// Does some operations on TestStructType and TestClassType to avoid warnings. // THis code is not executed. // TestStructType and TestClassType exists for testing of marshaling code generation, // basically for testing of metadata processor. public void EliminateWarningsForUnUsedTypes() { struct_type_data.FirstStructValue = 1; struct_type_data.SecondStructValue = 2; class_type_data = new TestClassType(); class_type_data.FirstClassValue = 1; class_type_data.SecondClassValue = 2; enum_default_type_data = TestEnumDefaultType.FirstValue; enum_byte_type_data = TestEnumByteType.FirstValue; enum_ushort_type_data = TestEnumUshortType.FirstValue; }
extern static public long VerifyEnumType(TestEnumDefaultType a, TestEnumUshortType b, TestEnumByteType c);