예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a term that gets smaller as the given 2D point fits a 3D points set projection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pointsSet">A representation for the 3D points set</param>
        /// <param name="point">The 2D point</param>
        /// <returns>The term that measures fitness of <paramref name="point"/> being on the 2D projection of the set specified by <paramref name="pointsSet"/></returns>
        public static Term Compute(CircleFeatureCurve pointsSet, Point point)
            // here we explicitly assume that the view vector is (0, 0, 1) or (0, 0, -1)
            var x_ = point.X;
            var y_ = point.Y;

            var cx = pointsSet.Center.X;
            var cy = pointsSet.Center.Y;
            var cz = pointsSet.Center.Z;

            var nx = pointsSet.Normal.X;
            var ny = pointsSet.Normal.Y;
            var nz = pointsSet.Normal.Z;

            var r = pointsSet.Radius;

            var dx = cx - x_;
            var dy = cy + y_;

            var lhs = TermBuilder.Sum(
                TermBuilder.Power(dx * nz, 2),
                TermBuilder.Power(dy * nz, 2),
                TermBuilder.Power(dx * nx + dy * ny, 2));
            var rhs = TermBuilder.Power(r * nz, 2);

            return(TermBuilder.Power(lhs - rhs, 2));
        private static OptimizationProblem GetOptimizationProblem(IEnumerable <PrimitiveEditConstraint> constraints)
            // generate constraint terms
            var constraintTerms = new List <Term>();
            var paramsToVars    = new Dictionary <IEditParameter, ParameterVariable[]>();

            foreach (var constraint in constraints)
                TryAxisOnLine(constraintTerms, paramsToVars, constraint);
                TryPointOnPlane(constraintTerms, paramsToVars, constraint);

            // get variables
            var variables =
                (from vars in paramsToVars.Values
                 from var in vars
                 select var).ToArray();

            // construct objective --> sum of squared distances to current values
            var values    = GetCurrentValues(variables);
            var objective = TermUtils.SafeSum(
                from i in Enumerable.Range(0, variables.Length)
                select TermBuilder.Power(variables[i] - values[i], 2));

            return(new OptimizationProblem
                Constraints = constraintTerms.ToArray(),
                Variables = variables,
                Objective = objective,
        public IEnumerable <double[]> Solve(Term objective, IEnumerable <Term> constraints, Variable[] variables, double[] startPoint)
            var constraintSquares          = constraints.Select(c => TermBuilder.Power(c, 2));
            var penalizedObjective         = objective + penaltyWeight * TermUtils.SafeSum(constraintSquares);
            var compiledPenalizedObjective = penalizedObjective.Compile(variables);
            var solution = unconstrainedOptimizer.Solve(x => compiledPenalizedObjective.Differentiate(x), startPoint, gradientNormThreshold);

            yield return(solution);
예제 #4
        public static Term DiffSquared(Term[] left, Term[] right)
            Contract.Requires(left != null);
            Contract.Requires(right != null);
            Contract.Requires(left.Length == right.Length);

            var toSum = from i in System.Linq.Enumerable.Range(0, left.Length)
                        select TermBuilder.Power(left[i] - right[i], 2);

예제 #5
        protected override Tuple <Term, Term[]> Reconstruct(SnappedSphere snappedPrimitive, Dictionary <FeatureCurve, ISet <Annotation> > curvesToAnnotations)
            var circle = CircleFitter.Fit(snappedPrimitive.ProjectionParallelCircle.SnappedTo.Points);

            var result =
                TermBuilder.Power(snappedPrimitive.Center.X - circle.Center.X, 2) +
                TermBuilder.Power(snappedPrimitive.Center.Y + circle.Center.Y, 2) +
                TermBuilder.Power(snappedPrimitive.Radius - circle.Radius, 2);

            return(Tuple.Create(result, NO_TERMS));
예제 #6
        public void PowerContract()
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => TermBuilder.Power(null, 1));
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => TermBuilder.Power(x, null));
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => TermBuilder.Power(null, x));
            Assert.IsType <ConstPower>(TermBuilder.Power(x, 1));

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => TermBuilder.Power(x, double.NaN));
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => TermBuilder.Power(x, double.PositiveInfinity));
            Assert.IsType <TermPower>(TermBuilder.Power(x, y));
            Assert.IsType <TermPower>(TermBuilder.Power(1, y));
예제 #7
        public static Term SoftMin(Term[] terms, double exponent = 6)
            Contract.Requires(terms != null);
            Contract.Requires(terms.Length > 0);
            Contract.Requires(Contract.ForAll(terms, term => term != null));
            Contract.Requires(exponent > 1);
            Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result <Term>() != null);

            var powers = terms.Select(term => TermBuilder.Power(term, -exponent));

            return(TermBuilder.Power(TermBuilder.Sum(powers), -1 / exponent));
예제 #8
        private static Term MeanSquaredError(Term[] terms, double[] values)
            Contract.Requires(terms != null);
            Contract.Requires(values != null);
            Contract.Requires(terms.Length == values.Length);
            Contract.Requires(Contract.ForAll(terms, term => term != null));
            Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result <Term>() != null);

