예제 #1
        internal static void addCaseLineToCurrentCopyCommVar(Variable orjVariable, Variable copyCommVar, KpCore.Rule rule, Module module, Module targetModule, int strategyIndex)
            //for each variable generate a case line
            CaseLine caseLine            = new CaseLine();
            OperExp  result              = new OperExp();
            int      resultValue         = 0;
            RewriteCommunicationRule rcr = (RewriteCommunicationRule)rule;

            foreach (var target in rcr.TargetRhs.Values)
                TargetedMultiset   targetMultiSet = (TargetedMultiset)target;
                InstanceIdentifier targetType     = (InstanceIdentifier)targetMultiSet.Target;
                if (targetModule.Type == targetType.Value)
                    Multiset ms = targetMultiSet.Multiset;
                    foreach (var obj in ms.Objects)
                        if (obj.Equals(orjVariable.Name))
                            resultValue += ms[obj];
            result.Exp = copyCommVar.Name;
            if (resultValue != 0)
                result.Oper.Value = MathOper.ADD;
                result.Result     = new Expression(resultValue.ToString());

            caseLine.Result = result;
            caseLine.Rule   = BRulesStandardVar.extractStandardRuleFromKPRule(rule, module, strategyIndex);

            ICondition             sequenceCondition = BRulesStandardVar.getSequenceCondition(module, strategyIndex, rule.Id);
            ICondition             targetBounds      = getBoundCondition(copyCommVar, caseLine.Result);
            CompoundBoolExpression sequenceAndBound  = new CompoundBoolExpression(sequenceCondition, BinaryOperator.AND, targetBounds);

            ICondition statusCondition = BRulesStandardVar.getTurnCondition(module, strategyIndex);

            CompoundBoolExpression statusAndSequence = new CompoundBoolExpression(statusCondition, BinaryOperator.AND, sequenceAndBound);

            // _conn = to_c2
            if (module.connectionToModuleExist(targetModule))
                BoolExp connEqInstance = new BoolExp(module.getConnectionToModule(targetModule).Name, NuSMV.RelationalOperator.EQUAL, SMVPreFix.getConnectedTo(targetModule.Instance));
                caseLine.Rule.AddBoolExpression(connEqInstance, BinaryOperator.AND);
            caseLine.Rule.AddBoolExpression(statusAndSequence, BinaryOperator.AND);
            caseLine.Rule.ID = rule.Id;

            if (copyCommVar.Next != null)
                //if the case line has not added yet
                if (!ruleExist(copyCommVar.Next, caseLine))
예제 #2
 private void writeTargetedMultiset(TargetedMultiset tm)
     owt.Write(", \"multiset\":");
        public object VisitTargetedMultiset(KpLinguaParser.TargetedMultisetContext context)
            var targetedMultiset   = default(TargetedMultiset);
            var instanceIdentifier = new InstanceIdentifier(context.typeReference().Accept(this) as string);

            var multisetAtomContext = context.multisetAtom();

            if (multisetAtomContext != null)
                targetedMultiset = new TargetedMultiset(instanceIdentifier, multisetAtomContext.Accept(this) as Multiset);
                targetedMultiset = new TargetedMultiset(instanceIdentifier, context.nonEmptyMultiset().Accept(this) as Multiset);

        private TargetedMultiset readTargetedMultiset(XPathNavigator parentNode, TargetedMultiset x = null)
            if (parentNode == null)

            InstanceIdentifier ins = readInstanceIdentifier(parentNode);

            if (x == null)
                x = new TargetedMultiset(ins);
                x.Target = ins;
            readMultiset(parentNode, x.Multiset);

예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// if current type, has communication rules which sends to target type
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentType">current KP type</param>
        /// <param name="targetType">target KP Type</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static bool communicationRuleIncludesTargetType(MType currentType, MType targetType)
            bool communicationRuleToTargetExist = false;
            ExecutionStrategy kpEs = currentType.ExecutionStrategy;

            while (kpEs != null)
                foreach (var rule in kpEs.Rules)
                    if (rule.Type == RuleType.REWRITE_COMMUNICATION)
                        RewriteCommunicationRule rcr = (RewriteCommunicationRule)rule;
                        foreach (var target in rcr.TargetRhs.Values)
                            TargetedMultiset   targetMultiSet  = (TargetedMultiset)target;
                            InstanceIdentifier targetTypeIdent = (InstanceIdentifier)targetMultiSet.Target;
                            if (targetType.Name == targetTypeIdent.Value)
                                communicationRuleToTargetExist = true;
                    if (communicationRuleToTargetExist)

                if (communicationRuleToTargetExist)
                kpEs = kpEs.Next;
        private Rule readRule(XPathNavigator nav)
            ConsumerRule rule = null;

