예제 #1
    public void DrawMesh(TerrainMeshData meshData)
        meshFilter.sharedMesh = meshData.CreateMesh();

예제 #2
    public static TerrainMeshData GenerateTerrainMesh(float[,] heightMap, float heightMultiplier, AnimationCurve heightCurve, int levelOfDetail)
        int   width    = heightMap.GetLength(0);
        int   height   = heightMap.GetLength(1);
        float topLeftX = (width - 1) / -2f;
        float topLeftZ = (height - 1) / 2f;

        int meshSimplificationIncrement = (levelOfDetail == 0) ? 1 : levelOfDetail * 2;
        int verticesPerLine             = (width - 1) / meshSimplificationIncrement + 1;

        TerrainMeshData meshData    = new TerrainMeshData(verticesPerLine, verticesPerLine);
        int             vertexIndex = 0;

        for (int y = 0; y < height; y += meshSimplificationIncrement)
            for (int x = 0; x < width; x += meshSimplificationIncrement)
                meshData.vertices[vertexIndex] = new Vector3(topLeftX + x, /*heightCurve.Evaluate(heightMap[x, y])*/ heightMap[x, y] * heightMultiplier, topLeftZ - y);
                meshData.uvs[vertexIndex]      = new Vector2(x / (float)width, y / (float)height);

                if (x < width - 1 && y < height - 1)
                    meshData.AddTriangle(vertexIndex, vertexIndex + verticesPerLine + 1, vertexIndex + verticesPerLine);
                    meshData.AddTriangle(vertexIndex + verticesPerLine + 1, vertexIndex, vertexIndex + 1);


예제 #3
        private void CheckAndCreateTowersAndBuildings(TerrainMeshData meshData)
            var selectionProbability = (float)_totalBuildingToBeCreated / (_totalTerrainCount - _currentCount);
            var randomValue          = Random.value;

            if (selectionProbability >= randomValue)
                var meshVertexIndex = Mathf.FloorToInt(Random.value * meshData.vertices.Length);
                var meshVertex      = meshData.vertices[meshVertexIndex] +
                                      new Vector3(meshData.meshCenter.x, 0, meshData.meshCenter.y);
                meshVertex.y = heightAboveBaseGround;

                if (clearingSettings.useOnlyCenterTile && clearingSettings.createClearing)
                    if (meshData.meshCenter == Vector3.zero)

                var randomNumber = Random.Range(0, 1000) % yRotation.Length;
                CheckAndPlaceTower(randomNumber, meshVertex, meshData);

                _totalBuildingToBeCreated -= 1;

            _currentCount += 1;
예제 #4
    public static TerrainMeshData GenerateFlatMesh(int chunkSize, int levelOfDetail)
        float topLeftX = (chunkSize - 1) / -2f;
        float topLeftZ = (chunkSize - 1) / 2f;

        int meshSimplificationIncrement = (levelOfDetail == 0) ? 1 : levelOfDetail * 2;
        int verticesPerLine             = (chunkSize - 1) / meshSimplificationIncrement + 1;

        TerrainMeshData meshData    = new TerrainMeshData(verticesPerLine, verticesPerLine);
        int             vertexIndex = 0;

        for (int y = 0; y < chunkSize; y += meshSimplificationIncrement)
            for (int x = 0; x < chunkSize; x += meshSimplificationIncrement)
                meshData.vertices[vertexIndex] = new Vector3(topLeftX + x, 0, topLeftZ - y);
                meshData.uvs[vertexIndex]      = new Vector2(x / (float)chunkSize, y / (float)chunkSize);

                if (x < chunkSize - 1 && y < chunkSize - 1)
                    meshData.AddTriangle(vertexIndex, vertexIndex + verticesPerLine + 1, vertexIndex + verticesPerLine);
                    meshData.AddTriangle(vertexIndex + verticesPerLine + 1, vertexIndex, vertexIndex + 1);


