public static string CreateOneToManyAssociation(this TableData table, TableData foreignTable, string primaryKeyName, string foreignKeyName)
            // create an IEnumerable<> with the type of the (main) table's type builder
            var typedEnumerableType = typeof(IEnumerable <>).MakeGenericType(table.TypeBuilder);

            // use the table's explorer item text as property name
            var propertyName = foreignTable.FindFreePropertyName(table.ExplorerItem.Text);


            // create a property in the foreign key's target table
            var property = foreignTable.TypeBuilder.DefineProperty(propertyName, typedEnumerableType);

            // create a getter for the property
            var propertyGetter = foreignTable.TypeBuilder.DefineGetter(property);

            // obtain ResolveOneToMany method
            var resolveOneToManyMethod = typeof(Entity).GetMethod("ResolveOneToMany", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).MakeGenericMethod(table.TypeBuilder);

            // "implement" the method to obtain and return the value by calling 'ResolveOneToMany'
            var ilGenerator = propertyGetter.GetILGenerator();

            // call the method and return the value
            ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, property.Name);
            ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Call, resolveOneToManyMethod);


            // add the 'AssociationAttribute' to the property
            property.AddAssociationAttribute(primaryKeyName, foreignKeyName, table.Name);

            // create the explorer item
            var explorerItem = new ExplorerItem(propertyName, ExplorerItemKind.CollectionLink, ExplorerIcon.OneToMany);


            // create 'backward' association
            table.CreateManyToOneAssociation(foreignTable, primaryKeyName, foreignKeyName, true);

      public static string CreateOneToManyAssociation(this TableData table, TableData foreignTable, string primaryKeyName, string foreignKeyName)
         // create an IEnumerable<> with the type of the (main) table's type builder
         var typedEnumerableType = typeof(IEnumerable<>).MakeGenericType(table.TypeBuilder);

         // use the table's explorer item text as property name
         var propertyName = foreignTable.FindFreePropertyName(table.ExplorerItem.Text);

         // create a property in the foreign key's target table
         var property = foreignTable.TypeBuilder.DefineProperty(propertyName, typedEnumerableType);

         // create a getter for the property
         var propertyGetter = foreignTable.TypeBuilder.DefineGetter(property);

         // obtain ResolveOneToMany method
         var resolveOneToManyMethod = typeof(Entity).GetMethod("ResolveOneToMany", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).MakeGenericMethod(table.TypeBuilder);

         // "implement" the method to obtain and return the value by calling 'ResolveOneToMany'
         var ilGenerator = propertyGetter.GetILGenerator();

         // call the method and return the value
         ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, property.Name);
         ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Call, resolveOneToManyMethod);


         // add the 'AssociationAttribute' to the property
         property.AddAssociationAttribute(primaryKeyName, foreignKeyName, table.Name);

         // create the explorer item
         var explorerItem = new ExplorerItem(propertyName, ExplorerItemKind.CollectionLink, ExplorerIcon.OneToMany);

         // create 'backward' association
         table.CreateManyToOneAssociation(foreignTable, primaryKeyName, foreignKeyName, true);

         return propertyName;
        public static string CreateManyToOneAssociation(this TableData table, TableData foreignTable, string primaryKeyName, string foreignKeyName, bool backwardReference = false)
            // use the foreign table's type name as property name
            var propertyName = table.FindFreePropertyName(foreignTable.TypeBuilder.Name);


            // create a property of the foreign table's type in the table entity
            var property = table.TypeBuilder.DefineProperty(propertyName, foreignTable.TypeBuilder);

            // create a getter for the property
            var propertyGetter = table.TypeBuilder.DefineGetter(property);

            // obtain ResolveManyToOne method
            var resolveManyToOneMethod = typeof(Entity).GetMethod("ResolveManyToOne", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).MakeGenericMethod(property.PropertyType);

            // "implement" the method to obtain and return the value by calling 'ResolveManyToOne'
            var ilGenerator = propertyGetter.GetILGenerator();

            // call the method and return the value
            ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, property.Name);
            ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Call, resolveManyToOneMethod);


            // add the 'AssociationAttribute' to the property
            property.AddAssociationAttribute(foreignKeyName, primaryKeyName, foreignTable.Name, true);

            // create the explorer item
            var explorerItem = new ExplorerItem(propertyName, ExplorerItemKind.ReferenceLink, ExplorerIcon.ManyToOne);

