예제 #1
        public Report(newEquipment g)
            ReportBind.DataContext = g;

            if (g.bitActive)
                bitActive.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green);
                bitActive.Content    = "Активная;";
                bitActive.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red);
                bitActive.Content    = "Не активная;";

            if (g.bitKTG)
                bitKTG.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green);
                bitKTG.Content    = "Участвует при расчете КТГ;";
                bitKTG.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red);
                bitKTG.Content    = "Не участвует при расчете КТГ;";
            if (g.bitMeter)
                bitMeter.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green);
                bitMeter.Content    = "Участвует в расчете мото-часов;";
                bitMeter.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red);
                bitMeter.Content    = "Не участвует в расчете мото-часов;";

            List <TableSelect> tableSelect = new List <TableSelect>();

            var joinTabs = (from ne in db.newEquipment
                            join tm in db.TrackMeter on ne.intEquipmentID equals tm.intEquipmentID
                            where ne.intGarageRoom == g.intGarageRoom
                            select new { intGarageRoom = ne.intGarageRoom, dMeterDate = tm.dMeterDate, intMeterReading = tm.intMeterReading, intTotalMeter = tm.intTotalMeter })

            foreach (var jt in joinTabs)
                TableSelect tableSelects = new TableSelect();
                tableSelects.intGarageRoom   = jt.intGarageRoom;
                tableSelects.dMeterDate      = jt.dMeterDate;
                tableSelects.intMeterReading = jt.intMeterReading;
                tableSelects.intTotalMeter   = Convert.ToDouble(jt.intTotalMeter);
            TableMeters.ItemsSource = tableSelect;
        private void WriteAverageSpeedsToStreets(string outputFileGdbPath, string streetsFeatureClassPath, bool usesNTPFullCoverage, 
                                                 Geoprocessor gp, IGPMessages messages, ITrackCancel trackcancel)
            string joinFieldName = (usesNTPFullCoverage ? "LINK_PVID" : "LINK_ID");
            string refTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\" + HistTrafficJoinTableName;

            // Separate out the FT and TF speeds into separate tables and index the ID fields

            string FTSpeedsTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\FT_Speeds";
            string TFSpeedsTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\TF_Speeds";

            AddMessage("Extracting FT average speeds...", messages, trackcancel);

            TableSelect tableSelectTool = new TableSelect();
            tableSelectTool.in_table = refTablePath;
            tableSelectTool.out_table = FTSpeedsTablePath;
            tableSelectTool.where_clause = (usesNTPFullCoverage ? "\"TRAVEL_DIRECTION\" = 'F'" : "\"TRAFFIC_CD\" LIKE '+%'");
            gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

            AddMessage("Extracting TF average speeds...", messages, trackcancel);

            tableSelectTool.out_table = TFSpeedsTablePath;
            tableSelectTool.where_clause = (usesNTPFullCoverage ? "\"TRAVEL_DIRECTION\" = 'T'" : "\"TRAFFIC_CD\" LIKE '-%'");
            gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

            AddIndex addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
            addIndexTool.in_table = FTSpeedsTablePath;
            addIndexTool.fields = joinFieldName;
            addIndexTool.index_name = joinFieldName;
            gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);
            addIndexTool.in_table = TFSpeedsTablePath;
            gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

            // Calculate the average speed fields on the Streets feature class

            string FTCodeBlock = "x = [" + StreetsFCName + ".FT_AverageSpeed]\na = [FT_Speeds.AverageSpeed]\nIf Not IsNull(a) Then x = a";
            string TFCodeBlock = "x = [" + StreetsFCName + ".TF_AverageSpeed]\na = [TF_Speeds.AverageSpeed]\nIf Not IsNull(a) Then x = a";
            string FTExpression = "x";
            string TFExpression = "x";

            MakeFeatureLayer makeFeatureLayerTool = new MakeFeatureLayer();
            makeFeatureLayerTool.in_features = streetsFeatureClassPath;
            makeFeatureLayerTool.out_layer = "Streets_Layer";
            gp.Execute(makeFeatureLayerTool, trackcancel);

            AddJoin addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
            addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Layer";
            addJoinTool.in_field = "LINK_ID";
            addJoinTool.join_table = FTSpeedsTablePath;
            addJoinTool.join_field = joinFieldName;
            gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

            AddMessage("Copying over the FT average speeds...", messages, trackcancel);

            CalculateField calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
            calcFieldTool.in_table = "Streets_Layer";
            calcFieldTool.field = StreetsFCName + ".FT_AverageSpeed";
            calcFieldTool.code_block = FTCodeBlock;
            calcFieldTool.expression = FTExpression;
            calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
            gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

            RemoveJoin removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
            removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Layer";
            removeJoinTool.join_name = "FT_Speeds";
            gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

            addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
            addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Layer";
            addJoinTool.in_field = "LINK_ID";
            addJoinTool.join_table = TFSpeedsTablePath;
            addJoinTool.join_field = joinFieldName;
            gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

            AddMessage("Copying over the TF average speeds...", messages, trackcancel);

            calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
            calcFieldTool.in_table = "Streets_Layer";
            calcFieldTool.field = StreetsFCName + ".TF_AverageSpeed";
            calcFieldTool.code_block = TFCodeBlock;
            calcFieldTool.expression = TFExpression;
            calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
            gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

            removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
            removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Layer";
            removeJoinTool.join_name = "TF_Speeds";
            gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

            Delete deleteTool = new Delete();
            deleteTool.in_data = "Streets_Layer";
            gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

            deleteTool.in_data = FTSpeedsTablePath;
            gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);
            deleteTool.in_data = TFSpeedsTablePath;
            gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

        private void CreateAndPopulateTruckFCOverrideField(string outputFileGdbPath, Geoprocessor gp, IGPMessages messages, ITrackCancel trackcancel)
            // Add the TruckFCOverride field to the Streets feature class

            AddField addFieldTool = new AddField();
            addFieldTool.in_table = outputFileGdbPath + "\\" + StreetsFCName;
            addFieldTool.field_name = "TruckFCOverride";
            addFieldTool.field_type = "SHORT";
            gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

            string extractTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\cndModExtract";
            string cndModTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\nonDimensionalCndMod";

            for (short fc = 2; fc >= 1; fc--)
                string fcAsString = Convert.ToString(fc, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                // Extract the FC Override information from the CndMod table

                AddMessage("Extracting the FC " + fcAsString + " Override information...", messages, trackcancel);

                TableSelect tableSelectTool = new TableSelect();
                tableSelectTool.in_table = cndModTablePath;
                tableSelectTool.out_table = extractTablePath;
                tableSelectTool.where_clause = "MOD_TYPE = 49 AND MOD_VAL = '" + Convert.ToString(fc + 14, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "'";
                gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

                // Create the LINK_ID field on the extract table

                addFieldTool = new AddField();
                addFieldTool.in_table = extractTablePath;
                addFieldTool.field_name = "LINK_ID";
                addFieldTool.field_type = "LONG";
                gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                // Copy over the LINK_ID values to the extract table

                MakeTableView makeTableViewTool = new MakeTableView();
                makeTableViewTool.in_table = extractTablePath;
                makeTableViewTool.out_view = "cndModExtract_View";
                gp.Execute(makeTableViewTool, trackcancel);

                AddJoin addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "cndModExtract_View";
                addJoinTool.in_field = "COND_ID";
                addJoinTool.join_table = outputFileGdbPath + "\\preferredLinkIDLookupTable";
                addJoinTool.join_field = "COND_ID";
                addJoinTool.join_type = "KEEP_COMMON";
                gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                AddMessage("Looking up LINK_ID values for the FC " + fcAsString + " Override values...", messages, trackcancel);

                CalculateField calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                calcFieldTool.in_table = "cndModExtract_View";
                calcFieldTool.field = "cndModExtract.LINK_ID";
                calcFieldTool.expression = "[preferredLinkIDLookupTable.LINK_ID]";
                calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                RemoveJoin removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "cndModExtract_View";
                removeJoinTool.join_name = "preferredLinkIDLookupTable";
                gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                Delete deleteTool = new Delete();
                deleteTool.in_data = "cndModExtract_View";
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                AddMessage("Indexing the LINK_ID lookup values...", messages, trackcancel);

                AddIndex addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
                addIndexTool.fields = "LINK_ID";
                addIndexTool.index_name = "LINK_ID";
                addIndexTool.in_table = extractTablePath;
                gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                // Populate the TruckFCOverride field with the FC Override values

                addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Layer";
                addJoinTool.in_field = "LINK_ID";
                addJoinTool.join_table = extractTablePath;
                addJoinTool.join_field = "LINK_ID";
                addJoinTool.join_type = "KEEP_COMMON";
                gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                AddMessage("Populating the TruckFCOverride field with FC " + fcAsString + " Override values...", messages, trackcancel);

                calcFieldTool.in_table = "Streets_Layer";
                calcFieldTool.field = StreetsFCName + ".TruckFCOverride";
                calcFieldTool.expression = fcAsString;
                calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Layer";
                removeJoinTool.join_name = "cndModExtract";
                gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                deleteTool.in_data = extractTablePath;
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);
        private void CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldsOnStreets(string outputFileGdbPath, bool isDimensional, bool isQuantitative,
                                                               bool isPreferred, string newFieldNameBase, string queryExpression,
                                                               Geoprocessor gp, IGPMessages messages, ITrackCancel trackcancel)
            string cndModTableName = isDimensional ? "dimensionalCndMod" : "nonDimensionalCndMod";
            string linkIDLookupTableName = isPreferred ? "preferredLinkIDLookupTable" : "restrictionLinkIDLookupTable";
            string directionLookupTableName = isPreferred ? "preferredDirectionLookupTable" : "restrictionDirectionLookupTable";

            // Add new fields to the Streets feature class

            AddField addFieldTool = new AddField();
            addFieldTool.in_table = outputFileGdbPath + "\\" + StreetsFCName;
            if (isDimensional)
                addFieldTool.field_type = "DOUBLE";
            else if (isQuantitative)
                addFieldTool.field_type = "SHORT";
                addFieldTool.field_type = "TEXT";
                addFieldTool.field_length = 1;
            addFieldTool.field_name = "FT_" + newFieldNameBase;
            gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
            addFieldTool.field_name = "TF_" + newFieldNameBase;
            gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

            // Extract the information needed for this field from the CndMod table

            string extractTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\cndModExtract";

            AddMessage("Extracting information for the " + newFieldNameBase + " fields...", messages, trackcancel);

            string cndModTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\" + cndModTableName;

            TableSelect tableSelectTool = new TableSelect();
            tableSelectTool.in_table = cndModTablePath;
            tableSelectTool.out_table = extractTablePath;
            tableSelectTool.where_clause = queryExpression;
            gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

            // Create LINK_ID and Direction fields on the extract table

            addFieldTool = new AddField();
            addFieldTool.in_table = extractTablePath;
            addFieldTool.field_name = "LINK_ID";
            addFieldTool.field_type = "LONG";
            gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
            addFieldTool.field_name = "Direction";
            addFieldTool.field_type = "TEXT";
            addFieldTool.field_length = 2;
            gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

            // Copy over the LINK_ID values to the extract table

            MakeTableView makeTableViewTool = new MakeTableView();
            makeTableViewTool.in_table = extractTablePath;
            makeTableViewTool.out_view = "cndModExtract_View";
            gp.Execute(makeTableViewTool, trackcancel);

            AddJoin addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
            addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "cndModExtract_View";
            addJoinTool.in_field = "COND_ID";
            addJoinTool.join_table = outputFileGdbPath + "\\" + linkIDLookupTableName;
            addJoinTool.join_field = "COND_ID";
            addJoinTool.join_type = "KEEP_COMMON";
            gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

            AddMessage("Looking up LINK_ID values for the " + newFieldNameBase + " fields...", messages, trackcancel);

            CalculateField calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
            calcFieldTool.in_table = "cndModExtract_View";
            calcFieldTool.field = "cndModExtract.LINK_ID";
            calcFieldTool.expression = "[" + linkIDLookupTableName + ".LINK_ID]";
            calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
            gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

            RemoveJoin removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
            removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "cndModExtract_View";
            removeJoinTool.join_name = linkIDLookupTableName;
            gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

            // Calculate the Direction values in the extract table

            addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "cndModExtract_View";
            addJoinTool.in_field = "COND_ID";
            addJoinTool.join_table = outputFileGdbPath + "\\" + directionLookupTableName;
            addJoinTool.join_field = "COND_ID";
            addJoinTool.join_type = "KEEP_COMMON";
            gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

            AddMessage("Looking up direction values for the " + newFieldNameBase + " fields...", messages, trackcancel);

            calcFieldTool.in_table = "cndModExtract_View";
            calcFieldTool.field = "cndModExtract.Direction";
            if (isPreferred)
                calcFieldTool.code_block = "dir = \"\"\nSelect Case [" + directionLookupTableName + ".MOD_VAL]\n" +
                                           "  Case \"1\": dir = \"FT\"\n  Case \"2\": dir = \"TF\"\n  Case \"3\": dir = \"B\"\nEnd Select";
                calcFieldTool.code_block = "dir = \"\"\nSelect Case [" + directionLookupTableName + ".MOD_VAL]\n" +
                                           "  Case \"1\": dir = \"B\"\n  Case \"2\": dir = \"FT\"\n  Case \"3\": dir = \"TF\"\nEnd Select";
            calcFieldTool.expression = "dir";
            calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
            gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

            removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "cndModExtract_View";
            removeJoinTool.join_name = directionLookupTableName;
            gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

            Delete deleteTool = new Delete();
            deleteTool.in_data = "cndModExtract_View";
            gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

            AddMessage("Indexing the LINK_ID lookup values...", messages, trackcancel);

            AddIndex addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
            addIndexTool.fields = "LINK_ID";
            addIndexTool.index_name = "LINK_ID";
            addIndexTool.in_table = extractTablePath;
            gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

            // Calculate the preferred route/restriction fields

            addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Layer";
            addJoinTool.in_field = "LINK_ID";
            addJoinTool.join_table = extractTablePath;
            addJoinTool.join_field = "LINK_ID";
            addJoinTool.join_type = "KEEP_COMMON";
            gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

            calcFieldTool.in_table = "Streets_Layer";
            calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
            string fieldVal = isDimensional ? "[cndModExtract.MetersOrKilogramsOrKPH]" : (isQuantitative ? "CInt( [cndModExtract.MOD_VAL] )" : "\"Y\"");

            AddMessage("Calculating the FT_" + newFieldNameBase + " field...", messages, trackcancel);

            calcFieldTool.field = StreetsFCName + ".FT_" + newFieldNameBase;
            calcFieldTool.code_block = "Select Case [cndModExtract.Direction]\n" +
                                       "  Case \"FT\", \"B\": val = " + fieldVal + "\n  Case Else: val = Null\nEnd Select";
            calcFieldTool.expression = "val";
            gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

            AddMessage("Calculating the TF_" + newFieldNameBase + " field...", messages, trackcancel);

            calcFieldTool.field = StreetsFCName + ".TF_" + newFieldNameBase;
            calcFieldTool.code_block = "Select Case [cndModExtract.Direction]\n" +
                                       "  Case \"TF\", \"B\": val = " + fieldVal + "\n  Case Else: val = Null\nEnd Select";
            calcFieldTool.expression = "val";
            gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

            removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Layer";
            removeJoinTool.join_name = "cndModExtract";
            gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

            deleteTool.in_data = extractTablePath;
            gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);
        private void CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldOnTurns(string outputFileGdbPath, bool isDimensional, bool isQuantitative,
                                                            string newFieldName, string queryExpression,
                                                            Geoprocessor gp, IGPMessages messages, ITrackCancel trackcancel)
            string cndModTableName = isDimensional ? "dimensionalCndMod" : "nonDimensionalCndMod";

            // Add a new field to the Turns feature class

            AddField addFieldTool = new AddField();
            addFieldTool.in_table = outputFileGdbPath + "\\" + TurnFCName;
            if (isDimensional)
                addFieldTool.field_type = "DOUBLE";
            else if (isQuantitative)
                addFieldTool.field_type = "SHORT";
                addFieldTool.field_type = "TEXT";
                addFieldTool.field_length = 1;
            addFieldTool.field_name = newFieldName;
            gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

            // Extract the information needed for this field from the CndMod table

            string extractTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\cndModExtract";

            AddMessage("Extracting information for the " + newFieldName + " field on " + TurnFCName + "...", messages, trackcancel);

            string cndModTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\" + cndModTableName;

            TableSelect tableSelectTool = new TableSelect();
            tableSelectTool.in_table = cndModTablePath;
            tableSelectTool.out_table = extractTablePath;
            tableSelectTool.where_clause = queryExpression;
            gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

            AddMessage("Indexing the COND_ID field...", messages, trackcancel);

            AddIndex addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
            addIndexTool.fields = "COND_ID";
            addIndexTool.index_name = "COND_ID";
            addIndexTool.in_table = extractTablePath;
            gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

            // Calculate the turn restriction field

            AddJoin addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
            addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "RestrictedTurns_Layer";
            addJoinTool.in_field = "COND_ID";
            addJoinTool.join_table = extractTablePath;
            addJoinTool.join_field = "COND_ID";
            addJoinTool.join_type = "KEEP_COMMON";
            gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

            AddMessage("Calculating the " + newFieldName + " field on " + TurnFCName + "...", messages, trackcancel);

            CalculateField calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
            calcFieldTool.in_table = "RestrictedTurns_Layer";
            calcFieldTool.field = TurnFCName + "." + newFieldName;
            calcFieldTool.expression = isDimensional ? "[cndModExtract.MetersOrKilogramsOrKPH]" : (isQuantitative ? "CInt( [cndModExtract.MOD_VAL] )" : "\"Y\"");
            calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
            gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

            RemoveJoin removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
            removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "RestrictedTurns_Layer";
            removeJoinTool.join_name = "cndModExtract";
            gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

            Delete deleteTool = new Delete();
            deleteTool.in_data = extractTablePath;
            gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);
        public void Execute(IArray paramvalues, ITrackCancel trackcancel,
                            IGPEnvironmentManager envMgr, IGPMessages messages)
            // Remember the original GP environment settings and temporarily override these settings

            var gpSettings = envMgr as IGeoProcessorSettings;
            bool origAddOutputsToMapSetting = gpSettings.AddOutputsToMap;
            bool origLogHistorySetting = gpSettings.LogHistory;
            gpSettings.AddOutputsToMap = false;
            gpSettings.LogHistory = false;

            // Create the Geoprocessor

            Geoprocessor gp = new Geoprocessor();

                // Validate our values

                IGPMessages validateMessages = ((IGPFunction2)this).Validate(paramvalues, false, envMgr);
                if ((validateMessages as IGPMessage).IsError())
                    messages.AddError(1, "Validate failed");

                // Unpack values

                IGPParameter gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputAETable) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputAETableValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputAdminAreaFeatureClasses) as IGPParameter;
                var inputAdminAreaFeatureClassesMultiValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam) as IGPMultiValue;
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(OutputFileGDB) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue outputFileGDBValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputTATable) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputTATableValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputNWFeatureClass) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputNWFeatureClassValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputTimeZoneIDBaseFieldName) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputTimeZoneIDBaseFieldNameValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);

                if (inputTATableValue.IsEmpty() ^ inputNWFeatureClassValue.IsEmpty())
                    messages.AddError(1, "The TA table and NW feature class must be specified together.");

                bool processStreetsFC = (!(inputNWFeatureClassValue.IsEmpty()));
                string timeZoneIDBaseFieldName = "";
                if (!(inputTimeZoneIDBaseFieldNameValue.IsEmpty()))
                    timeZoneIDBaseFieldName = inputTimeZoneIDBaseFieldNameValue.GetAsText();

                // Get the path to the output file GDB

                string outputFileGdbPath = outputFileGDBValue.GetAsText();

                // Create the new file geodatabase

                AddMessage("Creating the file geodatabase...", messages, trackcancel);

                int lastBackslash = outputFileGdbPath.LastIndexOf("\\");
                CreateFileGDB createFGDBTool = new CreateFileGDB();
                createFGDBTool.out_folder_path = outputFileGdbPath.Remove(lastBackslash);
                createFGDBTool.out_name = outputFileGdbPath.Substring(lastBackslash + 1);
                gp.Execute(createFGDBTool, trackcancel);

                // Copy the admin area feature classes

                int numAdminAreaFCs = inputAdminAreaFeatureClassesMultiValue.Count;
                string mergeToolInputs = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < numAdminAreaFCs; i++)
                    AddMessage("Copying the Administrative Area feature classes (" + Convert.ToString(i+1) + " of " + Convert.ToString(numAdminAreaFCs) + ")...", messages, trackcancel);

                    string origAdminFCPath = inputAdminAreaFeatureClassesMultiValue.get_Value(i).GetAsText();
                    FeatureClassToFeatureClass importFCTool = new FeatureClassToFeatureClass();
                    importFCTool.in_features = origAdminFCPath;
                    importFCTool.out_path = outputFileGdbPath;
                    importFCTool.out_name = "Admin" + Convert.ToString(i, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    importFCTool.field_mapping = "ID \"ID\" true true false 8 Double 0 0 ,First,#," + origAdminFCPath + ",ID,-1,-1;" +
                                                 "FEATTYP \"FEATTYP\" true true false 2 Short 0 0 ,First,#," + origAdminFCPath + ",FEATTYP,-1,-1;" +
                                                 "ORDER00 \"ORDER00\" true true false 3 Text 0 0 ,First,#," + origAdminFCPath + ",ORDER00,-1,-1;" +
                                                 "NAME \"NAME\" true true false 100 Text 0 0 ,First,#," + origAdminFCPath + ",NAME,-1,-1;" +
                                                 "NAMELC \"NAMELC\" true true false 3 Text 0 0 ,First,#," + origAdminFCPath + ",NAMELC,-1,-1";
                    gp.Execute(importFCTool, trackcancel);

                    mergeToolInputs = mergeToolInputs + outputFileGdbPath + "\\Admin" + Convert.ToString(i, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ";";
                mergeToolInputs = mergeToolInputs.Remove(mergeToolInputs.Length - 1);

                // Merge the admin area feature classes together into one feature class

                AddMessage("Merging the Administrative Area feature classes...", messages, trackcancel);

                string adminFCPath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\AdminFC";

                Merge mergeTool = new Merge();
                mergeTool.inputs = mergeToolInputs;
                mergeTool.output = adminFCPath;
                gp.Execute(mergeTool, trackcancel);

                Delete deleteTool = null;
                for (int i = 0; i < numAdminAreaFCs; i++)
                    deleteTool = new Delete();
                    deleteTool.in_data = outputFileGdbPath + "\\Admin" + Convert.ToString(i, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                // Extract the time zone information and index it

                AddMessage("Extracting the time zone information...", messages, trackcancel);

                string tzTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\TZ";
                TableSelect tableSelectTool = new TableSelect();
                tableSelectTool.in_table = inputAETableValue.GetAsText();
                tableSelectTool.out_table = tzTablePath;
                tableSelectTool.where_clause = "ATTTYP = 'TZ'";
                gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

                AddIndex addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
                addIndexTool.in_table = tzTablePath;
                addIndexTool.fields = "ID";
                addIndexTool.index_name = "ID";
                gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                // Add the UTCOffset field and calculate it

                AddField addFieldTool = new AddField();
                addFieldTool.in_table = adminFCPath;
                addFieldTool.field_name = "UTCOffset";
                addFieldTool.field_type = "SHORT";
                gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                MakeFeatureLayer makeFeatureLayerTool = new MakeFeatureLayer();
                makeFeatureLayerTool.in_features = adminFCPath;
                makeFeatureLayerTool.out_layer = "AdminFC_Layer";
                gp.Execute(makeFeatureLayerTool, trackcancel);

                AddJoin addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "AdminFC_Layer";
                addJoinTool.in_field = "ID";
                addJoinTool.join_table = tzTablePath;
                addJoinTool.join_field = "ID";
                addJoinTool.join_type = "KEEP_COMMON";
                gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                AddMessage("Calculating the UTCOffset information on the Administrative Area feature class...", messages, trackcancel);

                CalculateField calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                calcFieldTool.in_table = "AdminFC_Layer";
                calcFieldTool.field = "AdminFC.UTCOffset";
                calcFieldTool.code_block = "u = Null\ns = Trim([TZ.ATTVALUE])\nIf Not IsNull(s) Then\n" +
                                           "  sign = 1\n  If Left(s, 1) = \"-\" Then sign = -1\n" +
                                           "  u = sign * ( (60 * Abs(CInt(Mid(s, 1, Len(s) - 3)))) + CInt(Right(s, 2)) )\n" +
                                           "End If";
                calcFieldTool.expression = "u";
                calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                RemoveJoin removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "AdminFC_Layer";
                removeJoinTool.join_name = "TZ";
                gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                deleteTool = new Delete();
                deleteTool.in_data = "AdminFC_Layer";
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);
                deleteTool = new Delete();
                deleteTool.in_data = tzTablePath;
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                // Extract out only the admin areas that have time zone information

                AddMessage("Extracting Administrative Areas with time zone information...", messages, trackcancel);

                string adminTZFCPath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\AdminFCwTZ";
                Select selectTool = new Select();
                selectTool.in_features = adminFCPath;
                selectTool.out_feature_class = adminTZFCPath;
                selectTool.where_clause = "NOT UTCOffset IS NULL";
                gp.Execute(selectTool, trackcancel);

                // Extract the daylight saving time information and index it

                AddMessage("Extracting the daylight saving time information...", messages, trackcancel);

                string suTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\SU";
                tableSelectTool = new TableSelect();
                tableSelectTool.in_table = inputAETableValue.GetAsText();
                tableSelectTool.out_table = suTablePath;
                tableSelectTool.where_clause = "ATTTYP = 'SU'";
                gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

                addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
                addIndexTool.in_table = suTablePath;
                addIndexTool.fields = "ID";
                addIndexTool.index_name = "ID";
                gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                // Add the daylight saving field and calculate it

                addFieldTool = new AddField();
                addFieldTool.in_table = adminTZFCPath;
                addFieldTool.field_name = "DST";
                addFieldTool.field_type = "SHORT";
                gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                makeFeatureLayerTool = new MakeFeatureLayer();
                makeFeatureLayerTool.in_features = adminTZFCPath;
                makeFeatureLayerTool.out_layer = "AdminFCwTZ_Layer";
                gp.Execute(makeFeatureLayerTool, trackcancel);

                addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "AdminFCwTZ_Layer";
                addJoinTool.in_field = "ID";
                addJoinTool.join_table = suTablePath;
                addJoinTool.join_field = "ID";
                addJoinTool.join_type = "KEEP_ALL";
                gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                AddMessage("Copying the DST information to the Administrative Area feature class...", messages, trackcancel);

                calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                calcFieldTool.in_table = "AdminFCwTZ_Layer";
                calcFieldTool.field = "AdminFCwTZ.DST";
                calcFieldTool.code_block = "s = 0\nIf Not IsNull( [SU.ATTVALUE] ) Then s = CInt( [SU.ATTVALUE] )";
                calcFieldTool.expression = "s";
                calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "AdminFCwTZ_Layer";
                removeJoinTool.join_name = "SU";
                gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                deleteTool = new Delete();
                deleteTool.in_data = "AdminFCwTZ_Layer";
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);
                deleteTool = new Delete();
                deleteTool.in_data = suTablePath;
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                // Create and calculate the sortable MSTIMEZONE field

                addFieldTool = new AddField();
                addFieldTool.in_table = adminTZFCPath;
                addFieldTool.field_name = "SortableMSTIMEZONE";
                addFieldTool.field_type = "TEXT";
                addFieldTool.field_length = 60;
                gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                AddMessage("Calculating the time zones...", messages, trackcancel);

                calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                calcFieldTool.in_table = adminTZFCPath;
                calcFieldTool.field = "SortableMSTIMEZONE";
                calcFieldTool.code_block = TimeZoneUtilities.MakeSortableMSTIMEZONECode("ORDER00");
                calcFieldTool.expression = "z";
                calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                Rename renameTool = new Rename();
                renameTool.in_data = adminTZFCPath;
                renameTool.out_data = adminTZFCPath + "wNulls";
                gp.Execute(renameTool, trackcancel);

                selectTool = new Select();
                selectTool.in_features = adminTZFCPath + "wNulls";
                selectTool.out_feature_class = adminTZFCPath;
                selectTool.where_clause = "NOT SortableMSTIMEZONE IS NULL";
                gp.Execute(selectTool, trackcancel);

                deleteTool = new Delete();
                deleteTool.in_data = adminTZFCPath + "wNulls";
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                // Dissolve the time zone polygons together

                AddMessage("Dissolving the time zones...", messages, trackcancel);

                string timeZoneFCPath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\" + TimeZoneFCName;
                Dissolve dissolveTool = new Dissolve();
                dissolveTool.in_features = adminTZFCPath;
                dissolveTool.out_feature_class = timeZoneFCPath;
                dissolveTool.dissolve_field = "SortableMSTIMEZONE";
                dissolveTool.multi_part = "MULTI_PART";
                gp.Execute(dissolveTool, trackcancel);

                // Create and calculate the MSTIMEZONE field

                addFieldTool = new AddField();
                addFieldTool.in_table = timeZoneFCPath;
                addFieldTool.field_name = "MSTIMEZONE";
                addFieldTool.field_type = "TEXT";
                addFieldTool.field_length = 50;
                gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                AddMessage("Calculating the time zones...", messages, trackcancel);

                calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                calcFieldTool.in_table = timeZoneFCPath;
                calcFieldTool.field = "MSTIMEZONE";
                calcFieldTool.expression = "Mid([SortableMSTIMEZONE], 7)";
                calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                // Delete the old sortable MSTIMEZONE field

                DeleteField deleteFieldTool = new DeleteField();
                deleteFieldTool.in_table = timeZoneFCPath;
                deleteFieldTool.drop_field = "SortableMSTIMEZONE";
                gp.Execute(deleteFieldTool, trackcancel);

                if (processStreetsFC)
                    // Create the network dataset time zone table

                    AddMessage("Creating the time zones table...", messages, trackcancel);

                    TableToTable importTableTool = new TableToTable();
                    importTableTool.in_rows = timeZoneFCPath;
                    importTableTool.out_path = outputFileGdbPath;
                    importTableTool.out_name = TimeZonesTableName;
                    importTableTool.field_mapping = "MSTIMEZONE \"MSTIMEZONE\" true true false 50 Text 0 0 ,First,#," +
                                                    timeZoneFCPath + ",MSTIMEZONE,-1,-1";
                    gp.Execute(importTableTool, trackcancel);

                    // Import the NW feature class to the file geodatabase

                    AddMessage("Copying the NW feature class to the geodatabase...", messages, trackcancel);

                    FeatureClassToFeatureClass importFCTool = new FeatureClassToFeatureClass();
                    importFCTool.in_features = inputNWFeatureClassValue.GetAsText();
                    importFCTool.out_path = outputFileGdbPath;
                    importFCTool.out_name = "nw";
                    gp.Execute(importFCTool, trackcancel);

                    string pathToLocalNW = outputFileGdbPath + "\\nw";

                    // Create Join polygon feature class

                    AddMessage("Creating the join polygon feature class...", messages, trackcancel);

                    string joinPolygonFCPath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\JoinPolygonFC";

                    MultipartToSinglepart multipartToSinglepartTool = new MultipartToSinglepart();
                    multipartToSinglepartTool.in_features = timeZoneFCPath;
                    multipartToSinglepartTool.out_feature_class = joinPolygonFCPath;
                    gp.Execute(multipartToSinglepartTool, trackcancel);

