예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        ///     Adds the item to system data collections.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">The type.</param>
        /// <param name="ariName">Name of the ari.</param>
        /// <param name="ariType">Type of the ari.</param>
        /// <param name="ariValue">The ari value.</param>
        /// <param name="temperatureF">The farenhait temperature.</param>
        /// <param name="temperatureC">The celsius temperature.</param>
        private void AddItemToSystemDataCollections(string type, string ariName, string ariType, string ariValue,
                                                    double temperatureF = 0, double temperatureC = 0)
            if (ariType.ToLower().Contains("temperature") || ariType.ToLower().Contains("fan"))
                var minValue = "0";
                var maxValue = "0";
                if (ariType.ToLower().Contains("temperature"))
                    if (ariName.ToLower().Contains("temperature #"))

                    var temperatureRepository = new TemperatureRepository();
                    temperatureRepository.Add(ariName, temperatureF, temperatureC);
                    var maxAverageTemperature = temperatureRepository.GetMaxTemperature(ariName);
                    var minAverageTemperature = temperatureRepository.GetMinTemperature(ariName);

                    maxValue = $"{maxAverageTemperature.ValueC} ({maxAverageTemperature.ValueF} F)";
                    minValue = $"{minAverageTemperature.ValueC} ({minAverageTemperature.ValueF} F)";

                _systemDataCollections[type].Add(new SystemDataItem
                    Name     = ariName,
                    Type     = ariType,
                    Value    = ariValue,
                    MinValue = minValue,
                    MaxValue = maxValue
예제 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Constroi instancia do serviço
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="configuration"></param>
 /// <param name="serviceSettings"></param>
 /// <param name="temperatureFacade"></param>
 public MonitoringService(IConfiguration configuration, GeneralSettings serviceSettings, BaseFacade <Temperature> temperatureFacade)
     _temperatureRepository = new TemperatureRepository(configuration);
     _cityRepository        = new CityRepository(configuration);
     _temperatureApiFacade  = temperatureFacade;
     _serviceSettings       = serviceSettings;
예제 #3
        public void RemoverTemperaturaSemCidade()
            var repo = new TemperatureRepository(config);

            repo.Remove((TestContext.Properties["TemperaturaSemCidade"] as Temperature));

            // Assert - Expects exception
예제 #4
        public void CadastrarTemperaturaDataInvalida()
            var repo = new TemperatureRepository(config);

            repo.Add((TestContext.Properties["TemperaturaComDataInvalida"] as Temperature));

            // Assert - Expects exception
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Carrega no objeto atual e retorna todas as temperaturas registradas para uma cidade.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="city">Cidade</param>
        /// <param name="config">Configurações da aplicação</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IEnumerable <Temperature> TemperaturesExt(this City city, IConfiguration config)
            var temperatureRepository = new TemperatureRepository(config);
            var allTemperatures       = temperatureRepository.GetAll(city.Id);

            city.Temperatures = allTemperatures;

예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Carrega no objeto atual e retorna todas as temperaturas registradas nas íltimas XX horas
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="city">Cidade</param>
        /// <param name="config">Configurações da aplicação</param>
        /// <param name="latestHours">Numero de horas</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IEnumerable <Temperature> LatestTemperaturesExt(this City city, IConfiguration config, int latestHours)
            var temperatureRepository = new TemperatureRepository(config);
            var lastestTemperature    = temperatureRepository.GetByDate(new Temperature {
                CityId = city.Id
            }, DateTime.Now.AddHours(0 - latestHours));

            city.Temperatures = lastestTemperature;

예제 #7
        public static Temperature LastTemperatureExt(this City city, IConfiguration config)
            var temperatureRepository = new TemperatureRepository(config);
            var lastTemperature       = temperatureRepository.GetLast(city.Id);

            city.Temperatures = new List <Temperature> {

예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Construtor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configuration">Configurações gerais da aplicação, passado por injeção de dependencia registrada no startup.cs</param>
        /// <param name="byCepSettings">Configurações da api utilizada para buscar cidades por CEP (Opção registrada no startup.cs)</param>
        /// <param name="autocompleteSettings">Configurações da api utilizada para buscar cidades para autocomplete (Opção registrada no startup.cs)</param>
        /// <param name="generalSettings">Configurações de funcionamento da aplicação (Opção registrada no startup.cs)</param>
        public CitiesController(IConfiguration configuration,
                                IOptionsSnapshot <CityByCepApiSettings> byCepSettings,
                                IOptionsSnapshot <CityAutocompleteApiSettings> autocompleteSettings,
                                IOptionsSnapshot <GeneralSettings> generalSettings)
            _configuration   = configuration;
            _generalSettings = generalSettings.Value;

            _cityRepository        = new CityRepository(_configuration);
            _temperatureRepository = new TemperatureRepository(_configuration);

            _bycepFacade = FacadeFactory <City> .Create(byCepSettings.Value);

