public IActionResult StartTest(string UniqueId)
            TestDetailsViewModel model = new TestDetailsViewModel();

            model = _candidateService.StartTest(UniqueId);
예제 #2
        public ActionResult TestMode(int?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));

            Test test = _context.Tests.Find(id);

            if (test == null)

            var QuestionsList = new List <QuestionAndAnswer>();

            QuestionsList.AddRange(_context.QuestionAndAnswers.Where(g => g.TestId == id));

            var testVM = new TestDetailsViewModel
                TestId      = id.Value,
                TestSubject = test.Subject,
                Questions   = QuestionsList

예제 #3
        public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "SubCode,InternalNumber,QuestionNumber,Marks,CO")] TestDetailsViewModel testDetails)
            var user           = db.AspNetUsers.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Email == User.Identity.Name);
            var teacher        = db.Teachers.FirstOrDefault(u => u.REFID == user.Id);
            var internalNumber = testDetails.InternalNumber;

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection("Data Source=DEV\\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=AttendanceManagementDB;Integrated Security=True"))
                    var subject = testDetails.SubCode[0].ToString();
                    if (subject != null)
                        var    tableName = teacher.Name + "_" + subject;
                        string createtableCommandString = "IF  NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[" + tableName + "]') AND type in (N'U'))" +
                                                          " BEGIN CREATE TABLE [dbo].[" + tableName + "](Id int IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, InternalNo int not null, QNo varchar(3) not null, Marks int, CO int) END";
                        SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(createtableCommandString, connection);
                        int count = testDetails.QuestionNumber.Count();
                        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                            string     qno   = testDetails.QuestionNumber[i];
                            int        marks = testDetails.Marks[i];
                            int        co    = testDetails.CO[i];
                            string     insertCommandString = "INSERT INTO " + tableName + " (InternalNo,QNo,Marks,CO) VALUES (" + internalNumber + ",'" + qno + "'," + marks + "," + co + ")";
                            SqlCommand insertCommand       = new SqlCommand(insertCommandString, connection);
예제 #4
        // GET: Tests/Edit/5
        public ActionResult Edit(string id)
            TestDetailsViewModel model = new TestDetailsViewModel();

            TestDto response = webClient.ExecuteGet <TestDto>(new Models.ApiRequest()
                EndPoint = string.Format("tests/{0}", id)

            model.AuthToken         = response.AuthToken;
            model.Code              = response.Code;
            model.Name              = response.Name;
            model.Desctiption       = response.Description;
            model.SelectedQuestions = response.Questions.Select(q => new SelectListItem()
                Selected = false,
                Text     = q.Text,
                Value    = q.Id.ToString()

            model.AvailableQuiestions = webClient.ExecuteGet <IEnumerable <QuestionDto> >(new Models.ApiRequest()
                EndPoint = string.Format("questions?skip=0&take={0}", int.MaxValue - 1)
                                        .Select(q => new SelectListItem()
                Selected = false,
                Text     = q.Text,
                Value    = q.Id.ToString()

예제 #5
        public ActionResult Edit(string id, TestDetailsViewModel model)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    var response = webClient.ExecutePut <object>(new Models.ApiRequest()
                        EndPoint = string.Format("tests/{0}", model.Code),
                        Request  = new TestDto()
                            AuthToken   = model.AuthToken ?? "MyToken",
                            Code        = model.Code,
                            Description = model.Desctiption,
                            Name        = model.Name,
                            Questions   = model.QuestionIds.Select(q => new QuestionDto()
                                Id = q

                catch (Exception e)
                    ModelState.AddModelError("generalError", e.Message);


        /*public ObjectResult Details()
         * {
         *  EmployeeModel employee = _employeeRepository.GetEmployee(1);
         *  return new ObjectResult(employee);
         * }*/

        public ViewResult Details(int?id)
            //throw new Exception("Error in details view");
            _logger.LogTrace("Trace Log");
            _logger.LogDebug("Debug Log");
            _logger.LogInformation("Information Log");
            _logger.LogWarning("Warning Log");
            _logger.LogError("Error Log");
            _logger.LogCritical("Critical Log");
            EmployeeModel employee = _employeeRepository.GetEmployee(id.Value);

            if (employee == null)
                Response.StatusCode = 404;
                return(View("EmployeeNotFound", id.Value));
            //return View(employee);
            //return View("Test");
            //return View("Test", employee);
            //return View("MyViews/myviews.cshtml");
            //ViewData["pageTitle"] = "Details";
            //ViewData["employee"] = employee;

