private void FixedUpdate() { if (normalCamPos == { normalCamPos = theCam.transform.localPosition; normalRot = theCam.transform.localRotation.eulerAngles; backCamPos = normalCamPos; backCamPos.z = backCamPos.z * -1; } // pass the input to the car! float h = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"); float v = Input.GetAxis("Vertical"); float handbrake = Input.GetAxis("Jump"); if (m_Car != null) { m_Car.Move(h, v, v, handbrake); } else if (m_Car2 != null) { m_Car2.Move(h, v, v, handbrake); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Delete)) { m_Car.Flip(); } if ((Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightShift)) && shiftPressed == false) { theCam.transform.localPosition = backCamPos; Vector3 backRot = normalRot; backRot.y = backRot.y + 180; theCam.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(backRot); shiftPressed = true; Debug.Log("Look back"); } else if ((Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightShift) == false) && shiftPressed) { shiftPressed = false; theCam.transform.localPosition = normalCamPos; theCam.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(normalRot); Debug.Log("Look forward"); } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.M)) { m_Car.SetShooting(0, true); } else { m_Car.SetShooting(0, false); } }
private void FixedUpdate() { // Statt Input automatisch fahren, entsprechend den Einstellungen, die in der GUI ausgewählt werden // pass the input to the car! float h = 0f; float v = 0f; float handbrake = 0f; switch (driveMode) { case AutoDriveMode.STOP: if (m_Car.CurrentSpeed > 1f) { v = -1f; h = 0f; } else if (m_Car.CurrentSpeed < -1f) { v = 1f; h = 0f; } else { v = 0f; h = 0f; } //handbrake = 1f; break; case AutoDriveMode.ACC_DEC: handbrake = 0f; switch (state) { case 0: counter += Time.deltaTime; v = 1f; h = 0f; //if (counter > 6f) if (m_Car.CurrentSpeed > Speed) { state = 1; counter = 0f; } break; case 1: counter += Time.deltaTime; v = -1f; h = 0f; if (m_Car.CurrentSpeed < 1f) { state = 0; counter = 0f; } break; } break; case AutoDriveMode.LEFT_TURN: handbrake = 0f; if (m_Car.CurrentSpeed > Speed) { v = 0f; } else { v = 1f; } h = SteerAngle; break; case AutoDriveMode.RIGHT_TURN: handbrake = 0f; if (m_Car.CurrentSpeed > Speed) { v = 0f; } else { v = 1f; } h = -SteerAngle; break; case AutoDriveMode.ALTERNATE: handbrake = 0f; if (m_Car.CurrentSpeed > Speed) { v = 0f; } else { v = 1f; } switch (state) { case 0: counter += Time.deltaTime; h = SteerAngle; if (counter > 2f) { state = 1; counter = 0f; } break; case 1: counter += Time.deltaTime; h = -SteerAngle; if (counter > 2f) { state = 0; counter = 0f; } break; } break; case AutoDriveMode.STRAIGHT: handbrake = 0f; if (m_Car.CurrentSpeed > Speed) { v = 0f; } else { v = 1f; } h = 0f; break; } if (driveModeJustChanged) { driveModeJustChanged = false; v = -1f; handbrake = 0f; h = 0f; } if (m_Car != null) { m_Car.Move(h, v, v, handbrake); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Delete)) { m_Car.Flip(); } }