public ActionResult LogOff() { var test = User.Identity.Name; Teckraft.Data.Sql.InitiativeHubFinalEntities DbContext = new Teckraft.Data.Sql.InitiativeHubFinalEntities(); var userprofile = DbContext.UserProfiles.FirstOrDefault(it => it.UserName.ToLower() == test.ToLower()); var curSession = DbContext.CurrentUserSessions.FirstOrDefault(it => it.UserId == userprofile.UserId); if (curSession != null) { DbContext.CurrentUserSessions.Remove(curSession); } DbContext.SaveChanges(); Response.Cookies["ASP.NET_SessionId"].Value = string.Empty; Response.Cookies["ASP.NET_SessionId"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-2); //Delete the cookie //return Redirect("http://localhost:8052/account/LogOff?wa=wsignout1.0"); WebSecurity.Logout(); Session.Abandon(); return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); }
public DbActionResult <UserWiseColumnName> Post(UserWiseColumnName items) { var result = new DbActionResult <UserWiseColumnName>(); try { var data = items; using (var dbcontext = new Teckraft.Data.Sql.InitiativeHubFinalEntities()) { // foreach (var i in data) { var chap = dbcontext.ChapterMasters.FirstOrDefault(it => it.ChapterNameFromSystem == data.chapterName); if (chap != null) { data.ChapterId = chap.Id; } var existingList = dbcontext.UserWiseColumnNames.FirstOrDefault(it => it.UserId == data.UserId && it.ChapterId == data.ChapterId); if (existingList != null) { //dbcontext.UserWiseColumnNames.Remove(existingList); existingList.ChapterId = data.ChapterId; existingList.UserId = data.UserId; existingList.chapternamedisplay = data.chapternamedisplay; existingList.chapterOwner = data.chapterOwner; existingList.ID_Category = data.ID_Category; existingList.id_comments = data.id_comments; existingList.id_data_load_date = data.id_data_load_date; existingList.id_dept = data.id_dept; existingList.ID_Issue_Detail1 = data.ID_Issue_Detail1; existingList.id_location = data.id_location; existingList.ID_Logged_Date = data.ID_Logged_Date; existingList.id_pending_with_email = data.id_pending_with_email; existingList.id_pending_with_name = data.id_pending_with_name; existingList.id_reported_by_email = data.id_reported_by_email; existingList.id_reported_by_name = data.id_reported_by_name; existingList.id_request = data.id_request; existingList.id_status = data.id_status; existingList.ID_Target_Date = data.ID_Target_Date; existingList.id_tat_status = data.id_tat_status; existingList.pendingSince = data.pendingSince; existingList.title = data.title; existingList.UserId = _userservice.GetCurrentUser().Id; existingList.RUB = _userservice.GetCurrentUser().Id; existingList.RUT = DateTime.Now; dbcontext.SaveChanges(); } else { dbcontext.UserWiseColumnNames.Add(new Teckraft.Data.Sql.UserWiseColumnName() { ChapterId = data.ChapterId, UserId = _userservice.GetCurrentUser().Id, chapternamedisplay = data.chapternamedisplay, chapterOwner = data.chapterOwner, ID_Category = data.ID_Category, id_comments = data.id_comments, id_data_load_date = data.id_data_load_date, id_dept = data.id_dept, ID_Issue_Detail1 = data.ID_Issue_Detail1, id_location = data.id_location, ID_Logged_Date = data.ID_Logged_Date, id_pending_with_email = data.id_pending_with_email, id_pending_with_name = data.id_pending_with_name, id_reported_by_email = data.id_reported_by_email, id_reported_by_name = data.id_reported_by_name, id_request = data.id_request, id_status = data.id_status, ID_Target_Date = data.ID_Target_Date, id_tat_status = data.id_tat_status, pendingSince = data.pendingSince, title = data.title, RCT = DateTime.Now, RCB = _userservice.GetCurrentUser().Id, }); } dbcontext.SaveChanges(); result.Success = true; result.Message = "Comments added successfully "; } } catch (Exception ex) { result.Success = false; result.Message = "Unable to Save Record!"; result.Exception = ex; } return(result); }
public ActionResult Login(LoginModel model, string returnUrl) { ViewBag.multipleLogin = "******"; if (Settings.EnableOTP) { TestOTPWebService.WebServiceSoapClient objOTP = new TestOTPWebService.WebServiceSoapClient(); string uname = model.UserName; string pass = model.Password; string[] emailRegex = { "-", "<", ">", ";", "'" }; for (var i = 0; i < emailRegex.Length; i++) { if (model.UserName != null) { model.UserName = model.UserName.Replace(emailRegex[i], " "); } if (model.Password != null) { model.Password = model.Password.Replace(emailRegex[i], " "); } } string appName = "SSOEMP"; string appCode = "SSOEMP"; var result = objOTP.Login(Encryptdata(uname), Encryptdata(pass), Encryptdata(appName), Encryptdata(appCode)); if (WebSecurity.IsAccountLockedOut(model.UserName, 5, 100)) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Account is locked due to multiple failed login attempts."); } else if (WebSecurity.IsConfirmed(model.UserName) == false) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Account disabled"); } else if (ModelState.IsValid && result) { FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(model.UserName, false); var usr = WebSecurity.GetUserId(model.UserName); Teckraft.Data.Sql.InitiativeHubFinalEntities DbContext = new Teckraft.Data.Sql.InitiativeHubFinalEntities(); var dt = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-22); foreach (var item in DbContext.CurrentUserSessions.Where(it => it.UserId == usr && it.RCT < dt)) { DbContext.CurrentUserSessions.Remove(item); } DbContext.SaveChanges(); var curSession = DbContext.CurrentUserSessions.FirstOrDefault(it => it.UserId == usr); if (curSession != null && !model.ForcefullLogout) { ViewBag.multipleLogin = "******"; ModelState.AddModelError("", "Mutiple login not allowed"); WebSecurity.Logout(); } else { if (curSession != null) { System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Application[curSession.SessionId] = null; DbContext.CurrentUserSessions.Remove(curSession); } DbContext.CurrentUserSessions.Add(new Teckraft.Data.Sql.CurrentUserSession() { UserId = usr, RCT = DateTime.Now, SessionId = Session.SessionID }); DbContext.SaveChanges(); Session["sessionid"] = Session.SessionID; System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Application[Session.SessionID.ToString()] = Session.SessionID; return(RedirectToLocal(returnUrl)); } } else { if (WebSecurity.UserExists(model.UserName) && !WebSecurity.IsConfirmed(model.UserName)) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Your account has been blocked. Please contact SSO admin."); } else { ModelState.AddModelError("", "The user name or password provided is incorrect."); } } } else { string[] emailRegex = { "-", "<", ">", ";", "'" }; for (var i = 0; i < emailRegex.Length; i++) { if (model.UserName != null) { model.UserName = model.UserName.Replace(emailRegex[i], " "); } if (model.Password != null) { model.Password = model.Password.Replace(emailRegex[i], " "); } } if (WebSecurity.IsAccountLockedOut(model.UserName, 5, 100)) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Account is locked due to multiple failed login attempts."); } else if (ModelState.IsValid && WebSecurity.Login(model.UserName, model.Password, persistCookie: model.RememberMe)) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(returnUrl)) { // returnUrl = "/"; } FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(model.UserName, false); var usr = WebSecurity.GetUserId(model.UserName); Teckraft.Data.Sql.InitiativeHubFinalEntities DbContext = new Teckraft.Data.Sql.InitiativeHubFinalEntities(); var dt = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-22); foreach (var item in DbContext.CurrentUserSessions.Where(it => it.UserId == usr && it.RCT < dt)) { DbContext.CurrentUserSessions.Remove(item); } DbContext.SaveChanges(); var curSession = DbContext.CurrentUserSessions.FirstOrDefault(it => it.UserId == usr); if (curSession != null && !model.ForcefullLogout) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Mutiple login not allowed"); ViewBag.multipleLogin = "******"; WebSecurity.Logout(); } else { if (curSession != null) { System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Application[curSession.SessionId] = null; DbContext.CurrentUserSessions.Remove(curSession); } DbContext.CurrentUserSessions.Add(new Teckraft.Data.Sql.CurrentUserSession() { UserId = usr, RCT = DateTime.Now, SessionId = Session.SessionID }); DbContext.SaveChanges(); Session["sessionid"] = Session.SessionID; System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Application[Session.SessionID.ToString()] = Session.SessionID; Session["ASP.NET_SessionId"] = Session.SessionID; Response.Cookies["ASP.NET_SessionId"].Value = Session.SessionID; Response.Cookies["LogOutState"].Value = "false"; return(RedirectToLocal(returnUrl)); } } else { if (WebSecurity.UserExists(model.UserName) && !WebSecurity.IsConfirmed(model.UserName)) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Your account has been blocked. Please contact SSO admin."); } else { ModelState.AddModelError("", "The user name or password provided is incorrect."); } } } // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form return(View(model)); }
public ActionResult Loginnew(string UserName) { //string decUserName = Decryptdata(UserName); LoginModel model = new LoginModel(); //model.UserName = decUserName; model.UserName = UserName; // model.Password = Password; string returnUrl = null; ViewBag.multipleLogin = "******"; //if (Settings.EnableOTP) //{ // string constrSSO = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["OTPConnectionString"].ConnectionString; // string Password = ""; // using (SqlConnection con1 = new SqlConnection(constrSSO)) // { // using (SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand()) // { // cmd1.CommandText = "GetPassword"; // cmd1.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; // cmd1.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserName", UserName); // cmd1.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ApplnName", "SSOEMP"); // cmd1.