            var errorTerms = from i in Enumerable.Range(0, terms.Length)
                             select TermBuilder.Power(terms[i] + (-values[i]), 2);

            return((1 / (double)terms.Length) * TermUtils.SafeSum(errorTerms));
예제 #9
        private Term[] GetConcreteAnnotationTerm(OnSphere onSphere)
            var center = onSphere.SphereOwned.Center;
            var radius = onSphere.SphereOwned.Radius;

            var touchingPoint  = onSphere.CenterTouchesSphere.Center;
            var touchingNormal = onSphere.CenterTouchesSphere.Normal;

            var radiusConstraint = (center - touchingPoint).NormSquared - TermBuilder.Power(radius, 2);
            var normalConstraint = VectorParallelism(center - touchingPoint, touchingNormal);

예제 #10
        private static Tuple <Term, Term[]> CreateSGCTerms(SnappedStraightGenCylinder snappedPrimitive, double[] radii, Point spineStart, Point spineEnd)
            var constraints = new Term[] { snappedPrimitive.Axis.NormSquared - 1 };

            if (radii.Length > 0)
                var featureCurveTerms =
                    from item in snappedPrimitive.FeatureCurves.Cast <CircleFeatureCurve>()
                    where item != null
                    where item.SnappedTo != null
                    from term in ProjectionFit.Compute(item)
                    select term;

                var featureCurvesTerm = 0.1 * TermUtils.SafeAvg(featureCurveTerms);

                // the difference between the primitive's radii and the computed radii is minimized
                var radiiApproxTerm = TermUtils.SafeAvg(
                    from i in Enumerable.Range(0, snappedPrimitive.Components.Length)
                    let component = snappedPrimitive.Components[i]
                                    let radius = radii[i]
                                                 select TermBuilder.Power(component.Radius - radius, 2));

                // the smoothness of the primitive's radii (laplacian norm) is minimized
                var radiiSmoothTerm = TermUtils.SafeAvg(
                    from pair in snappedPrimitive.Components.SeqTripples()
                    let r1                                              = pair.Item1.Radius
                                               let r2                   = pair.Item2.Radius
                                                                 let r3 = pair.Item3.Radius
                                                                          select TermBuilder.Power(r2 - 0.5 * (r1 + r3), 2)); // how far is r2 from the avg of r1 and r3

                // we specifically wish to give higher weight to first and last radii, so we have
                // an additional first/last radii term.
                var endpointsRadiiTerm =
                    TermBuilder.Power(radii[0] - snappedPrimitive.Components.First().Radius, 2) +
                    TermBuilder.Power(radii.Last() - snappedPrimitive.Components.Last().Radius, 2);

                // objective - weighed average of all terms
                var objective =
                    radiiApproxTerm +
                    radiiSmoothTerm +
                    featureCurvesTerm +

                return(Tuple.Create(objective, constraints));
                return(Tuple.Create((Term)0, constraints)); // if we can't extract radii approximation, we don't do any snapping
예제 #11
        private static ICompiledTerm ConstructTerm(Coefficient[][] coefficients, Variable[] variables)
            var squareTerms =
                from i in Enumerable.Range(0, coefficients.Length)
                let termCoefficients = coefficients[i]
                                       let sumTerms = from j in Enumerable.Range(0, termCoefficients.Length)
                                                      select termCoefficients[j].Value * variables[termCoefficients[j].Index]
                                                      let sum = TermBuilder.Sum(sumTerms)
                                                                select TermBuilder.Power(sum, 2);

            var finalTerm = TermBuilder.Sum(squareTerms);
            var compiled  = finalTerm.Compile(variables);

예제 #12
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var x = new Variable();
            var y = new Variable();
            var z = new Variable();

            // f(x, y, z) = (x-2)² + (y+4)² + (z-1)²
            // the min should be (x, y, z) = (2, -4, 1)
            var func     = TermBuilder.Power(x - 2, 2) + TermBuilder.Power(y + 4, 2) + TermBuilder.Power(z - 1, 2);
            var compiled = func.Compile(x, y, z);

            // perform optimization
            var vec = new double[3];

            vec = GradientDescent(compiled, vec, stepSize: 0.01, iterations: 1000);

            Console.WriteLine("The approx. minimizer is: {0}, {1}, {2}", vec[0], vec[1], vec[2]);
예제 #13
        protected Term EndpointsProjectionFit(CircleFeatureCurve pointsSet, Point p1, Point p2)
            var x1 = p1.X;
            var y1 = -p1.Y;

            var x2 = p2.X;
            var y2 = -p2.Y;

            var cx = pointsSet.Center.X;
            var cy = pointsSet.Center.Y;
            var r  = pointsSet.Radius;

            var eq1 = TermBuilder.Power(x1 - cx, 2) + TermBuilder.Power(y1 - cy, 2) - TermBuilder.Power(r, 2);
            var eq2 = TermBuilder.Power(x2 - cx, 2) + TermBuilder.Power(y2 - cy, 2) - TermBuilder.Power(r, 2);

            var result = TermBuilder.Power(eq1, 2) + TermBuilder.Power(eq2, 2);

