }
protected void Logout() { using (TestLog.BeginSection("Lgout from sharpcms adminpage")) { Ie.Link(Find.ByText("Log out")).Click(); Assert.IsTrue(Ie.ContainsText("Login"), "Expected to find \"Login \" on the page."); } }
public void PrintActions() { TestLog.BeginSection("Actions"); foreach (Action a in actions) { TestLog.WriteLine( + " : " + a._time.ToString("HH:mm:ss.ffff")); } TestLog.End(); }
public void Test() { using (TestLog.BeginSection("Section *\n*")) { TestLog.WriteLine("Text *\0* Content"); } DiagnosticLog.WriteLine("Diagnostic *\0* Log"); }
public static void Message(string message, Image image) { TestLog.BeginSection(""); Log.Message(message); if (image != null) { TestLog.EmbedImage(null, image); } TestLog.End(); }
public void DoScreenshotTest() { Assert.IsNotNull(ie); using (TestLog.BeginSection("Go to Google, enter MbUnit as a search term and click I'm Feeling Lucky")) { ie.GoTo(""); ie.TextField(Find.ByName("q")).TypeText("MbUnit"); ie.Button(Find.ByName("btnI")).Click(); } Assert.IsTrue(ie.ContainsText("NUnit"), "Expected to find NUnit on the page."); }
public void CreatePage() { Login(); using (TestLog.BeginSection("Go to sharpcms adminpage and press logout")) { Ie.Link(Find.ByText("Pages")).Click(); Assert.IsTrue(Ie.ContainsText("German"), "Expected to find \"German\" on the page."); Ie.Link(Find.ByText("German")).Click(); Assert.IsTrue(Ie.ContainsText("Page data "), "Expected to find \"Page data \" on the page."); } Logout(); }
public void Simplify(string leftDocument, string rightDocument, int expectedNumberOfDiffs) { DiffSet originalDiffSet = DiffSet.GetDiffSet(leftDocument, rightDocument); DiffSet simplifiedDiffSet = originalDiffSet.Simplify(); using (TestLog.BeginSection("Original DiffSet")) originalDiffSet.WriteTo(TestLog.Default); using (TestLog.BeginSection("Simplified DiffSet")) simplifiedDiffSet.WriteTo(TestLog.Default); VerifyDiffSetIsValid(simplifiedDiffSet); Assert.LessThanOrEqualTo(simplifiedDiffSet.Diffs.Count, originalDiffSet.Diffs.Count); Assert.AreEqual(expectedNumberOfDiffs, simplifiedDiffSet.Diffs.Count); }
private static void AssertTrace <T>(Expression <System.Func <T> > expr, T expectedValue, string[] expectedTrace) { using (TestLog.BeginSection(expr.Format())) { var tracer = new ExpressionTracer(); TestLog.WriteLine("Rewritten expression: {0}", tracer.Rewrite(expr).Format()); T actualValue = tracer.Compile(expr)(); Assert.AreEqual(expectedValue, actualValue, "Expression result should be equal."); Assert.Over.Pairs(expectedTrace, tracer.Trace, Assert.AreEqual, "Expression trace should be equal."); } }
protected void Login() { using (TestLog.BeginSection("Go to sharpcms adminpage")) { Ie.GoTo("http://localhost:17267/cleansite/login.aspx"); Assert.IsTrue(Ie.ContainsText("Login"), "Unable to load adminpage! Ensure that the webserver is started"); } using (TestLog.BeginSection("Enter the password and press login")) { Ie.TextField(Find.ByName("data_login")).TypeText("admin"); Ie.TextField(Find.ByName("data_password")).TypeText("admin"); Ie.Button(Find.ByValue("Login")).Click(); Assert.IsTrue(Ie.ContainsText("Pages"), "Expected to find \"Pages\" on the page."); } }
public static AssertionFailure[] Capture(GallioAction action) { AssertionFailure[] failures = AssertionHelper.Eval(action); if (failures.Length != 0) { using (TestLog.BeginSection("Captured Assertion Failures")) { foreach (AssertionFailure failure in failures) { failure.WriteTo(TestLog.Default); } } } return(failures); }
public string Run() { StringWriter textWriter = new StringWriter(); textWriter.NewLine = "\n"; Console.SetOut(textWriter); Assert.IsFalse(RuntimeAccessor.IsInitialized); TestLog.AttachPlainText("Attachment1", "Text"); using (TestLog.BeginSection("Test Section")) { TestLog.WriteLine("Foo"); TestLog.EmbedExisting("Attachment1"); } return(textWriter.ToString()); }
public void Sections() { TestLog.Write("Some text with no newline."); using (TestLog.BeginSection("A section.")) { TestLog.WriteLine("Some text."); TestLog.WriteLine("More text."); TestLog.EmbedImage("An image", Resources.MbUnitLogo); using (TestLog.BeginSection("Another section.")) { TestLog.Write("Same image as above."); TestLog.EmbedExisting("An image"); } } }
