예제 #1
    void TerritoryExit(ExposedTrigger sender, ExposedTrigger.TriggerActivityEventArgs e)
        Player player = e.gameObject.GetComponent <Player>();

        if (player != null)
            // Remove the element
            List <Player> playerList;
            if (!this.playersCapturing.TryGetValue(player.PlayerTeam, out playerList))
                this.playersCapturing.Add(player.PlayerTeam, playerList = new List <Player>());

            this.CheckIfPlayerIsCapturing();             // Something changed so maybe someone is capturing

        // Fire our own event from this script
        TerritoryData tData = new TerritoryData();

        tData.Progress    = this.CaptureProgress;
        tData.Color       = new ColorData(this.LockedCaptureState ? this.LockedCaptureState.ThisTeamToColor() : Player.TeamToColor(Player.Team.None)).ToDictionary();
        tData.LockedColor = new ColorData(this.LockedCaptureState ? this.LockedCaptureState.ThisTeamToColor() : Player.TeamToColor(Player.Team.None)).ToDictionary();
        tData.TempColor   = new ColorData(this.tempCaptureState ? this.tempCaptureState.ThisTeamToColor() : Player.TeamToColor(Player.Team.None)).ToDictionary();
        this.OnTerritoryExited(this, new TerritoryActivityEventArgs(player, tData));
예제 #2
    // Calcule le R0 d'un territoire
    private float ComputeR0(TerritoryData territoryData)
        // Calcul du ratio de personnes infectés parmis les vivants
        int   livingInfected = territoryData.nbInfected - territoryData.nbDeath;
        int   livingPop      = territoryData.nbPopulation - territoryData.nbDeath;
        float infectedRatio  = (float)livingInfected / livingPop;
        // Calcul du R0 théorique
        float theoreticalR0 = polyA * infectedRatio * infectedRatio + polyB * infectedRatio + polyC;

        if (theoreticalR0 > 0)
            float r0Cumul = 0;
            // calcule le nouveau R0 (application de bonus et malus) du territoire en fonction de l'age et de la contagiosité théorique
            for (int age = 0; age < territoryData.numberOfInfectedPeoplePerAgesAndDays.Length; age++)
                // aggréger la valeur du R0 pondéré par le nombre de personnes vivante pour l'age considéré
                r0Cumul += ComputeAgeR0(territoryData, age, theoreticalR0) * (territoryData.popNumber[age] - territoryData.popDeath[age]);
            // retourne la moyenne de R0 pour le territoire
            return(Mathf.Max(0, r0Cumul / livingPop));
예제 #3
    protected override void onStart()
        // Récupération des stats du virus
        virusStats = countrySimData.GetComponent <VirusStats>();
        // Récupération des données de la population
        countryPopData = countrySimData.GetComponent <TerritoryData>();
        // Récupération de l'échelle de temps
        time = countrySimData.GetComponent <TimeScale>();

        // calcul de la courbe de mortalité pour une fenêtre de jours
        deadlinessPerDays = new float[virusStats.windowSize];
        float peak      = virusStats.deadlinessPeak;
        float deviation = virusStats.deadlinessDeviation;

        for (int i = 0; i < deadlinessPerDays.Length; i++)
            deadlinessPerDays[i] = (1 / (deviation * Mathf.Sqrt(2 * Mathf.PI))) * Mathf.Exp(-((i - peak) * (i - peak)) / (2 * deviation * deviation));

        // Calcul de la mortalité en fonction de l'age
        deadlinessPerAges = new float[101];
        // Calcul de la valeur de l'exponentielle pour le premier age à partir duquel des morts peuvent arriver
        float minAgeExpo = Mathf.Exp(virusStats.curveStrenght * ((float)virusStats.firstSensitiveAge / 100 - 1));
        // Calcul de la valeur maximale de l'exponentielle pour l'age le plus avancé
        float maxExpo = 1 - minAgeExpo;

