async Task RegistryUpdater(CancellationToken cancel, Telemetry.ITelemetryCollector telemetryCollector, bool skipWaiting) { try { tracer.Info("pluggable protocol registration updater started"); if (!skipWaiting) { await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15), cancel).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false); tracer.Info("waited enough. waking up"); } if (!TestRegEntries()) { var exePath = Application.ExecutablePath; if (IsGoodExeToRegister(exePath)) { UpdateRegEntries(exePath); } } } catch (TaskCanceledException) { } catch (Exception e) { telemetryCollector.ReportException(e, "failed to register pluggable protocol"); } }
public MonoChecker( Presenters.MainForm.IPresenter mainWindow, Presenters.IAlertPopup alerts, Telemetry.ITelemetryCollector telemetryCollector, Presenters.IShellOpen shellOpen ) { mainWindow.Loaded += (sender, evt) => { try { CheckMono(); } catch (Exception ex) { telemetryCollector.ReportException(ex, "mono checking"); if (alerts.ShowPopup( "Error", $"Required mono framework v{minMonoVersion}+ is not found on your system. " + "The program will terminate. " + "Do you want to start mono download before termination?", Presenters.AlertFlags.YesNoCancel ) == Presenters.AlertFlags.Yes) { shellOpen.OpenInWebBrowser( new Uri("")); } Environment.Exit(1); } }; }
public PluginsManager( IApplication entryPoint, UI.Presenters.MainForm.IPresenter mainFormPresenter, Telemetry.ITelemetryCollector telemetry, IShutdown shutdown) { this.tracer = new LJTraceSource("Extensibility", "plugins-mgr"); this.entryPoint = entryPoint; this.mainFormPresenter = mainFormPresenter; InitPlugins(telemetry); RegisterInteropClasses(); LoadTabExtensions(); mainFormPresenter.TabChanging += (sender, e) => { var ext = e.CustomTabTag as IMainFormTabExtension; if (ext == null) { return; } try { ext.OnTabPageSelected(); } catch (Exception ex) { telemetry.ReportException(ex, "activation of plugin tab: " + ext.Caption); tracer.Error(ex, "Failed to activate extension tab"); } }; shutdown.Cleanup += (s, e) => Dispose(); }
static IReadOnlyList <IPluginInfo> MakePluginInfoList( IPluginsIndex index, ImmutableArray <IPluginManifest> installedPluginsManifests, Telemetry.ITelemetryCollector telemetryCollector ) { Dictionary <string, PluginInfo> map = new Dictionary <string, PluginInfo>(); var installedPluginsMap = installedPluginsManifests.ToLookup(p => p.Id); foreach (var indexedPlugin in index.Plugins) { map[indexedPlugin.Id] = new PluginInfo { id = indexedPlugin.Id, version = indexedPlugin.Version, name = indexedPlugin.Name, description = indexedPlugin.Description, indexItem = indexedPlugin, installedPluginManifest = installedPluginsMap[indexedPlugin.Id].FirstOrDefault(), dependenciesIds = indexedPlugin.Dependencies, }; } installedPluginsManifests .Where(installedPlugin => !map.ContainsKey(installedPlugin.Id)) .Select(installedPlugin => new PluginInfo { id = installedPlugin.Id, version = installedPlugin.Version, name = installedPlugin.Name, description = installedPlugin.Description, indexItem = null, installedPluginManifest = installedPlugin, dependenciesIds = installedPlugin.Dependencies }) .ToList() .ForEach(p => map[] = p); foreach (var p in map.Values.ToArray()) { var deps = p.dependenciesIds.Select(depId => { bool resolved = map.TryGetValue(depId, out var dep); return(resolved, depId, dep); }).ToArray(); var unresolvedDeps = deps.Where(d => !d.resolved).Select(d => d.depId).ToArray(); if (unresolvedDeps.Length > 0) { telemetryCollector.ReportException(new Exception("Bad plug-ins index"), $"Plug-in {} depends on non-indexed plug-in(s) {string.Join(",", unresolvedDeps)}"); } var resolvedDeps = deps.Where(d => d.resolved).Select(d => d.dep).ToList(); p.dependencies = resolvedDeps.AsReadOnly(); resolvedDeps.ForEach(d => d.dependants = d.dependants.Add(p)); } return(ImmutableArray.CreateRange(map.Values)); }
