예제 #1
 public virtual void ObsoleteMapOutput(TaskAttemptID mapId)
     lock (this)
예제 #2
 public virtual void PutBackKnownMapOutput(MapHost host, TaskAttemptID mapId)
     lock (this)
예제 #3
 public ShuffleSchedulerImpl(JobConf job, TaskStatus status, TaskAttemptID reduceId
                             , ExceptionReporter reporter, Progress progress, Counters.Counter shuffledMapsCounter
                             , Counters.Counter reduceShuffleBytes, Counters.Counter failedShuffleCounter)
     referee                   = new ShuffleSchedulerImpl.Referee(this);
     totalMaps                 = job.GetNumMapTasks();
     abortFailureLimit         = Math.Max(30, totalMaps / 10);
     copyTimeTracker           = new ShuffleSchedulerImpl.CopyTimeTracker();
     remainingMaps             = totalMaps;
     finishedMaps              = new bool[remainingMaps];
     this.reporter             = reporter;
     this.status               = status;
     this.reduceId             = reduceId;
     this.progress             = progress;
     this.shuffledMapsCounter  = shuffledMapsCounter;
     this.reduceShuffleBytes   = reduceShuffleBytes;
     this.failedShuffleCounter = failedShuffleCounter;
     this.startTime            = Time.MonotonicNow();
     lastProgressTime          = startTime;
     this.maxFailedUniqueFetches          = Math.Min(totalMaps, 5);
     this.maxFetchFailuresBeforeReporting = job.GetInt(MRJobConfig.ShuffleFetchFailures
                                                       , ReportFailureLimit);
     this.reportReadErrorImmediately = job.GetBoolean(MRJobConfig.ShuffleNotifyReaderror
                                                      , true);
     this.maxDelay = job.GetLong(MRJobConfig.MaxShuffleFetchRetryDelay, MRJobConfig.DefaultMaxShuffleFetchRetryDelay
     this.maxHostFailures = job.GetInt(MRJobConfig.MaxShuffleFetchHostFailures, MRJobConfig
            /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
            /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
            protected override void Reduce(Text key, IEnumerable <IntWritable> values, Reducer.Context
                // Make one reducer slower for speculative execution
                TaskAttemptID taid                  = context.GetTaskAttemptID();
                long          sleepTime             = 100;
                Configuration conf                  = context.GetConfiguration();
                bool          test_speculate_reduce = conf.GetBoolean(MRJobConfig.ReduceSpeculative, false

                //   Make the "*_r_000000_0" attempt take much longer than the others.
                //   When speculative execution is enabled, this should cause the attempt
                //   to be killed and restarted. At that point, the attempt ID will be
                //   "*_r_000000_1", so sleepTime will still remain 100ms.
                if ((taid.GetTaskType() == TaskType.Reduce) && test_speculate_reduce && (taid.GetTaskID
                                                                                             ().GetId() == 0) && (taid.GetId() == 0))
                    sleepTime = 10000;
                catch (Exception)
                // Ignore
                context.Write(key, new IntWritable(0));
 public TaskAttemptStartedEvent(TaskAttemptID attemptId, TaskType taskType, long startTime
                                , string trackerName, int httpPort, int shufflePort, string locality, string avataar
     : this(attemptId, taskType, startTime, trackerName, httpPort, shufflePort, ConverterUtils
            .ToContainerId("container_-1_-1_-1_-1"), locality, avataar)
예제 #6
        public virtual void Setup()
            // mocked generics
            Log.Info(">>>> " + name.GetMethodName());
            job = new JobConf();
            job.SetBoolean(MRJobConfig.ShuffleFetchRetryEnabled, false);
            jobWithRetry = new JobConf();
            jobWithRetry.SetBoolean(MRJobConfig.ShuffleFetchRetryEnabled, true);
            id         = TaskAttemptID.ForName("attempt_0_1_r_1_1");
            ss         = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <ShuffleSchedulerImpl>();
            mm         = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <MergeManagerImpl>();
            r          = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <Reporter>();
            metrics    = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <ShuffleClientMetrics>();
            except     = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <ExceptionReporter>();
            key        = JobTokenSecretManager.CreateSecretKey(new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 });
            connection = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <HttpURLConnection>();
            allErrs    = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <Counters.Counter>();
            Org.Mockito.Mockito.When(r.GetCounter(Matchers.AnyString(), Matchers.AnyString())
            AList <TaskAttemptID> maps = new AList <TaskAttemptID>(1);

