public String GetBirthDate(DateType type, DateFormat format) { string result = ""; switch (type) { case DateType.Calendar: result = (format == DateFormat.ShortDate) ? this.birthDate.ToString("d") : this.birthDate.ToString("D"); break; case DateType.ChineseCalendar: //System.Globalization.TaiwanCalendar TaiwanCalendar c1 = new TaiwanCalendar(); int y = c1.GetYear(this.birthDate); int m = c1.GetMonth(this.birthDate); int d = c1.GetDayOfMonth(this.birthDate); result = (format == DateFormat.ShortDate) ? String.Format("{0:000}/{1:00}/{2:00}", y, m, d) : String.Format("民國{0}年{1}月{2}日", y, m, d); break; case DateType.ChineseLunisolar: //System.Globalization.TaiwanLunisolarCalendar TaiwanLunisolarCalendar c2 = new TaiwanLunisolarCalendar(); int y2 = c2.GetYear(this.birthDate); int m2 = c2.GetMonth(this.birthDate); int d2 = c2.GetDayOfMonth(this.birthDate); result = (format == DateFormat.ShortDate) ? String.Format("{0:000}/{1:00}/{2:00}", y2, m2, d2) : String.Format("農曆{0}年{1}月{2}日", y2, m2, d2); break; default: break; } return(result); }
public static string useTaiwanLC(DateTime date) { string TeanGean = "甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸"; string DeGe = "子丑寅卯辰巳午未申酉戌亥"; string CAnimal = "鼠牛虎兔龍蛇馬羊猴雞狗豬"; TaiwanLunisolarCalendar Tlc = new TaiwanLunisolarCalendar(); //DateTime dtNow = new DateTime.Now();//拿今年的日期 //DateTime.Now.AddYears; int lun60Year = Tlc.GetSexagenaryYear(date.AddYears(0)); // int lun60Year = Tlc.GetSexagenaryYear(DateTime.Now.AddYears(0)); int TeanGeanYear = Tlc.GetCelestialStem(lun60Year) - 1; int DeGeYear = Tlc.GetTerrestrialBranch(lun60Year) - 1; int lunMonth = Tlc.GetMonth(DateTime.Now.AddYears(0)); int leapMonth = Tlc.GetLeapMonth(Tlc.GetYear(DateTime.Now.AddYears(0))); if (leapMonth > 0 && lunMonth >= leapMonth) { //lunMonth = lunMonth - 1; lunMonth -= 1; } int lunDay = Tlc.GetDayOfMonth(DateTime.Now.AddYears(0)); //Console.WriteLine("debug" + TeanGean[TeanGeanYear] + DeGe[DeGeYear] + CAnimal[DeGeYear]); Console.WriteLine("驗算網頁 :"); Console.WriteLine("參考資料 :"); Console.WriteLine("查表法 :"); Console.WriteLine("參考資料 :"); //return String.Format("農曆:{0}年{1}月{2}日", TeanGean[TeanGeanYear] & DeGe[DeGeYear], lunMonth, lunDay); //return String.Format("農曆:{0}年{1}月{2}日 今年的生肖: {3}",Tlc.GetYear(DateTime.Now).ToString(), lunMonth, lunDay, CAnimal[DeGeYear].ToString()); return(String.Format("{0}", CAnimal[DeGeYear].ToString())); }
/// <summary> /// Convert the DateTime object to TaiwanLunisolarCalendar's DateTime format. /// For example: 2008/1/26 will become 96/12/19 /// </summary> public static DateTime ToTaiwanLunisolarDateTime(this DateTime d) { TaiwanLunisolarCalendar tlc = new TaiwanLunisolarCalendar(); DateTime result = new DateTime(tlc.GetYear(d), tlc.GetMonth(d), tlc.GetDayOfMonth(d), d.Hour, d.Minute, d.Second, d.Millisecond); return(result); }
