예제 #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Terrestrial mercury = new Terrestrial("Mercury", 0.055, 4480, 6981690, 46001200);
            Terrestrial venus   = new Terrestrial("Venus", 0.815, 12103.6, 108939000, 10777000);
            // Terrestrial earth = new Terrestrial("Earth", 1, 6384.4, 152100000, 147095000);
            Terrestrial mars    = new Terrestrial("Mars", 0.107, 6779, 249200000, 206700000);
            Jovian      jupiter = new Jovian("Jupiter", 317.8, 142984, 816520000, 740520000);
            Jovian      saturn  = new Jovian("Saturn", 95.2, 116460, 1514500000, 1352550000);
            Jovian      uranus  = new Jovian("Uranus", 14.5, 50724, 3.00841e+9, 2.74213e+9);
            Jovian      neptune = new Jovian("Neptune", 17.1, 49244, 4.5373e+9, 4.45951e+9);

            APlanet[] planets = { mercury, venus, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune };

            Terrestrial planet = (Terrestrial)GetPlanetData();


            //bool run = false;

            //while (run == false)
            //Console.WriteLine("What would you like to see?");
            //string input = Console.ReadLine();
            //input = input.ToLower();

            //if (input == "list")
            //    OrderAlphabetically(planets);

            //else if (input == "mass")
            //    OrderByMass(planets);

            //else if (input == "diameter")
            //    OrderByDiameter(planets);

            //else if (input == "planet")
            //    while (true)
            //    {
            //        Console.WriteLine("Enter the planet name");
            //        string pName = Console.ReadLine();
            //        if (pName == "exit")
            //        {
            //            break;
            //        }
            //        else
            //        {
            //            Planet(pName, planets);
            //        }
            //    }

            //else if (input == "help" || input == "")
            //    Console.WriteLine("Here are the commands");
            //    Console.WriteLine("\"Diameter\" - Prints an ordered by diameter list of plantes");
            //    Console.WriteLine("\"Mass\" - Prints an ordered by mass list of planets");
            //    Console.WriteLine("\"List\" - Prints an alphabetically ordered list of planets");
            //    Console.WriteLine("\"Planet\" - You will be asked to name a planet, then you willbe given all the information about said planet");

            //else if(input == "exit")
            //    run = true;
 public void Run(Terrestrial animal)