            XPathNavigator rhsNav = nav.SelectSingleNode("rhs");

            if (rhsNav != null)
                Multiset          m = readMultiset(rhsNav);
                XPathNodeIterator div;
                if (m.IsEmpty())
                    //then we can have structure changing rules
                    div = rhsNav.SelectChildren("instance", String.Empty);
                    if (div.Count > 0)
                        DivisionRule r = new DivisionRule();
                        while (div.MoveNext())
                            string            mtype = div.Current.GetAttribute("mtype", String.Empty);
                            InstanceBlueprint ib    = null;
                            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(mtype))
                                ib = new InstanceBlueprint(currentType);
                                ib = new InstanceBlueprint(kp[mtype]);
                            readMultiset(div.Current, ib.Multiset);
                        rule = r;
                        XPathNavigator v;
                        v = rhsNav.SelectSingleNode("linkCreate");
                        if (v == null)
                            v = rhsNav.SelectSingleNode("linkDestroy");
                            if (v == null)
                                v = rhsNav.SelectSingleNode("dissolve");
                                if (v != null)
                                    rule = new DissolutionRule();
                                rule = LinkRule.LinkDestroy(readInstanceIdentifier(v));
                            rule = LinkRule.LinkCreate(readInstanceIdentifier(v));

                if (rule == null)
                    div = rhsNav.SelectChildren("target", String.Empty);
                    if (div.Count > 0)
                        RewriteCommunicationRule rcr = new RewriteCommunicationRule();
                        while (div.MoveNext())
                            TargetedMultiset tm  = readTargetedMultiset(div.Current);
                            TargetedMultiset otm = null;
                            rcr.TargetRhs.TryGetValue(tm.Target, out otm);
                            if (otm == null)
                                rcr.TargetRhs.Add(tm.Target, tm);
                        rule = rcr;
                    else if (m != null)
                        rule = new RewritingRule();
                        (rule as RewritingRule).Rhs.Add(m);

            if (rule == null)
                rule = new ConsumerRule();
            readPItem(nav, rule);
            rule.Guard = readGuard(nav.SelectSingleNode("guard"));
            readMultiset(nav.SelectSingleNode("lhs"), rule.Lhs);

예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// if variable has NOT been set by XML file then set max automatically
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="kpSystem"></param>
        /// <param name="myType"></param>
        /// <param name="module"></param>
        /// <param name="variable"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static int setMax(KPsystem kpSystem, MType myType, NuSMV.Module module, IVar variable)
            int maxVal = 0;

            foreach (var type in kpSystem.Types)
                ExecutionStrategy eS = type.ExecutionStrategy;
                while (eS != null)
                    //Inside this type
                    if (myType.Name.Equals(type.Name))
                        foreach (var rule in eS.Rules)
                            //Normal variable
                            if (rule.Type == RuleType.MULTISET_REWRITING)
                                RewritingRule rwr = (RewritingRule)rule;
                                foreach (var leftHRule in rwr.Lhs)
                                    if (variable.Name.Equals(leftHRule.Key))
                                        maxVal = Math.Max(maxVal, leftHRule.Value);
                                foreach (var rigthHRule in rwr.Rhs)
                                    if (variable.Name.Equals(rigthHRule.Key))
                                        maxVal = Math.Max(maxVal, rigthHRule.Value);
                            // Communication Var
                            else if (rule.Type == RuleType.REWRITE_COMMUNICATION)
                                RewriteCommunicationRule rcr = (RewriteCommunicationRule)rule;
                                foreach (var leftHRule in rcr.Lhs)
                                    if (variable.Name.Equals(leftHRule.Key))
                                        maxVal = Math.Max(maxVal, leftHRule.Value);
                            else if (rule.Type == RuleType.MEMBRANE_DIVISION)
                                DivisionRule divisionRule = (DivisionRule)rule;
                                foreach (var leftHRule in divisionRule.Lhs)
                                    if (variable.Name.Equals(leftHRule.Key))
                                        maxVal = Math.Max(maxVal, leftHRule.Value);
                                foreach (InstanceBlueprint compartment in divisionRule.Rhs)
                                    MType compType = compartment.Type;
                                    if (myType.Name.Equals(compType.Name))
                                        Multiset ms = compartment.Multiset;
                                        foreach (var obj in ms.Objects)
                                            if (variable.Name.Equals(obj))
                                                maxVal = Math.Max(maxVal, ms[obj]);
                            else if (rule.Type == RuleType.MEMBRANE_DISSOLUTION)
                                DissolutionRule dissolutionRule = (DissolutionRule)rule;
                                foreach (var leftHRule in dissolutionRule.Lhs)
                                    if (variable.Name.Equals(leftHRule.Key))
                                        maxVal = Math.Max(maxVal, leftHRule.Value);
                    //Inside communication rule of other types
                        foreach (var rule in eS.Rules)
                            if (rule.Type == RuleType.REWRITE_COMMUNICATION)
                                RewriteCommunicationRule rcr = (RewriteCommunicationRule)rule;
                                foreach (var target in rcr.TargetRhs.Values)
                                    TargetedMultiset   tg         = (TargetedMultiset)target;
                                    InstanceIdentifier identifier = (InstanceIdentifier)tg.Target;
                                    if (myType.Name.Equals(identifier.Value))
                                        Multiset ms = tg.Multiset;
                                        foreach (var rightVar in ms.Objects)
                                            if (variable.Name.Equals(rightVar))
                                                maxVal = Math.Max(maxVal, ms[rightVar]);
                            else if (rule.Type == RuleType.MEMBRANE_DIVISION)
                                DivisionRule divisionRule = (DivisionRule)rule;
                                foreach (InstanceBlueprint compartment in divisionRule.Rhs)
                                    MType compType = compartment.Type;
                                    if (myType.Name.Equals(compType.Name))
                                        Multiset ms = compartment.Multiset;
                                        foreach (var obj in ms.Objects)
                                            if (variable.Name.Equals(obj))
                                                maxVal = Math.Max(maxVal, ms[obj]);
                    eS = eS.Next;
                //also compare parameter values
                foreach (var instance in type.Instances)
                    foreach (var param in instance.Multiset.Objects)
                        if (variable.Name.Equals(param))
                            maxVal = Math.Max(maxVal, instance.Multiset[param]);
예제 #8
        private static void buildCommunicationVariables(SMVModel nuSMV, NuSMV.Module module, KPsystem kpSystem, KpCore.MType type, int strategyIndex, KpCore.Rule rule)
            RewriteCommunicationRule rcr = (RewriteCommunicationRule)rule;
            string         varName       = "";
            VariableOrigin origin        = VariableOrigin.Original;
            bool           isLeft        = true;

