예제 #1
        public static void StoreItem(Profile p, Thing t)
            if ((Network.isActive && t is RagdollPart) || t is TrappedDuck)
            if (t is WeightBall)
                t = (t as WeightBall).collar;
            StoredItem item = GetStoredItem(p);

            System.Type type = t.GetType();
            if (item.type != type || item.type == typeof(RagdollPart) || (t is TeamHat && item.thing is TeamHat && (t as TeamHat).team != (item.thing as TeamHat).team))
                Thing newThing;
                if (t is RagdollPart)
                    if (item.thing != null && item.thing is SpriteThing && (item.thing as SpriteThing).persona == (t as RagdollPart)._persona)
                    newThing = new SpriteThing(0f, 0f, (t as RagdollPart)._persona.defaultHead);
                    (newThing as SpriteThing).persona = (t as RagdollPart)._persona;
                    newThing = (System.Activator.CreateInstance(type, Editor.GetConstructorParameters(type)) as Thing);
                if (newThing is TeamHat)
                    TeamHat hat      = newThing as TeamHat;
                    TeamHat otherHat = t as TeamHat;
                    hat.sprite       = otherHat.sprite.CloneMap();
                    hat.graphic      = hat.sprite;
                    hat.pickupSprite = otherHat.pickupSprite.Clone();
                    hat.team         = otherHat.team;
                else if (newThing.graphic == null)
                    newThing.graphic = t.graphic.Clone();
                item.sprite = newThing.GetEditorImage(0, 0, true, _grayscaleEffect, null);
                if (t is RagdollPart)
                    item.sprite.centerx += 2f;
                    item.sprite.centery += 4f;
                item.type  = type;
                item.thing = newThing;
                SFX.Play("scanBeep", 1f, 0f, 0f, false);
예제 #2
파일: DittoHat.cs 프로젝트: Edopad/EdoMod
        public override void Quack(float volume, float pitch)
            base.Quack(volume, pitch);
            if (_copiesleft-- > 0 || infcopies)
                Level.Add(new DittoHat(x, y, team));
            //SFX.Play(Mod.GetPath<EdoMod>("SFX\\airhorn_long"), volume, pitch);
            //for(Duck ducks in Level.current.)

            IEnumerable <Thing> ducks = Level.current.things[typeof(Duck)];
            Duck  cd      = this.equippedDuck; //closest duck
            float mindist = 100000f;           //current min. distance

            foreach (Duck d in ducks)
                if (d == this.equippedDuck)
                if (!(d.hat is TeamHat))
                float cdist = new Vec2(cd.position - d.position).length;
                if (cdist <= 1f)
                if (cdist < mindist)
                    cd      = d;
                    mindist = cdist;
            //replace current hat
            if (cd == this.equippedDuck)

            TeamHat h = new TeamHat(0f, 0f, this.team);

            if (cd.hat is TeamHat)
                h = new TeamHat(this.x, this.y, (cd.hat as TeamHat).team);
            EdoMain.instance.ReplaceHat(this, h);
예제 #3
 public override void SpawnItem()
     if (this.lastSpawnItem != null)
         TeamHat hat        = this.lastSpawnItem as TeamHat;
         TeamHat contextHat = this._contextThing as TeamHat;
         if (hat != null && contextHat != null)
             hat.sprite       = contextHat.sprite.CloneMap();
             hat.graphic      = hat.sprite;
             hat.team         = contextHat.team;
             hat.pickupSprite = contextHat.pickupSprite.Clone();
     this.lastSpawnItem = null;
예제 #4
파일: TurbanData.cs 프로젝트: Edopad/EdoMod
        public static Turban findHat(TeamHat th)
            TurbanData td = find(th.sprite.texture.textureIndex);

            if (td != null)
                return(new Turban(th.x, th.y, th.team));

             * foreach (TurbanData td in turbans)
             * {
             *  if (td.isHat(th)) return new Turban(th.x, th.y, th.team);
             *      //return new Turban(th.x, th.y, th.team, td);
             * }
             * return null;*/
예제 #5
        private void SpawnCape(TeamHat teamHat, Tex2D capeTexture, bool glitch = false)
            if (teamHat == null ||
                teamSpawnsDone.ContainsKey(teamHat) ||
                Level.current == null)
                // || !(Level.current is GameLevel
                // || Level.current is Editor
                // || Level.current is TeamSelect2))

            Cape cape = new Cape(teamHat.x, teamHat.y, teamHat);

            cape._capeTexture = capeTexture;
            teamSpawnsDone.Add(teamHat, cape);
예제 #6
        public void ReplaceHat(TeamHat teamHat, TeamHat newHat)
            if (teamHat == null ||
                teamSpawnsDone.ContainsKey(teamHat) ||
                Level.current == null
                //|| !(Level.current is GameLevel
                //|| Level.current is Editor
                // || Level.current is TeamSelect2))
                //throw new Exception("DUCKZ!" + Level.current.ToString());

            //throw new Exception("Attempted to replace a hat! " + teamHat.team.hat.texture.textureName);

            if (teamHat.isServerForObject)
                Duck d = teamHat.equippedDuck;
                if (d != null)
                    d.Equip(newHat, false);

