예제 #1
		public static void InteropReadNodes(Blam.CacheFile cf, int cache_offset, 
			TagInterface.IBlock hs_nodes)
			cf.InputStream.Seek(cache_offset, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
예제 #2
		public static void InteropReadTagData(Blam.CacheFile cf,
			TagInterface.IBlock hs_scripts, int cache_offset_scripts, 
			TagInterface.IBlock hs_globals, int cache_offset_globals)
			cf.InputStream.Position = cache_offset_scripts;

			cf.InputStream.Position = cache_offset_globals;
예제 #3
 /// <summary>
 ///     构造函数
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="client">操作器</param>
 public EntityInterfaces(Client client)
     Account     = new AccountInterface(client);
     Comments    = new CommentInterface(client);
     Common      = new CommonInterface(client);
     Favorites   = new FavoriteInterface(client);
     Friendships = new FriendshipInterface(client);
     Search      = new SearchInterface(client);
     ShortUrl    = new ShortUrlInterface(client);
     Statuses    = new StatusInterface(client);
     Suggestions = new SuggestionInterface(client);
     Tags        = new TagInterface(client);
     Trends      = new TrendInterface(client);
     Users       = new UserInterface(client);
예제 #4
		static void ExtractImportInfo(string test_results_path, Managers.TagIndex ti, TagInterface.TagGroup group, params string[] files)
			int ti_dir_length = ti.Directory.Length;
			int group_length = group.Name.Length;

			foreach (string f in files)
				var t = f.Substring(ti_dir_length); // remove tags dir
				t = t.Remove(t.Length - group_length - 1); // remove extension

				var tag_index = ti.Open(t, group);
				if (Managers.TagIndex.IsSentinel(tag_index))

				Assert.IsTrue(tag_index != Blam.DatumIndex.Null);

				var tagman = ti[tag_index];
				var import_def = tagman.TagDefinition as Blam.Halo2.Tags.ITagImportInfo;
				ExtractImportInfo(import_def.GetImportInfo(), test_results_path);

		void ExtractWriteTagDatabase(Blam.CacheExtractionInfo cei, TagManager root_tag, 
			TagInterface.TagGroup database_group,
			TagInterface.Definition db_definition, bool is_error_db)
			if ((db_definition as ITagDatabase).IsEmpty)

			// name the database after the root tag we're extracting
			string tag_name = root_tag.Name;
			if (is_error_db)
				tag_name = string.Format("{0}.errors", tag_name);

			Blam.CacheIndex.Item tdb_item;
			// Just in-case someone tries to extract the same root tag twice
			if (!cacheFile.TryAndFind(tag_name, database_group, out tdb_item))
				tdb_item = cacheFile.AddFeignTagInstance(tag_name, database_group);

				if (tdb_item == null)
					extractionTrace.WriteLine("Couldn't create a tag_database for {0}! Couldn't create tag entry for database",

				var tdb_index = this.Open(tdb_item.Datum);

				var tdb = this[tdb_index];

				// Even though the tag isn't actually in the cache, the tag 
				// manager needs to operate this way with CacheTagIndex elements
				tdb.OpenForExtract(cei.Arguments.OutputDirectory, null);

			catch(Exception ex)
				extractionTrace.WriteLine("Error while trying to write tag_database!");
예제 #6
		void DumpNonTagFilesRecursive(StreamWriter s, System.IO.DirectoryInfo diri, TagInterface.TagGroupCollection coll)
			System.IO.FileInfo[] files = diri.GetFiles();
			System.IO.DirectoryInfo[] directories = diri.GetDirectories();
			if (files.Length == 0 && directories.Length == 0)
				s.WriteLine(";empty directory {0}", diri.FullName.Replace(directory, ""));
				bool is_first = true;
				foreach (System.IO.FileInfo fi in files)
					string ext;
					if (fi.Extension != "")
						ext = fi.Extension.Remove(0, 1).ToLowerInvariant(); // remove the '.'
					else continue;

					if (coll.FindGroupIndex(ext) == -1)
						if (is_first)
							s.WriteLine(";{0}", diri.FullName.Replace(directory, ""));
							is_first = false;

						s.WriteLine(fi.FullName.Replace(directory, ""));