예제 #7
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        /// <exception cref="System.TypeLoadException"/>
        public virtual void TestFailingMapper()
            Log.Info("\n\n\nStarting testFailingMapper().");
            if (!(new FilePath(MiniMRYarnCluster.Appjar)).Exists())
                Log.Info("MRAppJar " + MiniMRYarnCluster.Appjar + " not found. Not running test."
            Job           job    = RunFailingMapperJob();
            TaskID        taskID = new TaskID(job.GetJobID(), TaskType.Map, 0);
            TaskAttemptID aId    = new TaskAttemptID(taskID, 0);

            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Diagnostics for " + aId + " :");
            foreach (string diag in job.GetTaskDiagnostics(aId))
            aId = new TaskAttemptID(taskID, 1);
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Diagnostics for " + aId + " :");
            foreach (string diag_1 in job.GetTaskDiagnostics(aId))
            TaskCompletionEvent[] events = job.GetTaskCompletionEvents(0, 2);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(TaskCompletionEvent.Status.Failed, events[0].GetStatus
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(TaskCompletionEvent.Status.Tipfailed, events[1].GetStatus
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(JobStatus.State.Failed, job.GetJobState());
예제 #8
 public ReduceAttemptFinishedEvent(TaskAttemptID id, TaskType taskType, string taskStatus
                                   , long shuffleFinishTime, long sortFinishTime, long finishTime, string hostname,
                                   string state, Counters counters)
     : this(id, taskType, taskStatus, shuffleFinishTime, sortFinishTime, finishTime, hostname
            , -1, string.Empty, state, counters, null)
예제 #9
 /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
 /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
 public override RecordReader CreateRecordReader(InputSplit split, TaskAttemptContext
         if (!rrCstrMap.Contains(ident))
             throw new IOException("No RecordReader for " + ident);
         Configuration      conf    = GetConf(taskContext.GetConfiguration());
         TaskAttemptContext context = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, TaskAttemptID.ForName
                                                                     (conf.Get(MRJobConfig.TaskAttemptId)), new Parser.WrappedStatusReporter(taskContext
         return(rrCstrMap[ident].NewInstance(id, inf.CreateRecordReader(split, context), cmpcl
     catch (MemberAccessException e)
         throw new IOException(e);
     catch (InstantiationException e)
         throw new IOException(e);
     catch (TargetInvocationException e)
         throw new IOException(e);
예제 #10
 public TaskAttemptUnsuccessfulCompletionEvent(TaskAttemptID id, TaskType taskType
                                               , string status, long finishTime, string hostname, int port, string rackName, string
                                               error, int[][] allSplits)
     : this(id, taskType, status, finishTime, hostname, port, rackName, error, EmptyCounters
            , null)
예제 #11
 public TaskAttemptContextImpl(Configuration conf, TaskAttemptID taskId, StatusReporter
     : base(conf, taskId.GetJobID())
     this.taskId   = taskId;
     this.reporter = reporter;
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        public virtual void CleanUpPartialOutputForTask(TaskAttemptContext context)
            // we double check this is never invoked from a non-preemptable subclass.
            // This should never happen, since the invoking codes is checking it too,
            // but it is safer to double check. Errors handling this would produce
            // inconsistent output.
            if (!this.GetType().IsAnnotationPresent(typeof(Checkpointable)))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Invoking cleanUpPartialOutputForTask() " + "from non @Preemptable class"
            FileSystem fs = FsFor(GetTaskAttemptPath(context), context.GetConfiguration());

