예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// You should implement this function, such that all tests will pass.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="courseInstanceID">The ID of the course instance which the teacher will be registered to.</param>
        /// <param name="model">The data which indicates which person should be added as a teacher, and in what role.</param>
        /// <returns>Should return basic information about the person.</returns>
        public PersonDTO AddTeacherToCourse(int courseInstanceID, AddTeacherViewModel model)
            // TODO: implement this logic!
            var course = (from c in _courseInstances.All()
                          where c.ID == courseInstanceID
                          select c).SingleOrDefault();

            if (course == null)
                throw new AppObjectNotFoundException();

            var person = (from p in _persons.All()
                          where p.SSN == model.SSN
                          select new PersonDTO
                Name = p.Name,
                SSN = p.SSN

            if (person == null)
                throw new AppObjectNotFoundException();

            if (model.Type == TeacherType.MainTeacher)
                var mainTeacher = (from t in _teacherRegistrations.All()
                                   where t.CourseInstanceID == courseInstanceID
                                   where t.Type == TeacherType.MainTeacher
                                   select t).SingleOrDefault();

                if (mainTeacher != null)
                    throw new AppValidationException("COURSE_ALREADY_HAS_A_MAIN_TEACHER");

            var teacherRegistration = (from t in _teacherRegistrations.All()
                                       where t.CourseInstanceID == courseInstanceID
                                       where t.SSN == model.SSN
                                       select t).SingleOrDefault();

            if (teacherRegistration != null)
                throw new AppValidationException("PERSON_ALREADY_REGISTERED_TEACHER_IN_COURSE");

            teacherRegistration = new TeacherRegistration()
                CourseInstanceID = courseInstanceID,
                SSN  = model.SSN,
                Type = TeacherType.MainTeacher


예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// You should implement this function, such that all tests will pass.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="courseInstanceID">The ID of the course instance which the teacher will be registered to.</param>
        /// <param name="model">The data which indicates which person should be added as a teacher, and in what role.</param>
        /// <returns>Should return basic information about the person.</returns>
        public PersonDTO AddTeacherToCourse(int courseInstanceID, AddTeacherViewModel model)
            int total = (from tr in _teacherRegistrations.All()
                         where tr.SSN == model.SSN && tr.CourseInstanceID == courseInstanceID
                         select tr).Count();

            // If total is not 0 then this teacher is a teacher in this course already
            if (total == 0)
                TeacherRegistration newRegistration = new TeacherRegistration {
                    SSN = model.SSN,
                    CourseInstanceID = courseInstanceID,
                    Type             = model.Type


                return((from p in _persons.All()
                        where model.SSN == p.SSN
                        select new PersonDTO {
                    SSN = p.SSN,
                    Name = p.Name

        public async Task <IActionResult> Teacher(TeacherRegistration registration)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var user = new ApplicationUser
                    UserName    = registration.Email,
                    Email       = registration.Email,
                    PhoneNumber = registration.PhoneNumber,

                var result = await _userManager.CreateAsync(user, registration.Password);

                if (result.Succeeded)
                    await AssignRoleToTeacherAsync(user, registration);
                    await SaveTeacherToDataBaseAsync(user, registration);

                    TempData["TeacherSaved"] = Constant.Saved;

                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Teachers"));

                foreach (var error in result.Errors)
                    ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, error.Description);
예제 #4
            public Result Handle(TeacherRegistrationCommand command)
                var registration = new TeacherRegistration(command.Token, false, command.Email);

                return(Result.Ok(value: registration.Id));
        public IActionResult Edit(TeacherRegistration entity)
            MongoDBContext dbContext = new MongoDBContext();

            //you can use the UpdateOne to get higher performance if you need.
            dbContext.TeacherRegistrations.ReplaceOne(m => m.Id == entity.Id, entity);

예제 #6
        public void SetTokenStatus_Sets_TokenStatus(bool status)
            var schoolClass = new TeacherRegistration("token", !status, "*****@*****.**");

            // Act

            // Assert
            Assert.That(schoolClass.Used, Is.EqualTo(status));
        public IActionResult Add(TeacherRegistration entity)
            MongoDBContext dbContext = new MongoDBContext();

            entity.Id = Guid.NewGuid();


