public virtual void Update(Image entityToUpdate) { try { TblImage tblImage = dbContext.TblImage.Find(entityToUpdate.ImageId);; //only update fields touched on the Image Table if (tblImage.ImageAlt != entityToUpdate.ImageAlt) { tblImage.ImageAlt = entityToUpdate.ImageAlt; } if (tblImage.ImageName != entityToUpdate.ImageName) { tblImage.ImageName = entityToUpdate.ImageName; } if (tblImage.ImageUrl != entityToUpdate.ImageUrl) { tblImage.ImageUrl = entityToUpdate.ImageUrl; } if (entityToUpdate.AlbumImage != null && entityToUpdate.AlbumImage.Length > 0) { tblImage.AlbumImage = entityToUpdate.AlbumImage; } dbContext.TblImage.Update(tblImage); AddRemoveTags(entityToUpdate.ImageId, entityToUpdate.ImageTags); this.dbContext.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
/// <summary> /// delete Image in table TblImage and delete image in folder /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <param name="productID"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult delete(int id, int productID) { try { string query = "select * from TblImage where ImageID = " + id.ToString(); TblImage image = connect.Query <TblImage>(query).FirstOrDefault <TblImage>(); if (image != null) { string folder = Server.MapPath("~/assets/uploads/products/") + productID; string pathImage = folder + "/" + image.ImageName; System.IO.File.Delete(pathImage); string where = "ProductID = " + productID + " and ImageID = " + id; List <Variant> variants = variantService.GetByWhere(where); if (variants != null && variants.Count > 0) { foreach (var item in variants) { item.ImageID = null; variantService.Update(item); } } if (imageService.DeleteByPrimary(id)) { return(RedirectToAction("detail", "products", new { id = productID, messageDelete = 1 })); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogService.WriteException(ex); } return(RedirectToAction("detail", "products", new { id = productID, messageDelete = 0 })); }
public async Task <TblImage> AddImage(TblImage image) { HttpResponseMessage httpResponseMessage = await _httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync("api/ImageCore/AddImage", image); TblImage ans = await httpResponseMessage.Content.ReadAsAsync <TblImage>(); return(ans); }
public DtoTblImage(TblImage image, HttpStatusCode statusEffect) { id =; Image = image.Image; Status = image.Status; StatusEffect = statusEffect; }
public string uploadImageVariant(int id, HttpPostedFileBase imageVariant) { string strMessage = "upload0"; try { if (imageVariant != null) { if (imageVariant.ContentLength / 1024 / 1024 > 1) { strMessage = "upload2"; } else if (imageVariant.ContentLength > 0) { VariantService variantService = new VariantService(); Variant variant = variantService.GetByPrimaryKey(id); if (variant != null) { string folder = Server.MapPath("~/assets/uploads/products/") + variant.ProductID; Directory.CreateDirectory(folder); string path = Path.Combine(folder, Path.GetFileName(imageVariant.FileName)); imageVariant.SaveAs(path); string strWhere = ""; strWhere = "ImageName like N'" + imageVariant.FileName + "' and ProductID = " + variant.ProductID; TblImage imageOfProduct = imageService.SelectByWhere(strWhere).FirstOrDefault(); if (imageOfProduct == null || imageOfProduct.ImageID <= 0) { string imageUrl = ""; imageUrl = HttpContext.Request.Url.Authority == string.Empty ? Common.UrlHost : "http://" + HttpContext.Request.Url.Authority; if (!imageUrl.EndsWith("/")) { imageUrl += "/"; } imageUrl += "assets/uploads/products/" + variant.ProductID + "/" + imageVariant.FileName; TblImage image = new TblImage(); image.ImageName = imageVariant.FileName; image.ImageUrl = imageUrl; image.ImageSize = imageVariant.ContentLength; image.ProductID = variant.ProductID; int imageID = imageService.Insert(image); variant.ImageID = imageID; variantService.Update(variant); strMessage = "upload1"; } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogService.WriteException(ex); } return(strMessage); }