				// if we wrote some entries, add a new line
				if (!is_first) s.WriteLine();

				foreach (System.IO.DirectoryInfo di in directories)
					DumpNonTagFilesRecursive(s, di, coll);
예제 #7
		/// <summary>
		/// Open an existing tag
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="name">name of the tag</param>
		/// <param name="tag_group">group tag of the tag</param>
		/// <param name="flags">special flags to use when opening</param>
		/// <returns>
		/// The tag_index handle associated with the <see cref="TagManager"/> used to load the tag, or <see cref="Blam.DatumIndex.Null"/> if this operations fails
		/// </returns>
		/// <remarks>
		/// Will return existing handles if tag is already open. 
		/// If <paramref name="tag_group"/> is setup to be ignored, we return <see cref="kSkipped"/>.
		/// </remarks>
		public Blam.DatumIndex Open(string name, TagInterface.TagGroup tag_group, uint flags)
			// HACK: Halo1 PC uses gbx's variant of the model tag
			if (Engine == BlamVersion.Halo1_CE && tag_group == Blam.Halo1.TagGroups.mode)
				tag_group = Blam.Halo1.TagGroups.mod2;

			if (Ignore(tag_group)) return kSkipped;

			// Does this tag even exist on disk?
			string path = string.Format("{0}.{1}", Path.Combine(directory, name), tag_group.Name);
			if (!Exists(path)) return kMissing;

			// Is this tag already loaded? if so, reuse handle
			Blam.DatumIndex di = IsLoaded(name, tag_group);
			if (di != Blam.DatumIndex.Null)
				return di;

			// If the tag had errors, don't try loading it again.
			// Note that valid tags can exist in the error database since they act as root tags for problem 
			// tags, but since we call [IsLoaded] above this it will catch any valid cases
			if (ErrorDatabaseContains(name, tag_group))
				return Blam.DatumIndex.Null;

			#region Initialize tag manager
			TagManager tm = new TagManager(this);
			tm.ReferenceName = refManager.Add(tm, tag_group, name);
			tm.TagIndex = di = Array.Add(tm); // in order to read the tag, the tag index must be setup first (due how TagManager.Path is setup)
			#region Stream tag manager
			try { tm.Read(); }
			catch (TagInterface.Exceptions.InvalidVersion /*ex_version*/)
				//indexTrace.WriteLine("Tag Index: Failed to open tag from disk (invalid\\unhandled version): {0}{1}{2}", path, Program.NewLine, ex_version);
				di = kVersionInvalid;
			catch (Exception ex)
				indexTrace.WriteLine("Tag Index: Failed to open tag from disk: {0}{1}{2}", path, Program.NewLine, ex);
				di = Blam.DatumIndex.Null;
			finally { tm.Close(); }

			if(di != tm.TagIndex)
				ErrorDatabaseAddLocalHack(name, tag_group);

				return di;

			base.OnEventOpen(new TagIndexEventArgs(this, tm));
			return tm.TagIndex;
예제 #8
		/// <summary>
		/// Add an existing tag group definition to the index
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="name">name of the tag (relative to the directory this tag index uses)</param>
		/// <param name="definition">Instance of a tag group definition</param>
		/// <returns>The tag_index handle associated with the <see cref="TagManager"/> now managing the definition</returns>
		/// <remarks>
		/// <paramref name="definition"/> must have a <see cref="TagInterface.TagGroupAttribute"/> applied to it.
		/// If <paramref name="tag_group"/> is setup to be ignored, we return <see cref="kSkipped"/>.
		/// If the name\tag_group tag already exists (in memory only), we return <see cref="Blam.DatumIndex.Null"/>.
		/// </remarks>
		public Blam.DatumIndex Add(string name, TagInterface.Definition definition)
			TagInterface.TagGroupAttribute tga = definition.State.Attribute as TagInterface.TagGroupAttribute;

			TagInterface.TagGroup tag_group = definition.State.Engine.VersionToTagCollection()[tga.GroupIndex];

			if (Ignore(tag_group)) return kSkipped;

			// Checks to see or if there is one in memory
			if (IsLoaded(name, tag_group) != Blam.DatumIndex.Null)
				indexTrace.WriteLine("Tag Index: Couldn't add an existing tag! '{0}.{1}' already exists", name, tag_group.Name);
				return Blam.DatumIndex.Null;

