private void AdjustCellTabIndex( TableViewColumnVirtualizationManagerBase columnVirtualizationManager )
      // The order of the children in the panel is not guaranteed to be good.  We do not reorder children because we will have to remove
      // and add them at a different location.  Doing that will cause more calculations to occur, so we only change the TabIndex.
      VirtualizingCellCollection collection = this.ParentRowCells;
      if( collection == null )

      var fieldNameToPositionMapping = columnVirtualizationManager.GetFieldNameToPosition( m_parentRow.LevelCache );
      var fieldNames = columnVirtualizationManager.GetFixedFieldNames( m_parentRow.LevelCache )
                         .Concat( columnVirtualizationManager.GetScrollingFieldNames( m_parentRow.LevelCache ) )
                         .Concat( m_permanentScrollingFieldNames );

      foreach( var fieldName in fieldNames )
        Cell cell = collection.GetCell( fieldName, false );
        Debug.Assert( cell != null );

        int tabIndex;
        if( fieldNameToPositionMapping.TryGetValue( fieldName, out tabIndex ) )
          KeyboardNavigation.SetTabIndex( cell, tabIndex );
          cell.ClearValue( Cell.TabIndexProperty );
      internal void UpdateReorderingInfo( TableViewColumnVirtualizationManagerBase columnVirtualizationManager )
        // Do not create another instance since we want to keep the NewFixedColumnCount
        RequiredAnimationsInfo animationState = this.RequiredAnimations;

        List<ColumnBase> columnsByVisiblePosition = this.InitialColumnsByVisiblePosition;
        List<ColumnBase> reorderedColumnsByVisiblePosition = this.ReorderedColumnsByVisiblePosition;

        Debug.Assert( this.InitialColumnVisiblePosition < this.InitialColumnsByVisiblePosition.Count );

        ColumnBase draggedColumn = this.InitialColumnsByVisiblePosition[ this.InitialColumnVisiblePosition ];
        bool draggedColumnReached = false;
        int visibleColumnCount = columnsByVisiblePosition.Count;

        var columnsInView = columnVirtualizationManager.GetVisibleFieldNames( m_level );

        for( int i = 0; i < visibleColumnCount; i++ )
          ColumnBase originalColumn = columnsByVisiblePosition[ i ];

          ColumnBase reorderedColumn = reorderedColumnsByVisiblePosition[ i ];

          if( reorderedColumn == draggedColumn )
            draggedColumnReached = true;

          if( !reorderedColumn.Visible )

          if( originalColumn == reorderedColumn )
            this.ProcessAnimatedCollectionAddition( reorderedColumn, animationState.RollbackAnimation );

          if( columnsInView.Contains( reorderedColumn.FieldName ) )
            if( !draggedColumnReached )
              this.ProcessAnimatedCollectionAddition( reorderedColumn, animationState.AnimateToLeft );
              this.ProcessAnimatedCollectionAddition( reorderedColumn, animationState.AnimateToRight );

        animationState.DraggedColumnNewVisiblePosition = reorderedColumnsByVisiblePosition.IndexOf( draggedColumn );
    private void UpdateChildren( DataGridContext dataGridContext, TableViewColumnVirtualizationManagerBase columnVirtualizationManager, VirtualizingCellCollection parentRowCells )
      //Prevent reentrance
      if( ( parentRowCells == null ) || m_parentRowCells.IsUpdating )

      using( m_parentRowCells.SetIsUpdating() )

        //Retrieve the cells that aren't needed anymore.
        var unusedCells = ( from cell in parentRowCells.BindedCells
                            where !columnVirtualizationManager.GetScrollingFieldNames( m_parentRow.LevelCache ).Contains( cell.FieldName )
                               && !columnVirtualizationManager.GetFixedFieldNames( m_parentRow.LevelCache ).Contains( cell.FieldName )
                            select cell ).ToList();

        //Release the unused binded cells now in order to minimize the number of cell's creation.
        foreach( Cell cell in unusedCells )
          this.AddCellToVisualTree( cell );

          if( this.CanReleaseCell( cell ) )
            // Ensure to close the ContextMenu if it is open and the Cell is virtualized to avoid problems with ContextMenus defined as static resources
            // that won't be able to reopen again if the Close private method is called after the PlacementTarget is removed from the VisualTree
            var contextMenu = cell.ContextMenu;
            if( ( contextMenu != null ) && ( contextMenu.IsOpen ) )
              contextMenu.IsOpen = false;

            parentRowCells.Release( cell );
          //Since the cell cannot be released, it will not be collapsed. We must keep the field
          //name in order to let the scrolling sub-panel measure and arrange the cell out of view.
            //Certain non recyclable cells like StatCells needs their content binding to be removed when they become out of view.
            this.AddPermanentScrollingFieldNames( cell.FieldName );

        //Add the missing cells to the fixed region.
        foreach( string fieldName in columnVirtualizationManager.GetFixedFieldNames( m_parentRow.LevelCache ) )
          //The cell is created if it is missing.
          Cell cell = parentRowCells[ fieldName ];

          //Certain non recyclable cells like StatCells need their content binding to be updated when they become (or stay) in view.
          cell.AddContentBinding( dataGridContext, this.ParentRow, this.Columns[ cell.FieldName ] );

          //Make sure the cell is in the appropriate panel.
          this.MoveCellToFixedPanel( cell );

        //Add the missing cells to the scrolling region.
        foreach( string fieldName in columnVirtualizationManager.GetScrollingFieldNames( m_parentRow.LevelCache ) )
          //The cell is created if it is missing.
          Cell cell = parentRowCells[ fieldName ];

          //Certain non recyclable cells like StatCells need their content binding to be updated when they become (or stay) in view.
          cell.AddContentBinding( dataGridContext, this.ParentRow, this.Columns[ cell.FieldName ] );

          //Make sure the cell is in the appropriate panel.
          this.MoveCellToScrollingPanel( cell );

        if( m_clearUnusedCellsDispatcherOperation == null )
          m_clearUnusedCellsDispatcherOperation = this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke( new Action( this.ClearUnusedCells ), DispatcherPriority.ApplicationIdle );