                    TeamSelect2 lobby = Level.current as TeamSelect2;
                    if (lobby != null)
                        ProfileBox2 box = lobby.GetBox(d.PlayerIndex());
                        box._hatSelector.hat = newHat;
            teamSpawnsDone.Add(teamHat, null);
예제 #7
 public static bool isHat(TeamHat teamHat)
     return(teamHat.sprite.texture.textureIndex == texindex && !(teamHat is EdoHat));
예제 #8
파일: TurbanData.cs 프로젝트: Edopad/EdoMod
 public bool isHat(TeamHat th)
     return(th.sprite.texture.textureIndex == _texid && !(th is EdoHat));
예제 #9
파일: TurbanData.cs 프로젝트: Edopad/EdoMod
 //combination of ishat and gethat
 public Turban getHat(TeamHat th, float x, float y, Team t)
     return(isHat(th) ? new Turban(x, y, t) : null);
예제 #10
        public static void Initialize()
            RockScoreboard rockScore = (RockScoreboard)Level.current;

             * FieldInfo matchesPlayed = globaldatatype.GetField("matchesPlayed", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
             * FieldInfo longestMatchPlayed = globaldatatype.GetField("longestMatchPlayed", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
             * FieldInfo onlineWins = globaldatatype.GetField("onlineWins", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
             * FieldInfo winsAsSwack = globaldatatype.GetField("winsAsSwack", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);

            MethodInfo globalWinMatch = type.GetMethod("WinMatch", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);

            Type pedestal = ass.GetType("DuckGame.Pedestal");

            Type ginormoboard = ass.GetType("DuckGame.GinormoBoard");

            Type boardmode  = ass.GetType("DuckGame.BoardMode");
            var  boardmode1 = boardmode.GetField("Wins", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(null);
            var  boardmode2 = boardmode.GetField("Points", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(null);

            Type         music          = ass.GetType("DuckGame.Music");
            PropertyInfo musicvolume    = music.GetProperty("volume", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
            MethodInfo   musicvolumeset = musicvolume.GetSetMethod();
            MethodInfo   musicplay      = music.GetMethod("Play", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, null, new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(bool), typeof(float) }, null);

            Type    options           = ass.GetType("DuckGame.Options");
            var     optionsdata       = options.GetField("_data", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(null);
            Type    optionsdatavolume = ass.GetType("DuckGame.OptionsData");
            dynamic ayylmao           = optionsdatavolume.GetProperty("musicVolume", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(optionsdata);

            FieldInfo didSkip = ass.GetType("DuckGame.HighlightLevel").GetField("didSkip", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);

            Type distancemarker = ass.GetType("DuckGame.DistanceMarker");

            FieldInfo _inputsField = inputtype.GetField("_inputs", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
            dynamic   _inputs      = _inputsField.GetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard);

            FieldInfo _afterHighlightsField = inputtype.GetField("_afterHighlights", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
            dynamic   _afterHighlights      = _afterHighlightsField.GetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard);

            FieldInfo _skipFadeField = inputtype.GetField("_skipFade", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
            dynamic   _skipFade      = _skipFadeField.GetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard);

            FieldInfo _weatherField = inputtype.GetField("_weather", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
            dynamic   _weather      = _weatherField.GetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard);

            FieldInfo _sunshineField  = inputtype.GetField("_sunshineTarget", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
            dynamic   _sunshineTarget = _sunshineField.GetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard);

            FieldInfo _screenField  = inputtype.GetField("_screenTarget", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
            dynamic   _screenTarget = _screenField.GetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard);

            FieldInfo _pixelField  = inputtype.GetField("_pixelTarget", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
            dynamic   _pixelTarget = _pixelField.GetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard);

            FieldInfo _sunLayerField = inputtype.GetField("_sunLayer", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
            dynamic   _sunLayer      = _sunLayerField.GetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard);

            FieldInfo sunThingField = inputtype.GetField("sunThing", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
            dynamic   sunThing      = sunThingField.GetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard);

            FieldInfo rainbowThingField = inputtype.GetField("rainbowThing", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
            dynamic   rainbowThing      = rainbowThingField.GetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard);

            FieldInfo rainbowThing2Field = inputtype.GetField("rainbowThing2", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
            dynamic   rainbowThing2      = rainbowThing2Field.GetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard);

            FieldInfo _crowdField = inputtype.GetField("_crowd", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
            dynamic   _crowd      = _crowdField.GetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard);

            FieldInfo _fieldField = inputtype.GetField("_field", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
            dynamic   _field      = _fieldField.GetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard);

            FieldInfo _bleacherSeatsField = inputtype.GetField("_bleacherSeats", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
            dynamic   _bleacherSeats      = _bleacherSeatsField.GetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard);

            FieldInfo _bleachersField = inputtype.GetField("_bleachers", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
            dynamic   _bleachers      = _bleachersField.GetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard);

            FieldInfo _intermissionTextField = inputtype.GetField("_intermissionText", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
            dynamic   _intermissionText      = _intermissionTextField.GetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard);

            FieldInfo _winnerPostField = inputtype.GetField("_winnerPost", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
            dynamic   _winnerPost      = _winnerPostField.GetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard);

            FieldInfo _winnerBannerField = inputtype.GetField("_winnerBanner", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
            dynamic   _winnerBanner      = _winnerBannerField.GetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard);

