예제 #1
        public void ElementCountIsCachedProperly()
            var dims = new TensorDimensions(3, 5, 7);

            Assert.Equal(3 * 5 * 7, dims.ElementCount);
            Assert.Equal(3 * 5 * 7, dims.ElementCount);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes new TensorDimensions which have all dimensions except for the last dimension equal to the input TensorDimensions. The last dimension is computed based on the count.
        /// </summary>
        private TensorDimensions ComputeLastDimension(TensorDimensions dims, int count)
            int allButLastCount = 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < dims.Rank - 1; i++)
                allButLastCount *= dims[i];

            if (allButLastCount == 0 || count == 0)
                return(new TensorDimensions(0));

            if (count % allButLastCount != 0)
                MyLog.WARNING.WriteLine(Name + ": Could not set proper output dimensions!");
                return(new TensorDimensions(count));

            int lastDimension = count / allButLastCount;

            List <int> outputDimensions = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < dims.Rank - 1; i++)

            return(new TensorDimensions(outputDimensions));
예제 #3
 public ColumnHintTestData(TensorDimensions initialDims, int columnHint, TensorDimensions expectedDims, string comment)
     InitialDims  = initialDims;
     ColumnHint   = columnHint;
     ExpectedDims = expectedDims;
     Comment      = comment;
예제 #4
        public void ComputesCompatibleTensorDimsWithInvalidData()
            var dims = TensorDimensions.GetBackwardCompatibleDims(0, 0);

            Assert.Equal(1, dims.Rank);
            Assert.Equal(0, dims[0]);
예제 #5
        public void ComputesCompatibleTensorDimsWithWrongColumnHint()
            var dims = TensorDimensions.GetBackwardCompatibleDims(10, 3);

            Assert.Equal(1, dims.Rank);
            Assert.Equal(10, dims[0]);
예제 #6
        public void ComputesCompatibleTensorDims()
            var dims = TensorDimensions.GetBackwardCompatibleDims(10, 2);

            Assert.Equal(2, dims[0]);
            Assert.Equal(5, dims[1]);
예제 #7
        public void DefaultDimIsRankOneOfSizeZero()
            TensorDimensions emptyDims = TensorDimensions.Empty;

            Assert.Equal(1, emptyDims.Rank);
            Assert.Equal(0, emptyDims[0]);
            Assert.Equal(0, emptyDims.ElementCount);
예제 #8
        public void HashCodeIsCachedProperly()
            var dims = new TensorDimensions(3, 5, 7);

            int hashCode = dims.GetHashCode();

            Assert.Equal(hashCode, dims.GetHashCode());
예제 #9
        public void ApplyWithErrorMessageTheory(CustomDimensionsHint hint, TensorDimensions originalDims)
            string errorMessage;
            var    resultDims = hint.TryToApply(originalDims, out errorMessage);

            Assert.Equal(originalDims, resultDims);
예제 #10
 public CustomDimsTestCase(TensorDimensions dims, CustomDimensionsHint customDims,
                           RenderingMethod method, int vectorElements, Size expectedSize)
     Dims           = dims;
     CustomDims     = customDims;
     Method         = method;
     VectorElements = vectorElements;
     ExpectedSize   = expectedSize;
        public void ApplyFallbackTheory(CustomDimensionsHint hint, TensorDimensions originalDims)
            TensorDimensions resultDims;

            bool didApply = hint.TryToApply(originalDims, out resultDims);

            Assert.Equal(originalDims, resultDims);
        // TODO(Premek): Report warnings using a logger interface.
        internal static Size ComputeCustomTextureSize(TensorDimensions dims, CustomDimensionsHint customDims,
                                                      RenderingMethod method, int vectorElements, out string warning)
            warning = "";

            if (dims.IsEmpty)

            bool   isDivisible;
            string divisorName = (method == RenderingMethod.RGB) ? "3 (RGB channel count)" : "vector element count";

            bool isRowVector    = (dims.Rank == 1) || (dims.Rank == 2 && dims[1] == 1);
            bool isColumnVector = !isRowVector && (dims.Rank == 2) && (dims[0] == 1);

            TensorDimensions adjustedDims;
            bool             didApplyCustomDims = customDims.TryToApply(dims, out adjustedDims);

            if (!customDims.IsEmpty && !didApplyCustomDims)
                warning = "Could not apply custom dimensions (the element count must match the original).";

            if (!didApplyCustomDims && (isRowVector || isColumnVector))
                return(ComputeTextureSizeForVector(dims.ElementCount, isRowVector, method, vectorElements, divisorName,
                                                   ref warning));

            int shrinkedLastDim = ShrinkSizeForRenderingMethod(adjustedDims[adjustedDims.Rank - 1], method,
                                                               vectorElements, out isDivisible);

            if (!isDivisible || (shrinkedLastDim == 0))
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(warning))
                    warning = string.Format("The last dimension is {0} {1}. Ignoring dimensions.",
                                            (!isDivisible) ? "not divisible by" : "smaller than", divisorName);

