//-----------< create xml file and write info >-------------- public void xmlCreation(string[] args) { List <string> description; List <string> dependency; List <string> keyword; List <string> category; List <string> child; //get tag names stored by calling getElement function ExtractTags et = new ExtractTags(); et.getElement(args, out category, out child, out description, out dependency, out keyword); FileInfo targetfile; bool exsit; TargetFile tf = new TargetFile(); tf.getFile(args, out targetfile, out exsit); if (exsit) { XmlTextWriter tw = null; string name = targetfile + ".xml"; tw = new XmlTextWriter("090", null); tw.Formatting = Formatting.Indented; tw.WriteStartDocument(); tw.WriteStartElement("xmlfile"); tw.WriteElementString("name", targetfile.ToString()); foreach (string cat in category) { tw.WriteElementString("category", cat); } foreach (string chi in child) { tw.WriteElementString("child", chi); } foreach (string des in description) { tw.WriteElementString("description", des); } foreach (string dep in dependency) { tw.WriteElementString("dependency", dep); } foreach (string key in keyword) { tw.WriteElementString("keyword", key); } tw.WriteElementString("size", targetfile.Length.ToString()); tw.WriteElementString("time-date", targetfile.LastWriteTime.ToString()); tw.WriteEndElement(); tw.WriteEndDocument(); tw.Flush(); tw.Close(); ShowXml(name); } else { Console.Write("\n\n ERROR! {0} can not be found!\n\n", args[0]); } }