            Log.Info("cleanUpPartialOutputForTask: removing everything belonging to " + context
                     .GetTaskAttemptID().GetTaskID() + " in: " + GetCommittedTaskPath(context).GetParent
            TaskAttemptID taid    = context.GetTaskAttemptID();
            TaskID        tid     = taid.GetTaskID();
            Path          pCommit = GetCommittedTaskPath(context).GetParent();

            // remove any committed output
            for (int i = 0; i < taid.GetId(); ++i)
                TaskAttemptID oldId = new TaskAttemptID(tid, i);
                Path          pTask = new Path(pCommit, oldId.ToString());
                if (fs.Exists(pTask) && !fs.Delete(pTask, true))
                    throw new IOException("Failed to delete " + pTask);
예제 #13
 public MapOutput(TaskAttemptID mapId, long size, bool primaryMapOutput)
     this.id               = Id.IncrementAndGet();
     this.mapId            = mapId;
     this.size             = size;
     this.primaryMapOutput = primaryMapOutput;
예제 #14
        public virtual void TestTaskStartTimes()
            TaskId taskId = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <TaskId>();

            JobHistoryParser.TaskInfo taskInfo = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <JobHistoryParser.TaskInfo
            IDictionary <TaskAttemptID, JobHistoryParser.TaskAttemptInfo> taskAttempts = new SortedDictionary
                                                                                         <TaskAttemptID, JobHistoryParser.TaskAttemptInfo>();
            TaskAttemptID id = new TaskAttemptID("0", 0, TaskType.Map, 0, 0);

            JobHistoryParser.TaskAttemptInfo info = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <JobHistoryParser.TaskAttemptInfo
            taskAttempts[id] = info;
            id   = new TaskAttemptID("1", 0, TaskType.Map, 1, 1);
            info = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <JobHistoryParser.TaskAttemptInfo>();
            taskAttempts[id] = info;
            CompletedTask task   = new CompletedTask(taskId, taskInfo);
            TaskReport    report = task.GetReport();

            // Make sure the startTime returned by report is the lesser of the
            // attempy launch times
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(report.GetStartTime() == 10);
예제 #15
 public MapAttemptFinishedEvent(TaskAttemptID id, TaskType taskType, string taskStatus
                                , long mapFinishTime, long finishTime, string hostname, string state, Counters counters
     : this(id, taskType, taskStatus, mapFinishTime, finishTime, hostname, -1, string.Empty
            , state, counters, null)
예제 #16
 /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
 /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
 public ReduceContextImpl(Configuration conf, TaskAttemptID taskid, RawKeyValueIterator
                          input, Counter inputKeyCounter, Counter inputValueCounter, RecordWriter <KEYOUT,
                                                                                                   VALUEOUT> output, OutputCommitter committer, StatusReporter reporter, RawComparator
                          <KEYIN> comparator, Type keyClass, Type valueClass)
     : base(conf, taskid, output, committer, reporter)
     iterable = new ReduceContextImpl.ValueIterable(this);
     // current key
     // current value
     // first value in key
     // more w/ this key
     // more in file
     this.input                = input;
     this.inputKeyCounter      = inputKeyCounter;
     this.inputValueCounter    = inputValueCounter;
     this.comparator           = comparator;
     this.serializationFactory = new SerializationFactory(conf);
     this.keyDeserializer      = serializationFactory.GetDeserializer(keyClass);
     this.valueDeserializer = serializationFactory.GetDeserializer(valueClass);
     hasMore         = input.Next();
     this.keyClass   = keyClass;
     this.valueClass = valueClass;
     this.conf       = conf;
     this.taskid     = taskid;
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests the class loader set by
        /// <see cref="Org.Apache.Hadoop.Conf.Configuration.SetClassLoader(Sharpen.ClassLoader)
        ///     "/>
        /// is inherited by any
        /// <see cref="WrappedRecordReader{K, U}"/>
        /// s created by
        /// <see cref="CompositeRecordReader{K, V, X}"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        public virtual void TestClassLoader()
            Configuration conf = new Configuration();

