예제 #1
        internal static long EnvSqlTransaction(this TdsPackageReader reader)
            var newTransactionId = 0L;

            if (reader.ReadByte() == 8)
                newTransactionId = reader.ReadInt64();
            if (reader.ReadByte() == 8)
예제 #2
        public static bool SqlDone(this TdsPackageReader reader)
            // status
            // command
            // rowcount (valid only if DONE_COUNT bit is set)
            bool attentionReceived;
            var  status = reader.ReadUInt16();
            var  curCmd = reader.ReadUInt16();
            var  count  = (int)reader.ReadInt64();

            // We get a done token with the attention bit set
            if (TdsEnums.DONE_ATTN == (status & TdsEnums.DONE_ATTN))
                attentionReceived = true;

            //if (cmd != null && TdsEnums.DONE_COUNT == (status & TdsEnums.DONE_COUNT))
            //    if (curCmd != TdsEnums.SELECT) cmd.InternalRecordsAffected = count;
            //    // Skip the bogus DONE counts sent by the server
            //    if (curCmd != TdsEnums.SELECT) cmd.OnStatementCompleted(count);

            // Surface exception for DONE_ERROR in the case we did not receive an error token
            // in the stream, but an error occurred.  In these cases, we throw a general server error.  The
            // situations where this can occur are: an invalid buffer received from client, login error
            // and the server refused our connection, and the case where we are trying to log in but
            // the server has reached its max connection limit.  Bottom line, we need to throw general
            // error in the cases where we did not receive an error token along with the DONE_ERROR.
            if (TdsEnums.DONE_ERROR == (TdsEnums.DONE_ERROR & status))

            // Similar to above, only with a more severe error.  In this case, if we received
            // the done_srverror, this exception will be added to the collection regardless.
            // The server will always break the connection in this case.
            if (TdsEnums.DONE_SRVERROR == (TdsEnums.DONE_SRVERROR & status))

            // stop if the DONE_MORE bit isn't set (see above for attention handling)
            var _pendingData   = false;
            var _hasOpenResult = false;

            if (TdsEnums.DONE_MORE != (status & TdsEnums.DONE_MORE))

            // _pendingData set by e.g. 'TdsExecuteSQLBatch'
            // _hasOpenResult always set to true by 'WriteMarsHeader'
            if (!_pendingData && _hasOpenResult)