// Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (Camera.current == null)
        Ray ray = Camera.current.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);

        // Perform the raycasting.
        PickSurfaceResult pickResult;
        bool hit = Picking.PickSurface(terrainVolume, ray.origin, ray.direction, 1000.0f, out pickResult);

        if (hit)
            // Use this value to compute the inner radius as a proportion of the outer radius.
            float brushInnerRadius = brushOuterRadius * brushInnerScaleFactor;

            if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
                float multiplier = 1.0f;
                if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift))
                    multiplier = -1.0f;
                TerrainVolumeEditor.SculptTerrainVolume(terrainVolume, pickResult.volumeSpacePos.x, pickResult.volumeSpacePos.y, pickResult.volumeSpacePos.z, brushInnerRadius, brushOuterRadius, brushOpacity * multiplier);
    private void DestroyVoxels(int xPos, int yPos, int zPos)
        int aux = Mathf.Max(RangeX, RangeY, RangeZ);
        int rangeSquared = aux * aux;
        MaterialSet emptyMaterialSet = new MaterialSet();
        MaterialSet fillMaterialSet = new MaterialSet();
        fillMaterialSet.weights[0] = 255;
        fillMaterialSet.weights[1] = 255;
        fillMaterialSet.weights[2] = 255;

        for (int z = zPos - RangeZ; z < zPos + RangeZ; z++) {
            for (int y = yPos - RangeY; y < yPos + RangeY; y++) {
                for (int x = xPos - RangeX; x < xPos + RangeX; x++) {
                    int xDistance = x - xPos;
                    int yDistance = y - yPos;
                    int zDistance = z - zPos;

                    int distSquared = 0;
                    if (Euclidean) {
                        distSquared = SqrEuclideanDistance(xDistance, yDistance, zDistance);
                    else {
                        distSquared = ManhattanDistance(xDistance, yDistance, zDistance);

                    if (distSquared < rangeSquared) {
                        if (Erase) {
                            _terrainVolume.data.SetVoxel(x, y, z, emptyMaterialSet);
                        else {
                            _terrainVolume.data.SetVoxel(x, y, z, fillMaterialSet);

            new Region(
                xPos - RangeX + SmoothFactor,
                yPos - RangeY + SmoothFactor,
                zPos - RangeZ + SmoothFactor,
                xPos + RangeX + SmoothFactor,
                yPos + RangeY + SmoothFactor,
                zPos + RangeZ + SmoothFactor)
예제 #3
    void DestroyVoxels(int xPos, int yPos, int zPos, int range)
        // Initialise outside the loop, but we'll use it later.
        int         rangeSquared     = range * range;
        MaterialSet emptyMaterialSet = new MaterialSet();

        // Iterage over every voxel in a cubic region defined by the received position (the center) and
        // the range. It is quite possible that this will be hundreds or even thousands of voxels.
        for (int z = zPos - range; z < zPos + range; z++)
            for (int y = yPos - range; y < yPos + range; y++)
                for (int x = xPos - range; x < xPos + range; x++)
                    // Compute the distance from the current voxel to the center of our explosion.
                    int xDistance = x - xPos;
                    int yDistance = y - yPos;
                    int zDistance = z - zPos;

                    // Working with squared distances avoids costly square root operations.
                    int distSquared = xDistance * xDistance + yDistance * yDistance + zDistance * zDistance;

                    // We're iterating over a cubic region, but we want our explosion to be spherical. Therefore
                    // we only further consider voxels which are within the required range of our explosion center.
                    // The corners of the cubic region we are iterating over will fail the following test.
                    if (distSquared < rangeSquared)
                        terrainVolume.data.SetVoxel(x, y, z, emptyMaterialSet);

        range += 2;

        TerrainVolumeEditor.BlurTerrainVolume(terrainVolume, new Region(xPos - range, yPos - range, zPos - range, xPos + range, yPos + range, zPos + range));
        //TerrainVolumeEditor.BlurTerrainVolume(terrainVolume, new Region(xPos - range, yPos - range, zPos - range, xPos + range, yPos + range, zPos + range));
        //TerrainVolumeEditor.BlurTerrainVolume(terrainVolume, new Region(xPos - range, yPos - range, zPos - range, xPos + range, yPos + range, zPos + range));
예제 #4
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        // Bail out if we're not attached to a terrain.
        if (terrainVolume == null)

        //code for POP

         * {
         *  IPEndPoint remote = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0);
         *  byte[] data = listener.Receive(ref remote);
         *  string s = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data);
         *  String[] tokens = s.Split(',');
         *  String ax0 = tokens[0];
         *  String ax1 = tokens[1];
         *  String ax2 = tokens[2];
         *  String ax3 = tokens[3];
         *  String ax4 = tokens[4];
         *  String ax5 = tokens[5];
         *  String ax6 = tokens[6];
         *  float val1 = float.Parse(ax0, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat) / 5f;
         *  float val2 = float.Parse(ax1, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat) / 5f;
         *  float val3 = float.Parse(ax2, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat) / 5f;
         *  float val4 = float.Parse(ax3, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat);
         *  float val5 = float.Parse(ax4, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat);
         *  float val6 = float.Parse(ax5, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat);
         *  float val7 = float.Parse(ax6, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat);
         *  //Vector3 difference = trackedObj.transform.position - (new Vector3(val1, val2, -val3) * 1.15f);
         *  //Debug.Log("position difference : " + difference);
         *  //trackedObj.transform.position = (new Vector3((val1 - 168), val2 - 459, -val3 + 195)) * 1.15f;
         *  //trackedObj.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(-val5, -val6 - 90, -val4 + 90);
         *  //transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(-val5, -val6 - 90, val4 + 90);
         *  //Debug.Log("positions: "+ new Vector3(val1, val2, -val3) +"     "+ trackedObj.transform.position);
         *  //Debug.Log("angles: "+transform.localEulerAngles);
         * }
         * catch (Exception e)
         * {
         *  print(e.ToString());
         * }
         * //code for POP ends*/