/// <summary> /// 取得農曆的日期 /// </summary> /// <param name="dt">日期</param> /// <returns></returns> public static string GetLunisolarDate(DateTime dt) { string lunisolarDate = ""; TaiwanLunisolarCalendar tlc = new TaiwanLunisolarCalendar(); if (tlc.IsLeapYear(tlc.GetYear(dt)) && tlc.GetMonth(dt) >= tlc.GetLeapMonth(tlc.GetYear(dt))) { lunisolarDate = FormatLunisolarYear(tlc.GetYear(dt)) + FormatLunisolarMonth(tlc.GetMonth(dt) - 1) + FormatLunisolarDay(tlc.GetDayOfMonth(dt)); } else { lunisolarDate = FormatLunisolarYear(tlc.GetYear(dt)) + FormatLunisolarMonth(tlc.GetMonth(dt)) + FormatLunisolarDay(tlc.GetDayOfMonth(dt)); } //return "農曆 " + lunisolarDate; return(lunisolarDate); }
/// <summary> /// 西曆轉農曆 /// </summary> /// <param name="value"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string ToLunarDate(DateTime value) { var oLCalendar = new TaiwanLunisolarCalendar(); var y = oLCalendar.GetYear(value); var m = oLCalendar.GetMonth(value); var d = oLCalendar.GetDayOfMonth(value); var l = y.ToString() + StrFunc.StrPadLeft(m.ToString(), 2, '0') + StrFunc.StrPadLeft(d.ToString(), 2, '0'); return(l); }
public void TestDay() { TaiwanLunisolarCalendar tlc = new TaiwanLunisolarCalendar(); int year = tlc.GetYear(DateTime.Now); int month = tlc.GetMonth(DateTime.Now); int day = tlc.GetDayOfMonth(DateTime.Now); string aa = string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}", year, month, day); Console.WriteLine("day = " + aa); DateTime date2 = tlc.ToDateTime(year, month, day, 0, 0, 0, 0); Console.WriteLine("day2 = " + date2.ToShortDateString()); }
/// <summary> /// 取得天干地支年月日 /// </summary> /// <param name="dt"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string GetTaiwanHeaEarDate(this DateTime dt) { string teanGean = "甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸"; string deGe = "子丑寅卯辰巳午未申酉戌亥"; TaiwanLunisolarCalendar tlc = new TaiwanLunisolarCalendar(); int lun60Year = tlc.GetSexagenaryYear(DateTime.Now.AddYears(0)); int TeanGeanYear = tlc.GetCelestialStem(lun60Year) - 1; int DeGeYear = tlc.GetTerrestrialBranch(lun60Year) - 1; int lunMonth = tlc.GetMonth(DateTime.Now.AddYears(0)); int leapMonth = tlc.GetLeapMonth(tlc.GetYear(DateTime.Now.AddYears(0))); if (leapMonth > 0 && lunMonth >= leapMonth) { lunMonth -= 1; } int lunDay = tlc.GetDayOfMonth(DateTime.Now.AddYears(0)); return(String.Format("{0}年{1}月{2}日", teanGean[TeanGeanYear].ToString() + deGe[DeGeYear].ToString(), lunMonth, lunDay)); }
