예제 #1
        static IEnumerable <Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.Task> FindIncompleteTask(ExchangeService service)
            // Specify the folder to search, and limit the properties returned in the result.
            TasksFolder tasksfolder = TasksFolder.Bind(service,
                                                       new PropertySet(BasePropertySet.IdOnly, FolderSchema.TotalCount));

            // Set the number of items to the smaller of the number of items in the Contacts folder or 1000.
            int numItems = tasksfolder.TotalCount < 1000 ? tasksfolder.TotalCount : 1000;

            // Instantiate the item view with the number of items to retrieve from the contacts folder.
            ItemView view = new ItemView(numItems);

            // To keep the request smaller, send only the display name.
            view.PropertySet = new PropertySet(BasePropertySet.IdOnly, TaskSchema.Subject, TaskSchema.Status, TaskSchema.StartDate);

            var filter = new SearchFilter.IsGreaterThan(TaskSchema.DateTimeCreated, DateTime.Now.AddYears(-10));

            // Retrieve the items in the Tasks folder with the properties you selected.
            FindItemsResults <Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.Item> taskItems = service.FindItems(WellKnownFolderName.Tasks, filter, view);

            // If the subject of the task matches only one item, return that task item.
            var results = new List <Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.Task>();

            foreach (var task in taskItems)
                var result = new Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.Task(service);
                result = task as Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.Task;
        public static Task FindTaskBySubject(ExchangeService service, string Subject)
            // Specify the folder to search, and limit the properties returned in the result.
            TasksFolder tasksfolder = TasksFolder.Bind(service,
                                                       new PropertySet(BasePropertySet.IdOnly, FolderSchema.TotalCount));

            // Set the number of items to the smaller of the number of items in the Contacts folder or 1000.
            int numItems = tasksfolder.TotalCount < 1000 ? tasksfolder.TotalCount : 1000;

            // Instantiate the item view with the number of items to retrieve from the contacts folder.
            ItemView view = new ItemView(numItems);

            // To keep the request smaller, send only the display name.
            view.PropertySet = new PropertySet(BasePropertySet.IdOnly, TaskSchema.Subject);

            // Create a searchfilter to check the subject of the tasks.
            SearchFilter.IsEqualTo filter = new SearchFilter.IsEqualTo(TaskSchema.Subject, Subject);

            // Retrieve the items in the Tasks folder with the properties you selected.
            FindItemsResults <Item> taskItems = service.FindItems(WellKnownFolderName.Tasks, filter, view);

            // If the subject of the task matches only one item, return that task item.
            if (taskItems.Count() == 1)
            // No tasks, or more than one, were found.
        /// <summary>
        /// The method will return all the tasks from "Tasks" folder
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>List of tasks</returns>
        public FindItemsResults <Item> GetAllTasks()
            // Specify the folder to search, and limit the properties returned in the result.
            TasksFolder tasksfolder = TasksFolder.Bind(Service,
                                                       new PropertySet(BasePropertySet.IdOnly, FolderSchema.TotalCount));

            // Set the count of items to be displayed.
            int numItems = tasksfolder.TotalCount > 50 ? tasksfolder.TotalCount : 50;

            // Instantiate the item view with the number of items to retrieve from the required folder.
            ItemView view = new ItemView(numItems);
            // Retrieve the items in the Tasks folder.
            FindItemsResults <Item> taskItems = Service.FindItems(WellKnownFolderName.Tasks, view);

            //Load Body and other
            Service.LoadPropertiesForItems(taskItems, PropertySet.FirstClassProperties);

            if (taskItems != null && taskItems.Count() > 0)
예제 #4
        private void bindTasks(DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate)
            List <LeadTask> tasks = null;

            Expression <Func <CRM.Data.Entities.Task, bool> > predicate = PredicateBuilder.True <CRM.Data.Entities.Task>();

            if (roleID == (int)UserRole.Administrator)
            else if ((roleID == (int)UserRole.Client || roleID == (int)UserRole.SiteAdministrator) && clientID > 0)
                // load all tasks for client (sort of admin)

                predicate = predicate.And(LeadTask => LeadTask.creator_id == clientID);

                predicate = predicate.And(LeadTask => LeadTask.start_date >= fromDate && LeadTask.end_date <= toDate);

                // get overdue task for client
                predicate = predicate.Or(LeadTask => LeadTask.status_id == 1 && LeadTask.end_date <= toDate && LeadTask.creator_id == clientID);
                // regular users

                predicate = predicate.And(LeadTask => LeadTask.start_date >= fromDate && LeadTask.end_date <= toDate);

                predicate = predicate.And(LeadTask => LeadTask.owner_id == userID);

            tasks = TasksManager.GetLeadTask(predicate, fromDate, toDate);

            if (rbOn.Checked)
                userID = SessionHelper.getUserId();

                CRM.Data.Entities.SecUser secUser = SecUserManager.GetByUserId(userID);
                string emailaddress = secUser.Email;
                string password     = SecurityManager.Decrypt(secUser.emailPassword);
                string url          = "https://" + secUser.emailHost + "/EWS/Exchange.asmx";

                ExchangeService service = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2007_SP1);
                service.Credentials = new WebCredentials(emailaddress, password);
                service.Url         = new Uri(url);

                    TasksFolder tasksfolder = TasksFolder.Bind(service, WellKnownFolderName.Tasks);

                    ItemView view = new ItemView(int.MaxValue);
                    FindItemsResults <Item> OutlookTasks = tasksfolder.FindItems(view);

                    CalendarView calView = new CalendarView(fromDate, toDate);

                    FindItemsResults <Item> instanceResults = service.FindItems(WellKnownFolderName.Calendar, calView);

                    foreach (var item in instanceResults)
                        LeadTask newTask = new LeadTask();
                        Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.Appointment appointment = item as Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.Appointment;

                        newTask.creator_id = userID;
                        newTask.details    = appointment.Subject;
                        newTask.end_date   = appointment.End;
                        newTask.isAllDay   = appointment.IsRecurring;
                        newTask.text       = appointment.Subject;

                        newTask.priorityName = appointment.Importance.ToString();
                        newTask.owner_name   = appointment.Organizer.Name;
                        newTask.start_date   = appointment.Start;


                    foreach (var task in OutlookTasks)
                        Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.Task myTask = task as Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.Task;

                        LeadTask newTask = new LeadTask();
                        newTask.creator_id   = userID;
                        newTask.details      = ExtractHtmlInnerText(myTask.Body.Text);
                        newTask.end_date     = myTask.DueDate;
                        newTask.isAllDay     = myTask.IsRecurring;
                        newTask.text         = myTask.Subject;
                        newTask.statusName   = myTask.Status.ToString();
                        newTask.priorityName = myTask.Importance.ToString();
                        newTask.owner_name   = myTask.Owner;
                        if (myTask.StartDate == null)
                            newTask.start_date = myTask.DueDate;
                            newTask.start_date = myTask.StartDate;

                catch (Exception ex)
            // show tasks
            gvTasks.DataSource = tasks;