예제 #1
        public string AddPbcnetRecords(string delsystem, int leveranceid, int pbsfilesid)
            int      antal;
            int      pbcnetrecords;
            DateTime transmisionsdato;
            int      idlev;
            string   filename;
            string   rec;

            pbcnetrecords = (from h in Program.dbData3060.Tblpbsfile
                             where h.Pbsfilesid == pbsfilesid & (h.Seqnr == 0 | h.Seqnr == 9999)
                             select h).Count();

            if (pbcnetrecords == 0)
                // Find antal records
                antal = (from h in Program.dbData3060.Tblpbsfile
                         where h.Pbsfilesid == pbsfilesid & h.Seqnr != 0 & h.Seqnr != 9999
                         select h).Count();
                transmisionsdato = DateTime.Now;
                idlev            = clsPbs.nextval("idlev");

                Tblpbsfiles rec_pbsfiles = (from h in Program.dbData3060.Tblpbsfiles where h.Id == pbsfilesid select h).First();

                rec = write00(delsystem, transmisionsdato, idlev, leveranceid);
                Tblpbsfile rec_pbsfile = new Tblpbsfile {
                    Seqnr = 0, Data = rec

                rec         = write90(delsystem, transmisionsdato, idlev, leveranceid, antal);
                rec_pbsfile = new Tblpbsfile {
                    Seqnr = 9999, Data = rec


                filename  = "D";
                filename += lpad(String.Format("{0:yyMMdd}", transmisionsdato), 6, '?');
                filename += lpad(idlev, 2, '0');
                filename += ".";
                filename += rpad(delsystem, 3, '_');
                filename = "Unknown";

예제 #2
        public int ReadFraPbsFile()
            string        FraPBSFolderPath;
            DirectoryInfo fld;
            FileStream    ts;
            string        ln;

            Program.memPbsnetdir = null; //opret ny memPbsnetdir
            var rec_regnskab = Program.qryAktivRegnskab();

            FraPBSFolderPath = rec_regnskab.FraPBS;

            fld = new DirectoryInfo(FraPBSFolderPath);
            foreach (FileInfo f in fld.GetFiles())
                recPbsnetdir rec = new recPbsnetdir
                    Type     = 8,
                    Path     = f.Directory.Name,
                    Filename = f.Name,
                    Size     = (int)f.Length,
                    Atime    = f.LastAccessTime,
                    Mtime    = f.LastWriteTime
            var leftqry_pbsnetdir =
                from h in Program.memPbsnetdir
                join d1 in Program.dbData3060.Tblpbsfiles on new { h.Path, h.Filename } equals new { d1.Path, d1.Filename } into details
            from d1 in details.DefaultIfEmpty(new Tblpbsfiles {
                Id = -1, Type = (int?)null, Path = null, Filename = null, Size = (int?)null, Atime = (DateTime?)null, Mtime = (DateTime?)null, Perm = null, Uid = (int?)null, Gid = (int?)null
            where d1.Path == null && d1.Filename == null
            select h;

            int AntalFiler = leftqry_pbsnetdir.Count();

            if (leftqry_pbsnetdir.Count() > 0)
                foreach (var rec_pbsnetdir in leftqry_pbsnetdir)
                    Tblpbsfiles m_rec_pbsfiles = new Tblpbsfiles
                        Type     = rec_pbsnetdir.Type,
                        Path     = rec_pbsnetdir.Path,
                        Filename = rec_pbsnetdir.Filename,
                        Size     = rec_pbsnetdir.Size,
                        Atime    = rec_pbsnetdir.Atime,
                        Mtime    = rec_pbsnetdir.Mtime,
                        Perm     = rec_pbsnetdir.Perm,
                        Uid      = rec_pbsnetdir.Uid,
                        Gid      = rec_pbsnetdir.Gid

                    string varFromFile = FraPBSFolderPath + rec_pbsnetdir.Filename;
                    int    seqnr       = 0;
                    ts = new FileStream(varFromFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.None);
                    ln = null;
                    using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(ts, Encoding.Default))
                        while ((ln = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                            if (((seqnr == 0) && !(ln.Substring(0, 6) == "PBCNET")) || (seqnr > 0))
                            m_rec_pbsfile = new Tblpbsfile
                                Seqnr = seqnr,
                                Data  = ln
                    m_rec_pbsfiles.Transmittime = DateTime.Now;
예제 #3
        public int betalinger_fra_pbs()
            string   rec;
            string   leverancetype;
            string   leverancespecifikation;
            DateTime leverancedannelsesdato;
            string   sektion;
            int      wpbsfilesid;
            int      wleveranceid;
            int      AntalFiler = 0;
            //  wpbsfilesid = 3450  //'--test test
            //  leverancetype = "0602"
            //  sektion = "0211"
            //  rec = "BS0420398564402360000000100000000001231312345678910120310000000012755000000125                         3112031112030000000012755"

            var qrypbsfiles = from h in Program.dbData3060.Tblpbsfiles
                              where h.Pbsforsendelseid == null
                              join d in Program.dbData3060.Tblpbsfile on h.Id equals d.Pbsfilesid
                              where d.Seqnr == 1 && d.Data.Substring(16, 4) == "0602" && d.Data.Substring(0, 2) == "BS"
                              select new
                leverancetype = d.Data.Substring(16, 4),
                delsystem     = d.Data.Substring(13, 3),

