void richEditControl_InitializeDocument(object sender, EventArgs e) { Document document = Control.Document; document.BeginUpdate(); try { document.DefaultCharacterProperties.FontName = "Courier New"; document.DefaultCharacterProperties.FontSize = 10; document.Sections[0].Page.Width = Units.InchesToDocumentsF(100); document.Sections[0].LineNumbering.CountBy = 1; document.Sections[0].LineNumbering.RestartType = LineNumberingRestart.Continuous; SizeF tabSize = Control.MeasureSingleLineString(" ", document.DefaultCharacterProperties); TabInfoCollection tabs = document.Paragraphs[0].BeginUpdateTabs(true); try { for (int i = 1; i <= 30; i++) { DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.API.Native.TabInfo tab = new DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.API.Native.TabInfo(); tab.Position = i * tabSize.Width; tabs.Add(tab); } } finally { document.Paragraphs[0].EndUpdateTabs(tabs); } } finally { document.EndUpdate(); } }
static void FormatParagraph(Document document) { #region #FormatParagraph document.BeginUpdate(); document.AppendText("Modified Paragraph\nNormal\nNormal"); document.EndUpdate(); //The target range is the first paragraph DocumentPosition pos = document.Range.Start; DocumentRange range = document.CreateRange(pos, 0); // Create and customize an object // that sets character formatting for the selected range ParagraphProperties pp = document.BeginUpdateParagraphs(range); // Center paragraph pp.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center; // Set triple spacing pp.LineSpacingType = ParagraphLineSpacing.Multiple; pp.LineSpacingMultiplier = 3; // Set left indent at 0.5". // Default unit is 1/300 of an inch (a document unit). pp.LeftIndent = DevExpress.Office.Utils.Units.InchesToDocumentsF(0.5f); // Set tab stop at 1.5" TabInfoCollection tbiColl = pp.BeginUpdateTabs(true); TabInfo tbi = new DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.API.Native.TabInfo(); tbi.Alignment = TabAlignmentType.Center; tbi.Position = DevExpress.Office.Utils.Units.InchesToDocumentsF(1.5f); tbiColl.Add(tbi); pp.EndUpdateTabs(tbiColl); //Finalize modifications // with this method call document.EndUpdateParagraphs(pp); #endregion #FormatParagraph }
private void FormatTitleParagraph(Document document) { #region #FormatTitleParagraph //The target range is the first paragraph DocumentRange titleParagraph = document.Paragraphs[0].Range; //Provide access to the paragraph options ParagraphProperties titleParagraphFormatting = document.BeginUpdateParagraphs(titleParagraph); //Set the paragraph alignment titleParagraphFormatting.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center; //Set left indent at 0.5". //Default unit is 1/300 of an inch (a document unit). titleParagraphFormatting.LeftIndent = Units.InchesToDocumentsF(0.5f); titleParagraphFormatting.SpacingAfter = Units.InchesToDocumentsF(0.3f); //Set tab stop at 1.5" TabInfoCollection tbiColl = titleParagraphFormatting.BeginUpdateTabs(true); TabInfo tbi = new TabInfo(); tbi.Alignment = TabAlignmentType.Center; tbi.Position = Units.InchesToDocumentsF(1.5f); tbiColl.Add(tbi); titleParagraphFormatting.EndUpdateTabs(tbiColl); document.EndUpdateParagraphs(titleParagraphFormatting); #endregion #FormatTitleParagraph }