async void AwaitWorker() { try { await worker; } catch (Exception e) { telemetryCollector.ReportException(e, "search worker"); } }
Task INavigationManager.NavigateView(Func <CancellationToken, Task> navigate) { bool wasInProgress = false; if (currentNavigationTask != null) { wasInProgress = true; currentNavigationTaskCancellation.Cancel(); currentNavigationTask = null; } var taskId = ++currentNavigationTaskId; currentNavigationTaskCancellation = new CancellationTokenSource(); Func <Task> wrapper = async() => { // todo: have perf op for navigation tracer.Info("nav begin {0} ", taskId); var cancellation = currentNavigationTaskCancellation.Token; try { await navigate(cancellation); } catch (OperationCanceledException) { throw; // fail navigation task with same exception. don't telemetrize it. } catch (Exception e) { telemetry.ReportException(e, "LogViewer navigation"); throw; } finally { tracer.Info("nav end {0}{1}", taskId, cancellation.IsCancellationRequested ? " (cancelled)" : ""); if (taskId == currentNavigationTaskId && currentNavigationTask != null) { currentNavigationTask = null; changeNotification.Post(); } } }; var tmp = wrapper(); if (!tmp.IsCompleted) { currentNavigationTask = tmp; } if (wasInProgress != (currentNavigationTask != null)) { changeNotification.Post(); } return(tmp); }
void IViewEvents.OnTabPageSelected() { try { EnsureInitialized(); RefreshView(); } catch (Exception e) { telemetry.ReportException(e, "postprocessors tab page activation failed"); } }
private async void AwaitWorker() { try { await worker; } catch (SearchCancelledException) { } catch (Exception e) { telemetryCollector.ReportException(e, "search worker"); } }
async void AwaitWorker() { try { await workerTask; } catch (Exception e) { telemetryCollector.ReportException(e, "search all occurences"); } finally { parent.OnResultCompleted(this); } }
private PluginsIndex(XDocument doc, string etag, Telemetry.ITelemetryCollector telemetryCollector) { this.etag = etag; var tmp = new Dictionary <string, Item>(); foreach (var pluginNode in doc.Elements("plugins").Elements("plugin")) { var id = pluginNode.Element("id")?.Value; var versionStr = pluginNode.Element("version")?.Value; var name = pluginNode.Element("name")?.Value; var platform = pluginNode.Element("platform")?.Value; var locationStr = pluginNode.Element("location")?.Value; var description = pluginNode.Element("description")?.Value; var pluginEtag = pluginNode.Element("etag")?.Value; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(platform) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(pluginEtag) || !Uri.TryCreate(locationStr ?? "", UriKind.Absolute, out var location) || !Version.TryParse(versionStr, out var version)) { telemetryCollector.ReportException(new Exception("Bad entry in plug-ins index"), pluginNode.ToString()); continue; } string thisPlatform = #if WIN "win"; #elif MONOMAC "mac"; #else "<unk>"; #endif if (thisPlatform != platform) { continue; } tmp[id] = new Item { id = id, version = version, name = name, description = description ?? "", location = location, etag = pluginEtag, dependencies = ImmutableArray.CreateRange(pluginNode.Elements("dependency").Select(d => d.Value)) }; } this.items = ImmutableArray.CreateRange(tmp.Values); }
void OnTabPageSelected(bool selected) { changeNotification.Active = selected; if (!selected) { return; } try { EnsureInitialized(); RefreshView(); } catch (Exception e) { telemetry.ReportException(e, "postprocessors tab page activation failed"); } }