            foreach (var rstpbsfiles in qrypbsfiles)
                    wpbsfilesid = rstpbsfiles.Id;
                    leverancetype          = "";
                    sektion                = "";
                    leverancespecifikation = "";

                    var qrypbsfile = from d in Program.dbData3060.Tblpbsfile
                                     where d.Pbsfilesid == wpbsfilesid && d.Data.Substring(0, 6) != "PBCNET"
                                     orderby d.Seqnr
                                     select d;

                    foreach (var rstpbsfile in qrypbsfile)
                        rec = rstpbsfile.Data;
                        // -- Bestem Leverance Type
                        if (rstpbsfile.Seqnr == 1)
                            if ((rec.Substring(0, 5) == "BS002"))
                                // -- Leverance Start
                                leverancetype          = rec.Substring(16, 4);
                                leverancespecifikation = rec.Substring(20, 10);
                                leverancedannelsesdato = DateTime.Parse("20" + rec.Substring(53, 2) + "-" + rec.Substring(51, 2) + "-" + rec.Substring(49, 2));
                                throw new Exception("241 - Første record er ikke en Leverance start record");
                            if ((leverancetype == "0602"))
                                // -- Leverance 0602
                                var antal = (from c in Program.dbData3060.Tblfrapbs
                                             where c.Leverancespecifikation == leverancespecifikation
                                             select c).Count();
                                if (antal > 0)
                                    throw new Exception("242 - Leverance med pbsfilesid: " + wpbsfilesid + " og leverancespecifikation: " + leverancespecifikation + " er indlæst tidligere");

                                wleveranceid         = clsPbs.nextval("leveranceid");
                                m_rec_pbsforsendelse = new Tblpbsforsendelse
                                    Delsystem     = "BS1",
                                    Leverancetype = "0602",
                                    Oprettetaf    = "Bet",
                                    Oprettet      = DateTime.Now,
                                    Leveranceid   = wleveranceid

                                m_rec_frapbs = new Tblfrapbs
                                    Delsystem              = "BS1",
                                    Leverancetype          = "0602",
                                    Leverancespecifikation = leverancespecifikation,
                                    Leverancedannelsesdato = leverancedannelsesdato,
                                    Udtrukket              = DateTime.Now

                                m_rec_pbsfiles = (from c in Program.dbData3060.Tblpbsfiles
                                                  where c.Id == rstpbsfiles.Id
                                                  select c).First();
                        if ((leverancetype == "0602"))
                            // -- Leverance 0602*********
                            // -- Bestem Sektions Type
                            if ((sektion == ""))
                                if ((rec.Substring(0, 5) == "BS012"))
                                    // -- Sektion Start
                                    sektion = rec.Substring(13, 4);
                                else if (!((rec.Substring(0, 5) == "BS992") || (rec.Substring(0, 5) == "BS002")))
                                    throw new Exception("243 - Første record er ikke en Sektions start record");
                            if ((rec.Substring(0, 5) == "BS002"))
                                // -- Leverance start
                                // -- BEHANDL: Leverance start
                            else if ((sektion == "0211"))
                                // -- Sektion 0211 Betalingsinformation
                                if (((rec.Substring(0, 5) == "BS012") &&
                                     (rec.Substring(13, 4) == "0211")))
                                    // -- Sektion Start
                                    // -- BEHANDL: Sektion Start
                                else if (((rec.Substring(0, 5) == "BS042") &&
                                          (rec.Substring(13, 4) == "0236")))
                                    // -- Gennemf?rt automatisk betaling
                                    // -- BEHANDL: Gennemf?rt automatisk betaling
                                    read042(sektion, "0236", rec);
                                else if (((rec.Substring(0, 5) == "BS042") &&
                                          (rec.Substring(13, 4) == "0237")))
                                    // -- Afvist betaling
                                    // -- BEHANDL: Afvist betaling
                                    read042(sektion, "0237", rec);
                                else if (((rec.Substring(0, 5) == "BS042") &&
                                          (rec.Substring(13, 4) == "0238")))
                                    // -- Afmeldt betaling
                                    // -- BEHANDL: Afmeldt betaling
                                    read042(sektion, "0238", rec);
                                else if (((rec.Substring(0, 5) == "BS042") &&
                                          (rec.Substring(13, 4) == "0239")))
                                    // -- Tilbagef?rt betaling
                                    // -- BEHANDL: Tilbagef?rt betaling
                                    read042(sektion, "0239", rec);
                                else if (((rec.Substring(0, 5) == "BS092") &&
                                          (rec.Substring(13, 4) == "0211")))
                                    // -- Sektion S**t
                                    // -- BEHANDL: Sektion S**t
                                    sektion = "";
                                    throw new Exception("244 - Rec# " + rstpbsfile.Seqnr + " ukendt: " + rec);
                            else if ((sektion == "0215"))
                                // -- Sektion 0215 FI-Betalingsinformation
                                if (((rec.Substring(0, 5) == "BS012") &&
                                     (rec.Substring(13, 4) == "0215")))
                                    // -- Sektion Start
                                    // -- BEHANDL: Sektion Start
                                else if (((rec.Substring(0, 5) == "BS042") &&
                                          (rec.Substring(13, 4) == "0297")))
                                    // -- Gennemf?rt FI-betaling
                                    // -- BEHANDL: Gennemf?rt FI-betaling
                                    read042(sektion, "0297", rec);
                                else if (((rec.Substring(0, 5) == "BS042") &&
                                          (rec.Substring(13, 4) == "0299")))
                                    // -- Tilbagef?rt FI-betaling
                                    // -- BEHANDL: Tilbagef?rt FI-betaling
                                    read042(sektion, "0299", rec);
                                else if (((rec.Substring(0, 5) == "BS092") &&
                                          (rec.Substring(13, 4) == "0215")))
                                    // -- Sektion S**t
                                    // -- BEHANDL: Sektion S**t
                                    sektion = "";
                                    throw new Exception("245 - Rec# " + rstpbsfile.Seqnr + " ukendt: " + rec);
                            else if ((rec.Substring(0, 5) == "BS992"))
                                // -- Leverance s**t
                                // -- BEHANDL: Leverance S**t
                                leverancetype = "";
                                throw new Exception("246 - Rec# " + rstpbsfile.Seqnr + " ukendt: " + rec);
                            throw new Exception("247 - Rec# " + rstpbsfile.Seqnr + " ukendt: " + rec);
                    }  // s**t rstpbsfile

