예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Asynchronously creates a message for writing an async response.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The message that can be used to write the async response.</returns>
        public Task <ODataAsynchronousResponseMessage> CreateResponseMessageAsync()

            return(TaskUtils.GetTaskForSynchronousOperation(() => this.CreateResponseMessageImplementation()));
        private async void ReadRows()
            if (_executeQuery)
            if (_gdbPath.IsEmpty())
            if (SelectedTableName.IsEmpty())

            _executeQuery = true;

            string tableName = SelectedTableName.Split(new char[] { '(', ')' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1].Trim();

            var data = new ObservableCollection <DynamicDataRow>();

            try {
                //Note, we have to return something
                await TaskUtils.StartSTATask <int>(() => {
                    using (Geodatabase gdb = new Geodatabase(_gdbPath)) {
                        var table = gdb.OpenDataset <Table>(tableName);

                        RowCursor cursor           = table.Search();
                        IReadOnlyList <Field> flds = cursor.GetFields();
                        foreach (var fld in flds)
                            _columns.Add(new ColumnData()
                                AliasName = fld.AliasName ?? fld.Name,
                                Name      = fld.Name,
                                FieldType = fld.FieldType

                        while (cursor.MoveNext())
                            var row = new DynamicDataRow();

                            for (int v = 0; v < flds.Count; v++)
                                row[GetName(flds[v])] = GetValue(cursor.Current, v);
            finally {
                ExtendListView.Columns = _columns;

                lock (_theLock) {
                    _rows = null;
                    _rows = data;
                if (_rows.Count > 0)
                    TableHasNoRows = "";
                    TableHasNoRows = "No rows returned";
                _executeQuery = false;
예제 #3
        public async Task WriteResponseMessage_APIsShouldYieldSameResult()
            var nestedWriterSettings = new ODataMessageWriterSettings
                Version = ODataVersion.V4,
                EnableMessageStreamDisposal = false

            nestedWriterSettings.SetServiceDocumentUri(new Uri(ServiceUri));
            var customerResponse = new ODataResource
                TypeName   = "NS.Customer",
                Properties = new List <ODataProperty>
                    new ODataProperty
                        Name              = "Id",
                        Value             = 1,
                        SerializationInfo = new ODataPropertySerializationInfo {
                            PropertyKind = ODataPropertyKind.Key
                    new ODataProperty {
                        Name = "Name", Value = "Customer 1"

            IODataResponseMessage asyncResponseMessage = new InMemoryMessage {
                StatusCode = 200, Stream = this.asyncStream

            using (var messageWriter = new ODataMessageWriter(asyncResponseMessage, writerSettings))
                var asynchronousWriter = await messageWriter.CreateODataAsynchronousWriterAsync();

                var responseMessage = await asynchronousWriter.CreateResponseMessageAsync();

                responseMessage.StatusCode = 200;

                using (var nestedMessageWriter = new ODataMessageWriter(responseMessage, nestedWriterSettings, this.model))
                    var writer = await nestedMessageWriter.CreateODataResourceWriterAsync(this.customerEntitySet, this.customerEntityType);

                    await writer.WriteStartAsync(customerResponse);

                    await writer.WriteEndAsync();

                    await writer.FlushAsync();

                await asynchronousWriter.FlushAsync();

            this.asyncStream.Position = 0;
            var asyncResult = await new StreamReader(this.asyncStream).ReadToEndAsync();

            var syncResult = await TaskUtils.GetTaskForSynchronousOperation(() =>
                IODataResponseMessage syncResponseMessage = new InMemoryMessage {
                    StatusCode = 200, Stream = this.syncStream
                using (var messageWriter = new ODataMessageWriter(syncResponseMessage, writerSettings))
                    var asynchronousWriter     = messageWriter.CreateODataAsynchronousWriter();
                    var responseMessage        = asynchronousWriter.CreateResponseMessage();
                    responseMessage.StatusCode = 200;

                    using (var nestedMessageWriter = new ODataMessageWriter(responseMessage, nestedWriterSettings, this.model))
                        var writer = nestedMessageWriter.CreateODataResourceWriter(this.customerEntitySet, this.customerEntityType);



                this.syncStream.Position = 0;
                return(new StreamReader(this.syncStream).ReadToEnd());

            var expected = @"HTTP/1.1 200 OK
OData-Version: 4.0
Content-Type: application/json;odata.metadata=minimal;odata.streaming=true;IEEE754Compatible=false;charset=utf-8