예제 #14
        private Term PrepareStDevFunction(int count = 5)
            Term stDev = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                Variable w = new Variable();
                if (!variables.ContainsKey(i))
                    variables.Add(i, w);
                var std_mul_w = TermBuilder.Power(variables[i], 2) * TermBuilder.Power(stDevs[i], 2);
                if (i == 0)
                    stDev = std_mul_w;
                    stDev += std_mul_w;
                for (int k = i + 1; k < count; ++k)
                    Variable w2 = new Variable();
                    if (!variables.ContainsKey(k))
                        variables.Add(k, w2);
                    var cov = 2 * matCov[i, k] * variables[i] * variables[k];
                    stDev += cov;

            stDev = TermBuilder.Power(stDev, 0.5);

예제 #15
        private static Tuple <Term, Term[]> CreateBGCTerms(SnappedBendedGenCylinder snappedPrimitive, double[] radii, Point[] medial_axis)
            var terms =
                from item in snappedPrimitive.FeatureCurves.Cast <CircleFeatureCurve>()
                where item.SnappedTo != null
                from term in ProjectionFit.Compute(item)
                select term;
            var featureCurvesTerm = TermUtils.SafeAvg(terms);

            var radiiApproxTerm = TermUtils.SafeAvg(
                from i in Enumerable.Range(0, snappedPrimitive.Components.Length)
                let component = snappedPrimitive.Components[i]
                                let radius = radii[i]
                                             select TermBuilder.Power(component.Radius - radius, 2));

            // the smoothness of the primitive's radii (laplacian norm) is minimized
            var radiiSmoothTerm = TermUtils.SafeAvg(
                from pair in snappedPrimitive.Components.SeqTripples()
                let r1                                              = pair.Item1.Radius
                                           let r2                   = pair.Item2.Radius
                                                             let r3 = pair.Item3.Radius
                                                                      select TermBuilder.Power(r2 - 0.5 * (r1 + r3), 2)); // how far is r2 from the avg of r1 and r3

            var positionSmoothnessTerm = TermUtils.SafeAvg(
                from triple in snappedPrimitive.Components.SeqTripples()
                let p1                                              = new TVec(triple.Item1.vS, triple.Item1.vT)
                                           let p2                   = new TVec(triple.Item2.vS, triple.Item2.vT)
                                                             let p3 = new TVec(triple.Item3.vS, triple.Item3.vT)
                                                                      let laplacian = p2 - 0.5 * (p1 + p3)
                                                                                      select laplacian.NormSquared);

            Term[] TermArray = new Term[medial_axis.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < medial_axis.Length; i++)
                TVec PointOnSpine = snappedPrimitive.BottomCenter + snappedPrimitive.Components[i].vS * snappedPrimitive.U + snappedPrimitive.Components[i].vT * snappedPrimitive.V;
                TermArray[i] = TermBuilder.Power(PointOnSpine.X - medial_axis[i].X, 2) +
                               TermBuilder.Power(PointOnSpine.Y + medial_axis[i].Y, 2);
            var spinePointTerm = TermUtils.SafeAvg(TermArray);

            // we specifically wish to give higher weight to first and last radii, so we have
            // an additional first/last radii term.
            var endpointsRadiiTerm =
                TermBuilder.Power(radii[0] - snappedPrimitive.Components.First().Radius, 2) +
                TermBuilder.Power(radii.Last() - snappedPrimitive.Components.Last().Radius, 2);

            // objective - weighed average of all terms
            var objective =
                0.1 * featureCurvesTerm +
                radiiApproxTerm +
                radiiSmoothTerm +
                positionSmoothnessTerm +
                spinePointTerm +

            var sB = snappedPrimitive.NPbot.X;
            var tB = snappedPrimitive.NPbot.Y;

            var s0 = snappedPrimitive.Components[0].vS;
            var t0 = snappedPrimitive.Components[0].vT;
            var s1 = snappedPrimitive.Components[1].vS;
            var t1 = snappedPrimitive.Components[1].vT;
            var botNormalParallelism = tB * (s1 - s0) - sB * (t1 - t0);

            var sT                   = snappedPrimitive.NPtop.X;
            var tT                   = snappedPrimitive.NPtop.Y;
            var sLast                = snappedPrimitive.Components[snappedPrimitive.Components.Length - 1].vS;
            var tLast                = snappedPrimitive.Components[snappedPrimitive.Components.Length - 1].vT;
            var sBeforeLast          = snappedPrimitive.Components[snappedPrimitive.Components.Length - 2].vS;
            var tBeforeLast          = snappedPrimitive.Components[snappedPrimitive.Components.Length - 2].vT;
            var topNormalParallelism = tT * (sLast - sBeforeLast) - sT * (tLast - tBeforeLast);

            var topNormalized         = snappedPrimitive.NPtop.NormSquared - 1;
            var botNormalized         = snappedPrimitive.NPbot.NormSquared - 1;
            var uNormalized           = snappedPrimitive.U.NormSquared - 1;
            var vNormalized           = snappedPrimitive.V.NormSquared - 1;
            var uvOrthogonal          = TVec.InnerProduct(snappedPrimitive.U, snappedPrimitive.V);
            var firstComponentBottomS = snappedPrimitive.Components[0].vS;
            var firstComponentBottomT = snappedPrimitive.Components[0].vT;
            var constraints           = new List <Term>

            var meanRadius   = radii.Sum() / radii.Length;
            var stdDevRadius = Math.Sqrt(radii.Select(r => r * r).Sum() / radii.Length - meanRadius * meanRadius);