                    // -- Update indbetalingsbelob
                    foreach (Tblbet rec_bet in m_rec_frapbs.Tblbet)
                        var SumIndbetalingsbelob = (
                            from c in rec_bet.Tblbetlin
                            group c by c.Betid into g
                            select new { Betid = g.Key, SumIndbetalingsbelob = g.Sum(c => c.Indbetalingsbelob) }

                        rec_bet.Indbetalingsbelob = SumIndbetalingsbelob;
                catch (Exception e)
                    switch (e.Message.Substring(0, 3))
                    case "241":       //241 - Første record er ikke en Leverance start record
                    case "242":       //242 - Leverancen er indlæst tidligere
                    case "243":       //243 - Første record er ikke en Sektions start record
                    case "244":       //244 - Record ukendt
                    case "245":       //245 - Record ukendt
                    case "246":       //246 - Record ukendt
                    case "247":       //247 - Record ukendt

            }  // s**t rstpbsfiles
예제 #4
        public int aftaleoplysninger_fra_pbs()
            int      dummy = 0;
            string   rec;
            string   leverance;
            string   leverancespecifikation;
            DateTime leverancedannelsesdato;
            string   sektion;
            int      wpbsfilesid;
            int      wleveranceid;
            int      AntalFiler = 0;

            var qrypbsfiles = from h in Program.dbData3060.Tblpbsfiles
                              where h.Pbsforsendelseid == null
                              join d in Program.dbData3060.Tblpbsfile on h.Id equals d.Pbsfilesid
                              where d.Seqnr == 1 && d.Data.Substring(16, 4) == "0603" && d.Data.Substring(0, 2) == "BS"
                              select new
                leverancetype = d.Data.Substring(16, 4),
                delsystem     = d.Data.Substring(13, 3),

            int DebugCount = qrypbsfiles.Count();

            foreach (var rstpbsfiles in qrypbsfiles)
                    wpbsfilesid = rstpbsfiles.Id;
                    leverance = "";
                    sektion   = "";
                    leverancespecifikation = "";

                    var qrypbsfile = from d in Program.dbData3060.Tblpbsfile
                                     where d.Pbsfilesid == wpbsfilesid && d.Data.Substring(0, 6) != "PBCNET"
                                     orderby d.Seqnr
                                     select d;

                    foreach (var rstpbsfile in qrypbsfile)
                        rec = rstpbsfile.Data;
                        //  Bestem Leverance Type
                        if (rstpbsfile.Seqnr == 1)
                            if (rec.Substring(0, 5) == "BS002")
                            {  //  Leverance Start
                                leverance = rec.Substring(16, 4);
                                leverancespecifikation = rec.Substring(20, 10);
                                leverancedannelsesdato = DateTime.Parse("20" + rec.Substring(53, 2) + "-" + rec.Substring(51, 2) + "-" + rec.Substring(49, 2));
                                throw new Exception("241 - Første record er ikke en Leverance start record");

                            if (leverance == "0603")
                                // -- Leverance 0603
                                var antal = (from c in Program.dbData3060.Tblfrapbs
                                             where c.Leverancespecifikation == leverancespecifikation
                                             select c).Count();
                                if (antal > 0)
                                    throw new Exception("242 - Leverance med pbsfilesid: " + wpbsfilesid + " og leverancespecifikation: " + leverancespecifikation + " er indlæst tidligere");

                                wleveranceid         = clsPbs.nextval("leveranceid");
                                m_rec_pbsforsendelse = new Tblpbsforsendelse
                                    Delsystem     = "BS1",
                                    Leverancetype = "0603",
                                    Oprettetaf    = "Bet",
                                    Oprettet      = DateTime.Now,
                                    Leveranceid   = wleveranceid