{""@odata.context"":""http://tempuri.org/$metadata#Customers/$entity"",""Id"":1,""Name"":""Customer 1""}";

            Assert.Equal(expected, asyncResult);
            Assert.Equal(expected, syncResult);
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Asynchronously get the stream backing this message.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="streamFuncAsync">A function that returns a task for the stream backing the message.</param>
        /// <param name="isRequest">true if the message is a request message; false for a response message.</param>
        /// <returns>A task that when completed returns the stream backing the message.</returns>
        protected internal Task <Stream> GetStreamAsync(Func <Task <Stream> > streamFuncAsync, bool isRequest)
            // Check whether we have an existing buffering read stream when reading
            if (!this.writing)
                Stream existingBufferingReadStream = this.TryGetBufferingReadStream();
                Debug.Assert(!this.writing || existingBufferingReadStream == null, "The buffering read stream should only be used when reading.");
                if (existingBufferingReadStream != null)
                    Debug.Assert(this.useBufferingReadStream.HasValue, "UseBufferingReadStream must have been set.");

            Task <Stream> task = streamFuncAsync();

            ValidateMessageStreamTask(task, isRequest);

            // Wrap it in a non-disposing stream if requested
            task = task.FollowOnSuccessWith(
                streamTask =>
                Stream messageStream = streamTask.Result;
                ValidateMessageStream(messageStream, isRequest);

                // When reading, wrap the stream in a byte counting stream if a max message size was specified.
                // When requested, wrap the stream in a non-disposing stream.
                bool needByteCountingStream = !this.writing && this.maxMessageSize > 0;
                if (!this.enableMessageStreamDisposal && needByteCountingStream)
                    messageStream = MessageStreamWrapper.CreateNonDisposingStreamWithMaxSize(messageStream, this.maxMessageSize);
                else if (!this.enableMessageStreamDisposal)
                    messageStream = MessageStreamWrapper.CreateNonDisposingStream(messageStream);
                else if (needByteCountingStream)
                    messageStream = MessageStreamWrapper.CreateStreamWithMaxSize(messageStream, this.maxMessageSize);


            // When we are reading, also buffer the input stream
            if (!this.writing)
                task = task
                    streamTask =>
                    streamTask =>
                    BufferedReadStream bufferedReadStream = streamTask.Result;

                // If requested also create a buffering stream for payload kind detection
                if (this.useBufferingReadStream == true)
                    task = task.FollowOnSuccessWith(
                        streamTask =>
                        Stream messageStream     = streamTask.Result;
                        this.bufferingReadStream = new BufferingReadStream(messageStream);
                        messageStream            = this.bufferingReadStream;

예제 #5
        public ScenarioStatisticsRegistration GetStatisticsRegistration(string[] scenariosIds)
            var scenarios = ScenariosRepository.Scenarios.Where(x => scenariosIds.Contains(x.Id)).ToArray();

예제 #6
 public override Task <Schema> GetSchemaAsync(ICRUDQueryExecutionContext context, Query query)
     return(TaskUtils.AsCompletedTask(() => this.GetSchema(context, query)));
예제 #7
 public override Task <Cursor> OpenCursorAsync(ICRUDQueryExecutionContext context, Query query)
     return(TaskUtils.AsCompletedTask(() => this.OpenCursor(context, query)));
        /// <summary>
        /// Asynchronously creates an <see cref="ODataCollectionWriter" /> to write a collection of primitive or complex values (as result of a service operation invocation).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="itemTypeReference">The item type of the collection being written or null if no metadata is available.</param>
        /// <returns>A running task for the created collection writer.</returns>
        /// <remarks>The write must flush the output when it's finished (inside the last Write call).</remarks>
        internal override Task <ODataCollectionWriter> CreateODataCollectionWriterAsync(IEdmTypeReference itemTypeReference)