public ActionResult Edit(TblImage TblImage, int id, FormCollection collection, int[] MutilMenu, int[] mutilManu) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { TblImage.IdCate = int.Parse(collection["drMenu"]); int idcate = int.Parse(collection["drMenu"]); db.Entry(TblImage).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); var ListImages = db.TblConnectImages.Where(p => p.IdImg == id).ToList(); for (int i = 0; i < ListImages.Count; i++) { db.TblConnectImages.Remove(ListImages[i]); db.SaveChanges(); } if (MutilMenu != null) { foreach (var idCates in MutilMenu) { TblConnectImages tbllistimages = new TblConnectImages(); tbllistimages.IdCate = idCates; tbllistimages.IdImg = id; db.TblConnectImages.Add(tbllistimages); db.SaveChanges(); } } var listIdManu = db.TblConnectManuToImages.Where(p => p.IdImage == id).ToList(); for (int i = 0; i < listIdManu.Count; i++) { db.TblConnectManuToImages.Remove(listIdManu[i]); db.SaveChanges(); } if (mutilManu != null) { foreach (var idMenu in mutilManu) { TblConnectManuToImages connectimage = new TblConnectManuToImages(); connectimage.IdManu = idMenu; connectimage.IdImage = id; db.TblConnectManuToImages.Add(connectimage); db.SaveChanges(); } } #region [Updatehistory] #endregion if (collection["btnSave"] != null) { Session["Thongbao"] = "<div class=\"alert alert-info alert1\">Bạn đã sửa thành công !<button class=\"close\" data-dismiss=\"alert\">×</button></div>"; return(Redirect("/Imagesad/Index?idCate=" + idcate + "")); } if (collection["btnSaveCreate"] != null) { Session["Thongbao"] = "<div class=\"alert alert-info\">Bạn đã thêm thành công, mời bạn thêm mới !<button class=\"close\" data-dismiss=\"alert\">×</button></div>"; return(Redirect("/Imagesad/Create?id=" + idcate + "")); } } return(View(TblImage)); }
public int uploadImageProduct(int id, HttpPostedFileBase fileProductDetail) { int intMessage = 0; try { if (fileProductDetail != null) { if (fileProductDetail.ContentLength / 1024 / 1024 > 1) { intMessage = 2; } else if (fileProductDetail.ContentLength > 0) { try { string folder = Server.MapPath("~/assets/uploads/products/") + id; Directory.CreateDirectory(folder); string strWhere = ""; strWhere = "ImageName like N'" + fileProductDetail.FileName + "' and ProductID = " + id.ToString(); TblImage imageOfProduct = imageService.SelectByWhere(strWhere).FirstOrDefault(); if (imageOfProduct == null || imageOfProduct.ImageID <= 0) { string imageUrl = ""; imageUrl = HttpContext.Request.Url.Authority == string.Empty ? Common.UrlHost : "http://" + HttpContext.Request.Url.Authority; if (!imageUrl.EndsWith("/")) { imageUrl += "/"; } imageUrl += "assets/uploads/products/" + id + "/" + fileProductDetail.FileName; TblImage image = new TblImage(); image.ImageName = fileProductDetail.FileName; image.ImageUrl = imageUrl; image.ImageSize = fileProductDetail.ContentLength; image.ProductID = id; imageService.Insert(image); } string path = Path.Combine(folder, Path.GetFileName(fileProductDetail.FileName)); fileProductDetail.SaveAs(path); intMessage = 1; } catch (Exception ex) { intMessage = 0; LogService.WriteException(ex); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogService.WriteException(ex); } return(intMessage); }