        // lissage de la mortalité pour quelle soit à 0 au premier age sensible et à sa valeur maximale pour l'age le plus avancé
        for (int age = 0; age < deadlinessPerAges.Length; age++)
            deadlinessPerAges[age] = Mathf.Max(0f, (Mathf.Exp(virusStats.curveStrenght * ((float)age / 100 - 1)) - minAgeExpo) / maxExpo);
예제 #4
    private void Update()
        var trackedPos = transform.position;
        var gridPoint  = TerritoryData.GetGridPosition(trackedPos);

        bool isAboveBoard = transform.position.y > Consts.PlacementBufferY;

        // Note this is referring to x and y in 2D space, corresponds to X and Z in 3D space.
        bool isInXBounds = gridPoint.X >= 0 && gridPoint.X < Consts.GridWidth;
        bool isInYBounds = gridPoint.Y >= 0 && gridPoint.Y < Consts.GridHeight;

        var prevIsOverBoard = _isOverBoard;
        var prevGridPoint   = _knownGridPoint;

        _isOverBoard = isAboveBoard && isInXBounds && isInYBounds;

        if (_isOverBoard)
            _knownGridPoint     = gridPoint;
            _knownWorldPosition = trackedPos;

        if (_isOverBoard != prevIsOverBoard ||
            _knownGridPoint.X != prevGridPoint.X ||
            _knownGridPoint.Y != prevGridPoint.Y)
예제 #5
 private float GetProtection(int age, TerritoryData territory)
     if (territory.closePrimarySchool && age <= 11 ||             // Vérifier écoles confinées
         territory.closeSecondarySchool && age > 11 && age <= 15) // Vérifier collèges confinés
     else if (territory.closeHighSchool && age > 15 && age <= 18) // Vérifier lycées confinés
         return(0.7f);                                            // 70 % des lycéens => certains ont déjà quitté le circuit scolaire
     else if (territory.closeUniversity && age > 18 && age <= 20) // Vérifier universités confinées
         return(0.5f);                                            // 50 % d'une classe d'age a un bac+2
     else if (territory.closeUniversity && age > 20 && age <= 23) // Vérifier universités confinées
         return(0.3f);                                            // 30% d'une classe d'age a plus d'un bac+2
     else if (territory.ageDependent && territory.ageDependentMin != "" && territory.ageDependentMax != "" && age >= int.Parse(territory.ageDependentMin) && age <= int.Parse(territory.ageDependentMax))
예제 #6
    void Update()
        int numImagesUsed = 0;
        var player        = SL.Get <GameModel>().EnemyPlayer;

        foreach (var building in player.Buildings)
            if (building.Entity != null && building.Entity.HP > 0)
                foreach (var territory in building.Territory.Territories)
                    if (numImagesUsed < _imagePool.Count)
                        var rectTransform = _imagePool[numImagesUsed];
                        var rect          = TerritoryData.ToWorldRect(territory);
                        rectTransform.offsetMin = new Vector2(rect.xMin, rect.yMin);
                        rectTransform.offsetMax = new Vector2(rect.xMax, rect.yMax);


        for (int i = numImagesUsed; i < _imagePool.Count; i++)
            if (_imagePool[i].gameObject.activeSelf)
예제 #7
 void Update()
     if (_text != null && _trackedObject != null)
         var gridPoint = TerritoryData.GetGridPosition(_trackedObject.transform.position);
         _text.text = string.Format("Grid : ({0}, {1})", gridPoint.X, gridPoint.Y);
예제 #8
 void Start()
     GetComponent <Image>().alphaHitTestMinimumThreshold = 1f;
     territory   = GetComponent <TerritoryData>();
     animator    = GetComponent <Animator>();
     tooltip     = GameObject.Find("TooltipUI").GetComponent <Tooltip>();
     audioSource = GameObject.Find("AudioEffects").GetComponentInParent <AudioSource>();
예제 #9
 void Update()
     if (_text != null)
         var gridPoint = TerritoryData.GetGridPositionFromMouse();
         _text.text = string.Format("({0}, {1})", gridPoint.X, gridPoint.Y);
예제 #10
 protected override void onStart()
     // Récupération des données de la population
     countryData = countrySimData.GetComponent <TerritoryData>();
     // Récupération des données de lits de réa
     countryBeds = countrySimData.GetComponent <Beds>();
     // Récupération de l'échelle de temps
     time = countrySimData.GetComponent <TimeScale>();
예제 #11
        public void SkipToBattleHudUI(int skipIndex)
            TerritoryData territoryData = NationManager.Instance.TerritoryList.TerritoryList[skipIndex];

