private void btnConnect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { btnConnect.Enabled = false; Properties.Settings.Default.Username = txtUsernm.Text; Properties.Settings.Default.Password = txtPasswd.Text; Properties.Settings.Default.Server = txtSvr.Text; Properties.Settings.Default.Port = int.Parse(txtPort.Text); Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); updaterProgressBar1.EndColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 211, 40); updaterProgressBar1.StartColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 211, 40); updaterProgressBar1.Value = 0; Server s = new Server(txtSvr.Text, txtSvr.Text, int.Parse(txtPort.Text)); Connection = s.GetConnection(); Connection.RegisterUser(txtUsernm.Text, txtPasswd.Text); TaskManager.AddAsyncTask(delegate { Connection.ProgressChange += new Connection.ProgressChangeEvent(c_ProgressChange); try { Connection.Connect(); } catch (LoginFailedException ex) { failReason = ex.Message; } }); }
public void Listen() { Console.WriteLine("Master Server at {0} is online and listening.", Properties.Settings.Default.Port); TaskManager.AddAsyncTask(delegate { string ver; bool api; if (Extras.CheckForUpdate("master", Program.Version, out ver, out api)) { if (!api) { Console.WriteLine("Version {0} is now available for Minecraft Mod Updater.", ver); } else { Console.WriteLine("Version {0} is now available for Minecraft Mod Updater API.", ver); } } }); while (Online) { Socket s = listen.AcceptSocket(); TaskManager.AddAsyncTask(delegate { Client c = new Client(this, new PacketHandler(s)); c.ClientDisconnected += delegate { c = null; }; }); } }
internal static void Open() { TaskManager.AddAsyncTask(delegate { new CommandPromptForm().ShowDialog(); }); }
public void Start() { Address = IPAddress.Loopback; try { string direction = ""; WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(""); using (WebResponse response = request.GetResponse()) { using (StreamReader stream = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream())) { direction = stream.ReadToEnd(); } } int first = direction.IndexOf("Address: ") + 9; int last = direction.LastIndexOf("</body>"); direction = direction.Substring(first, last - first); Address = IPAddress.Parse(direction); } catch (Exception e) { MinecraftModUpdater.Logger.Log(e); } MinecraftModUpdater.Logger.Log(Logger.Level.Info, "Server IP Address is: " + Address.ToString()); TcpServer.Start(); Online = true; TaskManager.AddAsyncTask(delegate { SimpleConsoleInputHandler(); }); TaskManager.AddAsyncTask(delegate { if (Config.MasterServer != "") { Socket s = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); string ip = Config.MasterServer.Split(':')[0].Trim(); int port = int.Parse(Config.MasterServer.Split(':')[1].Trim()); ConnectionHandler.ConnectTo(s, ip, port); PacketHandler ph = new PacketHandler(s); ph.Start(); Thread.Sleep(1000); Packet.Send(new HandshakePacket { Name = Config.ServerName, Port = Config.Port, Address = Address.ToString(), Type = HandshakePacket.SessionType.Server }, ph.Stream); } }, ThreadRole.Delayed, 1000); TaskManager.AddAsyncTask(delegate { string ver; bool api; if (Extras.CheckForUpdate("server", Program.Version, out ver, out api)) { if (!api) { MinecraftModUpdater.Logger.Log(Logger.Level.Info, "Version {0} is now available for Minecraft Mod Updater.", ver); } else { MinecraftModUpdater.Logger.Log(Logger.Level.Info, "Version {0} is now available for Minecraft Mod Updater API.", ver); } } }); Receive(); }
