public ActionResult Detail(int?id, string msg, AlertMsgType?msgType) { TblPayment ob = uow.Modules.Payment.Get(id ?? 0); ob.StrCreatedDate = ob.CreatedDate.Day.ToString("00") + "/" + ob.CreatedDate.Month.ToString("00") + "/" + ob.CreatedDate.Year; ob.StrUpdatedDate = ob.UpdatedDate.Day.ToString("00") + "/" + ob.UpdatedDate.Month.ToString("00") + "/" + ob.UpdatedDate.Year; ob.StrPaymentDate = ob.PaymentDate.HasValue ? ob.PaymentDate.Value.Day.ToString("00") + "/" + ob.PaymentDate.Value.Month.ToString("00") + "/" + ob.PaymentDate.Value.Year : ""; ob.StrPaySlipPath = ob.PaySlipPath; ob.Invoice = uow.Modules.Invoice.Get(ob.InvoiceId.HasValue?ob.InvoiceId.Value:0); return(ViewDetail(ob, msg, msgType)); }
public void Set(TblPayment ob) { if (ob.PaymentId == 0) { db.TblPayment.Add(ob); } else { db.Entry(ob).State = EntityState.Modified; } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("AutoId,Id,PaymentDate,PartyName,Amount,PaymentMode,Remark,CreatedDatetime")] TblPayment tblPayment) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { _context.Add(tblPayment); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } ViewData["PartyName"] = new SelectList(_context.TblVendor, "Id", "Id", tblPayment.PartyName); return(View(tblPayment)); }
public bool RequestedPayment(string Points, string PaymentType, Int64?userID) { TblPayment payment = new TblPayment(); payment.PaymentMethod = PaymentType == "1" ? "gift card" : "money"; payment.RequestedDate = DateTime.Now; payment.RequestedPoints = Convert.ToInt32(Points); payment.UserId = userID; payment.Status = PaymentStatus.Pending; _context.TblPayment.Add(payment); return(_context.SaveChanges() > 0 ? true : false); }
public bool SendPaymentRequest(Int64?uid, string PaymentType, Int32?RequestedPoint) { TblPayment payment = new TblPayment(); payment.UserId = uid; payment.RequestedDate = DateTime.Now; payment.RequestedPoints = RequestedPoint; payment.PaymentMethod = PaymentType; payment.Status = PaymentStatus.Pending; _context.TblPayment.Add(payment); return(_context.SaveChanges() > 0 ? true : false); }
public TblPayment Update(TblPayment payment) { _context.Attach(payment); IEnumerable <EntityEntry> unchangedEntities = _context.ChangeTracker.Entries().Where(x => x.State == EntityState.Unchanged); foreach (EntityEntry ee in unchangedEntities) { ee.State = EntityState.Modified; } _context.SaveChanges(); return(payment); }
public bool updatePaymentStatus(Int64?paymentId) { TblPayment oldPayment = _context.TblPayment.Where(i => i.Id == paymentId).FirstOrDefault(); if (oldPayment != null) { TblUser user = _context.TblUser.Where(i => i.Id == oldPayment.UserId).FirstOrDefault(); if (user != null) { user.CurrentCreditPoints = user.CurrentCreditPoints - oldPayment.RequestedPoints; } oldPayment.Status = PaymentStatus.Approved; oldPayment.ApprovedDate = DateTime.Now; } return(_context.SaveChanges() > 0 ? true : false); }
public bool SetPayment(TblPayment dto) { bool result = false; string sql = "sp_Payment"; List <SqlParameter> paramList = new List <SqlParameter>(); SqlParameter pvNewId = new SqlParameter("@PaymentId", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50); pvNewId.Value = dto.PaymentId; pvNewId.Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput; paramList.Add(pvNewId); //paramList.Add(new SqlParameter("@PaymentId", dto.PaymentId)); paramList.Add(new SqlParameter("@PaymentNo", dto.PaymentNo)); paramList.Add(new SqlParameter("@PaymentDate", dto.StrPaymentDate)); paramList.Add(new SqlParameter("@InvoiceId", dto.InvoiceId)); paramList.Add(new SqlParameter("@InvoiceNo", dto.InvoiceNo)); paramList.Add(new SqlParameter("@CustomerId", dto.CustomerId)); paramList.Add(new SqlParameter("@CustomerName", dto.CustomerName)); paramList.Add(new SqlParameter("@PaymentAmount", dto.PaymentAmount)); paramList.Add(new SqlParameter("@StatusId", dto.StatusId)); paramList.Add(new SqlParameter("@BankPayFrom", dto.BankPayFrom)); paramList.Add(new SqlParameter("@BankPayFromBranch", dto.BankPayFromBranch)); paramList.Add(new SqlParameter("@AcctReceiveId", dto.AcctReceiveId)); paramList.Add(new SqlParameter("@PaySlipPath", dto.PaySlipPath)); paramList.Add(new SqlParameter("@UpdatedBy", dto.UpdatedBy)); paramList.Add(new SqlParameter("@CreatedBy", dto.CreatedBy)); paramList.Add(new SqlParameter("@ApprovedBy", dto.ApprovedBy)); try { result = webdb.ExcecuteWitTranNonQuery(sql, paramList); dto.PaymentId = Convert.ToInt32(pvNewId.Value.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("sp_Payment::" + ex.ToString()); } finally { } return(result); }
private ActionResult ViewDetail(TblPayment ob, string msg, AlertMsgType?msgType) { try { if (ob == null) { throw new Exception("ไม่พบข้อมูลที่ต้องการ, กรุณาลองใหม่อีกครั้ง"); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(msg)) { WidgetAlertModel alert = new WidgetAlertModel() { Message = msg }; if (msgType.HasValue) { alert.Type = msgType.Value; } ViewBag.Alert = alert; } AccountPermission permission = new AccountPermission(); permission = GetPermissionSale(CurrentUser.AccountId, ob.CreatedBy); ViewData["optBankAccount"] = uow.Modules.BankAccount.GetList(1); CurrentUser.TblEmployee = uow.Modules.Employee.GetEmployeeByAccount(CurrentUID); ViewData["userAccount"] = CurrentUser; ViewData["optPermission"] = permission; ViewData["optEmployee"] = uow.Modules.Employee.Gets(); return(View(ob)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", MVCController, new { area = MVCArea, msg = ex.GetMessage(), msgType = AlertMsgType.Danger })); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create(paymentDto oPaymentDto) { if (!_repo.CheckUsageLimit(oPaymentDto)) { oPaymentDto.Response = "Amount exceeds the Monthly Limit"; return(Ok(oPaymentDto)); } // INSERT if (oPaymentDto.TransactionId == null) { var payment = new TblPayment { AccountId = Convert.ToInt32(oPaymentDto.AccountId), Amount = Convert.ToDouble(oPaymentDto.Amount), TransactionDate = DateTime.Now }; var createdAccount = await _repo.Create(payment); return(Ok(createdAccount)); } // UPDATE else { var payment = new TblPayment { TransactionId = Convert.ToInt32(oPaymentDto.TransactionId), AccountId = Convert.ToInt32(oPaymentDto.AccountId), Amount = Convert.ToDouble(oPaymentDto.Amount), TransactionDate = DateTime.Now }; var updatedUser = _repo.Update(payment); return(Ok(updatedUser)); } }
public ActionResult SetDetail(TblPayment obj) { TblPayment old = uow.Modules.Payment.Get(obj.PaymentId); //string PaymentId = this.Request.Form["PaymentId"]; if (obj.PaymentId < 1) { obj.PaymentNo = getId("P"); obj.CreatedDate = CurrentDate; obj.UpdatedDate = CurrentDate; obj.CreatedBy = CurrentUID; obj.UpdatedBy = CurrentUID; obj.StatusId = 1; } else { obj.UpdatedDate = CurrentDate; obj.UpdatedBy = CurrentUID; string StatusId = this.Request.Form["StatusId"]; string hdApprove = this.Request.Form["hdApprove"]; if (hdApprove == "3") { obj.StatusId = int.Parse(hdApprove); } else { obj.StatusId = int.Parse(StatusId); } } if (this.Request.Form["InvoiceId"].ToString() != "") { string invoiceid = this.Request.Form["InvoiceId"]; obj.InvoiceId = int.Parse(invoiceid); obj.InvoiceNo = this.Request.Form["InvoiceNo"]; } string CustomerName = this.Request.Form["CustomerName"]; obj.CustomerName = CustomerName; if (Request.Form["PaymentDate"].ToString().Count() > 