public override void RenderHeader(Graphics g, TabListPage page, TabListPageState state)
            Color           fillColor;
            Color           textColor;
            Rectangle       fillBounds;
            Rectangle       textRectangle;
            TextFormatFlags flags;

            fillBounds    = new Rectangle(page.HeaderBounds.Left + 10, page.HeaderBounds.Top, page.HeaderBounds.Width - 10, page.HeaderBounds.Height);
            textRectangle = Rectangle.Inflate(fillBounds, -4, -4);

            // define the most appropriate colors
            fillColor = page.Owner.BackColor;
            textColor = page.Owner.ForeColor;

            // fill the background
            using (Brush brush = new SolidBrush(fillColor))
                g.FillRectangle(brush, fillBounds);

            // draw a chevron
            if ((state & TabListPageState.Selected) == TabListPageState.Selected)
                using (Font font = new Font(page.Font.FontFamily, page.Font.Size + 2, FontStyle.Bold))
                    TextRenderer.DrawText(g, "»", font, page.HeaderBounds.Location, page.ForeColor);

            // draw the text
            flags = TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter | TextFormatFlags.Left | TextFormatFlags.NoPrefix | TextFormatFlags.SingleLine | TextFormatFlags.WordEllipsis;

            using (Font font = new Font(page.Font, (state & TabListPageState.Selected) == TabListPageState.Selected ? FontStyle.Bold : FontStyle.Regular))
                TextRenderer.DrawText(g, page.Text, font, textRectangle, textColor, fillColor, flags);
        private TabListPage CreateDemoTabPage3()
            TabListPage page;

            page = new TabListPage
                Text = "Advanced"

        private TabListPage CreateDemoTabPage2()
            TabListPage page;

            page = new TabListPage
                Text = "Options 2"

예제 #4
        private void AddPage <T>(TabListPage host)
            where T : UserControl, new()
            T control;

            control = new T()
                Dock = DockStyle.Fill

            if (control is SettingsPanelBase settingsPanel)
