예제 #1
        private TranslateResult Translate(Expression expression)
            var projection = expression as ProjectionExpression;
            var subQuery   = expression as SubQueryProjection;
            var groupQuery = expression as GroupingProjection;

            if (groupQuery != null)
                throw new TabularException("Can't Return groups from group by you must use aggregates, or retrieve the complete table and run groupng in Linq to objects");
                ////var query = new TabularGroupByRewriter(groupQuery).Rewrite();
                ////return Translate(query);
            if (subQuery != null)
                projection = subQuery.Projection;
            expression = TabularEvaluator.PartialEval(expression);
            var binder          = new TabularQueryBinder(this);
            var boundExpression = binder.Bind(expression);
            var orders          = binder.OrderByColumns;

            if (projection == null && subQuery == null)
                if (boundExpression is ProjectionExpression)
                    projection = (ProjectionExpression)boundExpression;


            if (projection == null)
                throw new TabularException("Could not translate");

            string commandText = new TabularQueryFormatter().Format(projection.Source, orders);

            LambdaExpression projector = new ProjectionBuilder().Build(projection.Projector);

                (new TranslateResult
                CommandText = commandText,
                Projector = projector
        protected override Expression VisitConstant(ConstantExpression node)
            //return base.VisitConstant(node);
            var v    = node.Value;
            var keys = _memberMapping.Keys.ToList();

            foreach (var member in keys)
                var m = v.GetType().GetMember(member.Name).FirstOrDefault();
                if (m != null && m.ReflectedType == member.ReflectedType)
                    var accessor = TabularEvaluator.PartialEval(Expression.MakeMemberAccess(node, m));
                    var t1       = _memberMapping[member].Item1;
                    _memberMapping[member] = new Tuple <Expression, Expression>(t1, accessor);