public ActionResult addImageFromUrl(int productID, string url) { int intMessage = 0; try { //save path to image in disk string pathImage = ""; string folder = Server.MapPath("~/assets/uploads/products/") + productID; Directory.CreateDirectory(folder); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(url)) { //save name of file string name = GetNameImageFromUrl(url); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { string strWhere = ""; strWhere = "ImageName like N'" + name + "' and ProductID = " + productID.ToString(); TblImage imageOfProduct = imageService.SelectByWhere(strWhere).FirstOrDefault(); if (imageOfProduct == null || imageOfProduct.ImageID <= 0) { pathImage = folder + "/" + name; if (DownloadRemoteImageFile(url, pathImage)) { //save path in web string temp = ""; temp = HttpContext.Request.Url.Authority == string.Empty ? Common.UrlHost : "http://" + HttpContext.Request.Url.Authority; if (!temp.EndsWith("/")) { temp += "/"; } temp += "assets/uploads/products/" + productID + "/" + name; FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(pathImage); TblImage image = new TblImage(); image.ImageName = name; image.ImageUrl = temp; image.ImageSize = fileInfo.Length; image.ProductID = productID; imageService.Insert(image); intMessage = 1; } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogService.WriteException(ex); } return(RedirectToAction("detail", "products", new { id = productID, messageUpload = intMessage })); }
public ActionResult Edit(int id = 0) { if ((Request.Cookies["Username"] == null)) { return RedirectToAction("LoginIndex", "Login"); } if (ClsCheckRole.CheckQuyen(8, 2, int.Parse(Request.Cookies["Username"].Values["UserID"])) == true) { TblImage TblImage = db.TblImage.Find(id); var menuModel = db.TblGroupProduct.Where(m => m.ParentId == null).OrderBy(m => m.Id).ToList(); carlist.Clear(); string strReturn = "---"; foreach (var item in menuModel) { carlist.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = item.Name, Value = item.Id.ToString() }); StringClass.DropDownListFor(item.Id, carlist, strReturn); strReturn = "---"; } var ListManu = db.TblConnectImages.Where(p => p.IdImg == id).ToList(); List<int> mang = new List<int>(); for (int i = 0; i < ListManu.Count; i++) { mang.Add(int.Parse(ListManu[i].IdCate.ToString())); } ViewBag.MutilMenu = new MultiSelectList(carlist, "Value", "Text", mang); var Manufacture = db.TblManufactures.Where(m => m.Active == true).OrderBy(m => m.Ord).ToList(); var listIdManu = db.TblConnectManuToImages.Where(p => p.IdImage == id).Select(p => p.IdManu).ToList(); var lstmanu = new List<SelectListItem>(); foreach (var item in Manufacture) { lstmanu.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = item.Name, Value = item.Id.ToString() }); } ViewBag.mutilManu = new MultiSelectList(lstmanu, "Value", "Text", listIdManu); int idCate = int.Parse(TblImage.IdCate.ToString()); var menuModels = db.TblGroupImage.Where(m => m.Active == true).OrderBy(m => m.Ord).ToList(); var lstMenus = new List<SelectListItem>(); lstMenus.Clear(); foreach (var menu in menuModels) { lstMenus.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = menu.Name, Value = menu.Id.ToString() }); } ViewBag.drMenu = new SelectList(lstMenus, "Value", "Text", idCate); if (TblImage == null) { return HttpNotFound(); } return View(TblImage); } else { return Redirect("/Users/Erro"); } }
private int UploadImage(Variant variant) { if (variant == null || variant.imageVariant == null) { return(0); } int variantID = variant.VariantID, productID = variant.ProductID; HttpPostedFileBase file = variant.imageVariant; if (file.ContentLength / 1024 / 1024 > 1) { return(0); } else if (file.ContentLength > 0) { try { string folder = Server.MapPath("~/assets/uploads/products/") + productID; Directory.CreateDirectory(folder); string strWhere = ""; strWhere = "ImageName like N'" + file.FileName + "' and ProductID = " + productID.ToString(); TblImage imageOfProduct = imageService.SelectByWhere(strWhere).FirstOrDefault(); if (imageOfProduct == null || imageOfProduct.ImageID <= 0) { string path = Path.Combine(folder, Path.GetFileName(file.FileName)); file.SaveAs(path); string imageUrl = ""; imageUrl = HttpContext.Request.Url.Authority == string.Empty ? Common.UrlHost : "http://" + HttpContext.Request.Url.Authority; if (!imageUrl.EndsWith("/")) { imageUrl += "/"; } imageUrl += "assets/uploads/products/" + productID + "/" + file.FileName; TblImage image = new TblImage(); image.ImageName = file.FileName; image.ImageUrl = imageUrl; image.ImageSize = file.ContentLength; image.ProductID = SNumber.ToNumber(productID); int imageID = imageService.Insert(image); return(imageID); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogService.WriteException(ex); strErrorMessage += "Upload file thất bại<br/>"; } } return(0); }
public async Task <bool> UpdateImage(TblImage image, int logId) { List <object> imageAndLogId = new List <object>(); imageAndLogId.Add(image); imageAndLogId.Add(logId); HttpResponseMessage httpResponseMessage = await _httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync("api/ImageCore/UpdateImage", imageAndLogId); bool ans = await httpResponseMessage.Content.ReadAsAsync <bool>(); return(ans); }
/// <summary> /// get path to image first of product /// </summary> /// <param name="productID">id of product</param> /// <returns>path to image</returns> public static string GetPathImageFirstOfProduct(int productID) { IDbConnection connect = new SqlConnection(Common.ConnectString); string path = ""; string query = "select * from TblImage where ProductID = " + productID.ToString(); TblImage image = connect.Query <TblImage>(query).FirstOrDefault <TblImage>(); if (image != null) { path = image.ImageUrl; } return(path); }
public int Insert(TblImage tblImage) { try { string query = string.Format("insert into TblImage(ImageName ,ImageUrl, ImageSize, ProductID) values (N'{0}',N'{1}',{2},{3}) SELECT @@IDENTITY", tblImage.ImageName, tblImage.ImageUrl, tblImage.ImageSize, tblImage.ProductID); return(connect.Query <int>(query).Single()); } catch (Exception ex) { LogService.WriteException(ex); return(0); } }
public ActionResult thankyou(int id) { try { TblOrder order = orderService.GetByPrimaryKey(id); if (order == null) { return(RedirectToAction("index", "cart")); } List <LineItem> lineItems = lineItemService.GetByOrderID(order.OrderID); foreach (var item in lineItems) { if (item.VariantName == "Default Title") { var thumb = ImageService.GetPathImageFirstOfProduct(item.ProductID); item.ImageUrl = thumb; } else { Variant variant = variantService.GetByPrimaryKey(item.VariantID); if (variant != null) { TblImage image = imageService.GetByPrimaryKey(variant.ImageID); if (image != null) { item.ImageUrl = image.ImageUrl; } } } } ThankyouViewModel thankyouViewModel = new ThankyouViewModel(); thankyouViewModel.CustomerEmail = order.CustomerEmail; thankyouViewModel.LineItems = lineItems; thankyouViewModel.ShippingAddressID = order.ShippingAddressID; thankyouViewModel.ShippingAddress = shippingAddressService.GetByPrimaryKey(thankyouViewModel.ShippingAddressID == null ? 0 : thankyouViewModel.ShippingAddressID.Value); thankyouViewModel.BillingAddresID = order.BillingAddressID; thankyouViewModel.BillingAddress = billingAddressService.GetByPrimaryKey(thankyouViewModel.BillingAddresID == null ? 0 : thankyouViewModel.BillingAddresID.Value); thankyouViewModel.TotalSubPrice = order.TotalCount; thankyouViewModel.TotalShipping = order.TotalShipping; thankyouViewModel.TotalPrice = order.TotalCount + order.TotalShipping; return(View(thankyouViewModel)); } catch (Exception ex) { LogService.WriteException(ex); throw; } }