            FieldInfo _fontField = inputtype.GetField("_font", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
            dynamic   _font      = _fontField.GetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard);

            FieldInfo _modeField = inputtype.GetField("_mode", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
            dynamic   _mode      = _modeField.GetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard);

            FieldInfo _intermissionSlideField = inputtype.GetField("_intermissionSlide", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
            dynamic   _intermissionSlide      = _intermissionSlideField.GetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard);

            FieldInfo _tieField = inputtype.GetField("_tie", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
            dynamic   _tie      = _tieField.GetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard);

            FieldInfo _highestSlotField = inputtype.GetField("_highestSlot", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
            dynamic   _highestSlot      = _highestSlotField.GetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard);

            FieldInfo _fieldWidthField = inputtype.GetField("_fieldWidth", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
            dynamic   _fieldWidth      = _fieldWidthField.GetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard);

            FieldInfo _matchOverField = inputtype.GetField("_matchOver", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
            dynamic   _matchOver      = _matchOverField.GetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard);

            FieldInfo _winningTeamField = inputtype.GetField("_winningTeam", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
            dynamic   _winningTeam      = _winningTeamField.GetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard);

            FieldInfo _stateField = inputtype.GetField("_state", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
            dynamic   _state      = _stateField.GetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard);

            FieldInfo _scoreBoardField = inputtype.GetField("_scoreBoard", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
            dynamic   _scoreBoard      = _scoreBoardField.GetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard);

            FieldInfo _wallField = inputtype.GetField("_wall", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
            dynamic   _wall      = _wallField.GetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard);

            FieldInfo _fieldForegroundField = inputtype.GetField("_fieldForeground", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
            dynamic   _fieldForeground      = _fieldForegroundField.GetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard);

            FieldInfo _fieldForeground2Field = inputtype.GetField("_fieldForeground2", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
            dynamic   _fieldForeground2      = _fieldForeground2Field.GetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard);

            FieldInfo _bottomRightField = typeof(Level).GetField("_bottomRight", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
            dynamic   _bottomRight      = _bottomRightField.GetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard);

            if (Network.isActive && Network.isServer)
                int num = 0;
                foreach (Profile profile in DuckNetwork.profiles)
                    if (profile.connection != null)
                        InputObject inputObject = new InputObject();
                        inputObject.profileNumber = (sbyte)num;
            didSkip.SetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard, false);
            if (_afterHighlights)
                _skipFade = true;
            _weather = new RockWeather(Level.current as RockScoreboard);
            for (int index = 0; index < 350; ++index)
            if (RockScoreboard._sunEnabled)
                float num = 9f / 16f;
                _sunshineTarget = new RenderTarget2D(DuckGame.Graphics.width / 12, (int)((double)DuckGame.Graphics.width * (double)num) / 12, false);
                _screenTarget   = new RenderTarget2D(DuckGame.Graphics.width, (int)((double)DuckGame.Graphics.width * (double)num), false);
                _pixelTarget    = new RenderTarget2D(160, (int)(320.0 * (double)num / 2.0), false);
                _sunLayer       = new Layer("SUN LAYER", 99999, (Camera)null, false, new Vec2());
                Thing thing = (Thing) new SpriteThing(150f, 120f, new Sprite("sun", 0.0f, 0.0f));
                thing.z               = -9999f;
                thing.depth           = -0.99f;
                thing.layer           = _sunLayer;
                thing.xscale          = 1f;
                thing.yscale          = 1f;
                thing.collisionSize   = new Vec2(1f, 1f);
                thing.collisionOffset = new Vec2(0.0f, 0.0f);
                sunThing = thing;
                SpriteThing spriteThing1 = new SpriteThing(150f, 80f, new Sprite("rainbow", 0.0f, 0.0f));
                spriteThing1.alpha           = 0.15f;
                spriteThing1.z               = -9999f;
                spriteThing1.depth           = -0.99f;
                spriteThing1.layer           = _sunLayer;
                spriteThing1.xscale          = 1f;
                spriteThing1.yscale          = 1f;
                spriteThing1.color           = new Color(100, 100, 100);
                spriteThing1.collisionSize   = new Vec2(1f, 1f);
                spriteThing1.collisionOffset = new Vec2(0.0f, 0.0f);
                rainbowThing         = (Thing)spriteThing1;
                rainbowThing.visible = false;
                SpriteThing spriteThing2 = new SpriteThing(150f, 80f, new Sprite("rainbow", 0.0f, 0.0f));
                spriteThing2.z               = -9999f;
                spriteThing2.depth           = -0.99f;
                spriteThing2.layer           = _sunLayer;
                spriteThing2.xscale          = 1f;
                spriteThing2.yscale          = 1f;
                spriteThing2.color           = new Color((int)byte.MaxValue, (int)byte.MaxValue, (int)byte.MaxValue, 90);
                spriteThing2.collisionSize   = new Vec2(1f, 1f);
                spriteThing2.collisionOffset = new Vec2(0.0f, 0.0f);
                rainbowThing2         = (Thing)spriteThing2;
                rainbowThing2.visible = false;
            List <Team> allRandomized = Teams.allRandomized;