private void MainForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { TaskManager.AddAsyncTask(delegate { string direction = ""; WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(""); using (WebResponse response = request.GetResponse()) { using (StreamReader stream = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream())) { direction = stream.ReadToEnd(); } } int first = direction.IndexOf("Address: ") + 9; int last = direction.LastIndexOf("</body>"); direction = direction.Substring(first, last - first); LocalAddress = IPAddress.Parse(direction); }); ExceptionHandler.CloseProgram += new ModUpdaterDelegate(ExceptionHandler_CloseProgram); Debug.Assert("Debug mode is enabled. In-depth messages will be displayed."); if (ProgramOptions.Debug) { MinecraftModUpdater.Logger.Log(Logger.Level.Warning, "Client is running in debug-mode."); } if (ProgramOptions.CommandLine) { MinecraftModUpdater.Logger.Log(Logger.Level.Warning, "Client is running in commandline."); } TaskManager.AddAsyncTask(delegate { string ver; bool api; if (Extras.CheckForUpdate("client", Program.Version, out ver, out api)) { UpdateForm.Open(ver, api); } }); if (Properties.Settings.Default.FirstRun) { TaskManager.AddAsyncTask(delegate { SplashScreen.ShowSplashScreen(); }); OnFirstRun(); } if (recover) { Recover(); return; } if (!PrepareConnection()) { Close(); } Connect(); }
void HandleDisconnect(Packet p) { TaskManager.AddAsyncTask(delegate { ph.RemovePacketHandler(PacketId.Handshake); ph.RemovePacketHandler(PacketId.RequestMod); ph.RemovePacketHandler(PacketId.Log); ph.RemovePacketHandler(PacketId.Disconnect); }); ph.Disconnect -= ClientLeft; ClientDisconnected(this, EventArgs.Empty); }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length > 0) { foreach (string s in args) { switch (s) { case "-commandline": CommandPromptForm.Open(); ProgramOptions.CommandLine = true; break; case "-debug": ProgramOptions.Debug = true; break; case "-reset": Properties.Settings.Default.Reset(); Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); break; } } } ExceptionHandler.Init(); AppStatus = Utility.AppStatus.Init; WindowsPrincipal pricipal = new WindowsPrincipal(WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent()); ProgramOptions.Administrator = pricipal.IsInRole(WindowsBuiltInRole.Administrator); Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); TaskManager.AddAsyncTask(delegate { //throw new SystemException("Error", new SystemException("Other Error")); }); string name = Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName; if (Process.GetProcessesByName(name).Length != 1) { foreach (Process pr in Process.GetProcessesByName(name)) { if (pr.MainModule.BaseAddress == Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.BaseAddress) { if (pr.Id != Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id) { pr.Kill(); } } } } Application.Run(new MainForm()); }
static void Main() { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); TaskManager.ExceptionRaised += new TaskManagerError(HandleException); Application.ThreadException += new ThreadExceptionEventHandler(Application_ThreadException); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException); #if DEBUG TaskManager.AddAsyncTask(delegate { new LoggerForm().ShowDialog(); }); #endif Application.Run(new MainForm()); }
public void Receive() { while (Online) { try { Socket s = TcpServer.AcceptSocket(); TaskManager.SpawnTaskThread(ThreadRole.Standard); TaskManager.AddAsyncTask(delegate { AcceptClient(s); }); } catch { } } }
public static void HandleException(Exception e, object sender) { if (ProgramCrashed) { return; } ProgramCrashed = true; try { MainForm.Instance.Invoke(new ModUpdaterDelegate(delegate { new ExceptionHandler(e, sender).ShowDialog(); })); } catch { TaskManager.AddAsyncTask(delegate { new ExceptionHandler(e, sender).ShowDialog(); }, ThreadRole.Important); } }
private bool PrepareConnection() { ConnectionForm cf = new ConnectionForm(); if (cf.ShowDialog() != System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { return(false); } TaskManager.AddAsyncTask(delegate { SplashScreen.ShowSplashScreen(); }); Debug.Assert("Launching Program."); SplashScreen.UpdateStatusTextWithStatus("Preparing to connect to the update server...", TypeOfMessage.Warning); Thread.Sleep(3000); SplashScreen.GetScreen().Progress.Step = 20; Program.AppStatus = AppStatus.Connecting; SplashScreen.UpdateStatusText("Connecting..."); SplashScreen.GetScreen().Progress.PerformStep(); return(true); }