            Debug.WriteLine("ALEXALEX Mean radius is {0}, stddev is {1}", meanRadius, stdDevRadius);
            if (stdDevRadius <= 0.3 * meanRadius)
                foreach (var pair in snappedPrimitive.Components.SeqPairs())
                    var ra = pair.Item1.Radius;
                    var rb = pair.Item2.Radius;
                    constraints.Add(ra - rb);

            return(Tuple.Create(objective, constraints.ToArray()));
예제 #16
        protected override Tuple <Term, Term[]> Reconstruct(SnappedCuboid snappedPrimitive, Dictionary <FeatureCurve, ISet <Annotation> > curvesToAnnotations)
            Point   O  = NewPrimitiveExtensions.FindCoincidentPoint(snappedPrimitive.CubicCorner);
            Point   A  = NewPrimitiveExtensions.FindEndPoint(snappedPrimitive.CubicCorner[0].AssignedTo, O);
            Point   B  = NewPrimitiveExtensions.FindEndPoint(snappedPrimitive.CubicCorner[1].AssignedTo, O);
            Point   C  = NewPrimitiveExtensions.FindEndPoint(snappedPrimitive.CubicCorner[2].AssignedTo, O);
            Point3D Op = NewPrimitiveExtensions.FindCoincident3DPoint(snappedPrimitive.CubicCorner);
            EnhancedPrimitiveCurve ec = (EnhancedPrimitiveCurve)snappedPrimitive.CubicCorner[0];
            Point3D Ap = NewPrimitiveExtensions.FindEnd3DPoint(ec.Points3D, Op);

            ec = (EnhancedPrimitiveCurve)snappedPrimitive.CubicCorner[1];
            Point3D Bp = NewPrimitiveExtensions.FindEnd3DPoint(ec.Points3D, Op);

            ec = (EnhancedPrimitiveCurve)snappedPrimitive.CubicCorner[2];
            Point3D Cp = NewPrimitiveExtensions.FindEnd3DPoint(ec.Points3D, Op);

            O.Y = -O.Y;
            A.Y = -A.Y;
            B.Y = -B.Y;
            C.Y = -C.Y;
            Vector OA = A - O;
            Vector OB = B - O;
            Vector OC = C - O;

            Debug.WriteLine("O=({0},{1})", O.X, O.Y);
            Debug.WriteLine("A=({0},{1})", A.X, A.Y);
            Debug.WriteLine("B=({0},{1})", B.X, B.Y);
            Debug.WriteLine("C=({0},{1})", C.X, C.Y);

            Vector OAn = OA.Normalized();
            Vector OBn = OB.Normalized();
            Vector OCn = OC.Normalized();

            double dotABn = OAn * OBn;
            double dotACn = OAn * OCn;
            double dotBCn = OBn * OCn;

            double a = Math.Acos(dotABn);
            double b = Math.Acos(dotACn);
            double c = Math.Acos(dotBCn);

            /*double[] anglesSort = new double[] { a, b, c };
             * double[] angles = new double[] { a, b, c };
             * int[] idx = new int[3]{0, 1, 2};
             * Vector[] vecArr = new Vector[] { OAn, OBn, OCn };
             * Array.Sort(anglesSort, idx);
             * Debug.WriteLine("(a,b,c)=({0},{1},{2})", a * 180 / Math.PI, b * 180 / Math.PI, c * 180 / Math.PI);
             * Debug.WriteLine("sorted : (a,b,c)=({0},{1},{2})", anglesSort[0] * 180 / Math.PI, anglesSort[1] * 180 / Math.PI, anglesSort[2] * 180 / Math.PI);
             * Debug.WriteLine("index : {0}, {1}, {2}", idx[0], idx[1], idx[2]);
             * if (anglesSort[1] > Math.PI / 2 && anglesSort[0] < Math.PI / 2)
             * {
             *  double theta = anglesSort[1] - Math.PI / 2 + 0.001;
             *  var rotMatrix = new RotateTransform(theta*180/Math.PI).Value;
             *  vecArr[idx[1]] = rotMatrix.Transform(vecArr[idx[1]]);
             *  angles[idx[1]] = Math.PI/2 - 0.001;
             *  angles[idx[0]] = angles[idx[2]] - angles[idx[1]];
             * }
             * Debug.WriteLine("after : (a,b,c)=({0},{1},{2},{3})", angles[0] * 180 / Math.PI, angles[1] * 180 / Math.PI, angles[2] * 180 / Math.PI, (angles[0]+angles[1])*180/Math.PI);
             * dotABn = Math.Cos(angles[0]);
             * dotACn = Math.Cos(angles[1]);
             * dotBCn = Math.Cos(angles[2]);
             * OAn = vecArr[0].Normalized();
             * OBn = vecArr[1].Normalized();
             * OCn = vecArr[2].Normalized();*/
            Debug.WriteLine("Cubic Corner Index:{0}", snappedPrimitive.CubicCornerIdx);