public TblImage GetByPrimaryKey(int?imageID) { try { if (imageID != null) { string query = "select * from TblImage where ImageID = " + imageID; TblImage TblImage = connect.Query <TblImage>(query).FirstOrDefault <TblImage>(); return(TblImage); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogService.WriteException(ex); } return(null); }
public IHttpActionResult AddImage(TblImage image) { var task = Task.Run(() => new ImageService().AddImage(image)); if (task.Wait(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10))) { if ( != -1) { return(Ok(new DtoTblImage(task.Result, HttpStatusCode.OK))); } else { return(Conflict()); } } return(StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.RequestTimeout)); }
public ActionResult DeleteImages(int id) { if (ClsCheckRole.CheckQuyen(9, 3, int.Parse(Request.Cookies["Username"].Values["UserID"])) == true) { TblImage TblImage = db.TblImage.Find(id); var result = string.Empty; db.TblImage.Remove(TblImage); db.SaveChanges(); result = "Bạn đã xóa thành công."; return(Json(new { result = result })); } else { var result = string.Empty; result = "Bạn không có quyền thay đổi tính năng này"; return(Json(new { result = result })); } }
public ActionResult Create(TblImage TblImage, FormCollection collection, int[] MutilMenu, int[] mutilManu) { int idCate = int.Parse(collection["drMenu"]); TblImage.IdCate = idCate; db.TblImage.Add(TblImage); db.SaveChanges(); var ListManu = db.TblImage.OrderByDescending(p => p.Id).Take(1).ToList(); int idimg = int.Parse(ListManu[0].Id.ToString()); if (MutilMenu != null) { foreach (var idMenu in MutilMenu) { TblConnectImages TblConnectImages = new TblConnectImages(); TblConnectImages.IdCate = idMenu; TblConnectImages.IdImg = idimg; db.TblConnectImages.Add(TblConnectImages); db.SaveChanges(); } } if (mutilManu != null) { foreach (var idMenu in mutilManu) { TblConnectManuToImages connectimage = new TblConnectManuToImages(); connectimage.IdManu = idMenu; connectimage.IdImage = idimg; db.TblConnectManuToImages.Add(connectimage); db.SaveChanges(); } } if (collection["btnSave"] != null) { Session["Thongbao"] = "<div class=\"alert alert-info alert1\">Bạn đã thêm thành công !<button class=\"close\" data-dismiss=\"alert\">×</button></div>"; return(Redirect("/Imagesad/Index?idCate=" + idCate + "")); } if (collection["btnSaveCreate"] != null) { Session["Thongbao"] = "<div class=\"alert alert-info\">Bạn đã thêm thành công, mời bạn thêm mới !<button class=\"close\" data-dismiss=\"alert\">×</button></div>"; return(Redirect("/Imagesad/Create?id=" + idCate + "")); } return(Redirect("Index")); }
public IHttpActionResult UpdateImage(List <object> imageLogId) { TblImage image = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TblImage>(imageLogId[0].ToString()); int logId = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <int>(imageLogId[1].ToString()); var task = Task.Run(() => new ImageService().UpdateImage(image, logId)); if (task.Wait(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10))) { if (task.Result) { return(Ok(true)); } else { return(Conflict()); } } return(StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.RequestTimeout)); }
public virtual void DeleteImage(Guid id) { try { TblImage entity = new TblImage { ImageId = id }; List <TblImageTag> imageTags = (from it in dbContext.TblImageTag where it.ImageId == id select it).ToList(); foreach (TblImageTag imageTag in imageTags) { dbContext.TblImageTag.Remove(imageTag); } dbContext.TblImage.Remove(entity); this.dbContext.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public virtual Guid Insert(Image entity) { try { TblImage tblImage = new TblImage(); tblImage.AlbumImage = entity.AlbumImage; tblImage.ImageAlt = entity.ImageAlt; tblImage.ImageId = entity.ImageId; tblImage.ImageName = entity.ImageName; tblImage.ImageUrl = entity.ImageUrl; tblImage.ImageId = Guid.NewGuid(); dbContext.TblImage.Add(tblImage); AddRemoveTags(tblImage.ImageId, entity.ImageTags); this.dbContext.SaveChanges(); return(tblImage.ImageId); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public TblImage AddImage(TblImage image) { return((TblImage) new MainProvider().Add(image)); }