            if (territoryData.ADType != eTerritoryAttackOrDefendType.None)
                GlobalMenuManager.Instance.Open("LTNationBattleHudUI", territoryData);
예제 #12
    /// <summary>
    /// Converts a territory definition into world space.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="territory">The territory to convert.</param>
    /// <returns>A rectangle in world space on the Y plane.</returns>
    public static Rect ToWorldRect(TerritoryData territory)
        Rect rect = new Rect(
            territory.StartX * Consts.GridCellWidth,
            territory.StartY * Consts.GridCellHeight,
            territory.Width * Consts.GridCellWidth,
            territory.Height * Consts.GridCellHeight);

예제 #13
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        TerritoryData subject = new TerritoryData();

        subject.addObserver(new BuildPage(subject));
        subject.addObserver(new StatisticPage(subject));
        subject.setData(2000, 1000, 3000, 4000);
        subject.setData(12000, 1000, 13000, 4000);
        subject.setData(2000, 11000, 3000, 14000);
        subject.setData(1000, 1000, 1000, 1000);
예제 #14
 public void update()
     if (_subject is TerritoryData)
         TerritoryData td = _subject as TerritoryData;
         _people = td.people;
         _money  = td.money;
         _wood   = td.wood;
         _iron   = td.iron;
예제 #15
    // Use to process your families.
    protected override void onProcess(int familiesUpdateCount)
        if (time.newDay)
            foreach (GameObject bedsGO in f_beds)
                Beds          beds      = bedsGO.GetComponent <Beds>();
                TerritoryData territory = bedsGO.GetComponent <TerritoryData>();

                if (beds.boostBeds)
                    int newBeds = (beds.intensiveBeds_high - beds.intensiveBeds_current) / 8; // Le 8 permet de ralentir la croissance de la production (le temps de construire/acheter des respirateurs de réorganiser les services, de réquisitionner les hôpitaux et clinique privées...)
                    beds.intensiveBeds_current += newBeds;

                // calcul du nombre de lits utilisés : comptabilisation du nombre de personne qui devraient pouvoir accéder à des lits de réanimation, on prend un fenêtre de 9 jours autour du pic de mortalité (même calcul fait dans DeadSystem)
                int criticAmount = 0;
                for (int day = Mathf.Max(0, (int)virusStats.deadlinessPeak - 4); day < Mathf.Min(virusStats.deadlinessPeak + 5, territory.numberOfInfectedPeoplePerDays.Length); day++)
                    criticAmount = (int)(territory.numberOfInfectedPeoplePerDays[day] * virusStats.seriousRatio);

                beds.intensiveBeds_need = criticAmount;

                if (beds.intensiveBeds_need > beds.intensiveBeds_current && beds.advisorNotification == -1 && territory.TerritoryName != "France")
                    string msgBody = "Attention les hopitaux ";
                    if (territory.TerritoryName == "Mayotte" || territory.TerritoryName == "La Réunion")
                        msgBody += "à " + territory.TerritoryName;
                        msgBody += "en " + (territory.TerritoryName == "La Corse" ? "Corse" : territory.TerritoryName);
                    msgBody += " sont dépassés. Il y a trop de cas malades par rapport au nombre de lits de réanimation.";