            double pn, qn, rn;
            int    signp = 0, signq = 0, signr = 0;

            if (dotABn < 0 && dotACn < 0 && dotBCn < 0)
                signp = signq = signr = 1;
                if (dotABn < 0)
                    signp = signq = -1;
                    signr = 1;
                else if (dotBCn < 0)
                    signq = signr = 1;
                    signp = -1;
                    signp = signr = 1;
                    signq = -1;

            pn = signp * Math.Sqrt(-dotACn * dotABn / dotBCn);
            qn = signq * Math.Sqrt(-dotABn * dotBCn / dotACn);
            rn = signr * Math.Sqrt(-dotACn * dotBCn / dotABn);

            Debug.WriteLine("p*q={0}, OA*OB={1}", pn * qn, dotABn);
            Debug.WriteLine("p*r={0}, OA*OC={1}", pn * rn, dotACn);
            Debug.WriteLine("q*r={0}, OB*OC={1}", rn * qn, dotBCn);

            Vector3D OA3Dn = new Vector3D(OAn.X, OAn.Y, pn);
            Vector3D OB3Dn = new Vector3D(OBn.X, OBn.Y, qn);
            Vector3D OC3Dn = new Vector3D(OCn.X, OCn.Y, rn);

            OA3Dn = OA3Dn.Normalized();
            OB3Dn = OB3Dn.Normalized();
            OC3Dn = OC3Dn.Normalized();
            Vector3D pOA     = (Ap - Op).Normalized();
            Vector3D pOB     = (Bp - Op).Normalized();
            Vector3D pOC     = (Cp - Op).Normalized();
            Vector3D approxW = new Vector3D(); // = OA3Dn.Normalized();
            Vector3D approxH = new Vector3D(); // = -OB3Dn.Normalized();
            Vector3D approxD = new Vector3D(); // = OC3Dn.Normalized();

            /*if (pOA.X * OA3Dn.X < 0) OA3Dn.X = -OA3Dn.X;
            *  if (pOA.Y * OA3Dn.Y < 0) OA3Dn.Y = -OA3Dn.Y;
            *  if (pOA.Z * OA3Dn.Z < 0) OA3Dn.Z = -OA3Dn.Z;
            *  if (pOB.X * OB3Dn.X < 0) OB3Dn.X = -OB3Dn.X;
            *  if (pOB.Y * OB3Dn.Y < 0) OB3Dn.Y = -OB3Dn.Y;
            *  if (pOB.Z * OB3Dn.Z < 0) OB3Dn.Z = -OB3Dn.Z;
            *  if (pOC.X * OC3Dn.X < 0) OC3Dn.X = -OC3Dn.X;
            *  if (pOC.Y * OC3Dn.Y < 0) OC3Dn.Y = -OC3Dn.Y;
            *  if (pOC.Z * OC3Dn.Z < 0) OC3Dn.Z = -OC3Dn.Z;*/

            switch (snappedPrimitive.CubicCornerIdx)
            case 0:
                approxW = Vector3D.DotProduct(pOA, OA3Dn) > 0 ? OA3Dn : -OA3Dn;
                approxH = Vector3D.DotProduct(pOB, OB3Dn) < 0 ? OB3Dn : -OB3Dn;
                approxD = Vector3D.DotProduct(pOC, OC3Dn) > 0 ? OC3Dn : -OC3Dn;

            case 1:
                approxW = Vector3D.DotProduct(pOA, OA3Dn) > 0 ? -OA3Dn : OA3Dn;
                approxH = Vector3D.DotProduct(pOB, OB3Dn) > 0 ? -OB3Dn : OB3Dn;
                approxD = Vector3D.DotProduct(pOC, OC3Dn) > 0 ? OC3Dn : -OC3Dn;

            case 2:
                approxW = Vector3D.DotProduct(pOA, OA3Dn) > 0 ? -OA3Dn : OA3Dn;
                approxH = Vector3D.DotProduct(pOB, OB3Dn) > 0 ? OB3Dn : -OB3Dn;
                approxD = Vector3D.DotProduct(pOC, OC3Dn) < 0 ? OC3Dn : -OC3Dn;

            case 3:
                approxW = -OA3Dn.Normalized();
                approxH = -OB3Dn.Normalized();
                approxD = -OC3Dn.Normalized();

            case 4:
                approxW = OA3Dn.Normalized();
                approxH = OB3Dn.Normalized();
                approxD = OC3Dn.Normalized();