0) { var dd = Request.Form["PaymentDate"].Split(' ')[0]; obj.StrPaymentDate = dd; } var AcctReceiveId = Request.Form["radio_bankaccount"]; if (AcctReceiveId != null) { obj.AcctReceiveId = int.Parse(AcctReceiveId); } obj.BankPayFrom = this.Request.Form["BankPayFrom"]; obj.BankPayFromBranch = this.Request.Form["BankPayFromBranch"]; bool clearOld = false; string oldPaySlipPath = old.PaySlipPath; obj.StrPaySlipPath = oldPaySlipPath; obj.PaySlipPath = oldPaySlipPath; if (Request.Files.Count > 0 && Request.Files["PaySlipPath"] != null && Request.Files["PaySlipPath"].ContentLength > 0) { HttpPostedFileBase uploadedFile = Request.Files["PaySlipPath"]; string FilePath = string.Format("files/payment/{0}{1}", "P" + CurrentDate.ParseString(DateFormat._yyyyMMddHHmmssfff), Path.GetExtension(uploadedFile.FileName)); if (!Directory.Exists(Server.MapPath("~/files"))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Server.MapPath("~/files")); } if (!Directory.Exists(Server.MapPath("~/files/payment"))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Server.MapPath("~/files/payment")); } uploadedFile.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/" + FilePath)); obj.PaySlipPath = FilePath; clearOld = true; } if (clearOld && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(oldPaySlipPath) && IOFile.Exists(Server.MapPath("~/" + oldPaySlipPath))) { IOFile.Delete(Server.MapPath("~/" + oldPaySlipPath)); } try { int invoicestatus = uow.Modules.Invoice.GetStatus(obj.InvoiceId.HasValue?obj.InvoiceId.Value:0); if (obj.StatusId == 3) { if (invoicestatus == 3) { return(RedirectToAction("Detail", MVCController, new { id = obj.PaymentId, msg = "มีการชำระเงินไปแล้ว กรุณาเลือกใบแจ้งหนี้อื่น", msgType = AlertMsgType.Danger })); } } uow.Modules.Payment.SetPayment(obj); //uow.Modules.Payment.Set(obj); //uow.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { string msg = ex.GetMessage(true); return(ViewDetail(obj, msg, AlertMsgType.Danger)); } return(RedirectToAction("Detail", MVCController, new { id = obj.PaymentId, msg = "บันทึกข้อมูลเรียบร้อยแล้ว", msgType = AlertMsgType.Success })); // return RedirectToAction("Detail", MVCController, new { id = 1, msg = "บันทึกข้อมูลเรียบร้อยแล้ว", msgType = AlertMsgType.Success }); }
public ActionResult AddSales(string request) { //using (var transaction = _context.Database.BeginTransaction()) //{ TblSale tbl_Sale = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TblSale>(request); if (SalesItemStock.Count > 0) { var saved = false; try { var t = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(tbl_Sale); _context.TblSale.Add(tbl_Sale); _context.SaveChanges(); SalesItemStock.ForEach(q => q.Item = null); _context.TblItemStock.AddRange(SalesItemStock); _context.SaveChanges(); TblSequence NewSequenceValue = GenericHelper.GetNextUpdatedData("tbl_Sale"); _context.Entry(NewSequenceValue).State = EntityState.Modified; //_context.SaveChanges(); TblSequence NewSequenceValuetbl_SalesInvoice = GenericHelper.GetNextUpdatedData("tbl_SalesInvoice"); _context.Entry(NewSequenceValuetbl_SalesInvoice).State = EntityState.Modified; //_context.SaveChanges(); TblSequence NewSequenceValueItemStock = GenericHelper.GetNextUpdatedData("tbl_ItemStock"); _context.Entry(NewSequenceValueItemStock).State = EntityState.Modified; //_context.SaveChanges(); //_context.SaveChanges(); // 1 hold -- only save Sales & Item with status hold // 2 CREDIT PURCHASE -- one transaction entry with Debit (In) with unpaid status // 3 CASH PAY -- one transaction entry with Debit (In)/ Paid // one payment Entry with full amount // one transaction entry with credit (out) with payment