            /*ViewBag.pageTitle = "ViewBag Index";
             * ViewBag.employee = employee;
             * return View("Strongly", employee);*/
            TestDetailsViewModel testDetailsViewModel = new TestDetailsViewModel()
                PageTitle = "Mon titre",
                Employee  = employee

            return(View("Example", testDetailsViewModel));
예제 #7
        public TestDetails(Domain.Entities.Teste teste)

            ViewModel           = new TestDetailsViewModel();
            ViewModel           = Mapper.Map <TestDetailsViewModel>(teste);
            this.BindingContext = ViewModel;

                Uri urinho = new Uri($@"{teste.Id}");
                var result = App.Client.GetAsync(urinho);

                if (result.Result.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                    var content = result.Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                    var testeImagem = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TesteImagemViewModel>(content.Result);

                    Stream stm = new MemoryStream(testeImagem.Imagem);

                    ImgTeste.Source = ImageSource.FromStream(() =>
                    DisplayAlert("Erro", "Não foi possível recuperar as informações do exame.", "Fechar");
            catch (Exception ex)
                DisplayAlert("Erro", $"Não foi possível recuperar as informações do exame. {ex.Message}", "Fechar");

            if (Device.Idiom == TargetIdiom.Phone)
                //labelsStack.Margin = new Thickness(25, 5, 5, 10);

                lblNomePaciente.FontSize = 12;
                lblDataTeste.FontSize    = 12;
                lblResultado.FontSize    = 12;

                lblNomePacienteDados.FontSize = 12;
                lblDataCadastroDados.FontSize = 12;
                lblResultadoDados.FontSize    = 12;

                lblImagemTeste.FontSize = 12;
                ImgTeste.WidthRequest   = 130;
                ImgTeste.HeightRequest  = 280;

        public CandidateExamWrapperModel GetCandidateExamList()
            CandidateExamWrapperModel model = new CandidateExamWrapperModel();

            model = _candidateExamRepository.GetAllSubmittedTests();
            foreach (var rec in model.CandidateExamList)
                CandidateDetailsViewModel candidate = _candidateRepository.GetCandidateDetails(rec.CandidateId);
                rec.CandidateName = candidate.Name;
                TestDetailsViewModel test = _testRepository.GetTestDetails(rec.TestId);
                rec.TestName = test.Name;
                List <CandidateExamQuestionLogModel> list = _candidateExamQuestionLogRepository.FindByCandidateExamId(rec.Id);
                int CorrectAnswers = 0;
                int TotalQuestions = test.QuestionList.Count();
                foreach (var obj in list)
                    if (obj.IsAnswerCorrect == true)
                        CorrectAnswers = CorrectAnswers + 1;
                rec.Score = CorrectAnswers + "/" + TotalQuestions;
        public ActionResult Details(int ID, int?TestGroupID)
                REF_TEST_TB test = _uow.Repository <REF_TEST_TB>().GetById(ID);

                TestDetailsViewModel model = new TestDetailsViewModel()
                    AnalysisMethod   = test.SZ_ANALYSIS_METHOD == null ? "" : test.SZ_ANALYSIS_METHOD,
                    SampleMedia      = test.SZ_SAMPLE_MEDIA == null ? "" : test.SZ_SAMPLE_MEDIA,
                    SampleType       = test.SZ_SAMPLE_TYPE == null ? "" : test.SZ_SAMPLE_TYPE,
                    ShortDescription = test.SZ_DESCRIPTION == null ? "" : test.SZ_DESCRIPTION,
                    TestGroupID      = Convert.ToInt32(TestGroupID),
                    TestID           = test.N_TEST_SYSID,
                    Unit             = test.SZ_TITLE == null ? "" : test.SZ_TITLE,
                    EffectiveDate    = test.DT_EFFECTIVE == null ? "" : test.DT_EFFECTIVE.Value.ToShortDateString(),
                    ExpiredDate      = test.DT_EXPIRED == null ? "" : test.DT_EXPIRED.Value.ToShortDateString()