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ApplnCode", "SSOEMP"); // con1.Open(); // cmd1.Connection = con1; // DataTable dt = new DataTable(); // SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(); // da.SelectCommand = cmd1; // da.Fill(dt); // foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) // { // Password = row["password"].ToString(); // } // } // } // if (Password != "") // { // model.Password = Password; // } // TestOTPWebService.WebServiceSoapClient objOTP = new TestOTPWebService.WebServiceSoapClient(); // string uname = model.UserName; // string pass = model.Password; // string[] emailRegex = { "-", "<", ">", ";", "'" }; // for (var i = 0; i < emailRegex.Length; i++) // { // if (model.UserName != null) // model.UserName = model.UserName.Replace(emailRegex[i], " "); // if (model.Password != null) // model.Password = model.Password.Replace(emailRegex[i], " "); // } // string appName = "SSOEMP"; // string appCode = "SSOEMP"; // var result = objOTP.Login(Encryptdata(uname), Encryptdata(pass), Encryptdata(appName), Encryptdata(appCode)); // if (WebSecurity.IsAccountLockedOut(model.UserName, 5, 100)) // { // ModelState.AddModelError("", "Account is locked due to multiple failed login attempts."); // } // else if (WebSecurity.IsConfirmed(model.UserName) == false) // { // ModelState.AddModelError("", "Account disabled"); // } // else if (ModelState.IsValid && result) // { // FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(model.UserName, false); // var usr = WebSecurity.GetUserId(model.UserName); // Teckraft.Data.Sql.InitiativeHubFinalEntities DbContext = new Teckraft.Data.Sql.InitiativeHubFinalEntities(); // var dt = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-22); // foreach (var item in DbContext.CurrentUserSessions.Where(it => it.UserId == usr && it.RCT < dt)) // { // DbContext.CurrentUserSessions.Remove(item); // } // DbContext.SaveChanges(); // var curSession = DbContext.CurrentUserSessions.FirstOrDefault(it => it.UserId == usr); // if (curSession != null && !model.ForcefullLogout) // { // ViewBag.multipleLogin = "******"; // ModelState.AddModelError("", "Mutiple login not allowed"); // WebSecurity.Logout(); // } // else // { // if (curSession != null) // { // System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Application[curSession.SessionId] = null; // DbContext.CurrentUserSessions.Remove(curSession); // } // DbContext.CurrentUserSessions.Add(new Teckraft.Data.Sql.CurrentUserSession() { UserId = usr, RCT = DateTime.Now, SessionId = Session.SessionID }); // DbContext.SaveChanges(); // Session["sessionid"] = Session.SessionID; // System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Application[Session.SessionID.ToString()] = Session.SessionID; // return RedirectToLocal(returnUrl); // } // } // else // { // if (WebSecurity.UserExists(model.UserName) && !WebSecurity.IsConfirmed(model.UserName)) // { // ModelState.AddModelError("", "Your account has been blocked. Please contact SSO admin."); // } // else // ModelState.AddModelError("", "The user name or password provided is incorrect."); // } //} // else // { model.Password = "******"; string[] emailRegex = { "-", "<", ">", ";", "'" }; for (var i = 0; i < emailRegex.Length; i++) { if (model.UserName != null) { model.UserName = model.UserName.Replace(emailRegex[i], " "); } if (model.Password != null) { model.Password = model.Password.Replace(emailRegex[i], " "); } } if (WebSecurity.IsAccountLockedOut(model.UserName, 5, 100)) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Account is locked due to multiple failed login attempts."); } else if (ModelState.IsValid && WebSecurity.Login(model.UserName, model.Password, persistCookie: model.RememberMe)) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(returnUrl)) { // returnUrl = "/"; } FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(model.UserName, false); var usr = WebSecurity.GetUserId(model.UserName); Teckraft.Data.Sql.InitiativeHubFinalEntities DbContext = new Teckraft.Data.Sql.InitiativeHubFinalEntities(); var dt = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-22); foreach (var item in DbContext.CurrentUserSessions.Where(it => it.UserId == usr && it.RCT < dt)) { DbContext.CurrentUserSessions.Remove(item); } DbContext.SaveChanges(); var curSession = DbContext.CurrentUserSessions.FirstOrDefault(it => it.UserId == usr); //if (curSession != null && !model.ForcefullLogout) //{ // ModelState.AddModelError("", "Mutiple login not allowed"); // ViewBag.multipleLogin = "******"; // WebSecurity.Logout(); //} //else //{ if (curSession != null) { System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Application[curSession.SessionId] = null; DbContext.CurrentUserSessions.Remove(curSession); } DbContext.CurrentUserSessions.Add(new Teckraft.Data.Sql.CurrentUserSession() { UserId = usr, RCT = DateTime.Now, SessionId = Session.SessionID }); DbContext.SaveChanges(); Session["sessionid"] = Session.SessionID; System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Application[Session.SessionID.ToString()] = Session.SessionID; Session["ASP.NET_SessionId"] = Session.SessionID; Response.Cookies["ASP.NET_SessionId"].Value = Session.SessionID; Response.Cookies["LogOutState"].Value = "false"; return(RedirectToLocal(returnUrl)); //} } else { if (WebSecurity.UserExists(model.UserName) && !WebSecurity.IsConfirmed(model.UserName)) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Your account has been blocked. Please contact SSO admin."); } else { ModelState.AddModelError("", "The user name or password provided is incorrect."); } } //} // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form return(View(model)); }