public bool UpdateImage(TblImage image, int logId) { return(new MainProvider().Update(image, logId)); }
public bool UpdateImage(TblImage image, int logId) { return(new ImageRepo().UpdateImage(image, logId)); }
public TblImage AddImage(TblImage image) { return(new ImageRepo().AddImage(image)); }
public ActionResult getLineItem(string variantChoiced, string query) { try { LineItemsOfOrder productVariantOfProduct = new LineItemsOfOrder(); List <Product> products = new List <Product>(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(query)) { products = productService.GetAll(); } else { string where = string.Format("ProductName like N'%{0}%' or Tags like N'%{1}%' ", query, query); where += string.Format(" or ProductID in (select Product.ProductID from Product left join TblOption on Product.ProductID = TblOption.ProductID " + " where OptionValue like N'%{0}%')", query); products = productService.GetByWhere(where); } List <int> variantIDs = new List <int>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(variantChoiced)) { variantChoiced = SString.RemoveElementAtBeginEnd(variantChoiced, ","); string[] temp = variantChoiced.Split(','); foreach (var item in temp) { variantIDs.Add(SNumber.ToNumber(item)); } } if (products != null && products.Count > 0) { foreach (var item in products) { List <Variant> variants = variantService.GetByProductID(item.ProductID); if (variants != null && variants.Count > 0) { if (variants.Count == 1 && variants[0].Option1 == "Default Title") { LineItem temp = new LineItem(); temp.VariantID = variants[0].VariantID; temp.SKU = variants[0].VariantSKU; temp.ProductID = item.ProductID; temp.ObjectName = item.ProductName; temp.IsDefault = true; temp.Price = SNumber.ToNumber(variants[0].VariantPrice); temp.Quantity = 1; var thumb = ImageService.GetPathImageFirstOfProduct(item.ProductID); temp.ImageUrl = thumb; if (!variantIDs.Contains(temp.VariantID)) { temp.CanChoice = true; } else { temp.CanChoice = false; } productVariantOfProduct.ProductVariants.Add(temp); } else { LineItem product = new LineItem(); product.VariantID = 0; product.ProductID = item.ProductID; product.ObjectName = item.ProductName; product.IsDefault = true; product.Price = -1; product.CanChoice = false; product.Quantity = 1; var thumb = ImageService.GetPathImageFirstOfProduct(item.ProductID); product.ImageUrl = thumb; productVariantOfProduct.ProductVariants.Add(product); for (int i = 0; i < variants.Count; i++) { LineItem temp = new LineItem(); temp.ProductID = item.ProductID; temp.VariantID = variants[i].VariantID; temp.ObjectName = variants[i].VariantTittle; temp.SKU = variants[i].VariantSKU; temp.IsDefault = false; temp.Price = SNumber.ToNumber(variants[i].VariantPrice); temp.Quantity = 1; if (!variantIDs.Contains(temp.VariantID)) { temp.CanChoice = true; } else { temp.CanChoice = false; } TblImage image = imageService.GetByPrimaryKey(variants[i].ImageID); if (image != null) { temp.ImageUrl = image.ImageUrl; } productVariantOfProduct.ProductVariants.Add(temp); } } } } } return(View(productVariantOfProduct)); } catch (Exception ex) { LogService.WriteException(ex); return(null); } }
