예제 #1
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (this.Request.QueryString["html"] == null && this.Request.QueryString["id"] == null)
            this.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "_Missing1", "alert('Missing required query string.');window.close();", true);

        string sHtmlBody = "";

        if (this.Request.QueryString["html"] != null)
            string sHtmlBody_Encode = this.Request.QueryString["html"].ToString();
            sHtmlBody = Encrypter.Base64Decode(sHtmlBody_Encode);
        else if (this.Request.QueryString["id"] != null)
            int iEmailTemplateID = Convert.ToInt32(this.Request.QueryString["id"]);
            LPWeb.BLL.Template_Email   emailTempMgr   = new Template_Email();
            LPWeb.Model.Template_Email emailTempModel = emailTempMgr.GetModel(iEmailTemplateID);

            if (emailTempModel.TemplEmailId > 0)
                sHtmlBody = GetEmailTemplateContentWithEmailSkin(emailTempModel.EmailSkinId, emailTempModel.Content);
                sHtmlBody = emailTempModel.Content;

        this.ltEmailBody.Text = sHtmlBody;
    /// <summary>
    /// 发送邮件(旧发送方式)
    /// </summary>
    public void SendEmailOld()
        LoginUser CurrentUser = new LoginUser();
        string    Token       = Request.QueryString["Token"] != null ? Request.QueryString["Token"].ToString() : "";

        LPWeb.BLL.Email_AttachmentsTemp bllEmailAttachTemp = new Email_AttachmentsTemp();
        var errMsg = string.Empty;

        //遍历所有模板 发送邮件
        foreach (var iEmailTemplateID in iEmailTemplateIDList)
            string   sEmailTemplateName = string.Empty;
            int[]    ToUserIDArray      = null;
            int[]    ToContactIDArray   = null;
            string[] ToEmailAddrArray   = null;

            int[]    CCUserIDArray    = null;
            int[]    CCContactIDArray = null;
            string[] CCEmailAddrArray = null;

            Dictionary <string, byte[]> Attachments = new Dictionary <string, byte[]>();

            #region Attachments

            var ds = bllEmailAttachTemp.GetListWithFileImage(iEmailTemplateID, Token);

            if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                foreach (DataRow item in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                        Attachments.Add(item["Name"].ToString() + "." + item["FileType"].ToString(), (byte[])item["FileImage"]);
                    catch { }


            #region use To and CC of email template

            #region 获取Email Template的Recipient(s)

            Template_Email EmailTemplateManager = new Template_Email();
            DataTable      RecipientList        = EmailTemplateManager.GetRecipientList(iEmailTemplateID);
            var            emailTemplatemodel   = EmailTemplateManager.GetModel(iEmailTemplateID);
            if (emailTemplatemodel != null)
                sEmailTemplateName = emailTemplatemodel.Name;

            #region 获取Loan Team

            string    sSql         = "select * from LoanTeam where FileId = " + this.iLoanID;
            DataTable LoanTeamList = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql);


            #region 获取Contacts

            string    sSql2       = "select * from LoanContacts where FileId = " + this.iLoanID;
            DataTable ContactList = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql2);


            Collection <Int32>  ToUserIDs    = new Collection <int>();
            Collection <Int32>  ToContactIDs = new Collection <int>();
            Collection <String> ToEmailList  = new Collection <String>();

            Collection <Int32>  CCUserIDs    = new Collection <int>();
            Collection <Int32>  CCContactIDs = new Collection <int>();
            Collection <String> CCEmailList  = new Collection <String>();

            #region To

            DataRow[] ToRecipient = RecipientList.Select("RecipientType='To'");
            if (ToRecipient.Length > 0)
                string sEmailList_To    = ToRecipient[0]["EmailAddr"].ToString();
                string sContactList_To  = ToRecipient[0]["ContactRoles"].ToString();
                string sUserRoleList_To = ToRecipient[0]["UserRoles"].ToString();
                string sTaskOwner       = ToRecipient[0]["TaskOwner"].ToString();

                #region Emails

                if (sEmailList_To != string.Empty)
                    string[] EmailArray_To = sEmailList_To.Split(';');
                    foreach (string sEmailTo in EmailArray_To)


                #region User IDs

                if (sUserRoleList_To != string.Empty)
                    string[] UserRoleArray_To = sUserRoleList_To.Split(';');
                    foreach (string sUserRoleIDTo in UserRoleArray_To)
                        int iUserRoleIDTo = Convert.ToInt32(sUserRoleIDTo);

                        DataRow[] LoanTeamRows = LoanTeamList.Select("RoleId=" + iUserRoleIDTo);
                        foreach (DataRow LoanTeamRow in LoanTeamRows)
                            int iUserID = Convert.ToInt32(LoanTeamRow["UserId"]);


                #region Contact IDs

                if (sContactList_To != string.Empty)
                    string[] ContactArray_To = sContactList_To.Split(';');
                    foreach (string sContactIDTo in ContactArray_To)
                        int iContactRoleIDTo = Convert.ToInt32(sContactIDTo);

                        DataRow[] ContactRows = ContactList.Select("ContactRoleId=" + iContactRoleIDTo);
                        foreach (DataRow ContactRow in ContactRows)
                            int iContactID = Convert.ToInt32(ContactRow["ContactId"]);


                #region TaskOwner

                if ((sTaskOwner != string.Empty) && (sTaskOwner != null))
                    if (sTaskOwner == "True")
                        string    sSql_LoanTasks = "select Owner from LoanTasks where LoanTaskId=" + this.iTaskID;
                        DataTable LoanTasks_List = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql_LoanTasks);

