public string UpdateTeam_Organizations(Team_Organizations To) { var Re = context.Team_Organization.FirstOrDefault(d => d.TO_Id == To.TO_Id); if (Re != null) { Re.TO_Name = To.TO_Name; Re.TO_Unversity = To.TO_Unversity; Re.TO_Create_Person = To.TO_Create_Person; Re.TO_CreateTime = To.TO_CreateTime; Re.TO_PersonStudyNumber = To.TO_PersonStudyNumber; Re.TO_Signature = To.TO_Signature; Re.TO_State = To.TO_State; Re.TO_Image = To.TO_Image; Re.To_Star = To.To_Star; try { context.SaveChanges(); return("Success"); } catch (Exception) { return("error"); } } else { return("该用户不存在"); } }
public int AddTeam_Organizations(Team_Organizations to) { var To = new Team_Organizations() { TO_Name = to.TO_Name, TO_Unversity = to.TO_Unversity, TO_Create_Person = to.TO_Create_Person, TO_CreateTime = to.TO_CreateTime, TO_Signature = to.TO_Signature, TO_State = to.TO_State, TO_PersonStudyNumber = to.TO_PersonStudyNumber, TO_Image = to.TO_Image, To_Star = to.To_Star }; context.Set <Team_Organizations>().Add(To); try { context.SaveChanges(); return(To.TO_Id); } catch (Exception) { return(0); } }
protected void submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["UserCount_Someone"] == null || Session["UserCount_Someone"].ToString() == "") { Response.Write("<script>alert('请先登录')</script>"); Response.Redirect("login.aspx"); } else if (teamname.Text == "" || cologename.Text == "" || cologenumber.Text == "") { Response.Write("<script>alert('请填写正确的信息')</script>"); } else if (cto.GetTO_number(Session["UserCount_Someone"].ToString()) > 3) { Response.Write("<script>alert('你已经超过建立社团的上限')</script>"); } else { var TO = new Team_Organizations() { TO_Name = teamname.Text, TO_Unversity = cologename.Text, TO_PersonStudyNumber = cologenumber.Text, TO_Signature = teaminstraction.Text, TO_CreateTime = DateTime.Now, TO_Create_Person = Session["UserCount_Someone"].ToString(), TO_State = "available", To_Star = 0 }; int message = apm.AddTeam_Organizations(TO); if (message != 0) { try { string pho = Session["UserCount_Someone"].ToString(); var xx = context.User_Counts.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Users_Phone == pho); if (xx != null) { xx.Users_CreateTO = xx.Users_CreateTO + message.ToString() + ","; context.SaveChanges(); Response.Write("<script>alert('success')</script>"); } } catch (Exception) { Response.Write("<script>alert('将社团ID添加至用户表出错')</script>"); } } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('" + message + "')</script>"); } } }
public string RemoveTeam_Organizations(Team_Organizations to) { var To = context.Team_Organization.FirstOrDefault(p => p.TO_Id == to.TO_Id); if (To != null) { try { context.Team_Organization.Remove(To); context.SaveChanges(); return("该社团已经被删除"); } catch (Exception) { return("删除失败"); } } else { return("社团不存在"); } }