            _autocompleteFacade = FacadeFactory <City> .Create(autocompleteSettings.Value);
예제 #9
        public async Task <List <ListViewDataRow> > GetDesiredDataFromApiForListView(bool isTemperature, bool isHumidity, int amount, string date, string sensorName)
            if (isTemperature && isHumidity)
                isHumidity = false;

            if (isTemperature)
                var rowList      = CreateNewListForTemperature();
                var repo         = new TemperatureRepository();
                var temperatures = await repo.GetTemperatures(amount, date, sensorName);

                foreach (var item in temperatures)
                    rowList.Add(new ListViewDataRow()
                        RoomName   = item.TemperatureSensor.Room.Name.ToString(),
                        SensorName = item.TemperatureSensor.Name.ToString(),
                        Value      = item.Value.ToString(),
                        Date       = item.Date.ToShortDateString()
            else if (isHumidity)
                var rowList  = CreateNewListForHumidity();
                var repo     = new HumidityRepository();
                var humidity = await repo.GetHumidity(amount, date, sensorName);

                foreach (var item in humidity)
                    rowList.Add(new ListViewDataRow()
                        RoomName   = item.HumiditySensor.Room.Name.ToString(),
                        SensorName = item.HumiditySensor.Name.ToString(),
                        Value      = item.Value.ToString(),
                        Date       = item.Date.ToShortDateString()
예제 #10
        public async Task <List <PlotData> > GetTemperatureFromApiForPlot(string dateTime, string sensorName)
            var temperatureList = new List <PlotData>();
            var repo            = new TemperatureRepository();
            var temperatures    = await repo.GetTemperatures(100, dateTime, sensorName);

            foreach (var item in temperatures)
                temperatureList.Add(new PlotData()
                    Value = item.Value,
                    Date  = item.Date
예제 #11
 public UnitOfWork(ApplicationDbContext db)
     _db                = db;
     Room               = new RoomRepository(_db);
     Device             = new DeviceRepository(_db);
     HttpDevice         = new HttpDeviceRepository(_db);
     MqttDevice         = new MqttDeviceRepository(_db);
     ZigbeeDevice       = new ZigbeeDeviceRepository(_db);
     PublishMessage     = new MqttPublishingMessageRepository(_db);
     SubscribeMessage   = new MqttSubscriptionMessageRepository(_db);
     BatteryReading     = new BatteryRepository(_db);
     ContactReading     = new ContactRepository(_db);
     HumidityReading    = new HumidityRepository(_db);
     MotionReading      = new MotionRepository(_db);
     TemperatureReading = new TemperatureRepository(_db);
 public UnitOfWork(GrowingPlantsContext context)
     UserRepository                = new UserRepository(context);
     TreeRepository                = new TreeRepository(context);
     MeasurementUnitRepository     = new MeasurementUnitRepository(context);
     LightRepository               = new LightRepository(context);
     HumidityRepository            = new HumidityRepository(context);
     TemperatureRepository         = new TemperatureRepository(context);
     FavoriteTreeRepository        = new FavoriteTreeRepository(context);
     CountryRepository             = new CountryRepository(context);
     PlantingProcessRepository     = new PlantingProcessRepository(context);
     PlantingEnvironmentRepository = new PlantingEnvironmentRepository(context);
     ProcessStepRepository         = new ProcessStepRepository(context);
     PlantingActionRepository      = new PlantingActionRepository(context);
     RecurrenceRepository          = new RecurrenceRepository(context);
     NotificationRepository        = new NotificationRepository(context);
     PlantingSpotRepository        = new PlantingSpotRepository(context);
     PlantTypeRepository           = new PlantTypeRepository(context);
     GalleryRepository             = new GalleryRepository(context);
     PictureRepository             = new PictureRepository(context);
        public async Task SaveTemperaturesToAExistingFile()
            var options = new OptionsWrapper <TemperatureSettings>(new TemperatureSettings
                BasePath = basePath
            var expectedFilePath = basePath + "/02-01-20_temps.csv";
            var expectedLine1    = "02/01/20 00:05:00,15.8,51.2,7.05,few clouds";
            var mockFileSystem   = new MockFileSystem(new Dictionary <string, MockFileData>
                { expectedFilePath, new MockFileData(expectedLine1 + "\n") },
                // { @"c:\demo\jQuery.js", new MockFileData("some js") },
                // { @"c:\demo\image.gif", new MockFileData(new byte[] { 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0xd2 }) }
            var repository        = new TemperatureRepository(options, mockFileSystem, NullLogger <TemperatureRepository> .Instance);
            var temperatureToSave = new Temperature
                dateTime           = new DateTime(2020, 01, 02, 0, 10, 0),
                Humidity           = 45.6,
                InsideTemp         = 21.2,
                OutsideTemp        = 14.3,
                WeatherDescription = "Sunny but cold"

            await repository.SaveTemperature(temperatureToSave);

            var temperatureFile  = mockFileSystem.File.ReadLines(expectedFilePath);
            var temperatureLine1 = temperatureFile.Skip(0).Take(1).Single();