                    GameObjectManager.addComponent <ChatMessage>(beds.gameObject, new { sender = "Fédération des hôpitaux", timeStamp = "" + time.daysGone, messageBody = msgBody });
                    beds.advisorNotification = 0;
                else if (beds.intensiveBeds_need < beds.intensiveBeds_current && beds.advisorNotification > 10)
                    beds.advisorNotification = -1;
                else if (beds.advisorNotification != -1)
예제 #16
 public void selectTerritory(TerritoryData newTerritory)
     if (territorySelected.GetComponent <Animator>() && newTerritory != territorySelected)
         territorySelected.GetComponent <Animator>().Play("TerritoryIdle");
     if (newTerritory.GetComponent <Animator>())
         newTerritory.GetComponent <Animator>().Play("TerritorySelected");
     territorySelected       = newTerritory;
     territoryName.text      = territorySelected.TerritoryName;
     SyncUISystem.needUpdate = true;
예제 #17
 // Use to process your families.
 protected override void onProcess(int familiesUpdateCount)
     // Vérifier s'il faut générer une nouvelle journée
     if (time.newDay)
         foreach (GameObject territory in f_territories)
             TerritoryData territoryData = territory.GetComponent <TerritoryData>();
             Image         img           = territory.GetComponent <Image>();
             float         ratio         = 1f - 6 * (float)(territoryData.nbInfected - territoryData.nbTreated - territoryData.nbDeath) / (territoryData.nbPopulation - territoryData.nbDeath);
             img.color = new Color(1f, ratio, ratio);
예제 #18
        public void OnTerritoryItemClick(GameObject go)
            if (AllianceUtil.GetIsInTransferDart(""))

            int           index         = System.Array.IndexOf(TerritoryGOs, go);
            TerritoryData territoryData = NationManager.Instance.TerritoryList.TerritoryList[index];

            if (territoryData.ADType != eTerritoryAttackOrDefendType.None)
                GlobalMenuManager.Instance.Open("LTNationBattleHudUI", territoryData);
예제 #19
	protected virtual void ThisTerritoryUpdated(MonoBehaviour sender, TerritoryData tData)
		TerritoryUpdatedEventHandler handler = OnTerritoryUpdated;
		if(handler != null)
			// Only fire this event every 10nth of a second
			if(Time.realtimeSinceStartup - this.lastUpdateEventTime > .1f)
				// If something has actually updated and not set to the same value as before
				if(this.lastUpdatedTerritoryData.Progress != tData.Progress || !tData.Color.CompareRGB(this.lastUpdatedTerritoryData.Color))
					handler(sender, tData);
				this.lastUpdateEventTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
				this.lastUpdatedTerritoryData = tData;
예제 #20
 protected override void onStart()
     // Récupération de l'échelle de temps
     time = countrySimData.GetComponent <TimeScale>();
     // Récupération des stats du virus
     virusStats = countrySimData.GetComponent <VirusStats>();
     // Récupération des données du vaccin
     vaccine = countrySimData.GetComponent <Vaccine>();
     // Récupération des finances
     finances = countrySimData.GetComponent <Finances>();
     // Récupération de données de la frontière
     frontierPermeability = countrySimData.GetComponent <FrontierPermeability>();
     // Récupération du stress de la population
     revolution = countrySimData.GetComponent <Revolution>();
     // Récupération des données de la population
     countryPopData = countrySimData.GetComponent <TerritoryData>();
예제 #21
 protected override void onStart()
     // Récupération de l'échelle de temps
     time = countrySimData.GetComponent <TimeScale>();
     // Récupération de données de la frontière
     frontierPermeability = countrySimData.GetComponent <FrontierPermeability>();
     // Récupération du stress de la population
     revolution = countrySimData.GetComponent <Revolution>();
     // Récupération des données de la population
     countryPopData = countrySimData.GetComponent <TerritoryData>();
     // Récupération des données du télétravail
     remoteworking = countrySimData.GetComponent <Remoteworking>();
     // Récupération des données du chômage partiel
     shortTimeWorking = countrySimData.GetComponent <ShortTimeWorking>();
     // Récupération des données du soutien aux entreprises
     tax = countrySimData.GetComponent <Tax>();
     // Récupération des données des masques
     masks = countrySimData.GetComponent <Masks>();
예제 #22
    // Detatches the object and places it on the board.
    private void detachToBoard(Hand hand)
        // EARLY OUT! //
        if (_snapper == null)
            Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("Cannot use figurine, missing data. Snapper:{0}", _snapper));

        var gridPoint       = _snapper.GridPoint;
        var snappedPosition = TerritoryData.GetCenter(gridPoint.X, gridPoint.Y);

        // Send the figurine down to its spawn position.
        var pos = transform.position;


        StartCoroutine(dropFigurineToSpawn(pos, snappedPosition, hand));
예제 #23
    protected override void onStart()
        // Récupération de l'échelle de temps
        time = countrySimData.GetComponent <TimeScale>();
        // Récupération des données de la population
        countryPopData = countrySimData.GetComponent <TerritoryData>();