private void btnFormatParagraph_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region #formatparagraph Document doc = richEditControl1.Document; DocumentPosition pos = doc.Selection.Start; DocumentRange range = doc.CreateRange(pos, 0); ParagraphProperties pp = doc.BeginUpdateParagraphs(range); // Center paragraph pp.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center; // Set triple spacing pp.LineSpacingType = ParagraphLineSpacing.Multiple; pp.LineSpacingMultiplier = 3; // Set left indent at 0.5". // Default unit is 1/300 of an inch (a document unit). pp.LeftIndent = Units.InchesToDocumentsF(0.5f); // Set tab stop at 1.5" TabInfoCollection tbiColl = pp.BeginUpdateTabs(true); TabInfo tbi = new TabInfo(); tbi.Alignment = TabAlignmentType.Center; tbi.Position = Units.InchesToDocumentsF(1.5f); tbiColl.Add(tbi); pp.EndUpdateTabs(tbiColl); doc.EndUpdateParagraphs(pp); #endregion #formatparagraph }
static void FormatParagraph(RichEditDocumentServer wordProcessor) { #region #FormatParagraph Document document = wordProcessor.Document; document.BeginUpdate(); document.AppendText("Modified Paragraph\nNormal\nNormal"); document.EndUpdate(); DocumentPosition pos = document.Range.Start; DocumentRange range = document.CreateRange(pos, 0); ParagraphProperties pp = document.BeginUpdateParagraphs(range); // Center paragraph pp.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center; // Set triple spacing pp.LineSpacingType = ParagraphLineSpacing.Multiple; pp.LineSpacingMultiplier = 3; // Set left indent at 0.5". // Default unit is 1/300 of an inch (a document unit). pp.LeftIndent = DevExpress.Office.Utils.Units.InchesToDocumentsF(0.5f); // Set tab stop at 1.5" TabInfoCollection tbiColl = pp.BeginUpdateTabs(true); TabInfo tbi = new DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.API.Native.TabInfo(); tbi.Alignment = TabAlignmentType.Center; tbi.Position = DevExpress.Office.Utils.Units.InchesToDocumentsF(1.5f); tbiColl.Add(tbi); pp.EndUpdateTabs(tbiColl); document.EndUpdateParagraphs(pp); #endregion #FormatParagraph }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //richEditControl1.CreateNewDocument(); #region #tabs richEditControl1.Document.Unit = DevExpress.Office.DocumentUnit.Inch; TabInfoCollection tabs = richEditControl1.Document.Paragraphs[0].BeginUpdateTabs(true); TabInfo tab1 = new TabInfo(); // Sets tab stop at 2.5 inch tab1.Position = 2.5f; tab1.Alignment = TabAlignmentType.Left; tab1.Leader = TabLeaderType.MiddleDots; tabs.Add(tab1); TabInfo tab2 = new TabInfo(); tab2.Position = 5.5f; tab2.Alignment = TabAlignmentType.Decimal; tab2.Leader = TabLeaderType.EqualSign; tabs.Add(tab2); richEditControl1.Document.Paragraphs[0].EndUpdateTabs(tabs); #endregion #tabs if (checkEdit1.Checked) { string s = textEdit1.Text.Replace("\\t", "\t"); richEditControl1.Options.Behavior.TabMarker = s; } InsertTabCommand cmd = new InsertTabCommand(richEditControl1); cmd.Execute(); richEditControl1.Document.InsertSingleLineText(richEditControl1.Document.Selection.Start, "Amount"); cmd.Execute(); richEditControl1.Document.InsertSingleLineText(richEditControl1.Document.Selection.Start, "222.22"); }
public void LoadSettings(NUnit.Util.ISettings settings) { this.settings = settings; TabInfoCollection info = new TabInfoCollection(); string tabList = (string)settings.GetSetting(Prefix + "TabList"); if (tabList != null) { string[] tabNames = tabList.Split(new char[] { ',' }); foreach (string name in tabNames) { string prefix = Prefix + name; string text = (string)settings.GetSetting(prefix + ".Title"); if (text == null) { break; } TabInfo tab = new TabInfo(name, text); tab.Content = (TextDisplayContent)settings.GetSetting(prefix + ".Content", TextDisplayContent.Empty); tab.Enabled = settings.GetSetting(prefix + ".Enabled", true); info.Add(tab); } } if (info.Count > 0) { tabInfo = info; } else { LoadDefaults(); } }
