/// <summary>
        /// Collects a limited set of subtrees hanging from the specified node and performs a local treelet rebuild using a bottom-up agglomerative approach.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nodeIndex">Root of the refinement treelet.</param>
        /// <param name="nodesInvalidated">True if the refinement process invalidated node pointers, false otherwise.</param>
        public unsafe void AgglomerativeRefine(int nodeIndex, ref QuickList <int> spareNodes, out bool nodesInvalidated)
            var maximumSubtrees = ChildrenCapacity * ChildrenCapacity;
            var poolIndex       = BufferPool <int> .GetPoolIndex(maximumSubtrees);

            var   subtrees             = new QuickList <int>(BufferPools <int> .Thread, poolIndex);
            var   treeletInternalNodes = new QuickList <int>(BufferPools <int> .Thread, poolIndex);
            float originalTreeletCost;
            var   entries = stackalloc SubtreeHeapEntry[maximumSubtrees];

            CollectSubtrees(nodeIndex, maximumSubtrees, entries, ref subtrees, ref treeletInternalNodes, out originalTreeletCost);

            //We're going to create a little binary tree via agglomeration, and then we'll collapse it into an n-ary tree.
            //Note the size: we first put every possible subtree in, so subtrees.Count.
            //Then, we add up subtrees.Count - 1 internal nodes without removing earlier slots.
            int tempNodesCapacity = subtrees.Count * 2 - 1;

            var tempNodes              = stackalloc TempNode[tempNodesCapacity];
            int tempNodeCount          = subtrees.Count;
            int remainingNodesCapacity = subtrees.Count;

            var remainingNodes      = stackalloc int[remainingNodesCapacity];
            int remainingNodesCount = subtrees.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < subtrees.Count; ++i)
                var tempNode = tempNodes + i;
                tempNode->A = Encode(i);
                if (subtrees.Elements[i] >= 0)
                    //It's an internal node, so look at the parent.
                    var subtreeNode = nodes + subtrees.Elements[i];

                    tempNode->BoundingBox = (&nodes[subtreeNode->Parent].A)[subtreeNode->IndexInParent];
                    tempNode->LeafCount   = (&nodes[subtreeNode->Parent].LeafCountA)[subtreeNode->IndexInParent];
                    //It's a leaf node, so grab the bounding box from the owning node.
                    var leafIndex  = Encode(subtrees.Elements[i]);
                    var leaf       = leaves + leafIndex;
                    var parentNode = nodes + leaf->NodeIndex;
                    tempNode->BoundingBox = (&parentNode->A)[leaf->ChildIndex];
                    tempNode->LeafCount   = 1;

                //Add a reference to the remaining list.
                remainingNodes[i] = i;

            while (remainingNodesCount >= 2)
                //Determine which pair of subtrees has the smallest cost.
                //(Smallest absolute cost is used instead of *increase* in cost because absolute tends to move bigger objects up the tree, which is desirable.)
                float bestCost = float.MaxValue;
                int   bestA = 0, bestB = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < remainingNodesCount; ++i)
                    for (int j = i + 1; j < remainingNodesCount; ++j)
                        var         nodeIndexA = remainingNodes[i];
                        var         nodeIndexB = remainingNodes[j];
                        BoundingBox merged;
                        BoundingBox.Merge(ref tempNodes[nodeIndexA].BoundingBox, ref tempNodes[nodeIndexB].BoundingBox, out merged);
                        var cost = ComputeBoundsMetric(ref merged);
                        if (cost < bestCost)
                            bestCost = cost;
                            bestA    = i;
                            bestB    = j;
                    //Create a new temp node based on the best pair.
                    TempNode newTempNode;
                    newTempNode.A = remainingNodes[bestA];
                    newTempNode.B = remainingNodes[bestB];
                    //Remerging here may or may not be faster than repeatedly caching 'best' candidates from above. It is a really, really cheap operation, after all, apart from cache issues.
                    BoundingBox.Merge(ref tempNodes[newTempNode.A].BoundingBox, ref tempNodes[newTempNode.B].BoundingBox, out newTempNode.BoundingBox);
                    newTempNode.LeafCount = tempNodes[newTempNode.A].LeafCount + tempNodes[newTempNode.B].LeafCount;