                                m_rec_frapbs = new Tblfrapbs
                                    Delsystem              = "BS1",
                                    Leverancetype          = "0603",
                                    Leverancespecifikation = leverancespecifikation,
                                    Leverancedannelsesdato = leverancedannelsesdato,
                                    Udtrukket              = DateTime.Now

                                m_rec_pbsfiles = (from c in Program.dbData3060.Tblpbsfiles
                                                  where c.Id == rstpbsfiles.Id
                                                  select c).First();

                        if (leverance == "0603")
                        { //  Leverance 0603
                            //  Bestem Sektions Type
                            if (sektion == "")
                                if (rec.Substring(0, 5) == "BS012")
                                {  //  Sektion Start
                                    sektion = rec.Substring(13, 4);
                                    if (!((rec.Substring(0, 5) == "BS992") || (rec.Substring(0, 5) == "BS002")))
                                        throw new Exception("243 - Første record er ikke en Sektions start record");

                            if (rec.Substring(0, 5) == "BS002")
                            {  //  Leverance start
                                //  BEHANDL: Leverance start
                                dummy = 1;
                                // -******************************************************************************************************
                                // -******************************************************************************************************
                            else if (sektion == "0210")
                            {     //  Sektion 0210 Aktive aftaler
                                if ((rec.Substring(0, 5) == "BS012") && (rec.Substring(13, 4) == "0210"))
                                { //  Sektion Start
                                    //  BEHANDL: Sektion Start
                                    dummy = 1;
                                else if ((rec.Substring(0, 5) == "BS042") && (rec.Substring(13, 4) == "0230"))
                                {  //  Aktive aftaler
                                    //  BEHANDL: Aktive aftaler
                                    readaftale042(sektion, "0230", rec);
                                else if ((rec.Substring(0, 5) == "BS092") && (rec.Substring(13, 4) == "0210"))
                                {  //  Sektion S**t
                                    //  BEHANDL: Sektion S**t
                                    sektion = "";
                                    throw new Exception("244 - Rec# " + rstpbsfile.Seqnr + " ukendt: " + rec);
                                // -******************************************************************************************************
                                // -******************************************************************************************************
                            else if (sektion == "0212")
                            {     //  Sektion 0212 Til- og afgang af betalingsaftaler
                                if ((rec.Substring(0, 5) == "BS012") && (rec.Substring(13, 4) == "0212"))
                                { //  Sektion Start
                                    //  BEHANDL: Sektion Start
                                    dummy = 1;
                                else if ((rec.Substring(0, 5) == "BS042") && (rec.Substring(13, 4) == "0231"))
                                {  //  Tilgang af nye betalingsaftaler
                                    //  BEHANDL: Tilgang af nye betalingsaftaler
                                    readaftale042(sektion, "0231", rec);
                                else if ((rec.Substring(0, 5) == "BS042") && (rec.Substring(13, 4) == "0232"))
                                {  //  Aftale afmeldt af pengeinstitut
                                    //  BEHANDL: aftale afmeldt af pengeinstitut
                                    readaftale042(sektion, "0232", rec);
                                else if ((rec.Substring(0, 5) == "BS042") && (rec.Substring(13, 4) == "0233"))
                                {  //  Aftaler afmeldt af kreditor
                                    //  BEHANDL: aftaler afmeldt af kreditor
                                    readaftale042(sektion, "0233", rec);
                                else if ((rec.Substring(0, 5) == "BS042") && (rec.Substring(13, 4) == "0234"))
                                {  //  Aftaler afmeldt af betalingsservice
                                    //  BEHANDL: aftaler afmeldt af betalingsservice
                                    readaftale042(sektion, "0234", rec);
                                else if ((rec.Substring(0, 5) == "BS092") && (rec.Substring(13, 4) == "0212"))
                                {  //  Sektion S**t
                                    //  BEHANDL: Sektion S**t
                                    sektion = "";
                                    throw new Exception("245 - Rec# " + rstpbsfile.Seqnr + " ukendt: " + rec);
                                // -******************************************************************************************************
                                // -******************************************************************************************************
                            else if (sektion == "0214")
                            {     //  Sektion 0214 Forfaldsoplysninger
                                if ((rec.Substring(0, 5) == "BS012") && (rec.Substring(13, 4) == "0214"))
                                { //  Sektion Start