            case 5:
                //if (pOA.X * OA3Dn.X < 0) OA3Dn.X = -OA3Dn.X;
                //if (pOA.X * OA3Dn.X < 0) OA3Dn.X = -OA3Dn.X;
                approxW = Vector3D.DotProduct(pOA, OA3Dn) > 0 ? -OA3Dn : OA3Dn;
                approxH = Vector3D.DotProduct(pOB, OB3Dn) > 0 ? OB3Dn : -OB3Dn;
                approxD = Vector3D.DotProduct(pOC, OC3Dn) > 0 ? OC3Dn : -OC3Dn;


            case 6:
                approxW = OA3Dn.Normalized();
                approxH = OB3Dn.Normalized();
                approxD = -OC3Dn.Normalized();

            case 7:
                approxW = -OA3Dn.Normalized();
                approxH = OB3Dn.Normalized();
                approxD = -OC3Dn.Normalized();

            snappedPrimitive.W = OA3Dn.Normalized();
            snappedPrimitive.H = OB3Dn.Normalized();
            snappedPrimitive.D = OC3Dn.Normalized();

            Debug.WriteLine("Normalized W*H={0}", Vector3D.DotProduct(approxW, approxH));
            Debug.WriteLine("Normalized W*D={0}", Vector3D.DotProduct(approxW, approxD));
            Debug.WriteLine("Normalized D*H={0}", Vector3D.DotProduct(approxD, approxH));

            /*double lOA = OA.Length;
             * double lOB = OB.Length;
             * double lOC = OC.Length;
             * Debug.WriteLine("(lOA, lOB, lOC)=({0},{1},{2})", lOA, lOB, lOC);*/

            //a = Math.Acos(OAn * OBn);
            //b = Math.Acos(OAn * OCn);
            //c = Math.Acos(OBn * OCn);
            //Debug.WriteLine("(pi/2, a,b,c,sum)=({0},{1},{2}, {3},{4})", Math.PI / 2, a * 180 / Math.PI, b * 180 / Math.PI, c * 180 / Math.PI, a * 180 / Math.PI + b * 180 / Math.PI);

            /*double cota = 1 / Math.Tan(a);
            *  double cotb = 1 / Math.Tan(b);
            *  double cotc = 1 / Math.Tan(c);*/

            /*double dotAB = lOA * lOB * Math.Cos(a);
            *  double dotAC = lOA * lOC * Math.Cos(b);
            *  double dotBC = lOB * lOC * Math.Cos(c);*/

            double dotAB = OA * OB;
            double dotAC = OA * OC;
            double dotBC = OB * OC;
            double p, q, r;

            p = signp * Math.Sqrt(-dotAC * dotAB / dotBC);
            q = signq * Math.Sqrt(-dotAB * dotBC / dotAC);
            r = signr * Math.Sqrt(-dotAC * dotBC / dotAB);

            //double r = Math.Sqrt(-dotAB*dotBC/dotAC);
            //Debug.WriteLine("(p,q,r)=({0},{1},{2})", p, q, r);

            //ec = (EnhancedPrimitiveCurve)snappedPrimitive.CubicCorner[0];
            Vector3D cuboidOA = ec.Points3D[1] - ec.Points3D[0];
            //ec = (EnhancedPrimitiveCurve)snappedPrimitive.CubicCorner[1];
            Vector3D cuboidOB = ec.Points3D[1] - ec.Points3D[0];
            //ec = (EnhancedPrimitiveCurve)snappedPrimitive.CubicCorner[2];
            Vector3D cuboidOC = ec.Points3D[1] - ec.Points3D[0];
            double   zAp      = p;
            double   zAn      = -zAp;
            double   zBp      = q;
            double   zBn      = -zBp;
            double   zCp      = r;
            double   zCn      = -zCp;

            Point3D O3D = new Point3D(O.X, O.Y, 0);

            snappedPrimitive.Origin = O3D;
            Point3D  A3Dp  = new Point3D(A.X, A.Y, zAp);
            Point3D  A3Dn  = new Point3D(A.X, A.Y, -zAp);
            Vector3D OA3Dp = A3Dp - O3D;
            //Point3D A3D = (Vector3D.DotProduct(cuboidOA, OA3Dp) > 0) ? A3Dp : A3Dn;
            Point3D A3D = A3Dp;// (Vector3D.DotProduct(cuboidOA, OA3Dp) > 0) ? A3Dp : A3Dn;

            Point3D  B3Dp  = new Point3D(B.X, B.Y, zBp);
            Point3D  B3Dn  = new Point3D(B.X, B.Y, -zBp);
            Vector3D OB3Dp = B3Dp - O3D;
            //Point3D B3D = (Vector3D.DotProduct(cuboidOB, OB3Dp) > 0) ? B3Dp : B3Dn;
            Point3D B3D = B3Dp; //(Vector3D.DotProduct(cuboidOB, OB3Dp) > 0) ? B3Dp : B3Dn;

            Point3D  C3Dp  = new Point3D(C.X, C.Y, zCp);
            Point3D  C3Dn  = new Point3D(C.X, C.Y, -zCp);
            Vector3D OC3Dp = C3Dp - O3D;
            //Point3D C3D = (Vector3D.DotProduct(cuboidOC, OC3Dp) > 0) ? C3Dp : C3Dn;
            Point3D C3D = C3Dp;