            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ex.InnerException == null)
                    ViewBag.Message = "Function: TestController.Details_GET\n\nError: " + ex.Message;
                    ViewBag.Message = "Function: TestController.Details_GET\n\nError: " + (ex.Message + "\n\nInnerException: " + ex.InnerException.Message);
                Session["ErrorMessage"] = ViewBag.Message;
                return(RedirectToAction("InternalServerError", "Error"));
예제 #10
        public void SearchItemsCommandTest()
            var db = DataRepository.GetDataRepository;

            var user        = db.Load <UserDetail>("steph");
            var userManager = new UserManager(db);


            var searchFilter = new SearchFilterOptions
                User = UserManager.GetUserManager.CurrentUser(),
                SiteLocationEnabled             = false,
                SearchFilterEnabled             = true,
                SearchText                      = "Airway Kit",
                SelectEquipmentUnitsEnabled     = false,
                SelectItemStatusValuesEnabled   = false,
                SelectItemCategoryValuesEnabled = false

            Assert.NotNull(searchFilter, nameof(SearchFilterOptions));
            var resultVM = new TestDetailsViewModel();

            Assert.NotNull(resultVM, nameof(TestDetailsViewModel));
            var onSelectionChangedCommand = new OnSelectionChangedCommand(resultVM);

            Assert.NotNull(onSelectionChangedCommand, nameof(OnSelectionChangedCommand));
            var searchResultViewModel = new SearchResultViewModel(onSelectionChangedCommand);

            Assert.NotNull(searchResultViewModel, nameof(SearchResultViewModel));
            var searchCmd = new SearchItemsCommand(QueryResultEntitySelector.ItemType, searchResultViewModel);

            Assert.NotNull(searchCmd, nameof(SearchItemsCommand));


            Assert.IsNull(resultVM.CurrentItem);                           // nothing selected to display details of
            Assert.That(searchResultViewModel.Items.Count, Is.EqualTo(0)); // no search results or empty search results
            Assert.That(searchResultViewModel.Items.Count, Is.GreaterThan(0));

            searchResultViewModel.SelectedItem = searchResultViewModel.Items.First();

        public CandidateExamModel GetCandidateExamDetails(int id)
            CandidateExamModel model = new CandidateExamModel();

            model = _candidateExamRepository.GetExamDetails(id);
            CandidateDetailsViewModel candidate = _candidateRepository.GetCandidateDetails(model.CandidateId);

            model.CandidateName = candidate.Name;
            TestDetailsViewModel test = _testRepository.GetTestDetails(model.TestId);

            model.TestName = test.Name;
            model.list     = new List <CandidateExamQuestionLogModel>();
            model.list     = _candidateExamQuestionLogRepository.FindByCandidateExamId(id);
            int CorrectAnswers = 0;
            int TotalQuestions = test.QuestionList.Count();

            foreach (var obj in model.list)
                if (obj.IsAnswerCorrect == true)
                    CorrectAnswers = CorrectAnswers + 1;
            model.Score = CorrectAnswers + "/" + TotalQuestions;
            model.TotalNumberOfQuestions = TotalQuestions;
            model.AttemptedQuestions     = model.list.Count();
            model.CorrectAnswers         = CorrectAnswers;
            model.WrongAnswers           = model.list.Count() - CorrectAnswers;

            foreach (var que in test.QuestionList)
                bool IsPresent = false;
                foreach (var item in model.list)
                    if (que.Id == item.QuestionId)
                        IsPresent = true;
                if (IsPresent == false)
                    CandidateExamQuestionLogModel rec = new CandidateExamQuestionLogModel();
                    rec.Question        = que.Question;
                    rec.SelectedAnswer  = "NA";
                    rec.IsAnswerCorrect = false;
        public TestDetailsViewModel StartTest(string UniqueId)
            TestDetailsViewModel model   = new TestDetailsViewModel();
            int CandidateId              = _candidateUniqueIdRepository.FindCandidateId(UniqueId);
            CandidateViewModel candidate = _candidateRepository.GetCandidateForEdit(CandidateId);

            model = _testRepository.GetTestDetails(candidate.TestId);
            CandidateExamModel obj = new CandidateExamModel()
                StartedTime = DateTime.Now,
                IsTestEnded = false,
                TestId      = candidate.TestId,
                CandidateId = CandidateId
            int candidateExamId = _candidateExamRepository.AddExam(obj);

            model.CandidateExamId = candidateExamId;
예제 #13
        public ActionResult Create(TestDetailsViewModel model)
            TestDto exisctingTest = webClient.ExecuteGet <TestDto>(new Models.ApiRequest()
                EndPoint = string.Format("tests/{0}", model.Code)

            if (exisctingTest != null)
                ModelState.AddModelError("Code", "Code already exists");