예제 #5
    static void ExportTerrainMeshData(TerrainData terrainData)
        if (tempTerrMeshDataDic.ContainsKey(terrainData.name))
        string          pathMeshData = string.Format("{0}/{1}.asset", MeshDataExportFolder, terrainData.name);
        TerrainMeshData meshData     = GetStriptableObject <TerrainMeshData>(pathMeshData);

        meshData.resolusion = terrainData.heightmapResolution;
        SamplingHeightMap(terrainData, ref meshData);
        if (meshData.indexes.Count == 0)
            meshData.resolusion = 33;
        bool           useAphla         = terrainData.splatPrototypes.Length % 4 == 0; //基础图素是4的倍数用RGBA
        List <Color[]> controlMapColors = SamplingControlMap(terrainData, useAphla);

        for (int i = 0; i < controlMapColors.Count; i++)
            CreateTexture(controlMapColors[i], terrainData.name.ToLower(), i, useAphla ? TextureFormat.RGBA32 : TextureFormat.RGB24);
        CreateMat(terrainData, ref meshData, useAphla);

        tempTerrMeshDataDic.Add(terrainData.name, meshData);
    public void LoadData()
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mapName))
            LogUtil.WriteWarning("Map name is null or empty. Setting to 'default'");
            mapName = "default";

        TerrainMeshData data = FileUtil.LoadFromResources <TerrainMeshData>("terrain_mesh_data_" + mapName);

        if (data == null || !data.CheckPropertiesValid())

        Mesh loadedMesh = new Mesh
            vertices  = data.vertices,
            triangles = data.triangles,
            colors    = data.colours,
            normals   = data.normals

        meshFilter.sharedMesh = loadedMesh;
예제 #7
    void MakeRectangle(int x, int z)
        int x_vpos       = x + m_moveToVecticePoint.x;
        int z_vpos       = z + m_moveToVecticePoint.y;
        int terrain_size = m_asset.terrain_Size;
        int column       = m_asset.terrain_Column_Count;
        int row          = (x_vpos) / m_maxResolusion;
        int col          = (z_vpos) / m_maxResolusion;

        m_terrainIndex    = col * column + row;
        m_terrainName     = GetTerrainNameByIndex(m_terrainIndex);
        m_terrainMeshData = GetTerrainMeshData(m_terrainName);
        if (m_terrainMeshData == null)
        AddVertice(x, z, 0);
        AddVertice(x + 1, z, 1);
        AddVertice(x, z + 1, 2);
        AddVertice(x + 1, z + 1, 3);
        int matIndex = m_terrainMeshData.matIndex;
        int triIndex;

        if (!m_subMeshIndexDic.TryGetValue(matIndex, out triIndex))
            m_subMeshIndexDic.Add(matIndex, m_curTriIndex);
            triIndex = m_curTriIndex++;
예제 #8
        private void CheckAndPlaceTower(int randomCannonPoint, Vector3 meshVertex, TerrainMeshData meshData)
            var buildingInstance = Instantiate(buildingPrefab, meshVertex,


            Vector3 meshMinBounds = meshData.meshBounds.min;
            Vector3 meshMaxBounds = meshData.meshBounds.max;

            float terrainLeftX   = meshMinBounds.x;
            float terrainRightX  = meshMaxBounds.x;
            float terrainBottomZ = meshMinBounds.y;
            float terrainTopZ    = meshMaxBounds.y;

            Collider buildingCollider = buildingInstance.GetComponent <Collider>();
            Bounds   buildingBounds   = buildingCollider.bounds;
            Vector3  minBounds        = buildingBounds.min;
            Vector3  maxBounds        = buildingBounds.max;

            float buildingLeftX   = minBounds.x;
            float buildingRightX  = maxBounds.x;
            float buildingBottomZ = minBounds.z;
            float buildingTopZ    = maxBounds.z;

