예제 #1
 //Event handler on click of fahrenheit to celcius button
 protected void ftocButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
         //Creating an instance of temperature conversion service
         TemperatureConversionService.Service1Client tempConversionService = new TemperatureConversionService.Service1Client();
         //Getting the converted Service value from the service method
         int coverted = tempConversionService.convertFToC(int.Parse(inputText.Value.ToString()));
         //Setting the label to the converted value
         convertedTemp.Text = coverted.ToString();
     //Catching the exception when an invalid value is entered
     catch (Exception ex)
         convertedTemp.Text = "Enter Integer Values";
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int celsius, fahrenheit;
            //TempConversionService.WebService serviceObj = new TempConversionService.WebService();
            TemperatureConversionService.Service1Client serviceObj = new TemperatureConversionService.Service1Client();

            Console.WriteLine("Enter 1 to convert Celcius Temperature to Fahrenheit Temperatrue");
            Console.WriteLine("Enter 2 to convert Fahrenheit Temperatrue to Celcius Temperature");
            Console.WriteLine("Enter 3 to Exit");
            int selectedOption = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                switch (selectedOption)
                    case 1:
                            Console.WriteLine("\nEnter the temperature in Celsius");
                            celsius = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                            fahrenheit = serviceObj.c2f(celsius);
                            Console.WriteLine("Temperature in Fahrenheit is: " + fahrenheit);
                    case 2:
                            Console.WriteLine("\nEnter the temperature in Fahrenheit");
                            fahrenheit = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                            celsius = serviceObj.f2c(fahrenheit);
                            Console.WriteLine("Temperature in Celsius is: " + celsius);
                    case 3:
                            Console.WriteLine("\nYou Entered value other than 1,2,3 Which are invalid. Please try again");
                Console.WriteLine("\nEnter 1 or 2 to use this app again");
                Console.WriteLine("Enter 3 to Exit");
                selectedOption = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());