            TestWrappedRRClassloader.Fake_ClassLoader classLoader = new TestWrappedRRClassloader.Fake_ClassLoader
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(conf.GetClassLoader() is TestWrappedRRClassloader.Fake_ClassLoader
            FileSystem fs      = FileSystem.Get(conf);
            Path       testdir = new Path(Runtime.GetProperty("test.build.data", "/tmp")).MakeQualified
            Path @base = new Path(testdir, "/empty");

            Path[] src = new Path[] { new Path(@base, "i0"), new Path("i1"), new Path("i2") };
            conf.Set(CompositeInputFormat.JoinExpr, CompositeInputFormat.Compose("outer", typeof(
                                                                                     TestWrappedRRClassloader.IF_ClassLoaderChecker), src));
            CompositeInputFormat <NullWritable> inputFormat = new CompositeInputFormat <NullWritable
            // create dummy TaskAttemptID
            TaskAttemptID tid = new TaskAttemptID("jt", 1, TaskType.Map, 0, 0);

            conf.Set(MRJobConfig.TaskAttemptId, tid.ToString());
            inputFormat.CreateRecordReader(inputFormat.GetSplits(Job.GetInstance(conf))[0], new
                                           TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, tid));
 public TaskInputOutputContextImpl(Configuration conf, TaskAttemptID taskid, RecordWriter
                                   <KEYOUT, VALUEOUT> output, OutputCommitter committer, StatusReporter reporter)
     : base(conf, taskid, reporter)
     this.output    = output;
     this.committer = committer;
예제 #19
  * (non-Javadoc)
  * @see
  * org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapReduceBase#configure(org.apache.hadoop.mapred
  * .JobConf)
 public override void Configure(JobConf conf)
     // MapReduceBase
         config = new ConfigExtractor(conf);
         filesystem = config.GetBaseDirectory().GetFileSystem(conf);
     catch (Exception e)
         Log.Error("Unable to setup slive " + StringUtils.StringifyException(e));
         throw new RuntimeException("Unable to setup slive configuration", e);
     if (conf.Get(MRJobConfig.TaskAttemptId) != null)
         this.taskId = TaskAttemptID.ForName(conf.Get(MRJobConfig.TaskAttemptId)).GetTaskID
         // So that branch-1/0.20 can run this same code as well
         this.taskId = TaskAttemptID.ForName(conf.Get("mapred.task.id")).GetTaskID().GetId
예제 #20
 /// <summary>Do some basic verification on the input received -- Being defensive</summary>
 /// <param name="compressedLength"/>
 /// <param name="decompressedLength"/>
 /// <param name="forReduce"/>
 /// <param name="remaining"/>
 /// <param name="mapId"/>
 /// <returns>true/false, based on if the verification succeeded or not</returns>
 private bool VerifySanity(long compressedLength, long decompressedLength, int forReduce
                           , ICollection <TaskAttemptID> remaining, TaskAttemptID mapId)
     if (compressedLength < 0 || decompressedLength < 0)
         Log.Warn(GetName() + " invalid lengths in map output header: id: " + mapId + " len: "
                  + compressedLength + ", decomp len: " + decompressedLength);
     if (forReduce != reduce)
         Log.Warn(GetName() + " data for the wrong reduce map: " + mapId + " len: " + compressedLength
                  + " decomp len: " + decompressedLength + " for reduce " + forReduce);
     // Sanity check
     if (!remaining.Contains(mapId))
         Log.Warn("Invalid map-output! Received output for " + mapId);
예제 #21
        internal Fetcher(JobConf job, TaskAttemptID reduceId, ShuffleSchedulerImpl <K, V>
                         scheduler, MergeManager <K, V> merger, Reporter reporter, ShuffleClientMetrics metrics
                         , ExceptionReporter exceptionReporter, SecretKey shuffleKey, int id)
            /* Default read timeout (in milliseconds) */
            // Initiative value is 0, which means it hasn't retried yet.
            this.jobConf           = job;
            this.reporter          = reporter;
            this.scheduler         = scheduler;
            this.merger            = merger;
            this.metrics           = metrics;
            this.exceptionReporter = exceptionReporter;
            this.id               = id;
            this.reduce           = reduceId.GetTaskID().GetId();
            this.shuffleSecretKey = shuffleKey;
            ioErrs = reporter.GetCounter(ShuffleErrGrpName, Fetcher.ShuffleErrors.IoError.ToString
            wrongLengthErrs = reporter.GetCounter(ShuffleErrGrpName, Fetcher.ShuffleErrors.WrongLength
            badIdErrs = reporter.GetCounter(ShuffleErrGrpName, Fetcher.ShuffleErrors.BadId.ToString
            wrongMapErrs = reporter.GetCounter(ShuffleErrGrpName, Fetcher.ShuffleErrors.WrongMap
            connectionErrs = reporter.GetCounter(ShuffleErrGrpName, Fetcher.ShuffleErrors.Connection
            wrongReduceErrs = reporter.GetCounter(ShuffleErrGrpName, Fetcher.ShuffleErrors.WrongReduce
            this.connectionTimeout = job.GetInt(MRJobConfig.ShuffleConnectTimeout, DefaultStalledCopyTimeout
            this.readTimeout        = job.GetInt(MRJobConfig.ShuffleReadTimeout, DefaultReadTimeout);
            this.fetchRetryInterval = job.GetInt(MRJobConfig.ShuffleFetchRetryIntervalMs, MRJobConfig
            this.fetchRetryTimeout = job.GetInt(MRJobConfig.ShuffleFetchRetryTimeoutMs, DefaultStalledCopyTimeout
            bool shuffleFetchEnabledDefault = job.GetBoolean(YarnConfiguration.NmRecoveryEnabled
                                                             , YarnConfiguration.DefaultNmRecoveryEnabled);