            return(TaskUtils.GetTaskForSynchronousOperation(() => this.CreateODataCollectionWriterImplementation(itemTypeReference)));
예제 #9
 /// <inheritdoc/>
 public override Task WriteLineAsync(char[] buffer, int index, int count)
     return(TaskUtils.GetTaskForSynchronousOperation(() =>
                                                     this.WriteLine(buffer, index, count)));
        /// <summary>
        /// Asynchronously creates an <see cref="ODataWriter" /> to write a feed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to write entities for.</param>
        /// <param name="entityType">The entity type for the entries in the feed to be written (or null if the entity set base type should be used).</param>
        /// <returns>A running task for the created writer.</returns>
        /// <remarks>The write must flush the output when it's finished (inside the last Write call).</remarks>
        internal override Task <ODataWriter> CreateODataFeedWriterAsync(IEdmEntitySetBase entitySet, IEdmEntityType entityType)

            return(TaskUtils.GetTaskForSynchronousOperation(() => this.CreateODataFeedWriterImplementation(entitySet, entityType)));
        /// <summary>
        /// Asynchronously creates an <see cref="ODataWriter" /> to write an entry.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="navigationSource">The navigation source we are going to write entities for.</param>
        /// <param name="entityType">The entity type for the entries in the feed to be written (or null if the entity set base type should be used).</param>
        /// <returns>A running task for the created writer.</returns>
        /// <remarks>The write must flush the output when it's finished (inside the last Write call).</remarks>
        internal override Task <ODataWriter> CreateODataEntryWriterAsync(IEdmNavigationSource navigationSource, IEdmEntityType entityType)

            return(TaskUtils.GetTaskForSynchronousOperation(() => this.CreateODataEntryWriterImplementation(navigationSource, entityType)));
        public Task RegisterTerrain(WeldingInputTerrain inputTerrain)
            _terrains[inputTerrain.WeldingInputTerrainId] = new WeldingTerrainEntity()
                Uvs = new TerrainWeldUvs(),
                WeldModificationCallback = inputTerrain.WeldModificationCallback

            var globalSubPosition = RectangleUtils.CalculateSubPosition(inputTerrain.DetailGlobalArea,

            var weldPositions = new Dictionary <WeldSideType, WeldPosition>();

            weldPositions[WeldSideType.Bottom] = new WeldPosition()
                ConstantAxisPosition = Mathf.RoundToInt(globalSubPosition.Y),
                Orientation          = WeldOrientation.Horizontal,
                Range = new IntVector2(Mathf.RoundToInt(globalSubPosition.X), Mathf.RoundToInt(globalSubPosition.MaxX))
            weldPositions[WeldSideType.Top] = new WeldPosition()
                ConstantAxisPosition = Mathf.RoundToInt(globalSubPosition.MaxY),
                Orientation          = WeldOrientation.Horizontal,
                Range = new IntVector2(Mathf.RoundToInt(globalSubPosition.X), Mathf.RoundToInt(globalSubPosition.MaxX))
            weldPositions[WeldSideType.Left] = new WeldPosition()
                ConstantAxisPosition = Mathf.RoundToInt(globalSubPosition.X),
                Orientation          = WeldOrientation.Vertical,
                Range = new IntVector2(Mathf.RoundToInt(globalSubPosition.Y), Mathf.RoundToInt(globalSubPosition.MaxY))
            weldPositions[WeldSideType.Right] = new WeldPosition()
                ConstantAxisPosition = Mathf.RoundToInt(globalSubPosition.MaxX),
                Orientation          = WeldOrientation.Vertical,
                Range = new IntVector2(Mathf.RoundToInt(globalSubPosition.Y), Mathf.RoundToInt(globalSubPosition.MaxY))

            var orders = new List <WeldRegenerationOrder>();

            foreach (var weldPositionPair in weldPositions)
                var weldPosition = weldPositionPair.Value;
                var orientation  = weldPositionPair.Key.GetOrientation();
                var weldsDict    = _welds[orientation];

                if (!weldsDict.ContainsKey(weldPosition.ConstantAxisPosition))
                    weldsDict[weldPosition.ConstantAxisPosition] = new WeldLine();

                var line = weldsDict[weldPosition.ConstantAxisPosition];
                orders.AddRange(line.RegisterWeld(weldPosition, weldPositionPair.Key, inputTerrain));

