예제 #1
        public async Task <ActionResult <ResponseModel <string> > > TakeOperation(TakerModel model)
            var response = new ResponseModel <string> ()
                ReponseName = nameof(TakeOperation), Content = null
            double _modelProdcutWeight = model.Weight;
            string _modelProductName = model.ProductName, _modelUserId = model.UserId;
            var    _takerUserResponse = await _userService.GetUser(_modelUserId);

            var _takerUser = _takerUserResponse.Content[0];

            #region Get products
            var productResponse = await _productService.GetProductsByName(_modelProductName);

            if (productResponse.Status.Value != ResponseStatus.Success.Value)
                response.Status  = productResponse.Status;
                response.Message = $"{nameof (TakeOperation)} was interrupted due to \"{productResponse.Message}\"";

            var products = productResponse.Content.FindAll(p => (p.UnitPrice == model.UnitPrice) && p.Status == 1);
            if (products.Count == 0)
                Product product = new Product();
                product.Name      = productResponse.Content[0].Name;
                product.ImgUrl    = productResponse.Content[0].ImgUrl;
                product.UserId    = model.UserId;
                product.UnitPrice = model.UnitPrice;
                product.Weight    = model.Weight;
                product.Status    = 0;
                var _createProductResponse = await _productService.CreateProduct(product);

                //* If operation has interrupted on updating
                if (_createProductResponse.Status.Value != ResponseStatus.Success.Value)
                    response.Status  = _createProductResponse.Status;
                    response.Message = $"{nameof (TakeOperation)} was interrupted due to \"{_createProductResponse.Message}\"";

                response.Message = "Take Order Operation successfully";
                response.Status  = ResponseStatus.Success;
            //* If operation has interrupted on updating

            //* Sorting products
            products = InsertionSort.sort(products);

            #region Taker product check
            bool    isThereProduct   = false;
            Product _tmpTakerProduct = new Product();
            foreach (var p in _takerUser.Products)
                var takerProductResponse = await _productService.GetProduct(p);

                _tmpTakerProduct = takerProductResponse.Content[0];
                if (_tmpTakerProduct.Name == _modelProductName)
                    isThereProduct = true;
            _tmpTakerProduct = new Product();
            //* If there is product named by taker wants, Update this product
            if (!isThereProduct)
                _tmpTakerProduct.Id     = null;
                _tmpTakerProduct.Name   = products[0].Name;
                _tmpTakerProduct.ImgUrl = products[0].ImgUrl;
                _tmpTakerProduct.UserId = _modelUserId;
                _tmpTakerProduct.Weight = 0;
                _tmpTakerProduct.Status = 1;
                //* else, create a new one
                var _createTakerProductResponse = await _productService.CreateProduct(_tmpTakerProduct);

                //* If operation has interrupted on updating
                if (_createTakerProductResponse.Status.Value != ResponseStatus.Success.Value)
                    response.Status  = _createTakerProductResponse.Status;
                    response.Message = $"{nameof (TakeOperation)} was interrupted due to \"{_createTakerProductResponse.Message}\"";

                _tmpTakerProduct.Id = _createTakerProductResponse.Content[0].Id;
                var _updateTakerResponse = await _userService.UpdateUser(_takerUser);

                //* If operation has interrupted on updating
                if (_createTakerProductResponse.Status.Value != ResponseStatus.Success.Value)
                    response.Status  = _createTakerProductResponse.Status;
                    response.Message = $"{nameof (TakeOperation)} was interrupted due to \"{_createTakerProductResponse.Message}\"";

            #region Take operation
            var _tmpTakerProdcutWeight = _modelProdcutWeight;
            foreach (var _tmpSellerProdcut in products)
                var _sellerUserResponse = await _userService.GetUser(_tmpSellerProdcut.UserId);

                var _sellerUser = _sellerUserResponse.Content[0];
                Console.WriteLine("Taker:: " + _tmpTakerProdcutWeight);
                Console.WriteLine("Seller:: " + _tmpSellerProdcut.Weight);
                if (_tmpTakerProdcutWeight >= _tmpSellerProdcut.Weight)
                    //* this operation was make seller's product weight was zero,so this product must be delete
                    _tmpTakerProdcutWeight -= _tmpSellerProdcut.Weight;
                    var _deleteSellerProductResponse = await _productService.DeleteProduct(_tmpSellerProdcut.Id);

                    //* If operation has interrupted on deleting
                    if (_deleteSellerProductResponse.Status.Value != ResponseStatus.Success.Value)
                        response.Status  = _deleteSellerProductResponse.Status;
                        response.Message = $"{nameof (TakeOperation)} was interrupted due to \"{_deleteSellerProductResponse.Message}\"";

                    //* Seller's credit += As much as the weight of the product that the taker wants * Seller's unit price of the product
                    _sellerUser.Credit += _tmpSellerProdcut.Weight * _tmpSellerProdcut.UnitPrice;

                    //* Taker's credit -= As much as the weight of the product that the taker wants * Seller's unit price of the product
                    _takerUser.Credit -= _tmpSellerProdcut.Weight * _tmpSellerProdcut.UnitPrice;