                           ShrinkSizeForRenderingMethod(dims.ElementCount, method, vectorElements, out isDivisible)));

            // Squash all dimensions except the first one together.
            // TODO(Premek): Decide according to actual sizes of the dimensions.
            int squashedOtherDims = shrinkedLastDim;

            for (int i = 1; i < adjustedDims.Rank - 1; i++)
                squashedOtherDims *= adjustedDims[i];

            return(new Size(adjustedDims[0], squashedOtherDims));
예제 #13
        public void AnyDimensionCanBeZero()
            var rank1Dims = new TensorDimensions(0);

            Assert.Equal(0, rank1Dims.ElementCount);

            var rankNDims = new TensorDimensions(3, 0, 5);

            Assert.Equal(3, rankNDims[0]);
            Assert.Equal(0, rankNDims.ElementCount);
예제 #14
 public override void UpdateMemoryBlocks()
     Output.Count = OutputSize;
     //Output.ColumnHint = ColumnHint;
     Output.Dims      = TensorDimensions.GetBackwardCompatibleDims(Output.Count, ColumnHint);
     RandomPool.Count = PatternCount * OutputSize;
     //RandomPool.ColumnHint = ColumnHint;
     RandomPool.Dims = TensorDimensions.GetBackwardCompatibleDims(RandomPool.Count, ColumnHint);
     Label.Count     = PatternCount / PatternGroups;
     //Label.ColumnHint = Label.Count;
     Label.Dims = TensorDimensions.GetBackwardCompatibleDims(Label.Count, Label.Count);
예제 #15
        private void SetTextureDimensions()
            string warning     = "";
            Size   textureSize = Size.Empty;

            if (ObserveTensors)
                TensorDimensions d = GetTileDimensions();
                int i = 0;
                // if CustomDimensions specified, use the first two dimensions
                if (UseCustomDimensions)
                    TileWidth  = d[0];
                    TileHeight = d[1];
                // if not, try to find suitable dimensions in a smarter way
                    TileWidth  = 1;
                    TileHeight = 1;
                    while (i < d.Rank && TileWidth <= 1) // first non-one value is width
                        TileWidth = d[i];
                    while (i < d.Rank && TileHeight <= 1) // second non-one value is width
                        TileHeight = d[i];

                textureSize = ComputeTiledTextureSize(d, Target);

                // add boundaries between tiles
                textureSize.Height += TilesInColumn - 1;
                textureSize.Width  += TilesInRow - 1;
                textureSize = ComputeCustomTextureSize(Target.Dims, m_customDimensions, Method, Elements, out warning);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(warning))
                MyLog.WARNING.WriteLine("Memory block '{0}: {1}' observer: {2}", Target.Owner.Name, Target.Name, warning);

            TextureWidth  = textureSize.Width;
            TextureHeight = textureSize.Height;
예제 #16
        private Size ComputeTiledTextureSize(TensorDimensions dims, MyAbstractMemoryBlock target)
            int effectivePixelsDisplayed;

            if (Method == RenderingMethod.RGB)
                // check if:
                // memory block has 3 chanels
                // chanels are divisible by requested TileWidth and TileHeight
                // TileWidth and TileHeight are not too big
                if (
                    dims.ElementCount % 3 != 0 ||
                    dims.ElementCount / TileWidth / TileHeight % 3 != 0 ||
                    dims.ElementCount / TileWidth / TileHeight / 3 == 0)
                    MyLog.WARNING.WriteLine("Memory block '{0}: {1}' observer: {2}", Target.Owner.Name, Target.Name,
                                            "RGB rendering, but Memory block.count and TileWidth and TileHeight values incompatible with the RGB format!" +
                                            " Swtiching to RedGreenScale. Use correct CustomDimensions");
                    Method = RenderingMethod.RedGreenScale;
                    effectivePixelsDisplayed = dims.ElementCount;
                    effectivePixelsDisplayed = (int)Math.Ceiling((decimal)((float)dims.ElementCount / (float)3));
                effectivePixelsDisplayed = dims.ElementCount;