                    // Add and calculate the time zone ID fields to the join polygons

                    addFieldTool = new AddField();
                    addFieldTool.in_table = joinPolygonFCPath;
                    addFieldTool.field_type = "SHORT";
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "FT_" + timeZoneIDBaseFieldName;
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "TF_" + timeZoneIDBaseFieldName;
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Calculating the FT_" + timeZoneIDBaseFieldName + " field...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                    calcFieldTool.in_table = joinPolygonFCPath;
                    calcFieldTool.field = "FT_" + timeZoneIDBaseFieldName;
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "[ORIG_FID]";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Calculating the TF_" + timeZoneIDBaseFieldName + " field...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                    calcFieldTool.in_table = joinPolygonFCPath;
                    calcFieldTool.field = "TF_" + timeZoneIDBaseFieldName;
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "[ORIG_FID]";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    // Delete the MSTIMEZONE and ORIG_FID fields from the join polygon FC

                    deleteFieldTool = new DeleteField();
                    deleteFieldTool.in_table = joinPolygonFCPath;
                    deleteFieldTool.drop_field = "MSTIMEZONE;ORIG_FID";
                    gp.Execute(deleteFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    // Perform a spatial join between the Streets and the join polygons

                    AddMessage("Creating Streets feature class with time zone ID fields...", messages, trackcancel);

                    string outputStreetsFCPath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\" + StreetsFCName;
                    SpatialJoin spatialJoinTool = new SpatialJoin();
                    spatialJoinTool.target_features = pathToLocalNW;
                    spatialJoinTool.join_features = joinPolygonFCPath;
                    spatialJoinTool.out_feature_class = outputStreetsFCPath;
                    spatialJoinTool.match_option = "IS_WITHIN";
                    gp.Execute(spatialJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    // Delete the extraneous fields

                    deleteFieldTool = new DeleteField();
                    deleteFieldTool.in_table = outputStreetsFCPath;
                    deleteFieldTool.drop_field = "Join_Count;TARGET_FID;Shape_Length_1";
                    gp.Execute(deleteFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    // Delete the temporary NW and Join feature classes

                    deleteTool = new Delete();
                    deleteTool.in_data = pathToLocalNW;
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);
                    deleteTool = new Delete();
                    deleteTool.in_data = joinPolygonFCPath;
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                    // Extract the drive side information and index it

                    AddMessage("Extracting the drive side information...", messages, trackcancel);

                    string driveSideTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\DriveSide";
                    tableSelectTool = new TableSelect();
                    tableSelectTool.in_table = inputAETableValue.GetAsText();
                    tableSelectTool.out_table = driveSideTablePath;
                    tableSelectTool.where_clause = "ATTTYP = '3D'";
                    gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

                    addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
                    addIndexTool.in_table = driveSideTablePath;
                    addIndexTool.fields = "ID";
                    addIndexTool.index_name = "ID";
                    gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                    // Add the DriveSide field and calculate it

                    addFieldTool = new AddField();
                    addFieldTool.in_table = adminFCPath;
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "DriveSide";
                    addFieldTool.field_type = "SHORT";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    makeFeatureLayerTool = new MakeFeatureLayer();
                    makeFeatureLayerTool.in_features = adminFCPath;
                    makeFeatureLayerTool.out_layer = "AdminFC_Layer";
                    gp.Execute(makeFeatureLayerTool, trackcancel);

                    addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                    addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "AdminFC_Layer";
                    addJoinTool.in_field = "ID";
                    addJoinTool.join_table = driveSideTablePath;
                    addJoinTool.join_field = "ID";
                    addJoinTool.join_type = "KEEP_COMMON";
                    gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Copying the drive side information to the Administrative Area feature class...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                    calcFieldTool.in_table = "AdminFC_Layer";
                    calcFieldTool.field = "AdminFC.DriveSide";
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "CInt( [DriveSide.ATTVALUE] )";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                    removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "AdminFC_Layer";
                    removeJoinTool.join_name = "DriveSide";
                    gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    deleteTool = new Delete();
                    deleteTool.in_data = "AdminFC_Layer";
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);
                    deleteTool = new Delete();
                    deleteTool.in_data = driveSideTablePath;
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                    // Extract out only the admin areas that have drive side information and index the ORDER00 field

                    AddMessage("Extracting Administrative Areas with drive side information...", messages, trackcancel);

                    string adminFCwDriveSidePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\AdminFCwDriveSide";
                    selectTool = new Select();
                    selectTool.in_features = adminFCPath;
                    selectTool.out_feature_class = adminFCwDriveSidePath;
                    selectTool.where_clause = "NOT DriveSide IS NULL";
                    gp.Execute(selectTool, trackcancel);

                    addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
                    addIndexTool.in_table = adminFCwDriveSidePath;
                    addIndexTool.fields = "ORDER00";
                    addIndexTool.index_name = "ORDER00";
                    gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                    // Add the DriveSide field to the AdminFCwTZ feature class and calculate it.

                    addFieldTool = new AddField();
                    addFieldTool.in_table = adminTZFCPath;
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "DriveSide";
                    addFieldTool.field_type = "SHORT";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    makeFeatureLayerTool = new MakeFeatureLayer();
                    makeFeatureLayerTool.in_features = adminTZFCPath;
                    makeFeatureLayerTool.out_layer = "AdminFCwTZ_Layer";
                    gp.Execute(makeFeatureLayerTool, trackcancel);

                    addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                    addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "AdminFCwTZ_Layer";
                    addJoinTool.in_field = "ORDER00";
                    addJoinTool.join_table = adminFCwDriveSidePath;
                    addJoinTool.join_field = "ORDER00";
                    addJoinTool.join_type = "KEEP_COMMON";
                    gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Calculating the DriveSide field on the AdminFCwTZ feature class...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                    calcFieldTool.in_table = "AdminFCwTZ_Layer";
                    calcFieldTool.field = "AdminFCwTZ.DriveSide";
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "[AdminFCwDriveSide.DriveSide]";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                    removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "AdminFCwTZ_Layer";
                    removeJoinTool.join_name = "AdminFCwDriveSide";
                    gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    deleteTool = new Delete();
                    deleteTool.in_data = "AdminFCwTZ_Layer";
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                    deleteTool = new Delete();
                    deleteTool.in_data = adminFCwDriveSidePath;
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                    // Extract the information for boundary roads

                    AddMessage("Extracting the information for boundary roads...", messages, trackcancel);

                    string taTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\TA";
                    tableSelectTool = new TableSelect();
                    tableSelectTool.in_table = inputTATableValue.GetAsText();
                    tableSelectTool.out_table = taTablePath;
                    tableSelectTool.where_clause = "ARETYP <= 1120 AND SOL > 0";
                    gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

                    // Join the boundary road information with the AdminFCwTZ feature class to
                    // create the FT_BoundaryTimeZones and TF_BoundaryTimeZones join tables

                    addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
                    addIndexTool.in_table = adminTZFCPath;
                    addIndexTool.fields = "ID";
                    addIndexTool.index_name = "ID";
                    gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                    MakeTableView makeTableViewTool = new MakeTableView();
                    makeTableViewTool.in_table = taTablePath;
                    makeTableViewTool.out_view = "TA_View";
                    gp.Execute(makeTableViewTool, trackcancel);

                    addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                    addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "TA_View";
                    addJoinTool.in_field = "AREID";
                    addJoinTool.join_table = adminTZFCPath;
                    addJoinTool.join_field = "ID";
                    addJoinTool.join_type = "KEEP_COMMON";
                    gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Extracting the boundary FT time zones...", messages, trackcancel);

                    importTableTool = new TableToTable();
                    importTableTool.in_rows = "TA_View";
                    importTableTool.out_path = outputFileGdbPath;
                    importTableTool.out_name = "FT_BoundaryTimeZones";
                    importTableTool.where_clause = "TA.SOL = AdminFCwTZ.DriveSide";
                    importTableTool.field_mapping = "ID \"ID\" true true false 8 Double 0 0 ,First,#," + taTablePath + ",TA.ID,-1,-1;" +
                                                    "SortableMSTIMEZONE \"SortableMSTIMEZONE\" true true false 60 Text 0 0 ,First,#," +
                                                    adminTZFCPath + ",AdminFCwTZ.SortableMSTIMEZONE,-1,-1";
                    gp.Execute(importTableTool, trackcancel);

                    string ftBoundaryTimeZonesPath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\FT_BoundaryTimeZones";

                    addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
                    addIndexTool.in_table = ftBoundaryTimeZonesPath;
                    addIndexTool.fields = "ID";
                    addIndexTool.index_name = "ID";
                    gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Extracting the boundary TF time zones...", messages, trackcancel);

                    importTableTool = new TableToTable();
                    importTableTool.in_rows = "TA_View";
                    importTableTool.out_path = outputFileGdbPath;
                    importTableTool.out_name = "TF_BoundaryTimeZones";
                    importTableTool.where_clause = "TA.SOL <> AdminFCwTZ.DriveSide";
                    importTableTool.field_mapping = "ID \"ID\" true true false 8 Double 0 0 ,First,#," + taTablePath + ",TA.ID,-1,-1;" +
                                                    "SortableMSTIMEZONE \"SortableMSTIMEZONE\" true true false 60 Text 0 0 ,First,#," +
                                                    adminTZFCPath + ",AdminFCwTZ.SortableMSTIMEZONE,-1,-1";
                    gp.Execute(importTableTool, trackcancel);

                    string tfBoundaryTimeZonesPath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\TF_BoundaryTimeZones";

                    addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
                    addIndexTool.in_table = tfBoundaryTimeZonesPath;
                    addIndexTool.fields = "ID";
                    addIndexTool.index_name = "ID";
                    gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                    removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                    removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "TA_View";
                    removeJoinTool.join_name = "AdminFCwTZ";
                    gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    deleteTool = new Delete();
                    deleteTool.in_data = "TA_View";
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);
                    deleteTool.in_data = taTablePath;
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                    // Calculate the boundary time zone ID values

                    makeFeatureLayerTool = new MakeFeatureLayer();
                    makeFeatureLayerTool.in_features = outputStreetsFCPath;
                    makeFeatureLayerTool.out_layer = "Streets_Layer";
                    gp.Execute(makeFeatureLayerTool, trackcancel);

                    addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                    addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Layer";
                    addJoinTool.in_field = "ID";
                    addJoinTool.join_table = ftBoundaryTimeZonesPath;
                    addJoinTool.join_field = "ID";
                    addJoinTool.join_type = "KEEP_COMMON";
                    gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Calculating the boundary FT time zones...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                    calcFieldTool.in_table = "Streets_Layer";
                    calcFieldTool.field = StreetsFCName + ".FT_" + timeZoneIDBaseFieldName;
                    calcFieldTool.code_block = TimeZoneUtilities.MakeTimeZoneIDCode(outputFileGdbPath, TimeZonesTableName, "FT_BoundaryTimeZones.SortableMSTIMEZONE");
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "tzID";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                    removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Layer";
                    removeJoinTool.join_name = "FT_BoundaryTimeZones";
                    gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                    addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Layer";
                    addJoinTool.in_field = "ID";
                    addJoinTool.join_table = tfBoundaryTimeZonesPath;
                    addJoinTool.join_field = "ID";
                    addJoinTool.join_type = "KEEP_COMMON";
                    gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Calculating the boundary TF time zones...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                    calcFieldTool.in_table = "Streets_Layer";
                    calcFieldTool.field = StreetsFCName + ".TF_" + timeZoneIDBaseFieldName;
                    calcFieldTool.code_block = TimeZoneUtilities.MakeTimeZoneIDCode(outputFileGdbPath, TimeZonesTableName, "TF_BoundaryTimeZones.SortableMSTIMEZONE");
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "tzID";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                    removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Layer";
                    removeJoinTool.join_name = "TF_BoundaryTimeZones";
                    gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    deleteTool = new Delete();
                    deleteTool.in_data = "Streets_Layer";
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                    deleteTool = new Delete();
                    deleteTool.in_data = ftBoundaryTimeZonesPath;
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);
                    deleteTool.in_data = tfBoundaryTimeZonesPath;
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);
                    // Create a dummy TimeZones table and a dummy Streets feature class

                    CreateTable createTableTool = new CreateTable();
                    createTableTool.out_path = outputFileGdbPath;
                    createTableTool.out_name = TimeZonesTableName;
                    gp.Execute(createTableTool, trackcancel);

                    CreateFeatureclass createFCTool = new CreateFeatureclass();
                    createFCTool.out_path = outputFileGdbPath;
                    createFCTool.out_name = StreetsFCName;
                    createFCTool.geometry_type = "POLYLINE";
                    gp.Execute(createFCTool, trackcancel);

                deleteTool = new Delete();
                deleteTool.in_data = adminFCPath;
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                deleteTool = new Delete();
                deleteTool.in_data = adminTZFCPath;
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                // Compact the output file geodatabase

                AddMessage("Compacting the output file geodatabase...", messages, trackcancel);

                Compact compactTool = new Compact();
                compactTool.in_workspace = outputFileGdbPath;
                gp.Execute(compactTool, trackcancel);
            catch (Exception e)
                if (gp.MaxSeverity == 2)
                    object missing = System.Type.Missing;
                    messages.AddError(1, gp.GetMessages(ref missing));
                messages.AddError(1, e.Message);
                messages.AddError(1, e.StackTrace);
                // Restore the original GP environment settings

                gpSettings.AddOutputsToMap = origAddOutputsToMapSetting;
                gpSettings.LogHistory = origLogHistorySetting;
예제 #7
        public int storeRainfallData(string theFileName)
            int result = 0;
            //string filePath = @"D:\etc\etc\uploadedFiles";
            string path1 = ReadSetting("rainFallDatafilePath");
            //string filePath = @"C:\2016codes\etc\etc\uploadedFiles";
            string filePath = path1;

            string[] dataLine = null;
            string   errors   = "";

            ////localhostETC.etcWebService etcService = new localhostETC.etcWebService();
                dataLine = ReadTextData1(filePath, theFileName);
                if (theFileName.Length > 0)
                    int theOperationResultStat = DeleteRainfallDataFile(theFileName);

                    result = theOperationResultStat;
            catch (Exception ex)
                errors = ex.ToString();

            if (dataLine != null)// transferred the .dat file data into database
                //check and insert rainfall data
                string[] theSeparator2 = { "," };
                string   theYear       = "";
                string   theMonth      = "";
                string   theDay        = "";
                for (int i = 1; i < dataLine.Length; i++)
                    string[] lineData     = dataLine[i].Split(theSeparator2, StringSplitOptions.None);
                    string   lineDate     = lineData[0];
                    DateTime theLineDate  = Convert.ToDateTime(lineDate);
                    DateTime tempDateTime = theLineDate;

                    theYear = Convert.ToString(tempDateTime.Year);

                    if (tempDateTime.Month > 9)
                        theMonth = Convert.ToString(tempDateTime.Month);
                        theMonth = "0" + Convert.ToString(tempDateTime.Month);
                    if (tempDateTime.Day > 9)
                        theDay = Convert.ToString(tempDateTime.Day);
                        theDay = "0" + Convert.ToString(tempDateTime.Day);

                    string theDateTime = theYear + "-" + theMonth + "-" + theDay + " " + lineData[1];

                    string totalRain = lineData[14];
                    // select the dateTime in the rainfall table, if not exite, insert it into the table
                    // select

                    //preparing to insert data
                    TableFk tb    = new TableFk(); //To prepare iMISID field
                    long    theId = 1;
                    theId = tb.GetFk("dbo", "rainfall", "recordNum");
                    string strtheId = Convert.ToString(theId);

                    //check if this data has been inserted
                    TableSelect tbSelect = new TableSelect();
                    DataTable   dt       = tbSelect.DoSelect("rainfall", "dbo", "recordNum,ts", " ts='" + theDateTime + "'", "recordNum");

                    if ((dt != null) && (dt.Rows.Count > 0))
                        //nothing to do

                        TableInsert tbinsert            = new TableInsert();
                        int         operationResultStat = 0;
                        string      tableName           = "rainfall";
                        string      userName            = "******";
                        string      tbfileds            = "recordNum,ts,rainfall";

                        string recordValues = strtheId + ",'" + theDateTime + "'," + totalRain;

                        operationResultStat = tbinsert.Insert(tableName, userName, tbfileds, recordValues);
                        result = operationResultStat;
                } //for

                int test = 1;

        private void CreateAndPopulateLTRField(string outputFileGdbPath, string ltrTablePath,
                                               string newFieldName, string queryExpression,
                                               Geoprocessor gp, IGPMessages messages, ITrackCancel trackcancel)
            // Add a new field to the Streets feature class

            AddField addFieldTool = new AddField();
            addFieldTool.in_table = outputFileGdbPath + "\\" + StreetsFCName;
            addFieldTool.field_name = newFieldName;
            addFieldTool.field_type = "TEXT";
            addFieldTool.field_length = 1;
            gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

            // Extract the information needed for this field from the LTR table

            string extractTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\ltrExtract";

            AddMessage("Extracting information for the " + newFieldName + " field...", messages, trackcancel);

            TableSelect tableSelectTool = new TableSelect();
            tableSelectTool.in_table = ltrTablePath;
            tableSelectTool.out_table = extractTablePath;
            tableSelectTool.where_clause = queryExpression;
            gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

            AddIndex addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
            addIndexTool.fields = "ID";
            addIndexTool.index_name = "ID";
            addIndexTool.in_table = extractTablePath;
            gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

            // Calculate the truck route/restriction field

            AddJoin addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
            addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Layer";
            addJoinTool.in_field = "ID";
            addJoinTool.join_table = extractTablePath;
            addJoinTool.join_field = "ID";
            addJoinTool.join_type = "KEEP_COMMON";
            gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

            AddMessage("Writing the information to the " + newFieldName + " field...", messages, trackcancel);

            CalculateField calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
            calcFieldTool.in_table = "Streets_Layer";
            calcFieldTool.field = StreetsFCName + "." + newFieldName;
            calcFieldTool.expression = "\"Y\"";
            calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
            gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

            RemoveJoin removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
            removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Layer";
            removeJoinTool.join_name = "ltrExtract";
            gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

            Delete deleteTool = new Delete();
            deleteTool.in_data = extractTablePath;
            gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);
        private void CreateAndPopulateRSField(string outputFileGdbPath, bool onTurnFC, string newFieldName, string queryExpression,
                                              Geoprocessor gp, IGPMessages messages, ITrackCancel trackcancel)
            string fcName = StreetsFCName;
            string layerName = "Streets_Layer";
            if (onTurnFC)
                fcName = TurnFCName;
                layerName = "RestrictedTurns_Layer";

            // Add a new field to the feature class

            AddField addFieldTool = new AddField();
            addFieldTool.in_table = outputFileGdbPath + "\\" + fcName;
            addFieldTool.field_type = "TEXT";
            addFieldTool.field_length = 1;
            addFieldTool.field_name = newFieldName;
            gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

            // Extract the information needed for this field from the RS table

            string extractTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\rsExtract";

            AddMessage("Extracting information for the " + newFieldName + " field...", messages, trackcancel);

            string rsTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\rs";

            TableSelect tableSelectTool = new TableSelect();
            tableSelectTool.in_table = rsTablePath;
            tableSelectTool.out_table = extractTablePath;
            tableSelectTool.where_clause = queryExpression;
            gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

            AddMessage("Indexing the ID field...", messages, trackcancel);

            AddIndex addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
            addIndexTool.fields = "ID";
            addIndexTool.index_name = "ID";
            addIndexTool.in_table = extractTablePath;
            gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

            // Calculate the turn restriction field

            AddJoin addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
            addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = layerName;
            addJoinTool.in_field = "ID";
            addJoinTool.join_table = extractTablePath;
            addJoinTool.join_field = "ID";
            addJoinTool.join_type = "KEEP_COMMON";
            gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

            AddMessage("Calculating the " + newFieldName + " field...", messages, trackcancel);

            CalculateField calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
            calcFieldTool.in_table = layerName;
            calcFieldTool.field = fcName + "." + newFieldName;
            calcFieldTool.expression = "\"Y\"";
            calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
            gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

            RemoveJoin removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
            removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = layerName;
            removeJoinTool.join_name = "rsExtract";
            gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

            Delete deleteTool = new Delete();
            deleteTool.in_data = extractTablePath;
            gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);
예제 #10
        public int checkAndStoreSensorData()
            int result = 0;
            //getting now time
            DateTime nowTime = DateTime.Now;

            //getting latest time in database
            TableFk tb    = new TableFk(); //To prepare iMISID field
            long    theId = 1;

            theId = tb.GetFk("dbo", "etc", "recordNum");
            string strtheId = Convert.ToString(theId - 1);

            //get the latest time based on the main key

            string      latedDatabaseTime = "";
            TableSelect tbSelect          = new TableSelect();
            DataTable   dt = tbSelect.DoSelect("etc", "dbo", "recordNum,ts", " recordNum=" + strtheId, "recordNum");

            if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
                ////Display("The database is empty. Transferring all data from the hosting server."); //this will never happer because some records should be imported in the initial stage.
                //Get the latest time of database
                latedDatabaseTime = dt.Rows[0]["ts"].ToString();

            DateTime latestDatabaseTime = Convert.ToDateTime(latedDatabaseTime);

            TimeSpan hoursSpan    = nowTime - latestDatabaseTime;
            double   passedHours  = hoursSpan.TotalHours;
            double   iPassedHours = Math.Round(passedHours);
            TimeSpan hourIntervel = new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0, 0); //one hour
            DateTime tempDateTime = DateTime.Now;
            string   theYear      = "";
            string   theMonth     = "";
            string   theDay       = "";
            string   theHour      = "";
            string   theFileName  = "";

            if (passedHours >= 1)
                tempDateTime = latestDatabaseTime;
                for (int i = 1; i <= iPassedHours; i++)
                    tempDateTime = tempDateTime + hourIntervel;
                    theYear      = Convert.ToString(tempDateTime.Year);

                    if (tempDateTime.Month > 9)
                        theMonth = Convert.ToString(tempDateTime.Month);
                        theMonth = "0" + Convert.ToString(tempDateTime.Month);
                    if (tempDateTime.Day > 9)
                        theDay = Convert.ToString(tempDateTime.Day);
                        theDay = "0" + Convert.ToString(tempDateTime.Day);
                    if (tempDateTime.Hour > 9)
                        theHour = Convert.ToString(tempDateTime.Hour);
                        theHour = "0" + Convert.ToString(tempDateTime.Hour);
                    theYear     = Convert.ToString(tempDateTime.Year);
                    theFileName = "Waverley_" + theYear + "-" + theMonth + "-" + theDay + "_" + theHour + "-00_FluxData" + ".dat";
                    string path1 = ReadSetting("etDatafilePath");

                    //string filePath = @"e:\etcData";
                    string filePath = path1;
                    string dataLine = "";
                    string errors   = "";
                    ////localhostETC.etcWebService etcService = new localhostETC.etcWebService();
                        dataLine = ReadTextData(filePath, theFileName);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        errors = ex.ToString();
                    if (dataLine != "")// transferred the .dat file data into database
                        string[] stringArray = dataLine.Split(',');
                        //processing stringArray[0]
                        string stringArray0 = stringArray[0];
                        stringArray0   = stringArray0.Substring(1, stringArray0.Length - 2);
                        stringArray[0] = stringArray0;
                        TableInsert tbinsert            = new TableInsert();
                        int         operationResultStat = 0;
                        string      tableName           = "etc";
                        string      userName            = "******";
                        string      tbfileds            = "recordNum,ts";
                        for (int j = 2; j < dt.Columns.Count; j++)
                            tbfileds = tbfileds + "," + dt.Columns[i];

                        tbfileds = tbfileds + ",[cov_h2o_Ux_Avg],[cov_h2o_Uy_Avg],[cov_h2o_Uz_Avg],[cov_h2o_Uz_Tot],[cov_co2_Ux_Avg],[cov_co2_Uy_Avg],[cov_co2_Uz_Avg],[cov_co2_Uz_Tot]" +
                                   ",[wnd_dir_compass_Avg],[wnd_dir_csat3_Avg],[wnd_spd_Avg],[rslt_wnd_spd_Avg],[Hs],[Fc_wpl],[LE_wpl],[Hc],[tau],[u_star]" +
                                   ",[Ts_mean],[stdev_Ts],[cov_Ts_Ux],[cov_Ts_Uy],[cov_Ts_Uz],[co2_mean],[stdev_co2],[cov_co2_Ux],[cov_co2_Uy],[cov_co2_Uz]" +
                                   ",[h2o_Avg],[stdev_h2o],[cov_h2o_Ux],[cov_h2o_Uy],[cov_h2o_Uz],[Ux_Avg],[stdev_Ux],[cov_Ux_Uy],[cov_Ux_Uz],[Uy_Avg]" +
                                   ",[stdev_Uy],[cov_Uy_Uz],[Uz_Avg],[stdev_Uz],[press_mean],[rho_a_mean],[wnd_dir_compass],[wnd_dir_csat3],[wnd_spd],[rslt_wnd_spd]" +
                                   ",[std_wnd_dir],[Fc_irga],[LE_irga],[co2_wpl_LE],[co2_wpl_H],[h2o_wpl_LE],[h2o_wpl_H],[SHF1_raw_Avg],[SHF2_raw_Avg],[SHF_mean_Avg]" +
                                   ",[SR01Up_Avg] ,[SR01Dn_Avg],[IR01Up_Avg],[IR01Dn_Avg],[NR01TC_Avg],[NR01TK_Avg],[NetRs_Avg],[NetRl_Avg],[Albedo_Avg],[UpTot_Avg]" +
                                   ",[DnTot_Avg],[NetTot_Avg],[IR01UpCo_Avg],[IR01DnCo_Avg],[Canopy_Temp_Avg],[AirTC1_Avg],[RH1_Avg],[e_kPa1_Avg],[e_Sat1_Avg],[VPD1_Avg]" +
                                   ",[AirTC2_Avg],[RH2_Avg],[e_kPa2_Avg],[e_Sat2_Avg],[VPD2_Avg],[n_Tot],[csat_warnings],[irga_warnings],[del_T_f_Tot],[sig_lck_f_Tot]" +

                        string recordValues = Convert.ToString(stringArray[1]) + ",'" + Convert.ToString(stringArray[0]) + "'";
                        for (int j = 2; j < stringArray.Length; j++)
                            recordValues = recordValues + "," + Convert.ToString(stringArray[j]);

                        operationResultStat = tbinsert.Insert(tableName, userName, tbfileds, recordValues);
                        result = operationResultStat;
                    ////TextBox1.Text = dataLine;
            //Display("New ID number is created.");

        private void CreateAndPopulateLogisticsRestrictionFields(string outputFileGdbPath, string lrsStatsTableName, string lrsTablePath,
                                                                 Geoprocessor gp, IGPMessages messages, ITrackCancel trackcancel)
            // Make a feature layer for the Streets feature class

            MakeFeatureLayer makeFeatureLayerTool = new MakeFeatureLayer();
            makeFeatureLayerTool.in_features = outputFileGdbPath + "\\" + StreetsFCName;
            makeFeatureLayerTool.out_layer = "Streets_Layer";
            gp.Execute(makeFeatureLayerTool, trackcancel);

            // Create fields for the maximum and recommended speeds for all trucks

            AddField addFieldTool = new AddField();
            addFieldTool.in_table = "Streets_Layer";
            addFieldTool.field_type = "DOUBLE";
            addFieldTool.field_name = "MaximumSpeed_KPH_AllTrucks";
            gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
            addFieldTool.field_name = "RecommendedSpeed_KPH_AllTrucks";
            gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

            // Initialize the Delete tool for use later

            Delete deleteTool = new Delete();

            // Open the lrsStatsTable and find the fields we need

            Type factoryType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("esriDataSourcesGDB.FileGDBWorkspaceFactory");
            var wsf = Activator.CreateInstance(factoryType) as IWorkspaceFactory;
            var fws = wsf.OpenFromFile(outputFileGdbPath, 0) as IFeatureWorkspace;
            ITable lrsStatsTable = fws.OpenTable(lrsStatsTableName);
            int restrTypField = lrsStatsTable.FindField("RESTRTYP");
            int vtField = lrsStatsTable.FindField("VT");
            int restrValField = lrsStatsTable.FindField("RESTRVAL");

            // Loop through the lrsStatsTable

            ICursor cur = lrsStatsTable.Search(null, true);
            IRow statsTableRow = null;
            while ((statsTableRow = cur.NextRow()) != null)
                // Get the RESTRTYP, VT, and RESTRVAL field values and determine the field name

                string restrTyp = (string)(statsTableRow.get_Value(restrTypField));
                short vt = (short)(statsTableRow.get_Value(vtField));
                short restrVal = (short)(statsTableRow.get_Value(restrValField));
                string fieldName = "";

                // Create a new field for this restriction
                // (note for speed restrictions, fields were already created earlier)

                if (restrTyp == null || restrTyp.Trim().Length == 0)
                else if (restrTyp != "SP")
                    fieldName = MakeLogisticsFieldName(restrTyp, vt, restrVal);
                    addFieldTool = new AddField();
                    addFieldTool.in_table = "Streets_Layer";
                    addFieldTool.field_name = fieldName;
                    switch (restrTyp.Remove(1))
                        case "!":
                            addFieldTool.field_type = "DOUBLE";
                        case "@":
                            addFieldTool.field_type = "TEXT";
                            addFieldTool.field_length = 1;
                            continue;    // Only process dimensional (!_) and load (@_) restrictions
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                    // for speed restrictions, only process for All Trucks (vt 50)
                    if (vt != 50)
                        // only process for Maximum Speeds (restrVal 1) and Recommended Speeds (restrVal 2)
                        switch (restrVal)
                            case 1:
                                fieldName = "MaximumSpeed_KPH_AllTrucks";
                            case 2:
                                fieldName = "RecommendedSpeed_KPH_AllTrucks";

                // Extract the LRS table rows for this restriction

                AddMessage("Extracting information for the " + fieldName + " field...", messages, trackcancel);

                string outputTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\" + fieldName;

                TableSelect tableSelectTool = new TableSelect();
                tableSelectTool.in_table = lrsTablePath;
                tableSelectTool.out_table = outputTablePath;
                tableSelectTool.where_clause = "RESTRTYP = '" + restrTyp + "' AND VT = " + vt + " AND RESTRVAL = " + restrVal;
                gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

                AddIndex addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
                addIndexTool.in_table = outputTablePath;
                addIndexTool.fields = "ID";
                addIndexTool.index_name = "ID";
                gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                // Calculate the field for this restriction

                AddMessage("Calculating the " + fieldName + " field...", messages, trackcancel);

                AddJoin addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Layer";
                addJoinTool.in_field = "ID";
                addJoinTool.join_table = outputTablePath;
                addJoinTool.join_field = "ID";
                addJoinTool.join_type = "KEEP_COMMON";
                gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                CalculateField calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                calcFieldTool.in_table = "Streets_Layer";
                calcFieldTool.field = StreetsFCName + "." + fieldName;
                switch (restrTyp)
                    case "SP":
                        // Speed restriction -- numeric field must be in km/h
                        calcFieldTool.code_block = "sp = [" + fieldName + ".LIMIT]\nIf [" + fieldName + ".UNIT_MEAS] = 2 Then\n  sp = sp * 1.609344\nEnd If";
                        calcFieldTool.expression = "sp";
                    case "!A":
                    case "!B":
                    case "!C":
                    case "!D":
                    case "!E":
                    case "!F":
                        // Weight limits -- numeric field must be in tons
                        calcFieldTool.code_block = "wt = [" + fieldName + ".LIMIT]\nIf [" + fieldName + ".UNIT_MEAS] = 3 Then\n  wt = wt / 0.90718474\nEnd If";
                        calcFieldTool.expression = "wt";
                    case "!G":
                    case "!H":
                    case "!I":
                    case "!J":
                    case "!K":
                    case "!L":
                    case "!M":
                    case "!N":
                    case "!O":
                    case "!P":
                        // Length/Width/Height limits -- numeric field must be in feet
                        calcFieldTool.code_block = "d = [" + fieldName + ".LIMIT]\nSelect Case [" + fieldName + ".UNIT_MEAS]\n" +
                                                   "  Case 4: d = d / 30.48\n  Case 5: d = d / 0.3048\n  Case 8: d = d / 12\nEnd Select";
                        calcFieldTool.expression = "d";
                        // Load restrictions -- string field is the letter "Y"
                        calcFieldTool.expression = "\"Y\"";
                calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                RemoveJoin removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Layer";
                removeJoinTool.join_name = fieldName;
                gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                // Clean up the extracted data before moving on to the next row

                deleteTool.in_data = outputTablePath;
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