            if (RockScoreboard.returnLevel == null && !Network.isActive)
                allRandomized[0].Join(Profiles.DefaultPlayer1, true);
                allRandomized[1].Join(Profiles.DefaultPlayer2, true);
                allRandomized[0].score = 10;
                allRandomized[1].score = 2;
                Teams.Player3.score    = 3;
                Teams.Player4.score    = 4;
            _crowd = new Crowd();
            Crowd.mood = Mood.Calm;
            _field     = new FieldBackground("FIELD", 9999);
            _bleacherSeats    = new Sprite("bleacherSeats", 0.0f, 0.0f);
            _bleachers        = RockWeather.weather != Weather.Snowing ? new Sprite("bleacherBack", 0.0f, 0.0f) : new Sprite("bleacherBackSnow", 0.0f, 0.0f);
            _bleachers.center = new Vec2((float)(_bleachers.w / 2), (float)(_bleachers.height - 3));
            _intermissionText = new Sprite("rockThrow/intermission", 0.0f, 0.0f);
            _winnerPost       = new Sprite("rockThrow/winnerPost", 0.0f, 0.0f);
            _winnerBanner     = new Sprite("rockThrow/winnerBanner", 0.0f, 0.0f);
            _font             = new BitmapFont("biosFont", 8, -1);
            List <Team> teamList1 = new List <Team>();