            Vector3 currentBuildingPosition = meshVertex;

            if (buildingLeftX < terrainLeftX)
                currentBuildingPosition.x += ((terrainLeftX - buildingLeftX) + safeBufferDistance);
            else if (buildingRightX > terrainRightX)
                currentBuildingPosition.x -= ((terrainRightX - buildingRightX) - safeBufferDistance);

            if (buildingBottomZ < terrainBottomZ)
                currentBuildingPosition.z += ((terrainBottomZ - buildingBottomZ) + safeBufferDistance);
            else if (buildingTopZ > terrainTopZ)
                currentBuildingPosition.z -= ((terrainTopZ - buildingTopZ) - safeBufferDistance);

            buildingInstance.transform.position = currentBuildingPosition;

            var towerPointsParent = buildingInstance.transform.GetChild(0);
            var position          = towerPointsParent.GetChild(randomCannonPoint).position;

            var towerInstance = Instantiate(
                Quaternion.Euler(0, yRotation[randomCannonPoint], 0)

예제 #9
    static void CreateMat(TerrainData terrainData, ref TerrainMeshData meshdata, bool useAphla)
        if (!Directory.Exists(ExportMatFolder))
        string   pathMaterial = string.Format("{0}/{1}.mat", ExportMatFolder, terrainData.name.ToLower());
        Shader   shader       = useAphla ? Shader.Find(TERRAIN_RGBA_SHADER) : Shader.Find(TERRAIN_RGB_SHADER);
        Material material     = null;

        if (File.Exists(pathMaterial))
            material = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Material>(pathMaterial);
            material = new Material(shader);
        material.shader = shader;
        for (int i = 0; i < terrainData.splatPrototypes.Length; ++i)
            Texture2D      splat = null;
            Vector2        scale = Vector2.zero;
            SplatPrototype sp    = terrainData.splatPrototypes[i];
            splat = sp.texture;
            scale = new Vector2(terrainData.size.x / sp.tileSize.x, terrainData.size.x / sp.tileSize.y);
            material.SetTexture("_Splat" + (i + 1), splat);
            material.SetTextureScale("_Splat" + (i + 1), scale);
        int baseMapCount     = terrainData.splatPrototypes.Length;
        int crontrolMapCount = useAphla ? (int)(baseMapCount / 4f) : (baseMapCount % 3 == 0 ? baseMapCount / 3 : (int)(baseMapCount / 3f + 1));

        for (int i = 0; i < crontrolMapCount; i++)
            string    name           = terrainData.name.ToLower();
            string    texDir         = string.Format("{0}/{1}", ExportTexFolder, name);
            string    pathTexture    = string.Format("{0}/{1}{2}_{3}.png", texDir, CONTROL_MAP_NAME, name, i);
            Texture2D textureControl = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Texture2D>(pathTexture);
            material.SetTexture("_Control" + (i + 1), textureControl);
        if (File.Exists(pathMaterial))
            AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(material, pathMaterial);
        meshdata.matIndex = matIndex;
        meshdata.material = material;
        AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(pathMaterial, ImportAssetOptions.ForceUpdate);
예제 #10
    public static TerrainMeshData GenerateMeshData(int size, LODInfo lodInfo, float[,] heightMap = null, float heightScale = 0, AnimationCurve heightCurve = null)
        int lodStep = lodInfo.LodStep;
        int lodSize = lodInfo.LodSize(size);

        int             triangleVertexCounter = 0;
        float           halfSize = (lodSize - 1) / 2f;
        TerrainMeshData data     = new TerrainMeshData(lodSize);

        AnimationCurve copyHeightCurve = null;

        if (heightCurve != null)
            copyHeightCurve = new AnimationCurve(heightCurve.keys);

        for (int z = 0; z < lodSize; z++)
            for (int x = 0; x < lodSize; x++)
                int vertexIndex = z * lodSize + x;

                float height = 0;
                if (heightMap != null)
                    float heightSample = heightMap[x * lodStep, z *lodStep];
                    height = heightSample * heightScale;
                    if (copyHeightCurve != null)
                        height *= copyHeightCurve.Evaluate(heightSample);

                data.vertices[vertexIndex] = new Vector3((x - halfSize) * lodStep,
                                                         (z - halfSize) * lodStep);