            Debug.WriteLine("OA3D=({0},{1},{2})", OA3Dp.X, OA3Dp.Y, OA3Dp.Z);
            Debug.WriteLine("OB3D=({0},{1},{2})", OB3Dp.X, OB3Dp.Y, OB3Dp.Z);

            Debug.WriteLine("W*H={0}", Vector3D.DotProduct(approxH, approxW));
            Debug.WriteLine("W*D={0}", Vector3D.DotProduct(approxD, approxW));
            Debug.WriteLine("D*H={0}", Vector3D.DotProduct(approxH, approxD));

            double  approxWidth  = (A3D - O3D).Length;
            double  approxHeight = (O3D - B3D).Length;
            double  approxDepth  = (C3D - O3D).Length;
            Point3D approxCenter = new Point3D();

            switch (snappedPrimitive.CubicCornerIdx)
            case 0:
                approxCenter = O3D + 0.5 * approxWidth * approxW - 0.5 * approxHeight * approxH + 0.5 * approxDepth * approxD;

            case 1:
                approxCenter = O3D - 0.5 * approxWidth * approxW - 0.5 * approxHeight * approxH + 0.5 * approxDepth * approxD;

            case 2:
                approxCenter = O3D + 0.5 * approxWidth * approxW - 0.5 * approxHeight * approxH - 0.5 * approxDepth * approxD;

            case 3:
                approxCenter = O3D - 0.5 * approxWidth * approxW - 0.5 * approxHeight * approxH - 0.5 * approxDepth * approxD;

            case 4:
                approxCenter = O3D + 0.5 * approxWidth * approxW + 0.5 * approxHeight * approxH + 0.5 * approxDepth * approxD;

            case 5:
                approxCenter = O3D - 0.5 * approxWidth * approxW + 0.5 * approxHeight * approxH + 0.5 * approxDepth * approxD;

            case 6:
                approxCenter = O3D + 0.5 * approxWidth * approxW + 0.5 * approxHeight * approxH - 0.5 * approxDepth * approxD;

            case 7:
                approxCenter = O3D - 0.5 * approxWidth * approxW + 0.5 * approxHeight * approxH - 0.5 * approxDepth * approxD;
            var CenterTerm =
                TermBuilder.Power(snappedPrimitive.Center.X - approxCenter.X, 2) +
                TermBuilder.Power(snappedPrimitive.Center.Y - approxCenter.Y, 2) +
                TermBuilder.Power(snappedPrimitive.Center.Z - approxCenter.Z, 2);

            var LengthTerm =
                TermBuilder.Power(snappedPrimitive.Width - approxWidth, 2) +
                TermBuilder.Power(snappedPrimitive.Height - approxHeight, 2) +
                TermBuilder.Power(snappedPrimitive.Depth - approxDepth, 2);

            double widthVectorArea  = approxHeight * approxDepth; // area of the face orthogonal to width vector
            double heightVectorArea = approxWidth * approxDepth;  // area of the face orthogonal to height vector
            double depthVectorArea  = approxWidth * approxHeight; // area of the face orthogonal to depth vector

            Debug.WriteLine("WVA = {0}, HVA = {1}, DVA = {2}", widthVectorArea, heightVectorArea, depthVectorArea);

            var WidthVectorTerm = Math.Pow(widthVectorArea, 2) * (
                TermBuilder.Power(snappedPrimitive.Wv.X - approxW.X, 2) +
                TermBuilder.Power(snappedPrimitive.Wv.Y - approxW.Y, 2) +
                TermBuilder.Power(snappedPrimitive.Wv.Z - approxW.Z, 2));

            var HeightVectorTerm = Math.Pow(heightVectorArea, 2) * (
                TermBuilder.Power(snappedPrimitive.Hv.X - approxH.X, 2) +
                TermBuilder.Power(snappedPrimitive.Hv.Y - approxH.Y, 2) +
                TermBuilder.Power(snappedPrimitive.Hv.Z - approxH.Z, 2));

            var DepthVectorTerm = Math.Pow(depthVectorArea, 2) * (
                TermBuilder.Power(snappedPrimitive.Dv.X - approxD.X, 2) +
                TermBuilder.Power(snappedPrimitive.Dv.Y - approxD.Y, 2) +
                TermBuilder.Power(snappedPrimitive.Dv.Z - approxD.Z, 2));

            var objective =
                CenterTerm +
                LengthTerm +
                100 * (WidthVectorTerm +
                       HeightVectorTerm +

            var ABorthogonal = TVec.InnerProduct(snappedPrimitive.Wv, snappedPrimitive.Hv);
            var ACorthogonal = TVec.InnerProduct(snappedPrimitive.Wv, snappedPrimitive.Dv);
            var BCorthogonal = TVec.InnerProduct(snappedPrimitive.Hv, snappedPrimitive.Dv);
            var constraints  = new Term[] { snappedPrimitive.Wv.NormSquared - 1, snappedPrimitive.Hv.NormSquared - 1, snappedPrimitive.Dv.NormSquared - 1, ABorthogonal, ACorthogonal, BCorthogonal };