                                    //  BEHANDL: Sektion Start
                                    dummy = 1;
                                else if ((rec.Substring(0, 5) == "BS042") && (rec.Substring(13, 4) == "0235"))
                                {  //  Forfald automatisk betaling
                                    //  BEHANDL: Forfald automatisk betaling
                                    dummy = 1;
                                else if ((rec.Substring(0, 5) == "BS042") && (rec.Substring(13, 4) == "0295"))
                                {  //  Forfald manuel betaling
                                    //  BEHANDL: Forfald manuel betaling
                                    dummy = 1;
                                else if ((rec.Substring(0, 5) == "BS092") && (rec.Substring(13, 4) == "0214"))
                                {  //  Sektion S**t
                                    //  BEHANDL: Sektion S**t
                                    sektion = "";
                                    throw new Exception("246 - Rec# " + rstpbsfile.Seqnr + " ukendt: " + rec);
                                // -******************************************************************************************************
                                // -******************************************************************************************************
                            else if (sektion == "0215")
                            {     //  Sektion 0215 Debitornavn/-adresse
                                if ((rec.Substring(0, 5) == "BS012") && (rec.Substring(14 - 1, 4) == "0215"))
                                { //  Sektion Start
                                    //  BEHANDL: Sektion Start
                                    dummy = 1;
                                else if ((rec.Substring(0, 5) == "BS022") && (rec.Substring(13, 4) == "0240"))
                                {  //  Navn/adresse på debitor
                                    //  BEHANDL: Navn/adresse på debitor
                                    dummy = 1;
                                else if ((rec.Substring(0, 5) == "BS092") && (rec.Substring(14 - 1, 4) == "0215"))
                                {  //  Sektion S**t
                                    //  BEHANDL: Sektion S**t
                                    sektion = "";
                                    throw new Exception("247 - Rec# " + rstpbsfile.Seqnr + " ukendt: " + rec);
                                // -******************************************************************************************************
                                // -******************************************************************************************************
                            else if (sektion == "0217")
                            {     //  Sektion 0217 Oplysninger fra indbetalingskort
                                if ((rec.Substring(0, 5) == "BS012") && (rec.Substring(13, 4) == "0217"))
                                { //  Sektion Start
                                    //  BEHANDL: Sektion Start
                                    dummy = 1;
                                else if ((rec.Substring(0, 5) == "BS042") && (rec.Substring(13, 4) == "0295"))
                                {  //  Oplysninger fra indbetalingskort
                                    //  BEHANDL: Oplysninger fra indbetalingskort
                                    readgirokort042(sektion, "0295", rec);
                                else if ((rec.Substring(0, 5) == "BS092") && (rec.Substring(13, 4) == "0217"))
                                {  //  Sektion S**t
                                    //  BEHANDL: Sektion S**t
                                    sektion = "";
                                    throw new Exception("248 - Rec# " + rstpbsfile.Seqnr + " ukendt: " + rec);
                                // -******************************************************************************************************
                                // -******************************************************************************************************
                            else if (sektion == "0219")
                            {     //  Sektion 0219 Aktive aftaler om Elektronisk Indbetalingskort
                                if ((rec.Substring(0, 5) == "BS012") && (rec.Substring(13, 4) == "0219"))
                                { //  Sektion Start
                                    //  BEHANDL: Sektion Start
                                    dummy = 1;
                                else if ((rec.Substring(0, 5) == "BS042") && (rec.Substring(13, 4) == "0230"))
                                {  //  Aktiv aftale om Elektronisk Indbetalingskort
                                    //  BEHANDL: Aktiv aftale om Elektronisk Indbetalingskort
                                    dummy = 1;
                                else if ((rec.Substring(0, 5) == "BS092") && (rec.Substring(14 - 1, 4) == "0219"))
                                {  //  Sektion S**t
                                    //  BEHANDL: Sektion S**t
                                    sektion = "";
                                    throw new Exception("249 - Rec# " + rstpbsfile.Seqnr + " ukendt: " + rec);
                                // -******************************************************************************************************
                                // -******************************************************************************************************
                            else if (rec.Substring(0, 5) == "BS992")
                            {  //  Leverance s**t
                                //  BEHANDL: Leverance S**t
                                leverance = "";
                                throw new Exception("250 - Rec# " + rstpbsfile.Seqnr + " ukendt: " + rec);