async Task Worker() { try { await Task.Delay(Constants.initialWorkerDelay, workerCancellationToken); HandlePastUpdates(workerCancellationToken); SetState(AutoUpdateState.Idle); for (;;) { var appUpdateInfoFileContent = UpdateInfoFileContent.Read(updateInfoFilePath); var installationUpdateKey = factory.CreateUpdateKey( appUpdateInfoFileContent.BinariesETag, pluginsManager.InstalledPlugins.ToDictionary( p => p.Id, p => UpdateInfoFileContent.Read(Path.Combine(p.PluginDirectory, Constants.updateInfoFileName)).BinariesETag ) ); SetLastUpdateCheckInfo(appUpdateInfoFileContent); await IdleUntilItsTimeToCheckForUpdate(appUpdateInfoFileContent.LastCheckTimestamp); SetState(AutoUpdateState.Checking); var appCheckResult = await CheckForUpdate(appUpdateInfoFileContent.BinariesETag); if (appCheckResult.Status == DownloadUpdateResult.StatusCode.Failure) { continue; } var requiredPlugins = await GetRequiredPlugins(pluginsManager, workerCancellationToken); var requiredUpdateKey = factory.CreateUpdateKey( appCheckResult.ETag, requiredPlugins.ToDictionary(p => p.Id, p => p.IndexItem.ETag) ); var nullUpdateKey = factory.CreateNullUpdateKey(); bool requiredUpdateIsSameAsAlreadyInstalled = requiredUpdateKey.Equals(installationUpdateKey); trace.Info("Comparing required update key '{0}' with already installed '{1}': {2}", requiredUpdateKey, installationUpdateKey, requiredUpdateIsSameAsAlreadyInstalled); if (requiredUpdateIsSameAsAlreadyInstalled) { requiredUpdateKey = nullUpdateKey; } if (!requiredUpdateKey.Equals(currentPendingUpdate?.Key ?? nullUpdateKey)) { if (currentPendingUpdate != null) { await currentPendingUpdate.Dispose(); currentPendingUpdate = null; } if (!requiredUpdateKey.Equals(nullUpdateKey)) { currentPendingUpdate = await factory.CreatePendingUpdate( requiredPlugins, managedAssembliesPath, ComposeUpdateLogFileName(), workerCancellationToken ); trace.Info("Created new pending update with key '{0}'", currentPendingUpdate.Key); } } if (currentPendingUpdate != null) { SetState(AutoUpdateState.WaitingRestart); } else { SetState(AutoUpdateState.Idle); } } } catch (TaskCanceledException) { trace.Info("autoupdater worker cancelled"); } catch (OperationCanceledException) { trace.Info("autoupdater worker cancelled"); } catch (BadInstallationDirException e) { trace.Error(e, "bad installation directory detected"); SetState(AutoUpdateState.FailedDueToBadInstallationDirectory); throw; } catch (Exception e) { trace.Error(e, "autoupdater worker failed"); SetState(AutoUpdateState.Failed); telemetry.ReportException(e, "autoupdater worker"); throw; } }
private void InitPlugins(Telemetry.ITelemetryCollector telemetry) { using (tracer.NewFrame) { string thisPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); tracer.Info("plugins directory: {0}", thisPath); foreach (string pluginPath in Directory.GetFiles(thisPath, "*.plugin.dll")) { tracer.Info("---> plugin found {0}", pluginPath); Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); Assembly pluginAsm; try { pluginAsm = Assembly.LoadFrom(pluginPath); } catch (Exception e) { tracer.Error(e, "failed to load plugin"); telemetry.ReportException(e, "loading pluging " + pluginPath); continue; } var loadTime = sw.Elapsed; Type pluginType = pluginAsm.GetType("LogJoint.Plugin"); if (pluginType == null) { tracer.Warning("plugin class not found in plugin assembly"); continue; } if (!typeof(PluginBase).IsAssignableFrom(pluginType)) { tracer.Warning("plugin class doesn't inherit PluginBase"); continue; } sw.Restart(); PluginBase plugin; try { plugin = (PluginBase)Activator.CreateInstance(pluginType); } catch (Exception e) { tracer.Error(e, "failed to create an instance of plugin"); telemetry.ReportException(e, "creation of plugin " + pluginPath); continue; } var instantiationTime = sw.Elapsed; sw.Restart(); try { plugin.Init(entryPoint); } catch (Exception e) { plugin.Dispose(); tracer.Error(e, "failed to init an instance of plugin"); telemetry.ReportException(e, "initializtion of plugin " + pluginPath); continue; } var initTime = sw.Elapsed; tracer.Info("plugin {0} accepted. times: loading={1}, instantiation={2}, initialization={3}", Path.GetFileName(pluginPath), loadTime, instantiationTime, initTime); plugins.Add(plugin); } } }