            //var weldsUvs = TaskUtils.WhenAll(orders.Select(c => _mapLevel1Manager.Process(c))).Result;
            var weldsUvs = orders.Select(c => _mapLevel1Manager.Process(c)).ToList();

            foreach (var x in weldsUvs.SelectMany(c => c))
                var terrainId = x.Key;
                var weldUv    = x.Value;

                var terrain = _terrains[terrainId];

예제 #13
        public async Task TesttArity1()
            Tuple <long> results = await TaskUtils.All(get1());

            Assert.Equal(1, results.Item1);
 public Task CreatedNewNodeAsync()
예제 #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Asynchronously read a top-level value.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="expectedPrimitiveTypeReference">The expected type reference for the value to be read; null if no expected type is available.</param>
 /// <returns>Task which when completed returns an <see cref="object"/> representing the read value.</returns>
 internal override Task <object> ReadValueAsync(IEdmPrimitiveTypeReference expectedPrimitiveTypeReference)
     // Note that the reading is actually synchronous since we buffer the entire input when getting the stream from the message.
     return(TaskUtils.GetTaskForSynchronousOperation(() => this.ReadValueImplementation(expectedPrimitiveTypeReference)));
예제 #16
 /// <inheritdoc/>
 public override Task WriteLineAsync(string value)
     return(TaskUtils.GetTaskForSynchronousOperation(() =>
예제 #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Asynchronously create an <see cref="ODataAsynchronousReader"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>Task which when completed returns the newly created <see cref="ODataAsynchronousReader"/>.</returns>
 internal override Task <ODataAsynchronousReader> CreateAsynchronousReaderAsync()
     // Note that the reading is actually synchronous since we buffer the entire input when getting the stream from the message.
     return(TaskUtils.GetTaskForSynchronousOperation(() => this.CreateAsynchronousReaderImplementation()));
예제 #18
 /// <summary>
 /// Implementation of the reader logic when in state Value, Resource, Resource Set or Collection state.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.Property or JsonNodeType.EndObject:     assumes the last read puts the reader at the beginning of the next parameter or at the end of the payload.
 /// Post-Condition: When the new state is Value, the reader is positioned at the closing '}' or at the name of the next parameter.
 ///                 When the new state is Resource, the reader is positioned at the starting '{' of the resource payload.
 ///                 When the new state is Resource Set or Collection, the reader is positioned at the starting '[' of the resource set or collection payload.
 /// </remarks>
 protected override Task <bool> ReadNextParameterImplementationAsync()
     return(TaskUtils.GetTaskForSynchronousOperation <bool>(this.ReadNextParameterImplementationSynchronously));
예제 #19
 public override Task <RowsetBase> ExecuteAsync(ICRUDQueryExecutionContext context, Query query, bool oneRow = false)
     return(TaskUtils.AsCompletedTask(() => this.Execute(context, query, oneRow)));
예제 #20
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an <see cref="ODataReader"/> to read the resource set value of type <paramref name="expectedResourceType"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="expectedResourceType">Expected resource set element type to read.</param>
 /// <returns>An <see cref="ODataReader"/> to read the resource set value of type <paramref name="expectedResourceType"/>.</returns>
 protected override Task <ODataReader> CreateResourceSetReaderAsync(IEdmStructuredType expectedResourceType)
     return(TaskUtils.GetTaskForSynchronousOperation <ODataReader>(() => this.CreateResourceSetReaderSynchronously(expectedResourceType)));
예제 #21
 public override Task <int> ExecuteWithoutFetchAsync(ICRUDQueryExecutionContext context, Query query)
     return(TaskUtils.AsCompletedTask(() => this.ExecuteWithoutFetch(context, query)));
예제 #22
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an <see cref="ODataCollectionReader"/> to read the collection with type <paramref name="expectedItemTypeReference"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="expectedItemTypeReference">Expected item type reference of the collection to read.</param>
 /// <returns>An <see cref="ODataCollectionReader"/> to read the collection with type <paramref name="expectedItemTypeReference"/>.</returns>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Pre-Condition:  Any:    the reader should be on the start array node of the collection value; if it is not we let the collection reader fail.
 /// Post-Condition: Any:    the reader should be on the start array node of the collection value; if it is not we let the collection reader fail.
 /// NOTE: this method does not move the reader.
 /// </remarks>
 protected override Task <ODataCollectionReader> CreateCollectionReaderAsync(IEdmTypeReference expectedItemTypeReference)
     return(TaskUtils.GetTaskForSynchronousOperation <ODataCollectionReader>(() => this.CreateCollectionReaderSynchronously(expectedItemTypeReference)));
예제 #23
        public ScenarioStatistic GetStatistics(DateTime since, DateTime to, StatisticsScenarioInfo info)
            var user = GetCurrentUser();