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    var response = webClient.ExecutePost <object>(new Models.ApiRequest()
                        EndPoint = "tests",
                        Request  = new TestDto()
                            AuthToken   = model.AuthToken ?? "MyToken",
                            Code        = model.Code,
                            Description = model.Desctiption,
                            Name        = model.Name,
                            Questions   = new List <QuestionDto>()

                    return(RedirectToAction("Edit", new { id = model.Code }));
                catch (Exception e)
                    ModelState.AddModelError("generalError", e.Message);


예제 #14
        public TestDetailsViewModel GetTestDetails(int id)
            TestDetailsViewModel model = _testRepository.GetTestDetails(id);

예제 #15
        public void ReplaceItemCommand()
            var db = DataRepository.GetDataRepository;

            var user        = db.Load <UserDetail>("steph");
            var userManager = new UserManager(db);


            var cmd = new ReplaceItemCommand();

            Assert.NotNull(cmd, nameof(ReplaceItemCommand));

            var item = db.Load <ItemInstance>(SampleItemInstance);

            // force known value
            item.status = db.ReferenceData[nameof(ItemStatus)].ByName <ItemStatus>("Available");
            item = db.Load <ItemInstance>(SampleItemInstance);
            Assert.That(, Is.EqualTo("Available"));

            Assert.That(, Is.EqualTo("Out for Service"));

            // verify a new item created
            var searchFilter = new SearchFilterOptions
                User = UserManager.GetUserManager.CurrentUser(),
                SiteLocationEnabled = false,
                SearchFilterEnabled = true,
                SearchText          = SampleItemNumber,
                ItemTypeMatching    = SearchFilterItemMatching.OnlyExact,
                //AllowItemsRemovedFromService = false, // required or query below may return old item instead of new one
                SelectEquipmentUnitsEnabled     = false,
                SelectItemStatusValuesEnabled   = false,
                SelectItemCategoryValuesEnabled = false

            Assert.NotNull(searchFilter, nameof(SearchFilterOptions));
            var resultVM = new TestDetailsViewModel();

            Assert.NotNull(resultVM, nameof(TestDetailsViewModel));
            var onSelectionChangedCommand = new OnSelectionChangedCommand(resultVM);

            Assert.NotNull(onSelectionChangedCommand, nameof(OnSelectionChangedCommand));
            var searchResultViewModel = new SearchResultViewModel(onSelectionChangedCommand);

            Assert.NotNull(searchResultViewModel, nameof(SearchResultViewModel));
            var searchCmd = new SearchItemsCommand(QueryResultEntitySelector.ItemType, searchResultViewModel);

            Assert.NotNull(searchCmd, nameof(SearchItemsCommand));
            //var searchFilterOptionsViewModel = new SearchFilterOptionsViewModel(searchFilter, QueryResultEntitySelector.ItemInstance, searchResultViewModel);


            Assert.IsNull(resultVM.CurrentItem);                           // nothing selected to display details of
            Assert.That(searchResultViewModel.Items.Count, Is.EqualTo(0)); // no search results or empty search results
            Assert.That(searchResultViewModel.Items.Count, Is.GreaterThan(0));

            searchResultViewModel.SelectedItem = searchResultViewModel.Items.First();
            Assert.That(, Is.Not.EqualTo(;

            // delete new item and restore old item to Available
            var newItem = db.Load <ItemInstance>(;

            Assert.That(, Is.EqualTo("Available"));
            item.status             = db.ReferenceData[nameof(ItemStatus)].ByName <ItemStatus>("Available");
            item.removedServiceDate = null;
            item = db.Load <ItemInstance>(SampleItemInstance);
            Assert.That(, Is.EqualTo("Available"));
예제 #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Displays TestDetails page with user specified values in NominalValues page
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="viewModel">The view model</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public Task ShowTestDetails(TestDetailsViewModel viewModel)
     return(Task.Run(() => MessageBox.Show("Test")));
예제 #17
        public ActionResult LoadQuestion(int userTestSuiteId)
            TestDetailsViewModel testSuiteQuestionModel = TestSuiteQuestion(null, userTestSuiteId, (int)QuestionType.Objective);

            return(PartialView("_partialViewQuestion", testSuiteQuestionModel));
예제 #18
        // GET: Tests/Create
        public ActionResult Create()
            TestDetailsViewModel model = new TestDetailsViewModel();

