Url_GroupsList() 공개 메소드

URL for the Groups list
public Url_GroupsList ( TableauServerSignIn, session, int pageSize, int pageNumber = 1 ) : string
session TableauServerSignIn,
pageSize int
pageNumber int
리턴 string
    /// <summary>
    /// Get a page's worth of Groups
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="onlineGroups"></param>
    /// <param name="pageToRequest">Page # we are requesting (1 based)</param>
    /// <param name="totalNumberPages">Total # of pages of data that Server can return us</param>
    private void ExecuteRequest_ForPage(
        List <SiteGroup> onlineGroups,
        int pageToRequest,
        bool downloadMemberList,
        out int totalNumberPages)
        int pageSize = _onlineUrls.PageSize;
        //Create a web request, in including the users logged-in auth information in the request headers
        var urlQuery = _onlineUrls.Url_GroupsList(_onlineSession, pageSize, pageToRequest);

        _onlineSession.StatusLog.AddStatus("Web request: " + urlQuery, -10);
        XmlDocument xmlDoc = ResourceSafe_PerformWebRequest_GetXmlDocument(urlQuery, "get groups list");

        //Get all the group nodes
        var nsManager = XmlHelper.CreateTableauXmlNamespaceManager("iwsOnline");
        var groups    = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("//iwsOnline:group", nsManager);

        //Get information for each of the data sources
        foreach (XmlNode itemXml in groups)
            SiteGroup thisGroup = null;
                thisGroup = new SiteGroup(
                    null);   //We'll get and add the list of users later (see below)
                SanityCheckGroup(thisGroup, itemXml);
            catch (Exception exGetGroup)
                AppDiagnostics.Assert(false, "Group parse error");
                _onlineSession.StatusLog.AddError("Error parsing group: " + itemXml.OuterXml + ", " + exGetGroup.Message);

            //Get the set of users in the group
            if ((thisGroup != null) && (downloadMemberList))
                    var downloadUsersInGroup = new DownloadUsersListInGroup(
                catch (Exception exGetUsers)
                    _onlineSession.StatusLog.AddError("Error parsing group's users: " + exGetUsers.Message);
        } //end: foreach

        //Get the updated page-count
        totalNumberPages = DownloadPaginationHelper.GetNumberOfPagesFromPagination(
            xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//iwsOnline:pagination", nsManager),