                    _tmpTakerProduct.Weight += _tmpSellerProdcut.Weight;
                    //* this operation was filled as much as the weight of the product that the taker wants and Seller's product weight was decreased
                    _tmpSellerProdcut.Weight -= _tmpTakerProdcutWeight;
                    var _updateSellerProductResponse = await _productService.UpdateProduct(_tmpSellerProdcut);

                    //* If operation has interrupted on updating
                    if (_updateSellerProductResponse.Status.Value != ResponseStatus.Success.Value)
                        response.Status  = _updateSellerProductResponse.Status;
                        response.Message = $"{nameof (TakeOperation)} was interrupted due to \"{_updateSellerProductResponse.Message}\"";
                    //* Seller's credit += As much as the weight of the product that the taker wants * Seller's unit price of the product
                    _sellerUser.Credit += _tmpTakerProdcutWeight * _tmpSellerProdcut.UnitPrice;

                    //* Taker's credit -= As much as the weight of the product that the taker wants * Seller's unit price of the product
                    _takerUser.Credit       -= _tmpTakerProdcutWeight * _tmpSellerProdcut.UnitPrice;
                    _tmpTakerProduct.Weight += _tmpTakerProdcutWeight;
                    _tmpTakerProdcutWeight   = 0;

                var _updateSellerResponse = await _userService.UpdateUser(_sellerUser);

                //* If operation has interrupted on updating
                if (_updateSellerResponse.Status.Value != ResponseStatus.Success.Value)
                    response.Status  = _updateSellerResponse.Status;
                    response.Message = $"{nameof (TakeOperation)} was interrupted due to \"{_updateSellerResponse.Message}\"";
                User accounter             = new User();
                var  _getAccounterResponse = await _userService.GetUser("60cf52c9f33b98db66afd71d");

                //* If operation has interrupted on getting
                if (_getAccounterResponse.Status.Value != ResponseStatus.Success.Value)
                    response.Status  = _getAccounterResponse.Status;
                    response.Message = $"{nameof (TakeOperation)} was interrupted due to \"{_getAccounterResponse.Message}\"";
                accounter         = _getAccounterResponse.Content[0];
                accounter.Credit += _takerUser.Credit * (0.01);
                var _updateAccounterResponse = await _userService.UpdateUser(accounter);

                //* If operation has interrupted on updating
                if (_updateAccounterResponse.Status.Value != ResponseStatus.Success.Value)
                    response.Status  = _updateAccounterResponse.Status;
                    response.Message = $"{nameof (TakeOperation)} was interrupted due to \"{_updateAccounterResponse.Message}\"";
                _takerUser.Credit -= _takerUser.Credit * (0.01);
                var _updateTakerResponse = await _userService.UpdateUser(_takerUser);

                //* If operation has interrupted on updating
                if (_updateTakerResponse.Status.Value != ResponseStatus.Success.Value)
                    response.Status  = _updateTakerResponse.Status;
                    response.Message = $"{nameof (TakeOperation)} was interrupted due to \"{_updateTakerResponse.Message}\"";

                var _updateTakerProductResponse = await _productService.UpdateProduct(_tmpTakerProduct);

                //* If operation has interrupted on updating
                if (_updateTakerProductResponse.Status.Value != ResponseStatus.Success.Value)
                    response.Status  = _updateTakerProductResponse.Status;
                    response.Message = $"{nameof (TakeOperation)} was interrupted due to \"{_updateTakerProductResponse.Message}\"";

                if (_tmpTakerProdcutWeight == 0)


            Report report = new Report()
                CreatedBy = model.UserId, CreatedDate = DateTime.UtcNow, Operation = OperationType.Take, ProductName = model.ProductName, Weight = model.Weight, UnitPrice = model.UnitPrice
            var ReportResponse = await _reportService.CreateReport(report);

            if (ReportResponse.Status.Value != ResponseStatus.Success.Value)
                response.Status  = ReportResponse.Status;
                response.Message = $"{nameof (TakeOperation)} was interrupted due to \"{ReportResponse.Message}\"";
            response.Message = "Take Operation successfully";
            response.Status  = ResponseStatus.Success;
예제 #2
        public async Task <ActionResult <ResponseModel <string> > > SellOperation(SellerModel model)
            var response = new ResponseModel <string> ()
                ReponseName = nameof(SellOperation)
            double _modelProdcutWeight = model.Weight, _modelProductUnitPrice = model.UnitPrice;
            string _modelUserId = model.UserId, _modelProductId = model.ProductId;

            //* Get Seller User
            var sellerUserReponse = await _userService.GetUser(_modelUserId);

            if (sellerUserReponse.Status.Value != ResponseStatus.Success.Value)
                response.Status  = sellerUserReponse.Status;
                response.Message = $"{nameof (SellOperation)} was interrupted due to \"{sellerUserReponse.Message}\"";
            var sellerUser = sellerUserReponse.Content[0];