			#region Initialize tag manager
			TagManager tm = new TagManager(this);
			tm.ReferenceName = refManager.Add(tm, tag_group, name);
			tm.TagIndex = Array.Add(tm);

			base.OnEventOpen(new TagIndexEventArgs(this, tm));
			return tm.TagIndex;
예제 #9
			public void TagInstanceBegin(Blam.DatumIndex handle, string name, TagInterface.TagGroup group)
				tagsWriter.WriteAttributeString("group", group.Name);
				tagsWriter.WriteAttributeString("name", name);
예제 #10
			public void SharedReferencesAddRightIndex(string name, TagInterface.TagGroup group)
				TagInstanceBegin(Blam.DatumIndex.Null, name, group);
예제 #11
		internal override bool ExtractionTagReferenceChange(TagInterface.TagReference tr)
			bool changed = false;

			if(tr.Datum != DatumIndex.Null)
// 				if (tr.GroupTag == TagGroups.shad)
// 				{
// 					tr.Datum = invalid_handle_shader;
// 					changed = true;
// 				}

			return changed;
예제 #12
		/// <summary>
		/// Opens the first instance of a specific tag group
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="tag_group">Tag group to search for</param>
		/// <returns>Returns <see cref="Blam.DatumIndex.Null"/> if no <paramref name="tag_group"/> instances were found</returns>
		public Blam.DatumIndex OpenFirstInstance(TagInterface.TagGroup tag_group)
			foreach (Blam.CacheIndex.Item i in cacheFile.Index.Tags)
				if (i.GroupTag == tag_group)
					return Open(i.Datum);

			return Blam.DatumIndex.Null;
예제 #13
		/// <summary>
		/// Open an existing a tag
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="name">name of the tag</param>
		/// <param name="tag_group">group tag of the tag</param>
		/// <returns>The tag_index handle associated with the <see cref="TagManager"/> used to load the tag</returns>
		public override Blam.DatumIndex Open(string name, TagInterface.TagGroup tag_group)
			Blam.DatumIndex index = FindDatum(name, tag_group);
			if (index == Blam.DatumIndex.Null)
				indexTrace.WriteLine("Cache Index: Failed to find the following tag in the cache {0}.{1}{2}.{3}", cacheFile.Header.Name, Program.NewLine, name, tag_group.Name);

			return Open(index);
예제 #14
		/// <summary>
		/// Find a cache tag datum based on its name and group tag
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="name">name of the tag</param>
		/// <param name="tag_group">group tag of tag</param>
		/// <returns>The tag_datum associated with the name\tag_group, or <see cref="Blam.DatumIndex.Null"/> if no match is found</returns>
		Blam.DatumIndex FindDatum(string name, TagInterface.TagGroup tag_group)
			foreach(Blam.CacheIndex.Item i in cacheFile.Index.Tags)
				if (cacheFile.GetReferenceName(i) == name && i.GroupTag.ID == tag_group.ID)
					return i.Datum;

			return Blam.DatumIndex.Null;
예제 #15
파일: Data.cs 프로젝트: CodeAsm/open-sauce
		public static ScriptNode[] FromBlock(TagInterface.IBlock block)
			TagInterface.IElementArray ea = block.GetElements();
			ScriptNode[] value = new ScriptNode[ea.Count];
			for (int x = 0; x < value.Length; x++)
				var hs = (hs_syntax_datum_block)ea.GetElement(x);
				var v = value[x] = new ScriptNode();
				v.nodeIndex = x;
				v.index = (short)hs.DatumHeader.Value;
				v.opcode = (short)hs.TypeUnion.Value;
				v.type = (short)hs.Type.Value;
				v.pointerType = (short)hs.Flags.Value;
				v.nextExpression = hs.NextNodeIndex.Value;
				v.pointer = hs.Pointer.Value;
				int temp = hs.Data.Value;
				v.data[0] = (byte)(temp & 0x000000FF);
				v.data[1] = (byte)(temp & 0x0000FF00);
				v.data[2] = (byte)(temp & 0x00FF0000);
				v.data[3] = (byte)(temp & 0xFF000000);

			return value;
예제 #16
 public TagController(TagInterface context)
     _db = context;
예제 #17
			public void SharedReferencesAddRightIndex(string name, TagInterface.TagGroup group)	{ writer.WriteLine(";\t{0}{1}", group.NameToLeftPaddedString(), name); }
예제 #18
		/// <summary>
		/// Open an existing tag
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="name">name of the tag</param>
		/// <param name="tag_group">group tag of the tag</param>
		/// <returns>
		/// The tag_index handle associated with the <see cref="TagManager"/> used to load the tag, or <see cref="Blam.DatumIndex.Null"/> if this operations fails
		/// </returns>
		/// <remarks>Will return existing handles if tag is already open.</remarks>
		public override Blam.DatumIndex Open(string name, TagInterface.TagGroup tag_group) { return Open(name, tag_group, 0); }
예제 #19
			public void TagInstanceBegin(Blam.DatumIndex handle, string name, TagInterface.TagGroup group)
				switch (type)
					case DumpType.Dependencies:

					case DumpType.SharedReferences:

					case DumpType.Memory:
						currentInstanceHandle = handle;
						currentInstanceName = name;
						currentInstanceGroup = group.NameToLeftPaddedString();