public void GetTests() { using (var repository = new UnmanagedTestRepository(resources)) { Assert.IsTrue(repository.IsValid); TestInfoData[] items = repository.GetTests().ToArray(); Assert.IsNotEmpty(items); using (TestLog.BeginSection(String.Format("Found {0} test item(s):", items.Length))) { foreach (TestInfoData item in items) { DiagnosticLog.WriteLine("{0}: Fixture={1}, Test={2}, Row={3}, Kind={4}", item.Name, item.Native.Position.pTestFixture, item.Native.Position.pTest, item.Native.Position.pRow, item.Kind); } } } }
public void PrintActionTimings() { TestLog.BeginSection("Test Action Timings:"); DateTime start; DateTime end; TimeSpan difference; for (int i = 1; i < actions.Count; i++) { start = actions[i - 1]._time; end = actions[i]._time; difference = end.Subtract(start); TestLog.WriteLine(actions[i].name + " : " + difference); } start = actions[0]._time; end = actions[actions.Count - 1]._time; difference = end.Subtract(start); TestLog.WriteLine("All Actions : " + difference); TestLog.End(); }
public void JoinProducesCoveringsOfAllPairs(int[] counts, int empiricalUpperBound) { int dimensions = counts.Length; DataBinding binding = new DataBinding(0, null); IDataProvider[] providers = new IDataProvider[dimensions]; DataBinding[][] bindingsPerProvider = new DataBinding[dimensions][]; for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++) { providers[i] = Mocks.StrictMock <IDataProvider>(); bindingsPerProvider[i] = new DataBinding[] { binding }; IDataItem[] providerItems = new IDataItem[counts[i]]; for (int j = 0; j < counts[i]; j++) { providerItems[j] = new ScalarDataItem <int>(j, null, false); } Expect.Call(providers[i].GetItems(bindingsPerProvider[i], true)).Return(providerItems); } Mocks.ReplayAll(); List <IList <IDataItem> > itemLists = new List <IList <IDataItem> >(PairwiseJoinStrategy.Instance.Join(providers, bindingsPerProvider, true)); int[][] values = new int[itemLists.Count][]; using (TestLog.BeginSection(String.Format("{0} combinations.", itemLists.Count))) { for (int i = 0; i < itemLists.Count; i++) { IList <IDataItem> itemList = itemLists[i]; Assert.AreEqual(dimensions, itemList.Count); values[i] = new int[dimensions]; for (int j = 0; j < itemList.Count; j++) { int value = (int)itemList[j].GetValue(binding); values[i][j] = value; if (j != 0) { TestLog.Write(","); } TestLog.Write(value); } TestLog.WriteLine(); } } // Check pairings. bool missingPairing = false; double meanOccurrences = 0; double stdevOccurrences = 0; int pairingCount = 0; using (TestLog.BeginSection("Pairings")) { for (int firstDimension = 0; firstDimension < dimensions; firstDimension++) { for (int secondDimension = firstDimension + 1; secondDimension < dimensions; secondDimension++) { for (int firstValue = 0; firstValue < counts[firstDimension]; firstValue++) { for (int secondValue = 0; secondValue < counts[secondDimension]; secondValue++) { int occurrences = 0; for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) { if (values[i][firstDimension] == firstValue && values[i][secondDimension] == secondValue) { occurrences += 1; } } TestLog.WriteLine("{0} x {1} : ({2}, {3}) -> {4} occurrences.", firstDimension, secondDimension, firstValue, secondValue, occurrences); if (occurrences == 0) { missingPairing = true; } pairingCount += 1; double diff = occurrences - meanOccurrences; meanOccurrences += diff / pairingCount; stdevOccurrences += diff * (occurrences - meanOccurrences); } } } } } if (pairingCount > 1) { stdevOccurrences = Math.Sqrt(stdevOccurrences / (pairingCount - 1)); } else { stdevOccurrences = 0; } using (TestLog.BeginSection("Statistics")) { // A mean of exactly 1 implies we have found a minimal covering. // A low standard deviation indicates good uniformity among the covered pairs. 0 would be ideal. TestLog.WriteLine("Pairing Occurrence Mean: {0}", meanOccurrences); TestLog.WriteLine("Pairing Occurrence Stdev: {0}", stdevOccurrences); } Assert.IsFalse(missingPairing, "One or more pairings were not covered!"); Assert.LessThanOrEqualTo(values.Length, empiricalUpperBound, "There were more combinations produced than previously measured. Has the algorithm gotten worse?"); }