void richEditControl_InitializeDocument(object sender, EventArgs e) { var document = Control.RichEditControl.Document; document.BeginUpdate(); try { document.DefaultCharacterProperties.FontName = "Courier New"; document.DefaultCharacterProperties.FontSize = 10; document.Sections[0].Page.Width = Units.InchesToDocumentsF(100); SizeF tabSize = Control.RichEditControl.MeasureSingleLineString(" ", document.DefaultCharacterProperties); TabInfoCollection tabs = document.Paragraphs[0].BeginUpdateTabs(true); try { for (int i = 1; i <= 30; i++) { var tab = new TabInfo { Position = i * tabSize.Width }; tabs.Add(tab); } } finally { document.Paragraphs[0].EndUpdateTabs(tabs); } } finally { document.EndUpdate(); } }
public moregadgets() { if (this.userid < 1) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(forumurlnopage + "/login.aspx?reurl=space"); return; } GetOnlineUserInfo(); #if NET1 TabInfoCollection tc = Spaces.GetTabInfoCollectionByUserID(this.userid); #else Discuz.Common.Generic.List <TabInfo> tc = Spaces.GetTabInfoCollectionByUserID(this.userid); #endif currentUserSpaceConfig = Spaces.GetSpaceConfigByUserId(this.userid); int defaultTabId = Spaces.GetDefaultTabId(currentUserSpaceConfig, tc); string html = StaticFileProvider.GetContent(templatePath + "moregadgets.htm"); TemplateEngine te = new TemplateEngine(); te.Init(html, templatePath); te.Put("tabid", defaultTabId); te.Put("forumpath", BaseConfigs.GetForumPath); te.Put("config", currentUserSpaceConfig); te.Put("username", this.olusername); te.Put("userid", this.oluserid); te.Put("userkey", oluserkey); te.Put("forumurlnopage", forumurlnopage); double processtime = new TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.Ticks).Subtract(begints).Duration().TotalSeconds; te.Put("processtime", processtime); html = te.MergeTemplate(); HttpContext.Current.Response.Clear(); HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(html); HttpContext.Current.Response.End(); }
public void LoadSettings(NUnit.Util.ISettings settings) { this.settings = settings; TabInfoCollection info = new TabInfoCollection(); string tabList = (string)settings.GetSetting( Prefix + "TabList" ); if ( tabList != null ) { string[] tabNames = tabList.Split( new char[] { ',' } ); foreach( string name in tabNames ) { string prefix = Prefix + name; string text = (string)settings.GetSetting(prefix + ".Title"); if ( text == null ) break; TabInfo tab = new TabInfo( name, text ); tab.Content = (TextDisplayContent)settings.GetSetting(prefix + ".Content", TextDisplayContent.Empty ); tab.Enabled = settings.GetSetting( prefix + ".Enabled", true ); info.Add( tab ); } } if ( info.Count > 0 ) tabInfo = info; else LoadDefaults(); }