            if (TileWidth * TileHeight * TilesInRow > effectivePixelsDisplayed)
                TilesInRow = effectivePixelsDisplayed / (TileWidth * TileHeight);
                String message = " (Parsed from " + (UseCustomDimensions ? "CustomDimensions)" : "MemoryBlock.Dims)");
                MyLog.WARNING.WriteLine("Memory block '{0}: {1}' observer: {2}", Target.Owner.Name, Target.Name,
                                        "TilesInRow too big, adjusting to the max. value " + TilesInRow + "\n\t\t..for TileWidth=" + TileWidth + ", TileHeight=" + TileHeight + message);

            m_noBlocks    = effectivePixelsDisplayed / (TileWidth * TileHeight);
            TilesInColumn = (int)Math.Ceiling((decimal)((float)m_noBlocks / (float)TilesInRow));

            return(new Size(TileWidth * TilesInRow, TilesInColumn * TileHeight));
예제 #17
 public override void UpdateMemoryBlocks()
     if (ConvertToBinary)
         if (m_userInput == null || m_userInput.Length != 1)
             m_userInput = new float[1];
         if (m_userInput == null || m_userInput.Length != OutputSize)
             m_userInput = new float[OutputSize];
     //Output.ColumnHint = ColumnHint;
     Output.Dims = TensorDimensions.GetBackwardCompatibleDims(Output.Count, ColumnHint);
예제 #18
        public void PrintsEmptyDims()
            var dims = new TensorDimensions();

            Assert.Equal("0", dims.Print());
예제 #19
 private bool IsRankOne(TensorDimensions dimensions)
     return(dimensions.Any() && dimensions.All(dim => dim == 1));
예제 #20
        public override void Validate(MyValidator validator)
            switch (Operation)
            case MyJoinOperation.StackInputs:

            case MyJoinOperation.DistanceSquared:
            case MyJoinOperation.CosineDistance:
            case MyJoinOperation.DotProduct:
                validator.AssertError(InputBranches == 2, this, "Two operands are needed for distance measures");

            case MyJoinOperation.MatMultiplication:
                bool is_correct = Input0ColHint == (Input1Count / Input1ColHint);
                // if (Input1ColHint==1) /// BrainSim. bug for Nx1 vector, column hint is one, although it should be N...
                //     is_correct = Input0ColHint == Input1Count;
                validator.AssertError(is_correct, this, "# of columns in Mat1 needs to correspond to # of rows in Mat2!");

            case MyJoinOperation.AddToIdcs:
            case MyJoinOperation.AddToIdcs_Normalize:
                validator.AssertError(InputBranches >= 3, this, "Must provide the Target vector, Source vector and the idcs as the first three inputs");
                validator.AssertError(GetInputSize(1) == GetInputSize(2), this, "Dimensions of the Source vector and idcs must be the same");
                validator.AssertError(GetInputSize(0) >= GetInputSize(1), this, "Target vector must be bigger than Source vector");

            case MyJoinOperation.GatherFromIdcs:
                validator.AssertError(InputBranches >= 2, this, "Must provide the Target vector and the idcs as the first two inputs");
                validator.AssertError(GetInputSize(0) >= GetInputSize(1), this, "Target vector must be bigger than the idcs");

                validator.AssertError(InputBranches >= 2, this, "Operation needs at least two operands");

            TensorDimensions firstInputDimensions = null;;

            bool firstInputDimensionsRankOne = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < InputBranches; i++)
                MyMemoryBlock <float> ai = GetInput(i);

                if (ai == null)
                    validator.AddError(this, string.Format("Missing input {0}.", i));
                else if (InputBranches > 2) // Two inputs are allowed to be of variable size
                    validator.AssertError(ai.Count == OutputSize, this, "Operand size differs from output size");

                if (firstInputDimensions == null)
                    firstInputDimensions        = ai.Dims;
                    firstInputDimensionsRankOne = IsRankOne(firstInputDimensions);

                var bothDimensionsRankOne = firstInputDimensionsRankOne && IsRankOne(ai.Dims);

                if (firstInputDimensions.Rank != ai.Dims.Rank && !bothDimensionsRankOne)
                    validator.AddError(this, string.Format("{0}: Incompatible input ranks!", Name));
예제 #21
        public override void UpdateMemoryBlocks()
            TensorDimensions firstInputDimensions = new TensorDimensions(1);

            int totalOutputs = 0;

            //Output.ColumnHint = 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < InputBranches; i++)
                MyMemoryBlock <float> ai = GetInput(i);

                if (ai == null)

                m_offsets[i]  = totalOutputs;
                totalOutputs += ai.Count;

                if (firstInputDimensions[0] == 1)
                    firstInputDimensions = GetInput(i).Dims;