            foreach (Team team in Teams.all)
                if (team.activeProfiles.Count > 0)
            foreach (Team team in teamList1)
                team.rockScore = team.score;
                if (RockScoreboard.wallMode)
                    team.score = Math.Min(team.score, GameMode.winsPerSet);
            if (_mode == ScoreBoardMode.ShowScores)
                _intermissionSlide     = 1f;
                DuckGame.Graphics.fade = 1f;
                Layer.Game.fade        = 0.0f;
                Layer.Background.fade  = 0.0f;
                int           num1       = 0;
                Stack <Depth> depthStack = new Stack <Depth>();
                for (int index = 0; index < 8; ++index)
                    depthStack.Push(new Depth((float)index * 0.02f));
                int num2 = 0;
                foreach (Team team in teamList1)
                    Depth depth = depthStack.Pop();
                    float num3  = 223f;
                    float ypos  = 0.0f;
                    float num4  = 26f;
                    if (num1 == 1)
                        num4 = 24f;
                    else if (num1 == 2)
                        num4 = 27f;
                    else if (num1 == 3)
                        num4 = 32f;
                    float num5 = (float)(158.0 - num1 * num4);
                    int   prevScoreboardScore = team.prevScoreboardScore;
                    int   num6 = GameMode.winsPerSet * 2;
                    int   num7 = team.score;
                    if (RockScoreboard.wallMode && num7 > GameMode.winsPerSet)
                        num7 = GameMode.winsPerSet;
                    rockScore._slots.Add(new Slot3D());
                    if (num7 >= GameMode.winsPerSet && num7 == num2)
                        _tie = true;
                    else if (num7 >= GameMode.winsPerSet && num7 > num2)
                        _tie         = false;
                        num2         = num7;
                        _highestSlot = rockScore._slots[rockScore._slots.Count - 1];
                    List <Profile> profileList = new List <Profile>();
                    Profile        profile1    = (Profile)null;
                    bool           flag        = false;
                    foreach (Profile activeProfile in team.activeProfiles)
                        if (flag)
                            profile1 = activeProfile;
                            flag     = false;
                        if (activeProfile.wasRockThrower)
                            activeProfile.wasRockThrower = false;
                            flag = true;
                    if (profile1 == null)
                        profile1 = team.activeProfiles[0];
                    profileList.Insert(0, profile1);
                    profile1.wasRockThrower = true;
                    byte num8 = (byte)(rockScore._slots.Count - 1);
                    int  num9 = 0;
                    foreach (Profile profile2 in profileList)
                        if (profile2 == profile1)
                            rockScore._slots[(int)num8].duck = (Duck) new RockThrowDuck(num3 - (float)(num9 * 10), ypos - 16f, profile2);
                            rockScore._slots[(int)num8].duck.planeOfExistence = num8;
                            rockScore._slots[(int)num8].duck.ignoreGhosting   = true;
                            rockScore._slots[(int)num8].duck.forceMindControl = true;
                            rockScore._slots[(int)num8].duck.connection = DuckNetwork.localConnection;
                            TeamHat equipment = rockScore._slots[rockScore._slots.Count - 1].duck.GetEquipment(typeof(TeamHat)) as TeamHat;
                            if (equipment != null)
                                equipment.ignoreGhosting = true;
                            rockScore._slots[rockScore._slots.Count - 1].duck.z     = num5;
                            rockScore._slots[rockScore._slots.Count - 1].duck.depth = depth;
                            rockScore._slots[rockScore._slots.Count - 1].ai         = new DuckAI(profile2.inputProfile);
                            if (Network.isActive && profile2.connection != DuckNetwork.localConnection)
                                rockScore._slots[rockScore._slots.Count - 1].ai._manualQuack = rockScore.GetNetInput((sbyte)profile2.networkIndex);
                            rockScore._slots[rockScore._slots.Count - 1].duck.derpMindControl = false;
                            rockScore._slots[rockScore._slots.Count - 1].duck.mindControl     = (InputProfile)rockScore._slots[rockScore._slots.Count - 1].ai;
                            rockScore._slots[rockScore._slots.Count - 1].rock = new ScoreRock((float)((double)num3 + 18.0 + (double)prevScoreboardScore / (double)num6 * (double)_fieldWidth), ypos, profile2);
                            rockScore._slots[rockScore._slots.Count - 1].rock.planeOfExistence = num8;
                            rockScore._slots[rockScore._slots.Count - 1].rock.ignoreGhosting   = true;
                            Level.Add((Thing)rockScore._slots[rockScore._slots.Count - 1].rock);
                            rockScore._slots[rockScore._slots.Count - 1].rock.z               = num5;
                            rockScore._slots[rockScore._slots.Count - 1].rock.depth           = rockScore._slots[rockScore._slots.Count - 1].duck.depth + 1;
                            rockScore._slots[rockScore._slots.Count - 1].rock.grounded        = true;
                            rockScore._slots[rockScore._slots.Count - 1].duck.isRockThrowDuck = true;
                            Duck duck = (Duck) new RockThrowDuck(num3 - (float)(num9 * 12), ypos - 16f, profile2);
                            duck.forceMindControl = true;
                            duck.planeOfExistence = num8;
                            duck.ignoreGhosting   = true;
                            duck.depth           = depth;
                            duck.z               = num5;
                            duck.derpMindControl = false;
                            DuckAI duckAi = new DuckAI(profile2.inputProfile);
                            if (Network.isActive && profile2.connection != DuckNetwork.localConnection)
                                duckAi._manualQuack = rockScore.GetNetInput((sbyte)profile2.networkIndex);
                            duck.mindControl     = (InputProfile)duckAi;
                            duck.isRockThrowDuck = true;
                            duck.connection      = DuckNetwork.localConnection;
                            rockScore._slots[rockScore._slots.Count - 1].subDucks.Add(duck);
                            rockScore._slots[rockScore._slots.Count - 1].subAIs.Add(duckAi);
                    rockScore._slots[rockScore._slots.Count - 1].slotIndex = num1;
                    rockScore._slots[rockScore._slots.Count - 1].startX    = num3;
                for (int index = 0; index < 4; ++index)
                    Block block = new Block(-50f, 0.0f, 1200f, 32f, PhysicsMaterial.Default);
                    block.planeOfExistence = (byte)index;
                if (!_tie && num2 > 0)
                    _matchOver = true;
                if (_tie)
                    GameMode.showdown = true;
                if (Teams.active.Count > 1 && !_afterHighlights)
                    setGlobalStat("matchesPlayed", getGlobalStat("matchesPlayed") + 1);
                    //matchesPlayed.SetValue(globaldata, matchesPlayed.GetValue(globaldata) + 1);
                    globalWinMatch.Invoke(null, new Team[] { Teams.winning[0] });
                    if (Network.isActive)
                        foreach (Profile activeProfile in Teams.winning[0].activeProfiles)
                            if (activeProfile.connection == DuckNetwork.localConnection)
                                DuckNetwork.GiveXP("Won Match", 0, 10, 4, 9999999, 9999999, 9999999);
                    if (GameMode.winsPerSet > (int)getGlobalStat("longestMatchPlayed"))
                        setGlobalStat("longestMatchPlayed", getGlobalStat("longestMatchPlayed"));
                    //longestMatchPlayed.SetValue(globaldata, GameMode.winsPerSet);
                _intermissionSlide = 0.0f;
                teamList1.Sort((Comparison <Team>)((a, b) =>
                    if (a.score == b.score)
                    return(a.score >= b.score ? -1 : 1);
                float num1 = (float)(160.0 - (double)(teamList1.Count * 42 / 2) + 21.0);
                foreach (Team team in Teams.all)
                    team.prevScoreboardScore = 0;
                List <List <Team> > source = new List <List <Team> >();
                foreach (Team team in teamList1)
                    int  score = team.score;
                    bool flag  = false;
                    for (int index = 0; index < source.Count; ++index)
                        if (source[index][0].score < score)
                            source.Insert(index, new List <Team>());
                            flag = true;
                        if (source[index][0].score == score)
                            flag = true;
                    if (!flag)
                        source.Add(new List <Team>());
                        source.Last <List <Team> >().Add(team);
                _winningTeam             = teamList1[0];
                rockScore.controlMessage = 1;
                _state     = ScoreBoardState.None;
                Crowd.mood = Mood.Dead;
                bool flag1 = false;
                if (!_afterHighlights)
                    int place = 0;
                    int num2  = 0;
                    foreach (List <Team> teamList2 in source)
                        foreach (Team team in teamList2)
                            Level.Add((Thing)Activator.CreateInstance(pedestal, new object[] { num1 + (num2 * 42), 150f, team, place }));
                    if (_winningTeam.activeProfiles.Count > 1)
                    foreach (Profile activeProfile in _winningTeam.activeProfiles)
                        activeProfile.stats.trophiesSinceLastWin        = activeProfile.stats.trophiesSinceLastWinCounter;
                        activeProfile.stats.trophiesSinceLastWinCounter = 0;
                        if (Network.isActive && activeProfile.connection == DuckNetwork.localConnection && !flag1)
                            flag1 = true;
                            setGlobalStat("onlineWins", getGlobalStat("onlineWins") + 1);
                            //onlineWins.SetValue(globaldata, onlineWins.GetValue(globaldata)+1);
                            if (activeProfile.team.name == "SWACK")
                                setGlobalStat("winsAsSwack", getGlobalStat("winsAsSwack") + 1);
                            //winsAsSwack.SetValue(globaldata, winsAsSwack.GetValue(globaldata) + 1);
                        if (!Network.isActive && activeProfile.team.name == "SWACK")
                            setGlobalStat("winsAsSwack", getGlobalStat("winsAsSwack") + 1);
                        //winsAsSwack.SetValue(globaldata, winsAsSwack.GetValue(globaldata) + 1);
                    foreach (Team team in teamList1)
                        foreach (Profile activeProfile in team.activeProfiles)
                    Main.lastLevel = "";
            _bottomRight          = new Vec2(1000f, 1000f);
            rockScore.lowestPoint = 1000f;
            _scoreBoard           = Activator.CreateInstance(ginormoboard, new object[] { 300f, -320f, _mode == ScoreBoardMode.ShowScores ? boardmode2 : boardmode1 });
            //            _scoreBoard = new GinormoBoard(300f, -320f, _mode == ScoreBoardMode.ShowScores ? boardmode.Points : BoardMode.Wins);
            _scoreBoard.z = -130f;
            rockScore.backgroundColor = new Color(0, 0, 0);
            musicvolumeset.Invoke(null, new object[] { ayylmao });
            if (_mode != ScoreBoardMode.ShowWinner && !_afterHighlights)
                musicplay.Invoke(null, new object[] { "SportsTime", true, 0.0f });