            return(TaskUtils.Wait(StatisticsManager.GetItems(info, since, to, new ScenarioActionSource(user, ScenarioStartupSource.Network, ScenarioAction.ViewValue))));
        /// <summary>
        /// Asynchronously creates an <see cref="ODataBatchWriter" /> to write a batch of requests or responses.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="batchBoundary">The boundary string for the batch structure itself.</param>
        /// <returns>A running task for the created batch writer.</returns>
        /// <remarks>We don't plan to make this public!</remarks>
        /// <remarks>The write must flush the output when it's finished (inside the last Write call).</remarks>
        internal override Task <ODataBatchWriter> CreateODataBatchWriterAsync(string batchBoundary)

            return(TaskUtils.GetTaskForSynchronousOperation(() => this.CreateODataBatchWriterImplementation(batchBoundary)));
        private async void OpenGDB()
            if (_executeQuery)
            if (_gdbPath.IsEmpty())
            _executeQuery = true;

            if (_rows.Count > 0)
                _rows = new ObservableCollection <DynamicDataRow>();
                ExtendListView.Columns = null;

            TableHasNoRows    = "";
            SelectedTableName = "";

            try {
                await TaskUtils.StartSTATask <int>(() => {
                    using (Geodatabase gdb = new Geodatabase(_gdbPath)) {
                        IReadOnlyList <Definition> fcList = gdb.GetDefinitions <FeatureClassDefinition>();
                        IReadOnlyList <Definition> tables = gdb.GetDefinitions <TableDefinition>();

                        //////Uncomment for just Feature class in Feature Datasets
                        ////IReadOnlyList<Definition> fdsList = gdb.GetDefinitions<FeatureDatasetDefinition>();

                        lock (_theLock) {
                            //Feature class
                            foreach (var fcDef in fcList)
                                _tables.Add(TableString(fcDef as TableDefinition));
                            foreach (var def in tables)
                                _tables.Add(TableString(def as TableDefinition));

                            //////Uncomment for just Feature class in Feature Datasets
                            ////foreach (var fdsDef in fdsList) {
                            ////    IReadOnlyList<Definition> tableDefsInDataset = gdb.GetRelatedDefinitions(fdsDef,
                            ////        DefinitionRelationshipType.DatasetInFeatureDataset);

                            ////    foreach (var def in tableDefsInDataset) {
                            ////        if (def.DatasetType == DatasetType.FeatureClass)
                            ////            _tables.Add(TableString(def as TableDefinition));
                            ////    }
            finally {
                if (_tables.Count > 0)
                    SelectedTableName = _tables[0];
                    MessageBox.Show("No tables or feature datasets read", _gdbPath);
                _executeQuery = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Asynchronously creates an <see cref="ODataAsynchronousWriter" /> to write an async response.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A running task for the created writer.</returns>
        /// <remarks>The write must flush the output when it's finished (inside the last Write call).</remarks>
        internal override Task <ODataAsynchronousWriter> CreateODataAsynchronousWriterAsync()