                //if (Output.ColumnHint == 1 && ai.ColumnHint > 1)
                //    Output.ColumnHint = ai.ColumnHint;

            switch (Operation)
            case MyJoinOperation.StackInputs:
                OutputSize  = totalOutputs;
                Output.Dims = ComputeLastDimension(firstInputDimensions, totalOutputs);

            case MyJoinOperation.AddToIdcs_Normalize:
                Temp.Count = GetInputSize(1) + 1;
                goto default;

            case MyJoinOperation.GatherFromIdcs:
                OutputSize  = GetInputSize(1);
                Output.Dims = ComputeLastDimension(firstInputDimensions, GetInputSize(1));

            case MyJoinOperation.DistanceSquared:
            case MyJoinOperation.CosineDistance:
            case MyJoinOperation.DotProduct:
                OutputSize = 1;
                //Output.ColumnHint = 1;
                InputBlocksPointers.Count = 2;
                Temp.Count  = GetInputSize(0);
                Output.Dims = new TensorDimensions(1);

            case MyJoinOperation.MatMultiplication:
                if (Input0ColHint == 0)
                    OutputSize = 0;
                    OutputSize = Input0Count / Input0ColHint * Input1ColHint; /// size of output matrix: #rows A  times #cols B
                Output.ColumnHint = Input1ColHint;                            /// # of columns in the output correspond to the # of columns in the first matrix
                if (firstInputDimensions.Rank > 2)
                    MyLog.WARNING.WriteLine(Name + ": Matrix multiplication is not defined for tensors.");
                InputBlocksPointers.Count = 2;

                if (InputBranches > 2)
                    // All are validated to be of the same length
                    OutputSize = GetInputSize(0);
                    InputBlocksPointers.Count = InputBranches;
                    Output.Dims = ComputeLastDimension(firstInputDimensions, GetInputSize(0));
                else     // (if InputBranches == 2)
                    InputBlocksPointers.Count = InputBranches;

                    int max = 0;

                    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                        var input = GetInput(i);

                        if (input != null && input.Count > max)
                            max = input.Count;

                    OutputSize  = max;
                    Output.Dims = ComputeLastDimension(firstInputDimensions, max);

            TensorDimensions adjustedDims;

            if (!m_outputDimsHint.TryToApply(Output.Dims, out adjustedDims) && !m_outputDimsHint.IsEmpty)
                MyLog.WARNING.WriteLine("Join node '{0}': Could not apply OutputDimensions.", Name); // TODO(Premek): Be specific.
            Output.Dims = adjustedDims;                                                              // Adjusted or original.
예제 #22
 private static MyAbstractMemoryBlock GetMemBlock(TensorDimensions dims)
     return(new MyMemoryBlock <float> {
         Dims = dims
예제 #23
 public void TranspositionTests(TensorDimensions initial, TensorDimensions expected)
예제 #24
        private TensorDimensions[] GetOutputBranchSpec()
            TensorDimensions[] branchSizes = null;

            bool ok = true;

            if (OutputBranchesSpec != null && OutputBranchesSpec != "")
                string[] branchConf = OutputBranchesSpec.Split(',');

                if (branchConf.Length > 0)
                    MyLog.DEBUG.WriteLine("creating: " + branchConf.Length + " outputs");
                    branchSizes = new TensorDimensions[branchConf.Length];

                        for (int i = 0; i < branchConf.Length; i++)
                            // parsing multidimensional
                            string[] dimConf = branchConf[i].Split('x');
                            if (dimConf.Length > 1)
                                TensorDimensions f = null;

                                for (int j = 0; j < dimConf.Length; j++)
                                    int h = int.Parse(dimConf[j], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                                    MyLog.INFO.WriteLine("adding: " + h);

                                    if (j == 0)
                                        f = new TensorDimensions(new int[] { h });
                                        f = f.AddDimensions(new int[] { h });

                                MyLog.DEBUG.WriteLine("TD: " + f.Print(true));

                                branchSizes[i] = f;
                                int h = int.Parse(branchConf[i], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                                MyLog.DEBUG.WriteLine("adding: " + h);
                                branchSizes[i] = new TensorDimensions(h);
                        ok = false;
            if (!ok)

        public void WildcardDimensionIsCorrectlyComputed()
            TensorDimensions dims = CustomDimensionsHint.Parse("2, *, 3").TryToApply(new TensorDimensions(30));

            Assert.Equal(dims, new TensorDimensions(2, 5, 3));