예제 #19
 internal TestView(TestDetailsViewModel model)
     BindingContext = model;
        public IActionResult Details(int id)
            TestDetailsViewModel model = _testService.GetTestDetails(id);

        public TestDetailsView(TestDetailsViewModel viewModel)

            BindingContext = viewModel;
        // GET: Tests/Details/5
        // Pass in an integer that can be null to represent an Id
        public async Task <IActionResult> Details(int?Id)
            // If no Id integer is returned throw a 404 error message
            if (Id == null)

            // Create variable for all UserTests in database
            var UserTestDisplay = await _context.UserTest
                                  .Include(ut => ut.Test)
                                  // Select only the UserTests whose Id equals the Id integer passed into the view
                                  .FirstOrDefaultAsync(ut => ut.UserTestId == Id);

            // If no UserTests are returned with a UserTestId that equals the Id integer return 404 error
            if (UserTestDisplay == null)

            var currentUser = await GetCurrentUserAsync();

            // Create a list of Responses that include UserResponses and Questions that include their QuestionTypes
            // Where the UserTestId associated with the responses
            // Equals the UserTestId associated with the UserTestDisplay variable
            List <Response> responses = await _context.Response
                                        .Include(r => r.Rating)
                                        .Include(r => r.UserTest)
                                        .ThenInclude(ut => ut.User)
                                        .Include(r => r.Question)
                                        .ThenInclude(q => q.QuestionType)
                                        .Where(r => r.UserTestId == UserTestDisplay.UserTestId && r.UserTest.User == currentUser)
                                        .OrderBy(r => r.Question.QuestionId)

            // Create a list of QuestionTypes
            // Select the QuestionTypes available through the Questions on the responses
            // Make the selected QuestionTypes distinct so they don't repeat
            // Order QuestionTypes by QuestionTypeId
            List <QuestionType> QuestionTypes = responses.Select(r => r.Question.QuestionType).Distinct().ToList();

            // Create a new list of ResponseDataViewModels
            List <ResponseDataViewModel> responseData = new List <ResponseDataViewModel>();

            // Loop over all question types in the QuestionTypes list
            foreach (QuestionType qt in QuestionTypes)
                // Create a new instance of response data view model
                ResponseDataViewModel rd = new ResponseDataViewModel();
                // Give QuestionType in view model instance the value Type from the QuestionTypes list being looped over
                rd.QuestionType = qt.Type;
                // Create a variable containing a list of responses
                // where the QuestionTypeId associated with the question on the response
                // equals the QuestionTypeId on the list of QuestionTypes being looped over
                var totalResponses = responses.Where(r => r.Question.QuestionTypeId == qt.QuestionTypeId);
                // Create a new integer variable named number
                double number = new double();
                // Loop over list of responses held in totalResposnes variable
                foreach (var r in totalResponses)
                    // Add a UserResponseId value to the number variable for each interation of the loop
                    number += r.Rating.RatingAmount;
                // Divide the number variable by the amount of totalResponses and subtract 1
                number = (number / totalResponses.Count());

                number = Math.Round(number, 2);

                // Set the NumberOfResponses variable in the view model to the value of the number variable
                rd.NumberOfResponses = number;
                // Add the instance of the view model to the list of responseData view models

            // Create new instance of TestDetailsViewModel
            TestDetailsViewModel TestDetails = new TestDetailsViewModel();

            // Add values to the view model based on variables above
            TestDetails.UserTest      = UserTestDisplay;
            TestDetails.QuestionTypes = QuestionTypes;
            TestDetails.Responses     = responses;
            TestDetails.ResponseData  = responseData;

            // Create a new list of datapoints
            List <DataPoint> dataPoints = new List <DataPoint>();

            // Loop over each instance of a view model in the responseData view model list
            foreach (var rd in responseData)
                // Add a new datapoint for each iteration
                // passing in the values of the QuestionType and NumberOfResponses from the view model
                dataPoints.Add(new DataPoint(rd.QuestionType, rd.NumberOfResponses));