                data.uvs[vertexIndex] = new Vector2(x / (float)lodSize, z / (float)lodSize);

                if ((x < lodSize - 1) && (z < lodSize - 1))
                    int triangleIndex = triangleVertexCounter * 6;
                    data.triangles[triangleIndex]     = vertexIndex;
                    data.triangles[triangleIndex + 1] = vertexIndex + lodSize;
                    data.triangles[triangleIndex + 2] = vertexIndex + lodSize + 1;
                    data.triangles[triangleIndex + 3] = vertexIndex + lodSize + 1;
                    data.triangles[triangleIndex + 4] = vertexIndex + 1;
                    data.triangles[triangleIndex + 5] = vertexIndex;

예제 #11
        public void AddTerrainData(Vector3[] meshVertices, Vector3 meshCenter, Transform parent, Bounds meshBounds)
            var meshData = new TerrainMeshData
                vertices   = meshVertices,
                meshCenter = meshCenter,
                parent     = parent,
                meshBounds = meshBounds

        protected sealed override TerrainMeshData[] Task()
            int meshCount = _referenceMeshData.Length;

            TerrainMeshData[] rescaledMeshData = new TerrainMeshData[meshCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < meshCount; i++)
                rescaledMeshData[i] = RescaleMeshHeight(_referenceMeshData[i]);

            _progress         = 1.0f;
            _rescaledMeshData = rescaledMeshData;
예제 #13
    TerrainMeshData GetTerrainMeshData(string name)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
        TerrainMeshData data = null;

        if (m_meshData.TryGetValue(name, out data))
        data = LoadTerrainMeshData(name);
        m_meshData.Add(name, data);
예제 #14
 static void SamplingHeightMap(TerrainData terrainData, ref TerrainMeshData meshData)
     meshData.indexes = new List <int>();
     meshData.heights = new List <float>();
     float[,] datas   = terrainData.GetHeights(0, 0, terrainData.heightmapWidth, terrainData.heightmapHeight);
     for (int i = 0; i < terrainData.heightmapWidth; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < terrainData.heightmapHeight; j++)
             float height = datas[i, j] * terrainData.size.y - TERRAIN_HEIGHT;
             if (height > 0.01 || height < -0.001)
                 int index = i * terrainData.heightmapWidth + j;
    public void SaveData()
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mapName))
            LogUtil.WriteWarning("Map name is null or empty. Setting to 'default'");
            mapName = "default";

        Mesh terrainMesh = meshFilter.sharedMesh;

        TerrainMeshData data = new TerrainMeshData
            vertices  = terrainMesh.vertices,
            triangles = terrainMesh.triangles,
            colours   = terrainMesh.colors,
            normals   = terrainMesh.normals

        FileUtil.SaveAsJsonToResources("terrain_mesh_data_" + mapName, data);
    public static TerrainChunk GenerateTerrainMesh(float[,] heightMap, int levelOfDetail)
        int width  = heightMap.GetLength(0);
        int height = heightMap.GetLength(1);

        float topLeftX = (width - 1) / -2f;
        float topLeftZ = (height - 1) / 2f;

        int meshSimplificationIncrement = (levelOfDetail == 0) ? 1 : levelOfDetail * 2;
        int verticesPerLine             = (width - 1) / meshSimplificationIncrement + 1;

        TerrainMeshData MeshData = new TerrainMeshData(verticesPerLine, verticesPerLine);

        for (int y = 0; y < height; y += meshSimplificationIncrement)
            for (int x = 0; x < width; x += meshSimplificationIncrement)
                // Add Vertex for this position (index of vertex is width*yPos + xPos)
                int vertexIndex = MeshData.AddVertex(topLeftX + x, heightMap[x, y], topLeftZ - y);

                // Add UV (relative position of vertex on the map)
                MeshData.AddUV(x / (float)width, y / (float)height);

