예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the money the Coach needs to get paid this current month.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public float GetMoneyPaidThisMonth()
            float moneyPaid = HourlyPaymentRate * TennisPlayerInfo.GetTimeInCourtThisMonth().Hours;

예제 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns all the information about the Coach.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public new string GetAllInformation()
     return(base.GetAllInformation() + "\nHourly payment rate: " + EuroSign + this.HourlyPaymentRate + "\nExtra hourly payment rate: " + EuroSign + this.ExtraHourlyPaymentRate + "\nNumber of private lessons: " + TennisPlayerInfo.NumOfPrivateLessonsPerWeek + "\nNumber of group lessons: " + TennisPlayerInfo.NumOfGroupLessonsPerWeek + "\nNumber of semi-private lessons: " + TennisPlayerInfo.NumOfSemiPrivateLessonsPerWeek + "\nTime working per week: " + TennisPlayerInfo.TimeInCourtPerWeek.GetTotalTime() + "\nTime working this month: " + TennisPlayerInfo.GetTimeInCourtThisMonth().GetTotalTime() + "\nMoney paid this month: " + EuroSign + GetMoneyPaidThisMonth());
예제 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns all the information about the Student except the ID as a string.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="privateLessonFee">The fees for private lessons.</param>
 /// <param name="groupLessonFee">The fees for group lessons.</param>
 /// <param name="semiPrivateLessonFee">The fees for semi-private lessons.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public string GetAllInformation(float privateLessonFee, float groupLessonFee, float semiPrivateLessonFee)
     return(base.GetAllInformation() + "\nFather name: " + FatherName + "\nMother name: " + MotherName + "\nFather phone number: " + FatherPhoneNumber + "\nMother phone number: " + MotherPhoneNumber + "\nHealth certificate number: " + HealthCertificateNum + "\nTennis association number: " + TennisAssociationNum + "\nStudent level: " + GetStudentLevel() + "\nNumber of group lessons each week: " + TennisPlayerInfo.NumOfGroupLessonsPerWeek + "\nNumber of private lessons each week: " + TennisPlayerInfo.NumOfPrivateLessonsPerWeek + "\nNumber of semi-private lessons each week: " + TennisPlayerInfo.NumOfSemiPrivateLessonsPerWeek + "\nTime in court each week: " + TennisPlayerInfo.TimeInCourtPerWeek.GetTotalTime() + "\nTime in court this month: " + TennisPlayerInfo.GetTimeInCourtThisMonth().GetTotalTime() + "\nMoney paying for group lessons: " + EuroSign + GetMoneyPayingForGroupLessons(groupLessonFee) + "\nMoney paying for private lessons: " + GetMoneyPayingForPrivateLessons(privateLessonFee) + "\nMoney paying for semi-private lessons: " + EuroSign + GetMoneyPayingForSemiPrivateLessons(semiPrivateLessonFee) + "\nTotal money paying for lessons: " + EuroSign + GetTotalPayingMoney(privateLessonFee, groupLessonFee, semiPrivateLessonFee));