            // Magic
            ViewBag.DataPoints = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dataPoints);

            // Return TestDetails to the View
        public TestDetailsViewModel GetTestDetails(int id)
            string connectionString    = "server=localhost;uid=root;password=Reset1234;database=OnlineTestManagement;";
            TestDetailsViewModel model = new TestDetailsViewModel();

            model.QuestionList = new List <QuestionViewModel>();
            string queryString =
                "select OnlineTestManagement.Test.Id, OnlineTestManagement.Test.Name,OnlineTestManagement.Test.CreatedBy, OnlineTestManagement.JobRole.Value as JobRole from (OnlineTestManagement.Test INNER JOIN JobRole ON OnlineTestManagement.Test.JobRoleId = OnlineTestManagement.JobRole.Id) where OnlineTestManagement.Test.Id=" + id + " ";

            string queList = "select OnlineTestManagement.Question.Id as Id,OnlineTestManagement.Question.Question as Question,OnlineTestManagement.Question.CreatedBy as CreatedBy,OnlineTestManagement.Question.CreatedBy as CreatedBy,OnlineTestManagement.Question.Option1 as Option1,OnlineTestManagement.Question.Option2 as Option2,OnlineTestManagement.Question.Option3 as Option3,OnlineTestManagement.Question.Option4 as Option4  from (OnlineTestManagement.Question INNER JOIN TestQuestion ON OnlineTestManagement.Question.Id = OnlineTestManagement.TestQuestion.QUestionId) where OnlineTestManagement.TestQuestion.TestId=" + id + " ";

            using (MySqlConnection connection =
                       new MySqlConnection(connectionString))
                MySqlCommand command =
                    new MySqlCommand(queryString, connection);


                MySqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();

                // Call Read before accessing data.
                while (reader.Read())
                    model.Id        = (int)reader[0];
                    model.Name      = reader[1].ToString();
                    model.CreatedBy = reader[2].ToString();
                    model.JobRole   = reader[3].ToString();
            using (MySqlConnection connection =
                       new MySqlConnection(connectionString))
                MySqlCommand queCommand =
                    new MySqlCommand(queList, connection);
                MySqlDataReader reader = queCommand.ExecuteReader();

                // Call Read before accessing data.
                while (reader.Read())
                    QuestionViewModel obj = new QuestionViewModel();

                    obj.Id            = (int)reader[0];
                    obj.Question      = reader[1].ToString();
                    obj.CreatedBy     = reader[2].ToString();
                    obj.CorrectAnswer = reader[3].ToString();
                    obj.Option1       = reader[4].ToString();
                    obj.Option2       = reader[5].ToString();
                    obj.Option3       = reader[6].ToString();
                    obj.Option4       = reader[7].ToString();

                // Call Close when done reading.

예제 #24
파일: SaveNew.cs 프로젝트: tbircek/metering
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads multiple tests in order
        /// </summary>
        public void LoadTestFile(int testFileNumber)
            if (IoC.Communication.TestFileListItems.Count > 0)
                // initialize multiple test view model.
                TestFileListItemViewModel currentTestFile = new TestFileListItemViewModel();
                // retrieve the first test
                currentTestFile = IoC.Communication.TestFileListItems[testFileNumber];

                // convert a JSON file to a TestDetailsViewModel to show it the user.
                using (StreamReader file = File.OpenText(currentTestFile.FullFileName))
                    // initialize a new TestDetailsViewModel
                    TestDetailsViewModel test = new TestDetailsViewModel();

                    // initialize JsonSerializer
                    JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer();

                    // convert the JsonSerializer to TestDetailsViewModel
                    test = (TestDetailsViewModel)serializer.Deserialize(file, typeof(TestDetailsViewModel));

                    // Update values in the single instance of TestDetailsViewModel
                    // update AnalogSignals
                    IoC.TestDetails.AnalogSignals = test.AnalogSignals;