                            throw new Exception("251 - Rec# " + rstpbsfile.Seqnr + " ukendt: " + rec);

                 * catch (Exception e)
                 * {
                 *  switch (e.Message.Substring(0, 3))
                 *  {
                 *      case "241":   //241 - Første record er ikke en Leverance start record
                 *      case "242":   //242 - Leverancen er indlæst tidligere
                 *      case "243":   //243 - Første record er ikke en Sektions start record
                 *      case "244":   //244 - Record ukendt
                 *      case "245":   //245 - Record ukendt
                 *      case "246":   //246 - Record ukendt
                 *      case "247":   //247 - Record ukendt
                 *      case "248":   //248 - Record ukendt
                 *      case "249":   //249 - Record ukendt
                 *      case "250":   //250 - Record ukendt
                 *      case "251":   //251 - Record ukendt
                 *          AntalFiler--;
                 *          break;
                 *      default:
                 *          throw;
                 *  }
                 * }
            if (dummy == 1)
                dummy = 2;
예제 #5
        public string WriteTilSFtp(int lobnr)
            string TilPBSFilename = "Unknown";
            int    FilesSize;

            var rec_regnskab = Program.qryAktivRegnskab();

            var qry_selectfiles =
                from h in Program.dbData3060.Tblpbsforsendelse
                join d1 in Program.dbData3060.Tblpbsfiles on h.Id equals d1.Pbsforsendelseid into details1
                from d1 in details1.DefaultIfEmpty()
                where d1.Id != null && d1.Filename == null
                join d2 in Program.dbData3060.Tbltilpbs on h.Id equals d2.Pbsforsendelseid into details2
                from d2 in details2.DefaultIfEmpty()
                where d2.Id == lobnr
                select new
                tilpbsid = (int?)d2.Id,
                Bilagdato        = (DateTime?)d2.Bilagdato,
                Pbsforsendelseid = (int?)d2.Pbsforsendelseid,
                Udtrukket        = (DateTime?)d2.Udtrukket,
                pbsfilesid       = (int?)d1.Id,
                Leveranceid      = (int)h.Leveranceid

            int antal = qry_selectfiles.Count();

            if (antal > 0)
                var rec_selecfiles = qry_selectfiles.First();

                var qry_pbsfiles = from h in Program.dbData3060.Tblpbsfiles
                                   where h.Id == rec_selecfiles.pbsfilesid
                                   select h;
                if (qry_pbsfiles.Count() > 0)
                    Tblpbsfiles m_rec_pbsfiles = qry_pbsfiles.First();
                    TilPBSFilename = AddPbcnetRecords(rec_selecfiles.Delsystem, rec_selecfiles.Leveranceid, m_rec_pbsfiles.Id);
                    bool success;

                    var qry_pbsfile =
                        from h in m_rec_pbsfiles.Tblpbsfile
                        orderby h.Seqnr
                        select h;

                    string TilPBSFile = "";
                    int    i          = 0;
                    foreach (var rec_pbsfile in qry_pbsfile)
                        if (i++ > 0)
                            TilPBSFile += "\r\n";
                        TilPBSFile += rec_pbsfile.Data;
                    char[] c_TilPBSFile = TilPBSFile.ToCharArray();
                    byte[] b_TilPBSFile = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("windows-1252").GetBytes(c_TilPBSFile);
                    FilesSize = b_TilPBSFile.Length;

                    sendAttachedFile(TilPBSFilename, b_TilPBSFile, true);

                    string fullpath = m_rec_sftp.Inbound + "/" + TilPBSFilename;
                    string handle   = m_sftp.OpenFile(fullpath, "writeOnly", "createTruncate");
                    if (handle == null)
                        throw new Exception(m_sftp.LastErrorText);

                    success = m_sftp.WriteFileBytes(handle, b_TilPBSFile);
                    if (!success)
                        throw new Exception(m_sftp.LastErrorText);

                    success = m_sftp.CloseHandle(handle);
                    if (success != true)
                        throw new Exception(m_sftp.LastErrorText);

                    m_rec_pbsfiles.Type         = 8;
                    m_rec_pbsfiles.Path         = m_rec_sftp.Inbound;
                    m_rec_pbsfiles.Filename     = TilPBSFilename;
                    m_rec_pbsfiles.Size         = FilesSize;
                    m_rec_pbsfiles.Atime        = DateTime.Now;
                    m_rec_pbsfiles.Mtime        = DateTime.Now;
                    m_rec_pbsfiles.Transmittime = DateTime.Now;
예제 #6
        public int ReadFraSFtp()
            string homedir = m_sftp.RealPath(".", "");
            //  Open a directory on the server...
            string handle = m_sftp.OpenDir(m_rec_sftp.Outbound);

            if (handle == null)
                throw new Exception(m_sftp.LastErrorText);

            //  Download the directory listing:
            Chilkat.SFtpDir dirListing = null;
            dirListing = m_sftp.ReadDir(handle);
            if (dirListing == null)
                throw new Exception(m_sftp.LastErrorText);

            Program.memPbsnetdir = null; //opret ny memPbsnetdir

            //  Iterate over the files.
            int i;
            int n = dirListing.NumFilesAndDirs;

            if (n > 0)
                for (i = 0; i <= n - 1; i++)
                    Chilkat.SFtpFile fileObj = null;
                    fileObj = dirListing.GetFileObject(i);
                    if (!fileObj.IsDirectory)
                        recPbsnetdir rec = new recPbsnetdir
                            Type     = 8,
                            Path     = dirListing.OriginalPath,
                            Filename = fileObj.Filename,
                            Size     = (int)fileObj.Size32,
                            Atime    = fileObj.LastAccessTime,
                            Mtime    = fileObj.LastModifiedTime,
                            Gid      = fileObj.Gid,
                            Uid      = fileObj.Uid,
                            Perm     = fileObj.Permissions.ToString()

            //  Close the directory
            bool success = m_sftp.CloseHandle(handle);

            if (!success)
                throw new Exception(m_sftp.LastErrorText);

            var leftqry_pbsnetdir =
                from h in Program.memPbsnetdir
                //join d1 in Program.dbData3060.Tblpbsfiles on new { h.Path, h.Filename } equals new { d1.Path, d1.Filename } into details
                //from d1 in details.DefaultIfEmpty(new Tblpbsfiles { Id = -1, Type = (int?)null, Path = null, Filename = null, Size = (int?)null, Atime = (DateTime?)null, Mtime = (DateTime?)null, Perm = null, Uid = (int?)null, Gid = (int?)null })
                //where d1.Path == null && d1.Filename == null
                select h;

            int AntalFiler = leftqry_pbsnetdir.Count();

            if (leftqry_pbsnetdir.Count() > 0)
                foreach (var rec_pbsnetdir in leftqry_pbsnetdir)
                    Tblpbsfiles m_rec_pbsfiles = new Tblpbsfiles
                        Type     = rec_pbsnetdir.Type,
                        Path     = rec_pbsnetdir.Path,
                        Filename = rec_pbsnetdir.Filename,
                        Size     = rec_pbsnetdir.Size,
                        Atime    = rec_pbsnetdir.Atime,
                        Mtime    = rec_pbsnetdir.Mtime,
                        Perm     = rec_pbsnetdir.Perm,
                        Uid      = rec_pbsnetdir.Uid,
                        Gid      = rec_pbsnetdir.Gid