                // Add the 2 triangles facing down right if we're not at the right or bottom border (because there are no more triangles facing bottom right)
                // Triangles are constructed clockwise!
                if (x < width - 1 && y < height - 1)
                    // Create Triangle that goes from current vertex (i) > vertex below right from current vertext (i+width+1) > vertex below current vertex (i+width)
                    MeshData.AddTriangle(vertexIndex, vertexIndex + verticesPerLine + 1, vertexIndex + verticesPerLine);

                    // Create Triangle that goes from vertex below right current vertex (i+width+1) > current vertex (i) > vertex right from current vertext (i+1)
                    MeshData.AddTriangle(vertexIndex + verticesPerLine + 1, vertexIndex, vertexIndex + 1);

예제 #17
    public static TerrainMeshData GenerateTerrainMesh(float[,] heightMap, MeshSettings meshSettings, int levelOfDetail)
        int skipIncrement   = (levelOfDetail == 0)?1:levelOfDetail * 2;
        int numVertsPerLine = meshSettings.numVertsPerLine;

        Vector2 topLeft = new Vector2(-1, 1) * meshSettings.meshWorldSize / 2f;

        TerrainMeshData meshData = new TerrainMeshData(numVertsPerLine, skipIncrement, meshSettings.useFlatShading);

        int[,] vertexIndicesMap = new int[numVertsPerLine, numVertsPerLine];
        int meshVertexIndex      = 0;
        int outOfMeshVertexIndex = -1;

        for (int y = 0; y < numVertsPerLine; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < numVertsPerLine; x++)
                bool isOutOfMeshVertex = y == 0 || y == numVertsPerLine - 1 || x == 0 || x == numVertsPerLine - 1;
                bool isSkippedVertex   = x > 2 && x < numVertsPerLine - 3 && y > 2 && y < numVertsPerLine - 3 && ((x - 2) % skipIncrement != 0 || (y - 2) % skipIncrement != 0);
                if (isOutOfMeshVertex)
                    vertexIndicesMap [x, y] = outOfMeshVertexIndex;
                else if (!isSkippedVertex)
                    vertexIndicesMap [x, y] = meshVertexIndex;

        for (int y = 0; y < numVertsPerLine; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < numVertsPerLine; x++)
                bool isSkippedVertex = x > 2 && x < numVertsPerLine - 3 && y > 2 && y < numVertsPerLine - 3 && ((x - 2) % skipIncrement != 0 || (y - 2) % skipIncrement != 0);

                if (!isSkippedVertex)
                    bool isOutOfMeshVertex      = y == 0 || y == numVertsPerLine - 1 || x == 0 || x == numVertsPerLine - 1;
                    bool isMeshEdgeVertex       = (y == 1 || y == numVertsPerLine - 2 || x == 1 || x == numVertsPerLine - 2) && !isOutOfMeshVertex;
                    bool isMainVertex           = (x - 2) % skipIncrement == 0 && (y - 2) % skipIncrement == 0 && !isOutOfMeshVertex && !isMeshEdgeVertex;
                    bool isEdgeConnectionVertex = (y == 2 || y == numVertsPerLine - 3 || x == 2 || x == numVertsPerLine - 3) && !isOutOfMeshVertex && !isMeshEdgeVertex && !isMainVertex;

                    int     vertexIndex      = vertexIndicesMap [x, y];
                    Vector2 percent          = new Vector2(x - 1, y - 1) / (numVertsPerLine - 3);
                    Vector2 vertexPosition2D = topLeft + new Vector2(percent.x, -percent.y) * meshSettings.meshWorldSize;
                    float   height           = heightMap [x, y];

                    if (isEdgeConnectionVertex)
                        bool  isVertical         = x == 2 || x == numVertsPerLine - 3;
                        int   dstToMainVertexA   = ((isVertical)?y - 2:x - 2) % skipIncrement;
                        int   dstToMainVertexB   = skipIncrement - dstToMainVertexA;
                        float dstPercentFromAToB = dstToMainVertexA / (float)skipIncrement;