private void btnConfirm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (lsModsToUpdate.Items.Count == 0) { if (Properties.Settings.Default.LaunchAfterUpdate) { if (Properties.Settings.Default.FirstRun || !File.Exists(Properties.Settings.Default.MinecraftPath + "/bin/version")) { Program.UpdateMinecraft(); } SplashScreen.CloseSplashScreen(); Hide(); Program.StartMinecraft(); } Program.RunOnUIThread(delegate { Close(); }); return; } Program.AppStatus = AppStatus.Updating; if (!Properties.Settings.Default.AutoUpdate) { if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to update " + lsModsToUpdate.Items.Count + " mods and delete " + lsModsToDelete.Items.Count + " more?", "Confirm Update Action", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) != System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { return; } } foreach (object m in lsModsToUpdate.Items) { progress[3] += (int)((Mod)m).Size; } if (!Properties.Settings.Default.AutoUpdate) { TaskManager.AddAsyncTask(delegate { SplashScreen.ShowSplashScreen(); }); } while (SplashScreen.GetScreen() == null) { ; } while (SplashScreen.GetScreen().Opacity != 1) { ; } if (Properties.Settings.Default.FirstRun || !File.Exists(Properties.Settings.Default.MinecraftPath + "/bin/version")) { Program.UpdateMinecraft(); } SplashScreen.UpdateStatusText("Downloading Updates..."); SplashScreen.GetScreen().Invoke(new ModUpdaterDelegate(delegate { SplashScreen.GetScreen().lblTitle.Font.Dispose(); SplashScreen.GetScreen().lblTitle.Font = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, Server.FontSize); SplashScreen.GetScreen().lblTitle.Text = Server.Name; SplashScreen.GetScreen().lblProgress.Visible = true; SplashScreen.GetScreen().lblProgress.Text = "0%"; })); foreach (object o in lsModsToDelete.Items) { string m = (string)o; string path = Properties.Settings.Default.MinecraftPath + "\\" + Path.GetDirectoryName(m) + Path.GetFileName(m).TrimEnd('\\').Replace("clientmods", "mods"); File.Delete(Properties.Settings.Default.MinecraftPath + @"\mods\" + Path.GetFileName(m)); } Mod mod = (Mod)lsModsToUpdate.Items[progress[0]]; if (lsModsToUpdate.Items.Contains(mod)) { Packet.Send(new RequestModPacket { Type = RequestModPacket.RequestType.Download, Identifier = mod.Identifier }, ph.Stream); } TaskManager.AddAsyncTask(delegate { while (CurrentDownload == null) { ; } int i = 5; int kbps = 0; while (warnDisconnect == true) { SplashScreen.GetScreen().Invoke(new ModUpdaterDelegate(delegate { SplashScreen.GetScreen().lblProgress.Text = string.Format(string.Format("{0:0%}", percentage) + " at {0} KB/s", kbps); SplashScreen.GetScreen().Progress.Value = Convert.ToInt32(percentage.ToString("0%").Replace("%", "")); if (i == 10) { kbps = (dlThisSecond) / 1000; dlThisSecond = 0; i = 0; } })); i++; Thread.Sleep(100); } }); Hide(); }
private void Connect() { Socket s = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); socket = s; Debug.Assert("Creating Objects."); try { string srv = Server.Address; int port = Server.Port; if (srv == LocalAddress.ToString()) { srv = ""; } ConnectionHandler.ConnectTo(s, srv, port); SplashScreen.GetScreen().Progress.PerformStep(); } catch (SocketException ex) { Debug.Assert(ex); MessageBox.Show("There was an error while connecting to the update server. I will now self destruct."); Thread.Sleep(1000); SplashScreen.UpdateStatusTextWithStatus("Boom!!!", TypeOfMessage.Error); Thread.Sleep(5000); SplashScreen.UpdateStatusTextWithStatus("That was a joke, by the way.", TypeOfMessage.Warning); Thread.Sleep(1000); SplashScreen.CloseSplashScreen(); Thread.Sleep(3000); Close(); return; } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionHandler.HandleException(ex, this); } modImages = new ImageList(); modImages.ImageSize = new Size(230, 180); modImages.ColorDepth = ColorDepth.Depth32Bit; SplashScreen.GetScreen().Progress.PerformStep(); TaskManager.AddAsyncTask(delegate { while (s.Connected) { ; } if (!warnDisconnect) { return; } if (SplashScreen.GetScreen() != null) { SplashScreen.UpdateStatusTextWithStatus("Lost connection to server.", TypeOfMessage.Error); Thread.Sleep(5000); } else { MessageBox.Show("Lost connection to server."); } Program.RunOnUIThread(delegate { Close(); }); }); MinecraftModUpdater.Logger.Log(Logger.Level.Info, "Logging started."); ph = new PacketHandler(s); ph.