public void LoadDefaults() { tabInfo = new TabInfoCollection(); // Get any legacy settings bool mergeErrorOutput = settings.GetSetting( "Gui.ResultTabs.MergeErrorOutput", false ); bool mergeTraceOutput = settings.GetSetting( "Gui.ResultTabs.MergeTraceOutput", false ); TabInfo tab0 = tabInfo.AddNewTab( "Console.Out" ); tab0.Content = TextDisplayContent.Out; if ( mergeErrorOutput ) tab0.Content |= TextDisplayContent.Error; if ( mergeTraceOutput ) tab0.Content |= TextDisplayContent.Trace; if ( settings.GetSetting( "Gui.ResultTabs.DisplayTestLabels", false ) ) tab0.Content |= TextDisplayContent.Labels; tab0.Enabled = settings.GetSetting( "Gui.ResultTabs.DisplayConsoleOutputTab", true ); TabInfo tab1 = tabInfo.AddNewTab( "Console.Error" ); tab1.Content = mergeErrorOutput ? TextDisplayContent.Empty : TextDisplayContent.Error; tab1.Enabled = settings.GetSetting( "Gui.ResultTabs.DisplayConsoleErrorTab", true ); TabInfo tab2 = tabInfo.AddNewTab( "Trace" ); tab2.Content = mergeTraceOutput ? TextDisplayContent.Empty : TextDisplayContent.Trace; tab2.Enabled = settings.GetSetting( "Gui.ResultTabs.DisplayTraceTab", true ); TabInfo tab3 = tabInfo.AddNewTab( "Log" ); tab3.Content = TextDisplayContent.Log; tab3.Enabled = settings.GetSetting( "Gui.ResultTabs.DisplayLoggingTab", true ); }
public void LoadDefaults() { tabInfo = new TabInfoCollection(); TabInfo tab = tabInfo.AddNewTab("Text Output"); tab.Content = new TextDisplayContent(); tab.Content.Out = true; tab.Content.Error = true; tab.Content.Labels = TestLabelLevel.On; tab.Enabled = true; }
public void LoadDefaults() { tabInfo = new TabInfoCollection(); TabInfo tab = tabInfo.AddNewTab("Text Output"); tab.Content = TextDisplayContent.Out | TextDisplayContent.Error | TextDisplayContent.Trace | TextDisplayContent.Log | TextDisplayContent.Labels | TextDisplayContent.LabelOnlyOnOutput; tab.Enabled = true; }
private void barButtonItem1_ItemClick(object sender, DevExpress.XtraBars.ItemClickEventArgs e) { #region #measuresinglelinestring Document document = richEditControl1.Document; SizeF tabSize = richEditControl1.MeasureSingleLineString(new String(' ', 4), document.DefaultCharacterProperties); TabInfoCollection tabs = document.Paragraphs[0].BeginUpdateTabs(true); try { for (int i = 1; i <= 30; i++) { DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.API.Native.TabInfo tab = new DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.API.Native.TabInfo(); tab.Position = i * tabSize.Width; tabs.Add(tab); } } finally { document.Paragraphs[0].EndUpdateTabs(tabs); } #endregion #measuresinglelinestring }
static void TabStops(Document document) { #region #TabStops document.Unit = DevExpress.Office.DocumentUnit.Inch; TabInfoCollection tabs = document.Paragraphs[0].BeginUpdateTabs(true); DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.API.Native.TabInfo tab1 = new DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.API.Native.TabInfo(); // Sets tab stop at 2.5 inch. tab1.Position = 2.5f; tab1.Alignment = TabAlignmentType.Left; tab1.Leader = TabLeaderType.MiddleDots; tabs.Add(tab1); DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.API.Native.TabInfo tab2 = new DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.API.Native.TabInfo(); tab2.Position = 5.5f; tab2.Alignment = TabAlignmentType.Decimal; tab2.Leader = TabLeaderType.EqualSign; tabs.Add(tab2); document.Paragraphs[0].EndUpdateTabs(tabs); #endregion #TabStops }