            // Remove the streets layer before exiting

            deleteTool.in_data = "Streets_Layer";
            gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);
예제 #12
        public ActionResult getTimeSpan(ETtimeSpan model)
            string userInput = model.start + " ; " + model.end;
            string startDate = model.start;
            string endDate   = model.end;

            //////Checking all the hourly data record to confirm if it has been stored in database one by one
            //get time span to get file name of each hourly data file within the time span
            if (startDate == null)
                startDate = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1)); //default to check if delete hourly data from one month ago to one week agao

            DateTime theStartDate = Convert.ToDateTime(startDate);

            theStartDate = theStartDate.AddDays(-1);

            //get the day before the  startDate data for daily et calcualting
            startDate = Convert.ToString(theStartDate);
            string strYear5  = "";
            string strMonth5 = "";
            string strDay5   = "";

            strYear5 = Convert.ToString(theStartDate.Year);
            if (theStartDate.Month < 10)
                strMonth5 = "0" + Convert.ToString(theStartDate.Month);
                strMonth5 = Convert.ToString(theStartDate.Month);
            if (theStartDate.Day < 10)
                strDay5 = "0" + Convert.ToString(theStartDate.Day);
                strDay5 = Convert.ToString(theStartDate.Day);

            startDate = strYear5 + "-" + strMonth5 + "-" + strDay5;

            if (endDate == null)
                endDate = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7));
                //default end date is one week ago

            DateTime theEndDate = Convert.ToDateTime(endDate);
            string   strYear6   = "";
            string   strMonth6  = "";
            string   strDay6    = "";

            strYear6 = Convert.ToString(theEndDate.Year);
            if (theEndDate.Month < 10)
                strMonth6 = "0" + Convert.ToString(theEndDate.Month);
                strMonth6 = Convert.ToString(theEndDate.Month);
            if (theEndDate.Day < 10)
                strDay6 = "0" + Convert.ToString(theEndDate.Day);
                strDay6 = Convert.ToString(theEndDate.Day);

            endDate = strYear6 + "-" + strMonth6 + "-" + strDay6;

            DateTime dateTime1 = Convert.ToDateTime(startDate + " " + "00:00:00");
            DateTime dateTime2 = Convert.ToDateTime(endDate + " " + "23:00:00");

            TimeSpan hoursSpan    = dateTime2 - dateTime1;
            double   passedHours  = hoursSpan.TotalHours;
            double   iPassedHours = Math.Round(passedHours);
            TimeSpan hourIntervel = new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0, 0); //one hour
            DateTime tempDateTime = dateTime1.AddHours(-1);
            string   theYear      = "";
            string   theMonth     = "";
            string   theDay       = "";
            string   theHour      = "";
            string   theFileName  = "";

            if (passedHours >= 1)
                for (int i = 1; i <= iPassedHours; i++)
                    tempDateTime = tempDateTime + hourIntervel;
                    theYear      = Convert.ToString(tempDateTime.Year);

                    if (tempDateTime.Month > 9)
                        theMonth = Convert.ToString(tempDateTime.Month);
                        theMonth = "0" + Convert.ToString(tempDateTime.Month);
                    if (tempDateTime.Day > 9)
                        theDay = Convert.ToString(tempDateTime.Day);
                        theDay = "0" + Convert.ToString(tempDateTime.Day);
                    if (tempDateTime.Hour > 9)
                        theHour = Convert.ToString(tempDateTime.Hour);
                        theHour = "0" + Convert.ToString(tempDateTime.Hour);
                    theYear     = Convert.ToString(tempDateTime.Year);
                    theFileName = "Waverley_" + theYear + "-" + theMonth + "-" + theDay + "_" + theHour + "-00_FluxData" + ".dat";
                    // Check and call etDataFileDelete if the hourly data file has been stored in database
                    TableSelect tbSelect = new TableSelect();

                    DataTable dt = tbSelect.DoSelect("etc", "dbo", "recordNum,ts", " ts='" + theYear + "-" + theMonth + "-" + theDay + " " + theHour + ":00:00'", "recordNum");
                    int       deleteOperationResult = 1;
                    if (!((dt != null) && (dt.Rows.Count > 0)))
                        //// The hourly data has not been stored in database.
                        ////The hourly data has been stored in database.
                        // call etDataFileDelete()
                        deleteOperationResult = DeleteEtDataFile(theFileName);

                    if (deleteOperationResult == 1)
                        ViewBag.deleteOperationResponse = "Deleting hourly data file is unsuccessful.";

            //////return Content(deleteResponse.ToString());
            //ViewBag.fromControllerMessage = "The user input is " + userInput;
            //ViewBag.test = "This is test__";
예제 #13
        public ActionResult InputRainfallData(rainfallData model)
            string   userInput     = model.theDate + "|| " + Convert.ToString(model.theHour) + " : " + Convert.ToString(model.theData);
            int      result        = 0;
            DateTime inputDate     = Convert.ToDateTime(model.theDate);
            string   stringMinDate = "2010-01-01";
            DateTime minDate       = Convert.ToDateTime(stringMinDate);

            DateTime tempDateTime  = inputDate;
            string   theHour       = Convert.ToString(model.theHour);
            string   inputRainfall = Convert.ToString(model.theData);

            string theYear  = "";
            string theMonth = "";
            string theDay   = "";

            theYear = Convert.ToString(tempDateTime.Year);

            if (tempDateTime.Month > 9)
                theMonth = Convert.ToString(tempDateTime.Month);
                theMonth = "0" + Convert.ToString(tempDateTime.Month);
            if (tempDateTime.Day > 9)
                theDay = Convert.ToString(tempDateTime.Day);
                theDay = "0" + Convert.ToString(tempDateTime.Day);

            string theFinalInputDateTime = theYear + "-" + theMonth + "-" + theDay + " " + theHour + ":00:00.000";

            //check if this hour data has been stored in the database. If no insert else update

            //preparing to insert data
            TableFk tb    = new TableFk(); //To prepare iMISID field
            long    theId = 1;

            theId = tb.GetFk("dbo", "rainfall", "recordNum");
            string strtheId = Convert.ToString(theId);

            //check if this data has been inserted
            TableSelect tbSelect = new TableSelect();
            DataTable   dt       = tbSelect.DoSelect("rainfall", "dbo", "recordNum,ts", " ts='" + theFinalInputDateTime + "'", "recordNum");

            if (minDate < inputDate)
                if ((dt != null) && (dt.Rows.Count > 0))
                    int         theresult   = 0;
                    TableUpdate updatetable = new TableUpdate();
                    string      tableName   = "rainfall";
                    string      userName    = "******";
                    string      fieldvalue  = "rainfall=" + inputRainfall;

                    string conditions = "ts='" + theFinalInputDateTime + "'";

                    theresult = updatetable.Update(tableName, userName, fieldvalue, conditions);

                    TableInsert tbinsert            = new TableInsert();
                    int         operationResultStat = 0;
                    string      tableName           = "rainfall";
                    string      userName            = "******";
                    string      tbfileds            = "recordNum,ts,rainfall";

                    string recordValues = strtheId + ",'" + theFinalInputDateTime + "'," + inputRainfall;

                    operationResultStat = tbinsert.Insert(tableName, userName, tbfileds, recordValues);
                    result = operationResultStat;

                //get the 24 hour data of the date to display

                string dateTime1 = theYear + "-" + theMonth + "-" + theDay + " 00:00:00";
                string dateTime2 = theYear + "-" + theMonth + "-" + theDay + " 23:00:00";

                dt = tbSelect.DoSelect("rainfall", "dbo", "ts,rainfall", " ts>='" + dateTime1 + "' and ts<='" + dateTime2 + "'", "recordNum");

                ViewData["oneDayData"] = dt;
                //ViewBag.theDayData = dt;
            ViewBag.fromControllerMessage = "The user input is " + userInput;
예제 #14
        public ActionResult Index(lineDataTimeSpan model)
            string startDate = model.start;

            if (startDate == null)
                startDate = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1));

            DateTime theStartDate = Convert.ToDateTime(startDate);

            theStartDate = theStartDate.AddDays(-1);

            //get the day before the  startDate data for daily et calcualting
            startDate = Convert.ToString(theStartDate);
            string strYear5  = "";
            string strMonth5 = "";
            string strDay5   = "";

            strYear5 = Convert.ToString(theStartDate.Year);
            if (theStartDate.Month < 10)
                strMonth5 = "0" + Convert.ToString(theStartDate.Month);
                strMonth5 = Convert.ToString(theStartDate.Month);
            if (theStartDate.Day < 10)
                strDay5 = "0" + Convert.ToString(theStartDate.Day);
                strDay5 = Convert.ToString(theStartDate.Day);

            startDate = strYear5 + "-" + strMonth5 + "-" + strDay5;

            string endDate = model.end;

            if (endDate == null)
                endDate = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now);

            DateTime theEndDate = Convert.ToDateTime(endDate);
            string   strYear6   = "";
            string   strMonth6  = "";
            string   strDay6    = "";

            strYear6 = Convert.ToString(theEndDate.Year);
            if (theEndDate.Month < 10)
                strMonth6 = "0" + Convert.ToString(theEndDate.Month);
                strMonth6 = Convert.ToString(theEndDate.Month);
            if (theEndDate.Day < 10)
                strDay6 = "0" + Convert.ToString(theEndDate.Day);
                strDay6 = Convert.ToString(theEndDate.Day);

            endDate = strYear6 + "-" + strMonth6 + "-" + strDay6;

            TimeSpan timeSpan = theEndDate - theStartDate;

            int days = timeSpan.Days;

            days++;//including the day of both startDate and endDate

            string[] allDate = new string[days];
            double[] allData = new double[days];
            double[] allRain = new double[days];

            double[] originalAllData = new double[days];

            double[] allData2 = new double[days - 1];
            string[] allDate2 = new string[days - 1];
            double[] allRain2 = new double[days - 1];

            RainfallData rainfallData = new RainfallData();
            etData       theEtData    = new etData();

            for (int i = 0; i < days; i++)
                DateTime tempDate2 = theStartDate.AddDays(i);
                string   strYear2  = "";
                string   strMonth2 = "";
                string   strDay2   = "";
                strYear2 = Convert.ToString(tempDate2.Year);
                if (tempDate2.Month < 10)
                    strMonth2 = "0" + Convert.ToString(tempDate2.Month);
                    strMonth2 = Convert.ToString(tempDate2.Month);
                if (tempDate2.Day < 10)
                    strDay2 = "0" + Convert.ToString(tempDate2.Day);
                    strDay2 = Convert.ToString(tempDate2.Day);

                string standartDate2 = strYear2 + "-" + strMonth2 + "-" + strDay2;
                allDate[i] = standartDate2;

                allData[i] = 0;
                //DataTable rainfallDataTable = rainfallData.DoSelect("2016-03-02");

                //get each day's rain data
                double    theDayRainFall    = 0;
                DataTable rainfallDataTable = rainfallData.DoSelect(standartDate2);
                if ((rainfallDataTable != null) && (rainfallDataTable.Rows.Count > 0))
                    string tempstr = Convert.ToString(rainfallDataTable.Rows[0]["totalRain"]);
                    if (double.TryParse(tempstr, out theDayRainFall))
                        theDayRainFall = Math.Round(theDayRainFall, 2);
                allRain[i] = theDayRainFall;

                //get each day's et data

                double    theDayEt    = 0;
                DataTable etDataTable = theEtData.DoSelect(standartDate2);
                if ((etDataTable != null) && (etDataTable.Rows.Count > 0))
                    string tempstr = Convert.ToString(etDataTable.Rows[0]["etDailyData"]);
                    if (double.TryParse(tempstr, out theDayEt))
                        theDayEt = Math.Round(theDayEt, 2);
                allData[i] = theDayEt;
            //calculatting  final et

            for (int i = 0; i < days; i++)
                originalAllData[i] = allData[i];

            for (int i = 0; i < (days - 1); i++)
                allData[0]     = 0;
                allData[i + 1] = allData[i] - originalAllData[i + 1] + allRain[i + 1];
                allData2[i]    = Math.Round(allData[i + 1], 2);
                allRain2[i]    = Math.Round(allRain[i + 1], 2);
                allDate2[i]    = allDate[i + 1];

            //Geting final et data of each day within the seleted period

            ////////for (int i = 0; i < (days - 1); i++)
            ////////    allData[i + 1] = allData[i] - originalAllData[i + 1] + allRain[i + 1];
            ////////    allData2[i] = Math.Round(allData[i + 1], 2);
            ////////    allRain2[i] = Math.Round(allRain[i + 1], 2);
            ////////    allDate2[i] = allDate[i + 1];

            //////return the input data for test
            ViewBag.startDate = startDate;
            ViewBag.endDate   = endDate;
            ViewBag.test      = "This is test__";

            //get the latest date D1 from  database and check if more sensor data is required to be stored in database

            int theResult = checkAndStoreSensorData();

            //get the time span on which ET data is required by the users

            //check if the hourly .dat files after D1 exist. If yes, put these data in to database one by one. If no, go to next step.

            //seleting the raw hourly data into different datatables


            TableSelect dataselect = new TableSelect();

            //////DataTable dt = dataselect.DoSelect("etc", "[ETC].[dbo]", "recordNum"
            //////    + ",ts"
            //////    + ",cast([ts] as date) as theDay"
            //////    + ",NetTot_Avg"
            //////    + ",isnull((select  NetTot_Avg where  NetTot_Avg > 0),0) as  NetTot_Avg1"
            //////    + ",SHF_mean_Avg"
            //////    + ",LE_wpl"
            //////    + ",Hc"
            //////    + ",Hc/isnull((select LE_wpl where  LE_wpl <> 0),0.00000001) as br"
            //////    + ",(LE_wpl-SHF_mean_Avg)/(isnull((select (isnull((select LE_wpl where  LE_wpl <> 0),0.00000001)) where  (isnull((select LE_wpl where  LE_wpl <> 0),0.00000001)) <> 0),0.00000001)) as leadjust1"
            //////    + ",((LE_wpl-SHF_mean_Avg)/(isnull((select (isnull((select LE_wpl where  LE_wpl <> 0),0.00000001)) where  (isnull((select LE_wpl where  LE_wpl <> 0),0.00000001)) <> 0),0.00000001)))/(28.36*24) as leadjust2"
            //////    + ",isnull((select (((LE_wpl-SHF_mean_Avg)/(isnull((select (isnull((select LE_wpl where  LE_wpl <> 0),0.00000001)) where  (isnull((select LE_wpl where  LE_wpl <> 0),0.00000001)) <> 0),0.00000001)))/(28.36*24))*-1 where  (((LE_wpl-SHF_mean_Avg)/(isnull((select (isnull((select LE_wpl where  LE_wpl <> 0),0.00000001)) where  (isnull((select LE_wpl where  LE_wpl <> 0),0.00000001)) <> 0),0.00000001)))/(28.36*24)) <0),((LE_wpl-SHF_mean_Avg)/(isnull((select (isnull((select LE_wpl where  LE_wpl <> 0),0.00000001)) where  (isnull((select LE_wpl where  LE_wpl <> 0),0.00000001)) <> 0),0.00000001)))/(28.36*24)) as leadjust3", "convert(date,ts)>='" + startDate + "' and convert(date,ts)<='" + endDate + "'", " recordNum");

            ////DataTable dt = dataselect.DoSelect("etc", "[ETC].[dbo]", "recordNum"
            ////    + ",ts"
            ////    + ",cast([ts] as date) as theDay"
            ////    + ",NetTot_Avg"
            ////    + ",isnull((select  NetTot_Avg where  NetTot_Avg > 0),0) as  NetTot_Avg1"
            ////    + ",SHF_mean_Avg"
            ////    + ",LE_wpl"
            ////    + ",Hc"
            ////    + ",Hc/isnull((select LE_wpl where  LE_wpl <> 0),0.00000001) as br"
            ////    + ",(LE_wpl-SHF_mean_Avg)/(isnull((select (isnull((select LE_wpl where  LE_wpl <> 0),0.00000001)) where  (isnull((select LE_wpl where  LE_wpl <> 0),0.00000001)) <> 0),0.00000001)) as leadjust1"
            ////    + ",((LE_wpl-SHF_mean_Avg)/(isnull((select (isnull((select LE_wpl where  LE_wpl <> 0),0.00000001)) where  (isnull((select LE_wpl where  LE_wpl <> 0),0.00000001)) <> 0),0.00000001)))/(28.36*24) as leadjust2"
            ////    + ",isnull((select (((LE_wpl-SHF_mean_Avg)/(isnull((select (isnull((select LE_wpl where  LE_wpl <> 0),0.00000001)) where  (isnull((select LE_wpl where  LE_wpl <> 0),0.00000001)) <> 0),0.00000001)))/(28.36*24))*-1 where  (((LE_wpl-SHF_mean_Avg)/(isnull((select (isnull((select LE_wpl where  LE_wpl <> 0),0.00000001)) where  (isnull((select LE_wpl where  LE_wpl <> 0),0.00000001)) <> 0),0.00000001)))/(28.36*24)) <0),((LE_wpl-SHF_mean_Avg)/(isnull((select (isnull((select LE_wpl where  LE_wpl <> 0),0.00000001)) where  (isnull((select LE_wpl where  LE_wpl <> 0),0.00000001)) <> 0),0.00000001)))/(28.36*24)) as leadjust3", "convert(date,ts)>='" + startDate + "' and convert(date,ts)<='" + endDate + "'", " recordNum");

            ////if (dt != null)

            ////    if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
            ////    {
            ////        ////string[] x = new string[dt.Rows.Count];
            ////        ////double[] y = new double[dt.Rows.Count];
            ////for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
            ////    x[i] = dt.Rows[i]["theDay"].ToString();
            ////    y[i] = Convert.ToDouble(dt.Rows[i]["leadjust3"]);


            ////string tempDay = "";
            ////double sumHourlyData = 0;

            ////if (x.Length > 0)
            ////    tempDay = x[0];
            ////////for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
            ////////    if (x[i] == tempDay)
            ////////    {

            ////////        sumHourlyData = sumHourlyData + y[i];
            ////////        tempDay = x[i];
            ////////    }
            ////////    else
            ////////    {

            ////////        DateTime tempDate1 = Convert.ToDateTime(tempDay);

            ////////        string strYear = "";
            ////////        string strMonth = "";
            ////////        string strDay = "";
            ////////        strYear = Convert.ToString(tempDate1.Year);
            ////////        if (tempDate1.Month < 10)
            ////////        {
            ////////            strMonth = "0" + Convert.ToString(tempDate1.Month);
            ////////        }
            ////////        else
            ////////        {
            ////////            strMonth = Convert.ToString(tempDate1.Month);
            ////////        }
            ////////        if (tempDate1.Day < 10)
            ////////        {
            ////////            strDay = "0" + Convert.ToString(tempDate1.Day);
            ////////        }
            ////////        else
            ////////        {
            ////////            strDay = Convert.ToString(tempDate1.Day);
            ////////        }

            ////////        string standartDate1 = strYear + "-" + strMonth + "-" + strDay;

            ////////        for (int j = 0; j < days; j++)
            ////////        {

            ////////            string standartDate2 = allDate[j];

            ////////            if (standartDate1 == standartDate2)
            ////////            {
            ////////                allData[j] = sumHourlyData;
            ////////                sumHourlyData = 0;
            ////////            }
            ////////        }

            ////////        tempDay = x[i];
            ////////        sumHourlyData = sumHourlyData + y[i];

            ////////    }


            // for the day of endDate data
            ////if (x.Length > 0)
            ////    DateTime tempDate8 = Convert.ToDateTime(tempDay);

            ////    string strYear8 = "";
            ////    string strMonth8 = "";
            ////    string strDay8 = "";
            ////    strYear8 = Convert.ToString(tempDate8.Year);
            ////    if (tempDate8.Month < 10)
            ////    {
            ////        strMonth8 = "0" + Convert.ToString(tempDate8.Month);
            ////    }
            ////    else
            ////    {
            ////        strMonth8 = Convert.ToString(tempDate8.Month);
            ////    }
            ////    if (tempDate8.Day < 10)
            ////    {
            ////        strDay8 = "0" + Convert.ToString(tempDate8.Day);
            ////    }
            ////    else
            ////    {
            ////        strDay8 = Convert.ToString(tempDate8.Day);
            ////    }

            ////    string standartDate8 = strYear8 + "-" + strMonth8 + "-" + strDay8;
            ////    for (int j = 0; j < days; j++)
            ////    {

            ////        string standartDate2 = allDate[j];

            ////        if (standartDate8 == standartDate2)
            ////        {
            ////            allData[j] = sumHourlyData;
            ////            sumHourlyData = 0;
            ////        }
            ////    }
            //ETecv (final et)

            //rainfall data is just for testing
            //////for (int i = 0; i < days; i++)
            //////    originalAllData[i] = allData[i];
            //////    allRain[i] = GetRandomNumber(0, 10.34);

            //////////Geting final et data of each day within the seleted period

            ////////for (int i = 0; i < (days - 1); i++)
            ////////    allData[i + 1] = allData[i] - originalAllData[i + 1] + allRain[i + 1];
            ////////    allData2[i] = Math.Round(allData[i + 1], 2);
            ////////    allRain2[i] = Math.Round(allRain[i + 1], 2);
            ////////    allDate2[i] = allDate[i + 1];

            ////    }

            //For rainfall data
            Series rainfall = new Series();

            object[] objRainfall = new object[days - 1];
            for (int i = 0; i < (days - 1); i++)
                objRainfall[i] = allRain2[i];

            rainfall.Data = new Data(objRainfall);

            //for et data

            Series et = new Series();

            object[] objEt = new Object[days - 1];
            for (int i = 0; i < (days - 1); i++)
                objEt[i] = allData2[i];
            et.Data = new Data(objEt);

            rainfall.Name = "Rainfall";
            rainfall.Type = ChartTypes.Column;

            et.Name = "ET";
            et.Type = ChartTypes.Line;

            Series[] theSeries = new Series[] { rainfall, et };

            Highcharts theChart = new Highcharts("ET")
                                  .SetTitle(new Title
                Text = "ET and Rainfall Data Analysis"
                                  .SetSubtitle(new Subtitle
                Text = "ET and Rainfall Data"
                                  .SetXAxis(new XAxis
                Categories = allDate2


            ViewBag.theChartModel = theChart;

            //get hourly data of et and rainfall within the same periond

            //get hourly data of et and rainfall within the same periond

            string dateTime1 = startDate + " 00:00:00";
            string dateTime2 = endDate + " 23:00:00";

            etAndRainfallHourlyData theEtRainfallHourlydata = new etAndRainfallHourlyData();

            DataTable dt = theEtRainfallHourlydata.DoSelect(dateTime1, dateTime2);

            ViewData["hourlyData"] = dt;

            //get the period data between start date and end date to display

            //string dateTime1 = theYear + "-" + theMonth + "-" + theDay + " 00:00:00";
            //string dateTime2 = theYear + "-" + theMonth + "-" + theDay + " 23:00:00";

            //dt = dataselect.DoSelect("rainfall", "dbo", "ts,rainfall", " ts>='" + dateTime1 + "' and ts<='" + dateTime2 + "'", "recordNum");

            //ViewData["oneDayData"] = dt;

            //calculating daily data and put them into

            ////Create Series 1
            //var series1 = new Series();
            //series1.Name = "Area Series: ET ";
            //Point[] series1Points =
            //    {
            //        new Point() {X = 0.0, Y = 0.0},
            //        new Point() {X = 10.0, Y = 0.0},
            //        new Point() {X = 10.0, Y = 10.0},
            //        new Point() {X = 0.0, Y = 10.0}
            //    };
            //series1.Data = new Data(series1Points);

            ////Create Series 2
            //var series2 = new Series();
            //series2.Name = "Area Series: Rainfall";
            //Point[] series2Points =
            //    {
            //        new Point() {X = 5.0, Y = 5.0},
            //        new Point() {X = 15.0, Y =5.0},
            //        new Point() {X = 15.0, Y = 15.0},
            //        new Point() {X = 5.0, Y = 15.0}
            //    };
            //series2.Data = new Data(series2Points);

            ////Create List of Series and Add both series to the collection
            //var chartSeries = new List<Series>();

            ////Create chart Model
            //var chart1 = new Highcharts("Chart1");
            //    .InitChart(new Chart() { DefaultSeriesType = ChartTypes.Area })
            //    .SetTitle(new Title() { Text = "ET and Rainfall data" })
            //    .SetSeries(chartSeries.ToArray());

            ////pass Chart1Model using ViewBag
            //ViewBag.Chart1Model = chart1;

        public void Execute(IArray paramvalues, ITrackCancel trackcancel,
                            IGPEnvironmentManager envMgr, IGPMessages messages)
            // Remember the original GP environment settings and temporarily override these settings

            var gpSettings = envMgr as IGeoProcessorSettings;
            bool origAddOutputsToMapSetting = gpSettings.AddOutputsToMap;
            bool origLogHistorySetting = gpSettings.LogHistory;
            gpSettings.AddOutputsToMap = false;
            gpSettings.LogHistory = false;

            // Create the Geoprocessor

            Geoprocessor gp = new Geoprocessor();

                // Validate our values

                IGPMessages validateMessages = ((IGPFunction2)this).Validate(paramvalues, false, envMgr);
                if ((validateMessages as IGPMessage).IsError())
                    messages.AddError(1, "Validate failed");

                // Unpack values

                IGPParameter gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputStreetsFeatureClass) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputStreetsFeatureClassValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputAltStreetsFeatureClass) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputAltStreetsFeatureClassValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputZLevelsFeatureClass) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputZLevelsFeatureClassValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputCdmsTable) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputCdmsTableValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputRdmsTable) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputRdmsTableValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputSignsTable) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputSignsTableValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(OutputFileGDB) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue outputFileGDBValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(OutputFileGDBVersion) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue outputFileGDBVersionValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputFeatureDatasetName) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputFeatureDatasetNameValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputNetworkDatasetName) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputNetworkDatasetNameValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputCreateNetworkAttributesInMetric) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputCreateNetworkAttributeInMetricValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputCreateArcGISOnlineNetworkAttributes) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputCreateArcGISOnlineNetworkAttributesValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputTimeZoneIDBaseFieldName) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputTimeZoneIDBaseFieldNameValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputTimeZoneTable) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputTimeZoneTableValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputCommonTimeZoneForTheEntireDataset) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputCommonTimeZoneForTheEntireDatasetValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputTrafficTable) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputTrafficTableValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputLinkReferenceFileFC14) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputLinkReferenceFileFC14Value = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputLinkReferenceFileFC5) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputLinkReferenceFileFC5Value = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputTMCReferenceFile) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputTMCReferenceFileValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputSPDFile) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputSPDFileValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputLiveTrafficFeedFolder) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputLiveTrafficFeedFolderValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputLiveTrafficFeedArcGISServerConnection) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputLiveTrafficFeedArcGISServerConnectionValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputLiveTrafficFeedGeoprocessingServiceName) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputLiveTrafficFeedGeoprocessingServiceNameValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputLiveTrafficFeedGeoprocessingTaskName) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputLiveTrafficFeedGeoprocessingTaskNameValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputUSCndModTable) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputUSCndModTableValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputNonUSCndModTable) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputNonUSCndModTableValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);

                double fgdbVersion = 0.0;
                if (!(outputFileGDBVersionValue.IsEmpty()))
                    fgdbVersion = Convert.ToDouble(outputFileGDBVersionValue.GetAsText(), System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                bool createNetworkAttributesInMetric = false;
                if (!(inputCreateNetworkAttributeInMetricValue.IsEmpty()))
                    createNetworkAttributesInMetric = ((inputCreateNetworkAttributeInMetricValue.GetAsText()).ToUpper() == "TRUE");

                bool createArcGISOnlineNetworkAttributes = false;
                if (!(inputCreateArcGISOnlineNetworkAttributesValue.IsEmpty()))
                    createArcGISOnlineNetworkAttributes = ((inputCreateArcGISOnlineNetworkAttributesValue.GetAsText()).ToUpper() == "TRUE");

                if (inputTimeZoneIDBaseFieldNameValue.IsEmpty() ^ inputTimeZoneTableValue.IsEmpty())
                    messages.AddError(1, "The Time Zone ID Base Field Name and the Time Zone Table must be specified together.");

                string timeZoneIDBaseFieldName = "";
                bool directedTimeZoneIDFields = false;
                if (!(inputTimeZoneIDBaseFieldNameValue.IsEmpty()))
                    timeZoneIDBaseFieldName = inputTimeZoneIDBaseFieldNameValue.GetAsText();
                    IDETable inputTable = m_gpUtils.DecodeDETable(inputStreetsFeatureClassValue);
                    if (inputTable.Fields.FindField(timeZoneIDBaseFieldName) == -1)
                        directedTimeZoneIDFields = true;
                        if (((inputTable.Fields.FindField("FT_" + timeZoneIDBaseFieldName) == -1) || (inputTable.Fields.FindField("TF_" + timeZoneIDBaseFieldName) == -1)))
                            messages.AddError(1, "Field named " + timeZoneIDBaseFieldName + " does not exist, nor the pair of fields with FT_ and TF_ prefixing " + timeZoneIDBaseFieldName + " does not exist.");

                string commonTimeZone = "";
                if (!(inputCommonTimeZoneForTheEntireDatasetValue.IsEmpty()))
                    commonTimeZone = inputCommonTimeZoneForTheEntireDatasetValue.GetAsText();

                if (inputLinkReferenceFileFC14Value.IsEmpty() ^ inputLinkReferenceFileFC5Value.IsEmpty())
                    messages.AddError(1, "Both Traffic Patterns Link Reference .csv files must be specified together.");

                bool usesHistoricalTraffic = !(inputSPDFileValue.IsEmpty());
                bool usesNTPFullCoverage = !(inputLinkReferenceFileFC5Value.IsEmpty());
                if ((inputTMCReferenceFileValue.IsEmpty() & !usesNTPFullCoverage) ^ inputSPDFileValue.IsEmpty())
                    messages.AddError(1, "The Traffic Patterns SPD .csv file must be specified with the Traffic Patterns Link/TMC Reference .csv file(s).");

                if (inputTrafficTableValue.IsEmpty() & !inputTMCReferenceFileValue.IsEmpty())
                    messages.AddError(1, "If the TMC Reference .csv file is specified, then the Traffic table must also be specified.");

                bool agsConnectionIsEmpty = inputLiveTrafficFeedArcGISServerConnectionValue.IsEmpty();
                bool gpServiceNameIsEmpty = inputLiveTrafficFeedGeoprocessingServiceNameValue.IsEmpty();
                bool gpTaskNameIsEmpty = inputLiveTrafficFeedGeoprocessingTaskNameValue.IsEmpty();
                if ((agsConnectionIsEmpty | gpServiceNameIsEmpty | gpTaskNameIsEmpty) ^
                    (agsConnectionIsEmpty & gpServiceNameIsEmpty & gpTaskNameIsEmpty))
                    messages.AddError(1, "The ArcGIS Server Connection, Geoprocessing Service Name, and Geoprocessing Task Name must all be specified together.");

                bool feedFolderIsEmpty = inputLiveTrafficFeedFolderValue.IsEmpty();
                if (!(feedFolderIsEmpty | agsConnectionIsEmpty))
                    messages.AddError(1, "The live traffic feed folder and live traffic feed connection cannot be specified together.");

                if (inputTrafficTableValue.IsEmpty() & !(feedFolderIsEmpty & agsConnectionIsEmpty))
                    messages.AddError(1, "The Traffic table must be specified to use Live Traffic.");

                bool usesTransport = true;
                if (inputUSCndModTableValue.IsEmpty() && inputNonUSCndModTableValue.IsEmpty())
                    usesTransport = false;