        // Create bars
        float yPos = -220f;

        for (int i = 0; i < countryPopData.popNumber.Length; i++)
            buildBar("initPop", i, barPrefab, barsContainer.transform, countryPopData.popNumber[i], typeof(PopulationBar), new Color(0.34f, 0.47f, 0.81f), countryPopData.maxNumber, yPos);
            buildBar("infected", i, barPrefab, barsContainer.transform, countryPopData.popInfected[i], typeof(InfectedBar), new Color(0.86f, 0.39f, 0.22f), countryPopData.maxNumber, yPos);
            buildBar("treated", i, barPrefab, barsContainer.transform, countryPopData.popTreated[i], typeof(TreatedBar), new Color(0.36f, 0.81f, 0.34f), countryPopData.maxNumber, yPos);
            buildBar("death", i, barPrefab, barsContainer.transform, countryPopData.popDeath[i], typeof(DeathBar), new Color(0f, 0f, 0f), countryPopData.maxNumber, yPos);
            yPos += 5f;
예제 #24
    void Awake()
        if (instance == null)
            instance = this;

        for (int r = 0; r < World.WORLD_SIZE; r++)
            for (int c = 0; c < World.WORLD_SIZE; c++)
                map[r, c] = new TerritoryData();
예제 #25
    // Use to process your families.
    protected override void onProcess(int familiesUpdateCount)
        time.newDay       = false;
        time.timeElapsed += Time.deltaTime;
        // Calcul d'une nouvelle journée si le pas de simulation est dépassé
        if (time.timeElapsed > time.dayVelocity)
            time.timeElapsed = time.timeElapsed - time.dayVelocity;

            foreach (GameObject territory in f_territories)
                TerritoryData territoryData = territory.GetComponent <TerritoryData>();
                // GLISSEMENT JOURNALIER
                // On passe donc au jour suivant
                for (int day = territoryData.numberOfInfectedPeoplePerDays.Length - 1; day > 0; day--) // Attention s'arrêter sur 1 pour pouvoir aller chercher le 0
                    territoryData.numberOfInfectedPeoplePerDays[day] = territoryData.numberOfInfectedPeoplePerDays[day - 1];
                territoryData.numberOfInfectedPeoplePerDays[0] = 0;
                // Y compris pour chaque tranche d'age
                for (int age = 0; age < territoryData.numberOfInfectedPeoplePerAgesAndDays.Length; age++)
                    // Prise en compte du nombre de personnes guéries
                    int treated = territoryData.numberOfInfectedPeoplePerAgesAndDays[age][territoryData.numberOfInfectedPeoplePerAgesAndDays[age].Length - 1];
                    territoryData.popTreated[age] += treated;
                    territoryData.nbTreated       += treated;
                    // maintenant on peu passer au jour suivant
                    for (int day = territoryData.numberOfInfectedPeoplePerAgesAndDays[age].Length - 1; day > 0; day--) // Attention s'arrêter sur 1 pour pouvoir aller chercher le 0
                        territoryData.numberOfInfectedPeoplePerAgesAndDays[age][day] = territoryData.numberOfInfectedPeoplePerAgesAndDays[age][day - 1];
                    territoryData.numberOfInfectedPeoplePerAgesAndDays[age][0] = 0;

            time.newDay = true;
            date = date.AddDays(1);
예제 #26
    protected virtual void ThisTerritoryUpdated(MonoBehaviour sender, TerritoryData tData)
        TerritoryUpdatedEventHandler handler = OnTerritoryUpdated;

        if (handler != null)
            // Only fire this event every 10nth of a second
            if (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - this.lastUpdateEventTime > .1f)
                // If something has actually updated and not set to the same value as before
                if (this.lastUpdatedTerritoryData.Progress != tData.Progress || !tData.Color.CompareRGB(this.lastUpdatedTerritoryData.Color))
                    handler(sender, tData);

