protected string GetClientSideSettings() { string tmid = "-1"; if ((UserId > -1)) { tmid = TabModuleId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } return(string.Format("allowIconSizeChange: {0}, allowDetailChange: {1}, selectedSize: '{2}', showDetails: '{3}', tabModuleID: {4}, showTooltip: {5}", AllowSizeChange.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToLower(), AllowViewChange.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToLower(), DefaultSize, DefaultView, tmid, ShowTooltip.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToLower())); }
private Hashtable TokenSettings() { if (_sqlviewproTokens != null) { return(_sqlviewproTokens); } var tokens = new Hashtable { { "MODULEID", EffectiveModuleId.ToString() }, { "MODULEFOLDER", ControlPath.Remove(ControlPath.Length - 1) }, // remove last / character to be consistent with resolveurl { "TABMODULEID", TabModuleId.ToString() }, { "PAGEURL", Request.Url.AbsoluteUri }, { "IMAGEURL", ResolveUrl("~/images") }, { "CDATASTART", "<![CDATA[" }, { "CDATAEND", "]]>" } }; _sqlviewproTokens = tokens; return(_sqlviewproTokens); }
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { int i = -1; string content = string.Empty; string title = string.Empty; DateTime todayAdjusted = Utilities.GetCurrentPortalTime(); if (MyConfiguration.EnableUserTimeConversion) { todayAdjusted = Utilities.ConvertPortalToUserTime(todayAdjusted); } try { ContentDejourController cdc = new ContentDejourController(); if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["KeyID"]))) { int keyID = 0; if (int.TryParse(Request.QueryString["KeyID"], out keyID)) { CurrentItem = cdc.GetContent(keyID, ModuleId); } } if (CurrentItem.KeyID == -1) { switch (MyConfiguration.SelectBy) { case Enums.SelectBy.Month: Months = (new MonthArray()).AddMonth(todayAdjusted.Month); break; case Enums.SelectBy.DayofMonth: Days = (new DayArray()).AddDay(todayAdjusted.Day); break; case Enums.SelectBy.DayofYear: Days = new DayArray(todayAdjusted.DayOfYear | DayArray.ModeFlag); break; case Enums.SelectBy.MonthAndDayofMonth: Months = (new MonthArray()).AddMonth(todayAdjusted.Month); Days = (new DayArray()).AddDay(todayAdjusted.Day); break; case Enums.SelectBy.DayofWeek: DaysofWeek = (new DayofWeekArray()).AddDay(Convert.ToInt32(todayAdjusted.DayOfWeek)); break; case Enums.SelectBy.MonthAndDayofWeek: Months = (new MonthArray()).AddMonth(todayAdjusted.Month); DaysofWeek = (new DayofWeekArray()).AddDay(Convert.ToInt32(todayAdjusted.DayOfWeek)); break; case Enums.SelectBy.TimeSpan: Time = Convert.ToInt32(todayAdjusted.TimeOfDay.TotalMinutes); break; case Enums.SelectBy.DateSpan: Today = new DateInteger(todayAdjusted.Date, false); break; case Enums.SelectBy.DateAndTimeSpan: Today = new DateInteger(todayAdjusted.Date, false); Time = Convert.ToInt32(todayAdjusted.TimeOfDay.TotalMinutes); break; case Enums.SelectBy.Random: //Do nothing as they will be handled below break; } if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(MyConfiguration.ProfilePropertyName))) { string tmp = null; if (UserId == -1) { tmp = "<Unauthenticated>"; } else { ProfilePropertyDefinition ppd = UserInfo.Profile.GetProperty(MyConfiguration.ProfilePropertyName); if (ppd == null) { tmp = string.Empty; } else { tmp = ppd.PropertyValue; if (tmp == null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ppd.DefaultValue)) { tmp = "<Default>"; } else { tmp = ppd.DefaultValue; } } } } ProfilePropertyValue = tmp; } if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["GroupId"]))) { int.TryParse(Request.QueryString["GroupId"], out _GroupID); } if (MyConfiguration.MultipleHandling == Enums.MultipleHandling.TimeSpan) { Time = Convert.ToInt32(todayAdjusted.TimeOfDay.TotalMinutes); } // get ContentDejourInfo object(s) ContentsDejour = cdc.GetContents(ModuleId, Months, Days, DaysofWeek, Today, Time, MyConfiguration.CategoryID, GroupID, ProfilePropertyValue, MyConfiguration.IncludeDisabled); if (ContentsDejour.Count > 1) { int minViews = int.MaxValue; int leastViewed = 0; switch (MyConfiguration.MultipleHandling) { case Enums.MultipleHandling.Random: i = (new Random()).Next(0, ContentsDejour.Count); break; case Enums.MultipleHandling.First: i = 0; break; case Enums.MultipleHandling.Sequential: case Enums.MultipleHandling.LeastViewed: System.Web.HttpCookie cookie = Request.Cookies["ContentDejour" + TabModuleId.ToString()]; int[] views = new int[ContentsDejour.Count + 1]; if (cookie != null) { i = int.Parse(cookie.Values["LastViewed"]); for (int j = 0; j < ContentsDejour.Count; j++) { string v = cookie.Values[j.ToString()]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(v)) { views[j] = 0; } else { views[j] = int.Parse(v); } if (views[j] < minViews) { leastViewed = j; minViews = views[j]; } } } if (MyConfiguration.MultipleHandling == Enums.MultipleHandling.Sequential) { i = (i + 1) % ContentsDejour.Count; } else { i = leastViewed; } views[i]++; cookie = new HttpCookie("ContentDejour" + TabModuleId.ToString()); cookie.Values["LastViewed"] = i.ToString(); for (int j = 0; j < views.Length; j++) { cookie.Values[j.ToString()] = views[j].ToString(); } cookie.Expires = todayAdjusted.Date.AddMinutes(Convert.ToDouble(ContentsDejour[i].EndTime)); Response.Cookies.Add(cookie); break; case Enums.MultipleHandling.Last: i = ContentsDejour.Count - 1; break; case Enums.MultipleHandling.TimeSpan: ContentsDejour.Sort(new ContentDejourInfoComparer("TimeDuration ASC")); i = 0; break; } } else if ((ContentsDejour.Count == 1) && ContentsDejour[0].IsWithinTimeSpan(todayAdjusted.TimeOfDay)) { i = 0; } } else { ContentsDejour.Add(CurrentItem); if (ContentsDejour.Count == 1) { i = 0; } } if (i == -1) { if (MyConfiguration.HideWhenNoContent && !IsEditable) { ContainerControl.Visible = false; } else { lnkEdit.Visible = false; divContent.InnerHtml = LocalizeSharedResource("NO_CONTENT"); } } else { KeyID = ContentsDejour[i].KeyID; title = Server.HtmlDecode(ContentsDejour[i].Title); content = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(ContentsDejour[i].DesktopHTML); TokenReplace tr = null; if (MyConfiguration.ReplaceTokens) { tr = new TokenReplace(ContentsDejour[i]); tr.ModuleId = ModuleId; tr.AccessingUser = UserInfo; tr.DebugMessages = !(PortalSettings.UserMode == PortalSettings.Mode.View); content = tr.ReplaceEnvironmentTokens(content); title = tr.ReplaceEnvironmentTokens(title); } // set edit link if (IsEditable) { lnkEdit.NavigateUrl = EditUrl("KeyID", KeyID.ToString()); lnkEdit.Visible = true; } else { lnkEdit.Visible = false; } // add content to module divContent.InnerHtml = Globals.ManageUploadDirectory(content, PortalSettings.HomeDirectory); // replace module title if so specified in settings if (MyConfiguration.ReplaceTitle && !(string.IsNullOrEmpty(title))) { ModuleConfiguration.ModuleTitle = title; } } } catch (Exception exc) { Exceptions.ProcessModuleLoadException(this, exc); } }