예제 #20
		/// <summary>
		/// Figures out if the tag exists in this tag index's namespace
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="name">name of tag</param>
		/// <param name="tag_group">group tag of tag</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public bool Exists(string name, TagInterface.TagGroup tag_group)
			return Exists(string.Format("{0}.{1}", Path.Combine(directory, name), tag_group.Name));
예제 #21
			public void TagInstanceDependentAdd(string name, TagInterface.TagGroup group)
				TagInstanceBegin(Blam.DatumIndex.Null, name, group);
예제 #22
		void DumpNonTagFilesRecursive(TagIndexDumpUtil util, System.IO.DirectoryInfo diri, TagInterface.TagGroupCollection coll)
			System.IO.FileInfo[] files = diri.GetFiles();
			System.IO.DirectoryInfo[] directories = diri.GetDirectories();
			if (files.Length == 0 && directories.Length == 0)
				util.NonTagsDirectoryBegin(diri.FullName.Replace(directory, ""), true);
				bool is_first = true;
				foreach (System.IO.FileInfo fi in files)
					string ext;
					if (fi.Extension != "")
						ext = fi.Extension.Remove(0, 1).ToLowerInvariant(); // remove the '.'
					else continue;

					if (coll.FindGroupIndex(ext) == -1)
						if (is_first)
							util.NonTagsDirectoryBegin(diri.FullName.Replace(directory, ""), false);
							is_first = false;

						util.NonTagsEntryAdd(fi.FullName.Replace(directory, ""));

				// if we wrote some entries, close the directory dump...
				if (!is_first) util.NonTagsDirectoryEnd();

				foreach (System.IO.DirectoryInfo di in directories)
					DumpNonTagFilesRecursive(util, di, coll);
예제 #23
		public void SharedReferencesAddRightIndex(string name, TagInterface.TagGroup group)	{ provider.SharedReferencesAddRightIndex(name, group); }
예제 #24
		public TagDatabase(string tag_name, TagInterface.TagGroup group_tag) : base(BlamVersion.Halo1, tag_name, group_tag) { }
예제 #25
		void ErrorDatabaseAddLocalHack(string path, TagInterface.TagGroup tag_group)
			int hash = path.GetHashCode() ^ unchecked((int)tag_group.ID);
예제 #26
		public void TagInstanceBegin(Blam.DatumIndex handle, string name, TagInterface.TagGroup group)	{ provider.TagInstanceBegin(handle, name, group); }
예제 #27
		public void TagInstanceDependentAdd(string name, TagInterface.TagGroup group)					{ provider.TagInstanceDependentAdd(name, group); }
예제 #28
		/// <summary>For changing tag references to different references</summary>
		/// <param name="tr"></param>
		/// <returns>true if <paramref name="tr"/> was changed</returns>
		/// <remarks>
		/// This is needed for implementing re-mappings, particularly for Halo 2 where 
		/// we haven't coded post-process definition decoding so we'd want to set the 
		/// reference to "rasterizer\invalid".
		/// I've thought about having to update cacheFile's "References" state...but 
		/// I'm undecided on this action...
		/// </remarks>
		internal virtual bool ExtractionTagReferenceChange(TagInterface.TagReference tr)
			return false;
예제 #29
		bool ErrorDatabaseContains(string path, TagInterface.TagGroup tag_group)
			//return errorDatabase == null ? false : errorDatabase.Contains(path, tag_group.ID);
			if (errorDatabaseBadTagHashes.Count == 0) return false;

			int hash = path.GetHashCode() ^ unchecked((int)tag_group.ID);
			return errorDatabaseBadTagHashes.Contains(hash);
예제 #30
파일: Data.cs 프로젝트: CodeAsm/open-sauce
		public static ScriptNode[] FromData(TagInterface.Data data)
			int position = 56;
			int node_count = BitConverter.ToInt16(data.Value, 46);