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedLine1, temperatureLine1);
            var temperatureLine2 = temperatureFile.Skip(1).Take(1).Single();
            var expectedLine2    = $"{temperatureToSave.dateTime:dd/MM/yy HH:mm:ss},{temperatureToSave.InsideTemp},{temperatureToSave.Humidity},{temperatureToSave.OutsideTemp},{temperatureToSave.WeatherDescription}";

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedLine2, temperatureLine2);
예제 #14
        public async Task Given_TemperatureRepository_When_GettingAllTemperatureRecords_Then_AllRecordsShouldBeReturnedAsync()
            await RunOnDatabaseAsync(async sut =>
                var repo   = new TemperatureRepository(sut);
                var record = new TemperatureRecord
                    Id     = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    UserId = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    Value  = 10,
                    Time   = new DateTime(2017, 11, 20, 11, 21, 1)

                await repo.AddAsync(record);
                await repo.SaveChangesAsync();

                var results = await repo.GetAllAsync();
예제 #15
        public async Task Given_TemperatureRepository_When_AddingATemperatureRecord_Then_TheRecordShouldBeMemorizedAsync()
            await RunOnDatabaseAsync(async sut =>
                var repo   = new TemperatureRepository(sut);
                var record = new TemperatureRecord
                    Id     = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    UserId = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    Value  = 10,
                    Time   = new DateTime(2017, 11, 20, 11, 21, 1)

                await repo.AddAsync(record);
                await repo.SaveChangesAsync();

                var results = await repo.GetAllAsync();
예제 #16
        public async Task Given_TemperatureRepository_When_GettingTemperatureRecordsOfAUser_Then_AllRecordsOfThatUserShouldBeReturnedAsync()
            await RunOnDatabaseAsync(async sut =>
                var repo    = new TemperatureRepository(sut);
                var userId  = Guid.NewGuid();
                var records = new List <TemperatureRecord>
                    new TemperatureRecord
                        Id     = Guid.NewGuid(),
                        UserId = userId,
                        Value  = 1,
                        Time   = new DateTime(2017, 11, 20, 11, 21, 1)
                    new TemperatureRecord
                        Id     = Guid.NewGuid(),
                        UserId = Guid.NewGuid(),
                        Value  = 2,
                        Time   = new DateTime(2017, 11, 20, 11, 21, 1)

                foreach (var record in records)
                    await repo.AddAsync(record);
                await repo.SaveChangesAsync();

                var results = await repo.GetByUserIdAsync(userId);
        public async Task SaveTemperaturesToANewFile()
            var options = new OptionsWrapper <TemperatureSettings>(new TemperatureSettings
                BasePath = basePath
            var expectedFilePath = basePath + "/01-01-20_temps.csv";
            var mockFileSystem   = new MockFileSystem(new Dictionary <string, MockFileData>
                // { @"expectedFilePath", new MockFileData("Testing is meh.") },
                // { @"c:\demo\jQuery.js", new MockFileData("some js") },
                // { @"c:\demo\image.gif", new MockFileData(new byte[] { 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0xd2 }) }

            var repository        = new TemperatureRepository(options, mockFileSystem, NullLogger <TemperatureRepository> .Instance);
            var temperatureToSave = new Temperature
                dateTime           = new DateTime(2020, 01, 01, 0, 0, 0),
                Humidity           = 45.6,
                InsideTemp         = 21.2,
                OutsideTemp        = 14.3,
                WeatherDescription = "Sunny but cold"

            await repository.SaveTemperature(temperatureToSave);

            var temperatureFile = mockFileSystem.File.ReadLines(expectedFilePath);
            var temperatureLine = temperatureFile.First();
            var expectedLine    = $"{temperatureToSave.dateTime:dd/MM/yy HH:mm:ss},{temperatureToSave.InsideTemp},{temperatureToSave.Humidity},{temperatureToSave.OutsideTemp},{temperatureToSave.WeatherDescription}";

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedLine, temperatureLine);
예제 #18
 public TemperatureController(IConfiguration config)
     _model = new TemperatureRepository(config);
예제 #19
 public TemperatureService(TemperatureRepository repository) : base(repository)
예제 #20
        public async Task <IEnumerable <TemperatureAvgYearly> > GetTemperatureAvgYearly(string sensorName)
            var repo = new TemperatureRepository();

            return(await repo.GetTemperatureAvgYearly(sensorName));
예제 #21
        public void ObterHistoricoTemperaturasCidadesInexistente()
            var repo = new TemperatureRepository(config);

            repo.GetByDate((TestContext.Properties["TemperaturaSemCidade"] as Temperature), DateTime.Now);
 public TemperatureController()
     _temperatureRepository = new TemperatureRepository();