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { TaskManager.SpawnTaskThread(ThreadRole.Standard); } TaskManager.AddAsyncTask(delegate { ph.RegisterPacketHandler(PacketId.Metadata, ph_Metadata); ph.RegisterPacketHandler(PacketId.ModInfo, ph_ModInfo); ph.RegisterPacketHandler(PacketId.ModList, ph_ModList); ph.RegisterPacketHandler(PacketId.AllDone, ph_AllDone); ph.RegisterPacketHandler(PacketId.NextDownload, ph_NextDownload); ph.RegisterPacketHandler(PacketId.FilePart, ph_FilePart); ph.RegisterPacketHandler(PacketId.Image, ph_Image); Debug.Assert("Packet Handlers registered."); SplashScreen.GetScreen().Progress.PerformStep(); }); if ((new LoginForm()).ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { MinecraftModUpdater.Logger.Log(Logger.Level.Error, "Login failed"); SplashScreen.UpdateStatusTextWithStatus("Your login failed.", TypeOfMessage.Error); Thread.Sleep(2000); SplashScreen.CloseSplashScreen(); Thread.Sleep(400); Close(); return; } Thread.Sleep(1000); SplashScreen.UpdateStatusText("Connected to server. Retreving Mod List."); Packet.Send(new HandshakePacket { Username = ProgramOptions.Username }, ph.Stream); Debug.Assert("Sent Handshake Packet."); Thread.Sleep(100); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { SplashScreen.GetScreen().Progress.Value += 1; Thread.Sleep(20); } }
void ph_AllDone(Packet pa) { AllDonePacket p = pa as AllDonePacket; int i = 0; while (progress[1] != progress[2]) { if (i > 10) { SplashScreen.UpdateStatusText("There was an error while downloading. Retrying..."); Thread.Sleep(5000); Packet.Send(new RequestModPacket { Type = RequestModPacket.RequestType.Download, Identifier = p.Identifier }, ph.Stream); return; } i++; Thread.Sleep(1000); } Mod m = Mods.Find(p.Identifier); string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(Properties.Settings.Default.MinecraftPath + "\\" + m.File); File.WriteAllBytes(path + "\\" + Path.GetFileName(m.File), CurrentDownload.Contents); MinecraftModUpdater.Logger.Log(Logger.Level.Info, "Downloaded " + path + "\\" + Path.GetFileName(m.File)); ProcessStartInfo pr = new ProcessStartInfo("cmd"); pr.CreateNoWindow = true; pr.UseShellExecute = false; pr.RedirectStandardOutput = true; pr.RedirectStandardInput = true; Process proc = new Process(); proc.StartInfo = pr; proc.Start(); foreach (string s in m.PostDownload) { try { proc.StandardInput.WriteLine(s); } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionHandler.HandleException(e, this); } } proc.Kill(); MinecraftModUpdater.Logger.Log(Logger.Level.Info, "[Post Download] " + proc.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()); if (GetLastModToUpdate().File == m.File) { SplashScreen.UpdateStatusText("All files downloaded!"); Thread.Sleep(1000); warnDisconnect = false; Packet.Send(new LogPacket { LogMessages = MinecraftModUpdater.Logger.GetMessages() }, ph.Stream); Packet.Send(new DisconnectPacket(), ph.Stream); ph.RemovePacketHandler(PacketId.Metadata); ph.RemovePacketHandler(PacketId.ModInfo); ph.RemovePacketHandler(PacketId.ModList); ph.RemovePacketHandler(PacketId.NextDownload); ph.RemovePacketHandler(PacketId.FilePart); ph.RemovePacketHandler(PacketId.AllDone); TaskManager.AddAsyncTask(delegate { ph.Stop(); }, ThreadRole.Delayed, 5000); if (Properties.Settings.Default.LaunchAfterUpdate) { Program.RunOnUIThread(delegate { Program.StartMinecraft(); }); } else { SplashScreen.CloseSplashScreen(); } Program.RunOnUIThread(delegate { Close(); }); return; } progress[0]++; m = (Mod)lsModsToUpdate.Items[progress[0]]; Packet.Send(new RequestModPacket { Type = RequestModPacket.RequestType.Download, Identifier = m.Identifier }, ph.Stream); }