            Level.current.camera.y = 0.0f;
            _field.ypos            = 0.0f;
            Sprite s1 = RockWeather.weather != Weather.Snowing ? (RockWeather.weather != Weather.Raining ? new Sprite("fieldNoise", 0.0f, 0.0f) : new Sprite("fieldNoiseRain", 0.0f, 0.0f)) : new Sprite("fieldNoiseSnow", 0.0f, 0.0f);

            s1.scale = new Vec2(4f, 4f);
            s1.depth = (Depth)0.5f;
            s1.y    -= 16f;
            Sprite s2 = new Sprite("fieldWall", 0.0f, 0.0f);

            s2.scale = new Vec2(4f, 4f);
            s2.depth = (Depth)0.5f;
            s2.y    -= 16f;
            _wall    = new WallLayer("FIELDWALL", 80);
            if (RockScoreboard.wallMode)
            _fieldForeground             = new FieldBackground("FIELDFOREGROUND", 80);
            _fieldForeground.fieldHeight = -13f;
            _fieldForeground2             = new FieldBackground("FIELDFOREGROUND2", 70);
            _fieldForeground2.fieldHeight = -15f;
            if (_mode != ScoreBoardMode.ShowWinner)
                Sprite s3 = new Sprite("rockThrow/chairSeat", 0.0f, 0.0f);
                s3.x     = 300f;
                s3.y     = 20f;
                s3.scale = new Vec2(1.2f, 1.2f);
                Sprite s4 = new Sprite("rockThrow/tableTop", 0.0f, 0.0f);
                s4.x     = 450f;
                s4.y     = 14f;
                s4.scale = new Vec2(1.2f, 1.4f);
                int    num    = -95;
                Sprite spr1   = new Sprite("rockThrow/chairBottomBack", 0.0f, 0.0f);
                Thing  thing1 = (Thing) new SpriteThing(300f, -10f, spr1);
                thing1.center = new Vec2((float)(spr1.w / 2), (float)(spr1.h / 2));
                thing1.z      = (float)(106 + num);
                thing1.depth  = (Depth)0.5f;
                thing1.layer  = Layer.Background;
                Sprite spr2   = new Sprite("rockThrow/chairBottom", 0.0f, 0.0f);
                Thing  thing2 = (Thing) new SpriteThing(300f, -6f, spr2);
                thing2.center = new Vec2((float)(spr2.w / 2), (float)(spr2.h / 2));
                thing2.z      = (float)(120 + num);
                thing2.depth  = (Depth)0.8f;
                thing2.layer  = Layer.Background;
                Sprite spr3   = new Sprite("rockThrow/chairFront", 0.0f, 0.0f);
                Thing  thing3 = (Thing) new SpriteThing(300f, -9f, spr3);
                thing3.center = new Vec2((float)(spr3.w / 2), (float)(spr3.h / 2));
                thing3.z      = (float)(122 + num);
                thing3.depth  = (Depth)0.9f;
                thing3.layer  = Layer.Background;
                Sprite spr4   = new Sprite("rockThrow/tableBottomBack", 0.0f, 0.0f);
                Thing  thing4 = (Thing) new SpriteThing(450f, -7f, spr4);
                thing4.center = new Vec2((float)(spr4.w / 2), (float)(spr4.h / 2));
                thing4.z      = (float)(106 + num);
                thing4.depth  = (Depth)0.5f;
                thing4.layer  = Layer.Background;
                Sprite spr5   = new Sprite("rockThrow/tableBottom", 0.0f, 0.0f);
                Thing  thing5 = (Thing) new SpriteThing(450f, -7f, spr5);
                thing5.center = new Vec2((float)(spr5.w / 2), (float)(spr5.h / 2));
                thing5.z      = (float)(120 + num);
                thing5.depth  = (Depth)0.8f;
                thing5.layer  = Layer.Background;
                Sprite spr6   = new Sprite("rockThrow/keg", 0.0f, 0.0f);
                Thing  thing6 = (Thing) new SpriteThing(460f, -24f, spr6);
                thing6.center = new Vec2((float)(spr6.w / 2), (float)(spr6.h / 2));
                thing6.z      = (float)(120 + num - 4);
                thing6.depth  = -0.4f;
                thing6.layer  = Layer.Game;
                Sprite spr7   = new Sprite("rockThrow/cup", 0.0f, 0.0f);
                Thing  thing7 = (Thing) new SpriteThing(445f, -21f, spr7);
                thing7.center = new Vec2((float)(spr7.w / 2), (float)(spr7.h / 2));
                thing7.z      = (float)(120 + num - 6);
                thing7.depth  = -0.5f;
                thing7.layer  = Layer.Game;
                Sprite spr8   = new Sprite("rockThrow/cup", 0.0f, 0.0f);
                Thing  thing8 = (Thing) new SpriteThing(437f, -20f, spr8);
                thing8.center = new Vec2((float)(spr8.w / 2), (float)(spr8.h / 2));
                thing8.z      = (float)(120 + num);
                thing8.depth  = -0.3f;
                thing8.layer  = Layer.Game;
                Sprite spr9   = new Sprite("rockThrow/cup", 0.0f, 0.0f);
                Thing  thing9 = (Thing) new SpriteThing(472f, -20f, spr9);
                thing9.center       = new Vec2((float)(spr9.w / 2), (float)(spr9.h / 2));
                thing9.z            = (float)(120 + num - 7);
                thing9.depth        = -0.5f;
                thing9.layer        = Layer.Game;
                thing9.angleDegrees = 80f;
            for (int index = 0; index < 3; ++index)
                dynamic distanceMarker = Activator.CreateInstance(distancemarker, new object[] { (float)(230 + index * 175), -25f, (int)Math.Round(index * GameMode.winsPerSet / 2.0) });
                distanceMarker.z     = 0.0f;
                distanceMarker.depth = (Depth)0.34f;
                distanceMarker.layer = Layer.Background;
            Sprite spr = RockWeather.weather != Weather.Snowing ? new Sprite("bleacherBack", 0.0f, 0.0f) : new Sprite("bleacherBackSnow", 0.0f, 0.0f);

