예제 #1
        // attempt to place the specified terrain tile at the specified (x,z) position, with consistency checks
        bool TryToAddTerrain(int tileX, int tileZ, Terrain terrain)
            bool added = false;

            if (terrain != null)
                Terrain existing = GetTerrain(tileX, tileZ);
                if (existing != null)
                    // already a terrain in the location -- check it is the same tile
                    if (existing != terrain)
                        // ERROR - multiple different terrains at the same coordinate!
                        m_errorCode |= TerrainMapStatusCode.Overlapping;
                    // add terrain to the terrain map
                    AddTerrainInternal(tileX, tileZ, terrain);
                    added = true;
예제 #2
        void ValidateTerrain(int tileX, int tileZ)
            Terrain terrain = GetTerrain(tileX, tileZ);

            if (terrain != null)
                // grab neighbors (according to grid)
                Terrain left   = GetTerrain(tileX - 1, tileZ);
                Terrain right  = GetTerrain(tileX + 1, tileZ);
                Terrain top    = GetTerrain(tileX, tileZ + 1);
                Terrain bottom = GetTerrain(tileX, tileZ - 1);

                // check edge alignment
                    if (left)
                        if (!Mathf.Approximately(terrain.transform.position.x, left.transform.position.x + left.terrainData.size.x) ||
                            !Mathf.Approximately(terrain.transform.position.z, left.transform.position.z))
                            // unaligned edge, tile doesn't match expected location
                            m_errorCode |= TerrainMapStatusCode.EdgeAlignmentMismatch;
                    if (right)
                        if (!Mathf.Approximately(terrain.transform.position.x + terrain.terrainData.size.x, right.transform.position.x) ||
                            !Mathf.Approximately(terrain.transform.position.z, right.transform.position.z))
                            // unaligned edge, tile doesn't match expected location
                            m_errorCode |= TerrainMapStatusCode.EdgeAlignmentMismatch;
                    if (top)
                        if (!Mathf.Approximately(terrain.transform.position.x, top.transform.position.x) ||
                            !Mathf.Approximately(terrain.transform.position.z + terrain.terrainData.size.z, top.transform.position.z))
                            // unaligned edge, tile doesn't match expected location
                            m_errorCode |= TerrainMapStatusCode.EdgeAlignmentMismatch;
                    if (bottom)
                        if (!Mathf.Approximately(terrain.transform.position.x, bottom.transform.position.x) ||
                            !Mathf.Approximately(terrain.transform.position.z, bottom.transform.position.z + bottom.terrainData.size.z))
                            // unaligned edge, tile doesn't match expected location
                            m_errorCode |= TerrainMapStatusCode.EdgeAlignmentMismatch;
예제 #3
 void AddTerrainInternal(int x, int z, Terrain terrain)
     if (m_terrainTiles.Count == 0)
         m_patchSize = terrain.terrainData.size;
         // check consistency with existing terrains
         if (terrain.terrainData.size != m_patchSize)
             // ERROR - terrain is not the same size as other terrains
             m_errorCode |= TerrainMapStatusCode.SizeMismatch;
     m_terrainTiles.Add(new TerrainTileCoord(x, z), terrain);
예제 #4
 public TerrainMap()
     m_errorCode    = TerrainMapStatusCode.OK;
     m_terrainTiles = new Dictionary <TerrainTileCoord, Terrain>();