			ScriptNode[] value = new ScriptNode[node_count]; // element count
			System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("node count: " + node_count);
			for (int x = 0; x < node_count; x++, position += 0x14)
				var v = value[x] = new ScriptNode();
				v.nodeIndex = x;
				v.index = BitConverter.ToInt16(data.Value, position + OffsetIndex); //position += 2;
				v.opcode = BitConverter.ToInt16(data.Value, position + OffsetOpcode); //position += 2;
				v.type = BitConverter.ToInt16(data.Value, position + OffsetType); //position += 2;
				v.pointerType = BitConverter.ToInt16(data.Value, position + OffsetPointerType); //position += 2;
				// TODO: change this to ToInt32 to make it big endian compatible
				v.nextExpression.Index = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data.Value, position + OffsetNextExp); //position += 2;
				v.nextExpression.Salt = BitConverter.ToInt16(data.Value, position + OffsetNextExp + 2); //position += 2;
				v.pointer = BitConverter.ToInt32(data.Value, position + OffsetPointer); //position += 4;
				v.data[0] = data.Value[position + OffsetData]; //position += 1;
				v.data[1] = data.Value[position + OffsetData + 1]; //position += 1;
				v.data[2] = data.Value[position + OffsetData + 2]; //position += 1;
				v.data[3] = data.Value[position + OffsetData + 3]; //position += 1;

			return value;
예제 #31
		/// <summary>
		/// Create a new tag
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="name">name of the tag (relative to the directory this tag index uses)</param>
		/// <param name="tag_group">tag group for the tag</param>
		/// <returns>The tag_index handle associated with the <see cref="TagManager"/> used to create the tag</returns>
		/// <remarks>
		/// If <paramref name="tag_group"/> is setup to be ignored, we return <see cref="kSkipped"/>.
		/// If the name\tag_group tag already exists (either in memory or on disk), we return <see cref="Blam.DatumIndex.Null"/>.
		/// </remarks>
		public Blam.DatumIndex New(string name, TagInterface.TagGroup tag_group)
			if (Ignore(tag_group)) return kSkipped;

			// Checks to see if the tag exists on disk
			string path = string.Format("{0}.{1}", Path.Combine(directory, name), tag_group.Name);
			if (Exists(path))
				indexTrace.WriteLine("Tag Index: Couldn't create a new tag! '{0}' already exists on disk", path);
				return Blam.DatumIndex.Null;

			// ...or if there is one in memory
			if (IsLoaded(name, tag_group) != Blam.DatumIndex.Null)
				indexTrace.WriteLine("Tag Index: Couldn't create a new tag! '{0}.{1}' already exists", name, tag_group.Name);
				return Blam.DatumIndex.Null;

			TagManager tm = new TagManager(this);
			tm.ReferenceName = refManager.Add(tm, tag_group, name);
			tm.Manage(tag_group); // setup the tag group
			tm.TagIndex = Array.Add(tm);

			base.OnEventOpen(new TagIndexEventArgs(this, tm));
			return tm.TagIndex;
예제 #32
파일: Data.cs 프로젝트: CodeAsm/open-sauce
		public static ScriptStringEntry[] FromData(TagInterface.Data data, byte garbage_id)
			int offset = 0;
			System.Text.StringBuilder stringEntry;
			ScriptStringEntry[] ste;
			List<ScriptStringEntry> value = new List<ScriptStringEntry>();

			for (int x = 0; x < data.Size; x++)
				stringEntry = new StringBuilder();
				byte btchar = 0;

				#region (try to) get the string entry...
						if (offset < data.Size)
							btchar = data[offset];

							if (btchar != 0) stringEntry.Append((char)btchar);


					} while ((btchar != 0 || btchar != garbage_id) && offset < data.Size);
				catch (IndexOutOfRangeException ex)
					throw new Debug.ExceptionLog(ex, "Offset was outside the bounds of the data array.");

				// ...and add it
				value.Add(new ScriptStringEntry(stringEntry.ToString(), offset - (stringEntry.Length + 1)));

				// we're in the padding area now
				if (btchar == garbage_id) break;

			bool found_empty = false;
			for (int x = 0; x < value.Count; x++)
				if (!found_empty) // do this shit until we find the first empty string...
					found_empty = value[x].Data == "";

				// then do this for every empty string we may find
				if (value[x].Data == "" && found_empty)

			// find the shit we only care for and return it
			ste = new ScriptStringEntry[value.Count];
			for (int x = 0; x < value.Count; x++)
				ste[x] = value[x];

			return ste;
예제 #33
 public GraphStoryService(ContentInterface contentInterface, LocationInterface locationInterface, ProductInterface productInterface, PurchaseInterface purchaseInterface, TagInterface tagInterface, UserInterface userInterface)
     this.contentInterface  = contentInterface;
     this.locationInterface = locationInterface;
     this.productInterface  = productInterface;
     this.purchaseInterface = purchaseInterface;
     this.tagInterface      = tagInterface;
     this.userInterface     = userInterface;