            for (int index = 0; index < 24; ++index)
                SpriteThing spriteThing = new SpriteThing((float)(100 + index * (spr.w + 13)), (float)(spr.h + 15), spr);
                spriteThing.center          = new Vec2((float)(spr.w / 2), (float)(spr.h - 1));
                spriteThing.collisionOffset = new Vec2(spriteThing.collisionOffset.x, (float)-spr.h);
                spriteThing.z     = 0.0f;
                spriteThing.depth = (Depth)0.33f;
                spriteThing.layer = Layer.Background;
            SpriteThing spriteThing3 = new SpriteThing(600f, 0.0f, new Sprite("blackSquare", 0.0f, 0.0f));

            spriteThing3.z       = -90f;
            spriteThing3.centery = 7f;
            spriteThing3.depth   = (Depth)0.1f;
            spriteThing3.layer   = Layer.Background;
            spriteThing3.xscale  = 100f;
            spriteThing3.yscale  = 7f;

            _inputsField.SetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard, _inputs);
            _afterHighlightsField.SetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard, _afterHighlights);
            _skipFadeField.SetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard, _skipFade);
            _weatherField.SetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard, _weather);
            _sunshineField.SetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard, _sunshineTarget);
            _screenField.SetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard, _screenTarget);
            _pixelField.SetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard, _pixelTarget);
            _sunLayerField.SetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard, _sunLayer);
            sunThingField.SetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard, sunThing);
            rainbowThingField.SetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard, rainbowThing);
            rainbowThing2Field.SetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard, rainbowThing2);
            _crowdField.SetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard, _crowd);
            _fieldField.SetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard, _field);
            _bleacherSeatsField.SetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard, _bleacherSeats);
            _bleachersField.SetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard, _bleachers);
            _intermissionTextField.SetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard, _intermissionText);
            _winnerPostField.SetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard, _winnerPost);
            _winnerBannerField.SetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard, _winnerBanner);
            _fontField.SetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard, _font);
            _modeField.SetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard, _mode);
            _intermissionSlideField.SetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard, _intermissionSlide);
            _tieField.SetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard, _tie);
            _highestSlotField.SetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard, _highestSlot);
            _fieldWidthField.SetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard, _fieldWidth);
            _matchOverField.SetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard, _matchOver);
            _winningTeamField.SetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard, _winningTeam);
            _stateField.SetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard, _state);
            _scoreBoardField.SetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard, _scoreBoard);
            _wallField.SetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard, _wall);
            _fieldForegroundField.SetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard, _fieldForeground);
            _fieldForeground2Field.SetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard, _fieldForeground2);
            _bottomRightField.SetValue(Level.current as RockScoreboard, _bottomRight);
예제 #11
        public void Update()
            //some basic error checking
            if (Level.current == null ||
                Steam.user == null)

