예제 #1
        private void CheckUniqueIndexConstraint(string record)
            var columnValues = record.Split('#');
            var mongoDB      = new MongoDBAcess(DatabaseName);
            var indexFiles   = TableUtils.GetIndexFiles(DatabaseName, TableName);

            foreach (var file in indexFiles)
                if (file.IsUnique)
                    var createKeyOfUqIndex = "";
                    var pk = "";
                    for (int idx = 0; idx < ColumnsInfo.Count; idx++)
                        if (file.IndexColumns.Exists(elem => elem == ColumnsInfo[idx].ColumnName))
                            createKeyOfUqIndex += columnValues[idx] + '#';

                        if (ColumnsInfo[idx].PK)
                            pk = columnValues[idx] + "#";

                    createKeyOfUqIndex = createKeyOfUqIndex.Remove(createKeyOfUqIndex.Length - 1);
                    pk = pk.Remove(pk.Length - 1);

                    MongoDB.InsertKVIntoCollection(file.IndexFileName, createKeyOfUqIndex, pk);
예제 #2
        private void RemoveFromIndexFiles(MongoDBAcess mongoDB)
            var indexFiles = TableUtils.GetIndexFiles(DatabaseName, TableName);

            foreach (var index in indexFiles)
                if (index.IsUnique)
                    // Entire KV pair needs to be removed from the file
                    mongoDB.RemoveByValueFromCollection(index.IndexFileName, RemovedKey);
                    // Only the current key needs to be removed from the Key-Value
                    mongoDB.RemoveValueFromCollection(index.IndexFileName, RemovedKey);
        private string CheckForIndex(List <KeyValuePair <string, List <Tuple <string, string> > > > conditionList, string tableName)
            if (!conditionList.Any(elem => elem.Key == tableName))

            var conditionsForTable = conditionList.Find(elem => elem.Key == tableName).Value;
            var columnNames        = "";

            foreach (var column in conditionsForTable)
                columnNames += column.Item1 + "_";
            columnNames = columnNames.Remove(columnNames.Length - 1);

            // check if any unique key index files can be used
            var uniqueFiles = TableUtils.GetUniqueFiles(DatabaseName, tableName);

            foreach (var unique in uniqueFiles)
                if (unique.Contains(columnNames))

            var searchedIndexName = "Index_" + tableName + "_" + columnNames;
            var indexFiles        = TableUtils.GetIndexFiles(DatabaseName, tableName);

            foreach (var index in indexFiles)
                if (index.IndexFileName.Contains(searchedIndexName))
                    // an index is used in the selection condition if the attributes are a prefix of the attributes in an existing index

예제 #4
        private string CheckForIndex(List <Tuple <Tuple <string, string>, string> > conditionList, string tableName)
            if (conditionList.Count == 0)

            // build the index name containing the attributes from the condition
            var columnNames = "";

            foreach (var column in conditionList)
                columnNames += column.Item1.Item2 + "_";
            columnNames = columnNames.Remove(columnNames.Length - 1);

            // check if any unique key index files can be used
            var uniqueFiles = TableUtils.GetUniqueFiles(DatabaseName, tableName);

            foreach (var unique in uniqueFiles)
                if (unique.Contains(columnNames))

            var searchedIndexName = "Index_" + tableName + "_" + columnNames;
            var indexFiles        = TableUtils.GetIndexFiles(DatabaseName, tableName);

            foreach (var index in indexFiles)
                if (index.IndexFileName.Contains(searchedIndexName))
                    // an index is used in the selection condition if the attributes are a prefix of the attributes in an existing index

예제 #5
        private void InsertRecord(string key, string value)
                // Insert into main table data file
                MongoDB.InsertKVIntoCollection(TableName, key, value);

                // Insert into FK index file
                foreach (var newFKRecords in NewForeignKeyEntries)
                    // Check if the Foreign Key from the referenced table has any other assigned records from the current table
                    if (MongoDB.CollectionContainsKey(newFKRecords.MongoDBFilename, newFKRecords.ForeignKeyRecord.Key))
                        var existingReferences = MongoDB.GetRecordValueWithKey(newFKRecords.MongoDBFilename, newFKRecords.ForeignKeyRecord.Key);
                        existingReferences += "#" + newFKRecords.ForeignKeyRecord.Value;

                        // who needs update when you can just delete and add back
                        MongoDB.RemoveKVFromCollection(newFKRecords.MongoDBFilename, newFKRecords.ForeignKeyRecord.Key);
                        MongoDB.InsertKVIntoCollection(newFKRecords.MongoDBFilename, newFKRecords.ForeignKeyRecord.Key, existingReferences);
                    // Otherwise just add a new Key-Value entry
                        MongoDB.InsertKVIntoCollection(newFKRecords.MongoDBFilename, newFKRecords.ForeignKeyRecord.Key, newFKRecords.ForeignKeyRecord.Value);

                // Insert into Unique Key files
                var columnValues = (key + '#' + value).Split('#');
                foreach (var uniqueKey in UniqueKeyData)
                    var uqValue = columnValues.ElementAt(UniqueKeyPositions.Find(elem => elem.Key == uniqueKey.Item1.ToString()).Value);
                    MongoDB.InsertKVIntoCollection(uniqueKey.Item2, uqValue, key);

                // Insert into any index files
                foreach (var indexFile in TableUtils.GetIndexFiles(DatabaseName, TableName))
                    var indexKey      = "";
                    var recordColumns = (key + '#' + value).Split('#');

                    // Build the key from the specified Index KV file
                    foreach (var indexColumn in indexFile.IndexColumns)
                        indexKey += recordColumns[ColumnsInfo.FindIndex(elem => elem.ColumnName == indexColumn)] + '#';
                    indexKey = indexKey.Remove(indexKey.Length - 1);

                    if (indexFile.IsUnique)
                        MongoDB.InsertKVIntoCollection(indexFile.IndexFileName, indexKey, key);
                        if (MongoDB.CollectionContainsKey(indexFile.IndexFileName, indexKey))
                            // Append the new record PK to the value of the index key
                            var indexValue = MongoDB.GetRecordValueWithKey(indexFile.IndexFileName, indexKey) + '#' + key;
                            MongoDB.RemoveKVFromCollection(indexFile.IndexFileName, indexKey);
                            MongoDB.InsertKVIntoCollection(indexFile.IndexFileName, indexKey, indexValue);
                            MongoDB.InsertKVIntoCollection(indexFile.IndexFileName, indexKey, key);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception(ex.Message);