        /// <summary>
        /// You should implement this function, such that all tests will pass.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="courseInstanceID">The ID of the course instance which the teacher will be registered to.</param>
        /// <param name="model">The data which indicates which person should be added as a teacher, and in what role.</param>
        /// <returns>Should return basic information about the person.</returns>
        public PersonDTO AddTeacherToCourse(int courseInstanceID, AddTeacherViewModel model)
            var course = (from c in _courseInstances.All()
                          where c.ID == courseInstanceID
                          select c).SingleOrDefault();

            if (course == null)
                throw new AppObjectNotFoundException();
            var newTeacher = (from t in _persons.All()
                              where t.SSN == model.SSN
                              select new PersonDTO
                SSN = t.SSN,
                Name = t.Name,

            if (newTeacher == null)
                throw new AppObjectNotFoundException();
            var isTeacherInCourse = (from t in _teacherRegistrations.All()
                                     where t.SSN == newTeacher.SSN &&
                                     t.CourseInstanceID == courseInstanceID
                                     select t).SingleOrDefault();

            if (isTeacherInCourse != null)
                throw new AppValidationException("The teacher is already registered to this course");
            var isThereAMainTeacher = (from t in _teacherRegistrations.All()
                                       where t.CourseInstanceID == courseInstanceID &&
                                       t.Type == TeacherType.MainTeacher
                                       select t).SingleOrDefault();

            if (isThereAMainTeacher != null && model.Type == TeacherType.MainTeacher)
                throw new AppValidationException("There already is a main theacher in this course");
            var teacherEntity = new TeacherRegistration
                SSN = model.SSN,
                CourseInstanceID = courseInstanceID,
                Type             = model.Type


        public async Task SaveTeacherToDataBaseAsync(ApplicationUser user, TeacherRegistration registration)
            var teacher = new Teacher
                FirstName   = registration.FirstName,
                LastName    = registration.LastName,
                Bio         = registration.Bio,
                Address     = registration.Address,
                UserId      = user.Id,
                PhoneNumber = registration.PhoneNumber

            await _context.Teachers.AddAsync(teacher);

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
        public ActionResult AddEditTeacher(TeacherDto model)
            var item = ab.TeacherRegistrations.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Tid == model.Tid);

            if (item == null)
                item = new TeacherRegistration();

            item.TeacherName = model.TeacherName;
            item.TeacherCnic = model.TeacherCnic;
            item.Address     = model.Address;
            item.Email       = model.Email;
            if (model.Password != null)
                item.Password = model.Password;

            var temp = item.Tid;

            if (model.SubjectIds.Count > 0)
                var ListAssign = ab.TeacherAssigns.Where(x => x.TR_FK == model.Tid).ToList();
                if (ListAssign.Count > 0)

                foreach (var item1 in model.SubjectIds)
                    TeacherAssign teacherAssign = new TeacherAssign();
                    teacherAssign.TR_FK = temp;
                    teacherAssign.SS_FK = item1;

예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// You should implement this function, such that all tests will pass.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="courseInstanceID">The ID of the course instance which the teacher will be registered to.</param>
        /// <param name="model">The data which indicates which person should be added as a teacher, and in what role.</param>
        /// <returns>Should return basic information about the person.</returns>
        public PersonDTO AddTeacherToCourse(int courseInstanceID, AddTeacherViewModel model)
            var course = _courseInstances.All().SingleOrDefault(c => c.ID == courseInstanceID);

            if (course == null)
                throw new AppObjectNotFoundException();

            var teacher = _persons.All().SingleOrDefault(t => t.SSN == model.SSN);

            if (teacher == null)
                throw new AppObjectNotFoundException();

            var isCurrentTeacher = _teacherRegistrations.All().SingleOrDefault(tr => tr.CourseInstanceID == courseInstanceID && tr.SSN == model.SSN);

            if (isCurrentTeacher != null)
                throw new AppValidationException("PERSON_ALREADY_REGISTERED_TEACHER_IN_COURSE");

            var currentMainTeacherOfCourse = _teacherRegistrations.All().SingleOrDefault(tr => tr.CourseInstanceID == courseInstanceID && tr.Type == TeacherType.MainTeacher);

            if (currentMainTeacherOfCourse != null)
                throw new AppValidationException("COURSE_ALREADY_HAS_A_MAIN_TEACHER");