            //regular left hand-side rules
            foreach (var leftHRule in rcr.Lhs)
                varName = leftHRule.Key;
                isLeft  = true;
                buildReWritingVariable(kpSystem, type, module, strategyIndex, rule, varName, origin, isLeft);
            //regular right hand-side rules
            foreach (var rigthHRule in rcr.Rhs)
                varName = rigthHRule.Key;
                origin  = VariableOrigin.Original;
                isLeft  = false;
                //first generate original one, then its copy
                if (!module.isVariableExist(varName))
                    buildReWritingVariable(kpSystem, type, module, strategyIndex, rule, varName, origin, isLeft);
                string copyVarName = varName + SMVPreFix.COPY;
                origin = VariableOrigin.Copy;
                buildReWritingVariable(kpSystem, type, module, strategyIndex, rule, copyVarName, origin, isLeft);
            //Targeted rules
            foreach (var target in rcr.TargetRhs.Values)
                TargetedMultiset   targetMultiSet       = (TargetedMultiset)target;
                InstanceIdentifier targetTypeIdentifier = (InstanceIdentifier)targetMultiSet.Target;
                MType targetType = null;
                foreach (var tempType in kpSystem.Types)
                    if (tempType.Name == targetTypeIdentifier.Value)
                        targetType = tempType;
                //for each connected instance of the target type, create a copy variable foreach object in the multiset
                foreach (var connectedInstance in module.Instance.ConnectedTo)
                    if (connectedInstance.Module.Type == targetType.Name)
                        Module   targetModule = connectedInstance.Module;
                        Multiset ms           = targetMultiSet.Multiset;
                        foreach (var obj in ms.Objects)
                            varName = obj;
                            Variable targetVariable = new Variable(varName);

                            string   currentCpVarName = SMVPreFix.getConnectedCopyCommVarName(varName, targetModule);
                            Variable currentCpVar     = new Variable(currentCpVarName);

                            //create original variable inside target module
                            if (!targetModule.isVariableExist(varName))
                                setBoundIntType(kpSystem, targetType, targetModule, targetVariable);
                                targetVariable.Behaviour = VariableBehaviour.COMMUNICATION;
                                targetVariable.Origin    = VariableOrigin.OriginalCommVar;
                                targetVariable.Init      = setOrUpdateInit(targetModule, targetVariable);
                                //if variable is already in target module, then make sure, it is set as communication var.
                                targetVariable           = (Variable)targetModule.Variables.First(item => item.Name.Equals(varName));
                                targetVariable.Behaviour = VariableBehaviour.COMMUNICATION;
                                targetVariable.Origin    = VariableOrigin.OriginalCommVar;
                                targetVariable.Init      = setOrUpdateInit(targetModule, targetVariable);
                            //create a varName_InstanceName_TargetModule, variable (as copy) inside current module.
                            if (!module.isVariableExist(currentCpVarName))
                                Variable orginalVariable = (Variable)targetModule.getVariable(varName);
                                currentCpVar.Type      = orginalVariable.Type;
                                currentCpVar.Behaviour = VariableBehaviour.REWRITING;
                                currentCpVar.Origin    = VariableOrigin.CopyOfCommVar;
                                currentCpVar.Init      = "0";
                                //if variable exists then update the values.
                                currentCpVar = (Variable)module.Variables.First(item => item.Name.Equals(currentCpVarName));
                            //add result of rule to caseline
                            BRulesComVar.addCaseLineToCurrentCopyCommVar(targetVariable, currentCpVar, rule, module, targetModule, strategyIndex);