예제 #1
        public ImagePair(TangoEnums.TangoCameraId cameraId, TangoUnityImageData imageBuffer)
            this.cameraId    = cameraId;
            this.imageBuffer = imageBuffer;

            if (cameraId == TangoEnums.TangoCameraId.TANGO_CAMERA_FISHEYE)
                cameraName = "fisheye";
            else if (cameraId == TangoEnums.TangoCameraId.TANGO_CAMERA_COLOR)
                cameraName = "colorcamera";
            else if (cameraId == TangoEnums.TangoCameraId.TANGO_CAMERA_DEPTH)
                cameraName = "depthcamera";
            else if (cameraId == TangoEnums.TangoCameraId.TANGO_CAMERA_RGBIR)
                cameraName = "rgbircamera";
                cameraName = "unknowncamera";
예제 #2
 public void OnTangoImageAvailableEventHandler(TangoEnums.TangoCameraId cameraId, TangoUnityImageData imageBuffer)
     if (imageIsRecording)
         ImagePair ip = new ImagePair(cameraId, imageBuffer);
예제 #3
    void Start()
        m_tangoApplication = FindObjectOfType <TangoApplication>();
        m_pointCloud       = FindObjectOfType <TangoPointCloud>();
        m_imagebuffer      = new TangoUnityImageData();

        if (m_tangoApplication != null)
            Debug.Log("No Tango Manager found in scene.");
예제 #4
    /// <summary>
    /// Computes the spherical harmonic diffuse coefficients for a given
    /// TangoImageBuffer.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="imageBuffer">The TangoImageBuffer to sample.</param>
    private void _ComputeDiffuseCoefficients(TangoUnityImageData imageBuffer)
        if (m_enableEnvironmentalLighting)
            // Compute SH Coefficients.
            float weight          = 4.0f * Mathf.PI;
            int   numSamples      = m_samples.Length;
            int   numCoefficients = m_coefficients.Length;
            for (int coeffIdx = 0; coeffIdx < numCoefficients; ++coeffIdx)
                m_coefficients[coeffIdx] = Vector3.zero;

            for (int sampleIdx = 0; sampleIdx < numSamples; ++sampleIdx)
                float theta = m_samples[sampleIdx].sph.x;
                float phi   = m_samples[sampleIdx].sph.y;

                // Normalize between 0 and 1.
                float x = 1.0f - Mathf.Pow(Mathf.Cos(theta / 2.0f), 2.0f);
                float y = phi / Mathf.PI / 2.0f;

                int i = (int)(imageBuffer.height * x);
                int j = (int)(imageBuffer.width * y);

                Vector3 rgb = _GetRgbFromImageBuffer(imageBuffer, i, j);
                for (int coeffIdx = 0; coeffIdx < numCoefficients; ++coeffIdx)
                    m_coefficients[coeffIdx] += rgb * m_samples[sampleIdx].coeff[coeffIdx];

            // Divide the result by weight and number of samples.
            float factor = weight / numSamples;
            for (int coeffIdx = 0; coeffIdx < numCoefficients; ++coeffIdx)
                m_coefficients[coeffIdx] *= factor;

            Shader.SetGlobalMatrix("_TangoLightingSphericalHarmonicMatrixR", _SetShmMatrix(0));
            Shader.SetGlobalMatrix("_TangoLightingSphericalHarmonicMatrixG", _SetShmMatrix(1));
            Shader.SetGlobalMatrix("_TangoLightingSphericalHarmonicMatrixB", _SetShmMatrix(2));
            Shader.SetGlobalFloat("_TangoLightingExposure", m_coefficients[0].magnitude);
예제 #5
    /// <summary>
    /// Detect one or more markers in the input image.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="cameraId">
    /// Returned camera ID.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="imageBuffer">
    /// Color camera image buffer.
    /// </param>
    public void OnTangoImageAvailableEventHandler(TangoEnums.TangoCameraId cameraId,
                                                  TangoUnityImageData imageBuffer)
        TangoSupport.DetectMarkers(imageBuffer, cameraId,
                                   TangoSupport.MarkerType.ARTAG, MARKER_SIZE, m_markerList);

        for (int i = 0; i < m_markerList.Count; ++i)
            TangoSupport.Marker marker = m_markerList[i];
            int markerId    = Convert.ToInt32(marker.m_content);
            int planetIndex = (markerId - 1) % m_planets.Length;

            if (m_planets[planetIndex] == null)
                m_planets[planetIndex] = Instantiate <GameObject>(m_planetsPrefabs[planetIndex]);