            this.fetchRetryEnabled = job.GetBoolean(MRJobConfig.ShuffleFetchRetryEnabled, shuffleFetchEnabledDefault
            SetName("fetcher#" + id);
            lock (typeof(Org.Apache.Hadoop.Mapreduce.Task.Reduce.Fetcher))
                sslShuffle = job.GetBoolean(MRConfig.ShuffleSslEnabledKey, MRConfig.ShuffleSslEnabledDefault
                if (sslShuffle && sslFactory == null)
                    sslFactory = new SSLFactory(SSLFactory.Mode.Client, job);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw new RuntimeException(ex);
예제 #22
            /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
            public override void Merge(IList <InMemoryMapOutput <K, V> > inputs)
                if (inputs == null || inputs.Count == 0)
                TaskAttemptID dummyMapId = inputs[0].GetMapId();
                IList <Merger.Segment <K, V> > inMemorySegments = new AList <Merger.Segment <K, V> >();
                long mergeOutputSize = this._enclosing.CreateInMemorySegments(inputs, inMemorySegments
                                                                              , 0);
                int noInMemorySegments = inMemorySegments.Count;
                InMemoryMapOutput <K, V> mergedMapOutputs = this._enclosing.UnconditionalReserve(dummyMapId
                                                                                                 , mergeOutputSize, false);

                IFile.Writer <K, V> writer = new InMemoryWriter <K, V>(mergedMapOutputs.GetArrayStream
                MergeManagerImpl.Log.Info("Initiating Memory-to-Memory merge with " + noInMemorySegments
                                          + " segments of total-size: " + mergeOutputSize);
                RawKeyValueIterator rIter = Merger.Merge(this._enclosing.jobConf, this._enclosing
                                                         .rfs, (Type)this._enclosing.jobConf.GetMapOutputKeyClass(), (Type)this._enclosing
                                                         .jobConf.GetMapOutputValueClass(), inMemorySegments, inMemorySegments.Count, new
                                                         Path(this._enclosing.reduceId.ToString()), (RawComparator <K>) this._enclosing.jobConf
                                                         .GetOutputKeyComparator(), this._enclosing.reporter, null, null, null);