            return(TaskUtils.GetTaskForSynchronousOperation(() => this.CreateODataAsynchronousWriterImplementation()));
예제 #27
        public async Task WriteInStreamError_APIsShouldYieldSameResult()
            var nestedWriterSettings = new ODataMessageWriterSettings
                Version = ODataVersion.V4,
                EnableMessageStreamDisposal = false

            nestedWriterSettings.SetServiceDocumentUri(new Uri(ServiceUri));

            var asyncException = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <ODataException>(async() =>
                IODataResponseMessage asyncResponseMessage = new InMemoryMessage {
                    StatusCode = 200, Stream = this.asyncStream
                using (var messageWriter = new ODataMessageWriter(asyncResponseMessage, writerSettings))
                    // Call to CreateODataAsynchronousWriterAsync triggers setting of output in-stream error listener
                    var asynchronousWriter     = await messageWriter.CreateODataAsynchronousWriterAsync();
                    var responseMessage        = await asynchronousWriter.CreateResponseMessageAsync();
                    responseMessage.StatusCode = 200;

                    // Next section added is to demonstrate that what was already written is flushed to the buffer before exception is thrown
                    using (var nestedMessageWriter = new ODataMessageWriter(responseMessage, nestedWriterSettings))
                        var writer = await nestedMessageWriter.CreateODataResourceWriterAsync();

                    await messageWriter.WriteErrorAsync(
                        new ODataError {
                        ErrorCode = "NRE", Message = "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
                        /*includeDebugInformation*/ true);

            this.asyncStream.Position = 0;
            var asyncResult = await new StreamReader(this.asyncStream).ReadToEndAsync();

            var syncException = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <ODataException>(
                () => TaskUtils.GetTaskForSynchronousOperation(() =>
                IODataResponseMessage syncResponseMessage = new InMemoryMessage {
                    StatusCode = 200, Stream = this.syncStream
                using (var messageWriter = new ODataMessageWriter(syncResponseMessage, writerSettings))
                    // Call to CreateODataAsynchronousWriterAsync triggers setting of output in-stream error listener
                    var asynchronousWriter     = messageWriter.CreateODataAsynchronousWriter();
                    var responseMessage        = asynchronousWriter.CreateResponseMessage();
                    responseMessage.StatusCode = 200;

                    // Next section is added to demonstrate that what was already written is flushed to the buffer before exception is thrown
                    using (var nestedMessageWriter = new ODataMessageWriter(responseMessage, nestedWriterSettings))
                        var writer = nestedMessageWriter.CreateODataResourceWriter();

                        new ODataError {
                        ErrorCode = "NRE", Message = "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
                        /*includeDebugInformation*/ true);

            this.syncStream.Position = 0;
            var syncResult = await new StreamReader(this.syncStream).ReadToEndAsync();

            var expected = @"HTTP/1.1 200 OK
OData-Version: 4.0
Content-Type: application/json;odata.metadata=minimal;odata.streaming=true;IEEE754Compatible=false;charset=utf-8


            Assert.Equal(Strings.ODataAsyncWriter_CannotWriteInStreamErrorForAsync, asyncException.Message);
            Assert.Equal(Strings.ODataAsyncWriter_CannotWriteInStreamErrorForAsync, syncException.Message);
            Assert.Equal(expected, asyncResult);
            Assert.Equal(expected, syncResult);
예제 #28
 /// <summary>
 /// Asynchronously create a <see cref="ODataBatchReader"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="batchBoundary">The batch boundary to use.</param>
 /// <returns>Task which when completed returns the newly created <see cref="ODataCollectionReader"/>.</returns>
 internal override Task <ODataBatchReader> CreateBatchReaderAsync(string batchBoundary)
     // Note that the reading is actually synchronous since we buffer the entire input when getting the stream from the message.
     return(TaskUtils.GetTaskForSynchronousOperation(() => this.CreateBatchReaderImplementation(batchBoundary, /*synchronous*/ false)));
예제 #29
 public Task EndRequest(IDotvvmRequestContext context, Exception exception)
예제 #30
 public virtual Task <int> DeleteAsync(Row row, IDataStoreKey key = null)
     return(TaskUtils.AsCompletedTask(() => Delete(row)));