public Mod(string ConfigFile) { ModName = "Unnamed"; Author = "No Author Given."; ModFile = ""; PostDownloadCLI = new string[0]; BlacklistedUsers = new List <string>(); WhitelistedUsers = new List <string>(); FileSize = 0; Description = "No description given."; modFile = new XmlDocument(); FileParts = new List <List <byte> >(); modFile.Load(ConfigFile); this.ConfigFile = ConfigFile; XmlNodeList nodes = modFile.SelectNodes("/Mod"); XmlNode n = nodes[0]; try { ModName = n["Name"].InnerText; } catch { n.AppendChild(modFile.CreateElement("Name")); } try { Author = n["Author"].InnerText; } catch { n.AppendChild(modFile.CreateElement("Author")); } try { ModFile = n["File"].InnerText; } catch { n.AppendChild(modFile.CreateElement("File")); } try { Optional = bool.Parse(n["Optional"].InnerText); } catch { Optional = false; } try { PostDownloadCLI = new string[0]; XmlNode node = n["PostDownload"]; PostDownloadCLI = new string[node.ChildNodes.Count]; int i = 0; foreach (XmlNode action in node) { if (action.Name != "Action") { continue; } PostDownloadCLI[i] = action.InnerText; i++; } } catch { n.AppendChild(modFile.CreateElement("PostDownload")); } try { WhitelistedUsers = new List <string>(); XmlNode node = n["Whitelist"]; int i = 0; foreach (XmlNode user in node) { if (user.Name != "Username") { continue; } WhitelistedUsers.Add(user.InnerText); i++; } } catch { n.AppendChild(modFile.CreateElement("Whitelist")); } try { BlacklistedUsers = new List <string>(); XmlNode node = n["Blacklist"]; int i = 0; foreach (XmlNode user in node) { if (user.Name != "Username") { continue; } BlacklistedUsers.Add(user.InnerText); i++; } } catch { n.AppendChild(modFile.CreateElement("Blacklist")); } try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(n["Description"].InnerText)) { Description = n["Description"].InnerText; } } catch { n.AppendChild(modFile.CreateElement("Description")); } try { Identifier = n["Identifier"].InnerText; } catch { n.AppendChild(modFile.CreateElement("Identifier")); string unix = Extras.GenerateHashFromString(new UnixTime().ToString()); string id = ""; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { id += unix[i]; } n["Identifier"].InnerText = ""; } if (ModFile.Contains("minecraft.jar")) { TaskManager.AddAsyncTask(delegate { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Console.Beep(); Thread.Sleep(50); } MinecraftModUpdater.Logger.Log(Logger.Level.Info, "WARNING: Sending minecraft.jar is not allowed under the Minecraft Terms of Use. Please send jar mods in bin/jarmods.jar."); }); } ReadFile(); }
private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { downloaded = 0; //We're using this as uploaded now. downloadSize = 0; //Same here. foreach (Mod m in changedMods.ToArray()) { if (m.Hash != Extras.GenerateHash(m.Contents)) { downloadSize += m.Contents.Length; } } panel1.Controls.Add(new ControlDownloadProgress()); TaskManager.AddAsyncTask(HandleSyncScreen); TaskManager.AddAsyncTask(delegate { foreach (Mod m in changedMods.ToArray()) { currentDownload = mods.IndexOf(m); //Again, using this as an upload. Packet.Send(new AdminFileInfoPacket { Author = m.Author, BlacklistedUsers = m.BlacklistedUsers.ToArray(), Description = m.Description, File = m.File, FileSize = m.Size, Hash = m.Hash, ModName = m.Name, PostDownload = m.PostDownloadCLI.ToArray(), WhitelistedUsers = m.WhitelistedUsers.ToArray(), Identifier = m.Identifier, Optional = m.Optional, Requires = m.RequiredMods.ToArray() }, Connection.PacketHandler.Stream); if (m.Hash != Extras.GenerateHash(m.Contents)) { m.Hash = Extras.GenerateHash(m.Contents); List <List <byte> > bytes = new List <List <byte> >(); byte[] file = m.Contents; int k = 0; for (int i = 0; i < file.Length; i += 1024) { bytes.Add(new List <byte>()); for (int j = i; j < i + 1024; j++) { if (file.Length > j) { bytes[k].Add(file[j]); } } k++; } Packet.Send(new UploadFilePacket { Size = m.Size, Parts = bytes.Count, Identifier = m.Identifier }, Connection.PacketHandler.Stream); k = 0; for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Count; i++) { byte[] b = bytes[i].ToArray(); Packet.Send(new FilePartPacket { Part = b, Index = k }, Connection.PacketHandler.Stream); k += bytes[i].Count; downloaded += bytes[i].Count; Thread.Sleep(25); } Packet.Send(new AllDonePacket { Identifier = m.Identifier }, Connection.PacketHandler.Stream); } } }); }