                    //Remove the best options from the list.
                    //BestA is always lower than bestB, so remove bestB first to avoid corrupting bestA index.
                    TempNode.FastRemoveAt(bestB, remainingNodes, ref remainingNodesCount);
                    TempNode.FastRemoveAt(bestA, remainingNodes, ref remainingNodesCount);

                    //Add the reference to the new node.
                    var newIndex = TempNode.Add(ref newTempNode, tempNodes, ref tempNodeCount);
                    remainingNodes[remainingNodesCount++] = newIndex;

            //The 2-ary proto-treelet is ready.
            //Collapse it into an n-ary tree.
            const int collapseCount = ChildrenCapacity == 32 ? 4 : ChildrenCapacity == 16 ? 3 : ChildrenCapacity == 8 ? 2 : ChildrenCapacity == 4 ? 1 : 0;

            //Remember: All positive indices in the tempnodes array refer to other temp nodes: they are internal references. Encoded references point back to indices in the subtrees list.

            Debug.Assert(remainingNodesCount == 1);
            int parent        = nodes[nodeIndex].Parent;
            int indexInParent = nodes[nodeIndex].IndexInParent;

            var   stagingNodeCapacity = maximumSubtrees - 1;
            var   stagingNodes        = stackalloc Node[maximumSubtrees - 1];
            int   stagingNodeCount    = 0;
            float newTreeletCost;
            var   stagingRootIndex = BuildStagingChild(parent, indexInParent, tempNodes, tempNodeCount - 1, collapseCount, stagingNodes, ref stagingNodeCount, out newTreeletCost);

            Debug.Assert(stagingNodeCount < stagingNodeCapacity);

            if (newTreeletCost < originalTreeletCost)
                //The refinement is an actual improvement.
                //Apply the staged nodes to real nodes!
                int nextInternalNodeIndexToUse = 0;
                ReifyStagingNodes(nodeIndex, stagingNodes, ref subtrees, ref treeletInternalNodes, ref nextInternalNodeIndexToUse, ref spareNodes, out nodesInvalidated);
                //If any nodes are left over, put them into the spares list for later reuse.
                for (int i = nextInternalNodeIndexToUse; i < treeletInternalNodes.Count; ++i)
                nodesInvalidated = false;

예제 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// 分析节点,将分析结果添加到指定缓存节点
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="node"></param>
 /// <param name="memberName"></param>
 /// <param name="path"></param>
 /// <param name="temp"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private void Analysis(XmlNode node, string memberName, string path, TempNode temp)
     if (node.ChildNodes.Count == 0)
     else if (node.ChildNodes.Count == 1)
         XmlNode line = node.FirstChild;
         if (line.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text)
             temp.Add(Combine(path, 0), line);
         else if (Enum.TryParse(line.Name, out ElementType type))
             if (ElementType.Skip.HasFlag(type) || ElementType.Insert.HasFlag(type))
             else if (ElementType.Separate.HasFlag(type))
                 Analysis(line, memberName, Combine(path, 0), temp);
         int           index = 0;
         StringBuilder textBuilder = new StringBuilder();
         bool          check = false;
         string        nodeValue, nodeCheck;
         int           startIndex = -1;
         int           length     = 0;
         for (int i = 0; i < node.ChildNodes.Count; i++)
             if (node.ChildNodes[i].NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text)
                 if (startIndex == -1)
                     startIndex = i;
                 nodeValue = node.ChildNodes[i].Value;
                 nodeCheck = nodeValue;
                 check = check || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(nodeCheck);
             else if (Enum.TryParse(node.ChildNodes[i].Name, out ElementType type))
                 if (ElementType.Insert.HasFlag(type))
                     if (startIndex == -1)
                         startIndex = i;
                     nodeValue = node.ChildNodes[i].OuterXml;
                     nodeCheck = node.ChildNodes[i].InnerText;
                     check = check || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(nodeCheck);
                 else if (ElementType.Skip.HasFlag(type))
                     if (check)
                         temp.Add(Combine(path, index), node, startIndex, length);
                     startIndex = -1;
                     length     = 0;
                     check = false;
                 else if (ElementType.Separate.HasFlag(type))
                     if (check)
                         temp.Add(Combine(path, index++), node, startIndex, length);
                     startIndex = -1;
                     length     = 0;
                     check = false;
                     Analysis(node.ChildNodes[i], memberName, Combine(path, index++), temp);
         if (check)
             temp.Add(Combine(path, index++), node, startIndex, length);