                ITrafficFeedLocation trafficFeedLocation = null;
                if (!agsConnectionIsEmpty)
                    // We're using an ArcGIS Server Connection and Geoprocessing Service/Task

                    ITrafficFeedGPService tfgps = new TrafficFeedGPServiceClass();
                    IName trafficFeedGPServiceName = m_gpUtils.GetNameObject(inputLiveTrafficFeedArcGISServerConnectionValue as IDataElement);
                    tfgps.ConnectionProperties = ((IAGSServerConnectionName)trafficFeedGPServiceName).ConnectionProperties;
                    tfgps.ServiceName = inputLiveTrafficFeedGeoprocessingServiceNameValue.GetAsText();
                    tfgps.TaskName = inputLiveTrafficFeedGeoprocessingTaskNameValue.GetAsText();
                    trafficFeedLocation = tfgps as ITrafficFeedLocation;
                else if (!feedFolderIsEmpty)
                    // We're using a Traffic Feed Folder

                    ITrafficFeedDirectory tfd = new TrafficFeedDirectoryClass();
                    tfd.TrafficDirectory = inputLiveTrafficFeedFolderValue.GetAsText();
                    trafficFeedLocation = tfd as ITrafficFeedLocation;

                // Get the path to the output file GDB, and feature dataset and network dataset names

                string outputFileGdbPath = outputFileGDBValue.GetAsText();
                string fdsName = inputFeatureDatasetNameValue.GetAsText();
                string ndsName = inputNetworkDatasetNameValue.GetAsText();

                // Create the new file geodatabase and feature dataset

                AddMessage("Creating the file geodatabase and feature dataset...", messages, trackcancel);

                int lastBackslash = outputFileGdbPath.LastIndexOf("\\");
                CreateFileGDB createFGDBTool = new CreateFileGDB();
                createFGDBTool.out_folder_path = outputFileGdbPath.Remove(lastBackslash);
                createFGDBTool.out_name = outputFileGdbPath.Substring(lastBackslash + 1);
                createFGDBTool.out_version = "9.3";
                gp.Execute(createFGDBTool, trackcancel);

                CreateFeatureDataset createFDSTool = new CreateFeatureDataset();
                createFDSTool.out_dataset_path = outputFileGdbPath;
                createFDSTool.out_name = fdsName;
                createFDSTool.spatial_reference = inputStreetsFeatureClassValue.GetAsText();
                gp.Execute(createFDSTool, trackcancel);

                // Import the Streets feature class to the file geodatabase
                // If we're using ArcInfo, also sort the feature class

                string pathToFds = outputFileGdbPath + "\\" + fdsName;
                string streetsFeatureClassPath = pathToFds + "\\" + StreetsFCName;

                IAoInitialize aoi = new AoInitializeClass();
                if (aoi.InitializedProduct() == esriLicenseProductCode.esriLicenseProductCodeAdvanced)
                    AddMessage("Importing and spatially sorting the Streets feature class...", messages, trackcancel);

                    Sort sortTool = new Sort();
                    sortTool.in_dataset = inputStreetsFeatureClassValue.GetAsText();
                    sortTool.out_dataset = streetsFeatureClassPath;
                    sortTool.sort_field = "Shape";
                    sortTool.spatial_sort_method = "PEANO";
                    gp.Execute(sortTool, trackcancel);
                    AddMessage("Importing the Streets feature class...", messages, trackcancel);

                    FeatureClassToFeatureClass importFCTool = new FeatureClassToFeatureClass();
                    importFCTool.in_features = inputStreetsFeatureClassValue.GetAsText();
                    importFCTool.out_path = pathToFds;
                    importFCTool.out_name = StreetsFCName;
                    gp.Execute(importFCTool, trackcancel);

                // Add an index to the Streets feature class's LINK_ID field

                AddMessage("Indexing the LINK_ID field...", messages, trackcancel);

                AddIndex addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
                addIndexTool.in_table = streetsFeatureClassPath;
                addIndexTool.fields = "LINK_ID";
                addIndexTool.index_name = "LINK_ID";
                gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                // Add the alternate street name fields to the Streets feature class

                AddMessage("Creating fields on the Streets feature class for the alternate street names...", messages, trackcancel);

                AddField addFieldTool = new AddField();
                addFieldTool.in_table = streetsFeatureClassPath;

                addFieldTool.field_type = "TEXT";
                addFieldTool.field_length = 240;
                addFieldTool.field_name = "ST_NAME_Alt";
                gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                addFieldTool.field_length = 3;
                addFieldTool.field_name = "ST_LANGCD_Alt";
                gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                addFieldTool.field_length = 6;
                addFieldTool.field_name = "ST_NM_PREF_Alt";
                gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                addFieldTool.field_length = 90;
                addFieldTool.field_name = "ST_TYP_BEF_Alt";
                gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                addFieldTool.field_length = 105;
                addFieldTool.field_name = "ST_NM_BASE_Alt";
                gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                addFieldTool.field_length = 6;
                addFieldTool.field_name = "ST_NM_SUFF_Alt";
                gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                addFieldTool.field_length = 90;
                addFieldTool.field_name = "ST_TYP_AFT_Alt";
                gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                addFieldTool.field_length = 1;
                addFieldTool.field_name = "DIRONSIGN_Alt";
                gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                // Extract the explicatable street names

                string ExplicatblTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\Explicatbl";

                AddMessage("Extracting the explicatable street names...", messages, trackcancel);

                TableSelect tableSelectTool = new TableSelect();
                tableSelectTool.in_table = inputAltStreetsFeatureClassValue.GetAsText();
                tableSelectTool.out_table = ExplicatblTablePath;
                tableSelectTool.where_clause = "EXPLICATBL = 'Y'";
                gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

                // Determine which explicatable names are alternate names and extract them

                MakeTableView makeTableViewTool = new MakeTableView();
                makeTableViewTool.in_table = ExplicatblTablePath;
                makeTableViewTool.out_view = "Explicatbl_View";
                gp.Execute(makeTableViewTool, trackcancel);

                AddJoin addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Explicatbl_View";
                addJoinTool.in_field = "LINK_ID";
                addJoinTool.join_table = streetsFeatureClassPath;
                addJoinTool.join_field = "LINK_ID";
                gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                AddMessage("Extracting the alternate street names...", messages, trackcancel);

                TableToTable importTableTool = new TableToTable();
                importTableTool.in_rows = "Explicatbl_View";
                importTableTool.out_path = outputFileGdbPath;
                importTableTool.out_name = "AltNames";
                importTableTool.where_clause = "Explicatbl.ST_TYP_BEF <> " + StreetsFCName + ".ST_TYP_BEF OR " +
                                               "Explicatbl.ST_NM_BASE <> " + StreetsFCName + ".ST_NM_BASE OR " +
                                               "Explicatbl.ST_TYP_AFT <> " + StreetsFCName + ".ST_TYP_AFT";
                importTableTool.field_mapping = "LINK_ID \"LINK_ID\" true true false 4 Long 0 0 ,First,#," + ExplicatblTablePath + ",Explicatbl.LINK_ID,-1,-1;" +
                                                "ST_NAME \"ST_NAME\" true true false 240 Text 0 0 ,First,#," + ExplicatblTablePath + ",Explicatbl.ST_NAME,-1,-1;" +
                                                "ST_LANGCD \"ST_LANGCD\" true true false 3 Text 0 0 ,First,#," + ExplicatblTablePath + ",Explicatbl.ST_LANGCD,-1,-1;" +
                                                "ST_NM_PREF \"ST_NM_PREF\" true true false 6 Text 0 0 ,First,#," + ExplicatblTablePath + ",Explicatbl.ST_NM_PREF,-1,-1;" +
                                                "ST_TYP_BEF \"ST_TYP_BEF\" true true false 90 Text 0 0 ,First,#," + ExplicatblTablePath + ",Explicatbl.ST_TYP_BEF,-1,-1;" +
                                                "ST_NM_BASE \"ST_NM_BASE\" true true false 105 Text 0 0 ,First,#," + ExplicatblTablePath + ",Explicatbl.ST_NM_BASE,-1,-1;" +
                                                "ST_NM_SUFF \"ST_NM_SUFF\" true true false 6 Text 0 0 ,First,#," + ExplicatblTablePath + ",Explicatbl.ST_NM_SUFF,-1,-1;" +
                                                "ST_TYP_AFT \"ST_TYP_AFT\" true true false 90 Text 0 0 ,First,#," + ExplicatblTablePath + ",Explicatbl.ST_TYP_AFT,-1,-1;" +
                                                "DIRONSIGN \"DIRONSIGN\" true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#," + ExplicatblTablePath + ",Explicatbl.DIRONSIGN,-1,-1";
                gp.Execute(importTableTool, trackcancel);

                RemoveJoin removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Explicatbl_View";
                removeJoinTool.join_name = StreetsFCName;
                gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                Delete deleteTool = new Delete();
                deleteTool.in_data = "Explicatbl_View";
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);
                deleteTool.in_data = ExplicatblTablePath;
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                string AltNamesTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\AltNames";

                addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
                addIndexTool.in_table = AltNamesTablePath;
                addIndexTool.fields = "LINK_ID";
                addIndexTool.index_name = "LINK_ID";
                gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                // Calculate the alternate street name fields

                MakeFeatureLayer makeFeatureLayerTool = new MakeFeatureLayer();
                makeFeatureLayerTool.in_features = streetsFeatureClassPath;
                makeFeatureLayerTool.out_layer = "Streets_Layer";
                gp.Execute(makeFeatureLayerTool, trackcancel);

                addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Layer";
                addJoinTool.in_field = "LINK_ID";
                addJoinTool.join_table = AltNamesTablePath;
                addJoinTool.join_field = "LINK_ID";
                gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                AddMessage("Copying over the alternate ST_NAME values...", messages, trackcancel);

                CalculateField calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                calcFieldTool.in_table = "Streets_Layer";
                calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                calcFieldTool.field = StreetsFCName + ".ST_NAME_Alt";
                calcFieldTool.expression = "[AltNames.ST_NAME]";
                gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                AddMessage("Copying over the alternate ST_LANGCD values...", messages, trackcancel);

                calcFieldTool.field = StreetsFCName + ".ST_LANGCD_Alt";
                calcFieldTool.expression = "[AltNames.ST_LANGCD]";
                gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                AddMessage("Copying over the alternate ST_NM_PREF values...", messages, trackcancel);

                calcFieldTool.field = StreetsFCName + ".ST_NM_PREF_Alt";
                calcFieldTool.expression = "[AltNames.ST_NM_PREF]";
                gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                AddMessage("Copying over the alternate ST_TYP_BEF values...", messages, trackcancel);

                calcFieldTool.field = StreetsFCName + ".ST_TYP_BEF_Alt";
                calcFieldTool.expression = "[AltNames.ST_TYP_BEF]";
                gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                AddMessage("Copying over the alternate ST_NM_BASE values...", messages, trackcancel);

                calcFieldTool.field = StreetsFCName + ".ST_NM_BASE_Alt";
                calcFieldTool.expression = "[AltNames.ST_NM_BASE]";
                gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                AddMessage("Copying over the alternate ST_NM_SUFF values...", messages, trackcancel);

                calcFieldTool.field = StreetsFCName + ".ST_NM_SUFF_Alt";
                calcFieldTool.expression = "[AltNames.ST_NM_SUFF]";
                gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                AddMessage("Copying over the alternate ST_TYP_AFT values...", messages, trackcancel);

                calcFieldTool.field = StreetsFCName + ".ST_TYP_AFT_Alt";
                calcFieldTool.expression = "[AltNames.ST_TYP_AFT]";
                gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                AddMessage("Copying over the alternate DIRONSIGN values...", messages, trackcancel);

                calcFieldTool.field = StreetsFCName + ".DIRONSIGN_Alt";
                calcFieldTool.expression = "[AltNames.DIRONSIGN]";
                gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Layer";
                removeJoinTool.join_name = "AltNames";
                gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                deleteTool = new Delete();
                deleteTool.in_data = "Streets_Layer";
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);
                deleteTool.in_data = AltNamesTablePath;
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                // Add fields for the Z-Level values to the Streets feature class

                AddMessage("Creating fields on the Streets feature class for the Z-Level values...", messages, trackcancel);

                addFieldTool = new AddField();
                addFieldTool.in_table = streetsFeatureClassPath;

                addFieldTool.field_type = "SHORT";
                addFieldTool.field_name = "F_ZLEV";
                gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                addFieldTool.field_name = "T_ZLEV";
                gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                // Separate out the From and To Z-Level values into separate tables and index the LINK_ID fields

                string FromZsTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\FromZs";
                string ToZsTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\ToZs";

                AddMessage("Extracting the From Z-Level information...", messages, trackcancel);

                tableSelectTool = new TableSelect();
                tableSelectTool.in_table = inputZLevelsFeatureClassValue.GetAsText();
                tableSelectTool.out_table = FromZsTablePath;
                tableSelectTool.where_clause = "INTRSECT = 'Y' AND POINT_NUM = 1";
                gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

                AddMessage("Extracting the To Z-Level information...", messages, trackcancel);

                tableSelectTool.out_table = ToZsTablePath;
                tableSelectTool.where_clause = "INTRSECT = 'Y' AND POINT_NUM > 1";
                gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

                AddMessage("Analyzing the Z-Level information...", messages, trackcancel);

                addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
                addIndexTool.in_table = FromZsTablePath;
                addIndexTool.fields = "LINK_ID";
                addIndexTool.index_name = "LINK_ID";
                gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);
                addIndexTool.in_table = ToZsTablePath;
                gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                // Calculate the Z-Level fields

                makeFeatureLayerTool = new MakeFeatureLayer();
                makeFeatureLayerTool.in_features = streetsFeatureClassPath;
                makeFeatureLayerTool.out_layer = "Streets_Layer";
                gp.Execute(makeFeatureLayerTool, trackcancel);

                addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Layer";
                addJoinTool.in_field = "LINK_ID";
                addJoinTool.join_table = FromZsTablePath;
                addJoinTool.join_field = "LINK_ID";
                gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                AddMessage("Copying over the F_ZLEV values...", messages, trackcancel);

                calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                calcFieldTool.in_table = "Streets_Layer";
                calcFieldTool.field = StreetsFCName + ".F_ZLEV";
                calcFieldTool.expression = "[FromZs.Z_LEVEL]";
                calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Layer";
                removeJoinTool.join_name = "FromZs";
                gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Layer";
                addJoinTool.in_field = "LINK_ID";
                addJoinTool.join_table = ToZsTablePath;
                addJoinTool.join_field = "LINK_ID";
                gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                AddMessage("Copying over the T_ZLEV values...", messages, trackcancel);

                calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                calcFieldTool.in_table = "Streets_Layer";
                calcFieldTool.field = StreetsFCName + ".T_ZLEV";
                calcFieldTool.expression = "[ToZs.Z_LEVEL]";
                calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Layer";
                removeJoinTool.join_name = "ToZs";
                gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                deleteTool = new Delete();
                deleteTool.in_data = "Streets_Layer";
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                deleteTool.in_data = FromZsTablePath;
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);
                deleteTool.in_data = ToZsTablePath;
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                // Add fields for the distance (Meters), language, and speed (KPH) values to the Streets feature class

                AddMessage("Creating fields on the Streets feature class for distance, speed, and language...", messages, trackcancel);

                addFieldTool = new AddField();
                addFieldTool.in_table = streetsFeatureClassPath;

                addFieldTool.field_type = "DOUBLE";
                addFieldTool.field_name = "Meters";
                gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                addFieldTool.field_type = "FLOAT";
                addFieldTool.field_name = "KPH";
                gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                addFieldTool.field_type = "TEXT";
                addFieldTool.field_name = "Language";
                addFieldTool.field_length = 2;
                gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                addFieldTool.field_type = "TEXT";
                addFieldTool.field_name = "Language_Alt";
                addFieldTool.field_length = 2;
                gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                // Calculate the distance (Meters), language, and speed (KPH) fields

                AddMessage("Calculating the distance, speed, and language fields...", messages, trackcancel);


                if (createArcGISOnlineNetworkAttributes)
                    CreateAndPopulateDirectionalVehicleAccessFields("AR_AUTO", streetsFeatureClassPath, gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateDirectionalVehicleAccessFields("AR_BUS", streetsFeatureClassPath, gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateDirectionalVehicleAccessFields("AR_TAXIS", streetsFeatureClassPath, gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateDirectionalVehicleAccessFields("AR_TRUCKS", streetsFeatureClassPath, gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateDirectionalVehicleAccessFields("AR_DELIV", streetsFeatureClassPath, gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateDirectionalVehicleAccessFields("AR_EMERVEH", streetsFeatureClassPath, gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateDirectionalVehicleAccessFields("AR_MOTOR", streetsFeatureClassPath, gp, messages, trackcancel);

                // Add a field to the Streets feature class indicating roads closed for construction

                AddMessage("Creating the ClosedForConstruction field on the Streets feature class...", messages, trackcancel);

                addFieldTool = new AddField();
                addFieldTool.in_table = streetsFeatureClassPath;
                addFieldTool.field_type = "TEXT";
                addFieldTool.field_name = "ClosedForConstruction";
                addFieldTool.field_length = 1;
                gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                // Create a table for looking up roads closed for construction

                AddMessage("Creating and indexing the table containing roads closed for construction...", messages, trackcancel);

                string closedForConstructionTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\ClosedForConstruction";

                tableSelectTool = new TableSelect();
                tableSelectTool.in_table = inputCdmsTableValue.GetAsText();
                tableSelectTool.out_table = closedForConstructionTablePath;
                tableSelectTool.where_clause = "COND_TYPE = 3";
                gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

                addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
                addIndexTool.in_table = closedForConstructionTablePath;
                addIndexTool.fields = "LINK_ID";
                addIndexTool.index_name = "LINK_ID";
                gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                makeFeatureLayerTool = new MakeFeatureLayer();
                makeFeatureLayerTool.in_features = streetsFeatureClassPath;
                makeFeatureLayerTool.out_layer = "Streets_Layer";
                gp.Execute(makeFeatureLayerTool, trackcancel);

                addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Layer";
                addJoinTool.in_field = "LINK_ID";
                addJoinTool.join_table = closedForConstructionTablePath;
                addJoinTool.join_field = "LINK_ID";
                addJoinTool.join_type = "KEEP_COMMON";
                gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                AddMessage("Calculating the ClosedForConstruction field...", messages, trackcancel);

                calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                calcFieldTool.in_table = "Streets_Layer";
                calcFieldTool.field = "Streets.ClosedForConstruction";
                calcFieldTool.expression = "\"Y\"";
                calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Layer";
                removeJoinTool.join_name = "ClosedForConstruction";
                gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                deleteTool = new Delete();
                deleteTool.in_data = "Streets_Layer";
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);
                deleteTool.in_data = closedForConstructionTablePath;
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                // Add fields to the Streets feature class indicating roads with usage fees

                string[] arFieldSuffixes = new string[] { "AUTO", "BUS", "TAXIS", "CARPOOL", "PEDSTRN",
                                                          "TRUCKS", "THRUTR", "DELIVER", "EMERVEH", "MOTOR" };

                AddMessage("Creating the UFR fields on the Streets feature class...", messages, trackcancel);

                foreach (string arFieldSuffix in arFieldSuffixes)
                    addFieldTool = new AddField();
                    addFieldTool.in_table = streetsFeatureClassPath;
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "UFR_" + arFieldSuffix;
                    addFieldTool.field_type = "TEXT";
                    addFieldTool.field_length = 1;
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                // Create a table for looking up roads with usage fees

                AddMessage("Creating and indexing the table containing roads with usage fees...", messages, trackcancel);

                string usageFeeRequiredTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\UsageFeeRequired";

                tableSelectTool = new TableSelect();
                tableSelectTool.in_table = inputCdmsTableValue.GetAsText();
                tableSelectTool.out_table = usageFeeRequiredTablePath;
                tableSelectTool.where_clause = "COND_TYPE = 12";
                gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

                addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
                addIndexTool.in_table = usageFeeRequiredTablePath;
                addIndexTool.fields = "LINK_ID";
                addIndexTool.index_name = "LINK_ID";
                gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                makeFeatureLayerTool = new MakeFeatureLayer();
                makeFeatureLayerTool.in_features = streetsFeatureClassPath;
                makeFeatureLayerTool.out_layer = "Streets_Layer";
                gp.Execute(makeFeatureLayerTool, trackcancel);

                addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Layer";
                addJoinTool.in_field = "LINK_ID";
                addJoinTool.join_table = usageFeeRequiredTablePath;
                addJoinTool.join_field = "LINK_ID";
                addJoinTool.join_type = "KEEP_COMMON";
                gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                AddMessage("Calculating the ClosedForConstruction field...", messages, trackcancel);

                foreach (string arFieldSuffix in arFieldSuffixes)
                    AddMessage("Calculating the UFR_" + arFieldSuffix + " field on the Streets feature class...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                    calcFieldTool.in_table = "Streets_Layer";
                    calcFieldTool.field = "Streets.UFR_" + arFieldSuffix;
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "[UsageFeeRequired.AR_" + arFieldSuffix + "]";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Layer";
                removeJoinTool.join_name = "UsageFeeRequired";
                gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                deleteTool = new Delete();
                deleteTool.in_data = "Streets_Layer";
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);
                deleteTool.in_data = usageFeeRequiredTablePath;
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                // Copy the time zones table to the file geodatabase

                if (timeZoneIDBaseFieldName != "")
                    AddMessage("Copying the TimeZones table...", messages, trackcancel);

                    importTableTool = new TableToTable();
                    importTableTool.in_rows = inputTimeZoneTableValue.GetAsText();
                    importTableTool.out_path = outputFileGdbPath;
                    importTableTool.out_name = "TimeZones";
                    gp.Execute(importTableTool, trackcancel);

                #region Process Historical Traffic Tables

                if (usesHistoricalTraffic)
                    // Create the Patterns table and index its PatternID field

                    AddMessage("Creating the Patterns table...", messages, trackcancel);

                    string listOfConstantPatterns = CreatePatternsTable(inputSPDFileValue.GetAsText(), outputFileGdbPath, fgdbVersion);

                    string patternsTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\" + ProfilesTableName;

                    addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
                    addIndexTool.in_table = patternsTablePath;
                    addIndexTool.fields = "PatternID";
                    addIndexTool.index_name = "PatternID";
                    gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                    string histTrafficJoinTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\" + HistTrafficJoinTableName;

                    // Add fields for the average speeds to the Streets feature class

                    AddMessage("Creating fields for the average speeds and travel times...", messages, trackcancel);

                    addFieldTool = new AddField();
                    addFieldTool.in_table = streetsFeatureClassPath;

                    addFieldTool.field_type = "FLOAT";
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "FT_AverageSpeed";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "TF_AverageSpeed";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    if (usesNTPFullCoverage)
                        // Convert the Link Reference files to a FileGDB table

                        AddMessage("Converting the Link Reference files to a table...", messages, trackcancel);


                        string referenceTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\TempRefTable";

                        // Extract out the rows we want in our historical traffic table

                        AddMessage("Creating the historical traffic join table...", messages, trackcancel);

                        if (listOfConstantPatterns == "")
                            Rename renameTool = new Rename();
                            renameTool.in_data = referenceTablePath;
                            renameTool.out_data = histTrafficJoinTablePath;
                            gp.Execute(renameTool, trackcancel);
                            tableSelectTool = new TableSelect();
                            tableSelectTool.in_table = referenceTablePath;
                            tableSelectTool.out_table = histTrafficJoinTablePath;
                            tableSelectTool.where_clause = "NOT ( IS_FC5 = 'Y' AND U IN (" + listOfConstantPatterns +
                                                           ") AND U = M AND M = T AND T = W AND W = R AND R = F AND F = S )";
                            gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

                            deleteTool = new Delete();
                            deleteTool.in_data = referenceTablePath;
                            gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);
                        // Convert the TMC Reference file to a FileGDB table and index its TMC field

                        AddMessage("Converting the TMC Reference file to a table...", messages, trackcancel);

                        ConvertTMCReferenceFileToFGDBTable(inputTMCReferenceFileValue.GetAsText(), outputFileGdbPath);

                        string referenceTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\TempRefTable";

                        addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
                        addIndexTool.in_table = referenceTablePath;
                        addIndexTool.fields = "TMC";
                        addIndexTool.index_name = "TMC";
                        gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                        // Copy over the Traffic table to the file geodatabase

                        AddMessage("Copying Traffic table to the file geodatabase...", messages, trackcancel);

                        importTableTool = new TableToTable();
                        importTableTool.in_rows = inputTrafficTableValue.GetAsText();
                        importTableTool.out_path = outputFileGdbPath;
                        importTableTool.out_name = "Street";
                        gp.Execute(importTableTool, trackcancel);

                        string trafficTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\Street";

                        // Add the TMC field and calculate it

                        AddMessage("Calculating TMC values for historical traffic...", messages, trackcancel);

                        addFieldTool = new AddField();
                        addFieldTool.in_table = trafficTablePath;
                        addFieldTool.field_type = "TEXT";
                        addFieldTool.field_length = 9;
                        addFieldTool.field_name = "TMC";
                        gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                        calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                        calcFieldTool.in_table = trafficTablePath;
                        calcFieldTool.field = "TMC";
                        calcFieldTool.expression = "Replace(Replace(Right([TRAFFIC_CD], 9), \"+\", \"P\"), \"-\", \"N\")";
                        calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                        gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                        AddMessage("Creating the historical traffic join table...", messages, trackcancel);

                        // Join the Traffic table to the Reference table...

                        makeTableViewTool = new MakeTableView();
                        makeTableViewTool.in_table = trafficTablePath;
                        makeTableViewTool.out_view = "Traffic_View";
                        gp.Execute(makeTableViewTool, trackcancel);

                        addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                        addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Traffic_View";
                        addJoinTool.in_field = "TMC";
                        addJoinTool.join_table = referenceTablePath;
                        addJoinTool.join_field = "TMC";
                        addJoinTool.join_type = "KEEP_COMMON";
                        gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                        // ...then create the Streets_Patterns table by copying out the joined rows

                        importTableTool = new TableToTable();
                        importTableTool.in_rows = "Traffic_View";
                        importTableTool.out_path = outputFileGdbPath;
                        importTableTool.out_name = HistTrafficJoinTableName;
                        importTableTool.field_mapping = "LINK_ID \"LINK_ID\" true true false 4 Long 0 0 ,First,#," + trafficTablePath + ",Street.LINK_ID,-1,-1;" +
                                                        "TRAFFIC_CD \"TRAFFIC_CD\" true true false 10 Text 0 0 ,First,#," + trafficTablePath + ",Street.TRAFFIC_CD,-1,-1;" +
                                                        "TMC \"TMC\" true true false 9 Text 0 0 ,First,#," + trafficTablePath + ",Street.TMC,-1,-1;" +
                                                        "U \"U\" true true false 2 Short 0 0 ,First,#," + trafficTablePath + ",TempRefTable.U,-1,-1;" +
                                                        "M \"M\" true true false 2 Short 0 0 ,First,#," + trafficTablePath + ",TempRefTable.M,-1,-1;" +
                                                        "T \"T\" true true false 2 Short 0 0 ,First,#," + trafficTablePath + ",TempRefTable.T,-1,-1;" +
                                                        "W \"W\" true true false 2 Short 0 0 ,First,#," + trafficTablePath + ",TempRefTable.W,-1,-1;" +
                                                        "R \"R\" true true false 2 Short 0 0 ,First,#," + trafficTablePath + ",TempRefTable.R,-1,-1;" +
                                                        "F \"F\" true true false 2 Short 0 0 ,First,#," + trafficTablePath + ",TempRefTable.F,-1,-1;" +
                                                        "S \"S\" true true false 2 Short 0 0 ,First,#," + trafficTablePath + ",TempRefTable.S,-1,-1";
                        gp.Execute(importTableTool, trackcancel);

                        // Delete the join, view, and temporary tables

                        removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                        removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Traffic_View";
                        removeJoinTool.join_name = "TempRefTable";
                        gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                        deleteTool = new Delete();
                        deleteTool.in_data = "Traffic_View";
                        gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                        deleteTool = new Delete();
                        deleteTool.in_data = referenceTablePath;
                        gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                        deleteTool = new Delete();
                        deleteTool.in_data = trafficTablePath;
                        gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Creating fields on the historical traffic join table...", messages, trackcancel);

                    addFieldTool = new AddField();
                    addFieldTool.in_table = histTrafficJoinTablePath;

                    // Add FCID, FID, position, AverageSpeed[_X], and BaseSpeed[_X] fields to the Streets_Patterns table

                    addFieldTool.field_type = "LONG";
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "EdgeFCID";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "EdgeFID";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    addFieldTool.field_type = "DOUBLE";
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "EdgeFrmPos";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "EdgeToPos";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    addFieldTool.field_type = "FLOAT";
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "AverageSpeed";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "AverageSpeed_U";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "AverageSpeed_M";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "AverageSpeed_T";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "AverageSpeed_W";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "AverageSpeed_R";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "AverageSpeed_F";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "AverageSpeed_S";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    addFieldTool.field_type = "FLOAT";
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "BaseSpeed";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "BaseSpeed_U";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "BaseSpeed_M";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "BaseSpeed_T";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "BaseSpeed_W";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "BaseSpeed_R";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "BaseSpeed_F";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "BaseSpeed_S";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    // If we're creating 10.0, then we also need to create the BaseMinutes field

                    if (fgdbVersion == 10.0)
                        addFieldTool.field_type = "DOUBLE";
                        addFieldTool.field_name = "BaseMinutes";
                        gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    // Populate the AverageSpeed_X and BaseSpeed_X fields

                    makeTableViewTool = new MakeTableView();
                    makeTableViewTool.in_table = histTrafficJoinTablePath;
                    makeTableViewTool.out_view = "Streets_Patterns_View";
                    gp.Execute(makeTableViewTool, trackcancel);

                    PopulateAverageSpeedAndBaseSpeedFields(patternsTablePath, "U", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    PopulateAverageSpeedAndBaseSpeedFields(patternsTablePath, "M", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    PopulateAverageSpeedAndBaseSpeedFields(patternsTablePath, "T", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    PopulateAverageSpeedAndBaseSpeedFields(patternsTablePath, "W", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    PopulateAverageSpeedAndBaseSpeedFields(patternsTablePath, "R", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    PopulateAverageSpeedAndBaseSpeedFields(patternsTablePath, "F", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    PopulateAverageSpeedAndBaseSpeedFields(patternsTablePath, "S", gp, messages, trackcancel);

                    deleteTool = new Delete();
                    deleteTool.in_data = "Streets_Patterns_View";
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                    // Calculate the AverageSpeed and BaseSpeed fields