static void TabStops(RichEditDocumentServer wordProcessor) { #region #TabStops Document document = wordProcessor.Document; wordProcessor.LoadDocument("Documents\\Grimm.docx", DocumentFormat.OpenXml); document.Unit = DevExpress.Office.DocumentUnit.Inch; TabInfoCollection tabs = document.Paragraphs[0].BeginUpdateTabs(true); TabInfo tab1 = new TabInfo(); // Sets tab stop at 2.5 inch tab1.Position = 2.5f; tab1.Alignment = TabAlignmentType.Left; tab1.Leader = TabLeaderType.MiddleDots; tabs.Add(tab1); TabInfo tab2 = new TabInfo(); tab2.Position = 5.5f; tab2.Alignment = TabAlignmentType.Decimal; tab2.Leader = TabLeaderType.EqualSign; tabs.Add(tab2); document.Paragraphs[0].EndUpdateTabs(tabs); #endregion #TabStops }
public void LoadDefaults() { tabInfo = new TabInfoCollection(); // Get any legacy settings bool mergeErrorOutput = settings.GetSetting("Gui.ResultTabs.MergeErrorOutput", false); bool mergeTraceOutput = settings.GetSetting("Gui.ResultTabs.MergeTraceOutput", false); TabInfo tab0 = tabInfo.AddNewTab("Console.Out"); tab0.Content = TextDisplayContent.Out; if (mergeErrorOutput) { tab0.Content |= TextDisplayContent.Error; } if (mergeTraceOutput) { tab0.Content |= TextDisplayContent.Trace; } if (settings.GetSetting("Gui.ResultTabs.DisplayTestLabels", false)) { tab0.Content |= TextDisplayContent.Labels; } tab0.Enabled = settings.GetSetting("Gui.ResultTabs.DisplayConsoleOutputTab", true); TabInfo tab1 = tabInfo.AddNewTab("Console.Error"); tab1.Content = mergeErrorOutput ? TextDisplayContent.Empty : TextDisplayContent.Error; tab1.Enabled = settings.GetSetting("Gui.ResultTabs.DisplayConsoleErrorTab", true); TabInfo tab2 = tabInfo.AddNewTab("Trace"); tab2.Content = mergeTraceOutput ? TextDisplayContent.Empty : TextDisplayContent.Trace; tab2.Enabled = settings.GetSetting("Gui.ResultTabs.DisplayTraceTab", true); TabInfo tab3 = tabInfo.AddNewTab("Log"); tab3.Content = TextDisplayContent.Log; tab3.Enabled = settings.GetSetting("Gui.ResultTabs.DisplayLoggingTab", true); }
protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e) { //tabid先取config,找到defaulttab,检测defaulttab是否属于这个用户,是就用,不是就取这个用户的tab的最后一个,module必须==1 int module = DNTRequest.GetQueryInt("module", 0); if (module != 1) { return; } string url = DNTRequest.GetQueryString("url"); SpaceConfigInfo spaceconfig = Spaces.GetSpaceConfigByUserId(this.userid); //改为始终为第一是默认,因此需要传递tabid int tabid = DNTRequest.GetInt("tab", 0); #if NET1 TabInfoCollection usertabs = Spaces.GetTabInfoCollectionByUserID(this.userid); #else List <TabInfo> usertabs = Spaces.GetTabInfoCollectionByUserID(this.userid); #endif tabid = IsUserTab(tabid, usertabs) ? tabid : 0; if (tabid == 0) { tabid = usertabs[usertabs.Count - 1].TabID; } TabInfo tab = Spaces.GetTabById(tabid, this.userid); if (tab == null || tab.UserID != this.userid) { return; } int moduledef = 0; string modulepath = BaseConfigs.GetForumPath + "/space/modules/"; if (url.StartsWith("builtin_")) { string file = Utils.GetMapPath(modulepath + url); if (File.Exists(file)) { moduledef = Spaces.GetModuleDefIdByUrl(url); } else { string errmsg = "alert(\"模块文件不存在\")"; ResponseXML(errmsg); return; } } if (moduledef > 0) { ModuleType mt = Utilities.ModuleValidate.ValidateModuleType(url); //异常或者远程,返回xml说未知模块或不支持的模块 if (mt == ModuleType.Error || mt == ModuleType.Remote) { string errmsg = "alert(\"未知模块或不支持的模块\")"; ResponseXML(errmsg); return; } } ResponseXML(string.Format("_add_m(\"x={0}&action=addmodule&t={1}\")", Utils.UrlEncode(url), tabid)); }
/// <summary> /// 是不是用户的Tab /// </summary> /// <param name="tabid"></param> /// <param name="usertabs"></param> /// <returns></returns> #if NET1 private bool IsUserTab(int tabid, TabInfoCollection usertabs)