private void MainForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ConnectionForm cf = new ConnectionForm(); if (cf.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel) { Close(); return; } listBox1.Items.AddRange(cf.Connection.Mods); mods.AddRange(cf.Connection.Mods); Connection = cf.Connection; Text = "MCModUpdater AdminCP (" + Connection.Server.Name + ")"; InstancePath = string.Format("{0}{1}Servers{1}{2}{1}WorkingCopy{1}", Environment.CurrentDirectory, Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, Connection.Server.Name); if (!Directory.Exists(InstancePath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(InstancePath); } int count = 0; foreach (Mod m in mods) { bool exists = File.Exists(InstancePath + m.File); if (!exists) { m.NeedsUpdate = true; count++; downloadSize += m.Contents.Length; continue; } bool sameHash = Extras.GenerateHash(InstancePath + m.File) == m.Hash; if (!sameHash) { m.NeedsUpdate = true; count++; downloadSize += m.Contents.Length; continue; } } if (count > 0) { amountOfUpdates = count; button1.Enabled = false; listBox1.Enabled = false; panel1.Controls.Add(new ControlDownloadProgress()); MessageBox.Show(string.Format("{0} mods need to be synced.", count), Text + " - Alert"); Connection.PacketHandler.RegisterPacketHandler(PacketId.NextDownload, HandleDownloadInfo); Connection.PacketHandler.RegisterPacketHandler(PacketId.FilePart, HandleFilePart); Connection.PacketHandler.RegisterPacketHandler(PacketId.AllDone, HandleAllDone); foreach (Mod m in mods) { if (m.NeedsUpdate) { Packet.Send(new RequestModPacket { Identifier = m.Identifier, Type = RequestModPacket.RequestType.Download }, Connection.PacketHandler.Stream); } else { m.Contents = File.ReadAllBytes(InstancePath + m.File); } } TaskManager.AddAsyncTask(HandleSyncScreen); } }
public static void UpdateMinecraft() { if (SplashScreen.GetScreen() == null) { TaskManager.AddAsyncTask(delegate { SplashScreen.ShowSplashScreen(); }); } Thread.Sleep(100); GameUpdater update = new GameUpdater(ProgramOptions.LatestVersion, "minecraft.jar", true); SplashScreen.UpdateStatusText("Downloading Minecraft..."); Thread.Sleep(1000); TaskManager.AddAsyncTask(delegate { SplashScreen.GetScreen().Invoke(new ModUpdaterDelegate(delegate { SplashScreen.GetScreen().Progress.Value = 0; SplashScreen.GetScreen().Progress.MaxValue = 100; })); while (update.Progress != 100) { SplashScreen.GetScreen().Invoke(new ModUpdaterDelegate(delegate { SplashScreen.GetScreen().Progress.Value = update.Progress; SplashScreen.UpdateStatusText(update.Status); })); Thread.Sleep(10); } }); update.UpdateGame(); while (update.Progress != 100) { ; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(MainForm.Instance.ClientVersion)) { WebClient cl = new WebClient(); string client = MainForm.Instance.ClientVersion + ".mcdiff"; SplashScreen.UpdateStatusText("Downloading Patches..."); byte[] b = cl.DownloadData("" + client); using (FileStream output = File.Open("bspatch.exe", FileMode.Create)) { using (Stream input = Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("ModUpdater.Client.Utility.bspatch.exe")) { byte[] buffer = new byte[1024 * 36]; int count = 0; while ((count = input.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0) { output.Write(buffer, 0, count); } } } File.Move(Path.Combine(Properties.Settings.Default.MinecraftPath, "bin", "minecraft.jar"), "minecraft.jar"); File.WriteAllBytes(client, b); SplashScreen.UpdateStatusText("If prompted, please press \"Yes\""); Process p = Process.Start("bspatch.exe", "minecraft.jar minecraft.jar " + client); while (!p.HasExited) { } File.Move("minecraft.jar", Path.Combine(Properties.Settings.Default.MinecraftPath, "bin", "minecraft.jar")); File.Delete("bspatch.exe"); File.Delete(client); } using (ZipFile zf = ZipFile.Read(Path.Combine(Properties.Settings.Default.MinecraftPath, "bin", "minecraft.jar"))) { List <ZipEntry> delete = new List <ZipEntry>(); foreach (ZipEntry ze in zf) { if (ze.FileName.Contains("META-INF")) { delete.Add(ze); } } foreach (ZipEntry ze in delete) { zf.RemoveEntry(ze); } zf.Save(); } }