예제 #1
        public static void FitMnistSimple()
            var model = new Sequential();

            model.Add(new Dense(512, activation: "relu", inputShape: new int[] { 784 }));
            model.Add(new Dropout(0.2));
            model.Add(new Dense(512, activation: "relu"));
            model.Add(new Dropout(0.2));
            model.Add(new Dense(10, activation: "softmax"));

            var optimizer = new SGD(lr: 0.01);

            model.Compile("categorical_crossentropy", optimizer, new string[] { "accuracy" });

            var xtrain = TensorUtils.Deserialize(new FileStream(GetDataPath("datasets/nda_mnist/mnist_xtrain.nda"), FileMode.Open));
            var ytrain = TensorUtils.Deserialize(new FileStream(GetDataPath("datasets/nda_mnist/mnist_ytrain.nda"), FileMode.Open));

            xtrain = xtrain.Cast(DType.Float32);
            xtrain = Ops.Div(null, xtrain, 255f);

            ytrain = ytrain.Cast(DType.Float32);

            model.Fit(xtrain, ytrain, batchSize: 128, epochs: 20);

            var stream = new FileStream("c:/ttt/mnist-simple.model", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write);


예제 #2
        public static void FitMnist()
            var model = new Sequential();

            model.Add(new Conv2D(32, kernelSize: new int[] { 3, 3 }, inputShape: new int[] { 28, 28, 1 }, activation: "relu"));
            model.Add(new Conv2D(64, kernelSize: new int[] { 3, 3 }, activation: "relu"));
            // model.Add(new MaxPooling1D(poolSize: 2));
            model.Add(new MaxPooling2D(poolSize: new int[] { 2, 2 }));
            model.Add(new Dropout(0.25));
            model.Add(new Flatten());
            model.Add(new Dense(128, activation: "relu"));
            model.Add(new Dropout(0.5));
            model.Add(new Dense(10, activation: "softmax"));

            var optimizer = new SGD(lr: 0.01);

            model.Compile("categorical_crossentropy", optimizer, new string[] { "accuracy" });

            var xtrain = TensorUtils.Deserialize(new FileStream(GetDataPath("datasets/nda_mnist/mnist_xtrain.nda"), FileMode.Open));
            var ytrain = TensorUtils.Deserialize(new FileStream(GetDataPath("datasets/nda_mnist/mnist_ytrain.nda"), FileMode.Open));

            xtrain = xtrain.Cast(DType.Float32);
            xtrain = Ops.Div(null, xtrain, 255f);

            ytrain = ytrain.Cast(DType.Float32);

            model.Fit(xtrain, ytrain, batchSize: 128, epochs: 12);

            var stream = new FileStream("c:/ttt/mnist.model", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write);


예제 #3
        static void PredictMnist(string modelPath, string xtestPath, string ytestPath = null)
            var xtest = TensorUtils.Deserialize(File.OpenRead(xtestPath));

            xtest = xtest.Cast(DType.Float32);
            xtest = Ops.Div(null, xtest, 255f);

            // xtest = xtest.Narrow(0, 0, 101);

            var model = Sequential.Load(modelPath);

            var result = model.Predict(xtest, batchSize: 32);

            if (ytestPath == null)

            var ytest = TensorUtils.Deserialize(File.OpenRead(ytestPath));

            ytest = ytest.Cast(DType.Float32);
            // ytest = ytest.Narrow(0, 0, 101);
            ytest = Ops.Argmax(null, ytest, 1).Squeeze();

            var t = result.Narrow(0, 0, 11);

            // Console.WriteLine(t.Format());

            result = Ops.Argmax(null, result, 1).Squeeze();

            t = result.Narrow(0, 0, 11);
            // Console.WriteLine(t.Format());

            double sum = 0.0;

            for (var i = 0; i < ytest.Sizes[0]; ++i)
                sum += (int)ytest.GetElementAsFloat(i) == (int)result.GetElementAsFloat(i) ? 1.0 : 0.0;

            Console.WriteLine($"Accuracy: {sum / ytest.Sizes[0] * 100}%");
예제 #4
        public void TestLoadMnist()
            string path = "../../../datasets/nda_mnist/mnist_xtrain.nda";
            var    nda  = TensorUtils.Deserialize(File.OpenRead(path));

            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(nda.Sizes, new long[] { 60000, 28, 28 });
            Assert.AreEqual(nda.GetElementAsFloat(1, 0, 0), 0f);
            Assert.AreEqual(nda.GetElementAsFloat(0, 6, 9), 36f);

            // Cast the array to float
            nda = nda.Cast(DType.Float32);
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(nda.Sizes, new long[] { 60000, 28, 28 });
            Assert.AreEqual(nda.GetElementAsFloat(1, 0, 0), 0f);
            Assert.AreEqual(nda.GetElementAsFloat(0, 6, 9), 36f);

            // Divide by 255
            nda = Ops.Div(null, nda, 255f);
            Assert.AreEqual(nda.GetElementAsFloat(1, 0, 0), 0f);
            Assert.AreEqual(nda.GetElementAsFloat(0, 6, 9), 36f / 255f, float.Epsilon);
            Assert.AreEqual(nda.GetElementAsFloat(0, 6, 9), 36.0 / 255, 0.000001);