            m_planets[planetIndex].transform.position = marker.m_translation;
            m_planets[planetIndex].transform.rotation = marker.m_orientation;
    /// <summary>
    /// Detect one or more markers in the input image.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="cameraId">
    /// Returned camera ID.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="imageBuffer">
    /// Color camera image buffer.
    /// </param>
    public void OnTangoImageAvailableEventHandler(TangoEnums.TangoCameraId cameraId,
                                                  TangoUnityImageData imageBuffer)
        TangoSupport.DetectMarkers(imageBuffer, cameraId,
                                   TangoSupport.MarkerType.ARTAG, MARKER_SIZE, m_markerList);

        for (int i = 0; i < m_markerList.Count; ++i)
            TangoSupport.Marker marker = m_markerList[i];

            if (m_markerObjects.ContainsKey(marker.m_content))
                GameObject markerObject = m_markerObjects[marker.m_content];
                markerObject.GetComponent <MarkerVisualizationObject>().SetMarker(marker);
                GameObject markerObject = Instantiate <GameObject>(m_markerPrefab);
                m_markerObjects.Add(marker.m_content, markerObject);
                markerObject.GetComponent <MarkerVisualizationObject_Custom>().SetMarker(marker);
예제 #7
    void saveImage(TangoUnityImageData im, string scan_name)
        //double t = im->timestamp;
        double t = im.timestamp;

        //size_t height = im->height+im->height/2;
        //size_t width  = im->width;
        uint height = im.height + im.height / 2;
        uint width  = im.width;

        if (scan_name == "fisheye")
            //height = im->height;
            //width  = im->stride; // stride > width for fisheye
            height = im.height;
            width  = im.stride; // stride > width for fisheye

        // Path to the file
        string filePath = imagePath + "/" + scan_name + "_" + t + ".yv12";

        // Create a file and write all bytes to it
        File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, im.data);
예제 #8
 void ITangoVideoOverlay.OnTangoImageAvailableEventHandler(TangoEnums.TangoCameraId cameraId, TangoUnityImageData imageBuffer)
     m_imagebuffer = imageBuffer;
     //Debug.Log("<<<<<<<<<< In Image Available Event Handler: " + imageBuffer.data.GetValue(0));
예제 #9
    /// <summary>
    /// This will be called when a new frame is available from the camera.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="cameraId">Camera identifier.</param>
    /// <param name="imageBuffer">Tango camera image buffer.</param>
    public void OnTangoImageAvailableEventHandler(TangoEnums.TangoCameraId cameraId, TangoUnityImageData imageBuffer)
        if (fCount == 0)
            TangoEnums.TangoImageFormatType enumDisplayStatus = (TangoEnums.TangoImageFormatType)imageBuffer.format;
            string stringValue = enumDisplayStatus.ToString();
            JLog("TangoImageAvailable on cameraId: " + cameraId + "  Format: " + imageBuffer.format + "(" + stringValue + "),  length: " + imageBuffer.data.Length + "  (" + imageBuffer.width + "x" + imageBuffer.height + "),  timestamp: " + imageBuffer.timestamp + ",  Stride: " + imageBuffer.stride);

//		if (_FileStream!= null && _FileStream.Length >= 600464512) {
//			JLog ("Closed File: " + _FileStream.Name);
//			_FileStream.Close();
//			_FileStream = null;
//		} else if ( _FileStream.CanWrite) {
//			JLog ("Write File: " + _FileStream.Length);
//			_FileStream.Write (imageBuffer.data, 0, imageBuffer.data.Length);
//		}

//		//For each YV12 frame  BROKEN
//		for (int i = 0; i < imageBuffer.width * imageBuffer.height; i+=36) {
//			for (int y = 0; y < 24; y++)
//				JLog ("Y: " + imageBuffer.data[i+y]);
//			for (int u = 24; u < 30; u++)
//				JLog ("U: " + imageBuffer.data[i+u]);
//			for (int v = 30; v < 36; v++)
//				JLog ("V: " + imageBuffer.data[i+v]);
//			JLog ("--------------");

//			size.total = size.width * size.height;
//			y = yuv [position.y * size.width + position.x];
//			u = yuv [(position.y / 2) * (size.width / 2) + (position.x / 2) + size.total];
//			v = yuv [(position.y / 2) * (size.width / 2) + (position.x / 2) + size.total + (size.total / 4)];
//		}

//		if(fCount%100==0)
//		System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch timer = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();

        callUnityTangoARPlayer("arwAcceptVideoImage", new object[] {
                halveYUV420(imageBuffer.data, imageBuffer.width, imageBuffer.height),
                imageBuffer.width / 2,
                imageBuffer.height / 2
//		timer.Stop();
//		TimeSpan timespan = timer.Elapsed;
//		JLog( String.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}", timespan.Minutes, timespan.Seconds, timespan.Milliseconds / 10) );

        //We are calling ARToolkit Library native function, through JNI, to feed in a frame of Tango video to the ARToolkit processing.