ID // 4 MULTI MODE PAY -- one transaction entry with Debit (In) // one payment Entry // one transaction entry with credit (out) if (tbl_Sale.PaymentMode != null && tbl_Sale.PaymentMode.Value != PaymentMode.HOLD ) // not hold { var amount = tbl_Sale.Amount; var creditTID = GenericHelper.GetMaxValue(SequenceTable.tbl_TransactionCredit); var tbl_Transaction_Credit = new TblTransaction { Id = creditTID, CreatedDatetime = tbl_Sale.CreatedDatetime, EntryDate = tbl_Sale.InvoiceDate.ToString(), EntryType = TransactionEntryType.Sales .ToString(), //"Purchase", // Purchase/Sales/Recipt/Payment Status = TransactionStatus .Unpaid, //Paid/Unpaid/Pending/Paid Against entries : // Recive Against entries TransactionType = TransactionType.Debit .ToString(), //Debit/ credit -- For Real: Debit what comes in, credit what goes out. //TransactionRef = null, EntryId = tbl_Sale.SaleId, //PurchaseId = tbl_Sale.Id, SalesId = tbl_Sale.SaleId, Amount = tbl_Sale.GrandTotal, VendorId = tbl_Sale.CustomerId }; _context.TblTransaction.Add(tbl_Transaction_Credit); //_context.SaveChanges(); var NewSequenceValueTbl_Transaction = GenericHelper.GetNextUpdatedData("tbl_TransactionCredit"); _context.Entry(NewSequenceValueTbl_Transaction).State = EntityState.Modified; //_context.SaveChanges(); if (tbl_Sale.PaymentMode == 2) //CREDIT PURCHASE { } else if (tbl_Sale.PaymentMode == 3) //CASH PAY { var tbl_PaymentID = GenericHelper.GetMaxValue("tbl_Payment"); var tbl_Payment = new TblPayment { Id = tbl_PaymentID, Amount = tbl_Sale.GrandTotal, CreatedDatetime = tbl_Sale.CreatedDatetime, PartyName = tbl_Sale.SaleId, PaymentDate = tbl_Sale.InvoiceDate.ToString(), PaymentMode = "CASH" //Remark = "", //TransactionID = creditTID, }; _context.TblPayment.Add(tbl_Payment); var NewSequenceValueTbl_Payment = GenericHelper.GetNextUpdatedData("tbl_Payment"); _context.Entry(NewSequenceValueTbl_Payment).State = EntityState.Modified; //_context.SaveChanges(); var tbl_TransactionDebit = new TblTransaction { Id = GenericHelper.GetMaxValue("tbl_TransactionDebit"), CreatedDatetime = tbl_Sale.CreatedDatetime, EntryDate = tbl_Sale.InvoiceDate.ToString(), EntryType = TransactionEntryType.Sales .ToString(), // "Purchase", // Purchase/Sales/Recipt/Payment Status = TransactionStatus.PaidAgainstEntries + tbl_Sale .SaleId, //Paid/Unpaid/Pending/Paid Against entries : // Recive Against entries TransactionType = TransactionType.Credit .ToString(), //Debit/ credit -- For Real: Debit what comes in, credit what goes out. TransactionRef = tbl_Sale.SaleId, EntryId = tbl_PaymentID, //PurchaseID = null, //SalesID = null, PaymentId = tbl_PaymentID, Amount = tbl_Sale.GrandTotal, VendorId = tbl_Sale.CustomerId }; _context.TblTransaction.Add(tbl_TransactionDebit); var NewSequenceValuetbl_Transaction2 = GenericHelper.GetNextUpdatedData("tbl_TransactionDebit"); _context.Entry(NewSequenceValuetbl_Transaction2).State = EntityState.Modified; //_context.SaveChanges(); //var tbl_Transaction result = _context.tbl_Transaction.Where(q => q.ID == creditTID).FirstOrDefault(); tbl_Transaction_Credit.Status = TransactionStatus.Paid; //_context.Entry(tbl_Transactionresult).State = EntityState.Modified; //_context.SaveChanges(); } else if (tbl_Sale.PaymentMode == 4) //MULTI MODE PAY { var tbl_PaymentID = GenericHelper.GetMaxValue("tbl_Payment"); var tbl_Payment = new TblPayment { Id = tbl_PaymentID, Amount = amount, CreatedDatetime = tbl_Sale.CreatedDatetime, PartyName = tbl_Sale.CustomerId, PaymentDate = tbl_Sale.InvoiceDate.ToString(), PaymentMode = "CASH" //Remark = "", //TransactionID = creditTID, }; _context.TblPayment.Add(tbl_Payment); var NewSequenceValueTbl_Payment = GenericHelper.GetNextUpdatedData("tbl_Payment"); _context.Entry(NewSequenceValueTbl_Payment).State = EntityState.Modified; //_context.SaveChanges(); var tbl_TransactionDebit = new TblTransaction { Id = GenericHelper.GetMaxValue("tbl_TransactionDebit"), CreatedDatetime = tbl_Sale.CreatedDatetime, EntryDate = tbl_Sale.InvoiceDate.ToString(), EntryType = TransactionEntryType.Purchase .ToString(), // "Purchase", // Purchase/Sales/Recipt/Payment Status = TransactionStatus.PaidAgainstEntries + tbl_Sale .SaleId, //Paid/Unpaid/Pending/Paid Against entries : // Recive Against entries TransactionType = TransactionType.Debit .ToString(), //Debit/ credit -- For Real: Debit what comes in, credit what goes out. TransactionRef = tbl_Sale.SaleId, EntryId = tbl_PaymentID, //PurchaseID = null, //SalesID = null, PaymentId = tbl_PaymentID, Amount = amount, VendorId = tbl_Sale.CustomerId }; _context.TblTransaction.Add(tbl_TransactionDebit); var NewSequenceValueTbl_Transaction2 = GenericHelper.GetNextUpdatedData("tbl_TransactionDebit"); _context.Entry(NewSequenceValueTbl_Transaction2).State = EntityState.Modified; } } _context.SaveChanges(); saved = true; } catch (Exception e) { throw new InvalidOperationException(e.Message); } finally { //if (saved) transaction.Commit(); } //if (tbl_Sale.PaymentMode == 4) //MULTI MODE PAY // return JavaScript("window.location = '/Purchases/index'"); //else //return RedirectToAction("Index"); return(Content("window.location = '/Sale/index'")); } else { ViewBag.CustomerID = new SelectList(_context.TblVendor, "ID", "Name", tbl_Sale.CustomerId); throw new InvalidOperationException("Please add item to continue!!"); } //return RedirectToAction("Index"); //} }
public void Insert(long? PatientID,long? RegID,DateTime? PaymentDate,decimal? TotalPayment,short? ReasonID,string SUser,string SDesc) { TblPayment item = new TblPayment(); item.PatientID = PatientID; item.RegID = RegID; item.PaymentDate = PaymentDate; item.TotalPayment = TotalPayment; item.ReasonID = ReasonID; item.SUser = SUser; item.SDesc = SDesc; item.Save(UserName); }
public int AddPaymentData(Model.Common.Payment PaymentModel, string PaymentNo) { List <Payment> Items = new List <Payment>(); List <Invoice> InvItems = new List <Invoice>(); int returnVal = 0; try { using (var dBContext = new CustomerReportContext()) { Model.Common.Payment get; foreach (var it in dBContext.TblPayment) { get = new Model.Common.Payment(); get.PaymentNo = it.PaymentNo; get.InvoiceNo = it.InvoiceNo; get.PaymentDate = it.PaymentDate; get.PaymentAmount = it.PaymentAmount; Items.Add(get); } TblPayment Cust; //Add record Cust = new TblPayment(); Cust.PaymentNo = PaymentModel.PaymentNo; Cust.InvoiceNo = PaymentModel.InvoiceNo; Cust.PaymentDate = PaymentModel.PaymentDate; Cust.PaymentAmount = PaymentModel.PaymentAmount; dBContext.TblPayment.Add(Cust); PaymentNo = Cust.PaymentNo; bool Invoicexist = Items.Any(asd => asd.PaymentNo == PaymentNo); if (Invoicexist == true) { returnVal = -1; } else { returnVal = dBContext.SaveChanges(); } //using (var ddBContext = new CustomerReportContext()) //{ // Model.Common.Invoice Inv = new Model.Common.Invoice(); // foreach (var iit in ddBContext.TblInvoices) // { // Inv.InvoiceNo = iit.InvoiceNo; // Inv.InvoiceAmount = iit.InvoiceAmount; // Inv.InvoiceDate = iit.InvoiceDate; // Inv.PaymentDueDate = iit.PaymentDueDate; // InvItems.Add(Inv); // } // bool InvoicAmount = Items.Any(asd => asd.PaymentAmount > Inv.InvoiceAmount); // if (InvoicAmount == true) // { // returnVal = -2; // } //} //returnVal = dBContext.SaveChanges(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } return(returnVal); }