                this.lastUpdateEventTime      = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
                this.lastUpdatedTerritoryData = tData;
예제 #27
 protected override void onStart()
     // Récupération de l'échelle de temps
     time = countrySimData.GetComponent <TimeScale>();
     // Récupération des données de la population
     countryPopData = countrySimData.GetComponent <TerritoryData>();
     // Récupération de données de la frontière
     frontierPermeability = countrySimData.GetComponent <FrontierPermeability>();
     // Récupération des finances
     finances = countrySimData.GetComponent <Finances>();
     // Récupération de données du télétravail
     remoteworking = countrySimData.GetComponent <Remoteworking>();
     // Récupération de données du chômage partiel
     shortTimeWorking = countrySimData.GetComponent <ShortTimeWorking>();
     // Récupération de données des impôts de entreprises
     tax = countrySimData.GetComponent <Tax>();
     // Récupération de données des lits de réanimation
     beds = countrySimData.GetComponent <Beds>();
예제 #28
    protected override void onStart()
        TerritoryData countryData = time.GetComponent <TerritoryData>();
        //Load game content from the file
        Dictionary <string, int[]> populationData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, int[]> >(rawContent.text);

        // Réinitialiser les données de la nation pour être sûr de les synchroniser avec les données accumulées des régions
        for (int age = 0; age < countryData.popNumber.Length; age++)
            countryData.popNumber[age] = 0;
        foreach (GameObject territory in f_territories)
            TerritoryData territoryData = territory.GetComponent <TerritoryData>();
            territoryData.popNumber = populationData[territoryData.TerritoryName];
            int total = 0;
            int max   = 0;
            for (int age = 0; age < territoryData.popNumber.Length; age++)
                total += territoryData.popNumber[age];
                max    = Mathf.Max(max, territoryData.popNumber[age]);
                // accumulation au niveau national
                countryData.popNumber[age] += territoryData.popNumber[age];
            territoryData.nbPopulation = total;
            // Calcul de la puissance de 10 immediatement supérieure au maximum
            int multipleOfThousand = 0;
            int reste = 0;
            while (max - 1000 > 0)
                max -= 1000;
                reste = max % 10;
            territoryData.maxNumber = Mathf.Max(10000, multipleOfThousand * 1000);
        territorySelected  = countryData;
        territoryName.text = territorySelected.TerritoryName;
예제 #29
    // Triggered when the grid square changes that the figurine is over.
    // Updates the visual/haptic components of placement snapping.
    private void onFigurineGridSquareChanged()
        if (_snapper != null)
            bool isHighlightActive = _snapper.IsOverBoard && isPlaceableTerritory(_snapper.WorldPosition);
            SL.Get <GridSquareHighlight>().gameObject.SetActive(isHighlightActive);

            if (isHighlightActive)
                var center     = TerritoryData.GetCenter(_snapper.GridPoint.X, _snapper.GridPoint.Y);
                var snappedPos = new Vector3(center.x, 1f, center.z);
                SL.Get <GridSquareHighlight>().transform.position = snappedPos;

                // Trigger haptic pulse when the grid square changes.
                Hand hand = GetComponentInParent <Hand>();
                if (hand && hand.controller != null)
예제 #30
 public void updateUI(TerritoryData territoryData, Beds territoryBeds)
     setToggleUI(territoryData.closePrimarySchool_UIMaps, territoryData.closePrimarySchool, defaultMark);
     setToggleUI(territoryData.closeSecondarySchool_UIMaps, territoryData.closeSecondarySchool, defaultMark);
     setToggleUI(territoryData.closeHighSchool_UIMaps, territoryData.closeHighSchool, defaultMark);
     setToggleUI(territoryData.closeUniversity_UIMaps, territoryData.closeUniversity, defaultMark);
     setToggleUI(territoryData.callCivicism_UIMaps, territoryData.callCivicism, defaultMark);
     setToggleUI(territoryData.closeShop_UIMaps, territoryData.closeShop, defaultMark);
     setToggleUI(territoryData.certificateRequired_UIMaps, territoryData.certificateRequired, defaultMark);
     setToggleUI(territoryData.ageDependent_UIMaps, territoryData.ageDependent, defaultMark);
     territoryData.ageDependentMin_UIMaps.text = territoryData.ageDependentMin;
     territoryData.ageDependentMax_UIMaps.text = territoryData.ageDependentMax;
     if (territoryData.ageDependentMin != "" && territoryData.ageDependentMax != "")
         territoryData.ageDependent_UIMaps.interactable = true;
         territoryData.ageDependent_UIMaps.interactable = false;
     setToggleUI(territoryBeds.beds_UIMaps, territoryBeds.boostBeds, defaultMark);
     SyncUISystem.needUpdate = true;
예제 #31
    public void UpdateR0UI(TMPro.TMP_Text textUI)
        float R0 = 0;