         * Passes a video frame to the native library for processing.
         * @param image               Buffer containing the video frame
         * @param width               Width of the video frame in pixels
         * @param height              Height of the video frame in pixels
         * @param cameraIndex         Zero-based index of the camera in use. If only one camera is present, will be 0.
         * @param cameraIsFrontFacing false if camera is rear-facing (the default) or true if camera is facing toward the user.
         * @return true if no error occurred, otherwise false
        //public static native boolean arwAcceptVideoImage(byte[] image, int width, int height, int cameraIndex, boolean cameraIsFrontFacing);
        //public static native boolean arwAcceptVideoImage(byte[] image);
예제 #10
 /// <summary>
 /// This will be called when a new frame is available from the camera.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cameraId">Camera identifier.</param>
 /// <param name="imageBuffer">Tango camera image buffer.</param>
 public void OnTangoImageAvailableEventHandler(TangoEnums.TangoCameraId cameraId, TangoUnityImageData imageBuffer)
예제 #11
    /// <summary>
    /// Minji Kim 2017.09.25
    /// Find Edge Wrapper
    /// call FindEdgesNearPoint
    /// TangoSupport_findEdgesNearPoint
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="cam"></param>
    /// <param name="pos"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public bool FindEdges(TangoUnityImageData imageBuffer,
                          Camera cam, Vector2 pos, out TangoSupport.TangoSupportEdge[] edges, out int num_edges)
    //out Vector3[] end_points, out Vector3 nearest_on_edge)
        if (m_pointsCount == 0)
            // No points to check, maybe not connected to the service yet
            edges     = new TangoSupport.TangoSupportEdge[1];
            num_edges = 0;

        Vector2 normalizedPos = cam.ScreenToViewportPoint(pos);

        // If the camera has a TangoARScreen attached, it is not displaying the entire color camera image.  Correct
        // the normalized coordinates by taking the clipping into account.
        TangoARScreen arScreen = cam.gameObject.GetComponent <TangoARScreen>();

        if (arScreen != null)
            normalizedPos = arScreen.ViewportPointToCameraImagePoint(normalizedPos);

        // if the image data has not been updated, update it manually
        if (imageBuffer.data == null)
            GetTangoUnityImageData(ref imageBuffer);

        bool returnValue = TangoSupport.FindEdgesNearPoint(
            out edges,
            out num_edges

        Vector3[] start = new Vector3[num_edges];
        Vector3[] end   = new Vector3[num_edges];
        Vector3[] near  = new Vector3[num_edges];
        TangoSupport.TangoSupportEdge[] n_edges = new TangoSupport.TangoSupportEdge[num_edges];
        for (int j = 0; j < num_edges; j++)
            start[j] = new Vector3(edges[j].end_points_x1, edges[j].end_points_y1, edges[j].end_points_z1);
            end[j]   = new Vector3(edges[j].end_points_x2, edges[j].end_points_y2, edges[j].end_points_z2);
            near[j]  = new Vector3(edges[j].closest_point_on_edge_x, edges[j].closest_point_on_edge_y,
            start[j] = m_mostRecentUnityWorldTDepthCamera.MultiplyVector(start[j]);
            end[j]   = m_mostRecentUnityWorldTDepthCamera.MultiplyVector(end[j]);
            near[j]  = m_mostRecentUnityWorldTDepthCamera.MultiplyVector(near[j]);
            n_edges[j].end_points_x1           = start[j][0];
            n_edges[j].end_points_y1           = start[j][1];
            n_edges[j].end_points_z1           = start[j][2];
            n_edges[j].end_points_x2           = end[j][0];
            n_edges[j].end_points_y2           = end[j][1];
            n_edges[j].end_points_z2           = end[j][2];
            n_edges[j].closest_point_on_edge_x = near[j][0];
            n_edges[j].closest_point_on_edge_y = near[j][1];
            n_edges[j].closest_point_on_edge_z = near[j][2];
        edges = n_edges;