                    AddMessage("Calculating the AverageSpeed field...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                    calcFieldTool.in_table = histTrafficJoinTablePath;
                    calcFieldTool.field = "AverageSpeed";
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "( (1/[AverageSpeed_U]) + (1/[AverageSpeed_M]) + (1/[AverageSpeed_T]) + (1/[AverageSpeed_W]) + (1/[AverageSpeed_R]) + (1/[AverageSpeed_F]) + (1/[AverageSpeed_S]) ) / " +
                                               "( (1/[AverageSpeed_U]/[AverageSpeed_U]) + (1/[AverageSpeed_M]/[AverageSpeed_M]) + (1/[AverageSpeed_T]/[AverageSpeed_T]) + (1/[AverageSpeed_W]/[AverageSpeed_W]) + (1/[AverageSpeed_R]/[AverageSpeed_R]) + (1/[AverageSpeed_F]/[AverageSpeed_F]) + (1/[AverageSpeed_S]/[AverageSpeed_S]) )";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Calculating the BaseSpeed field...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                    calcFieldTool.in_table = histTrafficJoinTablePath;
                    calcFieldTool.field = "BaseSpeed";
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "( (1/[BaseSpeed_U]) + (1/[BaseSpeed_M]) + (1/[BaseSpeed_T]) + (1/[BaseSpeed_W]) + (1/[BaseSpeed_R]) + (1/[BaseSpeed_F]) + (1/[BaseSpeed_S]) ) / " +
                                               "( (1/[BaseSpeed_U]/[BaseSpeed_U]) + (1/[BaseSpeed_M]/[BaseSpeed_M]) + (1/[BaseSpeed_T]/[BaseSpeed_T]) + (1/[BaseSpeed_W]/[BaseSpeed_W]) + (1/[BaseSpeed_R]/[BaseSpeed_R]) + (1/[BaseSpeed_F]/[BaseSpeed_F]) + (1/[BaseSpeed_S]/[BaseSpeed_S]) )";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    DeleteField deleteFieldTool = new DeleteField();
                    deleteFieldTool.in_table = histTrafficJoinTablePath;
                    deleteFieldTool.drop_field = "AverageSpeed_U;AverageSpeed_M;AverageSpeed_T;AverageSpeed_W;AverageSpeed_R;AverageSpeed_F;AverageSpeed_S;BaseSpeed_U;BaseSpeed_M;BaseSpeed_T;BaseSpeed_W;BaseSpeed_R;BaseSpeed_F;BaseSpeed_S";
                    gp.Execute(deleteFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    makeTableViewTool = new MakeTableView();
                    makeTableViewTool.in_table = histTrafficJoinTablePath;
                    makeTableViewTool.out_view = "Streets_Patterns_View";
                    gp.Execute(makeTableViewTool, trackcancel);

                    addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                    addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Patterns_View";
                    addJoinTool.in_field = (usesNTPFullCoverage ? "LINK_PVID" : "LINK_ID");
                    addJoinTool.join_table = streetsFeatureClassPath;
                    addJoinTool.join_field = "LINK_ID";
                    gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    // Calculate the BaseMinutes field (if 10.0)

                    if (fgdbVersion == 10.0)
                        AddMessage("Calculating the BaseMinutes field...", messages, trackcancel);

                        calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                        calcFieldTool.in_table = "Streets_Patterns_View";
                        calcFieldTool.field = HistTrafficJoinTableName + ".BaseMinutes";
                        calcFieldTool.expression = "[" + StreetsFCName + ".Meters] * 0.06 / [" + HistTrafficJoinTableName + ".BaseSpeed]";
                        calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                        gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    // Calculate the FCID, FID, and position fields

                    AddMessage("Calculating the EdgeFID field for historical traffic...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                    calcFieldTool.in_table = "Streets_Patterns_View";
                    calcFieldTool.field = HistTrafficJoinTableName + ".EdgeFID";
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "[" + StreetsFCName + ".OBJECTID]";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                    removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Patterns_View";
                    removeJoinTool.join_name = StreetsFCName;
                    gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    deleteTool = new Delete();
                    deleteTool.in_data = "Streets_Patterns_View";
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Calculating the EdgeFCID field for historical traffic...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                    calcFieldTool.in_table = histTrafficJoinTablePath;
                    calcFieldTool.field = "EdgeFCID";
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "1";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Calculating the EdgeFrmPos field for historical traffic...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                    calcFieldTool.in_table = histTrafficJoinTablePath;

                    calcFieldTool.field = "EdgeFrmPos";
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "x";
                    calcFieldTool.code_block = (usesNTPFullCoverage ? "Select Case [TRAVEL_DIRECTION]\n  Case \"F\": x = 0\n  Case \"T\": x = 1\nEnd Select" :
                                                                      "Select Case Left([TRAFFIC_CD], 1)\n  Case \"+\": x = 0\n  Case \"-\": x = 1\nEnd Select");
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Calculating the EdgeToPos field for historical traffic...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool.field = "EdgeToPos";
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "x";
                    calcFieldTool.code_block = (usesNTPFullCoverage ? "Select Case [TRAVEL_DIRECTION]\n  Case \"T\": x = 0\n  Case \"F\": x = 1\nEnd Select" :
                                                                      "Select Case Left([TRAFFIC_CD], 1)\n  Case \"-\": x = 0\n  Case \"+\": x = 1\nEnd Select");
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    // Write the average speeds to the streets feature class

                    WriteAverageSpeedsToStreets(outputFileGdbPath, streetsFeatureClassPath, usesNTPFullCoverage, gp, messages, trackcancel);

                    // Add fields for the average travel times to the Streets feature class

                    AddMessage("Creating fields for the average travel times...", messages, trackcancel);

                    addFieldTool = new AddField();
                    addFieldTool.in_table = streetsFeatureClassPath;

                    addFieldTool.field_type = "FLOAT";
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "FT_Minutes";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "TF_Minutes";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    // Calculate the average travel time fields

                    AddMessage("Calculating the FT travel times...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                    calcFieldTool.in_table = streetsFeatureClassPath;

                    calcFieldTool.field = "FT_Minutes";
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "[Meters] * 0.06 / s";
                    calcFieldTool.code_block = "s = [FT_AverageSpeed]\nIf IsNull(s) Then s = [KPH]";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Calculating the TF travel times...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool.field = "TF_Minutes";
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "[Meters] * 0.06 / s";
                    calcFieldTool.code_block = "s = [TF_AverageSpeed]\nIf IsNull(s) Then s = [KPH]";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    // Offset the daily pattern fields (U,M,T,W,R,F,S) on the historical traffic join table

                    OffsetDailyPatternFields(histTrafficJoinTablePath, patternsTablePath);

                    // Add an index to the Streets feature class's FUNC_CLASS field

                    AddMessage("Indexing the FUNC_CLASS field...", messages, trackcancel);

                    addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
                    addIndexTool.in_table = streetsFeatureClassPath;
                    addIndexTool.fields = "FUNC_CLASS";
                    addIndexTool.index_name = "FUNC_CLASS";
                    gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);
                    // Create and calculate the generic Minutes field from speed categories

                    addFieldTool = new AddField();
                    addFieldTool.in_table = streetsFeatureClassPath;
                    addFieldTool.field_type = "FLOAT";
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "Minutes";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Calculating the Minutes field...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                    calcFieldTool.in_table = streetsFeatureClassPath;
                    calcFieldTool.field = "Minutes";
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "[Meters] * 0.06 / [KPH]";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                #region Process Live Traffic Table

                // Create the live traffic table (for 10.1 or later)

                if (fgdbVersion >= 10.1 && !inputTrafficTableValue.IsEmpty())
                    // Copy over the Traffic table to the file geodatabase

                    AddMessage("Copying Traffic table to the file geodatabase...", messages, trackcancel);

                    importTableTool = new TableToTable();
                    importTableTool.in_rows = inputTrafficTableValue.GetAsText();
                    importTableTool.out_path = outputFileGdbPath;
                    importTableTool.out_name = TMCJoinTableName;
                    gp.Execute(importTableTool, trackcancel);

                    string TMCJoinTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\" + TMCJoinTableName;

                    // Add the TMC field and calculate it

                    AddMessage("Calculating TMC values for live traffic...", messages, trackcancel);

                    addFieldTool = new AddField();
                    addFieldTool.in_table = TMCJoinTablePath;
                    addFieldTool.field_type = "TEXT";
                    addFieldTool.field_length = 9;
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "TMC";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                    calcFieldTool.in_table = TMCJoinTablePath;
                    calcFieldTool.field = "TMC";
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "Right([TRAFFIC_CD], 9)";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Creating the live traffic join table...", messages, trackcancel);

                    // Add FCID, FID, and position fields to the Streets_TMC table

                    AddMessage("Creating fields on the live traffic join table...", messages, trackcancel);

                    addFieldTool = new AddField();
                    addFieldTool.in_table = TMCJoinTablePath;

                    addFieldTool.field_type = "LONG";
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "EdgeFCID";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "EdgeFID";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    addFieldTool.field_type = "DOUBLE";
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "EdgeFrmPos";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "EdgeToPos";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    // Calculate the fields

                    AddMessage("Calculating the EdgeFrmPos field for live traffic...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                    calcFieldTool.in_table = TMCJoinTablePath;

                    calcFieldTool.field = "EdgeFrmPos";
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "x";
                    calcFieldTool.code_block = "Select Case Left([TRAFFIC_CD], 1)\n  Case \"+\": x = 0\n  Case \"-\": x = 1\nEnd Select";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Calculating the EdgeToPos field for live traffic...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool.field = "EdgeToPos";
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "x";
                    calcFieldTool.code_block = "Select Case Left([TRAFFIC_CD], 1)\n  Case \"-\": x = 0\n  Case \"+\": x = 1\nEnd Select";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Calculating the EdgeFCID field for live traffic...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                    calcFieldTool.in_table = TMCJoinTablePath;
                    calcFieldTool.field = "EdgeFCID";
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "1";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Calculating the EdgeFID field for live traffic...", messages, trackcancel);

                    makeTableViewTool = new MakeTableView();
                    makeTableViewTool.in_table = TMCJoinTablePath;
                    makeTableViewTool.out_view = "Streets_TMC_View";
                    gp.Execute(makeTableViewTool, trackcancel);

                    addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                    addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_TMC_View";
                    addJoinTool.in_field = "LINK_ID";
                    addJoinTool.join_table = streetsFeatureClassPath;
                    addJoinTool.join_field = "LINK_ID";
                    gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                    calcFieldTool.in_table = "Streets_TMC_View";
                    calcFieldTool.field = TMCJoinTableName + ".EdgeFID";
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "[" + StreetsFCName + ".OBJECTID]";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                    removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_TMC_View";
                    removeJoinTool.join_name = StreetsFCName;
                    gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    deleteTool = new Delete();
                    deleteTool.in_data = "Streets_TMC_View";
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                    // If Historical Traffic is not being used, then we need to create placeholder historical traffic tables

                    if (!usesHistoricalTraffic)
                        // Create the Streets_Patterns table by starting with a copy of the Streets_TMC table

                        AddMessage("Creating the historical traffic join table...", messages, trackcancel);

                        importTableTool = new TableToTable();
                        importTableTool.in_rows = TMCJoinTablePath;
                        importTableTool.out_path = outputFileGdbPath;
                        importTableTool.out_name = HistTrafficJoinTableName;
                        gp.Execute(importTableTool, trackcancel);

                        string histTrafficJoinTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\" + HistTrafficJoinTableName;

                        AddMessage("Creating and calculating the KPH field on the historical traffic join table...", messages, trackcancel);

                        addFieldTool = new AddField();
                        addFieldTool.in_table = histTrafficJoinTablePath;
                        addFieldTool.field_type = "FLOAT";
                        addFieldTool.field_name = "KPH";
                        gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                        makeTableViewTool = new MakeTableView();
                        makeTableViewTool.in_table = histTrafficJoinTablePath;
                        makeTableViewTool.out_view = "Streets_Patterns_View";
                        gp.Execute(makeTableViewTool, trackcancel);

                        addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                        addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Patterns_View";
                        addJoinTool.in_field = "EdgeFID";
                        addJoinTool.join_table = streetsFeatureClassPath;
                        addJoinTool.join_field = "OBJECTID";
                        gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                        calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                        calcFieldTool.in_table = "Streets_Patterns_View";
                        calcFieldTool.field = HistTrafficJoinTableName + ".KPH";
                        calcFieldTool.expression = "[" + StreetsFCName + ".KPH]";
                        calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                        gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                        removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                        removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Patterns_View";
                        removeJoinTool.join_name = StreetsFCName;
                        gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                        deleteTool = new Delete();
                        deleteTool.in_data = "Streets_Patterns_View";
                        gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                        AddMessage("Creating and calculating the daily patterns fields on the historical traffic join table...", messages, trackcancel);

                        string[] fieldNames = new string[] { "S", "M", "T", "W", "R", "F", "S" };
                        foreach (string f in fieldNames)
                            addFieldTool = new AddField();
                            addFieldTool.in_table = histTrafficJoinTablePath;
                            addFieldTool.field_type = "SHORT";
                            addFieldTool.field_name = f;
                            gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                            calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                            calcFieldTool.in_table = histTrafficJoinTablePath;
                            calcFieldTool.field = f;
                            calcFieldTool.expression = "1";
                            calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                            gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                        // Create the Patterns table


                // Copy the Cdms table to the file geodatabase

                AddMessage("Copying the Condition/Driving Manoeuvres (CDMS) table and indexing...", messages, trackcancel);

                importTableTool = new TableToTable();
                importTableTool.in_rows = inputCdmsTableValue.GetAsText();
                importTableTool.out_path = outputFileGdbPath;
                importTableTool.out_name = "Cdms";
                gp.Execute(importTableTool, trackcancel);

                string cdmsTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\Cdms";

                addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
                addIndexTool.in_table = cdmsTablePath;
                addIndexTool.fields = "COND_ID";
                addIndexTool.index_name = "COND_ID";
                gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                // Copy the Rdms table to the file geodatabase

                AddMessage("Copying the Restricted Driving Manoeuvres (RDMS) table...", messages, trackcancel);

                importTableTool = new TableToTable();
                importTableTool.in_rows = inputRdmsTableValue.GetAsText();
                importTableTool.out_path = outputFileGdbPath;
                importTableTool.out_name = "Rdms";
                gp.Execute(importTableTool, trackcancel);

                string rdmsTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\Rdms";

                // Add and calculate the end of link and condition type fields to the Rdms table

                AddMessage("Creating and calculating fields for the manoeuvre types and ends of link...", messages, trackcancel);

                addFieldTool = new AddField();
                addFieldTool.in_table = rdmsTablePath;
                addFieldTool.field_name = "COND_TYPE";
                addFieldTool.field_type = "LONG";
                gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                addFieldTool.field_name = "END_OF_LK";
                addFieldTool.field_type = "TEXT";
                addFieldTool.field_length = 1;
                gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                makeTableViewTool = new MakeTableView();
                makeTableViewTool.in_table = rdmsTablePath;
                makeTableViewTool.out_view = "Rdms_View";
                gp.Execute(makeTableViewTool, trackcancel);

                addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Rdms_View";
                addJoinTool.in_field = "COND_ID";
                addJoinTool.join_table = cdmsTablePath;
                addJoinTool.join_field = "COND_ID";
                gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                calcFieldTool.in_table = "Rdms_View";
                calcFieldTool.field = "Rdms.COND_TYPE";
                calcFieldTool.expression = "[Cdms.COND_TYPE]";
                calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                calcFieldTool.field = "Rdms.END_OF_LK";
                calcFieldTool.expression = "[Cdms.END_OF_LK]";
                calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Rdms_View";
                removeJoinTool.join_name = "Cdms";
                gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                deleteTool = new Delete();
                deleteTool.in_data = "Rdms_View";
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                // Extract only the gates (condition type 4) and prohibitied manoeuvres (condition type 7)
                // If using Transport, also extract the Transport manoeuvres (condition type 26)

                AddMessage("Extracting restricted driving manoeuvres...", messages, trackcancel);

                string prohibRdmsWEndOfLkTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\ProhibRdmsWEndOfLk";

                tableSelectTool = new TableSelect();
                tableSelectTool.in_table = rdmsTablePath;
                tableSelectTool.out_table = prohibRdmsWEndOfLkTablePath;
                if (usesTransport)
                    tableSelectTool.where_clause = "COND_TYPE IN (4, 7, 26)";
                    tableSelectTool.where_clause = "COND_TYPE IN (4, 7)";
                gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

                AddMessage("Creating turn feature class...", messages, trackcancel);

                // Create the turn feature class

                string tempStatsTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\tempStatsTable";

                Statistics statsTool = new Statistics();
                statsTool.in_table = prohibRdmsWEndOfLkTablePath;
                statsTool.out_table = tempStatsTablePath;
                statsTool.statistics_fields = "SEQ_NUMBER MAX";
                gp.Execute(statsTool, null);

                CreateAndPopulateTurnFeatureClass(outputFileGdbPath, fdsName, "ProhibRdmsWEndOfLk", "tempStatsTable",
                                                  messages, trackcancel);

                deleteTool = new Delete();
                deleteTool.in_data = tempStatsTablePath;
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                string pathToTurnFC = pathToFds + "\\" + TurnFCName;

                // Create and calculate condition type and access restriction fields on the turn feature class

                addFieldTool = new AddField();
                addFieldTool.in_table = pathToTurnFC;
                addFieldTool.field_name = "COND_TYPE";
                addFieldTool.field_type = "LONG";
                gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                AddMessage("Creating access restriction fields on the turn feature class...", messages, trackcancel);

                foreach (string arFieldSuffix in arFieldSuffixes)
                    addFieldTool = new AddField();
                    addFieldTool.in_table = pathToTurnFC;
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "AR_" + arFieldSuffix;
                    addFieldTool.field_type = "TEXT";
                    addFieldTool.field_length = 1;
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                makeFeatureLayerTool = new MakeFeatureLayer();
                makeFeatureLayerTool.in_features = pathToTurnFC;
                makeFeatureLayerTool.out_layer = "Turn_Layer";
                gp.Execute(makeFeatureLayerTool, trackcancel);

                addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Turn_Layer";
                addJoinTool.in_field = "COND_ID";
                addJoinTool.join_table = cdmsTablePath;
                addJoinTool.join_field = "COND_ID";
                gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                AddMessage("Calculating the COND_TYPE field on the turn feature class...", messages, trackcancel);

                calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                calcFieldTool.in_table = "Turn_Layer";
                calcFieldTool.field = TurnFCName + ".COND_TYPE";
                calcFieldTool.expression = "[Cdms.COND_TYPE]";
                calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                foreach (string arFieldSuffix in arFieldSuffixes)
                    AddMessage("Calculating the AR_" + arFieldSuffix + " field on the turn feature class...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                    calcFieldTool.in_table = "Turn_Layer";
                    calcFieldTool.field = TurnFCName + ".AR_" + arFieldSuffix;
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "[Cdms.AR_" + arFieldSuffix + "]";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Turn_Layer";
                removeJoinTool.join_name = "Cdms";
                gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                deleteTool = new Delete();
                deleteTool.in_data = "Turn_Layer";
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                deleteTool.in_data = cdmsTablePath;
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                deleteTool.in_data = prohibRdmsWEndOfLkTablePath;
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);


                #region Process Transport Tables

                if (usesTransport)
                    string nonDimensionalCndModTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\nonDimensionalCndMod";
                    string dimensionalCndModTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\dimensionalCndMod";

                    if (!(inputUSCndModTableValue.IsEmpty()))
                        // Extract the Transport information for the US

                        AddMessage("Extracting the US non-dimensional conditions...", messages, trackcancel);

                        tableSelectTool = new TableSelect();
                        tableSelectTool.in_table = inputUSCndModTableValue.GetAsText();
                        tableSelectTool.out_table = nonDimensionalCndModTablePath;
                        tableSelectTool.where_clause = "MOD_TYPE IN (38, 39, 46, 49, 60, 75)";
                        gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

                        AddMessage("Extracting the US dimensional conditions...", messages, trackcancel);

                        tableSelectTool.out_table = dimensionalCndModTablePath;
                        tableSelectTool.where_clause = "MOD_TYPE IN (41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 48, 81)";
                        gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

                        // Create a new field to hold the dimension in a common unit (m or kg or KPH)

                        addFieldTool = new AddField();
                        addFieldTool.in_table = dimensionalCndModTablePath;
                        addFieldTool.field_name = "MetersOrKilogramsOrKPH";
                        addFieldTool.field_type = "DOUBLE";
                        gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                        AddMessage("Calculating common units of measure...", messages, trackcancel);

                        calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                        calcFieldTool.in_table = dimensionalCndModTablePath;
                        calcFieldTool.field = "MetersOrKilogramsOrKPH";
                        calcFieldTool.code_block = "x = CLng([MOD_VAL])\nSelect Case [MOD_TYPE]\n" +
                                                   "  Case 41, 44, 45, 81: x = x * 0.0254\n" +
                                                   "  Case 42, 43: x = x * 0.45359237\n" +
                                                   "  Case 48: x = x * 1.609344\nEnd Select";
                        calcFieldTool.expression = "x";
                        calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                        gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                        if (!(inputNonUSCndModTableValue.IsEmpty()))
                            string tempNonDimensionalCndModTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\tempNonDimensionalCndMod";
                            string tempDimensionalCndModTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\tempDimensionalCndMod";

                            // Extract the Transport information for outside the US to temporary tables

                            AddMessage("Extracting the non-US non-dimensional conditions...", messages, trackcancel);

                            tableSelectTool = new TableSelect();
                            tableSelectTool.in_table = inputNonUSCndModTableValue.GetAsText();
                            tableSelectTool.out_table = tempNonDimensionalCndModTablePath;
                            tableSelectTool.where_clause = "MOD_TYPE IN (38, 39, 46, 49, 60, 75)";
                            gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

                            AddMessage("Extracting the non-US dimensional conditions...", messages, trackcancel);

                            tableSelectTool.out_table = tempDimensionalCndModTablePath;
                            tableSelectTool.where_clause = "MOD_TYPE IN (41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 48, 81)";
                            gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

                            // Create a new field to hold the dimension in a common unit (m or kg)

                            addFieldTool = new AddField();
                            addFieldTool.in_table = tempDimensionalCndModTablePath;
                            addFieldTool.field_name = "MetersOrKilogramsOrKPH";
                            addFieldTool.field_type = "DOUBLE";
                            gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                            AddMessage("Calculating common units of measure...", messages, trackcancel);

                            calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                            calcFieldTool.in_table = dimensionalCndModTablePath;
                            calcFieldTool.field = "MetersOrKilogramsOrKPH";
                            calcFieldTool.code_block = "x = CLng([MOD_VAL])\nSelect Case [MOD_TYPE]\n" +
                                                       "  Case 41, 44, 45, 81: x = x * 0.01\nEnd Select";
                            calcFieldTool.expression = "x";
                            calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                            gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                            // Append the temporary tables to the main table containing US attributes

                            Append appendTool = new Append();
                            appendTool.inputs = tempNonDimensionalCndModTablePath;
                            appendTool.target = nonDimensionalCndModTablePath;
                            gp.Execute(appendTool, trackcancel);

                            appendTool.inputs = tempDimensionalCndModTablePath;
                            appendTool.target = dimensionalCndModTablePath;
                            gp.Execute(appendTool, trackcancel);

                            deleteTool = new Delete();
                            deleteTool.in_data = tempNonDimensionalCndModTablePath;
                            gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);
                            deleteTool.in_data = tempDimensionalCndModTablePath;
                            gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);
                        // Extract the Transport information for outside the US

                        AddMessage("Extracting the non-US non-dimensional conditions...", messages, trackcancel);

                        tableSelectTool = new TableSelect();
                        tableSelectTool.in_table = inputNonUSCndModTableValue.GetAsText();
                        tableSelectTool.out_table = nonDimensionalCndModTablePath;
                        tableSelectTool.where_clause = "MOD_TYPE IN (38, 39, 46, 49, 60, 75)";
                        gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

                        AddMessage("Extracting the non-US dimensional conditions...", messages, trackcancel);

                        tableSelectTool.out_table = dimensionalCndModTablePath;
                        tableSelectTool.where_clause = "MOD_TYPE IN (41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 48, 81)";
                        gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

                        // Create a new field to hold the dimension in a common unit (m or kg)

                        addFieldTool = new AddField();
                        addFieldTool.in_table = dimensionalCndModTablePath;
                        addFieldTool.field_name = "MetersOrKilogramsOrKPH";
                        addFieldTool.field_type = "DOUBLE";
                        gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                        AddMessage("Calculating common units of measure...", messages, trackcancel);

                        calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                        calcFieldTool.in_table = dimensionalCndModTablePath;
                        calcFieldTool.field = "MetersOrKilogramsOrKPH";
                        calcFieldTool.code_block = "x = CLng([MOD_VAL])\nSelect Case [MOD_TYPE]\n" +
                                                   "  Case 41, 44, 45, 81: x = x * 0.01\nEnd Select";
                        calcFieldTool.expression = "x";
                        calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                        gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    // Create a table for looking up LINK_IDs from COND_IDs

                    AddMessage("Creating and indexing LINK_ID/COND_ID look-up table for preferred roads...", messages, trackcancel);

                    string preferredLinkIDLookupTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\preferredLinkIDLookupTable";

                    tableSelectTool = new TableSelect();
                    tableSelectTool.in_table = inputCdmsTableValue.GetAsText();
                    tableSelectTool.out_table = preferredLinkIDLookupTablePath;
                    tableSelectTool.where_clause = "COND_TYPE = 27";
                    gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

                    addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
                    addIndexTool.in_table = preferredLinkIDLookupTablePath;
                    addIndexTool.fields = "COND_ID";
                    addIndexTool.index_name = "COND_ID";
                    gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                    // Create a table for looking up the condition's direction

                    AddMessage("Creating and indexing direction look-up table for preferred roads...", messages, trackcancel);

                    string preferredDirectionLookupTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\preferredDirectionLookupTable";

                    tableSelectTool = new TableSelect();
                    tableSelectTool.in_table = nonDimensionalCndModTablePath;
                    tableSelectTool.out_table = preferredDirectionLookupTablePath;
                    tableSelectTool.where_clause = "MOD_TYPE = 60";
                    gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

                    addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
                    addIndexTool.in_table = preferredDirectionLookupTablePath;
                    addIndexTool.fields = "COND_ID";
                    addIndexTool.index_name = "COND_ID";
                    gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                    // Create a table for looking up LINK_IDs from COND_IDs

                    AddMessage("Creating and indexing LINK_ID/COND_ID look-up table for restrictions...", messages, trackcancel);

                    string restrictionLinkIDLookupTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\restrictionLinkIDLookupTable";

                    tableSelectTool = new TableSelect();
                    tableSelectTool.in_table = inputCdmsTableValue.GetAsText();
                    tableSelectTool.out_table = restrictionLinkIDLookupTablePath;
                    tableSelectTool.where_clause = "COND_TYPE = 23";
                    gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

                    addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
                    addIndexTool.in_table = restrictionLinkIDLookupTablePath;
                    addIndexTool.fields = "COND_ID";
                    addIndexTool.index_name = "COND_ID";
                    gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                    // Create a table for looking up the condition's direction

                    AddMessage("Creating and indexing direction look-up table for restrictions...", messages, trackcancel);

                    string restrictionDirectionLookupTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\restrictionDirectionLookupTable";

                    tableSelectTool = new TableSelect();
                    tableSelectTool.in_table = nonDimensionalCndModTablePath;
                    tableSelectTool.out_table = restrictionDirectionLookupTablePath;
                    tableSelectTool.where_clause = "MOD_TYPE = 38";
                    gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

                    addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
                    addIndexTool.in_table = restrictionDirectionLookupTablePath;
                    addIndexTool.fields = "COND_ID";
                    addIndexTool.index_name = "COND_ID";
                    gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                    makeFeatureLayerTool = new MakeFeatureLayer();
                    makeFeatureLayerTool.in_features = streetsFeatureClassPath;
                    makeFeatureLayerTool.out_layer = "Streets_Layer";
                    gp.Execute(makeFeatureLayerTool, trackcancel);

                    CreateAndPopulateTruckFCOverrideField(outputFileGdbPath, gp, messages, trackcancel);

                    if (fgdbVersion >= 10.1)
                        // Create and calculate the preferred fields for Streets

                        CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldsOnStreets(outputFileGdbPath, false, false, true, "STAAPreferred",
                                                                  "MOD_TYPE = 49 AND MOD_VAL = '1'", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                        CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldsOnStreets(outputFileGdbPath, false, false, true, "TruckDesignatedPreferred",
                                                                  "MOD_TYPE = 49 AND MOD_VAL = '2'", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                        CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldsOnStreets(outputFileGdbPath, false, false, true, "NRHMPreferred",
                                                                  "MOD_TYPE = 49 AND MOD_VAL = '3'", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                        CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldsOnStreets(outputFileGdbPath, false, false, true, "ExplosivesPreferred",
                                                                  "MOD_TYPE = 49 AND MOD_VAL = '4'", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                        CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldsOnStreets(outputFileGdbPath, false, false, true, "PIHPreferred",
                                                                  "MOD_TYPE = 49 AND MOD_VAL = '5'", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                        CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldsOnStreets(outputFileGdbPath, false, false, true, "MedicalWastePreferred",
                                                                  "MOD_TYPE = 49 AND MOD_VAL = '6'", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                        CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldsOnStreets(outputFileGdbPath, false, false, true, "RadioactivePreferred",
                                                                  "MOD_TYPE = 49 AND MOD_VAL = '7'", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                        CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldsOnStreets(outputFileGdbPath, false, false, true, "HazmatPreferred",
                                                                  "MOD_TYPE = 49 AND MOD_VAL = '8'", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                        CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldsOnStreets(outputFileGdbPath, false, false, true, "LocallyPreferred",
                                                                  "MOD_TYPE = 49 AND MOD_VAL = '9'", gp, messages, trackcancel);

                        if (createArcGISOnlineNetworkAttributes)
                            CreateAndPopulateAGOLTextTransportFieldsOnStreets(outputFileGdbPath, "PreferredTruckRoute",
                                                                              new string[] { "STAAPreferred", "TruckDesignatedPreferred", "LocallyPreferred" },
                                                                              gp, messages, trackcancel);
                            CreateAndPopulateAGOLTextTransportFieldsOnStreets(outputFileGdbPath, "PreferredHazmatRoute",
                                                                              new string[] { "NRHMPreferred", "ExplosivesPreferred", "PIHPreferred", "MedicalWastePreferred", "RadioactivePreferred", "HazmatPreferred" },
                                                                              gp, messages, trackcancel);