        if (MapSystem.territorySelected.TerritoryName == countryPopData.TerritoryName)
            // Calcul du R0 national à partir des R0 territoriaux
            float r0Cumul_national = 0;
            foreach (GameObject territory in f_territories)
                TerritoryData territoryData = territory.GetComponent <TerritoryData>();
                // aggréger la valeur du R0 pondéré par le nombre de personnes vivante dans ce territoire
                r0Cumul_national += ComputeR0(territoryData) * (territoryData.nbPopulation - territoryData.nbDeath) / (countryPopData.nbPopulation - countryPopData.nbDeath);
            // calcul de la moyenne des R0 au niveau national
            R0 = r0Cumul_national;
            R0 = ComputeR0(MapSystem.territorySelected);
        textUI.text = "R0 : " + R0.ToString("N2", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("fr-FR"));
예제 #32
	void TerritoryExit(ExposedTrigger sender, ExposedTrigger.TriggerActivityEventArgs e)
		Player player = e.gameObject.GetComponent<Player>();
		if(player != null)
			// Remove the element
			List<Player> playerList;
			if (!this.playersCapturing.TryGetValue(player.PlayerTeam, out playerList))
				this.playersCapturing.Add(player.PlayerTeam, playerList = new List<Player>());

			this.CheckIfPlayerIsCapturing(); // Something changed so maybe someone is capturing
		// Fire our own event from this script
		TerritoryData tData = new TerritoryData();
		tData.Progress = this.CaptureProgress;
		tData.Color = new ColorData(this.LockedCaptureState ? this.LockedCaptureState.ThisTeamToColor() : Player.TeamToColor(Player.Team.None)).ToDictionary();
		tData.LockedColor = new ColorData(this.LockedCaptureState ? this.LockedCaptureState.ThisTeamToColor() : Player.TeamToColor(Player.Team.None)).ToDictionary();
		tData.TempColor = new ColorData(this.tempCaptureState ? this.tempCaptureState.ThisTeamToColor() : Player.TeamToColor(Player.Team.None)).ToDictionary();
		this.OnTerritoryExited(this, new TerritoryActivityEventArgs(player, tData));
예제 #33
		public TerritoryActivityEventArgs(Player player, TerritoryData tData)
			this.player = player;
			this.TerritoryData = tData;
예제 #34
	void HandleCapturing() {
		// If there is a player capturing 
			if(this.tempCaptureState == this.playerCapturing)
				// Capture point
				this.CaptureProgress += Time.deltaTime/this.TimeToCapture;
				// Only lock the capture state once we reach the progress of 1
				if(this.LockedCaptureState != this.tempCaptureState && this.CaptureProgress >= 1f)
					// Captured point
					this.LockedCaptureState = this.playerCapturing;
					// Fire the event
					TerritoryData tDataLocked = new TerritoryData();
					tDataLocked.Progress = this.CaptureProgress;
					tDataLocked.Color = new ColorData(this.LockedCaptureState.ThisTeamToColor()).ToDictionary();
					tDataLocked.LockedColor = new ColorData(this.LockedCaptureState.ThisTeamToColor()).ToDictionary();
					tDataLocked.TempColor = new ColorData(this.LockedCaptureState.ThisTeamToColor()).ToDictionary();
					this.OnTerritoryCaptured(this, new TerritoryActivityEventArgs(this.LockedCaptureState, tDataLocked));
				// Uncapture the point 
				// we trying to steal this territory
				this.CaptureProgress -= Time.deltaTime/this.TimeToCapture;
				// Only unlock the capture state once we reach the progress of 0
				if(this.CaptureProgress <= 0f)
					Debug.Log("captureProgress <= 0 ~~ " + (this.LockedCaptureState ? this.LockedCaptureState.PersonalColor.ToString() : "") + " : " + (this.tempCaptureState ? this.tempCaptureState.PersonalColor.ToString() : ""));