            TeacherRegistration teacherRegistration = new TeacherRegistration
                SSN              = model.SSN,
                Type             = model.Type,
                CourseInstanceID = courseInstanceID

            return(new PersonDTO {
                Name = teacher.Name, SSN = teacher.SSN
예제 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// You should implement this function, such that all tests will pass.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="courseInstanceID">The ID of the course instance which the teacher will be registered to.</param>
        /// <param name="model">The data which indicates which person should be added as a teacher, and in what role.</param>
        /// <returns>Should return basic information about the person.</returns>
        public PersonDTO AddTeacherToCourse(int courseInstanceID, AddTeacherViewModel model)
            PersonDTO p = GetPersonBySSn(model.SSN);

            if (p == null)
                throw new AppObjectNotFoundException();
            // TODO: implement this logic!
            CourseInstanceDTO course = GetCourseInstanceByCourseInstanceId(courseInstanceID);

            if (course == null)
                throw new AppObjectNotFoundException();

            if (course.MainTeacher != "")
                throw new AppValidationException("");

            if (course.MainTeacher == "")
                TeacherRegistration tr = new TeacherRegistration {
                    Type             = TeacherType.MainTeacher,
                    SSN              = model.SSN,
                    CourseInstanceID = courseInstanceID


                //var person = GetPersonBySSn(model.SSN);


        public async Task AssignRoleToTeacherAsync(ApplicationUser user, TeacherRegistration registration)
            if (!await _roleManager.RoleExistsAsync(Constant.AdminUser))
                await _roleManager.CreateAsync(new IdentityRole(Constant.AdminUser));

            if (!await _roleManager.RoleExistsAsync(Constant.RegularUser))
                await _roleManager.CreateAsync(new IdentityRole(Constant.RegularUser));

            if (registration.IsAdmin)
                await _userManager.AddToRoleAsync(user, Constant.AdminUser);

                await _userManager.AddToRoleAsync(user, Constant.RegularUser);
예제 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// You should implement this function, such that all tests will pass.
        /// ---
        /// Implemented so that at first we make sure that both course and person exist. If not an AppObjectNotFoundException
        /// is thrown. If both exist, more checks are made to check if we're updating a teacher or adding a new one.
        /// In the case that we're adding a main teacher and there already exists a main teacher, an AppValidationException
        /// is thrown. Also if a teacher is being added that already exists, an AppValidationException is thrown.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="courseInstanceID">The ID of the course instance which the teacher will be registered to.</param>
        /// <param name="model">The data which indicates which person should be added as a teacher, and in what role.</param>
        /// <returns>Should return basic information about the person.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="AppObjectNotFoundException" />
        /// <exception cref="AppValidationException" />

        public PersonDTO AddTeacherToCourse(int courseInstanceID, AddTeacherViewModel model)
            var person = GetPersonBySSNIfExistsNullIfNot(model.SSN);

            if (!CheckIfCourseExists(courseInstanceID) || person == null)
                throw new AppObjectNotFoundException();

            var teachers = (from tr in _teacherRegistrations.All()
                            where tr.CourseInstanceID == courseInstanceID
                            select tr).ToList();

            string mainTeacherSSN       = null;
            TeacherRegistration teacher = null;

            foreach (var t in teachers)
                if (model.Type == TeacherType.MainTeacher && t.Type == TeacherType.MainTeacher)
                    mainTeacherSSN = t.SSN;
                if (model.SSN == t.SSN)
                    teacher = t;

            if (model.Type == TeacherType.MainTeacher)   // Skrá á main teacher
                if (teacher != null)                     // Þessi aðili er skráður sem kennari í þessum kúrs
                    if (mainTeacherSSN != null)          // Skráður er main teacher
                        if (model.SSN != mainTeacherSSN) // Main teacher er ekki sá sami
                            throw new AppValidationException("COURSE_ALREADY_HAS_A_MAIN_TEACHER");
                    else                           // Ekki er skráður main teacher
                        teacher.Type = model.Type; // Teacher type updated
                if (mainTeacherSSN != null)
                    throw new AppValidationException("COURSE_ALREADY_HAS_A_MAIN_TEACHER");
            else // Skrá á (ekki main) kennara
                if (teacher != null)         // Þessi aðili er skráður sem kennari í þessum kúrs
                    if (mainTeacherSSN == null || model.SSN != mainTeacherSSN)
                        throw new AppValidationException("PERSON_ALREADY_REGISTERED_AS_TEACHER_IN_COURSE");
                    teacher.Type = model.Type;         // Teacher type updated

            _teacherRegistrations.Add(new TeacherRegistration
                SSN = model.SSN,
                CourseInstanceID = courseInstanceID,
                Type             = model.Type