                    // Create and calculate the HazMat restriction fields for Streets

                    CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldsOnStreets(outputFileGdbPath, false, false, false, "ExplosivesProhibited",
                                                              "MOD_TYPE = 39 AND MOD_VAL = '1'", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldsOnStreets(outputFileGdbPath, false, false, false, "GasProhibited",
                                                              "MOD_TYPE = 39 AND MOD_VAL = '2'", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldsOnStreets(outputFileGdbPath, false, false, false, "FlammableProhibited",
                                                              "MOD_TYPE = 39 AND MOD_VAL = '3'", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldsOnStreets(outputFileGdbPath, false, false, false, "CombustibleProhibited",
                                                              "MOD_TYPE = 39 AND MOD_VAL = '4'", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldsOnStreets(outputFileGdbPath, false, false, false, "OrganicProhibited",
                                                              "MOD_TYPE = 39 AND MOD_VAL = '5'", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldsOnStreets(outputFileGdbPath, false, false, false, "PoisonProhibited",
                                                              "MOD_TYPE = 39 AND MOD_VAL = '6'", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldsOnStreets(outputFileGdbPath, false, false, false, "RadioactiveProhibited",
                                                              "MOD_TYPE = 39 AND MOD_VAL = '7'", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldsOnStreets(outputFileGdbPath, false, false, false, "CorrosiveProhibited",
                                                              "MOD_TYPE = 39 AND MOD_VAL = '8'", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldsOnStreets(outputFileGdbPath, false, false, false, "OtherHazmatProhibited",
                                                              "MOD_TYPE = 39 AND MOD_VAL = '9'", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldsOnStreets(outputFileGdbPath, false, false, false, "AnyHazmatProhibited",
                                                              "MOD_TYPE = 39 AND MOD_VAL = '20'", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldsOnStreets(outputFileGdbPath, false, false, false, "PIHProhibited",
                                                              "MOD_TYPE = 39 AND MOD_VAL = '21'", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldsOnStreets(outputFileGdbPath, false, false, false, "HarmfulToWaterProhibited",
                                                              "MOD_TYPE = 39 AND MOD_VAL = '22'", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldsOnStreets(outputFileGdbPath, false, false, false, "ExplosiveAndFlammableProhibited",
                                                              "MOD_TYPE = 39 AND MOD_VAL = '23'", gp, messages, trackcancel);

                    if (createArcGISOnlineNetworkAttributes)
                        CreateAndPopulateAGOLTextTransportFieldsOnStreets(outputFileGdbPath, "AGOL_AnyHazmatProhibited",
                                                                          new string[] { "ExplosivesProhibited", "GasProhibited", "FlammableProhibited", "CombustibleProhibited", "OrganicProhibited", "PoisonProhibited", "RadioactiveProhibited", "CorrosiveProhibited",
                                                                                         "OtherHazmatProhibited", "AnyHazmatProhibited", "PIHProhibited", "HarmfulToWaterProhibited", "ExplosiveAndFlammableProhibited" },
                                                                          gp, messages, trackcancel);

                    // Create and calculate the other restriction fields for Streets

                    CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldsOnStreets(outputFileGdbPath, true, false, false, "HeightLimit_Meters",
                                                              "MOD_TYPE = 41", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldsOnStreets(outputFileGdbPath, true, false, false, "WeightLimit_Kilograms",
                                                              "MOD_TYPE = 42", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldsOnStreets(outputFileGdbPath, true, false, false, "WeightLimitPerAxle_Kilograms",
                                                              "MOD_TYPE = 43", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldsOnStreets(outputFileGdbPath, true, false, false, "LengthLimit_Meters",
                                                              "MOD_TYPE = 44", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldsOnStreets(outputFileGdbPath, true, false, false, "WidthLimit_Meters",
                                                              "MOD_TYPE = 45", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldsOnStreets(outputFileGdbPath, false, true, false, "MaxTrailersAllowedOnTruck",
                                                              "MOD_TYPE = 46 AND MOD_VAL IN ('1', '2', '3')", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldsOnStreets(outputFileGdbPath, false, false, false, "SemiOrTractorWOneOrMoreTrailersProhibited",
                                                              "MOD_TYPE = 46 AND MOD_VAL = '4'", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldsOnStreets(outputFileGdbPath, false, true, false, "MaxAxlesAllowed",
                                                              "MOD_TYPE = 75 AND MOD_VAL IN ('1', '2', '3', '4', '5')", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldsOnStreets(outputFileGdbPath, false, false, false, "SingleAxleProhibited",
                                                              "MOD_TYPE = 75 AND MOD_VAL = '6'", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldsOnStreets(outputFileGdbPath, false, false, false, "TandemAxleProhibited",
                                                              "MOD_TYPE = 75 AND MOD_VAL = '7'", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldsOnStreets(outputFileGdbPath, true, false, false, "KingpinToRearAxleLengthLimit_Meters",
                                                              "MOD_TYPE = 81", gp, messages, trackcancel);

                    // Create and calculate the truck speed fields for Streets

                    CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldsOnStreets(outputFileGdbPath, true, false, true, "TruckKPH",
                                                              "MOD_TYPE = 48", gp, messages, trackcancel);

                    deleteTool = new Delete();
                    deleteTool.in_data = "Streets_Layer";
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                    deleteTool.in_data = preferredLinkIDLookupTablePath;
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);
                    deleteTool.in_data = preferredDirectionLookupTablePath;
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                    deleteTool.in_data = restrictionLinkIDLookupTablePath;
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);
                    deleteTool.in_data = restrictionDirectionLookupTablePath;
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                    makeFeatureLayerTool = new MakeFeatureLayer();
                    makeFeatureLayerTool.in_features = pathToTurnFC;
                    makeFeatureLayerTool.out_layer = "RestrictedTurns_Layer";
                    gp.Execute(makeFeatureLayerTool, trackcancel);

                    // Create and calculate the HazMat restriction fields for RestrictedTurns

                    CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldOnTurns(outputFileGdbPath, false, false, "ExplosivesProhibited",
                                                           "MOD_TYPE = 39 AND MOD_VAL = '1'", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldOnTurns(outputFileGdbPath, false, false, "GasProhibited",
                                                           "MOD_TYPE = 39 AND MOD_VAL = '2'", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldOnTurns(outputFileGdbPath, false, false, "FlammableProhibited",
                                                           "MOD_TYPE = 39 AND MOD_VAL = '3'", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldOnTurns(outputFileGdbPath, false, false, "CombustibleProhibited",
                                                           "MOD_TYPE = 39 AND MOD_VAL = '4'", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldOnTurns(outputFileGdbPath, false, false, "OrganicProhibited",
                                                           "MOD_TYPE = 39 AND MOD_VAL = '5'", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldOnTurns(outputFileGdbPath, false, false, "PoisonProhibited",
                                                           "MOD_TYPE = 39 AND MOD_VAL = '6'", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldOnTurns(outputFileGdbPath, false, false, "RadioactiveProhibited",
                                                           "MOD_TYPE = 39 AND MOD_VAL = '7'", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldOnTurns(outputFileGdbPath, false, false, "CorrosiveProhibited",
                                                           "MOD_TYPE = 39 AND MOD_VAL = '8'", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldOnTurns(outputFileGdbPath, false, false, "OtherHazmatProhibited",
                                                           "MOD_TYPE = 39 AND MOD_VAL = '9'", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldOnTurns(outputFileGdbPath, false, false, "AnyHazmatProhibited",
                                                           "MOD_TYPE = 39 AND MOD_VAL = '20'", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldOnTurns(outputFileGdbPath, false, false, "PIHProhibited",
                                                           "MOD_TYPE = 39 AND MOD_VAL = '21'", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldOnTurns(outputFileGdbPath, false, false, "HarmfulToWaterProhibited",
                                                           "MOD_TYPE = 39 AND MOD_VAL = '22'", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldOnTurns(outputFileGdbPath, false, false, "ExplosiveAndFlammableProhibited",
                                                           "MOD_TYPE = 39 AND MOD_VAL = '23'", gp, messages, trackcancel);

                    if (createArcGISOnlineNetworkAttributes)
                        CreateAndPopulateAGOLTextTransportFieldOnTurns(outputFileGdbPath, "AGOL_AnyHazmatProhibited",
                                                                       new string[] { "ExplosivesProhibited", "GasProhibited", "FlammableProhibited", "CombustibleProhibited", "OrganicProhibited", "PoisonProhibited", "RadioactiveProhibited", "CorrosiveProhibited",
                                                                                      "OtherHazmatProhibited", "AnyHazmatProhibited", "PIHProhibited", "HarmfulToWaterProhibited", "ExplosiveAndFlammableProhibited" },
                                                                       gp, messages, trackcancel);

                    // Create and calculate the other restriction fields for RestrictedTurns

                    CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldOnTurns(outputFileGdbPath, true, false, "HeightLimit_Meters",
                                                           "MOD_TYPE = 41", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldOnTurns(outputFileGdbPath, true, false, "WeightLimit_Kilograms",
                                                           "MOD_TYPE = 42", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldOnTurns(outputFileGdbPath, true, false, "WeightLimitPerAxle_Kilograms",
                                                           "MOD_TYPE = 43", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldOnTurns(outputFileGdbPath, true, false, "LengthLimit_Meters",
                                                           "MOD_TYPE = 44", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldOnTurns(outputFileGdbPath, true, false, "WidthLimit_Meters",
                                                           "MOD_TYPE = 45", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldOnTurns(outputFileGdbPath, false, true, "MaxTrailersAllowedOnTruck",
                                                           "MOD_TYPE = 46 AND MOD_VAL IN ('1', '2', '3')", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldOnTurns(outputFileGdbPath, false, false, "SemiOrTractorWOneOrMoreTrailersProhibited",
                                                           "MOD_TYPE = 46 AND MOD_VAL = '4'", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldOnTurns(outputFileGdbPath, false, true, "MaxAxlesAllowed",
                                                           "MOD_TYPE = 75 AND MOD_VAL IN ('1', '2', '3', '4', '5')", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldOnTurns(outputFileGdbPath, false, false, "SingleAxleProhibited",
                                                           "MOD_TYPE = 75 AND MOD_VAL = '6'", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldOnTurns(outputFileGdbPath, false, false, "TandemAxleProhibited",
                                                           "MOD_TYPE = 75 AND MOD_VAL = '7'", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateTransportFieldOnTurns(outputFileGdbPath, true, false, "KingpinToRearAxleLengthLimit_Meters",
                                                           "MOD_TYPE = 81", gp, messages, trackcancel);

                    deleteTool = new Delete();
                    deleteTool.in_data = "RestrictedTurns_Layer";
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                    // Create and calculate the AllTransportProhibited field

                    addFieldTool = new AddField();
                    addFieldTool.in_table = pathToTurnFC;
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "AllTransportProhibited";
                    addFieldTool.field_type = "TEXT";
                    addFieldTool.field_length = 1;
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    makeFeatureLayerTool = new MakeFeatureLayer();
                    makeFeatureLayerTool.in_features = pathToTurnFC;
                    makeFeatureLayerTool.out_layer = "RestrictedTurns_Layer";
                    makeFeatureLayerTool.where_clause = "COND_TYPE = 26 AND ExplosivesProhibited IS NULL AND GasProhibited IS NULL AND " +
                                                        "FlammableProhibited IS NULL AND CombustibleProhibited IS NULL AND OrganicProhibited IS NULL AND " +
                                                        "PoisonProhibited IS NULL AND RadioactiveProhibited IS NULL AND CorrosiveProhibited IS NULL AND " +
                                                        "OtherHazmatProhibited IS NULL AND AnyHazmatProhibited IS NULL AND PIHProhibited IS NULL AND " +
                                                        "HarmfulToWaterProhibited IS NULL AND ExplosiveAndFlammableProhibited IS NULL AND " +
                                                        "HeightLimit_Meters IS NULL AND WeightLimit_Kilograms IS NULL AND WeightLimitPerAxle_Kilograms IS NULL AND " +
                                                        "LengthLimit_Meters IS NULL AND WidthLimit_Meters IS NULL AND MaxTrailersAllowedOnTruck IS NULL AND " +
                                                        "SemiOrTractorWOneOrMoreTrailersProhibited IS NULL AND MaxAxlesAllowed IS NULL AND " +
                                                        "SingleAxleProhibited IS NULL AND TandemAxleProhibited IS NULL AND KingpinToRearAxleLengthLimit_Meters IS NULL";
                    gp.Execute(makeFeatureLayerTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Calculating the AllTransportProhibited field...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                    calcFieldTool.in_table = "RestrictedTurns_Layer";
                    calcFieldTool.field = "AllTransportProhibited";
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "\"Y\"";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    deleteTool = new Delete();
                    deleteTool.in_data = "RestrictedTurns_Layer";
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                    deleteTool.in_data = nonDimensionalCndModTablePath;
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);
                    deleteTool.in_data = dimensionalCndModTablePath;
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);


                // Extract the special explications (condition type 9) from the Rdms Table and create RoadSplits table

                AddMessage("Creating RoadSplits table...", messages, trackcancel);

                string specialExplicationRdmsWEndOfLkTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\SpecialExplicationRdmsWEndOfLk";

                tableSelectTool = new TableSelect();
                tableSelectTool.in_table = rdmsTablePath;
                tableSelectTool.out_table = specialExplicationRdmsWEndOfLkTablePath;
                tableSelectTool.where_clause = "COND_TYPE = 9";
                gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

                deleteTool.in_data = rdmsTablePath;
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                CreateRoadSplitsTable("SpecialExplicationRdmsWEndOfLk", outputFileGdbPath, messages, trackcancel);

                deleteTool.in_data = specialExplicationRdmsWEndOfLkTablePath;
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                // Create Signpost feature class and table

                AddMessage("Creating signpost feature class and table...", messages, trackcancel);

                CreateSignposts(inputSignsTableValue.GetAsText(), outputFileGdbPath, messages, trackcancel);

                AddSpatialIndex addSpatialIndexTool = new AddSpatialIndex();
                addSpatialIndexTool.in_features = pathToFds + "\\" + SignpostFCName;
                gp.Execute(addSpatialIndexTool, trackcancel);

                addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
                addIndexTool.in_table = outputFileGdbPath + "\\" + SignpostJoinTableName;
                addIndexTool.fields = "SignpostID";
                addIndexTool.index_name = "SignpostID";
                gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                addIndexTool.fields = "Sequence";
                addIndexTool.index_name = "Sequence";
                gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                addIndexTool.fields = "EdgeFCID";
                addIndexTool.index_name = "EdgeFCID";
                gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                addIndexTool.fields = "EdgeFID";
                addIndexTool.index_name = "EdgeFID";
                gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);


                // Upgrade the geodatabase (if not 9.3)

                if (fgdbVersion > 9.3)
                    UpgradeGDB upgradeGdbTool = new UpgradeGDB();
                    upgradeGdbTool.input_workspace = outputFileGdbPath;
                    gp.Execute(upgradeGdbTool, trackcancel);

                // Create and build the network dataset, then pack it in a GPValue

                AddMessage("Creating and building the network dataset...", messages, trackcancel);

                CreateAndBuildNetworkDataset(outputFileGdbPath, fgdbVersion, fdsName, ndsName, createNetworkAttributesInMetric,
                                             createArcGISOnlineNetworkAttributes, timeZoneIDBaseFieldName, directedTimeZoneIDFields, commonTimeZone,
                                             usesHistoricalTraffic, trafficFeedLocation, usesTransport);

                // Write the build errors to the turn feature class

                TurnGeometryUtilities.WriteBuildErrorsToTurnFC(outputFileGdbPath, fdsName, TurnFCName, messages, trackcancel);

                // Compact the output file geodatabase

                AddMessage("Compacting the output file geodatabase...", messages, trackcancel);

                Compact compactTool = new Compact();
                compactTool.in_workspace = outputFileGdbPath;
                gp.Execute(compactTool, trackcancel);
            catch (Exception e)
                if (gp.MaxSeverity == 2)
                    object missing = System.Type.Missing;
                    messages.AddError(1, gp.GetMessages(ref missing));
                messages.AddError(1, e.Message);
                messages.AddError(1, e.StackTrace);
                // Restore the original GP environment settings

                gpSettings.AddOutputsToMap = origAddOutputsToMapSetting;
                gpSettings.LogHistory = origLogHistorySetting;
        public void Execute(IArray paramvalues, ITrackCancel trackcancel,
                            IGPEnvironmentManager envMgr, IGPMessages messages)
            // Remember the original GP environment settings and temporarily override these settings

            var gpSettings = envMgr as IGeoProcessorSettings;
            bool origAddOutputsToMapSetting = gpSettings.AddOutputsToMap;
            bool origLogHistorySetting = gpSettings.LogHistory;
            gpSettings.AddOutputsToMap = false;
            gpSettings.LogHistory = false;

            // Create the Geoprocessor

            Geoprocessor gp = new Geoprocessor();

                // Validate our values

                IGPMessages validateMessages = ((IGPFunction2)this).Validate(paramvalues, false, envMgr);
                if ((validateMessages as IGPMessage).IsError())
                    messages.AddError(1, "Validate failed");

                // Unpack values

                IGPParameter gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputNWFeatureClass) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputNWFeatureClassValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputMNFeatureClass) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputMNFeatureClassValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputMPTable) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputMPTableValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputSITable) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputSITableValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputSPTable) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputSPTableValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(OutputFileGDB) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue outputFileGDBValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(OutputFileGDBVersion) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue outputFileGDBVersionValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputFeatureDatasetName) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputFeatureDatasetNameValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputNetworkDatasetName) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputNetworkDatasetNameValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputCreateNetworkAttributesInMetric) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputCreateNetworkAttributeInMetricValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputCreateTwoDistanceAttributes) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputCreateTwoDistanceAttributesValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputRSTable) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputRSTableValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputTimeZoneIDBaseFieldName) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputTimeZoneIDBaseFieldNameValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputTimeZoneTable) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputTimeZoneTableValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputCommonTimeZoneForTheEntireDataset) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputCommonTimeZoneForTheEntireDatasetValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputHSNPTable) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputHSNPTableValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputHSPRTable) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputHSPRTableValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputRDTable) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputRDTableValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputLiveTrafficFeedFolder) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputLiveTrafficFeedFolderValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputLiveTrafficFeedArcGISServerConnection) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputLiveTrafficFeedArcGISServerConnectionValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputLiveTrafficFeedGeoprocessingServiceName) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputLiveTrafficFeedGeoprocessingServiceNameValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputLiveTrafficFeedGeoprocessingTaskName) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputLiveTrafficFeedGeoprocessingTaskNameValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputLTRTable) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputLTRTableValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputLRSTable) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputLRSTableValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputLVCTable) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputLVCTableValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);

                double fgdbVersion = 0.0;
                if (!(outputFileGDBVersionValue.IsEmpty()))
                    fgdbVersion = Convert.ToDouble(outputFileGDBVersionValue.GetAsText(), System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                bool createNetworkAttributesInMetric = false;
                if (!(inputCreateNetworkAttributeInMetricValue.IsEmpty()))
                    createNetworkAttributesInMetric = ((inputCreateNetworkAttributeInMetricValue.GetAsText()).ToUpper() == "TRUE");

                bool createTwoDistanceAttributes = false;
                if (!(inputCreateTwoDistanceAttributesValue.IsEmpty()))
                    createTwoDistanceAttributes = ((inputCreateTwoDistanceAttributesValue.GetAsText()).ToUpper() == "TRUE");

                if (inputTimeZoneIDBaseFieldNameValue.IsEmpty() ^ inputTimeZoneTableValue.IsEmpty())
                    messages.AddError(1, "The Time Zone ID Base Field Name and the Time Zone Table must be specified together.");

                string timeZoneIDBaseFieldName = "";
                bool directedTimeZoneIDFields = false;
                if (!(inputTimeZoneIDBaseFieldNameValue.IsEmpty()))
                    timeZoneIDBaseFieldName = inputTimeZoneIDBaseFieldNameValue.GetAsText();
                    IDETable inputTable = m_gpUtils.DecodeDETable(inputNWFeatureClassValue);
                    if (inputTable.Fields.FindField(timeZoneIDBaseFieldName) == -1)
                        directedTimeZoneIDFields = true;
                        if (((inputTable.Fields.FindField("FT_" + timeZoneIDBaseFieldName) == -1) || (inputTable.Fields.FindField("TF_" + timeZoneIDBaseFieldName) == -1)))
                            messages.AddError(1, "Field named " + timeZoneIDBaseFieldName + " does not exist, nor the pair of fields with FT_ and TF_ prefixing " + timeZoneIDBaseFieldName + " does not exist.");

                string commonTimeZone = "";
                if (!(inputCommonTimeZoneForTheEntireDatasetValue.IsEmpty()))
                    commonTimeZone = inputCommonTimeZoneForTheEntireDatasetValue.GetAsText();

                if (inputHSNPTableValue.IsEmpty() ^ inputHSPRTableValue.IsEmpty())
                    messages.AddError(1, "The HSNP and HSPR tables must be specified together.");

                bool agsConnectionIsEmpty = inputLiveTrafficFeedArcGISServerConnectionValue.IsEmpty();
                bool gpServiceNameIsEmpty = inputLiveTrafficFeedGeoprocessingServiceNameValue.IsEmpty();
                bool gpTaskNameIsEmpty = inputLiveTrafficFeedGeoprocessingTaskNameValue.IsEmpty();
                if ((agsConnectionIsEmpty | gpServiceNameIsEmpty | gpTaskNameIsEmpty) ^
                    (agsConnectionIsEmpty & gpServiceNameIsEmpty & gpTaskNameIsEmpty))
                    messages.AddError(1, "The ArcGIS Server Connection, Geoprocessing Service Name, and Geoprocessing Task Name must all be specified together.");

                bool feedFolderIsEmpty = inputLiveTrafficFeedFolderValue.IsEmpty();
                if (!(feedFolderIsEmpty | agsConnectionIsEmpty))
                    messages.AddError(1, "The live traffic feed folder and live traffic feed connection cannot be specified together.");

                bool usesLiveTraffic = !(inputRDTableValue.IsEmpty());
                if (!usesLiveTraffic ^ (feedFolderIsEmpty & agsConnectionIsEmpty))
                    messages.AddError(1, "The RD table and live traffic feed folder or connection must be specified together.");

                ITrafficFeedLocation trafficFeedLocation = null;
                if (usesLiveTraffic)
                    if (feedFolderIsEmpty)
                        // We're using an ArcGIS Server Connection and Geoprocessing Service/Task

                        ITrafficFeedGPService tfgps = new TrafficFeedGPServiceClass();
                        IName trafficFeedGPServiceName = m_gpUtils.GetNameObject(inputLiveTrafficFeedArcGISServerConnectionValue as IDataElement);
                        tfgps.ConnectionProperties = ((IAGSServerConnectionName)trafficFeedGPServiceName).ConnectionProperties;
                        tfgps.ServiceName = inputLiveTrafficFeedGeoprocessingServiceNameValue.GetAsText();
                        tfgps.TaskName = inputLiveTrafficFeedGeoprocessingTaskNameValue.GetAsText();
                        trafficFeedLocation = tfgps as ITrafficFeedLocation;
                        // We're using a Traffic Feed Folder

                        ITrafficFeedDirectory tfd = new TrafficFeedDirectoryClass();
                        tfd.TrafficDirectory = inputLiveTrafficFeedFolderValue.GetAsText();
                        trafficFeedLocation = tfd as ITrafficFeedLocation;

                if (inputLRSTableValue.IsEmpty() ^ inputLVCTableValue.IsEmpty())
                    messages.AddError(1, "The LRS and LVC tables must be specified together.");

                // Get the path to the output file GDB, and feature dataset and network dataset names

                string outputFileGdbPath = outputFileGDBValue.GetAsText();
                string fdsName = inputFeatureDatasetNameValue.GetAsText();
                string ndsName = inputNetworkDatasetNameValue.GetAsText();

                // Create the new file geodatabase and feature dataset

                AddMessage("Creating the file geodatabase and feature dataset...", messages, trackcancel);

                int lastBackslash = outputFileGdbPath.LastIndexOf("\\");
                CreateFileGDB createFGDBTool = new CreateFileGDB();
                createFGDBTool.out_folder_path = outputFileGdbPath.Remove(lastBackslash);
                createFGDBTool.out_name = outputFileGdbPath.Substring(lastBackslash + 1);
                createFGDBTool.out_version = "9.3";
                gp.Execute(createFGDBTool, trackcancel);

                CreateFeatureDataset createFDSTool = new CreateFeatureDataset();
                createFDSTool.out_dataset_path = outputFileGdbPath;
                createFDSTool.out_name = fdsName;
                createFDSTool.spatial_reference = inputNWFeatureClassValue.GetAsText();
                gp.Execute(createFDSTool, trackcancel);

                // Import the NW feature class to the file geodatabase
                // If we're using ArcInfo, also sort the feature class

                MakeFeatureLayer makeFeatureLayerTool = new MakeFeatureLayer();
                makeFeatureLayerTool.in_features = inputNWFeatureClassValue.GetAsText();
                makeFeatureLayerTool.out_layer = "nw_Layer";
                makeFeatureLayerTool.where_clause = "FEATTYP <> 4165";
                gp.Execute(makeFeatureLayerTool, trackcancel);

                string pathToFds = outputFileGdbPath + "\\" + fdsName;
                string streetsFeatureClassPath = pathToFds + "\\" + StreetsFCName;
                FeatureClassToFeatureClass importFCTool = null;

                IAoInitialize aoi = new AoInitializeClass();
                if (aoi.InitializedProduct() == esriLicenseProductCode.esriLicenseProductCodeAdvanced)
                    AddMessage("Importing and spatially sorting the Streets feature class...", messages, trackcancel);

                    Sort sortTool = new Sort();
                    sortTool.in_dataset = "nw_Layer";
                    sortTool.out_dataset = streetsFeatureClassPath;
                    sortTool.sort_field = "Shape";
                    sortTool.spatial_sort_method = "PEANO";
                    gp.Execute(sortTool, trackcancel);
                    AddMessage("Importing the Streets feature class...", messages, trackcancel);

                    importFCTool = new FeatureClassToFeatureClass();
                    importFCTool.in_features = "nw_Layer";
                    importFCTool.out_path = pathToFds;
                    importFCTool.out_name = StreetsFCName;
                    gp.Execute(importFCTool, trackcancel);

                Delete deleteTool = new Delete();
                deleteTool.in_data = "nw_Layer";
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                // Add an index to the Streets feature class's ID field

                AddMessage("Indexing the ID field...", messages, trackcancel);

                AddIndex addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
                addIndexTool.in_table = streetsFeatureClassPath;
                addIndexTool.fields = "ID";
                addIndexTool.index_name = "ID";
                gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                // Copy the time zones table to the file geodatabase

                TableToTable importTableTool = null;
                if (timeZoneIDBaseFieldName != "")
                    AddMessage("Copying the TimeZones table...", messages, trackcancel);

                    importTableTool = new TableToTable();
                    importTableTool.in_rows = inputTimeZoneTableValue.GetAsText();
                    importTableTool.out_path = outputFileGdbPath;
                    importTableTool.out_name = "TimeZones";
                    gp.Execute(importTableTool, trackcancel);

                // Initialize common variables that will be used for both
                // processing historical traffic and maneuvers
                AddField addFieldTool = null;
                AddJoin addJoinTool = null;
                RemoveJoin removeJoinTool = null;
                CalculateField calcFieldTool = null;
                TableSelect tableSelectTool = null;
                MakeTableView makeTableViewTool = null;

                #region Process Historical Traffic Tables

                bool usesHistoricalTraffic = false;

                if (!(inputHSNPTableValue.IsEmpty()))
                    usesHistoricalTraffic = true;

                    // Add fields for the weekday/weekend/all-week averages to the Streets feature class

                    AddMessage("Creating fields for the weekday/weekend/all-week averages...", messages, trackcancel);

                    addFieldTool = new AddField();
                    addFieldTool.in_table = streetsFeatureClassPath;

                    addFieldTool.field_type = "SHORT";
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "FT_Weekday";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "TF_Weekday";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "FT_Weekend";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "TF_Weekend";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "FT_AllWeek";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "TF_AllWeek";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    addFieldTool.field_type = "FLOAT";
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "FT_WeekdayMinutes";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "TF_WeekdayMinutes";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "FT_WeekendMinutes";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "TF_WeekendMinutes";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "FT_AllWeekMinutes";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "TF_AllWeekMinutes";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    // Separate out the FT and TF speeds into separate tables and index the NETWORK_ID fields

                    AddMessage("Extracting speed information...", messages, trackcancel);

                    string FTSpeedsTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\FT_Speeds";
                    string TFSpeedsTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\TF_Speeds";

                    tableSelectTool = new TableSelect();
                    tableSelectTool.in_table = inputHSNPTableValue.GetAsText();
                    tableSelectTool.out_table = FTSpeedsTablePath;
                    tableSelectTool.where_clause = "VAL_DIR = 2";
                    gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

                    tableSelectTool.out_table = TFSpeedsTablePath;
                    tableSelectTool.where_clause = "VAL_DIR = 3";
                    gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

                    addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
                    addIndexTool.in_table = FTSpeedsTablePath;
                    addIndexTool.fields = "NETWORK_ID";
                    addIndexTool.index_name = "NETWORK_ID";
                    gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);
                    addIndexTool.in_table = TFSpeedsTablePath;
                    gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                    // Calculate the speeds fields

                    makeFeatureLayerTool = new MakeFeatureLayer();
                    makeFeatureLayerTool.in_features = streetsFeatureClassPath;
                    makeFeatureLayerTool.out_layer = "Streets_Layer";
                    gp.Execute(makeFeatureLayerTool, trackcancel);

                    addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                    addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Layer";
                    addJoinTool.in_field = "ID";
                    addJoinTool.join_table = FTSpeedsTablePath;
                    addJoinTool.join_field = "NETWORK_ID";
                    gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Copying over the FT weekday speeds...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                    calcFieldTool.in_table = "Streets_Layer";
                    calcFieldTool.field = StreetsFCName + ".FT_Weekday";
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "[FT_Speeds.SPWEEKDAY]";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Copying over the FT weekend speeds...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool.field = StreetsFCName + ".FT_Weekend";
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "[FT_Speeds.SPWEEKEND]";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Copying over the FT all-week speeds...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool.field = StreetsFCName + ".FT_AllWeek";
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "[FT_Speeds.SPWEEK]";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                    removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Layer";
                    removeJoinTool.join_name = "FT_Speeds";
                    gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                    addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Layer";
                    addJoinTool.in_field = "ID";
                    addJoinTool.join_table = TFSpeedsTablePath;
                    addJoinTool.join_field = "NETWORK_ID";
                    gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Copying over the TF weekday speeds...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                    calcFieldTool.in_table = "Streets_Layer";
                    calcFieldTool.field = StreetsFCName + ".TF_Weekday";
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "[TF_Speeds.SPWEEKDAY]";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Copying over the TF weekend speeds...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool.field = StreetsFCName + ".TF_Weekend";
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "[TF_Speeds.SPWEEKEND]";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Copying over the TF all-week speeds...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool.field = StreetsFCName + ".TF_AllWeek";
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "[TF_Speeds.SPWEEK]";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                    removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Layer";
                    removeJoinTool.join_name = "TF_Speeds";
                    gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    deleteTool = new Delete();
                    deleteTool.in_data = "Streets_Layer";
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                    deleteTool.in_data = FTSpeedsTablePath;
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);
                    deleteTool.in_data = TFSpeedsTablePath;
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                    // Calculate the travel time fields