            return(Tuple.Create(10 * objective, constraints));
예제 #17
 protected override Term GetRadiusSoftConstraint(SnappedCone snapped, double expectedTop, double expectedBottom)
     return(0.5 * (
                TermBuilder.Power(snapped.TopRadius - expectedTop, 2) +
                TermBuilder.Power(snapped.BottomRadius - expectedBottom, 2)));
        private AutoDiff.Term ConvertToAutoDiff(ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode node)
            if (node.Symbol is Constant)
                var var = new AutoDiff.Variable();
            if (node.Symbol is Variable || node.Symbol is BinaryFactorVariable)
                var varNode       = node as VariableTreeNodeBase;
                var factorVarNode = node as BinaryFactorVariableTreeNode;
                // factor variable values are only 0 or 1 and set in x accordingly
                var varValue = factorVarNode != null ? factorVarNode.VariableValue : string.Empty;
                var par      = FindOrCreateParameter(parameters, varNode.VariableName, varValue);

                if (makeVariableWeightsVariable)
                    var w = new AutoDiff.Variable();
                    return(AutoDiff.TermBuilder.Product(w, par));
                    return(varNode.Weight * par);
            if (node.Symbol is FactorVariable)
                var factorVarNode = node as FactorVariableTreeNode;
                var products      = new List <Term>();
                foreach (var variableValue in factorVarNode.Symbol.GetVariableValues(factorVarNode.VariableName))
                    var par = FindOrCreateParameter(parameters, factorVarNode.VariableName, variableValue);

                    var wVar = new AutoDiff.Variable();

                    products.Add(AutoDiff.TermBuilder.Product(wVar, par));
            if (node.Symbol is LaggedVariable)
                var varNode = node as LaggedVariableTreeNode;
                var par     = FindOrCreateParameter(parameters, varNode.VariableName, string.Empty, varNode.Lag);

                if (makeVariableWeightsVariable)
                    var w = new AutoDiff.Variable();
                    return(AutoDiff.TermBuilder.Product(w, par));
                    return(varNode.Weight * par);
            if (node.Symbol is Addition)
                List <AutoDiff.Term> terms = new List <Term>();
                foreach (var subTree in node.Subtrees)
            if (node.Symbol is Subtraction)
                List <AutoDiff.Term> terms = new List <Term>();
                for (int i = 0; i < node.SubtreeCount; i++)
                    AutoDiff.Term t = ConvertToAutoDiff(node.GetSubtree(i));
                    if (i > 0)
                        t = -t;
                if (terms.Count == 1)
            if (node.Symbol is Multiplication)
                List <AutoDiff.Term> terms = new List <Term>();
                foreach (var subTree in node.Subtrees)
                if (terms.Count == 1)
                    return(terms.Aggregate((a, b) => new AutoDiff.Product(a, b)));
            if (node.Symbol is Division)
                List <AutoDiff.Term> terms = new List <Term>();
                foreach (var subTree in node.Subtrees)
                if (terms.Count == 1)
                    return(1.0 / terms[0]);
                    return(terms.Aggregate((a, b) => new AutoDiff.Product(a, 1.0 / b)));
            if (node.Symbol is Absolute)
                var x1 = ConvertToAutoDiff(node.GetSubtree(0));
            if (node.Symbol is AnalyticQuotient)
                var x1 = ConvertToAutoDiff(node.GetSubtree(0));
                var x2 = ConvertToAutoDiff(node.GetSubtree(1));
                return(x1 / (TermBuilder.Power(1 + x2 * x2, 0.5)));
            if (node.Symbol is Logarithm)
            if (node.Symbol is Exponential)
            if (node.Symbol is Square)
                           ConvertToAutoDiff(node.GetSubtree(0)), 2.0));
            if (node.Symbol is SquareRoot)
                           ConvertToAutoDiff(node.GetSubtree(0)), 0.5));
            if (node.Symbol is Cube)
                           ConvertToAutoDiff(node.GetSubtree(0)), 3.0));
            if (node.Symbol is CubeRoot)
            if (node.Symbol is Sine)
            if (node.Symbol is Cosine)
            if (node.Symbol is Tangent)
            if (node.Symbol is HyperbolicTangent)
            if (node.Symbol is Erf)
            if (node.Symbol is Norm)
            if (node.Symbol is StartSymbol)
                if (addLinearScalingTerms)
                    // scaling variables α, β are given at the beginning of the parameter vector
                    var alpha = new AutoDiff.Variable();
                    var beta  = new AutoDiff.Variable();
                    var t = ConvertToAutoDiff(node.GetSubtree(0));
                    return(t * alpha + beta);
            throw new ConversionException();
예제 #19
        protected override Term GetRadiusSoftConstraint(SnappedCylinder snapped, double expectedTop, double expectedBottom)
            var avg = 0.5 * (expectedTop + expectedBottom);

            return(TermBuilder.Power(snapped.Radius - avg, 2));