        for (int handIndex = 0; handIndex < Player.instance.hands.Length; handIndex++)
            Hand hand = Player.instance.hands[handIndex];
            if (hand != null)
                Debug.Log("not able to hide controller");

        if (Physics.Raycast(trackedObj.transform.position, trackedObj.transform.forward, out hit, 1000f))
            Debug.DrawRay(trackedObj.transform.position, trackedObj.transform.forward, Color.green);
            Vector3 pixel = hit.point;
            //pixel.x -= 10;

            //Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(new Vector3(pixel.x, pixel.z,0 ));
            Ray ray = new Ray(trackedObj.transform.position, trackedObj.transform.forward);
            // Perform the raycasting.
            PickSurfaceResult pickResult;
            bool hit1 = Picking.PickSurface(terrainVolume, ray, 100.0f, out pickResult);

            // If we hit a solid voxel then create an explosion at this point.
            if (hit1)
                int range = 2;
                if (SteamVR_Input._default.inActions.dig.GetStateDown(trackedObj.inputSource))
                    DestroyVoxels((int)((pickResult.volumeSpacePos.x)), (int)pickResult.volumeSpacePos.y, (int)((pickResult.volumeSpacePos.z)), range);
                float multiplier = 1.0f;
                //if (e.modifiers == EventModifiers.Shift)
                //    multiplier = -1.0f;

                // Selected brush is in the range 0 to NoOfBrushes - 1. Convert this to a 0 to 1 range.
                float brushInnerScaleFactor = (float)selectedBrush / ((float)(NoOfBrushes - 1));
                // Use this value to compute the inner radius as a proportion of the outer radius.
                float brushInnerRadius = brushOuterRadius * brushInnerScaleFactor;
                if (SteamVR_Input._default.inActions.dig.GetStateUp(trackedObj.inputSource))
                    TerrainVolumeEditor.SculptTerrainVolume(terrainVolume, pickResult.volumeSpacePos.x, pickResult.volumeSpacePos.y, pickResult.volumeSpacePos.z, brushInnerRadius, brushOuterRadius, brushOpacity * multiplier);
                //TerrainVolumeEditor.BlurTerrainVolume(terrainVolume, pickResult.volumeSpacePos.x, pickResult.volumeSpacePos.y, pickResult.volumeSpacePos.z, brushInnerRadius, brushOuterRadius, brushOpacity);
예제 #5
    void UseAbilite(Vector3 digWhere)
        Ray ray = new Ray(Camera.main.transform.position, digWhere - Camera.main.transform.position);//Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(new Vector3(digWhere.x, digWhere.y, 0));
        // Perform the raycasting.
        PickSurfaceResult pickResult;
        bool hit = Picking.PickSurface(terrainVolume, ray, 1000.0f, out pickResult);

        int xPos = (int)pickResult.volumeSpacePos.x;
        int yPos = (int)pickResult.volumeSpacePos.y;
        int zPos = (int)pickResult.volumeSpacePos.z;

        int rangeSquared = range * range;

        if (hit)
            switch (abilite)
            case 1:

                for (int z = zPos - range; z < zPos + range; z++)
                    for (int y = yPos - range; y < yPos + range; y++)
                        for (int x = xPos - range; x < xPos + range; x++)
                            int xDistance = x + xPos;
                            int yDistance = y + yPos;
                            int zDistance = z + zPos;

                            float noiseScale    = 32.0f;
                            float invNoiseScale = 1.0f / noiseScale;

                            float       sampleX     = (float)xPos * invNoiseScale;
                            float       sampleY     = (float)yPos * invNoiseScale;
                            float       sampleZ     = (float)zPos * invNoiseScale;
                            MaterialSet materialSet = new MaterialSet();
                            materialSet.weights[0] = (byte)255;

                            int distSquared = xDistance * xDistance + yDistance * yDistance + zDistance * zDistance;

                            if (distSquared > rangeSquared)
                                terrainVolume.data.SetVoxel(x, y, z, materialSet);

            case 2:
                MaterialSet emptyMaterialSet = new MaterialSet();

                for (int z = zPos - range; z < zPos + range; z++)
                    for (int y = yPos - range; y < yPos + range; y++)
                        for (int x = xPos - range; x < xPos + range; x++)
                            int xDistance   = x - xPos;
                            int yDistance   = y - yPos;
                            int zDistance   = z - zPos;
                            int distSquared = xDistance * xDistance + yDistance * yDistance + zDistance * zDistance;

                            if (distSquared < rangeSquared)
                                terrainVolume.data.SetVoxel(x, y, z, emptyMaterialSet);

                range += 2;

                TerrainVolumeEditor.BlurTerrainVolume(terrainVolume, new Region(xPos - range, yPos - range, zPos - range, xPos + range, yPos + range, zPos + range));
                range -= 2;

            case 3:
                Vector3 pos     = new Vector3(xPos, yPos, zPos);
                Vector3 heading = (pos - transform.position);
                heading = heading.normalized;
                Quaternion rot = Quaternion.LookRotation(heading);
                Instantiate(items[0], pos, rot);

                Debug.Log("no abilite");