                    AddMessage("Calculating the FT weekday travel times...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                    calcFieldTool.in_table = streetsFeatureClassPath;

                    calcFieldTool.field = "FT_WeekdayMinutes";
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "[METERS] * 0.06 / s";
                    calcFieldTool.code_block = "s = [FT_Weekday]\nIf IsNull(s) Then s = [KPH]";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Calculating the FT weekend travel times...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool.field = "FT_WeekendMinutes";
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "[METERS] * 0.06 / s";
                    calcFieldTool.code_block = "s = [FT_Weekend]\nIf IsNull(s) Then s = [KPH]";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Calculating the FT all-week travel times...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool.field = "FT_AllWeekMinutes";
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "[METERS] * 0.06 / s";
                    calcFieldTool.code_block = "s = [FT_AllWeek]\nIf IsNull(s) Then s = [KPH]";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Calculating the TF weekday travel times...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool.field = "TF_WeekdayMinutes";
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "[METERS] * 0.06 / s";
                    calcFieldTool.code_block = "s = [TF_Weekday]\nIf IsNull(s) Then s = [KPH]";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Calculating the TF weekend travel times...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool.field = "TF_WeekendMinutes";
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "[METERS] * 0.06 / s";
                    calcFieldTool.code_block = "s = [TF_Weekend]\nIf IsNull(s) Then s = [KPH]";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Calculating the TF all-week travel times...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool.field = "TF_AllWeekMinutes";
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "[METERS] * 0.06 / s";
                    calcFieldTool.code_block = "s = [TF_AllWeek]\nIf IsNull(s) Then s = [KPH]";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    // Create the DailyProfiles table

                    AddMessage("Creating the profiles table...", messages, trackcancel);

                    CreateDailyProfilesTable(m_gpUtils.OpenDataset(inputHSPRTableValue) as ITable, outputFileGdbPath, fgdbVersion);

                    // Copy over the historical traffic records of the HSNP table to the file geodatabase

                    AddMessage("Copying HSNP table to the file geodatabase...", messages, trackcancel);

                    string histTrafficJoinTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\" + HistTrafficJoinTableName;

                    tableSelectTool.out_table = histTrafficJoinTablePath;
                    tableSelectTool.where_clause = "SPFREEFLOW > 0";
                    gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

                    // Add FCID, FID, and position fields to the Streets_DailyProfiles table

                    AddMessage("Creating fields on the historical traffic join table...", messages, trackcancel);

                    addFieldTool = new AddField();
                    addFieldTool.in_table = histTrafficJoinTablePath;

                    addFieldTool.field_type = "LONG";
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "EdgeFCID";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "EdgeFID";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    addFieldTool.field_type = "DOUBLE";
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "EdgeFrmPos";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "EdgeToPos";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    // If we're creating 10.0, then also create the FreeflowMinutes field

                    if (fgdbVersion == 10.0)
                        addFieldTool.field_type = "DOUBLE";
                        addFieldTool.field_name = "FreeflowMinutes";
                        gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    // Calculate the fields

                    AddMessage("Calculating the EdgeFrmPos field for historical traffic...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                    calcFieldTool.in_table = histTrafficJoinTablePath;

                    calcFieldTool.field = "EdgeFrmPos";
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "x";
                    calcFieldTool.code_block = "Select Case [VAL_DIR]\n  Case 2: x = 0\n  Case 3: x = 1\nEnd Select";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Calculating the EdgeToPos field for historical traffic...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool.field = "EdgeToPos";
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "x";
                    calcFieldTool.code_block = "Select Case [VAL_DIR]\n  Case 2: x = 1\n  Case 3: x = 0\nEnd Select";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Calculating the EdgeFCID field for historical traffic...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                    calcFieldTool.in_table = histTrafficJoinTablePath;
                    calcFieldTool.field = "EdgeFCID";
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "1";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Calculating the EdgeFID field for historical traffic...", messages, trackcancel);

                    makeTableViewTool = new MakeTableView();
                    makeTableViewTool.in_table = histTrafficJoinTablePath;
                    makeTableViewTool.out_view = "Streets_DailyProfiles_View";
                    gp.Execute(makeTableViewTool, trackcancel);

                    addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                    addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_DailyProfiles_View";
                    addJoinTool.in_field = "NETWORK_ID";
                    addJoinTool.join_table = streetsFeatureClassPath;
                    addJoinTool.join_field = "ID";
                    gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                    calcFieldTool.in_table = "Streets_DailyProfiles_View";
                    calcFieldTool.field = HistTrafficJoinTableName + ".EdgeFID";
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "[" + StreetsFCName + ".OBJECTID]";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    if (fgdbVersion == 10.0)
                        AddMessage("Calculating the FreeflowMinutes field...", messages, trackcancel);

                        calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                        calcFieldTool.in_table = "Streets_DailyProfiles_View";
                        calcFieldTool.field = HistTrafficJoinTableName + ".FreeflowMinutes";
                        calcFieldTool.expression = "[" + StreetsFCName + ".METERS] * 0.06 / [" + HistTrafficJoinTableName + ".SPFREEFLOW]";
                        calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                        gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                    removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_DailyProfiles_View";
                    removeJoinTool.join_name = StreetsFCName;
                    gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    deleteTool = new Delete();
                    deleteTool.in_data = "Streets_DailyProfiles_View";
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                    // Add an index to the Streets feature class's NET2CLASS field

                    AddMessage("Indexing the NET2CLASS field...", messages, trackcancel);

                    addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
                    addIndexTool.in_table = streetsFeatureClassPath;
                    addIndexTool.fields = "NET2CLASS";
                    addIndexTool.index_name = "NET2CLASS";
                    gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                #region Process Live Traffic Table

                if (usesLiveTraffic)
                    // Copy the RD table to the file geodatabase

                    AddMessage("Creating the live traffic join table...", messages, trackcancel);

                    importTableTool = new TableToTable();
                    importTableTool.in_rows = inputRDTableValue.GetAsText();
                    importTableTool.out_path = outputFileGdbPath;
                    importTableTool.out_name = TMCJoinTableName;
                    gp.Execute(importTableTool, trackcancel);

                    string TMCJoinTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\" + TMCJoinTableName;

                    // Add FCID, FID, position, and TMC fields to the Streets_TMC table

                    AddMessage("Creating fields on the live traffic join table...", messages, trackcancel);

                    addFieldTool = new AddField();
                    addFieldTool.in_table = TMCJoinTablePath;

                    addFieldTool.field_type = "LONG";
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "EdgeFCID";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "EdgeFID";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    addFieldTool.field_type = "DOUBLE";
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "EdgeFrmPos";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "EdgeToPos";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    addFieldTool.field_type = "TEXT";
                    addFieldTool.field_length = 9;
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "TMC";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    // Calculate the fields

                    AddMessage("Calculating the TMC field for live traffic...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                    calcFieldTool.in_table = TMCJoinTablePath;
                    calcFieldTool.field = "TMC";
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "Right([RDSTMC], 9)";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Calculating the EdgeFrmPos field for live traffic...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool.field = "EdgeFrmPos";
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "x";
                    calcFieldTool.code_block = "Select Case Left([RDSTMC], 1)\n  Case \"+\": x = 0\n  Case \"-\": x = 1\nEnd Select";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Calculating the EdgeToPos field for live traffic...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool.field = "EdgeToPos";
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "x";
                    calcFieldTool.code_block = "Select Case Left([RDSTMC], 1)\n  Case \"-\": x = 0\n  Case \"+\": x = 1\nEnd Select";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Calculating the EdgeFCID field for live traffic...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                    calcFieldTool.in_table = TMCJoinTablePath;
                    calcFieldTool.field = "EdgeFCID";
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "1";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Calculating the EdgeFID field for live traffic...", messages, trackcancel);

                    makeTableViewTool = new MakeTableView();
                    makeTableViewTool.in_table = TMCJoinTablePath;
                    makeTableViewTool.out_view = "Streets_TMC_View";
                    gp.Execute(makeTableViewTool, trackcancel);

                    addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                    addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_TMC_View";
                    addJoinTool.in_field = "ID";
                    addJoinTool.join_table = streetsFeatureClassPath;
                    addJoinTool.join_field = "ID";
                    gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                    calcFieldTool.in_table = "Streets_TMC_View";
                    calcFieldTool.field = TMCJoinTableName + ".EdgeFID";
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "[" + StreetsFCName + ".OBJECTID]";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                    removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_TMC_View";
                    removeJoinTool.join_name = StreetsFCName;
                    gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    deleteTool = new Delete();
                    deleteTool.in_data = "Streets_TMC_View";
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                    // If Historical Traffic is not being used, then we need to create placeholder historical traffic tables

                    if (!usesHistoricalTraffic)
                        // Create the Streets_DailyProfiles table by starting with a copy of the Streets_TMC table

                        AddMessage("Creating the historical traffic join table...", messages, trackcancel);

                        importTableTool = new TableToTable();
                        importTableTool.in_rows = TMCJoinTablePath;
                        importTableTool.out_path = outputFileGdbPath;
                        importTableTool.out_name = HistTrafficJoinTableName;
                        gp.Execute(importTableTool, trackcancel);

                        string histTrafficJoinTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\" + HistTrafficJoinTableName;

                        AddMessage("Creating and calculating the KPH field on the historical traffic join table...", messages, trackcancel);

                        addFieldTool = new AddField();
                        addFieldTool.in_table = histTrafficJoinTablePath;
                        addFieldTool.field_type = "SHORT";
                        addFieldTool.field_name = "KPH";
                        gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                        makeTableViewTool = new MakeTableView();
                        makeTableViewTool.in_table = histTrafficJoinTablePath;
                        makeTableViewTool.out_view = "Streets_DailyProfiles_View";
                        gp.Execute(makeTableViewTool, trackcancel);

                        addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                        addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_DailyProfiles_View";
                        addJoinTool.in_field = "EdgeFID";
                        addJoinTool.join_table = streetsFeatureClassPath;
                        addJoinTool.join_field = "OBJECTID";
                        gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                        calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                        calcFieldTool.in_table = "Streets_DailyProfiles_View";
                        calcFieldTool.field = HistTrafficJoinTableName + ".KPH";
                        calcFieldTool.expression = "[" + StreetsFCName + ".KPH]";
                        calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                        gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                        removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                        removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_DailyProfiles_View";
                        removeJoinTool.join_name = StreetsFCName;
                        gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                        deleteTool = new Delete();
                        deleteTool.in_data = "Streets_DailyProfiles_View";
                        gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                        AddMessage("Creating and calculating the PROFILE fields on the historical traffic join table...", messages, trackcancel);

                        for (int i = 1; i <= 7; i++)
                            string fieldName = "PROFILE_" + Convert.ToString(i, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                            addFieldTool = new AddField();
                            addFieldTool.in_table = histTrafficJoinTablePath;
                            addFieldTool.field_type = "SHORT";
                            addFieldTool.field_name = fieldName;
                            gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                            calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                            calcFieldTool.in_table = histTrafficJoinTablePath;
                            calcFieldTool.field = fieldName;
                            calcFieldTool.expression = "1";
                            calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                            gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                        // Create the Profiles table


                // Copy the MN feature class to the file geodatabase

                AddMessage("Copying the Maneuvers feature class and indexing...", messages, trackcancel);

                importFCTool = new FeatureClassToFeatureClass();
                importFCTool.in_features = inputMNFeatureClassValue.GetAsText();
                importFCTool.out_path = outputFileGdbPath;
                importFCTool.out_name = "mn";
                gp.Execute(importFCTool, trackcancel);

                string mnFeatureClassPath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\mn";

                addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
                addIndexTool.in_table = mnFeatureClassPath;
                addIndexTool.fields = "ID";
                addIndexTool.index_name = "ID";
                gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                // Copy the MP table to the file geodatabase

                AddMessage("Copying the Maneuver Path table...", messages, trackcancel);

                importTableTool = new TableToTable();
                importTableTool.in_rows = inputMPTableValue.GetAsText();
                importTableTool.out_path = outputFileGdbPath;
                importTableTool.out_name = "mp";
                gp.Execute(importTableTool, trackcancel);

                string mpTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\mp";

                // Add and calculate the at junction and feature type fields to the MP table

                AddMessage("Creating and calculating fields for the maneuver types and at junctions...", messages, trackcancel);

                addFieldTool = new AddField();
                addFieldTool.in_table = mpTablePath;
                addFieldTool.field_name = "JNCTID";
                addFieldTool.field_type = "DOUBLE";
                gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                addFieldTool.field_name = "FEATTYP";
                addFieldTool.field_type = "SHORT";
                gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                makeTableViewTool = new MakeTableView();
                makeTableViewTool.in_table = mpTablePath;
                makeTableViewTool.out_view = "mp_View";
                gp.Execute(makeTableViewTool, trackcancel);

                addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "mp_View";
                addJoinTool.in_field = "ID";
                addJoinTool.join_table = mnFeatureClassPath;
                addJoinTool.join_field = "ID";
                gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                calcFieldTool.in_table = "mp_View";
                calcFieldTool.field = "mp.JNCTID";
                calcFieldTool.expression = "[mn.JNCTID]";
                calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                calcFieldTool.field = "mp.FEATTYP";
                calcFieldTool.expression = "[mn.FEATTYP]";
                calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "mp_View";
                removeJoinTool.join_name = "mn";
                gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                deleteTool = new Delete();
                deleteTool.in_data = "mp_View";
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                deleteTool.in_data = mnFeatureClassPath;
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                // Extract only the prohibited maneuvers (feature types 2103 and 2101)

                AddMessage("Extracting prohibited maneuvers...", messages, trackcancel);

                string prohibMPwJnctIDTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\ProhibMPwJnctID";
                string tempTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\TempTable";

                tableSelectTool = new TableSelect();
                tableSelectTool.in_table = mpTablePath;
                tableSelectTool.out_table = prohibMPwJnctIDTablePath;
                tableSelectTool.where_clause = "FEATTYP = 2103";
                gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

                tableSelectTool.out_table = tempTablePath;
                tableSelectTool.where_clause = "FEATTYP = 2101";
                gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

                Append appendTool = new Append();
                appendTool.inputs = tempTablePath;
                appendTool.target = prohibMPwJnctIDTablePath;
                appendTool.schema_type = "TEST";
                gp.Execute(appendTool, trackcancel);

                deleteTool = new Delete();
                deleteTool.in_data = tempTablePath;
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                AddMessage("Creating turn feature class...", messages, trackcancel);

                // Create the turn feature class

                string tempStatsTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\tempStatsTable";

                Statistics statsTool = new Statistics();
                statsTool.in_table = prohibMPwJnctIDTablePath;
                statsTool.out_table = tempStatsTablePath;
                statsTool.statistics_fields = "SEQNR MAX";
                gp.Execute(statsTool, null);

                CreateAndPopulateTurnFeatureClass(outputFileGdbPath, fdsName, "ProhibMPwJnctID", "tempStatsTable",
                                                  messages, trackcancel);

                deleteTool = new Delete();
                deleteTool.in_data = tempStatsTablePath;
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                deleteTool.in_data = prohibMPwJnctIDTablePath;
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);


                // Extract the bifurcations (feature type 9401)

                AddMessage("Extracting bifurcations...", messages, trackcancel);

                string bifurcationMPwJnctIDTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\BifurcationMPwJnctID";

                tableSelectTool = new TableSelect();
                tableSelectTool.in_table = mpTablePath;
                tableSelectTool.out_table = bifurcationMPwJnctIDTablePath;
                tableSelectTool.where_clause = "FEATTYP = 9401";
                gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

                deleteTool.in_data = mpTablePath;
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                // Add and calculate the StreetsOID and the from-/to-junction ID fields to the MP table

                AddMessage("Creating and calculating fields for the StreetsOID and the from-/to-junction IDs...", messages, trackcancel);

                addFieldTool = new AddField();
                addFieldTool.in_table = bifurcationMPwJnctIDTablePath;
                addFieldTool.field_type = "LONG";
                addFieldTool.field_name = "StreetsOID";
                gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                addFieldTool.field_type = "DOUBLE";
                addFieldTool.field_name = "F_JNCTID";
                gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                addFieldTool.field_name = "T_JNCTID";
                gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                makeTableViewTool = new MakeTableView();
                makeTableViewTool.in_table = bifurcationMPwJnctIDTablePath;
                makeTableViewTool.out_view = "bifurcationMP_View";
                gp.Execute(makeTableViewTool, trackcancel);

                addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "bifurcationMP_View";
                addJoinTool.in_field = "TRPELID";
                addJoinTool.join_table = streetsFeatureClassPath;
                addJoinTool.join_field = "ID";
                gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                calcFieldTool.in_table = "bifurcationMP_View";
                calcFieldTool.field = "BifurcationMPwJnctID.StreetsOID";
                calcFieldTool.expression = "[Streets.OBJECTID]";
                calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                calcFieldTool.field = "BifurcationMPwJnctID.F_JNCTID";
                calcFieldTool.expression = "[Streets.F_JNCTID]";
                calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                calcFieldTool.field = "BifurcationMPwJnctID.T_JNCTID";
                calcFieldTool.expression = "[Streets.T_JNCTID]";
                calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "bifurcationMP_View";
                removeJoinTool.join_name = "Streets";
                gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                deleteTool = new Delete();
                deleteTool.in_data = "bifurcationMP_View";
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                AddMessage("Creating RoadSplits table...", messages, trackcancel);

                // Create the RoadSplits table

                CreateAndPopulateRoadSplitsTable(outputFileGdbPath, "BifurcationMPwJnctID", messages, trackcancel);

                deleteTool.in_data = bifurcationMPwJnctIDTablePath;
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);


                #region Process Restrictions Table

                bool usesRSTable = false;

                if (!(inputRSTableValue.IsEmpty()))
                    usesRSTable = true;

                    // Extract the information from the Restrictions table

                    AddMessage("Extracting information from the Restrictions table...", messages, trackcancel);

                    string rsTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\rs";

                    tableSelectTool = new TableSelect();
                    tableSelectTool.in_table = inputRSTableValue.GetAsText();
                    tableSelectTool.out_table = rsTablePath;
                    tableSelectTool.where_clause = "RESTRTYP = 'DF' OR FEATTYP IN (2101, 2103)";
                    gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

                    // Create and populate fields for the Streets

                    makeFeatureLayerTool = new MakeFeatureLayer();
                    makeFeatureLayerTool.in_features = streetsFeatureClassPath;
                    makeFeatureLayerTool.out_layer = "Streets_Layer";
                    gp.Execute(makeFeatureLayerTool, trackcancel);

                    CreateAndPopulateRSField(outputFileGdbPath, false, "FT_AllVehicles_Restricted",
                                             "DIR_POS IN (1, 2) AND VT = 0", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateRSField(outputFileGdbPath, false, "TF_AllVehicles_Restricted",
                                             "DIR_POS IN (1, 3) AND VT = 0", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateRSField(outputFileGdbPath, false, "FT_PassengerCars_Restricted",
                                             "DIR_POS IN (1, 2) AND VT = 11", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateRSField(outputFileGdbPath, false, "TF_PassengerCars_Restricted",
                                             "DIR_POS IN (1, 3) AND VT = 11", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateRSField(outputFileGdbPath, false, "FT_ResidentialVehicles_Restricted",
                                             "DIR_POS IN (1, 2) AND VT = 12", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateRSField(outputFileGdbPath, false, "TF_ResidentialVehicles_Restricted",
                                             "DIR_POS IN (1, 3) AND VT = 12", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateRSField(outputFileGdbPath, false, "FT_Taxis_Restricted",
                                             "DIR_POS IN (1, 2) AND VT = 16", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateRSField(outputFileGdbPath, false, "TF_Taxis_Restricted",
                                             "DIR_POS IN (1, 3) AND VT = 16", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateRSField(outputFileGdbPath, false, "FT_PublicBuses_Restricted",
                                             "DIR_POS IN (1, 2) AND VT = 17", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateRSField(outputFileGdbPath, false, "TF_PublicBuses_Restricted",
                                             "DIR_POS IN (1, 3) AND VT = 17", gp, messages, trackcancel);

                    deleteTool = new Delete();
                    deleteTool.in_data = "Streets_Layer";
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                    // Create and populate fields for the RestrictedTurns

                    string pathToTurnFC = pathToFds + "\\" + TurnFCName;

                    makeFeatureLayerTool = new MakeFeatureLayer();
                    makeFeatureLayerTool.in_features = pathToTurnFC;
                    makeFeatureLayerTool.out_layer = "RestrictedTurns_Layer";
                    gp.Execute(makeFeatureLayerTool, trackcancel);

                    CreateAndPopulateRSField(outputFileGdbPath, true, "AllVehicles_Restricted", "VT = 0 OR RESTRTYP = '8I'", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateRSField(outputFileGdbPath, true, "PassengerCars_Restricted", "VT = 11", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateRSField(outputFileGdbPath, true, "ResidentialVehicles_Restricted", "VT = 12", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateRSField(outputFileGdbPath, true, "Taxis_Restricted", "VT = 16", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateRSField(outputFileGdbPath, true, "PublicBuses_Restricted", "VT = 17", gp, messages, trackcancel);

                    deleteTool = new Delete();
                    deleteTool.in_data = "RestrictedTurns_Layer";
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                    deleteTool = new Delete();
                    deleteTool.in_data = rsTablePath;
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                #region Process Logistics Truck Routes Table

                bool usesLTRTable = false;

                if (!(inputLTRTableValue.IsEmpty()))
                    usesLTRTable = true;

                    makeFeatureLayerTool = new MakeFeatureLayer();
                    makeFeatureLayerTool.in_features = streetsFeatureClassPath;
                    makeFeatureLayerTool.out_layer = "Streets_Layer";
                    gp.Execute(makeFeatureLayerTool, trackcancel);

                    if (fgdbVersion >= 10.1)
                        CreateAndPopulateLTRField(outputFileGdbPath, inputLTRTableValue.GetAsText(),
                                                  "NationalSTAARoute", "PREFERRED = 1", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                        CreateAndPopulateLTRField(outputFileGdbPath, inputLTRTableValue.GetAsText(),
                                                  "NationalRouteAccess", "PREFERRED = 2", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                        CreateAndPopulateLTRField(outputFileGdbPath, inputLTRTableValue.GetAsText(),
                                                  "DesignatedTruckRoute", "PREFERRED = 3", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                        CreateAndPopulateLTRField(outputFileGdbPath, inputLTRTableValue.GetAsText(),
                                                  "TruckBypassRoad", "PREFERRED = 4", gp, messages, trackcancel);

                    CreateAndPopulateLTRField(outputFileGdbPath, inputLTRTableValue.GetAsText(),
                                              "NoCommercialVehicles", "RESTRICTED = 1", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateLTRField(outputFileGdbPath, inputLTRTableValue.GetAsText(),
                                              "ImmediateAccessOnly", "RESTRICTED = 2", gp, messages, trackcancel);
                    CreateAndPopulateLTRField(outputFileGdbPath, inputLTRTableValue.GetAsText(),
                                              "TrucksRestricted", "RESTRICTED = 3", gp, messages, trackcancel);

                    deleteTool = new Delete();
                    deleteTool.in_data = "Streets_Layer";
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                #region Process Logistics Restrictions Table

                bool usesLRSTable = false;
                string lrsStatsTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\lrs_Stats";

                if (!(inputLRSTableValue.IsEmpty()))
                    usesLRSTable = true;

                    // Copy the LRS table to the file geodatabase

                    AddMessage("Copying the Logistics Restrictions (LRS) table...", messages, trackcancel);

                    importTableTool = new TableToTable();
                    importTableTool.in_rows = inputLRSTableValue.GetAsText();
                    importTableTool.out_path = outputFileGdbPath;
                    importTableTool.out_name = "lrs";
                    gp.Execute(importTableTool, trackcancel);

                    string lrsTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\lrs";

                    // Copy the SUBSEQNR 1 rows of the LVC table to the file geodatabase

                    AddMessage("Copying the Logistics Vehicle Characteristics (LVC) table...", messages, trackcancel);

                    string lvcTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\lvc";

                    tableSelectTool = new TableSelect();
                    tableSelectTool.in_table = inputLVCTableValue.GetAsText();
                    tableSelectTool.out_table = lvcTablePath;
                    tableSelectTool.where_clause = "SUBSEQNR = 1";
                    gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

                    // Add and calculate join fields on the LRS and LVC tables

                    addFieldTool = new AddField();
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "ID_SEQNR";
                    addFieldTool.field_length = 19;
                    addFieldTool.field_type = "TEXT";
                    addFieldTool.in_table = lrsTablePath;
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                    addFieldTool.in_table = lvcTablePath;
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                    calcFieldTool.field = "ID_SEQNR";
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "[ID] & \".\" & [SEQNR]";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";

                    AddMessage("Calculating the join field on the LRS table...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool.in_table = lrsTablePath;
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Calculating the join field on the LVC table...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool.in_table = lvcTablePath;
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    // Index the join field on the LVC table

                    AddMessage("Indexing the join field...", messages, trackcancel);

                    addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
                    addIndexTool.in_table = lvcTablePath;
                    addIndexTool.fields = "ID_SEQNR";
                    addIndexTool.index_name = "ID_SEQNR";
                    gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                    // Join the LRS and LVC tables together, and only extract those rows from
                    // the LRS table that do not have an accompanying row in the LVC table

                    AddMessage("Simplifying the LRS table...", messages, trackcancel);

                    makeTableViewTool = new MakeTableView();
                    makeTableViewTool.in_table = lrsTablePath;
                    makeTableViewTool.out_view = "lrs_View";
                    gp.Execute(makeTableViewTool, trackcancel);

                    addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                    addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "lrs_View";
                    addJoinTool.in_field = "ID_SEQNR";
                    addJoinTool.join_table = lvcTablePath;
                    addJoinTool.join_field = "ID_SEQNR";
                    gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    importTableTool = new TableToTable();
                    importTableTool.in_rows = "lrs_View";
                    importTableTool.out_path = outputFileGdbPath;
                    importTableTool.out_name = "lrs_simplified";
                    importTableTool.where_clause = "lvc.OBJECTID IS NULL";
                    importTableTool.field_mapping = "ID \"ID\" true true false 8 Double 0 0 ,First,#," + lrsTablePath + ",lrs.ID,-1,-1;" +
                                                    "SEQNR \"SEQNR\" true true false 2 Short 0 0 ,First,#," + lrsTablePath + ",lrs.SEQNR,-1,-1;" +
                                                    "FEATTYP \"FEATTYP\" true true false 2 Short 0 0 ,First,#," + lrsTablePath + ",lrs.FEATTYP,-1,-1;" +
                                                    "RESTRTYP \"RESTRTYP\" true true false 2 Text 0 0 ,First,#," + lrsTablePath + ",lrs.RESTRTYP,-1,-1;" +
                                                    "VT \"VT\" true true false 2 Short 0 0 ,First,#," + lrsTablePath + ",lrs.VT,-1,-1;" +
                                                    "RESTRVAL \"RESTRVAL\" true true false 2 Short 0 0 ,First,#," + lrsTablePath + ",lrs.RESTRVAL,-1,-1;" +
                                                    "LIMIT \"LIMIT\" true true false 8 Double 0 0 ,First,#," + lrsTablePath + ",lrs.LIMIT,-1,-1;" +
                                                    "UNIT_MEAS \"UNIT_MEAS\" true true false 2 Short 0 0 ,First,#," + lrsTablePath + ",lrs.UNIT_MEAS,-1,-1;" +
                                                    "LANE_VALID \"LANE_VALID\" true true false 20 Text 0 0 ,First,#," + lrsTablePath + ",lrs.LANE_VALID,-1,-1;" +
                                                    "VALDIRPOS \"VALDIRPOS\" true true false 2 Short 0 0 ,First,#," + lrsTablePath + ",lrs.VALDIRPOS,-1,-1;" +
                                                    "VERIFIED \"VERIFIED\" true true false 2 Short 0 0 ,First,#," + lrsTablePath + ",lrs.VERIFIED,-1,-1";
                    gp.Execute(importTableTool, trackcancel);

                    removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                    removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "lrs_View";
                    removeJoinTool.join_name = "lvc";
                    gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    string lrsSimplifiedTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\lrs_simplified";

                    deleteTool = new Delete();
                    deleteTool.in_data = "lrs_View";
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                    deleteTool.in_data = lrsTablePath;
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);
                    deleteTool.in_data = lvcTablePath;
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                    // Get statistics on the simplified LRS table

                    AddMessage("Analyzing the LRS table...", messages, trackcancel);

                    statsTool = new Statistics();
                    statsTool.in_table = lrsSimplifiedTablePath;
                    statsTool.out_table = lrsStatsTablePath;
                    statsTool.statistics_fields = "ID COUNT";
                    statsTool.case_field = "RESTRTYP;VT;RESTRVAL";
                    gp.Execute(statsTool, trackcancel);

                    // Create and populate the logistics restriction fields

                    CreateAndPopulateLogisticsRestrictionFields(outputFileGdbPath, "lrs_Stats", lrsSimplifiedTablePath, gp, messages, trackcancel);

                    deleteTool = new Delete();
                    deleteTool.in_data = lrsSimplifiedTablePath;
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);


                // Create Signpost feature class and table

                AddMessage("Creating signpost feature class and table...", messages, trackcancel);

                CreateSignposts(inputSITableValue.GetAsText(), inputSPTableValue.GetAsText(), outputFileGdbPath,
                                messages, trackcancel);

                AddSpatialIndex addSpatialIndexTool = new AddSpatialIndex();
                addSpatialIndexTool.in_features = pathToFds + "\\" + SignpostFCName;
                gp.Execute(addSpatialIndexTool, trackcancel);

                addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
                addIndexTool.in_table = outputFileGdbPath + "\\" + SignpostJoinTableName;
                addIndexTool.fields = "SignpostID";
                addIndexTool.index_name = "SignpostID";
                gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                addIndexTool.fields = "Sequence";
                addIndexTool.index_name = "Sequence";
                gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                addIndexTool.fields = "EdgeFCID";
                addIndexTool.index_name = "EdgeFCID";
                gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                addIndexTool.fields = "EdgeFID";
                addIndexTool.index_name = "EdgeFID";
                gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);


                // Upgrade the geodatabase (if not 9.3)

                if (fgdbVersion > 9.3)
                    UpgradeGDB upgradeGdbTool = new UpgradeGDB();
                    upgradeGdbTool.input_workspace = outputFileGdbPath;
                    gp.Execute(upgradeGdbTool, trackcancel);

                // Create and build the network dataset, then pack it in a GPValue

                AddMessage("Creating and building the network dataset...", messages, trackcancel);

                CreateAndBuildNetworkDataset(outputFileGdbPath, fgdbVersion, fdsName, ndsName, createNetworkAttributesInMetric,
                                             createTwoDistanceAttributes, timeZoneIDBaseFieldName, directedTimeZoneIDFields, commonTimeZone,
                                             usesHistoricalTraffic, trafficFeedLocation, usesRSTable, usesLTRTable, usesLRSTable, "lrs_Stats");

                // Once the network dataset is built, we can delete the stats table

                if (usesLRSTable)
                    deleteTool = new Delete();
                    deleteTool.in_data = lrsStatsTablePath;
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                // Write the build errors to the turn feature class

                TurnGeometryUtilities.WriteBuildErrorsToTurnFC(outputFileGdbPath, fdsName, TurnFCName, messages, trackcancel);

                // Compact the output file geodatabase

                AddMessage("Compacting the output file geodatabase...", messages, trackcancel);

                Compact compactTool = new Compact();
                compactTool.in_workspace = outputFileGdbPath;
                gp.Execute(compactTool, trackcancel);
            catch (Exception e)
                if (gp.MaxSeverity == 2)
                    object missing = System.Type.Missing;
                    messages.AddError(1, gp.GetMessages(ref missing));
                messages.AddError(1, e.Message);
                messages.AddError(1, e.StackTrace);
                // Restore the original GP environment settings

                gpSettings.AddOutputsToMap = origAddOutputsToMapSetting;
                gpSettings.LogHistory = origLogHistorySetting;
        public void Execute(IArray paramvalues, ITrackCancel trackcancel,
                            IGPEnvironmentManager envMgr, IGPMessages messages)
            // Remember the original GP environment settings and temporarily override these settings

            var gpSettings = envMgr as IGeoProcessorSettings;
            bool origAddOutputsToMapSetting = gpSettings.AddOutputsToMap;
            bool origLogHistorySetting = gpSettings.LogHistory;
            gpSettings.AddOutputsToMap = false;
            gpSettings.LogHistory = false;