                    //  Open a file on the server:
                    string fullpath   = rec_pbsnetdir.Path + "/" + rec_pbsnetdir.Filename;
                    string filehandle = m_sftp.OpenFile(fullpath, "readOnly", "openExisting");
                    if (filehandle == null)
                        throw new Exception(m_sftp.LastErrorText);

                    int numBytes = (int)rec_pbsnetdir.Size;
                    if (numBytes < 0)
                        throw new Exception(m_sftp.LastErrorText);

                    byte[] b_data        = null;
                    bool   bEof          = false;
                    int    chunkSizeGet  = 10240;
                    int    chunkSizeRead = 0;
                    while (bEof == false)
                        chunkSizeRead = m_sftp.AccumulateBytes(handle, chunkSizeGet);
                        if (chunkSizeRead == -1)
                            throw new Exception(m_sftp.LastErrorText);
                        bEof = m_sftp.Eof(handle);
                    b_data = m_sftp.AccumulateBuffer;
                    if (b_data == null)
                        throw new Exception(m_sftp.LastErrorText);
                    sendAttachedFile(rec_pbsnetdir.Filename, b_data, false);
                    char[] c_data      = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("windows-1252").GetString(b_data).ToCharArray();
                    string filecontens = new string(c_data);

                    string filecontens2 = filecontens.TrimEnd('\n');
                    string filecontens3 = filecontens2.TrimEnd('\r');
                    string filecontens4 = filecontens3.TrimEnd('\n');

                    string[] lines = filecontens4.Split('\n');
                    string   ln    = null;
                    int      seqnr = 0;
                    string   ln0_6;
                    for (int idx = 0; idx < lines.Count(); idx++)
                        ln = lines[idx].TrimEnd('\r');
                        try { ln0_6 = ln.Substring(0, 6); } catch { ln0_6 = ""; }
                        if (((seqnr == 0) && !(ln0_6 == "PBCNET")) || (seqnr > 0))
                        if (ln.Length > 0)
                            m_rec_pbsfile = new Tblpbsfile
                                Seqnr = seqnr,
                                Data  = ln

                    m_rec_pbsfiles.Transmittime = DateTime.Now;

                    //  Close the file.
                    success = m_sftp.CloseHandle(filehandle);
                    if (success != true)
                        throw new Exception(m_sftp.LastErrorText);
예제 #7
        public void krdfaktura_overfoersel_action(int lobnr)
            string   rec;
            int      seq = 0;
            int      wleveranceid;
            DateTime wdispositionsdato;
            int      whour;
            int      wbankdage;

            // Betalingsoplysninger
            int belobint;

            // Tællere
            int antalos5;        // Antal OS5: Antal foranstående OS5 records
            int belobos5;        // Beløb: Nettobeløb i OS5 records

            int antalsek;        // Antal sektioner i leverancen
            int antalos5tot;     // Antal OS5: Antal foranstående OS5 records
            int belobos5tot;     // Beløb: Nettobeløb i OS5 records

            whour = DateTime.Now.Hour;
            if (whour > 17)
                wbankdage = 3;
                wbankdage = 2;
            wdispositionsdato = clsOverfoersel.bankdageplus(DateTime.Now, wbankdage);

            antalos5 = 0;
            belobos5 = 0;

            antalsek    = 0;
            antalos5tot = 0;
            belobos5tot = 0;

                var antal = (from c in Program.dbData3060.Tbltilpbs
                             where c.Id == lobnr
                             select c).Count();
                if (antal == 0)
                    throw new Exception("101 - Der er ingen PBS forsendelse for id: " + lobnr);
                var antal = (from c in Program.dbData3060.Tbltilpbs
                             where c.Id == lobnr && c.Pbsforsendelseid != null
                             select c).Count();
                if (antal > 0)
                    throw new Exception("102 - Pbsforsendelse for id: " + lobnr + " er allerede sendt");
                var antal = (from c in Program.dbData3060.Tbloverforsel
                             where c.Tilpbsid == lobnr
                             select c).Count();
                if (antal == 0)
                    throw new Exception("103 - Der er ingen pbs transaktioner for tilpbsid: " + lobnr);

            var rsttil = (from c in Program.dbData3060.Tbltilpbs
                          where c.Id == lobnr
                          select c).First();

            if (rsttil.Udtrukket == null)
                rsttil.Udtrukket = DateTime.Now;
            if (rsttil.Bilagdato == null)
                rsttil.Bilagdato = rsttil.Udtrukket;
            if (rsttil.Delsystem == null)
                rsttil.Delsystem = "OS1";
            if (rsttil.Leverancetype != null)
                rsttil.Leverancetype = null;

            wleveranceid = clsPbs.nextval("leveranceid");
            Tblpbsforsendelse rec_pbsforsendelse = new Tblpbsforsendelse
                Delsystem     = rsttil.Delsystem,
                Leverancetype = rsttil.Leverancetype,
                Oprettetaf    = "Udb",
                Oprettet      = DateTime.Now,
                Leveranceid   = wleveranceid