                        float heightMainVertexA = heightMap [(isVertical) ? x : x - dstToMainVertexA, (isVertical) ? y - dstToMainVertexA : y];
                        float heightMainVertexB = heightMap [(isVertical) ? x : x + dstToMainVertexB, (isVertical) ? y + dstToMainVertexB : y];

                        height = heightMainVertexA * (1 - dstPercentFromAToB) + heightMainVertexB * dstPercentFromAToB;

                    meshData.AddVertex(new Vector3(vertexPosition2D.x, height, vertexPosition2D.y), percent, vertexIndex);

                    bool createTriangle = x < numVertsPerLine - 1 && y < numVertsPerLine - 1 && (!isEdgeConnectionVertex || (x != 2 && y != 2));

                    if (createTriangle)
                        int currentIncrement = (isMainVertex && x != numVertsPerLine - 3 && y != numVertsPerLine - 3) ? skipIncrement : 1;

                        int a = vertexIndicesMap [x, y];
                        int b = vertexIndicesMap [x + currentIncrement, y];
                        int c = vertexIndicesMap [x, y + currentIncrement];
                        int d = vertexIndicesMap [x + currentIncrement, y + currentIncrement];
                        meshData.AddTriangle(a, d, c);
                        meshData.AddTriangle(d, a, b);


예제 #18
    static void CreateTerrainRoot(TerrainAssets terrainAssets)
        GameObject root = GameObject.Find(EXPORT_ROOT_NAME);

        root = new GameObject(EXPORT_ROOT_NAME);
        TerrainRoot hierarchy = root.AddComponent <TerrainRoot>();

        GameObject go = new GameObject("Terrain");

        go.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
        go.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
        go.transform.localScale    = Vector3.one;
        MeshFilter filter = go.GetComponent <MeshFilter>();

        if (filter == null)
            filter = go.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();
        MeshRenderer renderer = go.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();

        if (renderer == null)
            renderer = go.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();
        renderer.shadowCastingMode = UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode.Off;

        Dictionary <int, Material> matDic = new Dictionary <int, Material>();

        for (int i = 0; i < terrainAssets.terrainIndex.Length; i++)
            string terrainName = terrainAssets.terrainIndex[i];
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(terrainName))
            string          pathMeshData = string.Format("{0}/{1}.asset", MeshDataExportFolder, terrainAssets.terrainIndex[i]);
            TerrainMeshData meshData     = GetStriptableObject <TerrainMeshData>(pathMeshData);
            if (!matDic.ContainsKey(meshData.matIndex))
                matDic.Add(meshData.matIndex, meshData.material);
        Material[] mats = new Material[matDic.Count];
        foreach (var kv in matDic)
            mats[kv.Key] = kv.Value;
        renderer.sharedMaterials = mats;
        BoxCollider collider = go.GetComponent <BoxCollider>();

        if (collider == null)
            collider = go.AddComponent <BoxCollider>();

        hierarchy.RootTerrain = go;

        string path = string.Format("{0}/TerrainRoot.prefab", ExportFolder);

        if (File.Exists(path))
            GameObject prefab = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <GameObject>(path);
            PrefabUtility.ReplacePrefab(root, prefab);
            PrefabUtility.CreatePrefab(path, root);
예제 #19
 public void DrawMesh(TerrainMeshData meshData, Texture2D texture)
     meshFilter.sharedMesh = meshData.CreateMesh();
     meshRenderer.sharedMaterial.mainTexture = texture;
예제 #20
 public void DrawMeshOnly(TerrainMeshData meshData)
     meshFilter.sharedMesh = meshData.CreateMesh();
예제 #21
 protected override void BuildObject(IGameObject cellGameObject, Canvas canvas, Rule rule,
                                     TerrainMeshData meshData)
     MeshData = meshData;
     meshData.GenerateObjectData(out Vertices, out Triangles, out Colors);
 /// <summary>Rescale the mesh data and store it in the member variable.</summary>
 protected abstract TerrainMeshData RescaleMeshHeight(TerrainMeshData referenceMeshData);