            //*Get Seller's Product
            var sellerProductResponse = await _productService.GetProduct(_modelProductId);

            if (sellerProductResponse.Status.Value != ResponseStatus.Success.Value)
                response.Status  = sellerProductResponse.Status;
                response.Message = $"{nameof (SellOperation)} was interrupted due to \"{sellerProductResponse.Message}\"";
            var sellerProduct = sellerProductResponse.Content[0];

            //* Sell Operation
            //* The total weight of the seller's product  minus the weight of the product the seller wants to sell

            sellerProduct.Weight = (sellerProduct.Weight - _modelProdcutWeight) > 0 ? (sellerProduct.Weight - _modelProdcutWeight) : 0;

            if (sellerProduct.Weight == 0)
                //*delete seller product
                var deleteSellerProductResponse = await _productService.DeleteProduct(sellerProduct.Id);

                if (deleteSellerProductResponse.Status.Value != ResponseStatus.Success.Value)
                    response.Status  = deleteSellerProductResponse.Status;
                    response.Message = $"{nameof (SellOperation)} was interrupted due to \"{deleteSellerProductResponse.Message}\"";
                var updateSellerUserResponse = await _userService.UpdateUser(sellerUser);

                if (updateSellerUserResponse.Status.Value != ResponseStatus.Success.Value)
                    response.Status  = updateSellerUserResponse.Status;
                    response.Message = $"{nameof (SellOperation)} was interrupted due to \"{updateSellerUserResponse.Message}\"";
                //* update seller product
                var updateSellerProductResponse = await _productService.UpdateProduct(sellerProduct);

                if (updateSellerProductResponse.Status.Value != ResponseStatus.Success.Value)
                    response.Status  = updateSellerProductResponse.Status;
                    response.Message = $"{nameof (SellOperation)} was interrupted due to \"{updateSellerProductResponse.Message}\"";

            sellerProduct.UnitPrice = _modelProductUnitPrice;
            //* Create new product item
            Product newProduct = new Product();

            newProduct        = sellerProduct;
            newProduct.Weight = _modelProdcutWeight;
            newProduct.Id     = null;
            newProduct.Status = 1;
            var createSellerProductResponse = await _productService.CreateProduct(newProduct);

            if (createSellerProductResponse.Status.Value != ResponseStatus.Success.Value)
                response.Status  = createSellerProductResponse.Status;
                response.Message = $"{nameof (SellOperation)} was interrupted due to \"{createSellerProductResponse.Message}\"";

            var productWithStatusByNameResponse = await _productService.GetProductsWithStatusByName(sellerProduct.Name);

            if (productWithStatusByNameResponse.Status.Value != ResponseStatus.Success.Value)
                response.Status  = productWithStatusByNameResponse.Status;
                response.Message = $"{nameof (SellOperation)} was interrupted due to \"{productWithStatusByNameResponse.Message}\"";

             * If the weight of the product, which is a purchase order at the sold price,
             * is greater or equal to the weight of the currently sold product; Perform the sell transaction and ignore the next steps, update the weight of the remaining buy order after the sell transaction.
             * If it is small; Execute the sell transaction and delete the buy order. Update weight of remaining sell order and apply next steps
            foreach (Product product in productWithStatusByNameResponse.Content)
                if (product.Weight >= _modelProdcutWeight)
                    TakerModel takerModel = new TakerModel();
                    takerModel.UnitPrice   = product.UnitPrice;
                    takerModel.Weight      = _modelProdcutWeight;
                    takerModel.UserId      = product.UserId;
                    takerModel.ProductName = product.Name;
                    await TakeOperation(takerModel);

                    product.Weight -= _modelProdcutWeight;
                    var updateProductResponse = await _productService.UpdateProduct(product);

                    if (updateProductResponse.Status.Value != ResponseStatus.Success.Value)
                        response.Status  = updateProductResponse.Status;
                        response.Message = $"{nameof (SellOperation)} was interrupted due to \"{updateProductResponse.Message}\"";
                    TakerModel takerModel = new TakerModel();
                    takerModel.UnitPrice   = product.UnitPrice;
                    takerModel.Weight      = product.Weight;
                    takerModel.UserId      = product.UserId;
                    takerModel.ProductName = product.Name;
                    await TakeOperation(takerModel);

                    var deleteProductResponse = await _productService.DeleteProduct(product.Id);

                    if (deleteProductResponse.Status.Value != ResponseStatus.Success.Value)
                        response.Status  = deleteProductResponse.Status;
                        response.Message = $"{nameof (SellOperation)} was interrupted due to \"{deleteProductResponse.Message}\"";

            Report report = new Report()
                CreatedBy = model.UserId, CreatedDate = DateTime.UtcNow, Operation = OperationType.Sell, ProductName = sellerProduct.Name, Weight = model.Weight, UnitPrice = model.UnitPrice
            var ReportResponse = await _reportService.CreateReport(report);

            if (ReportResponse.Status.Value != ResponseStatus.Success.Value)
                response.Status  = ReportResponse.Status;
                response.Message = $"{nameof (TakeOperation)} was interrupted due to \"{ReportResponse.Message}\"";
            response.Message = "Operation successfully";
            response.Status  = ResponseStatus.Success;