                        string sOwnerId = LoanTasks_List.Rows[0]["Owner"].ToString();

                        if ((sOwnerId != string.Empty) && (sOwnerId != null))
                            int       iOwnerId           = Convert.ToInt32(sOwnerId);
                            string    sSql_Users         = "select EmailAddress, LastName, FirstName from Users where UserId=" + iOwnerId;
                            DataTable Users_List         = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql_Users);
                            string    Owner_EmailAddress = Users_List.Rows[0]["EmailAddress"].ToString();
                            if ((Owner_EmailAddress != string.Empty) && (Owner_EmailAddress != null))



            #region CC

            DataRow[] CCRecipient = RecipientList.Select("RecipientType='CC'");
            if (CCRecipient.Length > 0)
                string sEmailList_CC    = CCRecipient[0]["EmailAddr"].ToString();
                string sContactList_CC  = CCRecipient[0]["ContactRoles"].ToString();
                string sUserRoleList_CC = CCRecipient[0]["UserRoles"].ToString();

                #region Emails

                if (sEmailList_CC != string.Empty)
                    string[] EmailArray_CC = sEmailList_CC.Split(';');
                    foreach (string sEmailCC in EmailArray_CC)


                #region User IDs

                if (sUserRoleList_CC != string.Empty)
                    string[] UserRoleArray_CC = sUserRoleList_CC.Split(';');
                    foreach (string sUserRoleIDCC in UserRoleArray_CC)
                        int iUserRoleIDCC = Convert.ToInt32(sUserRoleIDCC);

                        DataRow[] LoanTeamRows = LoanTeamList.Select("RoleId=" + iUserRoleIDCC);
                        foreach (DataRow LoanTeamRow in LoanTeamRows)
                            int iUserID = Convert.ToInt32(LoanTeamRow["UserId"]);


                #region Contact IDs

                if (sContactList_CC != string.Empty)
                    string[] ContactArray_CC = sContactList_CC.Split(';');
                    foreach (string sContactIDCC in ContactArray_CC)
                        int iContactRoleIDCC = Convert.ToInt32(sContactIDCC);

                        DataRow[] ContactRows = ContactList.Select("ContactRoleId=" + iContactRoleIDCC);
                        foreach (DataRow ContactRow in ContactRows)
                            int iContactID = Convert.ToInt32(ContactRow["ContactId"]);



            if (ToUserIDs.Count == 0 && ToEmailList.Count == 0 && ToContactIDs.Count == 0 &&
                CCUserIDs.Count == 0 && CCContactIDs.Count == 0 && CCEmailList.Count == 0)
                errMsg = "No email recipient !   email template: " + sEmailTemplateName;

            ToUserIDArray    = new int[ToUserIDs.Count];
            ToContactIDArray = new int[ToContactIDs.Count];
            ToEmailAddrArray = new string[ToEmailList.Count];

            CCUserIDArray    = new int[CCUserIDs.Count];
            CCContactIDArray = new int[CCContactIDs.Count];
            CCEmailAddrArray = new string[CCEmailList.Count];

            ToUserIDs.CopyTo(ToUserIDArray, 0);
            ToContactIDs.CopyTo(ToContactIDArray, 0);
            ToEmailList.CopyTo(ToEmailAddrArray, 0);

            CCUserIDs.CopyTo(CCUserIDArray, 0);
            CCContactIDs.CopyTo(CCContactIDArray, 0);
            CCEmailList.CopyTo(CCEmailAddrArray, 0);


            #region 调用API

            SendEmailResponse response = null;

                ServiceManager sm = new ServiceManager();
                using (LP2ServiceClient service = sm.StartServiceClient())
                    SendEmailRequest req = new SendEmailRequest();
                    req.EmailTemplId = iEmailTemplateID;
                    req.FileId       = this.iLoanID;
                    //req.UserId = CurrentUser.iUserID;
                    req.UserId       = 0;
                    req.ToEmails     = ToEmailAddrArray;
                    req.ToUserIds    = ToUserIDArray;
                    req.ToContactIds = ToContactIDArray;
                    req.CCEmails     = CCEmailAddrArray;
                    req.CCUserIds    = CCUserIDArray;
                    req.CCContactIds = CCContactIDArray;
                    req.hdr          = new ReqHdr();
                    #region add Attachments

                    req.Attachments = Attachments;

                    response = service.SendEmail(req);
            catch (System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException)
                string sExMsg = string.Format("Failed to send the email, reason: Email Manager is not running.");
                LPLog.LogMessage(LogType.Logerror, sExMsg);
                //PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, sExMsg, "window.parent.CloseDialog_SendCompletionEmail();");
                response = new SendEmailResponse()
                    resp = new RespHdr()
                        Successful = false, StatusInfo = sExMsg
            catch (Exception ex)
                string sExMsg = string.Format("Failed to send email, error: {0}", ex.Message);
                LPLog.LogMessage(LogType.Logerror, sExMsg);
                //PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, sExMsg, "window.parent.CloseDialog_SendCompletionEmail();");
                response = new SendEmailResponse()
                    resp = new RespHdr()
                        Successful = false, StatusInfo = sExMsg


            if (response.resp.Successful != true)
                //PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Failed to send completion email: " + response.resp.StatusInfo.Replace("'", "\'"), "window.parent.CloseDialog_SendCompletionEmail();");
                errMsg = response.resp.StatusInfo.Replace("'", "\'");

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(errMsg))
            catch { }
            this.Response.Write("{\"ExecResult\":\"Failed\",\"ErrorMsg\":\"" + errMsg + "\"}");