public async void GetById_ErrorMessage_Id() { Mock <ITermQueryService> termQueryService = new Mock <ITermQueryService>(); TermController controller = new TermController(termQueryService.Object); var exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <APIErrorException>(() => controller.GetById("Dictionary", AudienceType.Patient, "EN", 0L, new string[] {})); Assert.Equal("You must supply a valid dictionary, audience, language and id", exception.Message); }
public async void GetById() { Mock <ITermQueryService> termQueryService = new Mock <ITermQueryService>(); string[] requestedFields = { "TermName", "Pronunciation", "Definition" }; Pronunciation pronunciation = new Pronunciation("Pronunciation Key", "pronunciation"); Definition definition = new Definition("<html><h1>Definition</h1></html>", "Sample definition"); GlossaryTerm glossaryTerm = new GlossaryTerm { TermId = 1234L, Language = "EN", Dictionary = "Dictionary", Audience = AudienceType.Patient, TermName = "TermName", FirstLetter = "t", PrettyUrlName = "", Pronunciation = pronunciation, Definition = definition, RelatedResources = new IRelatedResource[] { new LinkResource() { Type = RelatedResourceType.External, Text = "Link to Google", Url = new System.Uri("") }, new LinkResource() { Type = RelatedResourceType.DrugSummary, Text = "Bevacizumab", Url = new System.Uri("") }, new LinkResource() { Type = RelatedResourceType.Summary, Text = "Lung cancer treatment", Url = new System.Uri("") }, new GlossaryResource() { Type = RelatedResourceType.GlossaryTerm, Text = "stage II cutaneous T-cell lymphoma", TermId = 43966, Audience = AudienceType.Patient, PrettyUrlName = "stage-ii-cutaneous-t-cell-lymphoma" } } }; termQueryService.Setup( termQSvc => termQSvc.GetById( It.IsAny <String>(), It.IsAny <AudienceType>(), It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <long>(), It.IsAny <string[]>() ) ) .Returns(Task.FromResult(glossaryTerm)); TermController controller = new TermController(termQueryService.Object); GlossaryTerm gsTerm = await controller.GetById("Dictionary", AudienceType.Patient, "EN", 1234L, requestedFields); string actualJsonValue = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(gsTerm); string expectedJsonValue = File.ReadAllText(TestingTools.GetPathToTestFile("TestData.json")); // Verify that the service layer is called: // a) with the expected values. // b) exactly once. termQueryService.Verify( svc => svc.GetById("Dictionary", AudienceType.Patient, "EN", 1234L, new string[] { "TermName", "Pronunciation", "Definition" }), Times.Once ); Assert.Equal(expectedJsonValue, actualJsonValue); }