protected void Calendar01_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { using DataTable dtDate = new CglData().GetDateData(Calendar01.SelectedDate.Date); DataRow drDAte = dtDate.NewRow(); // 找農曆 TaiwanLunisolarCalendar tlc = new TaiwanLunisolarCalendar(); int leapMouth = tlc.GetLeapMonth(tlc.GetYear(Calendar01.SelectedDate.Date)); int LuniMouth = tlc.GetMonth(Calendar01.SelectedDate.Date); if (leapMouth > 0) { if (LuniMouth == leapMouth) { LuniMouth = leapMouth - 1; } else if (LuniMouth > leapMouth) { LuniMouth -= 1; } } drDAte["lngDateSN"] = string.Format(InvariantCulture, "{0}{1:d2}{2:d2}", Calendar01.SelectedDate.Year, Calendar01.SelectedDate.Month, Calendar01.SelectedDate.Day); drDAte["lngCDateSN"] = string.Format(InvariantCulture, "{0}{1:d2}{2:d2}", tlc.GetYear(Calendar01.SelectedDate.Date), LuniMouth, tlc.GetDayOfMonth(Calendar01.SelectedDate.Date)); //找紫微 StuPurple stuTemp = new StuPurple { StrWYear = Calendar01.SelectedDate.Year.ToString(InvariantCulture), StrWMonth = Calendar01.SelectedDate.Month.ToString("d2", InvariantCulture), StrWDay = Calendar01.SelectedDate.Day.ToString("d2", InvariantCulture), StrWHour = "YY11", IntGender = CglPurple.Gender.MalePlus }; stuTemp.Init(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> KeyPair in stuTemp.DicUpdateData) { if (KeyPair.Key != "lngDateSN") { if (KeyPair.Value.Length >= 4) { drDAte[KeyPair.Key] = KeyPair.Value.Substring(0, 4); } else { drDAte[KeyPair.Key] = KeyPair.Value; } } } // dtDate.Rows.Add(drDAte); GridView gvDate = new GalaxyApp().CreatGridView("gvDate", " gltabel ", dtDate, true, true); gvDate.DataBind(); pnlCalendar.Controls.Add(gvDate); // 一些使用的範例程式 //StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(0,8000); //for (int i = 2007; i <= 2050; i++) //{ // CNDate cd1 = new CNDate(new DateTime(i, Calendar01.SelectedDate.Date.Month, Calendar01.SelectedDate.Date.Day)); // stringBuilder.AppendLine("計算 " + i + "年隔年農曆過年的國曆日期:" + cd1.GetNextLunarNewYearDate().ToLongDateString() + "<br/>"); //} //CNDate cd = new CNDate(Calendar01.SelectedDate); //stringBuilder.AppendLine("今年農曆天數:" + cd.LunarYearDays(2007).ToString(InvariantCulture) + "<br/>"); //stringBuilder.AppendLine("今年 01 月農曆天數:" + cd.LunarMonthDays(2007, 1).ToString(InvariantCulture) + "<br/>"); //stringBuilder.AppendLine("今年 02 月農曆天數:" + cd.LunarMonthDays(2007, 2).ToString(InvariantCulture) + "<br/>"); //stringBuilder.AppendLine("今年 03 月農曆天數:" + cd.LunarMonthDays(2007, 3).ToString(InvariantCulture) + "<br/>"); //stringBuilder.AppendLine("今年 04 月農曆天數:" + cd.LunarMonthDays(2007, 4).ToString(InvariantCulture) + "<br/>"); //stringBuilder.AppendLine("今年 05 月農曆天數:" + cd.LunarMonthDays(2007, 5).ToString(InvariantCulture) + "<br/>"); //stringBuilder.AppendLine("今年 06 月農曆天數:" + cd.LunarMonthDays(2007, 6).ToString(InvariantCulture) + "<br/>"); //stringBuilder.AppendLine("今年 07 月農曆天數:" + cd.LunarMonthDays(2007, 7).ToString(InvariantCulture) + "<br/>"); //stringBuilder.AppendLine("今年 08 月農曆天數:" + cd.LunarMonthDays(2007, 8).ToString(InvariantCulture) + "<br/>"); //stringBuilder.AppendLine("今年 09 月農曆天數:" + cd.LunarMonthDays(2007, 9).ToString(InvariantCulture) + "<br/>"); //stringBuilder.AppendLine("今年 10 月農曆天數:" + cd.LunarMonthDays(2007, 10).ToString(InvariantCulture) + "<br/>"); //stringBuilder.AppendLine("今年 