                Merger.WriteFile(rIter, writer, this._enclosing.reporter, this._enclosing.jobConf
                MergeManagerImpl.Log.Info(this._enclosing.reduceId + " Memory-to-Memory merge of the "
                                          + noInMemorySegments + " files in-memory complete.");
                // Note the output of the merge
예제 #23
 public Fetcher(JobConf job, TaskAttemptID reduceId, ShuffleSchedulerImpl <K, V> scheduler
                , MergeManager <K, V> merger, Reporter reporter, ShuffleClientMetrics metrics, ExceptionReporter
                exceptionReporter, SecretKey shuffleKey)
     : this(job, reduceId, scheduler, merger, reporter, metrics, exceptionReporter, shuffleKey
            , ++nextId)
예제 #24
 public MapContextImpl(Configuration conf, TaskAttemptID taskid, RecordReader <KEYIN
                                                                               , VALUEIN> reader, RecordWriter <KEYOUT, VALUEOUT> writer, OutputCommitter committer
                       , StatusReporter reporter, InputSplit split)
     : base(conf, taskid, writer, committer, reporter)
     this.reader = reader;
     this.split  = split;
예제 #25
 /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
 public OnDiskMapOutput(TaskAttemptID mapId, TaskAttemptID reduceId, MergeManagerImpl
                        <K, V> merger, long size, JobConf conf, MapOutputFile mapOutputFile, int fetcher
                        , bool primaryMapOutput)
     : this(mapId, reduceId, merger, size, conf, mapOutputFile, fetcher, primaryMapOutput
            , FileSystem.GetLocal(conf).GetRaw(), mapOutputFile.GetInputFileForWrite(mapId.GetTaskID
                                                                                         (), size))
예제 #26
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        private string ReadStdOut(JobConf conf)
            TaskAttemptID taskId = ((TaskAttemptID)TaskAttemptID.ForName(conf.Get(MRJobConfig
            FilePath stdOut = TaskLog.GetTaskLogFile(taskId, false, TaskLog.LogName.Stdout);

예제 #27
 public FakeFetcher(JobConf job, TaskAttemptID reduceId, ShuffleSchedulerImpl <K, V
                                                                               > scheduler, MergeManagerImpl <K, V> merger, Reporter reporter, ShuffleClientMetrics
                    metrics, ExceptionReporter exceptionReporter, SecretKey jobTokenSecret, HttpURLConnection
                    connection, int id)
     : base(job, reduceId, scheduler, merger, reporter, metrics, exceptionReporter, jobTokenSecret
            , id)
     this.connection = connection;
예제 #28
        public virtual void CommitTask(TaskAttemptContext context, Path taskAttemptPath)
            TaskAttemptID attemptId = context.GetTaskAttemptID();

            if (HasOutputPath())
                if (taskAttemptPath == null)
                    taskAttemptPath = GetTaskAttemptPath(context);
                FileSystem fs = taskAttemptPath.GetFileSystem(context.GetConfiguration());
                FileStatus taskAttemptDirStatus;
                    taskAttemptDirStatus = fs.GetFileStatus(taskAttemptPath);
                catch (FileNotFoundException)
                    taskAttemptDirStatus = null;
                if (taskAttemptDirStatus != null)
                    if (algorithmVersion == 1)
                        Path committedTaskPath = GetCommittedTaskPath(context);
                        if (fs.Exists(committedTaskPath))
                            if (!fs.Delete(committedTaskPath, true))
                                throw new IOException("Could not delete " + committedTaskPath);
                        if (!fs.Rename(taskAttemptPath, committedTaskPath))
                            throw new IOException("Could not rename " + taskAttemptPath + " to " + committedTaskPath
                        Log.Info("Saved output of task '" + attemptId + "' to " + committedTaskPath);
                        // directly merge everything from taskAttemptPath to output directory
                        MergePaths(fs, taskAttemptDirStatus, outputPath);
                        Log.Info("Saved output of task '" + attemptId + "' to " + outputPath);
                    Log.Warn("No Output found for " + attemptId);
                Log.Warn("Output Path is null in commitTask()");
예제 #29
        public virtual void TestSucceedAndFailedCopyMap <K, V>()
            JobConf job = new JobConf();