            Tblpbsfiles rec_pbsfiles = new Tblpbsfiles();


            Tblkreditor krd = (from k in Program.dbData3060.Tblkreditor
                               where k.Delsystem == rsttil.Delsystem
                               select k).First();

            // -- Leverance Start - OS1
            // - rstkrd.Datalevnr - Dataleverandørnr.: Dataleverandørens SE-nummer
            // - wleveranceid     - Leveranceidentifikation: Løbenummer efter eget valg
            rec = writeOS1(krd.Datalevnr, wleveranceid);
            Tblpbsfile rec_pbsfile = new Tblpbsfile {
                Seqnr = ++seq, Data = rec


            var qrydeb = from h in Program.dbData3060.Tbloverforsel
                         where h.Tilpbsid == lobnr
                         select h;

            // Start loop over betalinger i tbloverforsel
            int testantal = qrydeb.Count();

            foreach (Tbloverforsel rec_overfoersel in qrydeb)
                DateTime Betalingsdato = (rec_overfoersel.Betalingsdato == null) ? wdispositionsdato : (DateTime)rec_overfoersel.Betalingsdato;
                if (Betalingsdato < wdispositionsdato)
                    Betalingsdato = wdispositionsdato;
                rec_overfoersel.Betalingsdato = Betalingsdato; //opdater aktuel betalingsdato

                // Sektion start – (OS2)
                antalos5 = 0;
                belobos5 = 0;

                // -- OS2
                // - Betalingsdato  - Dispositionsdato
                // - krd.regnr      - Reg.nr.: Overførselsregistreringsnummer
                // - krd.kontonr    - Kontonr.: Overførselskontonummer
                // - krd.datalevnr  - Dataleverandørnr.: Dataleverandørens SE-nummer
                rec         = writeOS2(Betalingsdato, krd.Regnr, krd.Kontonr, krd.Datalevnr);
                rec_pbsfile = new Tblpbsfile {
                    Seqnr = ++seq, Data = rec


                // -- Forfald betaling
                if (rec_overfoersel.Advisbelob > 0)
                    belobint    = (int)(rec_overfoersel.Advisbelob * ((decimal)100));
                    belobos5    = belobos5 + belobint;
                    belobos5tot = belobos5tot + belobint;
                    belobint = 0;

                // -- OS5
                // - debinfo.bankregnr   - Betalingsmodtager registreringsnummer
                // - debinfo.bankkontonr - Betalingsmodtager kontonummer
                // - belobint            - Beløb: Beløb i øre uden fortegn
                // - Betalingsdato       - Dispositionsdato
                // - krd.regnr           - Reg.nr.: Overførselsregistreringsnummer
                // - krd.kontonr         - Kontonr.: Overførselskontonummer
                // - deb.advistekst      - Tekst på Betalingsmodtagers kontoudtog
                // - deb.SFakID          - Ref til betalingsmodtager til eget brug
                rec         = writeOS5(rec_overfoersel.Bankregnr, rec_overfoersel.Bankkontonr, belobint, Betalingsdato, krd.Regnr, krd.Kontonr, rec_overfoersel.Advistekst, (int)rec_overfoersel.SFakID);
                rec_pbsfile = new Tblpbsfile {
                    Seqnr = ++seq, Data = rec


                // -- Sektion s**t – (OS8)
                // - OS8
                // - antalos5          - Antal 042: Antal foranstående 042 records
                // - belobos5          - Beløb: Nettobeløb i 042 records
                // - Betalingsdato     - Dispositionsdato
                // - krd.regnr         - Reg.nr.: Overførselsregistreringsnummer
                // - krd.kontonr       - Kontonr.: Overførselskontonummer
                // - krd.datalevnr     - Dataleverandørnr.: Dataleverandørens SE-nummer
                rec         = writeOS8(antalos5, belobos5, Betalingsdato, krd.Regnr, krd.Kontonr, krd.Datalevnr);
                rec_pbsfile = new Tblpbsfile {
                    Seqnr = ++seq, Data = rec

            // -- Leverance s**t - (OS9)

            // --OS9
            // - antalos5tot    - Antal 042: Antal foranstående 042 records
            // - belobos5tot    - Beløb: Nettobeløb i 042 records
            // - krd.datalevnr  - Dataleverandørnr.: Dataleverandørens SE-nummer
            rec         = writeOS9(antalos5tot, belobos5tot, krd.Datalevnr);
            rec_pbsfile = new Tblpbsfile {
                Seqnr = ++seq, Data = rec

            rsttil.Udtrukket = DateTime.Now;
            rsttil.Leverancespecifikation = wleveranceid.ToString();