                    // Select Ramping Signal property
                    // Ramping Signal property is Magnitude.
                    // This is also default setting for this property.
                    IoC.TestDetails.IsMagnitude = string.Equals(test.SelectedRampingSignal, nameof(TestDetailsViewModel.RampingSignals.Magnitude)) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(test.SelectedRampingSignal);
                    // Ramping Signal property is Phase.
                    IoC.TestDetails.IsPhase = string.Equals(test.SelectedRampingSignal, nameof(TestDetailsViewModel.RampingSignals.Phase));
                    // Ramping Signal property is Frequency.
                    IoC.TestDetails.IsFrequency = string.Equals(test.SelectedRampingSignal, nameof(TestDetailsViewModel.RampingSignals.Frequency));
                    // Ramping Signal property is Harmonics.
                    IoC.TestDetails.IsHarmonics = string.Equals(test.SelectedRampingSignal, nameof(TestDetailsViewModel.RampingSignals.Harmonics));

                    // update Harmonics Order
                    IoC.TestDetails.HarmonicsOrder = test.HarmonicsOrder;

                    // update Register
                    IoC.TestDetails.Register = test.Register;

                    // update DwellTime
                    IoC.TestDetails.DwellTime = test.DwellTime;

                    // update StartDelayTime
                    IoC.TestDetails.StartDelayTime = test.StartDelayTime;

                    // update MeasurementInterval
                    IoC.TestDetails.MeasurementInterval = test.MeasurementInterval;

                    // update StartMeasurementDelay
                    IoC.TestDetails.StartMeasurementDelay = test.StartMeasurementDelay;

                    // update SelectedRampingSignal
                    IoC.TestDetails.SelectedRampingSignal = test.SelectedRampingSignal;

                    // update Link Ramping Signals status
                    // If SelectedRampingSignal == "Frequency" or If SelectedRampingSignal == "Harmonics"
                    if (Equals(nameof(TestDetailsViewModel.RampingSignals.Frequency), test.SelectedRampingSignal) || Equals(nameof(TestDetailsViewModel.RampingSignals.Harmonics), test.SelectedRampingSignal))
                        // frequencies are linked.
                        IoC.TestDetails.IsLinked = test.IsLinked;
                        // frequencies are not linked
                        IoC.TestDetails.IsLinked = false;

                    // update Hardware Configuration = Voltage
                    IoC.TestDetails.SelectedVoltageConfiguration = test.SelectedVoltageConfiguration;

                    // update Hardware Configuration = Current
                    IoC.TestDetails.SelectedCurrentConfiguration = test.SelectedCurrentConfiguration;

                    // update TestFileName
                    IoC.TestDetails.TestFileName = test.TestFileName;

                    // update Settings view model
                    IoC.Settings.SelectedCurrent = test.SelectedCurrentConfiguration.WiringDiagramString;
                    IoC.Settings.SelectedVoltage = test.SelectedVoltageConfiguration.WiringDiagramString;

                    // if the test file is old,
                    // add a new fileName attribute,
                    // add some missing attributes to "SelectedVoltageConfiguration",
                    // add some missing attributes to "SelectedCurrentConfiguration".
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(IoC.TestDetails.TestFileName))
                        // add saved file name
                        IoC.TestDetails.TestFileName = Path.GetFileName(currentTestFile.FullFileName);

                        // add new "WiringDiagramFileLocation"
                        test.SelectedVoltageConfiguration.WiringDiagramFileLocation = "../Images/Omicron/not used voltage.png";
                        test.SelectedCurrentConfiguration.WiringDiagramFileLocation = "../Images/Omicron/not used current.png";

                        // add new SelectedCurrent and SelectedVoltage

                    // update Settings view model
                    IoC.Settings.CurrentDiagramLocation = test.SelectedCurrentConfiguration.WiringDiagramFileLocation;
                    IoC.Settings.VoltageDiagramLocation = test.SelectedVoltageConfiguration.WiringDiagramFileLocation;

                    // change CancelForegroundColor to Red
                    IoC.Commands.CancelForegroundColor = "ff0000";

                    // set Command buttons
                    IoC.Commands.StartTestAvailable       = true;
                    IoC.Commands.NewTestAvailable         = false;
                    IoC.Commands.Cancellation             = true;
                    IoC.Commands.ConfigurationAvailable   = true;
                    IoC.Commands.IsConfigurationAvailable = false;

                    // Show TestDetails page
                    IoC.Application.GoToPage(ApplicationPage.TestDetails, IoC.TestDetails);

                    test       = null;
                    serializer = null;

                // dispose dialog box
                Dlg = null;

                // dispose temp multiple test view model.
                currentTestFile = null;