            //mock creation
            TaskUmbilicalProtocol mockUmbilical = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <TaskUmbilicalProtocol
            Reporter   mockReporter   = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <Reporter>();
            FileSystem mockFileSystem = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <FileSystem>();
            Type       combinerClass  = job.GetCombinerClass();

            Task.CombineOutputCollector <K, V> mockCombineOutputCollector = (Task.CombineOutputCollector
                                                                             <K, V>)Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <Task.CombineOutputCollector>();
            // needed for mock with generic
            TaskAttemptID     mockTaskAttemptID     = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <TaskAttemptID>();
            LocalDirAllocator mockLocalDirAllocator = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <LocalDirAllocator
            CompressionCodec mockCompressionCodec = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <CompressionCodec

            Counters.Counter mockCounter       = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <Counters.Counter>();
            TaskStatus       mockTaskStatus    = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <TaskStatus>();
            Progress         mockProgress      = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <Progress>();
            MapOutputFile    mockMapOutputFile = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <MapOutputFile>();

            Org.Apache.Hadoop.Mapred.Task mockTask = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <Org.Apache.Hadoop.Mapred.Task
            MapOutput <K, V> output = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <MapOutput>();

            ShuffleConsumerPlugin.Context <K, V> context = new ShuffleConsumerPlugin.Context <K
                                                                                              , V>(mockTaskAttemptID, job, mockFileSystem, mockUmbilical, mockLocalDirAllocator
                                                                                                   , mockReporter, mockCompressionCodec, combinerClass, mockCombineOutputCollector,
                                                                                                   mockCounter, mockCounter, mockCounter, mockCounter, mockCounter, mockCounter, mockTaskStatus
                                                                                                   , mockProgress, mockProgress, mockTask, mockMapOutputFile, null);
            TaskStatus status   = new _TaskStatus_251();
            Progress   progress = new Progress();
            ShuffleSchedulerImpl <K, V> scheduler = new ShuffleSchedulerImpl <K, V>(job, status
                                                                                    , null, null, progress, context.GetShuffledMapsCounter(), context.GetReduceShuffleBytes
                                                                                        (), context.GetFailedShuffleCounter());
            MapHost       host1           = new MapHost("host1", null);
            TaskAttemptID failedAttemptID = new TaskAttemptID(new TaskID(new JobID("test", 0)
                                                                         , TaskType.Map, 0), 0);
            TaskAttemptID succeedAttemptID = new TaskAttemptID(new TaskID(new JobID("test", 0
                                                                                    ), TaskType.Map, 1), 1);

            // handle output fetch failure for failedAttemptID, part I
            // handle output fetch succeed for succeedAttemptID
            long bytes = (long)500 * 1024 * 1024;

            scheduler.CopySucceeded(succeedAttemptID, host1, bytes, 0, 500000, output);
            // handle output fetch failure for failedAttemptID, part II
            // for MAPREDUCE-6361: verify no NPE exception get thrown out
            scheduler.CopyFailed(failedAttemptID, host1, true, false);
예제 #30
 /// <summary>Unconditional Reserve is used by the Memory-to-Memory thread</summary>
 /// <returns/>
 private InMemoryMapOutput <K, V> UnconditionalReserve(TaskAttemptID mapId, long requestedSize
                                                       , bool primaryMapOutput)
     lock (this)
         usedMemory += requestedSize;
         return(new InMemoryMapOutput <K, V>(jobConf, mapId, this, (int)requestedSize, codec
                                             , primaryMapOutput));