            // Create the Geoprocessor

            Geoprocessor gp = new Geoprocessor();

                // Validate our values

                IGPMessages validateMessages = ((IGPFunction2)this).Validate(paramvalues, false, envMgr);
                if ((validateMessages as IGPMessage).IsError())
                    messages.AddError(1, "Validate failed");

                // Unpack values

                IGPParameter gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputMtdDSTTable) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputMtdDSTTableValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputMtdCntryRefTable) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputMtdCntryRefTableValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputMtdAreaTable) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputMtdAreaTableValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputAdminBndyFeatureClasses) as IGPParameter;
                var inputAdminBndyFeatureClassesMultiValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam) as IGPMultiValue;
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(OutputFileGDB) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue outputFileGDBValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputStreetsFeatureClass) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputStreetsFeatureClassValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);
                gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputTimeZoneIDBaseFieldName) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputTimeZoneIDBaseFieldNameValue = m_gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam);

                bool processStreetsFC = (!(inputStreetsFeatureClassValue.IsEmpty()));
                string timeZoneIDBaseFieldName = "";
                if (!(inputTimeZoneIDBaseFieldNameValue.IsEmpty()))
                    timeZoneIDBaseFieldName = inputTimeZoneIDBaseFieldNameValue.GetAsText();

                // Get the path to the output file GDB

                string outputFileGdbPath = outputFileGDBValue.GetAsText();

                // Create the new file geodatabase

                AddMessage("Creating the file geodatabase...", messages, trackcancel);

                int lastBackslash = outputFileGdbPath.LastIndexOf("\\");
                CreateFileGDB createFGDBTool = new CreateFileGDB();
                createFGDBTool.out_folder_path = outputFileGdbPath.Remove(lastBackslash);
                createFGDBTool.out_name = outputFileGdbPath.Substring(lastBackslash + 1);
                gp.Execute(createFGDBTool, trackcancel);

                // Copy the MtdDST table to the file geodatabase and add the ADMIN_LVL and AREACODE fields to it

                AddMessage("Copying the MtdDST table to the file geodatabase...", messages, trackcancel);

                TableToTable importTableTool = new TableToTable();
                string inputMtdDSTTablePath = inputMtdDSTTableValue.GetAsText();
                importTableTool.in_rows = inputMtdDSTTablePath;
                importTableTool.out_path = outputFileGdbPath;
                importTableTool.out_name = "MtdDST";
                importTableTool.field_mapping = "AREA_ID \"AREA_ID\" true true false 4 Long 0 0 ,First,#," + inputMtdDSTTablePath + ",AREA_ID,-1,-1;" +
                                                "TIME_ZONE \"TIME_ZONE\" true true false 4 Text 0 0 ,First,#," + inputMtdDSTTablePath + ",TIME_ZONE,-1,-1;" +
                                                "DST_EXIST \"DST_EXIST\" true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#," + inputMtdDSTTablePath + ",DST_EXIST,-1,-1";
                gp.Execute(importTableTool, trackcancel);

                string mtdDSTTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\MtdDST";

                AddField addFieldTool = new AddField();
                addFieldTool.in_table = mtdDSTTablePath;
                addFieldTool.field_name = "ADMIN_LVL";
                addFieldTool.field_type = "SHORT";
                gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                addFieldTool = new AddField();
                addFieldTool.in_table = mtdDSTTablePath;
                addFieldTool.field_name = "AREACODE";
                addFieldTool.field_type = "TEXT";
                addFieldTool.field_length = 76;
                gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                // Copy the MtdArea table to the file geodatabase and index the AREA_ID field

                AddMessage("Copying the MtdArea table to the file geodatabase...", messages, trackcancel);

                importTableTool = new TableToTable();
                importTableTool.in_rows = inputMtdAreaTableValue.GetAsText();
                importTableTool.out_path = outputFileGdbPath;
                importTableTool.out_name = "MtdArea";
                gp.Execute(importTableTool, trackcancel);

                string mtdAreaTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\MtdArea";

                AddIndex addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
                addIndexTool.in_table = mtdAreaTablePath;
                addIndexTool.fields = "AREA_ID";
                addIndexTool.index_name = "AREA_ID";
                gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                // Calculate the ADMIN_LVL and AREACODE fields on the MtdDST table

                MakeTableView makeTableViewTool = new MakeTableView();
                makeTableViewTool.in_table = mtdDSTTablePath;
                makeTableViewTool.out_view = "MtdDST_Layer";
                gp.Execute(makeTableViewTool, trackcancel);

                AddJoin addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "MtdDST_Layer";
                addJoinTool.in_field = "AREA_ID";
                addJoinTool.join_table = mtdAreaTablePath;
                addJoinTool.join_field = "AREA_ID";
                addJoinTool.join_type = "KEEP_COMMON";
                gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                AddMessage("Calculating the ADMIN_LVL field...", messages, trackcancel);

                CalculateField calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                calcFieldTool.in_table = "MtdDST_Layer";
                calcFieldTool.field = "MtdDST.ADMIN_LVL";
                calcFieldTool.expression = "[MtdArea.ADMIN_LVL]";
                calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                AddMessage("Calculating the AREACODE field...", messages, trackcancel);

                calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                calcFieldTool.in_table = "MtdDST_Layer";
                calcFieldTool.field = "MtdDST.AREACODE";
                calcFieldTool.code_block = "lvl = [MtdArea.ADMIN_LVL]\n" +
                                           "s = CStr([MtdArea.AREACODE_1])\n" +
                                           "If lvl >= 2 Then s = s & \".\" & CStr([MtdArea.AREACODE_2])\n" +
                                           "If lvl >= 3 Then s = s & \".\" & CStr([MtdArea.AREACODE_3])\n" +
                                           "If lvl >= 4 Then s = s & \".\" & CStr([MtdArea.AREACODE_4])\n" +
                                           "If lvl >= 5 Then s = s & \".\" & CStr([MtdArea.AREACODE_5])\n" +
                                           "If lvl >= 6 Then s = s & \".\" & CStr([MtdArea.AREACODE_6])\n" +
                                           "If lvl >= 7 Then s = s & \".\" & CStr([MtdArea.AREACODE_7])";
                calcFieldTool.expression = "s";
                calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                RemoveJoin removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "MtdDST_Layer";
                removeJoinTool.join_name = "MtdArea";
                gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                Delete deleteTool = new Delete();
                deleteTool.in_data = "MtdDST_Layer";
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                // Create the MtdDST# tables by admin levels and index the AREACODE field

                TableSelect tableSelectTool = null;
                for (int i = 1; i <= 7; i++)
                    string iAsString = Convert.ToString(i, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                    AddMessage("Extracting level " + iAsString + " MtdDST rows...", messages, trackcancel);

                    tableSelectTool = new TableSelect();
                    tableSelectTool.in_table = mtdDSTTablePath;
                    tableSelectTool.out_table = mtdDSTTablePath + iAsString;
                    tableSelectTool.where_clause = "ADMIN_LVL = " + iAsString;
                    gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

                    addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
                    addIndexTool.in_table = mtdDSTTablePath + iAsString;
                    addIndexTool.fields = "AREACODE";
                    addIndexTool.index_name = "AREACODE";
                    gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                deleteTool = new Delete();
                deleteTool.in_data = mtdDSTTablePath;
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                // Copy the MtdCntryRef table to the file geodatabase (use Statistics tool to remove duplicate rows)

                AddMessage("Copying the MtdCntryRef table to the file geodatabase...", messages, trackcancel);

                string inputMtdCntryRefTablePath = inputMtdCntryRefTableValue.GetAsText();
                string mtdCntryRefTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\MtdCntryRef";
                Statistics statsTool = new Statistics();
                statsTool.in_table = inputMtdCntryRefTablePath;
                statsTool.out_table = mtdCntryRefTablePath;
                statsTool.statistics_fields = "ISO_CODE COUNT";
                statsTool.case_field = "GOVT_CODE;ISO_CODE;DRIVING_SD;ADMINLEVEL";
                gp.Execute(statsTool, trackcancel);

                DeleteField deleteFieldTool = new DeleteField();
                deleteFieldTool.in_table = mtdCntryRefTablePath;
                deleteFieldTool.drop_field = "FREQUENCY;COUNT_ISO_CODE";
                gp.Execute(deleteFieldTool, trackcancel);

                // Index the GOVT_CODE field

                addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
                addIndexTool.in_table = mtdCntryRefTablePath;
                addIndexTool.fields = "GOVT_CODE";
                addIndexTool.index_name = "GOVT_CODE";
                gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                // Extract the top level (country) records from the MtdArea table and index the AREACODE_1 field

                AddMessage("Extracting the top-level rows from the MtdArea table...", messages, trackcancel);

                string mtdTopAreaTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\TopArea";

                tableSelectTool = new TableSelect();
                tableSelectTool.in_table = mtdAreaTablePath;
                tableSelectTool.out_table = mtdTopAreaTablePath;
                tableSelectTool.where_clause = "AREACODE_2 = 0 AND AREA_TYPE = 'B'";
                gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

                addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
                addIndexTool.in_table = mtdTopAreaTablePath;
                addIndexTool.fields = "AREACODE_1";
                addIndexTool.index_name = "AREACODE_1";
                gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                // Create and calculate the TOP_GOVT_CODE field on the MtdArea table

                addFieldTool = new AddField();
                addFieldTool.in_table = mtdAreaTablePath;
                addFieldTool.field_name = "TOP_GOVT_CODE";
                addFieldTool.field_type = "LONG";
                gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                makeTableViewTool = new MakeTableView();
                makeTableViewTool.in_table = mtdAreaTablePath;
                makeTableViewTool.out_view = "MtdArea_Layer";
                gp.Execute(makeTableViewTool, trackcancel);

                addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "MtdArea_Layer";
                addJoinTool.in_field = "AREACODE_1";
                addJoinTool.join_table = mtdTopAreaTablePath;
                addJoinTool.join_field = "AREACODE_1";
                addJoinTool.join_type = "KEEP_COMMON";
                gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                AddMessage("Calculating the TOP_GOVT_CODE field...", messages, trackcancel);

                calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                calcFieldTool.in_table = "MtdArea_Layer";
                calcFieldTool.field = "MtdArea.TOP_GOVT_CODE";
                calcFieldTool.expression = "[TopArea.GOVT_CODE]";
                calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "MtdArea_Layer";
                removeJoinTool.join_name = "TopArea";
                gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                deleteTool = new Delete();
                deleteTool.in_data = mtdTopAreaTablePath;
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                // Create and calculate the ISO_CODE and DRIVING_SD string fields

                addFieldTool = new AddField();
                addFieldTool.in_table = mtdAreaTablePath;
                addFieldTool.field_name = "ISO_CODE";
                addFieldTool.field_type = "TEXT";
                addFieldTool.field_length = 3;
                gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                addFieldTool = new AddField();
                addFieldTool.in_table = mtdAreaTablePath;
                addFieldTool.field_name = "DRIVING_SD";
                addFieldTool.field_type = "TEXT";
                addFieldTool.field_length = 1;
                gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "MtdArea_Layer";
                addJoinTool.in_field = "TOP_GOVT_CODE";
                addJoinTool.join_table = mtdCntryRefTablePath;
                addJoinTool.join_field = "GOVT_CODE";
                addJoinTool.join_type = "KEEP_COMMON";
                gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                AddMessage("Calculating the ISO_CODE field...", messages, trackcancel);

                calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                calcFieldTool.in_table = "MtdArea_Layer";
                calcFieldTool.field = "MtdArea.ISO_CODE";
                calcFieldTool.expression = "[MtdCntryRef.ISO_CODE]";
                calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                AddMessage("Calculating the DRIVING_SD field...", messages, trackcancel);

                calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                calcFieldTool.in_table = "MtdArea_Layer";
                calcFieldTool.field = "MtdArea.DRIVING_SD";
                calcFieldTool.expression = "[MtdCntryRef.DRIVING_SD]";
                calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "MtdArea_Layer";
                removeJoinTool.join_name = "MtdCntryRef";
                gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                // Create and calculate the FullAREACODE# string fields and the UTCOffset and DST fields

                addFieldTool = new AddField();
                addFieldTool.in_table = mtdAreaTablePath;
                addFieldTool.field_type = "SHORT";
                addFieldTool.field_name = "UTCOffset";
                gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                addFieldTool.field_name = "DST";
                gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                string codeBlock = "lvl = [ADMIN_LVL]\ns = CStr([AREACODE_1])";
                for (int i = 1; i <= 7; i++)
                    string iAsString = Convert.ToString(i, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    string iPlusOne = Convert.ToString(i+1, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    string fullAreaCodeFieldName = "FullAREACODE" + iAsString;
                    addFieldTool = new AddField();
                    addFieldTool.in_table = mtdAreaTablePath;
                    addFieldTool.field_name = fullAreaCodeFieldName;
                    addFieldTool.field_type = "TEXT";
                    addFieldTool.field_length = 76;
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Calculating the FullAREACODE" + iAsString + " field...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                    calcFieldTool.in_table = mtdAreaTablePath;
                    calcFieldTool.field = fullAreaCodeFieldName;
                    calcFieldTool.code_block = codeBlock;
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "s";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);
                    codeBlock = codeBlock + "\nIf lvl >= " + iPlusOne + " Then s = s & \".\" & CStr([AREACODE_" + iPlusOne + "])";

                    string dstJoinTableName = "MtdDST" + iAsString;
                    string dstJoinTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\" + dstJoinTableName;

                    addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                    addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "MtdArea_Layer";
                    addJoinTool.in_field = fullAreaCodeFieldName;
                    addJoinTool.join_table = dstJoinTablePath;
                    addJoinTool.join_field = "AREACODE";
                    addJoinTool.join_type = "KEEP_COMMON";
                    gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Calculating the UTCOffset field (" + iAsString + " of 7)...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                    calcFieldTool.in_table = "MtdArea_Layer";
                    calcFieldTool.field = "MtdArea.UTCOffset";
                    calcFieldTool.code_block = "s = [MtdArea.UTCOffset]\n" +
                                               "joinValue = [" + dstJoinTableName + ".TIME_ZONE]\n" +
                                               "If Not IsNull(joinValue) Then\n" +
                                               "  If Trim(joinValue) <> \"\" Then s = CInt(joinValue) * 6\n" +
                                               "End If";
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "s";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Calculating the DST field (" + iAsString + " of 7)...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                    calcFieldTool.in_table = "MtdArea_Layer";
                    calcFieldTool.field = "MtdArea.DST";
                    calcFieldTool.code_block = "s = [MtdArea.DST]\n" +
                                               "joinValue = [" + dstJoinTableName + ".DST_EXIST]\n" +
                                               "If Not IsNull(joinValue) Then\n" +
                                               "  Select Case Trim(joinValue)\n" +
                                               "    Case \"Y\": s = 1\n    Case \"N\": s = 0\n" +
                                               "  End Select\n" +
                                               "End If";
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "s";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                    removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "MtdArea_Layer";
                    removeJoinTool.join_name = dstJoinTableName;
                    gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    deleteTool = new Delete();
                    deleteTool.in_data = dstJoinTablePath;
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                deleteTool = new Delete();
                deleteTool.in_data = "MtdArea_Layer";
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                // Create and calculate the sortable MSTIMEZONE field on the MtdArea table

                addFieldTool = new AddField();
                addFieldTool.in_table = mtdAreaTablePath;
                addFieldTool.field_name = "SortableMSTIMEZONE";
                addFieldTool.field_type = "TEXT";
                addFieldTool.field_length = 60;
                gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                AddMessage("Calculating the time zones...", messages, trackcancel);

                calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                calcFieldTool.in_table = mtdAreaTablePath;
                calcFieldTool.field = "SortableMSTIMEZONE";
                calcFieldTool.code_block = TimeZoneUtilities.MakeSortableMSTIMEZONECode("ISO_CODE");
                calcFieldTool.expression = "z";
                calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                // Extract the MtdArea rows to be used for generating the time zone polygons and index the AREA_ID field

                string mtdAreaForTZPolysTablePath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\MtdAreaForTZPolys";
                tableSelectTool = new TableSelect();
                tableSelectTool.in_table = mtdAreaTablePath;
                tableSelectTool.out_table = mtdAreaForTZPolysTablePath;
                tableSelectTool.where_clause = CreateWhereClauseForAdminLvlByCountry(outputFileGdbPath, "MtdCntryRef");
                gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

                addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
                addIndexTool.in_table = mtdAreaForTZPolysTablePath;
                addIndexTool.fields = "AREA_ID";
                addIndexTool.index_name = "AREA_ID";
                gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                // We no longer need the MtdCntryRef table anymore

                deleteTool = new Delete();
                deleteTool.in_data = mtdCntryRefTablePath;
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                // Merge the AdminBndy feature classes together into one feature class

                int numAdminBndyFCs = inputAdminBndyFeatureClassesMultiValue.Count;
                string mergeToolInputs = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < numAdminBndyFCs; i++)
                    mergeToolInputs = mergeToolInputs + inputAdminBndyFeatureClassesMultiValue.get_Value(i).GetAsText() + ";";
                mergeToolInputs = mergeToolInputs.Remove(mergeToolInputs.Length - 1);
                string adminBndyFCPath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\AdminBndy";

                AddMessage("Merging the Administrative Boundary feature classes...", messages, trackcancel);

                Merge mergeTool = new Merge();
                mergeTool.inputs = mergeToolInputs;
                mergeTool.output = adminBndyFCPath;
                gp.Execute(mergeTool, trackcancel);

                // Join the AdminBndy polygons to the MtdArea rows to be used for generating the time zone polygons

                MakeFeatureLayer makeFeatureLayerTool = new MakeFeatureLayer();
                makeFeatureLayerTool.in_features = adminBndyFCPath;
                makeFeatureLayerTool.out_layer = "AdminBndy_Layer";
                gp.Execute(makeFeatureLayerTool, trackcancel);

                addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "AdminBndy_Layer";
                addJoinTool.in_field = "AREA_ID";
                addJoinTool.join_table = mtdAreaForTZPolysTablePath;
                addJoinTool.join_field = "AREA_ID";
                addJoinTool.join_type = "KEEP_COMMON";
                gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                FeatureClassToFeatureClass importFCTool = new FeatureClassToFeatureClass();
                importFCTool.in_features = "AdminBndy_Layer";
                importFCTool.out_path = outputFileGdbPath;
                importFCTool.out_name = "UndissolvedTZPolys";
                importFCTool.field_mapping = "SortableMSTIMEZONE \"SortableMSTIMEZONE\" true true false 60 Text 0 0 ,First,#," +
                                             mtdAreaForTZPolysTablePath + ",MtdAreaForTZPolys.SortableMSTIMEZONE,-1,-1";
                gp.Execute(importFCTool, trackcancel);
                string undissolvedTZPolysFCPath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\UndissolvedTZPolys";

                removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "AdminBndy_Layer";
                removeJoinTool.join_name = "MtdAreaForTZPolys";
                gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                deleteTool = new Delete();
                deleteTool.in_data = "AdminBndy_Layer";
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                deleteTool = new Delete();
                deleteTool.in_data = adminBndyFCPath;
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);
                deleteTool.in_data = mtdAreaForTZPolysTablePath;
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                // Dissolve the time zone polygons together

                AddMessage("Dissolving the time zones...", messages, trackcancel);

                string timeZoneFCPath = outputFileGdbPath + "\\" + TimeZoneFCName;
                Dissolve dissolveTool = new Dissolve();
                dissolveTool.in_features = undissolvedTZPolysFCPath;
                dissolveTool.out_feature_class = timeZoneFCPath;
                dissolveTool.dissolve_field = "SortableMSTIMEZONE";
                dissolveTool.multi_part = "MULTI_PART";
                gp.Execute(dissolveTool, trackcancel);

                deleteTool = new Delete();
                deleteTool.in_data = undissolvedTZPolysFCPath;
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                // Create and calculate the MSTIMEZONE field

                addFieldTool = new AddField();
                addFieldTool.in_table = timeZoneFCPath;
                addFieldTool.field_name = "MSTIMEZONE";
                addFieldTool.field_type = "TEXT";
                addFieldTool.field_length = 50;
                gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                AddMessage("Calculating the time zones...", messages, trackcancel);

                calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                calcFieldTool.in_table = timeZoneFCPath;
                calcFieldTool.field = "MSTIMEZONE";
                calcFieldTool.expression = "Mid([SortableMSTIMEZONE], 7)";
                calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                // Delete the old sortable MSTIMEZONE field

                deleteFieldTool = new DeleteField();
                deleteFieldTool.in_table = timeZoneFCPath;
                deleteFieldTool.drop_field = "SortableMSTIMEZONE";
                gp.Execute(deleteFieldTool, trackcancel);

                if (processStreetsFC)
                    // Create the network dataset time zone table

                    AddMessage("Creating the time zones table...", messages, trackcancel);

                    importTableTool = new TableToTable();
                    importTableTool.in_rows = timeZoneFCPath;
                    importTableTool.out_path = outputFileGdbPath;
                    importTableTool.out_name = TimeZonesTableName;
                    importTableTool.field_mapping = "MSTIMEZONE \"MSTIMEZONE\" true true false 50 Text 0 0 ,First,#," +
                                                    timeZoneFCPath + ",MSTIMEZONE,-1,-1";
                    gp.Execute(importTableTool, trackcancel);

                    // Separate the MtdArea table by driving side and index the AREA_ID field on each

                    AddMessage("Extracting rows for the left-side driving areas...", messages, trackcancel);

                    string drivingLTablePath = mtdAreaTablePath + "DrivingL";
                    string drivingRTablePath = mtdAreaTablePath + "DrivingR";

                    tableSelectTool = new TableSelect();
                    tableSelectTool.in_table = mtdAreaTablePath;
                    tableSelectTool.out_table = drivingLTablePath;
                    tableSelectTool.where_clause = "DRIVING_SD = 'L'";
                    gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

                    addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
                    addIndexTool.in_table = drivingLTablePath;
                    addIndexTool.fields = "AREA_ID";
                    addIndexTool.index_name = "AREA_ID";
                    gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Extracting rows for the right-side driving areas...", messages, trackcancel);

                    tableSelectTool = new TableSelect();
                    tableSelectTool.in_table = mtdAreaTablePath;
                    tableSelectTool.out_table = drivingRTablePath;
                    tableSelectTool.where_clause = "DRIVING_SD = 'R'";
                    gp.Execute(tableSelectTool, trackcancel);

                    addIndexTool = new AddIndex();
                    addIndexTool.in_table = drivingRTablePath;
                    addIndexTool.fields = "AREA_ID";
                    addIndexTool.index_name = "AREA_ID";
                    gp.Execute(addIndexTool, trackcancel);

                    // Import the Streets feature class to the file geodatabase and
                    // add the FT_TimeZoneID and TF_TimeZoneID fields

                    AddMessage("Copying the Streets feature class to the geodatabase...", messages, trackcancel);

                    importFCTool = new FeatureClassToFeatureClass();
                    importFCTool.in_features = inputStreetsFeatureClassValue.GetAsText();
                    importFCTool.out_path = outputFileGdbPath;
                    importFCTool.out_name = StreetsFCName;
                    gp.Execute(importFCTool, trackcancel);

                    string pathToStreetsFC = outputFileGdbPath + "\\" + StreetsFCName;

                    addFieldTool = new AddField();
                    addFieldTool.in_table = pathToStreetsFC;
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "FT_" + timeZoneIDBaseFieldName;
                    addFieldTool.field_type = "SHORT";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);
                    addFieldTool.field_name = "TF_" + timeZoneIDBaseFieldName;
                    addFieldTool.field_type = "SHORT";
                    gp.Execute(addFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    // Calculate the TimeZoneID fields

                    makeFeatureLayerTool = new MakeFeatureLayer();
                    makeFeatureLayerTool.in_features = pathToStreetsFC;
                    makeFeatureLayerTool.out_layer = "Streets_Layer";
                    gp.Execute(makeFeatureLayerTool, trackcancel);

                    addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                    addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Layer";
                    addJoinTool.in_field = "R_AREA_ID";
                    addJoinTool.join_table = drivingLTablePath;
                    addJoinTool.join_field = "AREA_ID";
                    addJoinTool.join_type = "KEEP_COMMON";
                    gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Calculating the FT_" + timeZoneIDBaseFieldName + " field for left driving side roads...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                    calcFieldTool.in_table = "Streets_Layer";
                    calcFieldTool.field = StreetsFCName + ".FT_" + timeZoneIDBaseFieldName;
                    calcFieldTool.code_block = TimeZoneUtilities.MakeTimeZoneIDCode(outputFileGdbPath, TimeZonesTableName, "MtdAreaDrivingL.SortableMSTIMEZONE");
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "tzID";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                    removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Layer";
                    removeJoinTool.join_name = "MtdAreaDrivingL";
                    gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                    addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Layer";
                    addJoinTool.in_field = "L_AREA_ID";
                    addJoinTool.join_table = drivingRTablePath;
                    addJoinTool.join_field = "AREA_ID";
                    addJoinTool.join_type = "KEEP_COMMON";
                    gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Calculating the FT_" + timeZoneIDBaseFieldName + " field for right driving side roads...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                    calcFieldTool.in_table = "Streets_Layer";
                    calcFieldTool.field = StreetsFCName + ".FT_" + timeZoneIDBaseFieldName;
                    calcFieldTool.code_block = TimeZoneUtilities.MakeTimeZoneIDCode(outputFileGdbPath, TimeZonesTableName, "MtdAreaDrivingR.SortableMSTIMEZONE");
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "tzID";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                    removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Layer";
                    removeJoinTool.join_name = "MtdAreaDrivingR";
                    gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                    addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Layer";
                    addJoinTool.in_field = "L_AREA_ID";
                    addJoinTool.join_table = drivingLTablePath;
                    addJoinTool.join_field = "AREA_ID";
                    addJoinTool.join_type = "KEEP_COMMON";
                    gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Calculating the TF_" + timeZoneIDBaseFieldName + " field for left driving side roads...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                    calcFieldTool.in_table = "Streets_Layer";
                    calcFieldTool.field = StreetsFCName + ".TF_" + timeZoneIDBaseFieldName;
                    calcFieldTool.code_block = TimeZoneUtilities.MakeTimeZoneIDCode(outputFileGdbPath, TimeZonesTableName, "MtdAreaDrivingL.SortableMSTIMEZONE");
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "tzID";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                    removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Layer";
                    removeJoinTool.join_name = "MtdAreaDrivingL";
                    gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    addJoinTool = new AddJoin();
                    addJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Layer";
                    addJoinTool.in_field = "R_AREA_ID";
                    addJoinTool.join_table = drivingRTablePath;
                    addJoinTool.join_field = "AREA_ID";
                    addJoinTool.join_type = "KEEP_COMMON";
                    gp.Execute(addJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    AddMessage("Calculating the TF_" + timeZoneIDBaseFieldName + " field for right driving side roads...", messages, trackcancel);

                    calcFieldTool = new CalculateField();
                    calcFieldTool.in_table = "Streets_Layer";
                    calcFieldTool.field = StreetsFCName + ".TF_" + timeZoneIDBaseFieldName;
                    calcFieldTool.code_block = TimeZoneUtilities.MakeTimeZoneIDCode(outputFileGdbPath, TimeZonesTableName, "MtdAreaDrivingR.SortableMSTIMEZONE");
                    calcFieldTool.expression = "tzID";
                    calcFieldTool.expression_type = "VB";
                    gp.Execute(calcFieldTool, trackcancel);

                    removeJoinTool = new RemoveJoin();
                    removeJoinTool.in_layer_or_view = "Streets_Layer";
                    removeJoinTool.join_name = "MtdAreaDrivingR";
                    gp.Execute(removeJoinTool, trackcancel);

                    deleteTool = new Delete();
                    deleteTool.in_data = "Streets_Layer";
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                    deleteTool = new Delete();
                    deleteTool.in_data = drivingLTablePath;
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);
                    deleteTool.in_data = drivingRTablePath;
                    gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);
                    // Create a dummy TimeZones table and a dummy Streets feature class

                    CreateTable createTableTool = new CreateTable();
                    createTableTool.out_path = outputFileGdbPath;
                    createTableTool.out_name = TimeZonesTableName;
                    gp.Execute(createTableTool, trackcancel);

                    CreateFeatureclass createFCTool = new CreateFeatureclass();
                    createFCTool.out_path = outputFileGdbPath;
                    createFCTool.out_name = StreetsFCName;
                    createFCTool.geometry_type = "POLYLINE";
                    gp.Execute(createFCTool, trackcancel);

                deleteTool = new Delete();
                deleteTool.in_data = mtdAreaTablePath;
                gp.Execute(deleteTool, trackcancel);

                // Compact the output file geodatabase

                AddMessage("Compacting the output file geodatabase...", messages, trackcancel);

                Compact compactTool = new Compact();
                compactTool.in_workspace = outputFileGdbPath;
                gp.Execute(compactTool, trackcancel);
            catch (Exception e)
                if (gp.MaxSeverity == 2)
                    object missing = System.Type.Missing;
                    messages.AddError(1, gp.GetMessages(ref missing));
                messages.AddError(1, e.Message);
                messages.AddError(1, e.StackTrace);
                // Restore the original GP environment settings

                gpSettings.AddOutputsToMap = origAddOutputsToMapSetting;
                gpSettings.LogHistory = origLogHistorySetting;
예제 #18
        private void picTabAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            tabSelected = 2;

            switch (menuSelected)
            case 0:     //Welcome

            case 1:     //Room Booking
                pnlRoomSelect.Visible = true;

                RoomSelect frm = new RoomSelect();
                frm.TopLevel        = false;
                frm.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None;
                frm.WindowState     = FormWindowState.Maximized;
                frm.FormClosing    += RoomSelect_Closing;
                frm.FormClosed     += RoomSelect_Closed;

            case 2:     //Room Service
                RoomServiceAdd frm2 = new RoomServiceAdd();
                frm2.TopLevel        = false;
                frm2.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None;
                frm2.WindowState     = FormWindowState.Maximized;
                frm2.FormClosed     += RoomServiceAdd_Closed;

            case 3:     //Table Booking
                pnlTableSelect.Visible = true;
                TableSelect form = new TableSelect();
                form.TopLevel        = false;
                form.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None;
                form.WindowState     = FormWindowState.Maximized;
                form.FormClosed     += TableSelect_Closed;

            case 4:     //Restaurant Stock
                RestaurantStockAdd frm4 = new RestaurantStockAdd();
                frm4.TopLevel        = false;
                frm4.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None;
                frm4.WindowState     = FormWindowState.Maximized;
                frm4.FormClosed     += RestaurantStockAdd_Closed;

            case 5:     //Staff

            case 6:     //Administration Staff
                StaffAdd frm6 = new StaffAdd();
                frm6.TopLevel        = false;
                frm6.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None;
                frm6.WindowState     = FormWindowState.Maximized;
                frm6.FormClosed     += StaffAdd_Closed;

            if (menuSelected != 2)
                //Diable Selected Tab and Edit Tab
                picTabAdd.Enabled  = false;
                picTabEdit.Enabled = false;

                //Enable All Other Tabs
                picTabDisplay.Enabled = true;
                picTabSearch.Enabled  = true;
                picTabDelete.Enabled  = true;
                //Diable Selected Tab and Edit Tab
                picTabAdd.Enabled = false;

                //Enable All Other Tabs
                picTabDisplay.Enabled = true;
                picTabSearch.Enabled  = true;
                picTabDelete.Enabled  = true;
                picTabEdit.Enabled    = true;