11 月農曆天數:" + cd.LunarMonthDays(2007, 11).ToString(InvariantCulture) + "<br/>"); //stringBuilder.AppendLine("今年 12 月農曆天數:" + cd.LunarMonthDays(2007, 12).ToString(InvariantCulture) + "<br/>"); //stringBuilder.AppendLine("今天的農曆日期:" + cd.GetLunarHolDay() + "<br/>"); //stringBuilder.AppendLine("今年的農曆潤月月份:" + cd.GetLeapMonth(2007) + "<br/>"); //stringBuilder.AppendLine("計算國曆當天對應的節氣:" + cd.LGetLunarHolDay() + "<br/>"); //stringBuilder.AppendLine("計算今年農曆過年的國曆日期:" + cd.GetLunarNewYearDate().ToLongDateString() + "<br/>"); //lblCC.Text = stringBuilder.ToString(); }
/// <summary> /// 取得農曆年月日 (100年10月10日) /// </summary> public static string GetTaiwanLnsChiDate(this DateTime dt) { TaiwanLunisolarCalendar tlc = new TaiwanLunisolarCalendar(); return(tlc.GetYear(dt) + "年" + tlc.GetMonth(dt) + "月" + tlc.GetDayOfMonth(dt) + "日"); }
/// <summary> /// 取得農曆月 /// </summary> public static int GetTaiwanLnsMonth(this DateTime dt) { TaiwanLunisolarCalendar tlc = new TaiwanLunisolarCalendar(); return(tlc.GetMonth(dt)); }
public string GetLunarDate(DateTime mdate, string mtype) { String_Func sfc = new String_Func(); TaiwanLunisolarCalendar tlc = new TaiwanLunisolarCalendar(); string ldate = ""; int LunarYear = 0; // 農曆年 int LunarMonth = 0; // 月份 int LunarDay = 0; // 日期 int LunarHour = 0; // 時 int LunarMin = 0; // 分 int LunarSec = 0; // 秒 int LeapMonth = 0; // 潤月 LunarYear = tlc.GetSexagenaryYear(mdate); // 取得西元年 #region 農曆年 if (mtype.Contains("y")) { ldate = GetHeavenlyStem(tlc.GetCelestialStem(LunarYear)); // 年 - 天干 ldate += GetEarthlyBranch(tlc.GetTerrestrialBranch(LunarYear)) + "年"; // 年 - 地支 } #endregion #region 農曆月 if (mtype.Contains("M")) { LunarMonth = tlc.GetMonth(mdate); // 取得月份 LeapMonth = tlc.GetLeapMonth(tlc.GetYear(mdate)); // 取得潤月 if (LeapMonth > 0) { // 當年有潤月,月份會出現13個月,在潤月之後的月分要減一。 if (LeapMonth == LunarMonth) { ldate += "閏" + GetChMonth(LeapMonth - 1) + "月"; } else if (LunarMonth > LeapMonth) { ldate += GetChMonth(LunarMonth - 1) + "月"; } else ldate += GetChMonth(LunarMonth) + "月"; } else ldate += GetChMonth(LunarMonth) + "月"; } #endregion #region 農曆日 if (mtype.Contains("d")) { LunarDay = tlc.GetDayOfMonth(mdate); ldate += GetChDay(LunarDay) + "日"; } #endregion #region 農曆時 (子、丑...) if (mtype.Contains("H")) { LunarHour = tlc.GetHour(mdate); ldate += GetChHour(LunarHour) + "時"; } #endregion #region 中文數字時 (五、十一...) if (mtype.Contains("h")) { LunarHour = tlc.GetHour(mdate); ldate += GetChNHour(LunarHour) + "時"; } #endregion #region 農曆分 if (mtype.Contains("m")) { LunarMin = tlc.GetMinute(mdate); ldate += sfc.GetChNumber((ulong)LunarMin).Replace("一十", "十") + "分"; } #endregion #region 農曆秒 if (mtype.Contains("s")) { LunarSec = tlc.GetSecond(mdate); if (LunarSec == 0) { ldate += "整"; } else { ldate += sfc.GetChNumber((ulong)LunarSec).Replace("一十", "十") + "秒"; } } #endregion return ldate; }