예제 #12
    /// <summary>
    /// Minji Kim
    /// from VideoOverlayListener
    /// get tango unity image data
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="colorImageData"></param>
    private void GetTangoUnityImageData(ref TangoUnityImageData colorImageData)
        const int     EMULATED_CAMERA_WIDTH            = 1280;
        const int     EMULATED_CAMERA_HEIGHT           = 720;
        const int     EMULATED_CAMERA_PACKED_WIDTH     = 1280 / 4;
        const int     EMULATED_CAMERA_PACKED_Y_HEIGHT  = 720;
        const int     EMULATED_CAMERA_PACKED_UV_HEIGHT = 720 / 2;
        const string  EMULATED_RGB2YUV_Y_SHADERNAME    = "Hidden/Tango/RGB2YUV_Y";
        const string  EMULATED_RGB2YUV_CBCR_SHADERNAME = "Hidden/Tango/RGB2YUV_CbCr";
        Material      m_yuvFilterY    = null;
        Material      m_yuvFilterCbCr = null;
        RenderTexture m_emulatedColorRenderTexture = null;

        Texture2D[] m_emulationByteBufferCaptureTextures = null;
        float       m_lastColorEmulationTime             = ((float)DateTime.Now.Hour + ((float)DateTime.Now.Minute * 0.01f));

        CreateMaterial(EMULATED_RGB2YUV_Y_SHADERNAME, out m_yuvFilterY);
        CreateMaterial(EMULATED_RGB2YUV_CBCR_SHADERNAME, out m_yuvFilterCbCr);
        m_emulatedColorRenderTexture = new RenderTexture(EMULATED_CAMERA_WIDTH, EMULATED_CAMERA_HEIGHT, 24,
        m_emulationByteBufferCaptureTextures    = new Texture2D[2];
        m_emulationByteBufferCaptureTextures[0] = new Texture2D(EMULATED_CAMERA_PACKED_WIDTH,
                                                                TextureFormat.ARGB32, false);
        m_emulationByteBufferCaptureTextures[1] = new Texture2D(EMULATED_CAMERA_PACKED_WIDTH,
                                                                TextureFormat.ARGB32, false);

        int cbCrDataSize = yDataSize / 2;
        int dataSize     = yDataSize + cbCrDataSize;

        if (colorImageData.data == null || colorImageData.data.Length != dataSize)
            colorImageData.data = new byte[dataSize];

        RenderTexture yRT = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(EMULATED_CAMERA_PACKED_WIDTH,
                                                       0, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32);
        RenderTexture cbCrRT = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(EMULATED_CAMERA_PACKED_WIDTH,
                                                          0, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32);

        Graphics.Blit(m_emulatedColorRenderTexture, yRT, m_yuvFilterY);
        m_emulationByteBufferCaptureTextures[0].ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, yRT.width, yRT.height), 0, 0);
        Graphics.Blit(m_emulatedColorRenderTexture, cbCrRT, m_yuvFilterCbCr);
        m_emulationByteBufferCaptureTextures[1].ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, cbCrRT.width, cbCrRT.height), 0, 0);

        Color32[] colors = m_emulationByteBufferCaptureTextures[0].GetPixels32();
        for (int i = 0; i < yDataSize / 4; i++)
            colorImageData.data[(i * 4)]     = colors[i].r;
            colorImageData.data[(i * 4) + 1] = colors[i].g;
            colorImageData.data[(i * 4) + 2] = colors[i].b;
            colorImageData.data[(i * 4) + 3] = colors[i].a;

        int startOffset = colors.Length * 4;

        colors = m_emulationByteBufferCaptureTextures[1].GetPixels32();
        for (int i = 0; i < cbCrDataSize / 4; i++)
            colorImageData.data[(i * 4) + startOffset]     = colors[i].r;
            colorImageData.data[(i * 4) + startOffset + 1] = colors[i].g;
            colorImageData.data[(i * 4) + startOffset + 2] = colors[i].b;
            colorImageData.data[(i * 4) + startOffset + 3] = colors[i].a;


        colorImageData.format    = TangoEnums.TangoImageFormatType.TANGO_HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YV12;
        colorImageData.width     = EMULATED_CAMERA_WIDTH;
        colorImageData.height    = EMULATED_CAMERA_HEIGHT;
        colorImageData.stride    = EMULATED_CAMERA_WIDTH;
        colorImageData.timestamp = m_lastColorEmulationTime;