            //fancy SFX replacement. yeah yeah, it's per frame, whatever. deal with it.
            if (ModSettings.enableDangerousInjections)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Tuple <float, string>[]> entry in _sfxr)
                    if (entry.Value.Length > 0)
                        bool changed = false;
                        foreach (Tuple <float, string> val in entry.Value)
                            //no breaking is done intentionally. later entries have priority.
                            if (Rando.Float(0.0f, 1.0f) < val.Item1)
                                _sounds[entry.Key] = _sounds[val.Item2];
                                changed            = true;
                        //if not changed, reset to default
                        if (!changed)
                            _sounds[entry.Key] = _sounds_bak[entry.Key];

            //hat replacement
            if (!(Level.current is Editor))
                IEnumerable <Thing> teamHatList = Level.current.things[typeof(TeamHat)];
                //int nhats = 0;
                foreach (TeamHat teamHat in teamHatList)
                    if (teamHat.team != null && teamHat.team.customData == null && teamHat.team.hasHat)
                        if (!(teamHat is EdoHat))
                            //'Normal' Special Hats
                            if (CensoredHat.isHat(teamHat))
                                ReplaceHat(teamHat, new CensoredHat(teamHat.x, teamHat.y, teamHat.team));
                            if (BreadfishHat.isHat(teamHat))
                                ReplaceHat(teamHat, new BreadfishHat(teamHat.x, teamHat.y, teamHat.team));
                            if (AdsHat.isHat(teamHat))
                                ReplaceHat(teamHat, new AdsHat(teamHat.x, teamHat.y, teamHat.team));
                            if (AndIHat.isHat(teamHat))
                                ReplaceHat(teamHat, new AndIHat(teamHat.x, teamHat.y, teamHat.team));
                            //Special Ability Hats
                            if (NoHat.isHat(teamHat))
                                ReplaceHat(teamHat, new NoHat(teamHat.x, teamHat.y, teamHat.team));
                            if (DittoHat.isHat(teamHat))
                                ReplaceHat(teamHat, new DittoHat(teamHat.x, teamHat.y, teamHat.team));
                            if (BombHat.isHat(teamHat))
                                ReplaceHat(teamHat, new BombHat(teamHat.x, teamHat.y, teamHat.team));
                            if (ChickenHat.isHat(teamHat))
                                ReplaceHat(teamHat, new ChickenHat(teamHat.x, teamHat.y, teamHat.team));
                            if (PiesHat.isHat(teamHat))
                                ReplaceHat(teamHat, new PiesHat(teamHat.x, teamHat.y, teamHat.team));
                            if (FinnerHat.isHat(teamHat))
                                ReplaceHat(teamHat, new FinnerHat(teamHat.x, teamHat.y, teamHat.team));
                            if (DJHat.isHat(teamHat))
                                ReplaceHat(teamHat, new DJHat(teamHat.x, teamHat.y, teamHat.team));
                            //Developer Hats
                            if (DenHat.isHat(teamHat))
                                ReplaceHat(teamHat, new DenHat(teamHat.x, teamHat.y, teamHat.team));
                            if (MilkHat.isHat(teamHat))
                                ReplaceHat(teamHat, new MilkHat(teamHat.x, teamHat.y, teamHat.team));
                            if (UpsideHat.isHat(teamHat))
                                ReplaceHat(teamHat, new UpsideHat(teamHat.x, teamHat.y, teamHat.team));
                            if (TurbanData.find(teamHat.sprite.texture.textureIndex) != null)
                                Turban turban = new Turban(teamHat.x, teamHat.y, teamHat.team);
                                ReplaceHat(teamHat, turban);
                                SpawnCape(turban, new Sprite(Mod.GetPath <EdoMod>("capes\\king")).texture);

                        /*if(!(teamHat is Turban))
                         * {
                         *  Turban turban = TurbanData.findHat(teamHat);
                         *  if (turban != null)
                         *  {
                         *      ReplaceHat(teamHat, turban);
                         *  }
                         *  if (teamHat is Turban)
                         *  {
                         *      SpawnCape(turban, new Sprite(Mod.GetPath<EdoMod>("capes\\king")).texture);
                         *  }
                         * }*/
                List <Thing> removedHats = teamSpawnsDone.Keys.Except(Level.current.things[typeof(TeamHat)]).ToList();
                foreach (Thing thing in removedHats)
                    TeamHat teamHat = thing as TeamHat;
                    if (teamHat != null && teamSpawnsDone.ContainsKey(teamHat))
                        Cape cape;
                        if (teamSpawnsDone.TryGetValue(teamHat, out cape))


                IEnumerable <Thing> ducks = Level.current.things[typeof(Duck)];
                foreach (Duck duck in ducks)
                    if (!duck.grounded && duck.sliding)
                        //Duck target = Level.current.NearestThing<Duck>(duck.position);
                        foreach (Duck target in ducks)
                            //can't target null or self
                            if (target == null || target == duck)
                            //can't kill a dead target
                            if (target.dead)
                            //near to duck && falling down
                            if ((target.position - duck.position).length < 10f && duck.velocity.y > 0)
                                //Performed DIIIVE KICK!
                                SFX.Play(EdoMod.GetPath <EdoMod>("SFX\\DiveKick"));
                                target.Kill(new DTImpact(duck));