						// Make sure to only unlock the point once
						if(this.LockedCaptureState != this.playerCapturing)
							// Fire the event
							TerritoryData tDataUnlocked = new TerritoryData();
							tDataUnlocked.Progress = this.CaptureProgress;
							tDataUnlocked.Color = new ColorData(Player.TeamToColor(Player.Team.None)).ToDictionary();
							tDataUnlocked.LockedColor = new ColorData(Player.TeamToColor(Player.Team.None)).ToDictionary();
							tDataUnlocked.TempColor = new ColorData(this.playerCapturing.ThisTeamToColor()).ToDictionary();
							this.OnTerritoryLost(this, new TerritoryActivityEventArgs(this.LockedCaptureState, tDataUnlocked));
					// Uncapture point
					this.LockedCaptureState = null;
					// Now that we uncaptured the point set the temp capture state to the capturing player
					this.tempCaptureState = this.playerCapturing;
			// Fire Event
			TerritoryData tData = new TerritoryData();
			tData.Progress = this.CaptureProgress;
			tData.Color = new ColorData(this.LockedCaptureState ? this.LockedCaptureState.ThisTeamToColor() : Player.TeamToColor(Player.Team.None)).ToDictionary();
			tData.LockedColor = new ColorData(Player.TeamToColor(Player.Team.None)).ToDictionary();
			tData.TempColor = new ColorData(this.playerCapturing.ThisTeamToColor()).ToDictionary();
			this.ThisTerritoryUpdated(this, tData);
			// If the hill isn't contested then auto-progress
				// If someone is not capturing and it is captured by some team, auto progress up
				if(this.LockedCaptureState && this.LockedCaptureState.PlayerTeam != Player.Team.None)
					this.CaptureProgress += Time.deltaTime/this.TimeToCapture;
					// Fire Event
					TerritoryData tData = new TerritoryData();
					tData.Progress = this.CaptureProgress;
					tData.Color = new ColorData(this.LockedCaptureState.ThisTeamToColor()).ToDictionary();
					tData.LockedColor = new ColorData(this.LockedCaptureState.ThisTeamToColor()).ToDictionary();
					tData.TempColor = new ColorData(Player.TeamToColor(Player.Team.None)).ToDictionary();
					this.ThisTerritoryUpdated(this, tData);
				// Otherwise we should auto progress down as the team trying didn't stay long enough
					this.CaptureProgress -= Time.deltaTime/this.TimeToCapture;
					// just clean up in case anything happened
					if(this.CaptureProgress <= 0f)
						// Uncapture point
						this.LockedCaptureState = null;
						// Now that we uncaptured the point set the temp capture state to the capturing player
						this.tempCaptureState = this.playerCapturing;
					// Fire Event
					TerritoryData tData = new TerritoryData();
					tData.Progress = this.CaptureProgress;
					tData.Color = new ColorData(Player.TeamToColor(Player.Team.None)).ToDictionary();
					tData.LockedColor = new ColorData(Player.TeamToColor(Player.Team.None)).ToDictionary();
					tData.TempColor = new ColorData(Player.TeamToColor(Player.Team.None)).ToDictionary();
					this.ThisTerritoryUpdated(this, tData);
		//Debug.Log("Player: " + (this.playerCapturing ? this.playerCapturing.PlayerTeam.ToString() : "None") + (this.playerCapturing ? this.playerCapturing.PersonalColor.ToString() : "") + " - Contested?: " + this.territoryContested +" - Progress: " + this.CaptureProgress + " - TempState: " + (this.tempCaptureState ? this.tempCaptureState.PlayerTeam.ToString() : "None") + (this.tempCaptureState ? this.tempCaptureState.PersonalColor.ToString() : "") + " - LockedState: " + (this.LockedCaptureState ? this.LockedCaptureState.PlayerTeam.ToString() : "None") + (this.LockedCaptureState ? this.LockedCaptureState.PersonalColor.ToString() : ""));