public ActionResult detail(int id, string strMessage = "") { try { string strError = "", strSuccess = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strMessage)) { if (strMessage.Equals("bill1")) { strSuccess = "Xác nhận thanh toán thành công"; } else if (strMessage.Equals("bill0")) { strError = "Xác nhận thanh toán thất bại"; } else if (strMessage.Equals("delivery1")) { strSuccess = "Cập nhật thông tin giao hàng thành công"; } else if (strMessage.Equals("delivery0")) { strError = "Cập nhật thông tin giao hàng thất bại"; } else if (strMessage.Equals("update1")) { strSuccess = "Cập nhật thông tin đơn hàng thành công"; } else if (strMessage.Equals("update0")) { strError = "Cập nhật thông tin đơn hàng thất bại"; } else if (strMessage.Equals("addShippingAddress1")) { strSuccess = "Thêm mới địa chỉ giao hàng thành công"; } else if (strMessage.Equals("addShippingAddress0")) { strError = "Thêm mới địa chỉ giao hàng thất bại"; } else if (strMessage.Equals("editShippingAddress1")) { strSuccess = "Sửa địa chỉ giao hàng thành công"; } else if (strMessage.Equals("editShippingAddress0")) { strError = "Sửa địa chỉ giao hàng thất bại"; } else if (strMessage.Equals("editEmail1")) { strSuccess = "Sửa điạ chỉ email của khách hàng thành công"; } else if (strMessage.Equals("editEmail1")) { strError = "Sửa điạ chỉ email của khách hàng thất bại"; } } ViewBag.strSuccess = strSuccess; ViewBag.strError = strError; TblOrder order = orderService.GetByPrimaryKey(id); if (order == null) { return(RedirectToAction("", "orders", new { strMessage = "notExist" })); } order.OrderName = "#" + (Common.BaseNumberOrder + order.Number).ToString() + " " + SDateTime.ToDateTime(order.CreatedDateTime); DetailOrderModel detailOrderModel = new DetailOrderModel(); detailOrderModel.OrderID = order.OrderID; detailOrderModel.CustomerEmail = order.CustomerEmail; detailOrderModel.CustomerID = order.CustomerID; detailOrderModel.Customer = customerService.GetByPrimaryKey(SNumber.ToNumber(order.CustomerID)); detailOrderModel.BillingStatus = order.BillingStatus; detailOrderModel.ShippingStatus = order.ShippingStatus; detailOrderModel.TotalCount = order.TotalCount; detailOrderModel.OrderName = order.OrderName; detailOrderModel.OrderNote = order.OrderNote; detailOrderModel.Tags = order.Tags; detailOrderModel.ListTag = tagService.GetByTableNameID((int)Common.TableName.TblOrder); detailOrderModel.BillingAddressID = SNumber.ToNumber(order.BillingAddressID); detailOrderModel.BillingAddress = billingAddressService.GetByPrimaryKey(SNumber.ToNumber(order.BillingAddressID)); if (detailOrderModel.BillingAddress != null) { detailOrderModel.BillingAddress.Countries = countryService.GetAll(); } detailOrderModel.ShippingAddressID = SNumber.ToNumber(order.ShippingAddressID); detailOrderModel.ShippingAddress = shippingAddressService.GetByPrimaryKey(SNumber.ToNumber(order.ShippingAddressID)); if (detailOrderModel.ShippingAddress == null) { detailOrderModel.ShippingAddress = new ShippingAddress(); } detailOrderModel.ShippingAddress.Countries = countryService.GetAll(); if (order.OrderID > 0) { List <LineItem> lineItems = lineItemService.GetByOrderID(order.OrderID); foreach (var item in lineItems) { if (item.VariantName == "Default Title") { var thumb = ImageService.GetPathImageFirstOfProduct(item.ProductID); item.ImageUrl = thumb; } else { Variant variant = variantService.GetByPrimaryKey(item.VariantID); if (variant != null) { TblImage image = imageService.GetByPrimaryKey(variant.ImageID); if (image != null) { item.ImageUrl = image.ImageUrl; } } } if (item.ShippingStatus == null) { detailOrderModel.LineItemsPending.Add(item); } else { detailOrderModel.LineItemsPaid.Add(item); } } } return(View(detailOrderModel)); } catch (Exception ex) { LogService.WriteException(ex); return(RedirectToAction("", "orders", new { strMessage = "notExist" })); } }