private async Task HandleImpl(IVideoAdded video)
            PreparedStatement[] prepared = await _statementCache.GetOrAddAllAsync(
                "INSERT INTO videos_by_tag (tag, videoid, added_date, userid, name, preview_image_location, tagged_date) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) USING TIMESTAMP ?",
                "INSERT INTO tags_by_letter (first_letter, tag) VALUES (?, ?) USING TIMESTAMP ?");

            // Create a batch for executing the updates
            var batch = new BatchStatement();

            // We need to add multiple statements for each tag
            foreach (string tag in video.Tags)
                // INSERT INTO videos_by_tag
                batch.Add(prepared[0].Bind(tag, video.VideoId, video.AddedDate, video.UserId, video.Name, video.PreviewImageLocation, video.Timestamp,

                // INSERT INTO tags_by_letter
                string firstLetter = tag.Substring(0, 1);
                batch.Add(prepared[1].Bind(firstLetter, tag, video.Timestamp.ToMicrosecondsSinceEpoch()));

            await _session.ExecuteAsync(batch).ConfigureAwait(false);